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212 영상기술연구 세대라고 할 수 있다. 이 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대란 60년대 일본의 영화사에서 과거세대와는 단 절된 뉴웨이브 의 흐름이 있었는데 오늘날의 뉴웨이브 세대를 뛰어넘는다는 의미에서 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대로 불린다. 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대 감독들의 경향은 개인적이고 자유분

318 美 國 學 第 二 十 九 輯 (2006) I. 재즈 발전사 과거 인류가 이룬 발전과 파괴를 모두 합친 것보다 더 과격한 변화를 겪은 20세기를 테크놀러지 전쟁 환경 영화 등이 부각되었던 시 대로 따로 일걷기도 한다. 재즈는 19세기 말 탄생하여 불과 1때년 남짓

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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp DOI: : Researc


Arts for everyone, everywhere, everyday


Webpage www.onemonthfestival.com www.thehouseconcert.com SNS www.facebook.com/thehouseconcert www.youtube.com/thehouseconcert www.twitter.com/hconcert E-mail / TEL project@hconcert.com +82-2-576-7061, +82-10-2223-7061 02

432 Performances 27 Countries Arts for everyone, everywhere, everyday ONE MONTH festival 2015. 7.1-31 03

C Taeuk Kang 04

Life with Culture 문화가있는삶 On July 12th of last year, we hosted the One Day Festival, where we successfully organized and hosted 94 concerts in Korea, China, and Japan on the same day at the exact same time. This year, we will be hosting the One Month Festival, where we will be literally hosting concerts for an entire month. The festival will feature 432 concerts in 155 cities of 27 different countries, expanding the previous region to even greater regions in different parts of the world. Going from one day of festival to one month isn t just about expanding the scale of the festival; it is to reflect the goal of creating sustainable cultural environments where these cultural events can be experienced not just for one day or one month, but on a daily basis. At the same time, it is also an experiment to attract collaborations from everyone across the world who shares the same problem. We currently live in a world where even arts are being exploited by economical logistics, and this problem isn t limited to just few countries. We are here to make this problem clear to everyone. Culture is not just a tool for entertainment, but a value and a spirit of this world. Therefore, a solid groundwork of a basic cultural foundation is essential, and that needs to be the spiritual background that creates the future we deserve. If basic cultural foundation is the seed, the fruit would be mass culture. We are aware that we should never exploit the fruit without actively planting its seeds. The festival is our plea of cultivating the cultural foundation, our act of planting a seed that will build the cornerstone of our belief. The festival was organized as a campaign of seeking voluntary participants from all over the world. This was possible due to the lesson we learned through our experiences, that although one individual effort may not be enough, when many are accumulated, they can still make a big impact with a great force. Organizing the festival was an opportunity to attest the universal possibility that exceeds the distance of boundaries of countries. For this project, people of different nationalities from different parts of the world conjoined to devote themselves for the same belief. We are to witness how culture and arts can nullify the complex relationships among countries and can contribute to pursue common happiness. It would by lying to say that we never had any doubts or suspicion during the process. But we are here now. From here, our new hope is about to begin. Isn t that a marvelous thing to say? However, more than anything, I want this festival to not only be a meaningful experience, but a fun experience for everyone involved. I also want this valuable time to be the small key to happiness for the future. Everything is all set now. Let s all enjoy without regrets. I would like to say thank you to everyone who believed in The House Concert. Thank you for always being with us. 작년 7 월 12 일저희는한국, 중국, 일본에서 94 개의공연을동시진행하는 One Day Festival 을성공적으로개최하였습니다. 올해의 One Month Festival 은말그대로한달간의공연을의미합니다. 지역또한더넓은세계곳곳으로확장되었습니다. 27 개국가, 155 개도시에서총 432 개의공연으로이루어집니다. One Day 에서 One Month 로나아간다는의미는비단페스티벌의규모를확장한다는데에있지않습니다. 하루가아닌한달, 한달이아닌매일의일상에서만날수있는지속적인문화환경을만들자는취지를반영하는것입니다. 또한동일한문제의식을공유하는전세계인의협력을이끌어내려는일종의실험이기도합니다. 우리는예술마저경제논리에휘둘리는시대에살고있으며, 이것은특정국가나지역에한정되어있지않습니다. 우리는이에경종을울리고자합니다. 문화를단지유흥의도구로만여겨서는안됩니다. 문화란이세계의가치관이자정신이기때문입니다. 그러므로탄탄한기초문화의기틀은매우중요합니다. 그것이미래를만드는정신의바탕이되어야합니다. 기초문화는씨앗과같고대중문화는열매와도같습니다. 우리는더이상열매만취하고씨앗을뿌리는일에소홀해서는안된다는사실을잘알고있습니다. 이페스티벌은그러한문화적토양을더욱비옥하게만들자는호소이며, 그신념의지표를세우기위해뿌리는작은씨앗이기도합니다. 이번페스티벌은세계각국의자발적참여를유도한캠페인형식으로진행되었습니다. 개개인의힘은터무니없이작을지라도그전체가모이면상상을초월하는큰힘이된다는것을우리는지속적인경험을통해알고있기때문입니다. 이번페스티벌은그것이국가간의거리와경계를초월하는보편적가능성임을확인하는계기가되었습니다. 같은신념을위해헌신하고자하는세계각국, 수많은국적의사람들이함께했습니다. 우리는이제문화와예술이어떻게복잡한이해관계로얽힌이세계를무장해제시키고, 공동의행복을추구하는일에기여할수있는가를목도하게될것입니다. 이것이정말로가능한일인지의구심이들지않았다면거짓일것입니다. 자, 하지만이렇게모였습니다. 여기에서우리의또다른희망이시작되는것입니다. 진정멋지지않은지요? 그러나, 저는그무엇보다이페스티벌이단지유의미한일이아닌, 모두에게재미있는일이되었으면하는바람입니다. 이왕이면이귀중한가치가미래의행복을여는작은열쇠가되기를기대합니다. 모든준비가끝났고, 후회없이즐길일만이남아있습니다. The House Concert 를믿어주신모든분들께감사인사를드립니다. 함께해주셔서진심으로감사합니다. Chang Soo Park President of The House Concert 박창수더하우스콘서트대표 05

