서울미식안내서 TASTE OF SEOUL 2O21 Seoul Restaurant & Bar 100 KOREAN. ENGLISH

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서울미식안내서 TASTE OF SEOUL 2O21 Seoul Restaurant & Bar 100 KOREAN. ENGLISH

서울, 이제미식의도시로나아갑니다. 오랜궁궐과고층빌딩이한곳에모여있듯전통과현대가공존하고자연과첨단이어우러진맛과멋이발전하고있는서울의미식은세계속에서도고유한미식문화를형성하고있습니다. 서울만의다양하고차별화된미식문화를국내외로알리기위해, 서울시는 15인의미식큐레이터및전문가와함께 서울레스토랑 & 바 100선 을선정하는 Taste of Seoul 2021 프로젝트를작년에이어올해두번째로진행했습니다. 한식뿐만아니라양식, 아시안, 그릴과채식, 카페 & 디저트, 바 & 펍에이르기까지, 분야별로 글로컬리즘, 전문성, 화제성 등을고려해서울미식을대표할만한 100곳을담았습니다. 어려운시기에도최고의미식경험을선사하기위해최선을다하고계시는모든외식업계분들께감사와응원을드리며, 이런미식을통해우리모두에게특별한위로가나뉘기를바랍니다. 앞으로도매년정기적인발굴과조사를통해의미있는 서울미식안내서 로성장해가겠습니다.

Seoul is now headed for becoming a city of taste. As a city where historical palaces and skyscrapers coexist, its gastronomy is also developing in taste with a combination of tradition-modernity and naturetechnology, forming a unique culture of delicacy. To promote the unique and diverse delicacies of Seoul, Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG), along with fifteen gourmet curators and experts, has conducted the project Taste of Seoul 2021 for the second time after last year, selecting the 100 Best Restaurants & Bar in Seoul. The 100 places that represent the taste of Seoul were selected considering glocalism, expertise, and public interest among Korean, Western, Asian, Grill and Plant-based restaurants, as well as Coffee & Dessert café and Bar & Pubs. We extend our gratitude and support to the people in the food service industry doing their best to provide the best food experience amid this period full of uncertainties. Also, we hope Taste of Seoul will bring happiness to all of us in the world. Seoul will develop this Taste of Seoul guide as our own local guide by discovering good Restaurants & Bars and hosting related survey regularly every year.

업장정보아이콘 Information Icon CONTENTS 배달가능메뉴있음 Delivery 한식 Korean 19 테이크아웃가능메뉴있음 Take-out 아시안 Asian 양식 Western 47 67 주차가능 ( 발렛포함 ) Parking available 그릴 Grill 97 별실있음 Private room 채식 Plant-based 카페 & 디저트 Café & Dessert 105 115 테라스있음 Terrace 바 & 펍 Bar & Pub 인덱스 Index 129 143 비건메뉴있음 Vegan menu * 음식이미지는실제와다를수있습니다. *The food in the picture may look different from the actual food. * 영업시간은코로나 19 상황에따라달라질수있습니다. *Business hours may vary depending on the COVID-19 social distancing regulations.

한눈에보는테이스트오브서울 2021 미식큐레이터와전문가가추천한서울에서꼭방문해야할레스토랑과바 100 곳에대한결과를한눈에살펴본다. 숫자로보는서베이 퀴진별세부비율전체 100곳중절반이지난해 (2020년) 와다른신규업장으로선정됐다. 퀴진으로분류하면, 한식 23곳, 아시안 17곳, 양식 25곳, 그릴 6곳, 채식 7곳, 카페 & 디저트 11곳, 바 & 펍 11곳으로구성됐다. 15 미식큐레이터 8020 내국인 외국인 7 21 카테고리 큐레이터당레스토랑 & 바추천수 신규 50% 기존 50% 카페 & 디저트 11% 채식 7% 그릴 6% 바 & 펍 11% 한식 양식 25% 23% 아시안 17% 큐레이터구성 22% 39% 39% 한식 한식은전통과모던사이에서세분화가흥미로운장르다. 총 23 곳은한식 39% (9 곳 ), 모던한식 39% (9 곳 ), 전통한식 22% (5 곳 ) 으로나타났다. 한식 모던한식 전통한식 54% 추천원칙 업계전문가 13% 미식여행가 13% 학자 지난 2 년간방문한곳중 글로컬리즘, 전문성, 화제성 을고려하여최고라고생각하는곳을장르별로 3 곳씩순서대로기입. 우선추천한곳일수록높은점수부여. 레스토랑은반드시 셰프 가있는곳으로, 바는반드시 바텐더 ( 또는이에준하는역할 ) 가있는곳을추천한다. 본인이근무하거나이해관계가있는곳은제외된다. 20% 식음저널리스트 12% 41% 12% 32% 27% 45.5% 6% 41% 4% 52% 9.5% 9.5% 27% 27% 9% 45.5% 아시안 아시안업장 17 곳중에서일식과중식이각각 41% (7 곳 ) 로가장높은비중을차지했다. 타이 12% (2 곳 ), 모던베트남 6% (1 곳 ) 이뒤를이으며다양성을보였다. 양식 중식 프렌치 한식디저트 칵테일바 일식 이탤리언 디저트 와인바 타이 모던베트남 양식업장 25 곳중에서프렌치가 52% (13 곳 ) 로절반이넘는비율을보였다. 이탤리언 32% (8 곳 ), 이노베이티브 12% (3 곳 ), 스페인 4% (1 곳 ) 순으로이어졌다. 카페 & 디저트 이노베이티브 베이커리 민속주점 스페인 카페 & 디저트업장 11 곳은한식디저트 27% (3 곳 ), 서양디저트 27% (3 곳 ), 베이커리 27% (3 곳 ) 로나타났으며, 카페는 9.5% (1 곳 ), 초콜릿은 9.5% (1 곳 ) 를차지했다. 바 & 펍 카페 초콜릿 바 & 펍업장 11 곳중에서칵테일바와와인바의비중이 45.5% (5 곳 ) 로동일하고, 민속주점은 9% (1 곳 ) 였다.

Taste of Seoul 2021 at a Glance 서울구별지역분포 전체업장중에서 강남구 가 36 곳으로제일많이분포됐다. 신사동가로수길과 압구정로데오거리, 청담동일대에국내외에좋은평가를받는파인다이닝업장 다수가위치했기때문. 그뒤를이어최근핫플레이스로 떠오르는을지로일대및 5 성급호텔업장이밀집된 중구 와이태원, 한남동이강세인 용산구 가 각각 15 곳씩분포됐다. 이밖에도전통의거리 인사동이있는 종로구 는 14 곳이선정됐고, 서래마을과역삼동이있는 서초구 도 8 곳으로지난해 (5 곳 ) 보다많아졌다. 변화하는메뉴옵션 서대문구 1% 마포구 5% 종로구 14% 중구 15% 용산구 15% 강남구 36% 성동구 5% 집에서도비대면미식을즐길수있도록메뉴테이크아웃이가능한업장이전체의 49% 를차지했다. 배달이가능한업장은 17% 로나타났다. 한편, 비건옵션메뉴가 있는업장은절반에가까운 48% 로나타나, 서울에서도식물성트렌드가부상중인 것을엿볼수있다. 서초구 8% 송파구 1% Let s look at the result of the 100 must-visit restaurants and bars in Seoul recommended by gourmet curators and experts at a glance. How the voting works 15 Gourmet curators 80 20 Natives Foreigners Our Curators 7 21 Categories Restaurants & bars selected by each curator 배달가능 테이크아웃가능 비건옵션 17% 49% 48% 54% Restaurant & bar experts 13% Well-traveled gourmets 13% Academics 20% Relative journalists 서울미식에대한키워드 패널들에게 서울미식 에대한생각을물었을때, 다음과같은키워드가강조되었다. Voting rules The best three businesses by each category where the curators paid a visit in the past 2 years considering their glocalism, expertise, and public interest were selected. 빠른성장 글로벌 역동적변화 다양성 전통과현대의공존 혼합과융합 채소의활용 Higher points were given by the priority of recommendation. The recommended restaurants must have a chef and bars must have a bartender (or servers with a role equivalent to a bartender). Businesses where the curators work or have personal interest were excluded.

Proportion by cuisine Half of the total 100 places were selected as new businesses different from last year s (2020). The selected 100 businesses were categorized into Korean (23), Asian (17), Western (25), Grill (6), Plant-based (7), Café & Dessert (11), and Bar & Pub (11). New Places 50% 22% 39% 12% 41% 12% 32% 27% 45.5% 6% 41% 4% 52% 9.5% 9.5% 27% 27% 9% 39% 45.5% Existing Places 50% Café & Dessert 11% Plantbased 7% Grill 6% Western 25% Proportion of sub-genres of Korean cuisine Bar & Pub 11% Korean 23% Asian 17% Korean cuisine is a genre with interesting sub-categorization between traditional and modern styles. Among the selected 23 restaurants, Korean cuisine took up 39% (9), followed by modern Korean restaurants at 39% (9) and traditional Korean restaurants at 22% (5). Korean Modern Korean Traditional Korean Proportion of sub-genres of Asian cuisine Among the selected 17 Asian restaurants, Japanese and Chinese restaurants took up 41% (7) of the survey result, respectively, which are the highest proportion. Next came Thai at 12% (2), followed by modern Vietnamese at 6% (1), showing great diversity. Chinese Japanese Thai Modern Vietname Proportion of sub-genres of Western cuisine Among the 25 western food restaurants, French restaurants took up 52% (13 establishments). Next came Italian at 32% (8), followed by Innovative at 12% (3), and Spanish at 4% (1). French Italian Innovative Spanish Proportion of sub-genres of Café & Dessert Among the 11 café & dessert businesses, Korean desserts took up 27% (3), followed by Western dessert at 27% (3), bakery at 27% (3), café at 9.5% (1), and chocolate at 9.5% (1). Korean Dessert Dessert Bakery Café Chocolate Proportion of sub-genres of Bar & Pub Among the 11 bars and pubs, cocktail bars and wine bars took up the same proportion, accounting for 45.5% (5), respectively, while traditional bars took up 9% (1). Cocktail Bar Wine Bar Traditional Bar Distribution by district 36 out of 100 establishments are located in Gangnam-gu, showing the highest concentration. This is because most fine dining restaurants that are well-received from both Korean and overseas reviewers are located in Garosu-gil in Shinsadong, Apgujeong Rodeo Street, and Cheongdam-dong area. Eulji-ro area, the up and coming hot place, Jung-gu where many 5-star hotels are located, Itaewon, and Hannam-dong in Yongsan-gu have 15 establishments, respectively. Other than these areas, 14 establishments are located in Jongno-gu where the traditional street of Insa-dong is located. 8 establishments are found in Seocho-gu, where Seorae Village and Yeoksam-dong are located, with an increase of 5 establishments year on year. Changing menu options Delivery available Takeaway available Vegan options Seodae mun-gu 1% Mapo-gu 5% 17% Jung-gu 15% Jongno-gu 14% Seocho-gu 8% Yongsan-gu 15% Gangnam-gu 36% Seong dong-gu 5% Songpa-gu 1% 49% of the selected restaurants offer takeaway menus for customers to enjoy culinary experiences in their homes. Restaurants that offer delivery service account for 17%. Meanwhile, 48% of the selected businesses have vegan options for their menus, showing how the vegetarian trend is rising in Seoul. Keywords 49% 48% When curators were asked for their thoughts on Seoul delicacies, the following keywords were highlighted. FAST GROWTH GLOBAL DYNAMIC CHANGES DIVERSITY COEXISTENCE OF TRADITION AND MODERNITY MIXTURE AND CONVERGENCE USE OF VEGETABLES

Korean 한식 가온 Gaon 권숙수 Kwonsooksoo 꽃, 밥에피다 A Flower Blossom on the Rice 네기실비 Negi Silbi 두레유 dooreyoo 라연 La Yeon 레스토랑온지음 ONJIUM 마포옥 Mapo-ok 묘미 Myomi 물고기주택 Mulgogi house 밍글스 Mingles 반기다 bangida 비채나 Bicena 세븐스도어 7th Door 소설한남 SOSEOUL hannam 수퍼판 Super Pan 스와니예 SOIGNÉ 우래옥 Woo Lae Oak 정식당 JUNGSIKDANG 주옥 Joo Ok 지화자 jihwaja 진미평양냉면 Jinmi Pyeongyang naengmyeon 효도치킨 hyodo chicken

가온 Gaon 한식 Korean 권숙수 01 02 권숙수 한식 Korean Kwonsooksoo 프리미엄도자브랜드광주요의한식다이닝. 아름다운식기에김병진셰프의품격있는 요리가어우러진다. 왕의수라상에올랐던요리에상상력을불어넣은코스메뉴는한식의 전통을지키면서도현대적인멋을잘살렸다는호평을받는다. 권우중셰프가직접담근장과식초, 김치와장아찌등을활용해품격있는한식파인 다이닝을선보인다. 우리술과작은안주를곁들인주안상으로시작해아름다운디저트로 마무리하기까지눈과입이호사로운코스가개인반상으로차려진다. A Korean dining restaurant by Kwangjuyo, a premium ceramic brand. Quality dishes made by chef Kim Byung-jin are served on gorgeous tablewares. The course menu, which is created by adding imagination to the dishes that were served to kings, keeps the tradition of Korean cuisine while adding a modern touch. Chef Kwon Woo-joong uses his handmade sauces, vinegar, kimchi, and pickled vegetables to present a quality Korean fine dining experience. Starting with a table of drinks and small snacks and finishing with beautiful desserts, diners will be served with a luxurious, private table course. Address 서울시강남구도산대로 317, M 층 M floor, 317, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-545-9845 Menu 온날코스 Onnal course 120,000-159,000 가온코스 Gaon course 240,000 Hours 금 토요일 Friday & Saturday 12:00-14:30, 17:30-23:00 화 - 목요일 Tuesday-Thursday 17:30-23:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 gaon_seoul Address 서울시강남구압구정로 80 길 37 37, Apgujeong-ro 80-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-542-6268 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 110,000-150,000 디너코스 Dinner course 210,000-240,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:30 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays 0 kwonsooksoo 한식 Korean 20 21

