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1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

[ 영어영문학 ] 제 55 권 4 호 (2010) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1) Kyuchul Yoon, Ji-Yeon Oh & Sang-Cheol Ahn. Teaching English prosody through English poems with clon

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카테고리 시리즈 명 SME 컨텐트 에센스 심화 컨텐트 탬플릿 평가 대 분 류 중 분 류 개수 평균 시간 개수 총 시간 개수 총 시간 유 형 개수 유무 경영일반 경영기법 Performance Management를 위한 전략적 성과면담 김정일 20 0:43:09 8 6:3

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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck


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Page 2 of 8 Here s how we can change the previous sentence to use honorific speech, to show extra respect to the father. 아버지가어디에계세요? Where s dad? Usin



How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활


3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적


해외취업 가이드


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Unit Five: Conversation Three.


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Microsoft Word - Winners - Group III - Korean - Grades 5-8.doc



01 It All Starts with a Dream (1) I m interested in basketball. I m planning to be a cook. I ll keep my fingers crossed for you. (2) This is what James Malinchak did to realize his dream. what I would pretend that I was playing in the finals. would I heard all the reasons why I was going to fail. why 1 10 9 Getting Started 2 11-12 10-15 Listen & Speak 3 13 16-18 Conversation 4 14-15 19 Communicative Task Before You Read 5 16-17 Read 6 18-19 Read 7 20-21 20-22 Read After You Read 8 21 23 Critical Thinking 9 22 24-26 Language in Context 10 23-24 27-29 Think & Write 11 25 30-32 Self Check Exercise Culture 32

(1) (2) role model (3) CD, Internet connection, computer, A4 5 20 20 5 5 20 20 5 5 20 20 5 5 Communicative Task 20 BYR 10 BYR 10 5 5 Skimming 15 Reading for Details 25 5 5 Skimming 5 Reading for Details 25 10 5 5 20 20 5 5 20 20 5 5 15 25 5 5 Previewing 10 Writing 15 Writing 15 5 5 Exercise 25 Self Check 5 Culture 10 5 01_It All Starts with a Dream 33

1차시 학습 목표 Getting Started (T p.10 / A p.9) 관심 및 계획을 말하고, 기원하는 표현을 듣고 이해할 수 있다. 지도상 유의점 주요 표현의 의사소통 기능과 상황을 연결할 수 있다. 기 자세를 기를 수 있도록 한다. 수업 준비물 T10 T: Look at the pictures on page 10. There are new expressions in the three pictures that we will learn today. Think about when they are used. Now, listen to the dialogues, and check whether your guess is right. 주요 활동 주요 의사소통 기능 표현을 듣고 이해한다. 1. 그림을 보고 상황을 생각해 보게 한다. 2. 상황과 말풍선 속의 표현을 연관 지어 보도록 한다. 3. 말풍선 속의 표현을 이용하여 영작해 보도록 한다. 4. 녹음을 들으며 자신의 말과 일치하는지 확인해 본다. 5. 문답을 통해 핵심 표현을 확인한다. How to Introduce the Key Functions 1. T: When you want to know about your friend s interest, what would you say? Ss: What are you interested in? 2. T: When you talk about your plan, what would you say? Ss: I m planning to. 3. T: When you wish someone good luck, what would you say? Ss: I ll keep my fingers crossed (for you). 34 각론 그림을 보고 상황을 추측한 다음 녹음을 듣게 하여 능동적인 듣 CD, 교과서, 활동책 A10 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 Scripts T 1. A: What are you interested in? B: I m interested in basketball. 2. A: What are you planning to be in the future? B: I m planning to be a cook. 3. A: Someday I ll write my own book. B: I ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Classroom English What are the people in the pictures doing? You can see three expressions in the balloons. Now, let s listen to the dialogues and match each picture with the right dialogue. Instruction Tip 한 번 들은 다음 두 번째 들을 때 해당 function이 나오면 오른손을 들게 한다. - 학생들이 function에 주의하면서 듣게 되는 장점이 있다.

A Scripts 1. (1) A: What are you interested in? B: I m interested in tennis. (2) A: I didn t know you re interested in taking pictures. B: Oh, I really enjoy that. (3) A: Are you interested in sports? B: Sure. I enjoy playing basketball. 2. (1) A: What are you planning to do this year? B: I m planning to join a magic club. (2) A: What are you planning to be in the future? B: I m planning to be a fashion model. (3) A: What s your plan for this year? B: I ve decided to get better grades in English. 2차시 3. (1) A: Hey, I m planning to travel the country by bike. B: Really? I ll keep my fingers crossed for you! (2) A: I m sending my novel to the Teen Writing Contest. B: I ll keep my fingers crossed for you. (3) A: Today we have a soccer game with the other class. B: I hope you win. Words & Phrases take pictures (=photograph) 사진을 찍다 ex. Did you take many pictures? magic (=wizardry, witchcraft) 마술 ex. The children believed in magic. grade (=mark) 성적 ex. Good grades are not given by luck. Listen & Speak (T pp.11~12 / A pp.10~15) Listen & Speak (Textbook) 학습 목표 교내 방송을 듣고 세부 사항을 적을 수 있다. 지도상 유의점 Task 2와 5의 말하기 연습은 Task 1, 3, 4의 듣기 활동을 마 대화를 듣고 핵심 내용을 파악할 수 있다. 친 다음 모아서 진행할 수도 있다. 이때 대화 상대를 다양하게 대화를 듣고 연관된 문장을 완성할 수 있다. 바꾸어 가면서 말해 보도록 지도한다. 주어진 의사소통 표현을 이용하여 대화를 나눌 수 있다. T11 수업 준비물 CD, 교과서 T12 English pop songs 505 math once a month if he can Sunday mornings 01_It All Starts with a Dream 35