ONE MONTH festival The One Month Festival, as the title suggests, is a project that hosts concerts during an entire month; it s a festival that features 432 concerts in 155 cities of 27 different countries. By hosting concerts of different genres and characters everyday for the entire month, from July 1st to July 31st, the festival attempts to create a sustainable cultural environment, where cultural experiences can be part of our lives not just for one day or one month, but on a daily basis. A total of 432 concerts will be held not only at concert halls, but also at house concertstyle salon concert environments, schools, art museums, and other small daily alternatives, featuring diverse genres of music including mainly classical music, but also jazz, Korean traditional music, experimental music, and more, as well as a variety of dance performances and theater plays. The One Month Festival, a cultural movement with an ambition to enrich the cultural foundation by promoting arts for one month under slogan Arts for everyone, everywhere, everyday, is an international collaborative project where artists and promoters from all around the world gathered with The House Concert under the same goal. The festival itself is a statement that even a small single effort can make a big impact with a great force when accumulated. 원먼스페스티벌 은말그대로한달내내공연이개최되는프로젝트로, 세계 27개국가 155개도시에서총432 개의공연이펼쳐지는축제입니다. 7월 1일부터 31일까지한달간매일공연이열리게되는본페스티벌은하루가아닌한달, 한달이아닌매일의일상에서만날수있는지속적인문화적환경을만들자는취지로이루어지며, 다양한장르와성격의공연들이공존하게됩니다. 총 432개의공연은공연장은물론하우스콘서트형식의살롱음악회공간을포함하여학교, 미술관등일상의소소한대안공간에서도펼쳐지며, 클래식을중심으로재즈, 국악, 실험음악등의음악장르와무용, 연극에이르기까지다양한장르를포괄합니다. 누구에게나, 어디에서나, 언제나 일상에함께하는공연예술 (Arts for everyone, everywhere, everyday) 을한달단위로선보임으로써문화적토양을더욱비옥하게만들자는일종의문화운동의성격을가지고있는 원먼스페스티벌 은세계각국에서같은신념을가진수많은국적의아티스트와기획자들이하우스콘서트에동참하여만들어졌습니다. 개개인의힘은터무니없이작을지라도전체가모이면상상을초월하는큰힘이된다는것을이번페스티벌을통해함께확인하고자합니다. 06