꽃, 밥에피다 03 한식 Korean A Flower Blossom on the Rice 질좋은국산재료로건강한밥상을차려내는한식당. 친환경재료와전통장을활용해 자극적이지않은맛을낸다. 시그너처메뉴인보자기비빔밥은달걀지단을부쳐 현미찹쌀밥과오색나물을잘감싼뒤식용꽃을올려마무리한요리다. A Korean restaurant that serves healthy meals made with quality Korean ingredients. It uses eco-friendly ingredients and traditional sauces to create soothing flavors. Bojagi Bibimbap, its signature menu, is a dish made of brown sticky rice and five types of seasoned vegetables wrapped in a thinly fried egg sheet topped with an edible flower. Address 서울시종로구인사동 16 길 3-6 3-6, Insadong 16-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-732-0276 Menu 가벼운초록꽃밥 Light green flower rice 29,000 완전소중한꽃밥 Precious flower rice 39,000 Hours 11:30-15:00, 17:30-21:00 0 flowerrice_official 한식 Korean 22 23

네기실비 Negi Silbi 한식 Korean 04 두레유 dooreyoo 한식 Korean 05 서울에서통영의맛을근사하게즐길수있는곳. 일식을선보여온장호준오너셰프가고향인통영의꽃 실비집 을모티브로한국형해산물오마카세를선보인다. 충무김밥, 배때기죽등통영향토음식을포함한약 20 여가지해산물요리가이어지는한상차림을즐길수있다. 유현수셰프가정갈한멋과건강함이깃든전통한식을코스로선보인다. 직접담근장과 제철식재료가맛의포인트. 통우럭튀김요리인 나물어탕수 와계절샐러드인 ' 침체 ' 등 개성있는한식을맛볼수있다. 전통주와의페어링이가능하다. A place to enjoy the authentic taste of Tongyeong in Seoul. Owner chef Chang Hojun, who has been serving Japanese dishes, now presents Korean seafood omakase inspired by the get-what-you-paid-for bar, a special type of bar you find in Tongyeong. You will enjoy around 20 types of seafood dishes including Tongyeong s regional foods such as Chungmu gimbap and dried sweet potato soup in a course menu. Taste the traditional and healthy Korean course meals with classical charms served by chef Yu Hyeon-su. Handmade sauces and seasonal ingredients add points to the flavors. Unique Korean dishes such as seasonal vegetables and sweet and sour fried fish, a dish that serves a whole fried rockfish, and chimche, a seasonal salad, are served. You can also pair the dishes with traditional liquors. Address 서울시종로구새문안로 2 길 10 10, Saemunan-ro 2-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-512-0803 Menu 한상차림 Set menu 98,000 Hours 11:30-15;00, 18:00-22:00 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays Address 서울시종로구평창 30 길 28 28, Pyeongchang 30-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-3217-1090 Menu 하늘코스 Sky course 55,000 달코스 Moon course 77,000 Hours 11:30-15:00, 17:00-22:30 0 dooreyoo 한식 Korean 24 25

라연 La Yeon 한식 Korean 06 레스토랑온지음 ONJIUM 07 한식 Korean 전국각지에서엄선한식재료로차린한식파인다이닝을맛볼수있다. 신라호텔 30 여년 경력의김성일총괄셰프가이끄는맛의깊이를비롯해우아한기물, 기품있는담음새, 호텔 23 층이선사하는남산경관, 섬세한서비스등이뛰어난식사경험을선사한다. 고조리서와지역의반가중심으로이어오는조리법을재현하는데그치지않고현대적으로계승한요리를맛볼수있다. 전통문화연구소온지음에서운영하는한식다이닝으로조선왕조궁중음식이수자인조은희방장과박성배선임셰프가감동이담긴한식을선보인다. Experience Korean fine dining that serves dishes made with strictly selected ingredients from all regions of Korea. Deep flavors made by executive chef Kim Seong-il with 30 years of experience in The Shilla Seoul, elegant decorations, luxury plating, the view of Namsan Mountain from the 23rd floor above the ground, and exquisite hospitality will offer you an unforgettable dining experience. It not only recreates the recipes from ancient manuscripts and recipes from regional noble families but also adds new flavors to traditional dishes for today s modern cuisine. This is the Korean dining restaurant run by Onjium, a research institute of traditional Korean culture. Executive chef Cho Eun-hee and senior chef Park Sung-bae, who have studied the royal cuisine of the Joseon Dynasty, are in charge of the kitchen. Address 서울시중구동호로 249, 서울신라호텔 23 층 23F, The Shilla Seoul, 249, Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-2230-3367 Menu 점심코스 Lunch course 109,000-199,000 저녁코스 Dinner course 198,000-280,000 Hours 12:00-14:30, 18:00-22:00 www.shilla.net Address 서울시종로구효자로 49, 4 층 4F, 49, Hyoja-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-6952-0024 Menu 점심 Lunch 110,000 저녁 Dinner 176,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 월요일 주말휴무 Closed on Mondays & Weekends 0 onjium_restaurant 한식 Korean 26 27

마포옥 Mapo-ok 08 전통한식 Traditional Korean 묘미 Myomi 모던한식 Modern Korean 09 서울시미래유산으로지정된설렁탕전문점. 1949 년부터이어온세월만큼오랜내공이 빚어내는국물과김치맛이일품이다. 특히국물이맑은마포식설렁탕은깊은감칠맛이 일품이고, 한우차돌을넣어고아낸차돌탕은담백하고깔끔하다. 김정묵셰프가이끄는한식파인다이닝레스토랑. 전통한식의조리법을토대로계절성, 심플함이라는셰프의철학이반영된컨템퍼러리퀴진이 미묘한흥취 를이끌어낸다. 창덕궁이내려다보이는운치도빠질수없는이곳의매력이다. A restaurant designated as a Seoul Future Heritage that specializes in seolleongtang (ox bone soup). The long years of service since 1949 shines in its deep flavors of soup and kimchi. The Mapo-style seolleongtang with clear broth offers you a deep umami, while the beef brisket soup made with Korean beef brisket will satisfy you with its plain and neat flavor. Address 서울시마포구토정로 312 312, Tojeong-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul Tel 02-716-6661 Menu 양지설렁탕 Yangji seolleongtang 15,000 차돌탕 Beef brisket soup 25,000 Hours 07:00-21:00 A Korean fine dining restaurnt run by chef Kim Jeong-mook. Contemporary cuisine that reflects the philosophy of the chef; seasonality and simplicity, built upon the traditional Korean recipes, will draw out delicate pleasures for you. Another charm of this place that you cannot miss is the elegant view over Changdeokgung Palace. Address 서울시종로구율곡로 83, 5 층 5F, 83, Yulgok-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-515-8088 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 100,000 디너코스 Dinner course 180,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 myomi_seoul 한식 Korean 28 29

물고기주택 Mulgogi house 10 전통한식 Traditional Korean 밍글스 Mingles 11 모던한식 Modern Korean 삼각지에위치한생선회전문점. 매일새벽노량진수산물도매시장에서수급한활어를 사용해매우신선한모둠회를맛볼수있다. 계절마다다양한제철생선을선보이는 덕분에사계절내내두툼하고쫄깃한식감의회를한접시가득풍성하게즐길수있다. 제철의가장맛있는식재료를엄선해한식기반창작요리를선보이는강민구셰프의파인 다이닝레스토랑. 한국의다양한발효채소를활용하되창의적인조합을통해익숙한 재료의새로운맛을선보인다. 해가갈수록깊이를더해간다는평을받고있다. A sliced raw fish specialty restaurant located in Samgakji. It uses fresh fish from Noryangjin Fisheries Wholesale Market every morning to serve extremely fresh assorted sliced raw fish. Thanks to its diligence to serve various seasonal fish, you will enjoy a plateful of thick and chewy sliced raw fish in all four seasons. A fine dining restaurant by chef Kang Min-gu who presents Korean cuisine-based creative dishes made with the best ingredients of the season. He uses various fermented vegetables and combines them in creative ways to create new flavors from familiar ingredients. It is praised for having added depth to its food as the years go by. Address 서울시용산구한강대로 48 길 19 19, Hangang-daero 48-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 010-8857-8713 Menu 주택모둠회 ( 소 ) Assorted sliced raw fish (small) 70,000 물주스페셜 ( 소 ) Mulju special (small) 100,000 Hours 14:00-23:00 0 mulgogi_house Address 서울시강남구도산대로 67 길 19 19, Dosan-daero 67-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-515-7306 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 125,000 디너코스 Dinner course 220,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:30 0 mingles_restaurant 한식 Korean 30 31

반기다 bangida 12 모던한식 Modern Korean 비채나 Bicena 13 모던한식 Modern Korean 서울의핫플레이스, 익선동에위치한퓨전한식레스토랑. < 라연 > 출신박성윤셰프가 한식적인요소를더한퓨전메뉴를재기발랄하게차려낸다. 식전주가흥미로우며, 제철 나물과특제간장양념으로만든아보카도명란가지비빔밥등이시그너처메뉴다. 잠실롯데월드타워 81 층에위치해서울이한눈에내려다보이는절경과함께정갈한한식 코스를즐길수있는곳. 전광식총괄셰프가제철재료를이용해잊혀가는향토음식을 재해석한, 소담하면서도고유의멋을지킨한식코스로풀어낸다. A fusion Korean restaurant located in Ikseon-dong, the hot place of Seoul. Chef Park Seong-yun who worked in La Yeon presents unique fusion menus added with flavors of Korean cuisine. It has interesting apéritif and the signature menu is eggplant bibimbap with seasonal vegetables, special soy sauce, avocado, and pollack roe. A place to enjoy neat Korean courses with a view over Seoul on the 81st floor of Jamsil Lotte World Tower. Executive chef Jeon Kwang-sik uses seasonal ingredients to serve Korean course menus that are reinterpretation of forgotten regional dishes in delicious yet traditionally stylish way. Address 서울시종로구돈화문로 11 다길 51, 1 층 1F, 51, Donhwamun-ro 11da-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-6408-6511 Menu A 세트메뉴 A Set menu 25,000 아보카도명란가지비빔밥 Eggplant bibimbap with avocado and pollack roe 14,000 Hours 평일 Weekdays 11:30-15:00, 17:00-21:30 주말 Weekends 11:30-21:30 0 bangida_ikseon Address 서울시송파구올림픽로 300, 롯데월드타워 81 층 81F, 300, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul Tel 02-1811-1870 Menu 산천코스 ( 주중점심 ) Sancheon course (weekday lunch) 77,000 일월코스 ( 주중저녁 ) Irwol course (weekend dinner) 160,000 Hours 11:30-14:30, 18:00-22:00 0 bicena_seoul 한식 Korean 32 33

세븐스도어 7th Door 14 모던한식 Modern Korean 발효와숙성을테마로김대천셰프가한식기반의창작요리를선보이는파인다이닝 레스토랑. 산지에서공급받은제철식재료와길게는 10 년이상담근발효식품이요리의 맛을더한다. 소규모바테이블에서마치공연을보는듯한미식경험을가질수있다. A fine dining restaurant run by chef Kim Dae-cheon where you will be served with Korean cuisine-based creative dishes with the theme of fermentation and aging. Fermented foods made from up to 10 years of storage and seasonally delivered ingredients add the deep flavor to the dishes. You can have a culinary experience like watching a performance at a small bar table. Address 서울시강남구학동로 97 길 41 41, Hakdong-ro 97-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 010-9660-3011 Menu 런치메뉴 Lunch menu 120,000-160,000 디너메뉴 Dinner menu 250,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 7thdoor_official 한식 Korean 34 35

소설한남 SOSEOUL hannam 15 모던한식 Modern Korean 수퍼판 Super Pan 한식 Korean 16 15 년넘게한식에전념해온엄태철셰프가현대적인상상력을가미한한식요리들을 한편의소설처럼선보이는파인다이닝레스토랑. 요리뿐아니라기물, 공간등에서 모던하면서도여유와풍류가깃든현대적인감각을종합적으로경험할수있다. 2 대서울토박이였던친정어머니의손맛을물려받아 가정식요리선생님 으로명성을 얻은우정욱셰프가이끄는퓨전한식비스트로. 메뉴는와인과페어링하기좋은한식 기반의다국적퀴진으로, 가정식스타일로풀어낸것이특징이다. Chef Eom Tae-chul, who has been dedicating his career to Korean cuisine, presents his dishes with a touch of modern imagination like a novel in this fine dining restaurant. You will have an integrated experience of gastronomy along with a modern, relaxed, and stylish decorations and interior design. A fusion Korean bistro run by chef Woo Jeong-wook who is also known as the master chef of home cooked meals thanks to the knack for food she inherited from her mother, a second-generation Seoulite. Taste the Korean-based multi-national cuisine in home meal style that are great to be paired with wine. Address 서울시용산구한남대로 20 길 21-18, 지하 1 층 B1F, Building B, 21-18, Hannam-daero 20-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 02-797-5995 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 85,000 디너코스 Dinner course 150,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 soseoul_hannam Address 서울시강남구논현로 167 길 15 15, Nonhyeon-ro 167-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-515-3848 Menu 서리태마스카포네치즈 Black soybean mascarpone cheese 15,000 업진살수육 Boiled short plate 52,000 Hours 11:30-14:00, 17:30-22:00 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays 0 superpan_seoul 한식 Korean 36 37

스와니예 SOIGNÉ 17 모던한식 Modern Korean 우래옥 Woo Lae Oak 18 전통한식 Traditional Korean 이준셰프의정교한 서울퀴진 을맛볼수있다. 전통과현대, 다양한문화가뒤섞인서울처럼고조리서부터프렌치조리법까지넘나들며제철을담은컨템퍼러리퀴진을선보인다. 와인페어링시에는구글어스를통해와인산지를한눈에여행하는등복합적인미식경험을추구한다. 서울에서가장오래된평양냉면전문점. 평양에서유명한냉면집 < 명월관 > 을운영하던 창업주장원일이월남해 1946 년을지로에개업한뒤 3 대째이어져오고있다. 툭툭끊기는 메밀면과진한육향으로 1 년내내문전성시를이룬다. It is a restaurant run by chef Lee Jun famous for its refined Seoul Cuisine. Like Seoul where traditions, modernity, and diverse cultures melt into one pot, it offers contemporary cuisine made with seasonal ingredients from ancient recipes to French styles. When paring its dishes with wine, you will be served to have a complex culinary experience that will make you feel as if visiting the wineries from other country. An oldest Pyeongyang cold buckwheat noodles restaurant in Seoul. Jang Won-il, the founder of Myeongwolgwan, a famous cold buckwheat noodles restaurant in Pyeongyang, came south and opened the restaurant in 1946 in Eulji-ro. Since then, the business has been passing down for three generations. Buckwheat noodles that easily break and deep aroma of meat broth attract visitors all year round. Address 서울시서초구반포대로 39 길 46, 지하 1 층 B1F, 46, Banpo-daero 39-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul Tel 02-3477-9386 Menu 런치 Lunch 98,000 디너 Dinner 185,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 0 soigneseoul Address 서울시중구창경궁로 62-29 62-29, Changgyeonggung-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-2265-0151 Menu 평양냉면 Pyeongyang naengmyeon 14,000 불고기 Bulgogi 37,000 Hours 11:30-21:30 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 한식 Korean 38 39