T: Look at the notice in Task 1. To begin with, let s think of what words will fit in the blanks. Now, listen to the notice and check whether your guess is right. Task 1 Notice 1. 2. Scripts W: Are you interested in learning English and having fun at the same time? The school will have a special English club next month. It will meet in the afternoon on Mondays and Wednesdays. We ll be watching Hollywood movies and listening to pop songs. Students who are interested in joining the club should come to room 505 at 5 p.m. today. T: Let s move on to Task 2. Repeat the conversation after me. Now, practice the conversation with your partner using the given expressions. Task 2 1. be interested in 2. 3. reading books all kinds of clothes singing Earth science T: Turn to the next page. Look at the pictures in Task 3. What are the pictures about? Now listen to the dialogue and check the answers. Task 3 1. 2. (~ planning to...) Scripts 1. A: What are you planning to do in the future? B: Well, I m not sure, yet. How about you, Sue? A: Me? I want to be a dancer. B: Wow! That sounds cool. 2. A: Tim, I heard you want to be a doctor. B: Not anymore. My dream has changed. A: Then, what do you want to be? B: I m planning to be an engineer. A: An engineer! I think that will be just right for you. 3. A: Bryan, you went to Greece last year, right? B: Yes. Why do you ask, Lisa? A: I m planning to travel to Greece this summer. B: Summer is a good time to go. There are lots of things to see in summer. A: Really? I didn t know that. T: Let s move on to Task 4. Read the presented sentences and guess what would fit in the blanks. Now, listen and complete the sentences. Task 4 1. 2 (I ll keep my fingers crossed for you.) Scripts A: Mom, I really want to do well this year. There is so much to do and so little time. B: What do you want to do first? A: First, I want to get a good grade in math. B: Great. Go on. A: Second, I m planning to visit art galleries at least once a month if I can. Lastly, I plan to spend time playing basketball with my friends on Sunday mornings. B: I ll keep my fingers crossed for you. T: Look at the conversation in the box in Task 5. Practice it with your partner by substituting the given phrases for the underlined parts. Task 5 Sound content words function words content words function words ex. Harry met Sally when his car was in the garage. I had a hamburger for lunch. She played computer games all day long. Classroom English Oh, there is so much to do and so little time. Let s hurry. Lastly, let s check what you practiced. Can you see the pictures? Using the pictures, practice the dialogue with your partner. Instruction Tip Task 1 ex. A club is looking for new members. It s an English club, and it meets twice a week. Its members watch movies and listen to pop songs. You can join today. Task 4 Task 5 36

Listen & Speak (Activities) 학습 목표 지도상 유의점 녹음 내용을 듣고 세부 사항을 파악할 수 있다. 녹음 내용을 듣고 단어나 어구를 받아쓸 수 있다. 말하기 부분에서 만화의 내용을 벗어나 대화를 해 보려는 학생 이나 모둠이 있으면 이를 허용하고 대화를 잘 만들어 보도록 대화를 듣고 요약문을 완성할 수 있다. 격려한다. 그림을 보고 대화문을 완성한 후 역할 놀이를 할 수 있다. 수업 준비물 CD, 활동책 A10 A11 interested meet joining 3 5 4 2 acting theater A12 A13 I m planning to Are you interested in keep my fingers planning future How dancer want 3 cool 4 animals planning interested in trainer my fingers crossed tour guide acting theater actress 01_It All Starts with a Dream 37

A14 A15 I m planning to be a teacher. I m interested in cooking. I ll keep my fingers crossed for you. 3 4 I should come to room 505 at 5 p.m. today. animals planning planning to do not sure interested in trainer my fingers crossed How about you want to be a dancer sounds cool Her dream is to be an actress. What are you doing? I m reading a book about animals. I have a great interest in them. tour guide Really? Do you want to be a vet? interested in acting the theater club No. I m going to be an animal trainer. famous actress Good for you. I wish you all the best. good luck T: Open your activity book. Here we re going to check and practice the expressions we ve learned. Approaching Level pp.10~11 Listening 친구들 앞에서 큰 소리로 외워서 발표한다. Beyond Level pp.14~15 Listening 1번은 한 모둠씩 돌아가며 한 문장씩 큰 소리로 읽게 한다.가장 큰 소리로 2번은 빈칸을 채운 다음 대화를 다시 들으며 자연스러운 속도로 따라 읽 읽은 모둠에게 시상한다. 도록 한다. 발음과 억양에도 주의를 기울이며 한 문장씩 따라 하도록 지도 한다. Speaking 대화문을 순서대로 배열한 다음, 친구들이 발표할 때 잘 듣다가 특정 어휘 3-2번은 다 쓴 다음 책을 덮고 머릿속으로 자신이 쓴 내용을 재구성하여 가 나오면 손을 들도록 한다. ( ex. you 등 자주 출현하는 어휘) 어떤 어휘 독백해 보도록 한다. - 말을 논리적으로 하게 하는 효과가 있다. 로 할지는 발표 조가 정하도록 한다. 손을 제때 못 든 학생에게는 가벼운 Speaking 벌칙을 주도록 한다. 2번은 대화문을 만든 다음, 창의성 유창성 정확성을 기준으로 서로 평가 I ll keep my fingers crossed for you.를 말할 때에는 몸동작도 함께 하게 한다. 취해 보도록 한다. 가장 재미있는 대화문을 만든 모둠(짝)은 발표하게 하고, 녹음 또는 녹화 하여 다른 반과 공유한다. - 캠코더가 없으면 컴퓨터용 화상 카메라를 사 On Level pp.12~13 용하도록 한다. Listening 2번은 대화를 듣고 빈칸을 채운 뒤, 다시 듣고 따라 읽도록 한다. 가능하 면 책을 덮고 한 문장씩 따라 하도록 지도한다. - 듣기와 말하기에 집중하며 의미를 떠올릴 수 있다. Speaking 대화문을 만든 다음, 의외의 어휘를 사용한 친구들을 찾아 발표하도록 한다. 38 각론 Classroom English It s a cartoon time! Look at the cartoon on page 11/13/15. Does it look interesting? Now, complete the cartoon. You can use your own words. If you think the cartoon is boring, you can create your own, and show it to your friends.