7.115:00 15:00 SEOUL, S.KOREA National Museum of Korea SEOUL, S.KOREA Jangwi Market The opening concert of the 2015 One Month Festival will be held in the Cultural Foundation of National Museum of Korea. The opening concert, which will present the majestic sound of the 60 members of the Gwacheon Symphony Orchestra (Conductor : Jin Suh) performing with pianist Peter Ovtcharov, will be held together with the Cultural Banquet of National Museum of Korea. 국립중앙박물관열린마당 / 2015 원먼스페스티벌의개막공연이국립중앙박물관열린마당에서펼쳐진다. 과천시립교향악단 ( 지휘 : 서진 ) 단원 60 여명의웅장한사운드와피아니스트페테르오브차로프의협연으로페스티벌의성대한시작을알리게될본개막공연은국립중앙박물관의 박물관문화향연 프로그램과함께한다. Gwacheon Sypmhony Orchestra Jin Suh (Conduct) Peter Ovtcharov (Piano) Opening Concert 개막공연 P. I. Tchaikovsky Piano Concert No.1 in b-flat minor, Op.23 I. Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso F. v. Suppé Overture from Operetta Die Leichte Kavallerie (Light cavalry) P. I. Tchaikovsky Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker Suite Sung-Hwan Choi 아리랑환상곡 (Arirang Fantasy) J. Strauss II Overture from Operetta Die Fledermaus (The Bat) The concert will be the 1st concert of the S Project, featuring the young Korean saxophone ensemble S.with for the One Month Festival. S Project, where the S comes from the first letters of Surprised with you, Start with you, Seoul busking, will begin at Jangwi Market in Kangbuk, Seoul, and will end at DongA Science Astronomical Observatory in Yongsan, Gangnam, where the locations of the 14 concerts will draw a S on the map. The performance of the concert will be arranged for the merchants in Jangwi Market. 장위시장 / 청춘색소폰앙상블인 S.with 이원먼스페스티벌을위해선보이는 S 프로젝트 의첫번째공연이다. S 프로젝트란, Surprised with you, Start with you, Seoul busking 의앞글자를따서만든프로젝트로, 강북의장위시장에서시작해강남용산의과학동아천문대까지지도상으로 S 자를그리며총 14 회의공연이진행된다. 이번공연은장위시장내상인들을위한연주로마련되었다. S.with (Saxophone Quartet) The Real Group Walking Down the Street G. F. Händel The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba W. A. Mozart Twinkle Twinkle Little Star G. Fauré Pavane J. S. Bach Air on the G String G. Gershwin Oh Lady be Good A. Piazzolla Libertango Henry Mancini Moon river Ennio Morricone Gabriel oboe G. Bizet Carmen Fantasy Robert Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez Disney s Frozen Medley Yongpil Cho 단발머리 (Bobbed Hair) A. Piazzolla Addios Nonino 08