정식당 모던한식 Modern Korean JUNGSIKDANG 19 주옥 Joo Ok 모던한식 Modern Korean 20 뉴코리안 이라는새로운장르를개척한임정식셰프가서울과뉴욕에서동시에선보이는 모던한식파인다이닝레스토랑. 시그너처인김밥, 비빔밥, 구절판등익숙한한식 요리조차독특하고맛있게재해석해내는재기발랄한감각이돋보인다. 전국방방곡곡의제철식재료와전통장, 발효양념의조합으로가장한국적인맛을 연구해온신창호셰프의모던코리안다이닝. 직접만들어사용하는천연발효식초와 들기름은이곳만의비법재료로, 미식가들사이에서정평이난명품요리의조연이다. A modern Korean fine dining restaurant that opened in Seoul and New York by chef Yim Jeong-sik who pioneered a new culinary genre of New Korean. The place turns even familiar Korean dishes into extraordinary gastronomic delights, such as gimbap, bibimbap, and gujeolpan, offering unique course meals reinterpreted from familiar Korean dishes. A modern Korean dining by chef Shin Chang-ho who has been studying to create the most Korean flavors by mixing seasonal ingredients, traditional sauces, and fermented sauces from all corners of Korea. The home-made natural fermented vinegar and perilla oil are the secret ingredients of the restaurant which add delicate flavor to the premium dishes. Address 서울시강남구선릉로 158 길 11 11, Seolleung-ro 158-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-517-4654 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 98,000-185,000 디너코스 Dinner course 155,000-230,000 Hours 평일 Weekdays 12:00-15:00, 17:30-22:30 주말 Weekends 11:00-17:00, 17:30-24:00 0 jungsik_inc Address 서울시중구소공로 119, 더플라자호텔 3 층 3F, The Plaza Hotel, 119, Sogong-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-518-9393 Menu 주옥점심코스 Joo Ok lunch course 120,000 주옥저녁코스 Joo Ok dinner course 200,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-21:30 월요일휴무 ( 임시 ) Closed on Mondays (temporary) 0 joook_seoul 한식 Korean 40 40 40 41

지화자 jihwaja 한식 Korean 21 진미평양냉면 22 전통한식 Traditional Korean Jinmi Pyeongyang naengmyeon 조선왕조궁중음식기능보유자이자무형문화재로지정된고 ( 故 ) 황혜성교수가 1991 년 문을연궁중음식전문레스토랑. 인공조미료나첨가물없이천연재료로맛을내는궁중 조리법의원형을충실히재현한전통연희음식을접할수있다. 임세권셰프의 20 년노하우가녹아든평양냉면전문점. 담백한육향의육수와탄력있는 메밀면이조화로운냉면은깔끔한감칠맛이일품이다. 편육, 불고기같은사이드메뉴를 비롯해접시만두와어복쟁반등다양한이북음식을맛볼수있다. Opened in 1991 by the late prof. Hwang Hye-seong, the master of Joseon Dynasty royal cuisine and National Intangible Cultural Heritage, it is a restaurant that specializes in Korean royal cuisine. You can taste authentic dishes from royal feasts that create flavors with natural ingredients only without adding any artificial flavorings. A Pyeongyang cold buckwheat noodles restaurant with 20 years of know-how that chef Lim Se-kwon gained through his career. The clean and savory meat broth and chewy buckwheat noodles offer amazing umami. You can taste various North Korean dishes including mandu and boiled meat slices hot pot as well as side menus such as boiled pork slices and bulgogi. Address 서울시종로구자하문로 125 125, Jahamun-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-2269-5834 Menu 풀코스 Full course 120,000-180,000 세트메뉴 Set menu 80,000 Hours 11:30-15:00, 17:30-21:30 화요일휴무 Closed on Tuesdays 0 jihwajaseoul Address 서울시강남구학동로 305-3 305-3, Hakdong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-515-3469 Menu 냉면 Naengmyeon 12,000 접시만두 Mandu 12,000 Hours 11:00-21:30 한식 Korean 42 43

효도치킨 hyodo chicken 23 전통한식 Traditional Korean 모던한식을이끄는 < 밍글스 > 와 < 주옥 > 의두스타셰프가의기투합해만든치킨브랜드. 바삭한튀김옷과직접개발한특제양념을사용하는것이특징이다. 한식대표반찬인 꽈리고추멸치볶음에서영감을받은효도꽈리멸치킨이시그너처메뉴다. The two star chefs of Mingles and Joo Ok who lead the modern Korean cuisine joined and created a fried chicken brand. A crispy batter and a uniquely developed special sauce are some of the characteristics of this restaurant. The signature menu is Hyodo Kkwarimyeol Chicken that is inspired by stir-fried shishito peppers and dried anchovies, one of the representative Korean side dishes. Address 서울시용산구대사관로 20 20, Daesagwan-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 02-792-0628 Menu 효도꽈리멸치킨 Hyodo kkwarimyeol chicken 19,000 꼬뱅이 Kkobaengi 23,000 Hours 11:30-23:30 0 hyodochicken 한식 Korean 44 45

Asian 아시안 도림 TOH LIM 따뚱 BY 허우大董 BY 侯 모모야마 MOMOYAMA 미토우 Mitou 소이연남마오 Soi Yeonnam-Mao 수아에피스 X 크레이지타이 SOIE ET EPICE X CRAZY THAI 스시조 Sushi Cho 아리아께 Ariake 아이뽀유 I PHO U 이자카야로바다야카덴 IZAKAYA LOBATAYA CADEN 진진津津 코슌 KO-SHUN 코지마 Kojima 팔레드신 PALAIS DE CHINE 팔선八仙 플레이버타운 FLAVOUR TOWN 홍연 HONG YUAN

도림 TOH LIM 중식 Chinese 24 따뚱 BY 허우 大董 BY 侯 25 중식 Chinese 신라호텔 < 팔선 > 에서 24 년간근무한여경옥총괄셰프가이끄는롯데호텔서울의중식 레스토랑. 정교한조리기법을통해광둥 베이징식요리의정통성을유지하되, 창의력을 가미한요리를선보인다. 북한산과서울시내가한눈에들어오는절경또한압권이다. 중식의대가후덕죽마스터셰프의손맛을느낄수있는중식당. 특히불도장의명인으로 불릴만큼셰프의시그너처인불도장을비롯해베이징덕, 샥스핀등고급중식요리를 식재료본연의맛을살려몰입감높게선보인다. A Chinese restaurant in Lotte Hotel Seoul that is led by executive chef Yeo Kyung-ok who worked in Palsun in The Shilla Seoul for 24 years. They keep the traditional recipes of Cantonese and Beijing cuisines with refined cooking methods while adding creative touches to them. The view from the restaurant that overlooks Bukhansan Mountain and Seoul s cityscape is also one of the highlighting feature of the place. Address 서울시중구을지로 30, 롯데호텔서울메인타워 37 층 37F, Main Tower of Lotte Hotel Seoul, 30, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-317-7101 Menu 단품메뉴 A la carte 22,000-200,000 코스메뉴 ( 런치, 디너 ) Course menu 89,000-195,000 (lunch), 115,000-450,000 (dinner) Hours 11:30-14:30, 18:00-22:00 아시안 Asian www.lottehotel.com A Chinese restaurant where you can taste the touch of the chef Hou De zhu, a master of Chinese cuisine. You will be immersed in the chef s signature premium dishes such as Buddha s temptation, beijing duck and shark fin which all boast the original flavors of the ingredients. Address 서울시서초구강남대로 107 길 6, 더리버사이드호텔본관 2 층 2F, main building of The Riverside Hotel, 6, Gangnam-daero 107-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul Tel 02-6710-1888 Menu 베이징덕 ( 북경오리 ) Beijing duck 105,000 따뚱스페셜특선 6 종코스 ( 베이징덕, 불도장, 샥스핀포함코스 ) Dda Ddung special 6 course menu (Beijing duck, Buddha s temptation, Shark fin included) 115,000 Hours 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00 www.riversidehotel.co.kr 48 49

모모야마 MOMOYAMA 일식 Japanese 26 미토우 Mitou 일식 Japanese 27 일찍이 오마카세 문화를알리기시작한근원지중한곳으로꼽힌다. 롯데호텔서울 38 층에서바라보는서울강북의스카이라인과함께즐기는스시오마카세가일품이다. 또한김기택셰프의내공있는가이세키요리와 40 여종의사케페어링도즐겁다. 권영운, 김보미듀오셰프가정교한가이세키오마카세를펼친다. 다층적인맛의레이어를 가진 딸기모나카 처럼흥미로운젠사이 ( 오토오시 ) 부터계절의풍류를담은핫슨과 정성스런도메완에이르기까지, 진중한자세로완성도높은요리를선보인다. It is known as the origin where the omakase culture began to spread in Korea. Enjoy amazing sushi omakase while enjoying the view over the skylines of Gangbuk on the 38th floor of Lotte Hotel Seoul. 40 types of sake to pair with Kaiseki dishes will also excite your tastebuds. Chef Kwon Young-woon and Kim Bo-mi presents the finest kaiseki omakase. The restaurant offers quality dishes such as zensai (otoshi) like the strawberry monaka that has many layers of flavors, hassun with seasonal taste, and carefully prepared tomewan. Address 서울시중구을지로 30, 롯데호텔서울메인타워 38 층 38F, Main Tower of Lotte Hotel Seoul, 30, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-317-7031 Menu 단품메뉴 A la carte 40,000-350,000 코스메뉴 Course menu 130,000-280,000 Hours 11:30-14:30, 18:00-22:00 www.lottehotel.com Address 서울시강남구논현로 151 길 17 17, Nonhyeon-ro 151-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 010-7286-9914 Menu 단일코스 Single course 180,000 Hours 18:00-22:00 월요일휴무, 월 2 회일요일휴무 Closed on Mondays Closed twice a month on Sundays 0 mitouseoul 아시안 Asian 50 51

소이연남마오 Soi Yeonnam-Mao 28 타이 Thai 29 수아에피스 X 크레이지타이 SOIE ET EPICE X CRAZY THAI 타이 Thai 국내에서타이음식대중화에앞장서온임동혁대표의타이비스트로. 맛깔스러운 타이음식과다양한맥주와내추럴와인을즐길수있다. 태국어간판의외관부터, 내부 소품까지태국현지인듯연출한공간이매력적이다. 파리의타이레스토랑 < 실크앤스파이스 > 가한국에첫번째로낸타이전문식당 < 수아에피스 > 가최근위층의 < 크레이지타이 > 와합치며확장했다. 신선한채소와수제 양념을사용한감각적메뉴, 직접개발한수제막걸리와의이색페어링을즐길수있다. A Thai bistro of CEO Lim Dong-hyuk who has made Thai food popular in Korea. The restaurant offers delicious Thai dishes along with various beers and natural wine. From the exterior of the signboard written in Thai to the interior props, the place has been decorated to make you feel as if you are in Thailand. Thai restaurant SOIE ET EPICE, the first Thai restaurant launched in Korea by Silk & Spice in Paris, recently joined with CRAZY THAI located one floor above. Sensual menus with fresh vegetables and handmade condiments and the house-brewed, handmade makgeolli (unrefined rice wine) will excite your taste buds. Address 서울시강남구도산대로 53 길 30 30, Dosan-daero 53-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-545-5130 Menu 꿍팟퐁커리 Kung pad pong curry 32,000 똠얌꿍 Tom yum kung 25,000 Hours 11:30-15:00, 17:00-22:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 soi_mao Address 서울시강남구선릉로 157 길 27 27, Seolleung-ro 157-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-548-2191 Menu 뿌팟퐁커리 Pu pad pong curry 24,000 팟카파오무 Pad krapow moo 13,000 Hours 11:00-22:00 아시안 Asian 52 53

스시조 Sushi Cho 일식 Japanese 30 아리아께 Ariake 일식 Japanese 31 도쿄의유명스시야 < 큐베 > 출신의일본인수석셰프가총괄하는수준높은스시오마카세를선보이는웨스틴조선서울의일식당. 와사비, 전복내장소스등요리의기본부터뛰어나다는평을받는다. 강원양양군에서직송한이꾸라 ( 연어알 ) 등신선한국내산식재료도적극활용한다. 스시명인모리타조리장이이끄는서울신라호텔의일식당이다. 국내최초로숙성스시를 선보인유명스시바로서수많은일식레스토랑이생겨나는가운데도각지의엄선된 식재료와기본에충실한맛을인정받고있다. A Japanese restaurant in the Westin Josun Seoul that serves quality sushi omakase by the Japanese executive chef who worked in Kyubey, a famous sushi restaurant in Tokyo. It is recognized for its wasabi and abalone entrails sauce. Fresh Korean ingredients such as salmon roe are also used in their dishes. It is a Japanese restaurant in The Shilla Seoul that is led by master sushi chef Morita. It is the first sushi bar that introduced aged sushi in Korea. The restaurant is recognized for being faithful to the basics and its strictly chosen ingredients amid new Japanese restaurants that spring up everywhere. Address 서울시중구소공로 106, 웨스틴조선서울 20 층 20F, Westin Josun Seoul, 106, Sogong-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-317-0373 Menu 아시안 Asian 스시조조리장특선프리미엄모둠생선회 Shushi Cho chef s special premium assorted sashimi 320,000 스시조조리장특선프리미엄모둠스시 Shushi Cho chef s special premium assorted sushi 135,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 17:30-22:00 0 thewestinjosunseoul Address 서울시중구동호로 249, 서울신라호텔 2 층 2F, The Shilla Seoul, 249, Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-2230-3356 Menu 사치스시코스 Sachi sushi course 205,000 조리장특선점심특별세트 ( 장어덮밥 ) Chef s special lunch set (stir-fried eel with rice) 125,000 Hours 12:00-14:30, 17:30-21:30 www.shilla.net 54 55