Scripts Listening pp. 10, 12, 14 1. G: Are you interested in learning English and having fun at the same time? The school will have a special English club next month. It will meet in the afternoon on Mondays and Wednesdays. We ll be watching Hollywood movies and listening to pop songs. Students who are interested in joining the club should come to room 505 at 5 p.m. today. 2. A: What are you planning to do in the future? B: Well, I m not sure, yet. How about you, Sue? A: Me? I want to be a dancer. B: Wow! That sounds cool. 3. A: Hansu! What do you think you re going to do in the future? B: I m going to become a tour guide. What is your dream, Nami? A: I m really interested in acting. So, I m planning to join the theater club. B: Good for you. Who knows? You may someday become a famous actress. A: I hope so. Let s keep our fingers crossed for each other. Speaking pp. 11, 13, 15 A: What are you reading? B: I m reading a book about animals. I m interested in them. A: Really? Do you want to be a vet? B: No. I m planning to be an animal trainer. A: Good for you. I ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Words & Phrases at the same time (=simultaneously, at a time) ex. Susan works for the poor. At the same time, she is writing a book. special (=important, extraordinary) ex. What s special about today? theater club (=drama club) ex. She joined the theater club. actress (=a woman actor) ex. I think the best actress is Angelina Jolie. cf. actress actor ex. Angelina Jolie is a good actor. Listening & Speaking Tips 1 (Stress) (desert[dèz ; t] desert[dizá; t] ) Word Stress (1) 2 butter pretty sandwich happy talent English water student statesman holiday teatime postman waistcoat housekeeper (2) 2 begin forgive forget arrive overcrowd overcome (3) -ic : realistic static fantastic authentic -sion/-tion : television illusion solution emotion (4) -cy/-ty/-phy/-gy : democracy reliability philosophy geology -al : critical economical aesthetical chemical (5) 1 2 `international antibiotic ` determination ` satisfaction ` (6) a greenhouse the White House a green house a white house (7) contest export perfect absent contest export perfect absent Sentence Stress content words function words a/an/the to/in... I/she/it... do/can... ll keep my fingers crossed for you. I m reading a book about animals. Students who are interested in joining the club should come to room 505 at 5 p.m. today. 01_It All Starts with a Dream 39

3 Conversation (T p.13 / A pp.16~18) T13 1 3 2 4 She didn t know what she will do in the future. She is interested in animals, travel, and so on. I should find something that I enjoy. T: Take a look at section B. Read the dialogue in A again and answer the questions. If you are finished, check them with your partner and then practice the conversation with him or her. B 1. 2. 3. T: Let s check together. What would you say to express your future plan? Ss: I m going to... / I am planning to... T: What would you say to express your interest? Ss: I m interested in... T: What would you say to wish somebody luck? Ss: I ll keep my fingers crossed for you. On Your Own I m interested in making films. I want to be a movie director in the future. Classroom English T: Open your book to page 13. There are scrambled sentences in section A. Read the conversation and number the sentences in the right order. A 1. (Teacher, Bomi) 2. 3. Wilson Relative pronoun WHAT The relative pronoun, what in the sentences can be translated into both and Both meanings are correct. About the teacher s advice Do you like the teacher s advice? If you re not happy with the advice, please come to my office. We can talk about your future dreams. I ll wait for you. Tell me what s on your mind. The first step is finding what you like to do. I don t know what I m going to do in the future. what (See Classroom English) Tell me what s bothering you. I d like to see what you made yesterday. 40

A16 A17 I don t know what I want to do in the future. I have a great interest in animals, travel, and... Good luck to you. / I wish you all the best. A18 Words & Phrases mind (=intention, brains) 마음 ex. What s on your mind? travel (=journey, trip) 여행 ex. You can find information on travel to Korea. step (=stage) 단계 ex. That s the first step toward an A. I want to I m interested in I ll keep my fingers crossed for you Sound 내용과 관련 있는 어휘에는 문장 강세를 주지만 be 동사, 조동사, 전치사 등 내용과 직접적인 연관이 없는 어휘에는 강세를 주지 않는다. drawing Instruction Tip 2번은 친구들이 나와서 한 것을 서로 평가하게 하면서 듣는 데 집중할 수 있 도록 한다. 가장 잘한 학생들에 대한 의견이 엇갈리면 Student of the Day a painter if you work hard 를 하나 정해 그 학생이 가장 잘한 친구를 판정하도록 한다. - 처음부터 Student of the Day를 정해 놓으면 그 학생이 책임감을 갖고 수업에 임하게 되는 효과가 있다. drawing a painter I like to draw and paint. Effective Comments: Congratulations, Minju! You are the Student of the Day. Today, we are going to do whatever you want. For example, you can choose the best speaker among your classmates after the presentation. 발음을 익힐 때에는 선생님과 학생이 함께 박수를 쳐 가면서 연습하여 익숙해 지도록 유도한다. 01_It All Starts with a Dream 41

4 Communicative Task, Before You Read (T pp.14~15 / A p.19) Communicative Task (Textbook) T14 Junsu making things space travel astronaut running music singer Instruction Tip Paperball Activity paperball B B I enjoy and I m also interested in I m planning to be Paperball Activity 3 Same Interest Group (I m. ) T: Today, we re going to talk about your interests and dreams. Look at section A on page 14. Fill in the table using the given conversation and find out what your classmates dreams are. A T: Let s move on to section B. Complete the paragraph and present it to your class. Listen to your classmate s presentation and compare it with yours. B presentation peer-checking Paperball Activity Paperball Activity 1) B A4 2) 3) What are you interested in?, What are you good at?, What are you planning to be? 4) B Check Check Hello, I m Minsu Kim. I m good at music and sports. I enjoy singing. I usually sing Korean pop songs. My favorite singers are SG Wannabe, Lee Hyo-ree, and Big Bang. I m also interested in beat box. I m practicing beat box these days. I m learning how to do it through the Internet. I m planning to be a music producer. I want to make many hit albums and work with many famous singers. Wish me luck and thank you for listening. 42