17:00 19:30 SEOUL, S.KOREA Dream Forest LONDON, UK All Souls The concert will be the 2nd concert of the S Project, featuring the young Korean saxophone ensemble S.with for the One Month Festival. S Project, where the S comes from the first letters of Surprised with you, Start with you, Seoul busking, began at Jangwi Market in Kangbuk, Seoul, and will end at DongA Science Astronomical Observatory in Yongsan, Gangnam, where the locations of the 14 concerts will draw a S on the map. The concert will be a busking (street performance) in the forest located in the heart of the city. 북서울꿈의숲 / 청춘색소폰앙상블인 S.with 이원먼스페스티벌을위해선보이는 S 프로젝트 의두번째공연이다. S 프로젝트란, Surprised with you, Start with you, Seoul busking 의앞글자를따서만든프로젝트로, 강북의장위시장에서시작해강남용산의과학동아천문대까지지도상으로 S 자를그리며총 14 회의공연이진행된다. 이번공연은도심속의숲속버스킹으로마련되었다. S.with (Saxophone Quartet) The Real Group 1 Walking Down the Street G. F. Händel The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba W. A. Mozart Twinkle Twinkle Little Star G. Fauré Pavane J. S. Bach Air on the G String G. Gershwin Oh Lady be Good A. Piazzolla Libertango Henry Mancini Moon river Ennio Morricone Gabriel oboe G. Bizet Carmen Fantasy Robert Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez Disney s Frozen Medley Yongpil Cho 단발머리 (Bobbed Hair) A. Piazzolla Addios Nonino The Church, designed by John Nash to complete his scheme for Regent Street was consecrated on 25th November 1824. Aerial bombardment on 8th December 1940 made it unusable but it was reopened for worship on 29th April 1951. A major reconstruction took place from 1st May 1975 including the provision of the new Waldegrave Hall and the Church was re-opened on 2nd November 1976. Thousands worship here each week. 올소울스교회 / 런던의리젠트스트리트에위치한올소울스교회는건축가존내시 (1732-1835) 가 1824 년도에건축했으며 2011 년타계한존스토트목사가시무하던교회로유명하다. 1940 년 12 월폭격으로인해문을닫았으며 1951 년부터다시예배를드리기시작했으며매주천여명의사람들이모여예배를드린다. Grace Yeo, Kei Takumi (Piano) Caroline Sharp, Meehyun Oh (Violin) Lydia Kwon, Kyeong-Jin Lee (Cello) Lucy Downer, Joseph Hyungsup Lim (Clarinet) Noël Tredinnick (Conduct) J. Haydn Piano Trio in G Major, Hob.XV/25 ( Gypsy Trio ) I. Andante - II. Poco adagio - III. Rondo all Ongarese ( Gypsy rondo ) L. v. Beethoven Sonata for Violin and Piano No.8 in G Major, Op.30, No.3 I. Allegro assai - II. Tempo di menuetto, ma molto moderato e grazioso - III. Allegro vivace J. Brahms Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano in a minor, Op.114 I. Allegro - II. Adagio - III. Andantino grazioso - IV. Allegro V. Williams 6 Studies in English Folksong 1. Adagio ( Lovely on the Water ) in e modal minor / 2. Andante sostenuto ( Spurn Point ) in E-flat Major / 3. Larghetto ( Van Dieman s Land ) in d modal minor / 4. Lento ( She Borrowed Some of her Mother s Gold ) / 5. Andante tranquillo ( The Lady and the Dragon ) in C Major / 6. Allegro vivace ( As I walked over London Bridge ) J. S. Bach Italian Concerto in F Major, BWV971 I. Allegro - II. Andante - III. Presto 09