아이뽀유 I PHO U 32 모던베트남 Modern Vietnamese 33 이자카야로바다야카덴 IZAKAYA LOBATAYA CADEN 일식 Japanese 재기발랄한미감을뽐내는임정식셰프의베트남요리점. 다양한부위의소고기및 해산물로맛을내깊으면서도개운한국물맛의창작포가입맛을사로잡는다. 그외볶음밥, 샐러드, 그릴메뉴등와인과함께하면더욱좋은요리를선보인다. 디저트맛집이기도하다. 일본오사카 츠지조리사전문학교 를졸업한정호영셰프의일식전문점. 셰프의솜씨가 담긴섬세한맛의요리를만나볼수있다. 다양한종류의회를맛볼수있는모둠사시미가 이곳의대표메뉴다. A Vietnamese restaurant run by chef Yim Jung-sik who boasts his sense of art. A unique pho of deep and refreshing soup made with various beef cuts and seafood will enchant your palate. You will enjoy the dishes even more when pairing the fried rice, salad, and grill menus with wines. The place is also known for its great desserts. Address 서울시강남구도산대로 153, 안테룸호텔 1 층 1F, HOTEL ANTEROOM SEOUL, 153, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-517-4656 Menu 조개포 Shell pho 22,000 분짜 Bun cha 19,000 Hours 07:30-23:00 0 i_pho_u 아시안 Asian A Japanese restaurant run by chef Cheong Ho-young who graduated the Tsuji Culinary Institute in Osaka, Japan. The chef serves colorful and delicate dishes. Assorted sashimi where six types of sliced raw fish including octopus, ark shell, salmon, mackerel, tuna, and flatfish are served on a plate is a popular menu of the restaurant. Address 서울시서대문구연희로 173, 2 층 2F, 173, Yeonhui-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul Tel 02-3142-6362 Menu 모둠사시미 Assorted sashimi 45,000-63,000 옥돔구이 Grilled red tilefish 34,000 Hours 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays www.caden.co.kr 56 57

진진 津津 중식 Chinese 34 코슌 KO-SHUN 일식 Japanese 35 중화요리 40 년경력왕육성셰프가선보이는중국요리전문점. 수준높은멘보샤와 싱싱한활어를 24 시간숙성해쪄낸칭찡우럭이이곳의대표메뉴다. 정통중식의문턱을 낮춘합리적인가격대의메뉴들을두루만나볼수있다. 강남여러갓포요릿집주방을책임졌던천관웅셰프의야키토리전문점이다. 국내제철 식재료를활용한닭요리와창작숯불요리를선보인다. 차완무시, 모나카, 츠쿠네버거등 각종닭부위를창의적으로해석한메뉴가주를이룬다. A Chinese restaurant by chef Wang Yuk-sung with 40 years of experience in Chinese cuisine. The signature dishes are quality menbosha and steamed chingjjing rockfish which is steamed after aging fresh live fish for 24 hours. The reasonable price range, which has lowered the threshold of authentic Chinese food, also adds charm to the place. Address 서울시마포구잔다리로 123 123, Jandari-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul Tel 070-5035-8878 Menu 멘보샤 Menbosha 일반가 General 25,000, 회원가 Exclusive 20,000 칭찡우럭 Steamed chingjjing rockfish 일반가 General 39,000, 회원가 Exclusive 31,200 Hours 12:00-15:00, 17:00-21:00 www.jinjinseoul.modoo.at It is a yakitori restaurant run by chef Chun Kwan-woong who supervised many kappo restaurants in Gangnam. Diners will be served with creative charcoal dishes and chicken dishes cooked with seasonal Korean ingredients. Its main menus include chawanmushi, monaka, and tsukune burger, which are chicken dishes that have been creatively reinterpreted. Address 서울시강남구언주로 153 길 14, 2 층 2F, 14, Eonju-ro 153-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 010-7697-8729 Menu 오마카세 ( 단일 ) Omakase (single menu) 58,000 Hours 18:00-24:00 0 koshun03 아시안 Asian 58 59

코지마 Kojima 일식 Japanese 36 팔레드신 중식 Chinese PALAIS DE CHINE 37 박경재셰프의스시오마카세다이닝. 자연산해산물만고집하며서울일식의품격을한 단계높였다는평가를받는다. 전남신안군이고향인셰프의경험을바탕으로선보이는 노련한손맛이일품. 참다랑어눈꽃살을올린 시모후리 가유명하다. 홍콩의모던차이니스레스토랑 < 모트32> 의노하우와철학을담은광둥식메뉴를선보인다. 생후 42일의오리를시간과화덕으로맛을내촉촉한고기와바삭한껍질이일품인 베이징덕 이시그너처메뉴다. 1930년대상하이의화려함을담은공간도매력적이다. Sushi omakase dining by chef Park Kyung-jae. The place is known to have raised the class of Japanese restaurants in Seoul by one notch by insisting on using natural seafood only. It offers a combination of the experience of the chef whose hometown is Sinan-gun, Jeollanamdo and his delicate touch. Popular menus include shimofuri of Pacific bluefin tuna. The restaurant serves Cantonese dishes featuring the know-how and philosophy of Hong Kong s modern Chinese restaurant Mott32. The signature menu Beijing duck, created by cooking a 42-days old duck in a brazier, has succulent meat and crispy skin. The interior design also gives a splendid vibe of Shanghai in the 1930s. Address 서울시강남구압구정로 60 길 21, 6 층 6F, 21, Apgujeong-ro 60-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-2056-1291 Menu 런치오마카세 Lunch omakase 200,000 디너오마카세 Dinner omakase 380,000 Hours 12:00-14:30, 18:00-22:00 일요일휴무, 2 4 주월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays and 2nd/4th Mondays every month www.kojima.modoo.at Address 서울시중구퇴계로 67, 레스케이프호텔 6 층 6F, L Escape Hotel, 67, Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-317-4001 Menu 베이징덕 Beijing duck 140,000 신라소룡포 Shilla xiao long bao 18,000 Hours 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00 0 lescape_hotel 아시안 Asian 60 61

팔선 八仙 중식 Chinese 38 플레이버타운 FLAVOUR TOWN 39 중식 Chinese 국내중식계의계보를만들어가고있는서울신라호텔의중식당. 광둥과베이징출신조리사들이선보이는중국본토의맛을즐길수있다. 중국푸젠성지방최고급요리중하나인 불도장 이대표메뉴로상어지느러미, 해삼, 자연송이, 전복등귀한식재료로깊은맛을낸다. 홍콩, 호주, 마카오등세계곳곳에서경험을쌓은 2 명의셰프가중식베이스의아시안 요리를선보이는곳. 차이니스팬케이크에돼지목살과호이신소스를곁들인돼지목살 차슈부터동파육스타일의족발튀김등개성있는메뉴가가득하다. A Chinese restaurant of The Shilla Seoul that leads the Chinese dining in Korea. Enjoy the taste of mainland China presented by chefs from Canton and Beijing. Popular dishes include Buddha s temptation, one of the high-end dishes in Fujian Province, China. Precious ingredients such as shark fins, sea cucumbers, wild pine mushrooms and abalone create rich flavor. Address 서울시중구동호로 249, 서울신라호텔 2 층 2F, The Shilla Seoul, 249, Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-2230-3366 Menu 불도장 Buddha s temptation 158,000 베이징덕 Beijing duck 159,000 Hours 12:00-14:30, 17:30-21:30 아시안 Asian www.shilla.net A restaurant where Chinese-based Asian dishes are served by two chefs who have built their career in Hong Kong, Australia, Macau, etc. Pork neck char siu on Chinese pancake seasoned with hoisin sauce and fried jokbal (braised pigs feet) are just some of its popular menus. Address 서울시성동구서울숲 4 길 18-7 18-7, Seoulsup 4-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul Tel 02-469-9954 Menu 족발튀김 Fried jokbal 17,000 황제커리 Emperor s curry 반마리 Half 52,000, 한마리 One 98,000 Hours 평일 Weekdays 16:00-22:00, 토요일 Saturday 15:30-22:00 일요일 Sunday 12:00-21:00 수요일휴무 Closed on Wednesdays 0 flavourtownseoul 62 63

홍연 중식 Chinese HONG YUAN 40 서울의빠른미식트렌드에도불구하고한결같은퀄리티의중식당으로손꼽히는곳. 해산물, 두부, 채소중심의조화로운광둥식요리를선보인다. 특히진귀한해산물과함께진한 송이버섯의향을담은불도장으로유명하다. 우아한분위기에서즐기는럭셔리정찬. Despite the fast-changing culinary trend of Seoul, this Chinese restaurant is recognized for its consistent quality. They serve Cantonese dishes that harmonizes seafood, tofu, and vegetables. Buddha s Temptation that is packed with rare seafood and rich flavor of pine mushrooms is a popular menu. Enjoy a luxury dining in an elegant mood. Address 서울시중구소공로 106, 웨스틴조선서울지하 1 층 B1F, Westin Josun Seoul, 106, Sogong-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-317-0494 Menu 런치코스 ( 자금성 ) Lunch course (The Forbidden City) 120,000 디너코스 ( 주작 ) Dinner course (Phoenix) 150,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 0 thewestinjosunseoul 아시안 Asian 64 65

Western 양식 다로베 DAROBE 더그린테이블 The Green Table 디템포레 De tempore 라망시크레 L Amant Secret 라모라 LA MORRA 레스쁘아뒤이부 L Espoir du Hibou 레스토랑오와이 Restaurant OY 레스토랑온 RESTAURANT ON 르비스트로남산 Le bistro namsan 마장동호랑이 majangdong tiger 모수서울 MOSU 모스꼬라 Mozkorra 무오키 MUOKI 바위파스타바 bawi pasta bar 보르고한남 BORGO HANNAM 보트르메종 Votre Maison 볼라레 Volare 알라프리마 alla prima 에빗 EVETT 일무레또 ilmuretto 제로컴플렉스 ZERO COMPLEX 콘티넨탈 Continental 파씨오네 passionne 페리지 PERIGEE 폴스다이너 Paul s Diner

다로베 DAROBE 이탤리언 Italian 41 더그린테이블 The Green Table 42 코리안프렌치 Korean French 강우석셰프의나폴리피자전문피체리아. 이탈리아에서직접주문제작한화덕에서 시그너처메뉴인 다로베피자 를구워낸다. 피자이외에도좋은식재료가물씬느껴지는 이탤리언요리와함께맛과분위기가유쾌한식사경험을제공한다. 한국의계절을우아하게담은컨템퍼러리다이닝을즐길수있다. 김은희셰프가가족 농장을비롯해계절마다텃밭에서자란제철채소와허브를적극적으로활용, 프렌치 베이스이지만한국의자연과맛을적극적으로반영한섬세한요리를선보인다. Chef Kang Woo-seok s Neapolitan pizzeria. The chef bakes Darobe pizza, the signature menu of the restaurant in a pizza oven that has been custom-ordered from Italy. You will have a pleasant dining experience with great Italian dishes in a great atmosphere. You will enjoy contemporary dining experience with the elegance of Korean seasons. Chef Kim Eun-hee uses seasonal vegetables and herbs grown in her family s farms and gardens, presenting diners with delicate French-based and Korean-inspired dishes. Address 서울시강남구선릉로 757, 1 층 1F, 757, Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-3445-3666 Menu 다로베 Darobe 26,000 라구 Ragù 26,000 Hours 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00 0 pizzeria_darobe 양식 Western Address 서울시강남구선릉로 155 길 13, 2 층 2F, 13, Seolleung-ro 155-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-591-2672 Menu 계절런치코스 Seasonal lunch course 85,000 계절디너코스 Seasonal dinner course 150,000 Hours 평일 Weekdays 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 일요일 Sunday 12:00-15:00, 18:00-21:30 화요일휴무 Closed on Tuesdays 0 the_greentable 68 69

디템포레 De tempore 프렌치 French 43 라망시크레 L Amant Secret 프렌치 French 44 한때성수동 < 렁팡스 > 의주방을이끌었던김태민셰프의한남동네오비스트로. 한국의 로컬식재료로담아낸조금특별한프렌치코스를내추럴와인과즐길수있으며누구나 쉽게방문할수있는레스토랑을표방하는곳이다. 레스케이프호텔의컨템퍼러리프렌치레스토랑. 미국유수의레스토랑에서경력을쌓은손종원셰프가로컬식재료를활용한창의적인 서울퀴진 을선보이며호평을받고있다. 비밀연인 이라는상호처럼레드톤의인테리어가강렬하면서도로맨틱한분위기를자아낸다. A neo bistro in Hannam-dong by chef Kim Tae-min who once led the kitchen of L enfance in Seongsu-dong. Diners can enjoy special French courses made with Korean ingredients paired with natural wines. It aims to be a restaurant that welcomes everyone. A contemporary French restaurant of L Escape Hotel. Chef Son Jong-won who built his career in prominent restaurants in the U.S. offers creative Seoul cuisine made with local ingredients. Just like the name of the restaurant that means a secret lover, the interior decorated in red will strike you hard while leaving a romantic vibe. Address 서울시용산구한남대로 37 37, Hannamdae-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 070-4848-6359 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 55,000 디너코스 Dinner course 85,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:30 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 detempore_neobistro Address 서울시중구퇴계로 67, 레스케이프호텔 26 층 26F, L Escape Hotel, 67, Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-317-4003 Menu 런치셰프테이스팅 Chef s lunch tasting course 110,000 디너셰프테이스팅 Chef s dinner tasting course 180,000 Hours 평일 Weekdays 12:00-22:00, 토요일 Saturday 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 일요일 Sunday 12:00-15:00 0 lamant_secret 양식 Western 70 71