Before You Read (T p.15 / A p.19) 학습 목표 교과서 본문의 내용과 관련된 어휘 활동을 함으로써 꿈에 대한 지도상 유의점 mind map을 형성할 수 있다. 교과서 본문에 나오는 주요 어휘를 미리 학습한다. T15 교과서의 Task 1은 학생들 각자의 가치 기준과 관련된 문항이 므로 서로의 다양한 의견을 존중할 것을 주지시킨다. 수업 준비물 CD, 교과서, 활동책 A19 pretended satisfied broadcast filled 끝, 꼭대기 정보 팁, 사례금 c d a b T: Turn to page 15. Here, we re going to check the key vocabulary from the reading. Look at the survey in Task 1. Read the question and check what you think is important to make your dream come true. Then compare your survey results with your partner s. Task 1 주요 활동:꿈과 관련된 설문지를 작성하고 의견을 나눈다. 1. 학생들이 설문지를 작성한 다음 짝이나 모둠원들과 각자의 의견을 서로 비교하게 한다. 2. 각 항목에 대해 중요하다고 생각하면 손들게 한다. 이때 가장 많이 손든 Let s look through your textbook from page 16 to 19. Take one minute to look at the pictures and guess what happened in the story. After that, let s talk about the story. Teacher s Questions: 1) What is the story about? 2) What did the main character do? 3) What are some interesting things about this story? 항목과 가장 적게 손든 항목을 확인한다. 3. 가장 많이 손든 항목과 가장 적게 손든 항목에 대해 각각 왜 그렇게 생각 하는지 학생들의 의견을 들어 본다. T: Take a look at Task 2. There are four sentences and each sentence has an underlined word. They are used in the text that you re going to read soon. Match each word with its proper meaning. Task 2 주요 활동: 교과서 신출 어휘의 의미를 미리 점검해 본다. 문제를 풀어 보고, 각각의 어휘를 주어진 의미로 사용하여 한 문장씩 만들어 본다. 기타 활동 교과서의 그림 등을 이용하여 정보를 습득한다. 교과서의 Read 부분을 빠르게 넘겨 보고 어떤 정보를 얻을 수 있는지 물어 Words & Phrases vision (=insight, forecast) 선견지명 ex. That s my vision of how the company will be. creativity (=imagination, originality) 창의력 ex. The job requires creativity and hard work. willpower (=determination) 의지 ex. I know he has the willpower to achieve it. confidence (=trust, self-assurance) 확신, 자신감 ex. They have every confidence in their leader. positive attitude 긍정적 태도 ex. You need positive attitude to lose weight. 본다. (제한 시간을 약 1분~ 1분 30초 정도 준다.) 01_It All Starts with a Dream 43

5 Read (T pp.16~17) T16 1 Questions for Details 1) When did he start playing? 2) What does MVP mean? 3) What did he dream about during practices and games? 2 3 2 James Malinchak Teenagers Tips for Success 13 MVP Grammar in Reading 1. Starting at the age of 13,... Starting ~ 13 When I started at the age of 13 ex. Opening the window, I saw the cat playing in the garden. (=when I opened the window,...) 2. ~ I would pretend that... / I would often dream... would ex. I would have a snack at night when I was in middle school. 3. I could see myself getting lots of points and helping my team... see see+ myself getting ex. She could see the people working hurriedly. The writer s dream was to play in the national college basketball league. Words & Phrases picture (=imagine) ex. She pictured herself exploring the universe. turn A into B (=change A into B) A B ex. The witch turned the prince into a toad. pursue (=strive for, try for) ex. He pursued the new business. courage (=bravery) ex. The people fought with courage and pride. national college basketball league pretend (=fake) ex. Sometimes my cat pretends to be asleep. name (=call) ex. The girl was named as President. MVP (=most valuable player) ex. Park was the MVP last year. band (=a small group of musicians) ex. The band were playing Korean folk songs. broadcast (=telecast) (broadcast - broadcast - broadcast) ex. The show will be broadcast on March 18. 44

T17 1 Questions for Details 1) When did he change his attitude? 2) Who was Ms. Monaghan? 3) When did his dream of playing college basketball grow stronger? 3 2 Monaghan Ms. Monaghan. Classroom English Look at the picture on page 16. What do you see? There s a boy and a basketball post. What would be the boy s dream? Now, read the page quickly and answer the question below. Words & Phrases daydream (=fancy, imagine) ex. She daydreams of being a millionaire. desire (=wish strongly) ex. When you desire something, you should try hard. visualize (=picture, imagine) ex. Visualize the growth of population. enable A to B A B ex. My sponsors enabled me to travel the world. junior year 4 3 ex. The junior year is when students start thinking about jobs. attitude (=approach) ex. Positive attitude can change the conditions of your body. satisfy (=fulfill) ex. The satisfied customers went home with a smile in their face. accomplish (=achieve) ex. How could you accomplish your goal? battle (=fight) ex. His father died in the battle against England. Grammar in Reading 1. ~ to visualize what I wanted most. what visualize wanted. ex. He described what he saw last night. 2. ~ told me something that changed my attitude... something which that ex. It is something that we should remember. 3. Everything that I have accomplished in my life began by my... Everything ~ life began Instruction Tip skimming scanning Skimming Scanning 01_It All Starts with a Dream 45

6 Read (T pp.18~19) T18 2 1 3 Questions for Details 1) What do Michael Jordan s words mean? 2) What did people say to criticize the writer? 3) How did the writer s dream begin to come true? Michael Jordan Monaghan Michael Jordan North Carolina Grammar in Reading 1. That s what I did. what the thing everything that ex. It all depends on what you are trying to achieve. 2. I heard all the reasons why I was going to fail... why all the reasons why ex. The professor explained the real reasons (why) Rome collapsed. 3. What s more... What s more Moreover ex.what s more, it can then be downloaded onto MP3 players. Because people thought he couldn t achieve his goal. Words & Phrases keep ~ in one s heart (=remember) ex. Keep the scene in your heart. focus on (=concentrate on) ex. You should just focus on the storyline. scholarship (=money paid by the school to students) ex. How can I get a scholarship next semester? firm (=hard) ex. The skaters have a firm belief that they will win the game. become aware of (=become know of) ex. The workers became aware of the problem. community (=society) ex. We need support from our community. criticize (=find fault with) ex. The newspaper criticized the actions of the Russian leadership. bring down (=cause someone to fall) ex. Words can t bring me down. remind A of B (=make A remember B) A B ex. The note reminded me of the homework. determine (=decide) ex. The singer was determined to start her tour. be filled with (=be full of) ex. The box was filled with old toys. 46