19:30 CAMBRIDGE, US LilyPad 20:00 SEOUL, S.KOREA Gran Guitar Lilypad Inman is a performance space and art gallery located at the heart of Inman Square, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Known as The Lilypad, this venue is available for modest rent for a wide range of art-related events, from musical and theatrical performances to readings, lectures, and yoga. 릴리패드 / 매사추세츠주보스턴에서가장 힙 한소극장이다. 갤러리를겸하는특색있는시설로재즈, 블루스, 아방가드, 댄스, 강연등다양한장르가소개된다. 30 년동안꾸준히 매주월요일밤 정기공연을가져온프린지그룹이연주하는장소로도유명하다. 얼마전에는노암촘스키가강연회를갖는등다양한예술, 인문이벤트로인기를누리고있다. Gran Guitar, the most well-known classic guitar workshop in Korea, is known for its guitar making as well as trial performances of instruments and a cultural space for music enthusiasts. 그랑기타 / 대한민국을대표하는클래식기타공방이며, 기타제작과더불어악기시연회및음악애호가들의문화공간으로도활용되고있다. KOMBUCHA Gran Guitar Quintet The program will be announced on the day of performance. From the New World with Gran Guitar Quintet 신세계로부터 with 그랑기타퀸텟 G. Bizet Carmen Suite I. Aragonaise II. Habanera III. Seguidilla IV. Toreadors V. Entr acte VI. Gypsy Dance I. Albeniz Asturias Leyenda L. Boccherini Introduction & Fandango G. Rossini La Gazza Ladra Overture A. Dvo ák New World Fantasy from Symphony No.9 10

20:00 NEW YORK, US Tomi Jazz NYC 20:30 NEW YORK, US Village Vanguard Tomi Jazz combines a Japanese fusion menu with speakeasy ambiance -- ring the doorbell! -- along with fine jazz in midtown Manhattan. Patrons are divided on whether it s a jazz bar with a menu, or vice versa, but many describe it in their own terms as a secret jam. 토미재즈 / 일식퓨전메뉴와재즈음악이갖춰진스피크이지컨셉 ( 초인종을눌러라!) 의미드타운맨하탄에위치한재즈바다. 음식이있는재즈바인지, 재즈가있는식당인지손님들의의견은분분하지만, 많은사람들이자기만의방식으로 숨겨진보물 이라고불리는곳이다. Emi Takada Group : Emi Takada (Vocal) Chiemi Nakai (Piano) Noriko Ueda (Double Bass) The program will be announced on the day of performance. Opened in 1935, the Village Vanguard is a jazz club in lower Manhattan that once promoted a wide range of music, including beat poetry, but shifted exclusively to jazz in 1957. Regular performers beginning in that era included Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, and Thelonious Monk. The Village Vanguard is known also for recordings made there, many of them signatures in the evolution of jazz, from Sonny Rollins Old Devil Moon, the dawn of the pianoless trio, to Art Pepper s Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, to Wynton Marsalis Live at the Vanguard. 빌리지뱅가드 / 1935 년로어맨해튼에서오픈하여비트음율과같은다양한종류의음악을선보이다 1957 년부터오직재즈전용으로변모한재즈클럽이다. 소니롤린스, 마일스데이비스, 찰스밍거스, 빌에반스, 스탠겟츠, 텔로니어스몽크등다양한연주가들이일찍이이곳에서공연을했다. 이곳에서녹음된음반들도아주유명한데, 피아노없는트리오가시작된시기의소니롤린스의 Old Devil Moon 부터아트페퍼의 Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, 그리고윈튼마살리스의 Live at the Vanguard 까지재즈의진화를대표하는많은곡들이이곳에서녹음되었다. 1 Fred Hersch Trio : Fred Hersch (Piano) John Hébert (Double Bass) Eric McPherson (Drums) The program will be announced on the day of performance. 11