라모라 LA MORRA 이탤리언 Italian 45 서래마을의작은골목안에서이탈리아각지방요리와와인페어링을경험할수있는 이탤리언레스토랑. 소믈리에와셰프형제가운영하는업장답게개성있는와인페어링 메뉴를선보인다. 와인바에뒤지지않을만큼충실한와인리스트가매력적이다. It is an Italian restaurant, located in a small alleyway of Seorae Village, where you can meet regional Italian dishes paired with wines. As it is run by two brothers, a sommelier and a chef, you will find its wine list full of uniqueness. It has a charming wine list that is not second to any wine bar. Address 서울시서초구동광로 39 길 50, 2 층 2F, 50, Donggwang-ro 39-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul Tel 02-595-3997 Menu 폴포 ( 문어구이 ) Polpo (grilled octopus) 35,000 모렐버섯파스타 Morel mushroom pasta 49,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays lamorra.modoo.at 양식 Western 72 73

레스쁘아뒤이부 L Espoir du Hibou 46 프렌치 French 레스토랑오와이 Restaurant OY 47 프렌치 French 파리에서즐기는듯한클래식프렌치감성의요리와식사경험을즐길수있다. 프랑스 현지의맛과크게다르지않은요리로대접하고싶다는임기학셰프는유행에흔들리지 않는클래식프렌치를고수한다. 에스카르고, 푸아그라등이꾸준한인기메뉴다. 셰프부부가운영하는프렌치레스토랑. 프랑스미쉐린레스토랑에서경력을쌓은오세훈 세프가메인요리를, 파리르코르동블루출신의윤아영셰프가디저트를선보인다. 작년에 오픈했지만오랜경력이담긴안정된맛과와인서비스가돋보인다는평을받고있다. Enjoy the classic French cuisines and dining experience like in Paris. Having a vision to serve French dishes that taste just like the ones you can taste in France, Chef Lim Ki-hak insists on creating classic French dishes without following the trends. Escargot and foie gras are steady sellers of the restaurant. Address 서울시강남구선릉로 152 길 33 33, Seolleung-ro 152-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-517-6034 Menu 어니언수프 Onion soup 14,000-16,000 다꽁퓌 De Confit 48,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 화요일휴무 Closed on Tuesdays 0 lespoirduhibou 양식 Western A French restaurant run by a married chef couple. Chef Oh Se-hun who built his career in a Michelin starred restaurant in France takes up the role of the main chef while chef Yun Ah-young who studied at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris prepares desserts. Opened last year, this restaurant is being recognized for its consistent tastes and wine service that proves chefs years of experience. Address 서울시강남구선릉로 148 번길 48-12, 1 층 1F, 48-12, Seolleung-ro 148-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-515-7250 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 60,000 디너코스 Dinner course 130,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 restaurant_oy 74 75

레스토랑온 RESTAURANT ON 48 프렌치 French 르비스트로남산 Le bistro namsan 49 프렌치 French 국내 1 세대프렌치셰프로꼽히는서승호셰프의수제자, 김준형셰프의컨템퍼러리프렌치 레스토랑이다. 한국제철식재료를이용한수준높은프렌치요리를프라이빗한공간에서 경험할수있다. 토마토와자몽을정교하게조리한루비자몽은대표적인채소메뉴다. 남산이바라보이는해방촌골목에자리한프렌치비스트로. 14 년간프랑스에서요리를 공부하고경력을쌓은박영미셰프가현지에서의오랜경험을클래식한맛으로풀어낸다. 현지인이더인정하는프렌치레스토랑으로와인리스트도탄탄하다. A contemporary French restaurant by chef Kim Jun-hyeong, the best pupil of chef Seo Seung-ho who is one of the first-generation French chefs in Korea. Experience highquality French dishes made with seasonal Korean ingredients in a private room. Ruby Grapefruit, a dish made with finely cooked tomato and grapefruit, is the restaurant s representative vegetable dish. Address 서울시강남구도산대로 92 길 42, 지하 1 층 B1F, 42, Dosan-daero 92-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-547-0467 Menu 코스 B B course 132,000 최상위코스 C Top premium C course 165,000 Hours 12:00-22:00 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 restaurant_on 양식 Western A French bistro nestled in the alleyways of Haebangchon that faces Namsan Mountain. Chef Park Young-mi who studied culinary art for 14 years in France presents classical tastes that she learned in the home of the cuisine. It is a French restaurant that even the French recommend. You will find a superb wine list here as well. Address 서울시용산구신흥로 25, 1 층 1F, 25, Sinheung-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 02-6465-9293 Menu 오리가슴살스테이크 Duck breast steak 36,000 프랑스식샤퀴테리플래터 French Charcuterie platter 40,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:30-12:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 lebistronamsan 76 77

마장동호랑이 majangdong tiger 50 프렌치 French 모수서울 MOSU 51 이노베이티브 Innovative 편안한분위기의프렌치비스트로겸와인숍으로와인페어링이탁월하다. 국제와인품평회의심사위원이기도한전문가가엄선한주류는내추럴와인부터프리미엄전통주까지폭이넓다. 무엇보다한동네인마장동시장에서사온고기를구워주는서비스는이곳만의차별점이다. 미국샌프란시스코에서주목받은안성재셰프의파인다이닝. 아시안테크닉에프렌치스타일의플레이팅, 한식발효기술을혼합하는등경계를뛰어넘는혁신적인요리를선보인다. 특히 수많은재료에누룩을띄운다 고말할정도로발효를통한섬세한맛의변화를활용하고있다. This easy-going French bistro/wine shop offers wonderful wine pairing suggestions. Liquors carefully selected by an expert who is also a member of the judging committee of the International Wine Competition include natural wines to premium traditional liquors. Most of all, the bistro s barbecue with meat taken from Majangdong butcher market in the neighborhood makes this place stand out. A fine dining restaurant by chef Ahn Sung-jae who stood in the spotlight even when he was back in San Francisco. The restaurant presents innovative dishes that breaks the boundaries of cooking by mixing Asian techniques with French-style plating added with Korean fermentation skills. A subtle change in flavor made by fermentation is unique feature of this restaurant, which is often referred to as having yeast on top of every ingredient. Address 서울시성동구마장로 35 길 76, 3 층 3F, 76, Majang-ro 35-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul Tel 02-2299-1214 Menu 토마호크스테이크 (1kg) Tomahawk steak (1kg) 150,000 육사시미카르파초 Sliced raw beef carpaccio 30,000 Hours 14:00-01:00 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 majangdong_tiger 양식 Western Address 서울시용산구이태원로 55 가길 45 45, Itaewon-ro 55ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 02-793-5995 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 140,000 디너코스 Dinner course 270,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 mosuseoul 78 79

모스꼬라 Mozkorra 스페인 Spanish 52 최경훈셰프가스페인바스크지방의요리를중심으로한스페인미식을풀어낸다. 시즌별로선보이는 12-14 가지코스메뉴와한국의제철식재료에셰프의개성을더한 시즌메뉴를즐길수있다. 지금도한국에잘알려지지않은스페인요리가익어가는곳. Chef Choi Kyeong-hun serves gourmet Spanish dishes from Basque region, Spain. You can enjoy the seasonally changing course menu of 12 14 dishes and the seasonal menu added with the chef s touch to seasonal Korean ingredients. It serves Spanish dishes that are less known to Koreans. Address 서울시강남구학동로 59 길 5, 3 층 3F, 5, Hakdong-ro 59-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 070-8888-6012 Menu 테이스팅메뉴 Tasting course 120,000 핀초 Pincho 10,000- Hours 18:00-22:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 mozkorra_seoul 양식 Western 80 81

무오키 MUOKI 53 모던프렌치 Modern French 바위파스타바 bawi pasta bar 54 이탤리언 Italian 식재료의가능성을연구하고본연의맛이상을담고자하는박무현셰프만의컨템퍼러리 다이닝을즐길수있다. 셰프는한가지식재료에다채로운조리법과조합을적용한미각의 변주를한플레이트에담아낸다. 연극무대같은오픈주방이매력을더하는곳이다. 2019 년오픈이후국내 생면파스타바 붐을불러일으킨곳으로꼽힌다. 김현중셰프가 파스타와디저트로구성된 5 가지테이스팅코스를선보이는데, 파스타를플랫폼으로 다양한재료와복합적풍미를풀어내며파스타의신세계를선보인다는평을얻고있다. You will encounter a unique contemporary dining experience with chef Park Moohyun who endeavors to deliver more than the natural flavors by studying the potentials of ingredients. A variation of palate created by single ingredient with diverse cooking methods in one plate is unique to this restaurant. The open kitchen that looks like a stage adds a charming vibe. It is regarded as a restaurant that made the raw noodle pasta bar trendy in Korea since its opening in 2019. Chef Kim Hyun-joong presents a tasting course with five dishes that consist of pasta and desserts. The restaurant will open up a new world of pasta before your eyes by cooking with various ingredients to create complex flavors with pasta. Address 서울시강남구학동로 55 길 12-12, 2 층 2F, 12-12, Hakdong-ro 55-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 010-2948-4171 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 78,000 디너코스 Dinner course 160,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:00 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays 0 muoki_jamespark 양식 Western Address 서울시성동구뚝섬로 15 길 27 *12 월한남동이전예정 27, Ttukseom-ro 15-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul *Scheduled to be relocated to Hannam-dong in December Menu 파스타테이스팅코스 Pasta tasting course 75,000 Hours 17:00-24:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 bawipastabar 82 83

보르고한남 BORGO HANNAM 55 이탤리언 Italian 보트르메종 Votre Maison 56 프렌치 French 현지인셰프가재현하는이탈리아의맛을따라가다보면여행의흥취까지더해지는기분이다. 파크하얏트서울등다수호텔의총주방장출신인스테파노디살보셰프가토리노, 제노아, 토스카나, 밀라노등이탈리아각지의특색있는요리를모던하게재해석한메뉴를선보인다. 정통프렌치다이닝을경험할수있는곳. 국내프렌치 1 세대박민재셰프가유행에흔들림없는차분한흐름의프렌치다이닝을선보인다. 합리적인가격에정성스러운구성의코스요리가프랑스의어느저택에서대접받는듯만족감을준다. 특히수플레는호평받는디저트메뉴다. As you enjoy the taste of Italy that a native chef recreates on your palate, you will feel as if you are on a journey. Chef Stefano di Salvo who served as the Executive Chef of many hotels including Park Hayatt Seoul presents you with Italian dishes from Turin, Genoa, Tuscany, Milan, etc. with modern interpretation. Address 서울시용산구한남동 684-62, 3 층 3F, 684-62, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 02-6082-2727 Menu 오라타 Orata 23,000 칼다로 Caldaro 38,000 Hours 17:00-22:30 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 borgo_hannam 양식 Western It is a place where you can experience an authentic French dining. Chef Park Min-jae, one of the first-generation French chefs in Korea, delivers a serene and solid French dining that doesn t blindly follow the trend. Reasonably priced yet thoughtful menus in the course will bring satisfaction as if you are treated like royal in a French mansion. Soufflé is a representative dessert menu of this restaurant. Address 서울시강남구도산대로 420 420, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-549-3800 Menu 런치시그니처코스 Lunch signature course 65,000-115,000 디너시그니처코스 Dinner signature course 150,000 Hours 수 - 일요일 Wednesday Sunday 12:00-22:00, 화요일 Tuesday 18:00-22:00 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 votremaison_seoul 84 85

볼라레 Volare 이탤리언 Italian 57 알라프리마 alla prima 58 이노베이티브 Innovative 한국인최초로나폴리피자협회의인증을받은정두원셰프의피체리아. 1889 년에 이탈리아의나폴리에서 마르게리타피자 를고안한원조피체리아출신인셰프가토마토, 바질, 모차렐라치즈 3 가지로만맛을낸정통마르게리타피자를선보인다. 김진혁셰프의과감하고창의적인이노베이티브퀴진이돋보이는곳. 한국식재료를적극적으로사용하면서프렌치, 일식, 이탤리언, 동남아등각국의요리와조리법을독창적으로재해석한메뉴들이즐거운미식경험을제공한다. 맛뿐만아니라향과식감까지정교하다는평을듣는다. A pizzeria run by chef Jeong Du-won who has been certified by the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana for the first time as a Korean. A chef from the original Neapolitan pizzeria that invented margherita pizza in 1889 presents the classic margherita pizza made with tomato, basil, and mozzarella cheese. Address 서울시서초구사평대로 20 길 8, 1 층 1F, 8, Sapyeong-daero 20-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul Tel 02-537-1100 Menu 마르게리따피자 Margherita pizza 23,000 까르보나라스파게티 Carbonara spaghetti 21,000 Hours 11:30-22:00 양식 Western A restaurant that highlights bold and creative cuisines by chef Kim Jin-hyuk. Its menus are based on Korean ingredients but cooked with reinterpreted recipes and cooking methods from French, Japanese, Italian, and Southeast Asian cuisines, inviting you to an exciting culinary experience. The food is recognized for not only its taste but also refined aroma and texture. Address 서울시강남구학동로 17 길 13 13, Hakdong-ro 17-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-511-2555 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 110,000 디너코스 Dinner course 210,000 Hours 12:00-14:30, 18:00-22:00 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays 0 restaurant_allaprima 86 87

에빗 EVETT 이노베이티브 Innovative 59 일무레또 ilmuretto 이탤리언 Italian 60 호주태즈메이니아출신조셉리저우드셰프가선보이는한식베이스의이노베이티브 다이닝. 한국의멋과맛이가득한플레이팅과직접채집한로컬재료로만든요리가 인상적이다. 직접양조에나설만큼애착을가진전통주와의페어링도인상적인곳이다. < 더키친살바토레쿠오모 > 의총괄셰프를지낸아프레아비아지오셰프의이탤리언 레스토랑. 국내입맛보다현지맛그대로의정통이탤리언요리를맛볼수있다. 특히 나폴리출신인셰프는라트디아타와같은유서깊은나폴리소스를제대로차려낸다. Chef Joseph Lidgerwood from Australia prepares the innovative dining based on Korean cuisine. Plating with a touch of Korean aesthetics and dishes made with local ingredients that the chef harvests will impress the diners. It also offers drink pairing with traditional Korean liquors personally brewed by the chef. An Italian restaurant by chef Biagio Aprea who served as the Executive Chef of The Kitchen Salvatore Cuomo. This is a place where you can taste unlocalized, classic Italian dishes. In particular, the Neapolitan chef can make proper Neapolitan sauces such as la dieta. Address 서울시강남구도곡로 23 길 33, 1 층 1F, 33, Dogok-ro 23-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 070-4231-1022 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 75,000 디너숏 롱코스 Short/long dinner course 150,000-180,000 Hours 목 금요일 Thursday & Friday 18:00-23:00 주말 Saturday & Sunday 12:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00 월 - 수요일휴무 Closed on Mondays through Wednesdays 0 restaurantevett 양식 Western Address 서울시강남구논현로 157 길 33 33, Nonhyeon-ro 157-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-540-0401 Menu 파르미지아나 Parmigiana 18,000 제노베제파케리파스타 Genovese pacheri pasta 26,000 Hours 11:30-15:00, 17:30-22:00 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 ilmurettosinsa 88 89