T19 Questions for Details 1) What college did the writer go to? 2) What was the atmosphere like in the stadium? Questions for Morality 1) If you played a sport that is not very popular, could you feel the same way as the writer? 2) What excites you when you achieve your dream? 2 1 Cincinnati Louisville 1 9 Louisville NBA Louisville Monaghan He realized his dream was coming true. Words & Phrases accept (=receive) ex. Finally, the man accepted the offer. court (=a place where a sport is played) ex. If the ball rolls out of the court, the ball is called an out-ball. realize (=become aware of) ex. She realized that she was in a palace. come true (=really happen) ex. How can our dreams come true? make it to (=arrive to a location) ex. We made it to a motel around 3 a.m. proud (=glad about oneself) ex. I m really proud of you, Son. Instruction Tip 19 1. 19 The first time I stepped ~ I was truly proud. 2. Sample writing Grammar in Reading 1. ~ some great Louisville players who later made it to the NBA. who players ex. I started with the workers who later helped me a lot. 2. My dream of playing at the highest level of college basketball had come true. of My dream playing ~ basketball had come true ex. Her story of meeting aliens had proved to be wrong. 3. 4. 3 Sample writing The first time I went to Cannes International Film Festival, I realized that my dream was coming true. Before a crowd of many people, reporters rushed toward me. I walked on the red carpet to the theater. Television cameras were everywhere, and fans were shouting. That day I stood next to some great film directors who later made movies with me. At that moment, I was truly proud. 01_It All Starts with a Dream 47

7차시 학습 목표 Read (A pp.20~22) After You Read (T pp.20~21) 교과서 본문의 내용을 응용한 문제를 풀어 볼 수 있다. 지도상 유의점 읽은 지문을 요약해 보고, 세부 내용을 확인할 수 있으며, 적절한 제 목을 스스로 만들 수 있다. A20 학생들이 활동책 문제를 풀기 어려워하면 교과서의 해당 부분을 참고하여 문제를 풀도록 지도한다. 수업 준비물 CD, 교과서, 활동책 A21 a basketball player a full scholarship proud of himself A22 Approaching Level p.20 1. 의미 단위로 묶어서 끊어 읽기 는 영문을 영어 어순에 따라 자연스럽게 읽고 해석하는 데 도움이 되는 방법이다. 의미 단위 구분의 예 접속사나 관계사 앞에서 / 분사, 부정사, 전치사구 앞에 서 / 삽입구나 삽입절의 앞과 뒤에서 / 긴 주어 뒤에서 등 2-1. ② 대학 농구 선수들과 경기를 했는데, 그들이 나중에 프로 리그로 갔 다는 내용이다. 2-2. proud of himself (자신에 대해 자랑스러운) On Level p.21 1. 글의 내용상 할 수 없다 는 것에 대한 필자의 내적인 싸움이 드러난다. 2. 요약한 내용을 친구들끼리 서로 점검해 주도록 한다. Beyond Level p.22 1-1. ① 내 꿈을 포기한 이유 ② 사람들이 저지르는 흔한 실수 ③ 내 인생을 바꾼 선생님 ④ 공부를 열심히 하려면 기억해야 할 것 of in imagine, visualize 48 각론 1-2. Monaghan 선생님은 필자를 격려하기 위해서 이 말을 하셨다. 2-1. of는 ~을, at은 ~에서 의 의미이다. 2-2. see 대신 imagine, visualize, picture 등 그려 보다 라는 의미를 가진 동사는 모두 쓸 수 있다.

T20 T21 Visualize your dream. Turn your dream into a goal. Pursue your dream with courage. T: Look at the chart in section A. Based on the reading, fill it in. If you run into trouble, you can ask your friends for help. A T: Take a look at B. In this section, you can check to see whether you understand the reading well. Answer the questions. T B F F T F T: Section C is a question to check whether you understand the main idea of the reading passage. Think about the passage s meaning and choose the correct answer. C C 1 Words & Phrases A. crowded scholarship criticize determine pursue visualize goal B. impossible laugh at Instruction Tip C capitalization Capitalization 1. ex. You look happy today. 2. ex. Sue said, When did you go to bed? 3. ex. World War I / the Middle Ages 4. ex. U.S.A. / NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 5. ex. Audrey Hepburn / Andrew Johnson ex. dad, aunt, mom 6. ex. Korean, Muslim, Buddhism 7. ex. Wednesday / September / Labor Day / New Year s Day 8. ex. Lord of Rings / Little Women 5 ex. War Against the Empire http://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/capital.asp 01_It All Starts with a Dream 49