22:00 PRAGUE, CZECH Jazz Dock 22:30 NEW YORK, US Village Vanguard Jazz Dock offers a new stage for Prague s music scene. A variety of indoor and outdoor areas allow more chamber-like concerts to be held for specific audiences, seated in arm chairs with food and drink, surrounded by decor that changes from room to room. Jazz Dock also presents Music Cinema to help patrons learn more about jazz and blues personalities through brief lectures, documentary film, and concert footage. 재즈닥 / 프라하의음악세계에새로운무대를개척해가는곳으로, 다양한실내외공간을제공하여실내악위주의콘서트들을허용함과동시에특정관객들이각기인테리어가다른방들중한곳의편안한의자에앉아음식물과함께공연을관람할수있는곳이다. 또한이곳은관객들이짧은강의, 다큐멘터리영화, 콘서트영상등을통해재즈와블루스를배울수있는뮤직시네마를제공한다. Martina Fišerová Group The program will be announced on the day of performance. Opened in 1935, the Village Vanguard is a jazz club in lower Manhattan that once promoted a wide range of music, including beat poetry, but shifted exclusively to jazz in 1957. Regular performers beginning in that era included Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, and Thelonious Monk. The Village Vanguard is known also for recordings made there, many of them signatures in the evolution of jazz, from Sonny Rollins Old Devil Moon, the dawn of the pianoless trio, to Art Pepper s Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, to Wynton Marsalis Live at the Vanguard. 빌리지뱅가드 / 1935 년로어맨해튼에서오픈하여비트음율과같은다양한종류의음악을선보이다 1957 년부터오직재즈전용으로변모한재즈클럽이다. 소니롤린스, 마일스데이비스, 찰스밍거스, 빌에반스, 스탠겟츠, 텔로니어스몽크등다양한연주가들이일찍이이곳에서공연을했다. 이곳에서녹음된음반들도아주유명한데, 피아노없는트리오가시작된시기의소니롤린스의 Old Devil Moon 부터아트페퍼의 Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, 그리고윈튼마살리스의 Live at the Vanguard 까지재즈의진화를대표하는많은곡들이이곳에서녹음되었다. 1 Fred Hersch Trio : Fred Hersch (Piano) John Hébert (Double Bass) Eric McPherson (Drums) The program will be announced on the day of performance. 12

7.213:00 LONDON, UK St.James s Church 18:30 PARIS, FRANCE Salle Henri Selmer The church, which was built in the 1200s, was burned down during World War II and has since been reconstructed. It has been beloved by the Londoners and tourists visiting the Paddington area, the central area of London, and has been hosting various classical music concerts such as the lunchtime and evening concerts year-round. 세인트제임스교회 /1200 년대에지어진이교회는세계 2 차대전때모두불에타버린후지금의모습으로재건축되었다. 런던의중심지인패딩턴에위치하여런더너와전세계인의사랑을듬뿍받으며클래식음악회장으로도자리매김하였으며연중으로런치타임과이브닝콘서트를기획한다. The concert will be held in the performance hall of the headquarter of Salle Henri Selmer, the maker of one of the most prestigious saxophones that have been historically beloved by many great musicians. Saxophonist Seung-dong Lee will play the The Sound of Korea themed concert, which will consist of music composed only by Korean composers. 앙리셀마홀 / 역사적으로많은대가들이선택하여사용했으며, 가장인상깊은색소폰으로명성이높은프랑스파리의셀마색소폰본사에있는연주홀에서열리는공연이다. 색소포니스트이승동이 한국의소리 를주제로공연을펼치며모든레파토리는한국작곡가들의작품으로만구성된다. MinJung Baek (Piano) J. S. Bach / F. Busoni Chaconne from Partita No.2 in d minor, BWV1004 D. Scarlatti Piano Sonata in C Major, K.159 Piano Sonata in G Major, K.427 F. Liszt Piano Sonata in b minor, S.178 M. Ravel La Valse Seung-dong Lee (Saxophone) Kyung Sun Yoo (Piano) Le son de Coréen 한국의소리 Young Jo Lee Do Won Yu Sung Gon Hwang Eun Kyung Park Cheng Mook Kim Sang Jin Kim In Sik Lee 소리 (Sori Nr.10) Narcissus Chaconne for Charlie 처용 (Cheoyong) Meditation White Melancolie 진도아리랑 (Jindo Arirang) 13