제로컴플렉스 ZERO COMPLEX 61 코리안프렌치 Korean French 콘티넨탈 Continental 프렌치 French 62 이충후셰프가신선한로컬재료에서영감을받은모던하고실험적인요리를선보인다. 프렌치에기반을두되식재료본연의맛을한층끌어올린재기발랄한요리가흥미롭다. 더불어국내내추럴와인선구자라고해도좋을소믈리에가이끄는와인페어링이즐거운곳이다. 서울신라호텔개관과함께국내프렌치다이닝의역사를써내려온레스토랑. 국내및세계 각국에서엄선한식자재와기품있는플레이팅은우아하되무겁지않은프렌치다이닝을 선보이고있다. 호텔 23 층에서내려다보는서울의경관이감동을더한다. Chef Lee Chung-hu presents modern and experimental dishes inspired by fresh local ingredients. Based on French style, unique dishes with enhanced flavors of the ingredients will pleasantly surprise the diners. In addition, visitors will enjoy the wine pairing suggestions by the sommelier who is the pioneer in the Korean natural wine scene. Address 서울시중구퇴계로 6 가길 30, 3 층 3F, 30, Toegye-ro 6ga-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-532-0876 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 100,000 디너코스 Dinner course 160,000 Hours 12:00-15:30, 18:00-22:30 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 zerocomplex_seoul A restaurant that has been writing the history of French dining in Korea since the opening of The Shilla Seoul. With the strictly chosen ingredients from all over the world and Korea and poised plating, you will find yourself enjoying an elegant French dining. The view of Seoul from the 23rd floor above the ground will add emotional touch to the experience. Address 서울시중구동호로 249, 서울신라호텔 23 층 23F, The Shilla Seoul, 249, Dongho-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-2230-3369 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 95,000-155,000 디너코스 Dinner course 240,000 Hours 12:00-14:30, 17:30-21:30 www.shilla.net 양식 Western 90 91

파씨오네 passionne 프렌치 French 63 페리지 PERIGEE 이탤리언 Italian 64 < 라미띠에 > 출신이방원셰프의프렌치다이닝. 열정 이라는의미를담은상호처럼 국내의신선한제철재료로매일요리를준비하는데, 셰프가직접 오늘의코스 가적힌 칠판을들고손님에게요리를설명하는방식을고수하고있다. 생면파스타가일품인곳. 미국유수의미쉐린레스토랑을거친부부셰프가라비올로부터 피치, 안다리노스, 카바델리, 라자냐등을모두직접제면해쫄깃한식감은물론복합적 풍미를갖춘파스타를선보인다. 닭간을채운에클레르처럼독특한스타터도일품. A French dining of chef Lee Bang-won from L Amitié. Just like the name of the restaurant that means passion, the chef prepares dishes with fresh, Korean-grown, and seasonal ingredients every day. The chef himself insists on explaining today s course with a blackboard in his arms to every visitor. A place with superb raw pasta. Having worked in prominent Michelin restaurants in the U.S., the chef couple make their own ravioli, pici, andarinos, cavatelli, lasagna, etc., offering pasta with complex flavors as well as pleasant chewiness. Unique starter menus like eclair filled with chicken liver is a must try. Address 서울시강남구언주로 164 길 39 39, Eonju-ro 164-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-546-7719 Menu 런치코스 Lunch course 50,000 디너코스 Dinner course 88,000 Hours 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:30 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays Address 서울시강남구봉은사로 68 길 6-5, 1 층 1F, 6-5, Bongeunsa-ro 68-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Menu 라자냐 Lasagna 25,000 안다리노스 Andarinos 33,000 Hours 17:00-22:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 perigee_seoul 양식 Western 92 93

폴스다이너 Paul s Diner 65 이탤리언 Italian 내추럴와인과함께즐기는자연주의이탤리언레스토랑이다. 유기농식재료로기본에 충실한이탤리언요리를선보인다. 버섯뒤셀 & 트러플라자냐가대표적인인기메뉴다. 심플하고프라이빗하게구성된공간이멋스러우며, 예약제로운영된다. Naturalist Italian restaurant with natural wine. The place offers Italian dishes made with organic ingredients. Mushroom duxelles and truffle lasagna are the popular menus. It is a reservation-only restaurant boasting simple and private atmosphere. Address 서울시용산구녹사평대로 54 길 6 6, Noksapyeong-daero 54-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 010-4045-5011 Menu 버섯뒤셀 & 트러플라자냐 Mushroom duxelles & truffle lasagna 26,000 홍합에스카베체 Mussel escabeche 24,000 Hours 화 - 금요일 Tuesday Friday 17:00-24:00 주말 Saturday & Sunday 12:00-24:00 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 paulsdiner_ 양식 Western 94 95

Grill 그릴 금돼지식당 Gold Pig Restraurant 뜨락 Tteurak 본앤브레드 BORN & BRED 세스타 CESTA 유용욱바베큐연구소 Yooyongwook BBQ Lab 한우다이닝울릉 ULLEUNG

금돼지식당 Gold Pig Restraurant 66 돼지고기바비큐 Pork BBQ 뜨락 Tteurak 67 한우비프다이닝 Korean Beef Dining 쫀득한식감이일품인돼지연탄구이전문점. 요크셔와버크셔, 듀록돼지의교배종인프리미엄 YBD 품종만을사용한다. 특허받은청결연탄과영국산전통소금등이고기의맛을한층더올려주는포인트. 서울미식문화에서돼지고기그릴의위상을높였다는평을받고있다. 안심구이로유명해진 20 년전통의한우그릴다이닝. 4-6 주동안 1.2 도에서저온숙성시킨한우를최상급참숯에구워낸다. 직접담근가자미식해와장아찌등정갈한반찬과프랑스게랑드의천일토판염이맛을한차원높인다. 쾌적한테라스부터프라이빗다이닝까지공간도다양하다. A briquette-grilled pork restaurant known for the chewy texture of its meat. The restaurant uses only the premium YBD variety, a hybrid of Yorkshire, Berkshire, and Durok breeds. Patented clean briquettes and traditional British salt are the other distinguishing features of this restaurant. It is praised as a restaurant that enhanced the pork grill dishes of Seoul s culinary culture. Address 서울시중구다산로 149 149, Dasan-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 010-4484-8750 Menu 본삼겹 Pork belly 17,000 눈꽃목살 Pork neck 17,000 Hours 평일 Weekdays 12:00-24:00, 주말 Weekends 12:00-15:00, 16:00-24:00 0 gold_pig1982 그릴 Grill A Korean beef grill dining restaurant known for its grilled tenderloin with 20 years of tradition. The restaurant grills Korean beef aged in low temperature at 1.2 for 4 to 6 weeks with high-quality charcoal. The nicely presented home-made side dishes such as salted and fermented plaice and pickled vegetables as well as gray sea salt from Guérande, France add a new level of flavors. There are various dining areas from pleasant terrace to private rooms. Address 서울시강남구영동대로 142 길 13-3 13-3, Yeongdong-daero 142-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-543-2987 Menu 숙성안심 (150g) Aged tenderloin (150g) 54,000 한우코스 (4 인이상예약가능 ) Korean beef course (available upon reservation for 4 persons or more) 150,000 Hours 11:30-23:00 0 tteurak_jk 98 99

본앤브레드 BORN & BRED 68 한우비프다이닝 Korean Beef Dining 세스타 CESTA 69 그릴다이닝 Grilled Dining 축산시장으로유명한마장동에자리잡은고기명가. 최상등급의한우를이용해한국형오마카세를제대로선보인다. 1 층은정육점이자라운지로, 지하 1 층은오마카세코스를선보이는바로, 2 층은 10 여가지부위를즐기는샤부샤부등캐주얼다이닝을, 3 층은프라이빗다이닝으로운영된다. 드라이에이징스테이크전문 < 휴 135> 의김세경셰프가한남동에오픈한컨템퍼러리그릴 다이닝이다. 신선한채소, 생선, 해산물, 고기등을숯으로구워재료자체의특성이돋보이는 직관적인메뉴들을선보인다. 200 여종이넘는유니크한와인리스트도이곳의강점이다. A reputable barbecue restaurant located in Majang-dong, a place famous for the butcher s market. It serves the Korean-style omakase with quality Korean beef. Butcher s shop and lounge are on the ground floor, and the omakase bar is located in the basement. The second floor is where you can enjoy casual dining such as shabu-shabu, and the third floor is private dining area. Address 서울시성동구마장로 42 길 1 1, Majang-ro 42-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul Tel 02-2294-5005 Menu 한우맡김차림 Korean beef matgim charim (course meal) 350,000 샤브맡김차림 (2 인 ) Shabu matgim charim (course meal/2 servings) 99,000 Hours 화 수요일 Tuesday & Wednesday 18:00-22:30 목 - 일요일 Thursday Sunday 12:00-15:00, 18:00-22:30 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 bornandbredkorea 그릴 Grill A contemporary grill dining restaurant opened by chef Kim Se-kyeong of Hue 135, a steakhouse that specializes in dry-aged steaks. Intuitive menus of fresh vegetables, fish, seafood, and meat grilled over charcoal fire grab the appetite of diners with their natural taste. Another strength of this restaurant is its unique wine list with more than 200 wines. Address 서울시용산구한남대로 20 길 21-18 21-18, Hannamdae-ro 20-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 02-793-9400 Menu 오늘의생선필렛 Today s fillet o fish 65,000 한우본매로 Korean beef bone marrow 24,000 Hours 화 수요일 Tuesday & Wednesday 17:00-23:00 목 - 토요일 Thursday Sunday 17:00-24:00, 일요일 Sunday 16:00-22:00 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 cesta.seoul 100 101

70 유용욱바베큐연구소 Yooyongwook BBQ Lab 스모크드바비큐 Smoked BBQ 한우다이닝울릉 ULLEUNG 71 한우비프다이닝 Korean Beef Dining 예약제로운영되는원테이블바비큐다이닝이다. 바비큐로내공이높은유용욱소장이 참나무장작으로구운비프립, 이베리코베이컨, 국내산닭고기등을중심으로 8-9 가지 메뉴를코스요리로차려낸다. 연구소라는상호에걸맞게끊임없이창작메뉴를개발한다. 김인복셰프의울릉도한우다이닝이다. 울릉도의고유한식재료로만든구이류와정갈한 요리가맛깔스러운로컬다이닝을고집한다. 섬에서자란약초를먹고자란약소와칡소를 비롯해부드러운울릉도산나물과해산물요리, 솥밥반상등울릉도식식사메뉴가인기다. One-table barbecue dining that is available with reservation only. Director Yu Yongwook with extensive barbecue experience offers 8 9 dishes in a course, serving beef ribs, Iberico bacon, Korean chicken, etc. grilled on oak firewood. Befitting the name Lab, it continuously develops new menus. It is a restaurant run by chef Kim In-bok specializing in Korean beef from Ulleungdo Island. Grilled and nicely served foods made with native ingredients from Ulleungdo Island present a great local dining experience. Medicinal beef and tiger beef from cattle that grazed mountain herb, soft wild vegetables from Ulleungdo Island, seafood dishes, and pot rice set menu are some of the popular Ulleungdo-style menus. Address 서울시용산구한강대로 84 길 5-7 5-7, Hangangdae-ro 84-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 010-4275-1177 Menu 코스 Course menu 120,000 Hours 11:00-22:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 yooyongwook 그릴 Grill Address 서울시서초구서운로 135 135, Seoun-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul Tel 02-581-2235 Menu 울릉코스 Ulleung course 200,000-250,000, ( 주말한정 During weekends 150,000) 울릉칡소모둠구이 (2 인기준 ) Ulleung assorted tiger beef barbecue (2 servings) 200,000 Hours 11:00-15:00, 17:00-21:30 0 dining_ulleung 102 103

Plant- Based 채식 로컬릿 local EAT 발우공양 Balwoo Gongyang 베이스이즈나이스 base is nice 베제투스 Vegetus 산촌 Sanchon 큔 Qyun 플랜트 PLANT

로컬릿 local EAT 유러피언 European 72 발우공양 Balwoo Gongyang 73 사찰음식 Korean Temple Dining 남정석셰프가농부시장이나소규모농장, 부모님밭등에서수급한로컬식재료를활용해 건강하면서도맛있는유퍼리언요리를선보인다. 구운채소와백태콩으로만든후무스와 채소를차곡차곡쌓은채소테린이시그너처메뉴다. 대한불교조계종에서직접운영하고있는사찰음식전문레스토랑이다. 직접담근장과 유기농채소가주요식재료로전통적인조리법을통해속이편안한코스요리를내놓는다. 별실로꾸민아늑한공간에서수행음식의문화를음미할수있다. Chef Nam Jeong-seok uses local ingredients from farmers market, small farms, and his parents garden and present healthy and delicious European dishes. Hummus made with grilled vegetables and white soybean and vegetable terrine made with layers of vegetables are the restaurant s signature menus. Address 서울시성동구한림말길 33, 2 층 2F, 33, Hallimmal-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul Tel 02-2282-1124 Menu 채소테린 Vegetable terrine 15,000 시금치뇨끼 Spinach gnocchi 18,000 Hours 화 - 금요일 Tuesday Friday 11:00-15:00, 17:00-21:00 토요일 Saturday 11:00-21:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 the_local_eater 채식 Plant-Based A restaurant that specializes in Buddhist temple dishes which is run by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. You can taste feel-good course menus made with traditional recipes and hand-made sauces as well as organic vegetables. Take the opportunity to experience the food culture of spiritual cultivation in an independent cozy room. Address 서울시종로구우정국로 56 56, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-733-2081 Menu 원식 Wonsik 45,000 희식 Huisik 95,000 Hours 11:30-15:00, 18:00-21:30 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays 0 balwoogongyang_official 106 107