8차시 학습 목표 Critical Thinking (T p.21 / A p.23) T21 교과서의 내용을 자신의 가치 체계와 연결해 볼 수 있다. 교과서 내용과 연관된 글을 하나 더 읽고 내용을 파악하며 비판적 생각을 키울 수 있다. 지도상 유의점 제시된 인물이 누구인지 학생들이 잘 모르면 교사와 함께 인터 넷으로 찾아볼 수도 있다. 수업 준비물 CD, 교과서, 활동책, Internet connection T: Look at the pictures in Critical Thinking. Do you know who the people are? Talk about them with your classmates and fill in the blanks. A She has helped protect chimpanzees in Africa. 주요 활동: 세 인물이 각자의 꿈을 실현하고자 무엇을 했는가를 알 아본다. 1. 세 명의 사진을 보며 아는 사람이 있는지 묻고 답한다. 2. 아는 사람이 없더라도 이 인물들이 어떻게 행동했을지 적어 보도록 한다. 3. 학생들이 서로 이야기를 나누도록 한다. 4. 교사가 자료를 인터넷으로 제시하거나 읽어 준다. 혹은 모둠별로 한 인물 을 정해 조사한 다음 발표하도록 해도 좋다. B 주요 활동: 학생들 각자의 꿈이 무엇이고 어떻게 성취할 계획인지 이야기를 나눈다. 1. 자신의 꿈과 실현 계획을 간단히 영작하도록 한다. 2. 친구들끼리 서로 고쳐 준다. 3. 급우들 앞에서 발표한다. 참고 자료 Jane Goodall (1934 ~) 영국의 동물학자로, 침팬지를 연구하기 위해 He became the leader of the Indian nationalist movement. She raised thousands of dollars for children. I want to work for an international organization. To get a job, I need to study world history and social work. Also, I will practice English as hard as I can. 아프리카로 건너갔다. 현재까지 야생 침팬지의 연구와 보호 및 환경 운동 에 힘쓰고 있다. 참고 인터넷 사이트 http://www.janegoodall.org/(제인 구달 연구소) Mahatma Gandhi (1869~1948) 인도 출생으로, 영국에서 공부하고 법률가가 되었으나 남아프리카 공화국에서 젊은 시절 겪은 경험으로 인해 평생 인도 독립을 위해 몸 바쳤다. 참고 인터넷 사이트 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mahatma_gandhi Audrey Hepburn (1929~1993) 벨기에 출신 여배우로서, 할리우드 로 진출해 유명해졌다. 비교적 젊은 시절에 은퇴한 후 어린이들을 위한 봉사 활동에 헌신했다. 참고 인터넷 사이트 www.audreyhepburn.com (오드리 헵번 재단 공식 사이트) 해석 테니스는 내 인생 A23 나는 훌륭한 테니스 선수가 되려는 꿈을 이루기 위해 내 모든 시간을 쓴 다. 사실 나는 테니스를 하루 종일 친다. 나는 테니스 치는 것을 정말 좋아한 다. 하지만 몇 가지를 포기해야 한다. 예를 들어 나는 친구들과 노는 것과 같 은 십대가 하는 일상적인 일을 모두 할 수는 없고, 수업은 모두 온라인으로 들어야 한다. 또한 내 팔은 크고 힘세다. 나는 내가 패션모델이 될 수 없을 거라는 것을 알지만, 대부분의 십대 남자 아이들보다 힘이 세다. 하지만 내 가 경기를 잘하고 경기 마지막에 사람들이 환호하는 것을 들으면 그럴 만한 가치가 충분히 있다. 물론, 그것이 이기는 경기라면 더 좋다. 해설 1. 필자는 자신이 꿈을 이루기 위해 노력하는 것에 대해 만족스러워하고, 자 신이 하는 일을 좋아한다고 했다. proud confident 2. ③ 팔이 크고 강인하여 패션모델이 될 수는 없을 것이라고 했다. 3. (1) 자신이 정말 좋아하며 시간 가는 줄을 모르는 것을 말해 본다. (게임, 인터넷 등은 제외함) (2) 영어와 관련이 없더라도 가급적 관련성을 찾아보도록 유도한다. Words & Phrases give up (=stop doing something) 포기하다 When I do something I enjoy, I forget about time. Yes. My dream is to be a world-famous cellist. In order to have a world tour concert, I need to speak English fluently. 50 각론 ex. You should give up smoking. regular (=ordinary, routine) 일상적인, 평범한 ex. Let s take regular exercise. hang out with (=spend time with) ~와 어울려 지내다 ex. Jack is hanging out with his friends after school.

9 Language in Context (T p.22 / A pp.24~26) T22 Phrases T: Let s move on to phrases. We ve already learned these phrases in the reading. Let s review them here again. 1. become aware of (=find that something happened) (The phrase become aware of means you realize that something happened. So you get to know it.) ex. How did they become aware of his mistakes? The committee became aware of the damage. 2. turn A into B (=change A into B) (The phrase turn A into B has the same meaning as change A into B. ) ex. The princess turned the frog into a prince. The Parthenon was turned into a Christian church. 3. be filled with (=be full of) (The phrase be filled with means there s no room in something because it is full.) ex. The small chamber was filled with strange smell. I could see a book filled with foreign words. Word Power T: Look at Word Power on page 22. You re going to learn two word additions. One is a suffix -IZE, which means to make something happen, and the other is a prefix EN-, meaning to cause something to happen. 1. -ize: (The suffix -IZE goes after the root. It makes the root a verb, and its meaning is to make something happen.) ex. generalize, socialize, industrialize, urbanize He realized that he was surrounded by his fans. Visualize your dream first. 2. en-: (The prefix EN- goes before the root. It makes the root a verb, and its meaning is to cause something to happen.) ex. enclose, enrich, ensure, enlist Tigers are endangered to extinction. Encourage your friends to take part in the festival. Structures 1. what (WHAT is part of the main clause and also introduces the noun clause. WHAT can be changed into the thing that, or anything that. In many cases, WHAT can be regarded both as a relative pronoun and an interrogative.) ex. That s exactly what I was thinking. Ms. Kim will show us what she found last night. 2. would (WOULD is an auxiliary verb, so after WOULD, a verb should be in an infinitive form. In some contexts, WOULD can refer to repeated actions and events in the past.) ex. I would play soccer on Sundays. The neighbors would see a man walking his dog. 3. why (WHY is not a question word here. It introduces the adjective clause. The clause explains the noun phrase before the WHY. In some cases, WHY can be omitted. The WHY is called a relative adverb.) ex. Now we can find the reasons why the light went out. These are a few reasons why they hate the Arab countries. 01_It All Starts with a Dream 51

A24 A25 visualize idolized endangers encouraged 알아채다 바뀌다, 변하다, ~이 되다 learn about something ~로 가득 차다 contain as much stuff as possible become something What a dictionary what the reason why the reason why why took would wake why Approaching Level p.24 On Level p.25 Word Power Word Power 1. 그것을 크게 만들어라. 2. 십대들은 그 가수를 숭배했다. 3. 그 여행은 여러 면에서 내 인생을 풍부하게 할 것이다. 4. 나는 어떤 선수가 되고 싶은지 상상했다. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1, 3번은 en- 을 사용하여 ~하게 하다 의 의미를 나타냈으며, 내가 어떤 선수가 될지 상상해 보는 것은 어렵다. 그 가수는 십대들에게 우상화되고 있다. 물 오염은 많은 식물과 동물을 위협하고 있다. 나를 격려해 준 모든 분들께 감사 드린다. appreciate (=thank) 감사하다, 가치를 인정하다 의 의미를 나타냈다. 2, 4번은 -ize를 사용하여 ~하게 하다 ex. I really appreciate your help. Phrases Structures 1. 다른 사람들이 내 목표를 알게 되었다. 2. 지난밤 차가운 비가 눈으로 바뀌었다. 3. 그들은 자신들의 깃발을 보고는 자부심으로 가득 찼다. A. 이것은 Tim과 Sue의가방에있는것이다. Tim과 Sue가 둘 다 가지고 있는 것은 펜이다. Tim은 사전이 없고, Sue가 갖고 있지 않은 것은 소설책이다. flag (=banner) 깃발 B. 1. 늦게 일어난 것이 약속을 지키지 못한 이유이다. 2. 운동 부족은 십대들이 건강하지 못한 이유이다. ex. Look at the national flag. Structures 관계대명사 what(=the thing which[that])을 묻는 문항이다. appointment (=meeting, arrangement) 약속 A. 1. 저 책상 보이니? 아빠가 너를 위해 어제 만드신 거란다. 게다가 아빠 ex. I have an appointment in the afternoon. 는 네가 원한다면 책상을 페인트로 칠해 주실 거야. lack (=shortage) 부족, 결핍 관계대명사 what(~하는 것)의 쓰임을 묻는 문항이다. ex. Due to lack of medicine, many children are suffering from 2. Emma는 아이였을 때 공원에서 개를 산책시키곤 했다. 그 개는 펄 쩍펄쩍 뛰면서 짖곤 했다. 나는 Emma의 행복한 미소를 아직도 기 억한다. 과거의 습관을 나타내는 조동사 would를 구분하는 문항이다. B. 1. 그는 자기가 결혼하지 않은 이유를 말했다. 2. 나는 내가 새 핸드폰을 사야 하는 이유를 모두 들었다. 이유를 나타내는 선행사 뒤에 쓰인 관계부사 why를 묻는 문항이다. 52 각론 disease. 관계부사 why를 묻는 문항들이다(the reason은 생략 가능). C. 지난 여름, 언니와 나는 캠핑을 갔다. 그것은 멋진 경험이었다. 매일 아침 우리는 지저귀는 새소리에 잠이 깼다. 낮에는 숲과 계곡으로 하이 킹을 가곤 했다. 조동사 would(~하곤 했다)를 묻는 문항이다.

A26 Beyond Level p.26 Phrases 2. drunk driving(음주 운전) 대신 drink and drive를 쓰기도 한다. 3. historical (= of history / important) 역사의, 역사적인 visualize summarize ex. The historical event was recorded in many books. object (= thing) 물건 endanger enrich ex. The flying object seemed familiar to the children. Structures turns into ice A. 반 고흐와의 인터뷰 become aware of were filled with 기자: 십대 때에는 어떠셨어요? 고흐: 주변에 있는 물건들을 그리곤 했습니다. 기자: 별이 빛나는 밤 에 대해 말해 주실 수 있나요? 고흐: 중요한 것은 별이었지요. 그래서 저는 별과 그 빛을 연구했습니다. 기자: 지금 당신은 유명합니다. 어떤 기분이세요? 고흐: 제가 유명해요? 21세기 사람들이 저를 좋아해 주셔서 기쁩니다. 조동사 would와 관계대명사 what을 묻는 문항이다. would what the reason why the reason why he likes her the reason why she got fired Think & Write 차 시 10 (T pp.23~24 / A pp.27~29) 학습 목표 T23 문단의 정의에 대해 이해할 수 있다. 자신의 꿈에 대한 글의 outline을 잡고, 이에 따라 자신의 꿈에 대 한 문단을 작성할 수 있다. 지도상 유의점 brainstorming이 필요한 학급은 먼저 칠판이나 종이에 brainstorming을 한 다음 교과서 24쪽의 글쓰기 활동으로 들어가도 록 지도한다. 시간이 부족하면 활동책의 글쓰기는 숙제로 내줄 수도 있다. 수업 준비물 교과서, 활동책, 종이(또는 칠판) T: We re going to learn how to write a paragraph on page 23. What is a paragraph? Read the given paragraph and talk about it with your classmates. A 주요 활동: 문단[단락]의 개념과 구성 요소를 이해한다. 문단을 읽어 보고, 이 문단이 한 가지 주제에 대한 내용인지 확인해 본다. B 주요 활동: 문단과 주제의 관계를 인식한다. 연습 문제를 풀어 보고, 문단을 쓸 때 왜 한 주제에 대해 써야 하는지 깨닫도 록 한다. Paragraph란? 한 주제에 대해 문단을 쓰지 않을 경우, 여러 가지 내용이 한 문단에 섞여 있 게 되어 혼란스러워진다. 따라서 문단이란 한 가지 주제에 대해서만 써야 된 다. 대개 영어 문단은 topic+supporting details(주제+관련된 세부 내 01_It All Starts with a Dream 53

topic sentence 23 A (Mattew Simmons) What I do: university student My major is Asian history. I am interested in: Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Someday I d like to visit Korea. Example 1 I am Sam Grey. I live in Chicago, Illinois. My mom loves gardening. She has a big garden, and she grows all kinds of vegetables and flowers there. I don t live with her, but I love her. Gardening is quite popular in my neighborhood, and many people spend a lot of time on it. Example 2 I am Sam Grey. I live in Chicago, Illinois. Hobbies: Bicycle riding, swimming Instruction Tip Example 1 Sam Grey My mom Gardening Example 2 T24 T: Look at Step 1 on page 24. Design your own business card and show it to your class. Step 1 Step 2 I will be an interior designer. I will work for hotels. I am interested in making homes. Because I like to help people have better lives. I will read as many books about interior design as I can. Instruction Tip Step 2 1 1. What will your job be? My job will be a professional writer. 2. Where will you work? I will work at a beauty parlor. 3. What are you interested in? I m interested in collecting dolls. 4. Why do you want your future job? I can travel to many countries. 5. How will you prepare for this job? I have to practice dancing after school. 54