베이스이즈나이스 base is nice 74 모던한식 Modern Korean 베제투스 Vegetus 유러피언 European 75 채소를삶고데치는한식조리법에서벗어나말리거나굽거나훈연하는등다양한방식을 접목해본연의맛과향이살아있는창의적인채소요리를선보인다. 바삭청무와옥수수 밥이대표메뉴로튀긴청무와구운옥수수등다양한채소와밥의조화가신선하다. 식물성재료를사용하지만비건뿐아니라모두가즐길수있는맛있는음식을선보이는 비건비스트로다. 맛과향이강한채소를활용한독특한메뉴들과함께다양한비건 와인을갖췄다. 은은한조명과곳곳에놓인식물이편안한분위기를풍긴다. This restaurant presents creative vegetable dishes that focus on the scent and flavor of ingredients by drying, grilling and smoking them while applying Korean cooking style of boiling and blanching vegetables. The signature dish is rice topped with fried radish and baked corn which offers a fresh texture. A vegan bistro that uses plant-based ingredients and attracts non-vegan diners as well with its delicious foods. It offers unique menus made with richly flavored vegetables and a variety of vegan wines. Enjoy the easy atmosphere with subtle lighting and plants. Address 서울시마포구도화 2 길 20 20, Dohwa 2-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul Tel 010-9617-6724 Menu 바삭청무와옥수수밥 Crunchy radish and corn rice 17,000 무화과를올린발효버터햇우엉구이밥 Fresh grilled burdok root rice with fermented butter and fig 17,000 Hours 11:30-15:00 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 baseisnice_seoul 채식 Plant-Based Address 서울시용산구신흥로 59 59, Sinheung-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 070-8824-5959 Menu 라자냐 Lasagna 15,000 베제투스버거 Vegetus burger 13,000 Hours 평일 Weekdays 12:00-15:00, 17:00-21:30, 주말 Weekends 12:00-21:30 0 vegetuskr 108 109

산촌 Sanchon 76 사찰음식 Korean Temple Dining 그로서리카페 Grocery Café 큔 Qyun 77 신선한채소는물론산나물을활용한코스요리를선보이는사찰음식전문점이다. 야생초와 7 가지산채모둠나물을비롯해다양한계절반찬을맛볼수있다. 인사동골목 안쪽에자리한한옥은곳곳에놓인식물과사찰소품들로고즈넉한분위기를자아낸다. 낮엔레스토랑과카페로, 밤엔바와펍으로예약제로만운영되는서촌의발효식료품 음식전문점이다. 채소발효를다양하게응용한메뉴와건강음료를즐길수있다. 수요일엔직거래하는농부의채소를직접구매할수있는작은채소가게가열린다. A temple food restaurant that offers courses with wild vegetables as well as fresh vegetables. You can taste seven assorted wild vegetables and various seasonal side dishes. A hanok, a traditional Korean house, nestled in an alleyway in Insa-dong is adorned with plants and Buddhist decorations, offering a tranquil atmosphere. Address 서울시종로구인사동길 30-13 30-13, Insadong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-735-0312 Menu 산촌정식 ( 점심 ) Sanchon set menu (Lunch) 29,000 산촌정식 ( 저녁 ) Sanchon set menu (Dinner) 29,000 Hours 12:00-20:30 www.sanchon.com 채식 Plant-Based A restaurant/café by day and a bar/pub by night. It is a fermented food restaurant in Seochon that is only available with reservation. Here, you can enjoy menus that uses fermented vegetables and healthy beverages. On Wednesdays, a small vegetable stall pops up where you can purchase fresh produces. Address 서울시종로구자하문로 26 길 17-2, 1 층 1F, 17-2, Jahamun-ro 26-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 010-5079-0591 Menu 구운채소와비건발효버터커리 Grilled vegetables with vegan fermented butter curry 16,000 템페와삼발토마토소스핫샌드위치 Tempeh sambal tomato sauce hot sandwich 9,000 Hours 수요일 Wednesday 11:00-15:30, 목 금요일 Thursday & Friday 11:00-15:30 17:00-19:00, 토요일 Saturday 11:30-15:30, 17:00-19:00, 19:30-21:30 일요일 Sunday 11:00-15:30, 월 화요일휴무 Closed on Mondays & Tuesdays 0 grocery_cafe_qyun 110 111

플랜트 PLANT 78 다이닝카페 Dining Café 식물기반요리와디저트를함께즐길수있는비건레스토랑이다. 병아리콩으로만든 후무스와단호박을곁들인샐러드가대표메뉴다. 비건맥주, 와인도다채롭게구비되어 있다. A vegan dining café located in Itaewon where diners can enjoy plant-based dishes and desserts. Hummus made with chickpeas and sweet pumpkin salad are its signature menu. It also offers unusual vegan menus such as burgers and pasta. Vegan beer and wine are also available. Address 서울시용산구보광로 117, 2 층 2F, 117, Bogwang-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 02-749-1981 Menu 후무스단호박샐러드 Hummus sweet pumpkin salad 14,500 렌틸베지볼 Lentil veggie bowl 13,000 Hours 11:00-22:00 0 plantcafeseoul 채식 Plant-Based 112 113

Café & Dessert 카페 & 디저트 10 월 19 일 10 月 19 日 김씨부인 Kimssibooin 꼼다비뛰드 Comme d Habitude 담장옆에국화꽃인사동점 CCOT (Insa-dong Branch) 라바즈 La base 메종엠오 Maison M.O 삐아프 Piaf 소나 SONA 제이엘디저트바 JL DESSERT BAR 프릳츠컴퍼니도화점 FRITZ COFFEE 합원서점 HAAP

10 월 19 일 10 月 19 日 디저트 Dessert 79 김씨부인 Kimssibooin 80 한식디저트 Korean Dessert 요리사부부가운영하는디저트바다. 국내제철재료를활용한디저트코스를계절별로 선보이는데과일과채소뿐아니라허브까지적극활용해다양한맛을담아낸다. 시즌별 와인페어링도마련돼디저트를더욱풍성하게즐길수있다. 조선시대반가의 1 인 1 상문화에착안해한식디저트를소반에내어준다. 떡, 단자, 정과 등달콤한플레이트를지역전통차와맛과모양의어울림을고려해차려낸다. 가을에는 사과정과, 겨울에는딸기단자등한국의계절이담긴메뉴를선보인다. A dessert bar run by chefs who are a married couple. It offers seasonal dessert courses made with Korean ingredients. The chefs create diverse tastes by not only using vegetables and fruits but also herbs. Seasonal wine pairing suggestions are available for a richer culinary experience. Address 서울시서초구반포대로 3 길 31, 101 호 #101, 31, Banpo-daero 3-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul Tel 010-9461-1906 Menu 5 코스 5 course menu 32,000 Hours 12:00-20:00 월 화요일휴무 Closed on Mondays & Tuesdays 0 songi_19oct 카페 & 디저트 Café & Dessert You will be served with Korean desserts on a soban (small portable dining table), inspired by the private table culture of noble houses in Joseon Dynasty. Enjoy a platter of tteok (rice cakes), danja (rice cake balls), candied desserts, etc. with traditional local tea that creates harmony both in taste and visuals. The place offers seasonal Korean dessert menus such as candied apple in autumn and strawberry danja in winter. Address 서울시서초구사평대로 26 길 26-6, 2 층 2F, 26-6, Sapyeong-daero 26-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul Tel 02-532-5327 Menu 소반차림세트 (1 인특, 티포함 ) Soban set (special, tea included) 23,000-29,000 옛날팥빙수 (2 인 ) Shaved ice with red bean (2 servings) 18,000 Hours 11:30-19:00 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays 0 kimssibooin_korean_dessert 116 117

꼼다비뛰드 베이커리 Bakery Comme d Habitude 81 82 담장옆에국화꽃인사동점 CCOT (Insa-dong Branch) 한식디저트 Korean Dessert 일본, 프랑스에서베이킹을배운파티시에의디저트숍이다. 프랑스산고급베이킹 재료에무화과, 땅콩등제철재료들을더한타르트와마들렌이인기다. 프랑스어로 여느 때처럼 이라는의미가담긴업장명처럼주민들이늘찾을수있는동네빵집을표방한다. 전통에현대적요소를더한병과를다양한음료와즐기는카페다. 전국떡명장대회에서 제 6 대떡명장으로선정된오숙경대표가메뉴를총괄한다. 떡의재료인멥쌀은쫀득한 식감을위해추청미를쓰는등건강한국내산재료를적극사용한다. A dessert shop of the patissier who studied baking in Japan and France. Tarts and madeleines made with premium French baking ingredients added with seasonal ingredients such as figs and peanuts are popular here. Just like the name of the shop that means as usual in French, its slogan is to be a local bakery frequented by local residents. Address 서울시강남구강남대로 110 길 62, 지하 1 층 B1F, 62, Gangnam-daero 110-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 070-4101-8456 Menu 피망잼그릴샌드위치 Bell pepper jam grilled sandwich 8,000 마들렌 Madeleine 3,000 Hours 목 토요일 Thursday & Saturday 11:00-17:00 0 comme d_habitude 카페 & 디저트 Café & Dessert A café where you can enjoy traditional sweets with a modern twist along with various beverages. It is run by CEO Oh Suk-kyeong who was selected as the 6th master of tteok (rice cake) at the National Tteok Master Contest. She uses healthy domestic ingredients such as Chucheongmi rice to create chewiness of rice cakes. Address 서울시종로구인사동길 49, 2 층 2F, 49, Insadong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-6954-2979 Menu 팥바팥빙수 Shaved ice with red beans 12,900 팥죽 ( 고운단팥죽, 통단팥죽, 무가당통팥죽 ) Red bean porridge (smooth porridge, whole bean porridge, non-sugar whole bean porridge) 8,800 Hours 11:00-21:00 0 ccot_insa 118 119

라바즈 La base 베이커리 Bakery 83 메종엠오 Maison M.O 베이커리 Bakery 84 프랑스에서공부하고파리제과점에서근무한이상준셰프의베이커리다. 기본을지킨다는뜻을지닌업장명처럼만드는방식은프랑스정통기법을따르면서, 국내소규모농가와직거래해질좋은제철재료만을엄선하고있다. 픽업예약만가능하며, 베이킹클래스도열고있다. < 피에르에르메 > 도쿄지점에서부부의연을맺은오오츠카테츠야, 이민선파티시에의 파티스리다. 매일수급되는재료에따라프랑스디저트를한정수량선보인다. 정통 레시피에이곳만의위트와감각을담은디저트들은즐거운미각의세계를선사한다. A bakery of chef Lee Sang-jun who studied in France and worked in a French bakery. Just like its name suggest, La base follows the principles by sticking to the traditional French baking style while using quality seasonal ingredients directly purchased from small-scale domestic farmers. Only pick-up bookings are available currently. Baking classes are also available. Address 서울시마포구월드컵로 13 길 19-23, 202 호 #202, 19-23, World Cup-ro 13-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul Tel 070-7537-0006 Menu 오렌지캬라멜타르트 Orange caramel tart 8,500 바닐라플랑 Vanilla flan 8,500 Hours 금 토요일 Friday & Saturday 11:00-19:00 0 la_base_official A patisserie run by a married couple, patissiers Tetsuya Otsuka and Lee Min-sun, who met at Pierre Hermé Tokyo. It offers a limited amount of French desserts with different ingredients every day. Desserts made with traditional recipes topped with uniqueness of Maison M.O. will be a pleasant surprise to your palate. Address 서울시서초구방배로 26 길 22, 1 층 1F, 22, Bangbae-ro 26-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul Tel 070-4239-3335 Menu 기본마들렌 Basic madeleine 2,800 휘낭시에 Financier 2,800 Hours 목 - 일요일 Thursday Sunday 11:30-20:00 월 - 수요일휴무 Closed on Mondays through Wednesdays 0 maison_m.o 카페 & 디저트 Café & Dessert 120 121

삐아프 Piaf 초콜릿 Chocolate 85 소나 SONA 디저트 Dessert 86 고은수셰프가운영하는프랑스식수제초콜릿숍이다. 고급프랑스산커버추어, 천일염 등최고의재료를사용한명품초콜릿을다양하게갖췄다. 서울에서가장클래식한초콜릿 봉봉을만날수있는곳이다. 주문즉시만드는코스디저트로황홀경을선사하는곳이다. 제철재료로만드는 3 코스 디저트와샴페인슈가볼은이곳의대표메뉴다. 요리만큼이나화사하면서도깔끔한 실내는디저트에더욱집중할수있는분위기를제공한다. A French handmade chocolate shop run by chef Ko Eun-soo. The shop offers a wide range of premium chocolate that uses the best ingredients such as high-quality French Couverture and sun-dried salt. This is the place to find the most classic chocolate bonbon in Seoul. A place where you can taste dessert courses that are prepared upon the order. The three-course desserts made with seasonal ingredients and champagne sugar ball are the signature menus of this place. The bright and neat interior design also allows visitors to focus on their desserts. Address 서울시강남구압구정로 4 길 27-3 27-3, Apgujeong-ro 4-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-545-0317 Menu 천일염프랄리네 Sun-dried salt praline 2,700 유자 Yuzu (citron) 2,700 Hours 12:00-19:30 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays 0 piaf_artisan_chocolatier Address 서울시강남구강남대로 162 길 40, 2 층 2F, 40, Gangnam-daero 162-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-515-3246 Menu 3 코스디저트와음료세트 3-course desserts and drink set 24,000 샴페인슈가볼 Champagne sugar ball 13,000 Hours 12:30-22:00 화요일휴무 Closed on Tuesdays 0 sona_seoul 카페 & 디저트 Café & Dessert 122 123