A27 A28 Bomi Minju-dong science and math Bomi Kim engineer science and math engineer will study hard make new types of buildings I ll study hard. Bomi. I live in Minju-dong. I am really interested in science and math. I want to be an engineer in the future. I hope to make new types of buildings. To make my dream come true, I will study hard. My name is Bomi. I live in Minju-dong. I am really interested in science and math. I want to be an engineer in the future. I hope to make new types of buildings. To make my dream come true, I will study hard. A29 My name is Bomi. I live in Minju-dong. I am really interested in science and math. I want to be an engineer in the future. I hope to make new types of buildings. To make my dream come true, I will study hard. Instruction Tip 하급 수준은 Task A에서 간단한 삽화나 만화를 그리도록 한다. 그림을 그리 면 생각에 자극을 주어 brainstorming이 쉬워지는 효과가 있다. 그림에 필 요한 어휘를 적어 놓은 후 Task B의 쓰기를 해도 좋다. 중 상급 수준은 outline 을 바탕으로 first draft (초안)를 쓴 다음 detail(세부 내용)을 추가할 만한 부분을 찾아 써 넣는다. 그러고 나서, peerediting(친구와 상호 교정)을 통해 친구들의 검토를 받아 보고, revising(수 정) 작업으로 글을 다듬어 final draft(최종안)를 완성하게 한다. final draft의 경우, 중급 수준은 100단어 ~ 150단어, 상급 수준은 150 단어 이상을 쓰도록 지도한다. final draft는 컴퓨터로 작성하도록 격려하고, 컴퓨터로 작성한 학생에게는 보너스 점수를 주어 영타를 자꾸 쳐 보도록 유도한다. final draft도 peer-editing을 하도록 한다. 완성된 first draft와 final draft는 교실에 게시하거나 잘된 것을 복사하여 학생들과 공유한다. 01_It All Starts with a Dream 55

Self Check 차 시 11 Exercise, Culture (T p.25) 학습 목표 (A pp.30~32) 공부한 내용을 확인해 보며 자기 주도적 학습을 진행할 수 있다. 지도상 유의점 활동책의 문항은 집에서 풀지 말고 학교에서 정해진 시간 안 단원의 내용과 연관된 문제를 풀어 보면서 자신의 실력을 확인할 에 풀도록 하면 긴장감을 높일 수 있다. 수 있다. Culture 부분은 학생들과 교사가 함께 사이트를 방문하여 뉴욕 필름 아카데미와 관련된 글을 읽고 스스로 자료를 찾아볼 수 찾아보면서 발견 학습이 일어나도록 할 수도 있다. 있다. 수업 준비물 교과서, 활동책, Internet connection A30 A31 F T T encourage criticize enable(s, d) summarize aware filled turned what why would to be a tour guide A. Scripts 1. A: What are you planning to do? B : I m planning to be a reporter. 2. A: Someday, I ll become a pilot. B : Great. I ll keep my fingers crossed for you. 3. A: What are you interested in? B : Oh, I m interested in world history. I want to travel all over the world C. 1. 사람들은 그 계획을 알게 되자 화가 났다. 2. 그 경기장은 큰 소리로 환호하는 팬들로 가득 찼다. 3. 꿈에서 나는 곰으로 변했다. D. 1. 이것이 남 선생님이 건강한 몸을 유지하기 위해 한 일이다. 관계대명사 what을 묻는 문항이다. 2. 매일 걷는 것이 그녀가 건강한 이유이다. 관계부사 why를 묻는 문항이다. 3. 지난 학기에 그는 점심 식사 후 산책을 하곤 했다. B. Scripts A: Tell me about your Fantastic Land series of books. B: Oh, I m planning to finish the books by the end of this year. A: Really? Then what are you going to do next year? B: I m going to start an online writing school. I hope it will be as popular as my books. A: I wish you good luck. 56 각론 조동사 would를 묻는 문항이다. E. 1. 학생들을 격려하기 위해 우리는 그들의 향상을 축하해 준다. 2. 다른 사람들을 헐뜯기 전에 자신을 그들의 입장에 놓고 생각해 보라. 3. 장학금은 그가 외국에서 공부할 수 있게 해 준다[주었다]. 4. 나는 그 보고서를 두세 문장으로 요약해야 한다. celebrate 축하하다, 경축하다 ex. Let s celebrate his graduation.

progress (= development) ex. He shows great progress since last year. put in other s shoes ex. If you put yourself in her shoes, you will understand her. F. apply to ex. Would you apply to my company? various (= varied) ex. There are various races in the world. bother (= trouble) ex. What s bothering you? You look upset. what why G. Bertrand Russel What I Have Lived For emotion (= feelings) ex. The picture expresses his emotions. desire (= strong wish) ex. The desire for peace helped the two peoples stop the war. pity (= compassion) ex. What a pity! You broke your arm. suffering (= serious pain) ex. It caused terrible suffering to animals. 1. 2. Culture Tip Q A Filmmaking Camps / Digital Filmmaking Camps / Broadcast Journalism Camps / Music Video Camps / Acting Camps / Animation Camps James Malinchak ( http://www.malinchak.com/index.htm) James Malinchak grew up in Monessen, PA, a small steel-mill town near Pittsburgh, where he led his high school to it s firstever State Basketball Championship. After being named First Team All-State and Honorable Mention All-American, he played college basketball at the University of Cincinnati and the University of Hawaii at Hilo, where he graduated with a business degree. After a successful career as a stockbroker in Beverly Hills, CA, James pursued his passion and began traveling the world motivating teenagers to create and shape a successful future. He is a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), was recently named a Consummate Speaker of the Year by Sharing Ideas(professional speakers magazine), and was voted College Speaker of the Year by Campus Activities magazine and the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities (APCA). James is the author of the internationally acclaimed book, Teenagers Tips for Success, and a Contributing Author to the New York Times Best-Sellers, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul and Chicken Soup for the Kid s Soul. He has appeared in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and on numerous national radio and TV talk shows. Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die today. Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. Adversity is the first path to the truth. All things are difficult before they are easy. www.nba.com NBA http://sports.yahoo.com/nba Yahoo.com NBA http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/index ESPN NBA www.sportsline.com/nba CBS NBA www.mahatma.com Mahatma Gandi 01_It All Starts with a Dream 57