제이엘디저트바 JL DESSERT BAR 87 디저트 Dessert 프릳츠컴퍼니도화점 FRITZ COFFEE 88 카페 Café 디저트를독립된하나의요리로맛볼수있는디저트바다. 이탤리언요리사경력의저스틴 리셰프가독창적인방식으로서울의디저트신을이끈다. 추천메뉴를두루맛볼수있는 테이스팅코스에칵테일이나하드리큐어한잔을곁들이면 바 를제대로누릴수있다. 오래된양옥집을개조한 코리안빈티지 카페. 생두에열을가하는시간을줄인원두로이곳만의고유한개성이살아있는커피를선보인다. 커피라는음료에그치지않고프릳츠만의디자인감성을담은굿즈로소통하는등한국형커피브랜드로성공한곳이다. 지점마다다른빵라인업도독특하다. A dessert bar where you can taste desserts as a la carte cuisine. Chef Justin Lee, an experienced chef in Italian cuisine, runs the bar in his unique way. To enjoy the bar properly, get a cocktail or a glass of hard liquor to a tasting course that offers you a variety of chef s recommendations. Address 서울시용산구이태원로 55 가길 38, 2 층 2F, 38, Itaewon-ro 55ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 02-543-6140 Menu 플레이트디저트 Plate dessert 12,000-13,000 디저트테이스팅메뉴 Dessert tasting course 50,000 Hours 월 - 금요일 Monday Friday 13:00-17:00, 18:00-22:00 토요일 Saturday 13:00-23:00, 일요일 Sunday 13:00-21:00 0 jldessertbar A Korean vintage café housed in a renovated old Western-style detached house. By reducing the time heat is applied to fresh beans, the place offers unique taste of coffees of its own. Fritz doesn t simply make coffees; it owes its success to localizing its coffee brand by coming up with uniquely designed Fritz products. A different lineup of bread in each of its branches also adds uniqueness to this café. Address 서울시마포구새창로 2 길 17 17, Saechang-ro 2-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul Tel 02-3275-2045 Menu 아메리카노 Cafe Americano 4,600 카페라떼 Cafe Latte 5,000 Hours 평일 Weekdays 08:00-23:00, 주말 Weekends 10:00-23:00 0 fritzcoffeecompany 카페 & 디저트 Café & Dessert 124 125

합원서점 HAAP 89 한식디저트 Korean Dessert 한식병과의맥을이어가는신용일셰프의병과전문점이다. 전통을바탕으로셰프만의 모던한감각을녹인병과는한식디저트의새로운경지를열었다는평가를받고있다. 타락죽, 병과등에우리차, 곡물커피를페어링한디저트코스를예약제로도운영한다. This is the sweets shop of chef Shin Yong-il who continues the tradition of Korean traditional sweets. Its sweets are recognized for pioneering a new horizon for the Korean desserts with a modern touch on top of the traditional recipe. Dessert course that pairs milk porridge and sweets to Korean teas and grain coffee is also available by prior reservation. Address 서울시종로구율곡로 83, 신관 2 층 2F, New building, 83, Yulgok-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 010-5027-8190 Menu 테이스팅메뉴 Tasting course 40,000 구구상자선물세트 ( 병과 9 가지 + 광목보자기포장 ) Gugu gift box (9 types of sweets & cotton wrapping cloth packaging) 20,000 Hours 12:00-18:00, 월요일휴무, 홀이용고객은예약후방문 Closed on Mondays, prior reservation is required for dining-in guests 0 haap2010 카페 & 디저트 Café & Dessert 126 127

Bar&Pub 바 & 펍 까사델비노청담점 Casa del Vino 르챔버 Le Chamber 뮤땅 MUTIN 바뽐 Bar Pomme 바피크닉 Bar piknic 백곰막걸리 Whitebear Makgeolli Bar 빅라이츠 Big lights 오네뜨장 Honnêtes Gens 제스트 ZEST 찰스 H. CHARLES H. 파인앤코 Pine & Co

까사델비노청담점 Casa del Vino 90 와인바 Wine Bar 르챔버 Le Chamber 칵테일바 Cocktail Bar 91 2002 년오픈한후국내와인신에한획을그은와인바. 7 백여종의와인리스트와 소믈리에의전문적인서비스로 20 년의역사를잇고있다. 수준급메뉴들도이곳의 장점인데, 총각무김치피클과함께제공되는알리오올리오가꾸준한인기메뉴다. 2014 년오픈후국내바신에서견고한위치를점하고있는바. 글로벌무대에서실력을 인정받은임재진 엄도환오너바텐더가직접엄선한위스키와이곳만의스타일로 재해석한모스코뮬인 챔버뮬 은두말할필요없는스테디셀러다. An epoch-making wine bar in Korea since its opening in 2002. It has been continuing its 20 years of service with the professional service of a sommelier and a wine list with about 700 wines. This bar is also renowned for its quality food menus. Aglio e olio with radish kimchi pickle is the steady-seller here. Address 서울시강남구선릉로 162 길 43 43, Seolleung-ro 162-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-542-8003 Menu 트러플머쉬룸크림파스타 Truffle mushroom cream pasta 33,000 알리오올리오 Aglio e olio 26,000 Hours 18:00-02:00 명절휴무 Closed on Public Holidays 0 casadelvino2002 Since its opening in 2014, this bar has remained No. 1 in Korea. Chamber Mule, a Moscow mule reinterpreted in its own style, is a steady seller here. This place offers a variety of whiskey selected by owner-bartenders Lim Jae-jin and Uhm Do-hwan. Address 서울시강남구도산대로 55 길 42 42, Dosan-daero 55-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-6337-2014 Menu 챔버스토리 Chamber Story 27,000 래핑부처 Laughing Buddha 27,000 Hours 월 - 목요일 Monday Thursday 19:00-03:00 금 토요일 Friday & Saturday 19:00-04:00, 일요일 Sunday 19:00-02:00 0 le_chamber 바 & 펍 Bar & Pub 130 131

뮤땅 MUTIN 와인바 Wine Bar 92 바뽐 Bar Pomme 칵테일바 Cocktail Bar 93 프렌치베이스의컨템퍼러리와인바. 파리와런던에서경력을쌓은홍강석셰프가 비스트로노미급요리를내추럴와인과함께선보인다. 특히드라이에이징한생선요리와 스테이크, 직접만든샤퀴테리등숙성과발효로맛을낸계절의멋이호사롭다. 국내지역특산물을활용한창작칵테일로주목받는 < 바참 > 의임병진바텐더가운영하는 세컨드바다. 업장명은프랑스어로 사과 를뜻하는데, 사과를비롯한과일과식물로만든 주류를주로다룬다. 특정과일을테마로한칵테일시리즈가다채롭게마련됐다. A French cuisine-based contemporary wine bar. Chef Hong Gang-seok who built his career in Paris and London presents bistronomy-level dishes with natural wine. You will experience luxurious seasonal delicacies such as dry-aged fish, steaks, and handmade charcuterie that are flavored with aging and fermentation. Address 서울시용산구이태원로 54 길 68 68, Itaewon-ro 54-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 070-7776-3052 Menu 오늘의생선 Fish of the day 26,000 건조숙성오리가슴살 Dry aged duck breast 26,000 Hours 18:00-24:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 mutin_bar 바 & 펍 Bar & Pub A second bar of bartender Lim Byeong-jin of Bar Cham, the bar that is recognized for creating its own cocktails with ingredients grown in regional areas of Korea. The name of the bar means apple in French. True to its name, it mainly offers liquors made with fruits and vegetable including apples. It offers a diverse series of cocktails with themes of certain fruits. Address 서울시종로구자하문로 9 길 15, 1 층 1F, 15 Jahamun-ro 9-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-725-4750 Menu 멜라 Mela 19,000 참외록 Regretful Chamoe 19,000 Hours 15:00-02:00 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 pomme_bar 132 133

바피크닉 Bar piknic 와인바 Wine Bar 94 백곰막걸리 95 민속주점 Traditional Bar Whitebear Makgeolli Bar 스타레스토랑인 < 제로컴플렉스 > 가운영하는캐주얼와인바다. 이성훈셰프가제철 재료로조리한타파스와클레멍토마생소믈리에가선정한내추럴와인의페어링을 경험할수있다. 긴원목테이블을이어붙인원테이블형태로운영중이다. 3 백여종이상의우리술과한식을즐길수있는곳이다. 탁주와청주는물론약주와 소주까지빼곡한주류리스트가인상적인데, 전국곳곳의양조장을다닌이승훈 유이진 대표의노력이뒷받침된결과다. A casual wine bar run by Zero Complex, a star restaurant. Here, you can taste the pairing of tapas made with seasonal ingredients by chef Lee Seong-hun and natural wines selected by sommelier Clément Thomassin. It is a single-table bar with a long hardwood table. A place where you can enjoy more than 300 kinds of Korean liquor and food. A list of traditional liquor filled with liquor and rice wine as well as unrefined and refined rice wine is unrivaled. This is the result of the efforts made by co-ceos Lee Seung-hoon and Yoo I-jin, who visited countless breweries all over the country. Address 서울시중구퇴계로 6 가길 30 30, Toegye-ro 6ga-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul Tel 02-3789-0876 Menu 치즈츄러스 Cheese churros 12,000 이베리코꽈리고추 Iberico shishito peppers 23,000 Hours 18:00-01:00 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays 0 barpiknic 바 & 펍 Bar & Pub Address 서울시강남구압구정로 48 길 39 39, Apgujeong-ro 48-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 010-6822-7644 Menu 오징어김치전 Squid and kimchi pancake 24,000 왕째복맑은탕 Clam soup 28,000 Hours 월 - 목요일 Monday Thursday 17:00-24:00 금 토요일 Friday & Saturday 17:00-01:30 일요일휴무 Closed on Sundays 0 whitebear_mak 134 135

빅라이츠 Big lights 와인바 Wine Bar 96 오네뜨장 Honnêtes Gens 와인바 Wine Bar 97 서울최초의 1 세대내추럴와인바로꼽히는곳이다. 은은한분위기속에서내추럴와인과 비스트로노미급의창의적인메뉴를즐길수있다. 신선한제철생선으로구성한요리와 내추럴와인의절묘한페어링은이곳의매력포인트다. < 비스트로드욘트빌 > 이야심차게선보인네오파리지앵와인바다. 오후 6 시부터는 테이스팅코스, 9 시부터는단품메뉴위주로운영되는데, 코스를주문하면와인, 전통주, 맥주등으로구성된신동혁소믈리에의 베버리지페어링 을선택할수있다. This place is regarded as the first generation natural wine bar in Seoul. Visitors can enjoy natural wines and bistronomy-level creative menus in a relaxed atmosphere. The exquisite pairing of cuisines made with fresh seasonal fish and natural wine is the biggest appeal of this bar. Address 서울시용산구한남대로 20 길 61-17, 2 층 2F, 61-17, Hannam-daero 20-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Tel 070-8888-2988 Menu 장작에구운전복과그을린김, 전복내장소스 ( 메뉴상시변동 ) Wood-fired abalone with smoked dried laver and abalone entrails sauce (frequent change of menu) 17,000 오늘의생선요리 Fish of the day 시가 market price Hours 월 - 금요일 Monday Friday 17:30-24:00 토 일요일 Saturday & Sunday 14:00-24:00 화요일휴무 Closed on Tuesdays 0 biglights_seoul 바 & 펍 Bar & Pub A neo Parisien wine bar by Bistort De Yountville. The bar mainly serves tasting courses from 6 pm, and a la carte from 9 pm. When you order a course menu, you can select beverage pairing of sommelier Shin Dong-hyeok which includes wine, traditional liquors, beers, etc. Address 서울시강남구선릉로 158 길 13-7, 지하 1 층 B1F, 13-7, Seolleung-ro 158-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 02-545-1550 Menu 테이스팅코스 Tasting course 150,000 장어반미 ( 알라카르트 ) Eel banh mi (a la carte) 21,000 Hours 17:30-24:00 일 월요일휴무 Closed on Sundays & Mondays 0 honnetes_gens 136 137

제스트 ZEST 칵테일바 Cocktail Bar 98 찰스 H. CHARLES H. 99 칵테일바 Cocktail Bar 토닉워터를직접제조해캔배출을줄이고, 과일껍질을가니시로재활용하는등지속가능한바문화를제안하는곳이다. 업장명또한 제로웨이스트 의준말이다. 한라봉, 참외등으로재증류한진은이곳만의시그너처베이스다. 오후 2 시에오픈해낮술과브런치도즐길수있다. 포시즌스호텔내에자리한스피크이지바다. 비밀의문을열고들어서면, 전세계의 칵테일을발견하고즐겼던미국작가찰스 H. 베이커의자유로움을표현한공간에서 예술적인칵테일을즐길수있다. 뛰어난호스피탤러티문화도경험할수있다. A bar that seeks to achieve a sustainable bar culture by making its own tonic water to reduce can waste and using fruit peels as garnish. The place s name is also short of Zero Waste. Redistilled gin with hallabong, a type of tangerine, and Korean melon is the signature drink of the bar. It opens at 2 pm, so you can enjoy an early mid-day drink as well as brunch. Address 서울시강남구도산대로 55 길 26, 1 층 1F, 26, Dosan-daero 55-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 010-3177-8801 Menu Z&T Z&T 25,000 소이캬라멜 Soy Caramel 25,000 Hours 14:00-02:00 0 zest.seoul 바 & 펍 Bar & Pub A speakeasy bar located in Four Seasons Hotel. As you enter the secret door, a space that portrays the freedom of U.S. writer Charles H. Baker, who discovered and enjoyed cocktails around the world, is unveiled. You can also experience an outstanding culture of hospitality. Address 서울시종로구새문안로 97, 포시즌스호텔서울 LL 층 ( 지하 1 층 ) LL floor (B1F), Four Seasons Hotel Seoul, 97, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel 02-6388-5500 Menu 맨해튼플라이트 Manhattan Flight 32,000 미스프리다 Miss Frida 28,000 Hours 목 - 토요일 Thursday Saturday 18:00-02:30 일 - 수요일 Sunday Wednesday 18:00-01:00 0 charleshseoul 138 139

파인앤코 Pine & Co 100 칵테일바 Cocktail Bar 신사동은밀한골목에숨은스피크이지콘셉트의칵테일바다. 각종대회에서우승을 거머쥔박범석, 홍두의바텐더가개성있는칵테일을선보인다. 이화곡과백곡균을보리와 함께우린위스키베이스에탄산을더한 누룩 이시그너처다. A speakeasy cocktail bar hidden in a secret alleyway of Sinsa-dong. Bartenders Park Beom-seok and Hong Du-ui who won multiple contests offer colorful cocktails. Nuruk, a cocktail made of ehwagok and Apergillus Kawachii infused in whiskey with barley and added with carbonated water, is the signature drink of the bar. Address 서울시강남구선릉로 157 길 33, 지하 1 층 B1F, 33, Seolleung-ro 157-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel 010-6817-0406 Menu 누룩 Nuruk 23,000 히노끼 Hinoki 23,000 Hours 20:00-02:00 월요일휴무 Closed on Mondays www.pineandcoseoul.com 바 & 펍 Bar & Pub 140 141