19:00 WIEN, AUSTRIA Salon Razumovsky 19:00 SEOUL, S.KOREA I Have a Dream Salon Razumovsky, opened in 2014, is a small salon located in the third district of Vienna, Austria. The name of the salon derives from the owner Gregor Razumovsky, who is the descendent of the family of the client, the Russian minister living in Vienna in 1792, who commissioned Beethoven s String Quartet Op. 59 Razumovski. Along with the salon, many activities honoring his name are currently under way. 살롱라주모프스키 / 2014 년에오픈한곳으로오스트리아빈 3 구에위치한작은살롱이다. 이름은주인그레고르라주모프스키에서따온것으로, 그는 1792 년빈에주재하고있었던러시아공사, 즉베토벤의현악사중주곡 Op.59 라주모프스키 를의뢰한의뢰자가문의자손이다. 이살롱을비롯하여, 그의이름을기리는의미있는활동들을진행중에있다. Cultural Arts Restaurant I Have a Dream, which has a direct passage way from Gangnam Station, is a cultural arts space that contains both a restaurant and a performance stage. It is an open stage where both professionals and amateur artists can perform, where it also hosts many other types of events. Throughout the month of July, it will host a jazz concert for the One Month Festival every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 아이해브어드림 / 강남역과통로과연결되어있는, 레스토랑이면서자체공연장이마련되어있는문화예술공간이다. 이곳공연장은전문가외신인들도공연할수있고, 이벤트공간으로도활용할수있는열린공간이다. 7 월에는매주화, 목, 금, 토요일에 원먼스페스티벌 의일환으로재즈공연이열린다. Hyunah Park (Cello) Mari Shibuta (Piano) J. S. Bach Cello Suite No.1 in G Major, BWV1007 I. Prelude IV. Sarabande V. Menuet VI. Gigue L. v. Beethoven 12 Variations on Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen from Die Zauberflöte, Op.66 C. Debussy Sonata for Cello and Piano in d minor, L.135 I. Prologue : Lent, sstenuto e molto risoluto II. Sérénade III. Finale : Animé F. Mendelssohn On Wings of Song, Op.34, No.2 P. I. Tchaikovsky Nocturne Op.19, No.4 D. Shostakovich Sonata for Cello and Piano in d minor, Op.40 I. Allegro non troppo II. Allegro Jiyeun Lee Duo The program will be announced on the day of performance. 14

20:00 SEOUL, S.KOREA Art Space NO 20:30 NEW YORK, US Village Vanguard Art Space NO is a cultural arts community; previously a meeting and a workplace for a non-profit organization, it is now being used as a gallery and a concert hall from Monday to Saturday. 아트스페이스노 / 문화예술공유공간 이며, 원래는한비영리단체의모임과사무공간으로마련되었는데월 ~ 토요일에갤러리와공연장으로활용되고있다. Creo Duo & Gran Guitar Quintet Creo Duo N. Paganini Sonata for Violin and Guitar in A Major, Op.2, No. 1 I. Menuetto : Adagio II. Polonaise : Quasi adagio A.Piazzolla Gran Guitar Quintet Historie du Tango - Café 1930 - Nightclub 1960 L. Boccherini Introduction & Fandango Ji Yeon Ryu (Violin) with Gran Guitar Quintet A. L. Webber The Phantom of the Opera Suite Gran Guitar Quintet G. Rossini La Gazza Ladra Overture A. Dvo ák New World Fantasy from Symphony No.9 Ji Yeon Ryu(Violin) with Gran Guitar Quintet T. Albinoni-A. Piazzolla Adagio-Libertango Opened in 1935, the Village Vanguard is a jazz club in lower Manhattan that once promoted a wide range of music, including beat poetry, but shifted exclusively to jazz in 1957. Regular performers beginning in that era included Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, and Thelonious Monk. The Village Vanguard is known also for recordings made there, many of them signatures in the evolution of jazz, from Sonny Rollins Old Devil Moon, the dawn of the pianoless trio, to Art Pepper s Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, to Wynton Marsalis Live at the Vanguard. 빌리지뱅가드 / 1935 년로어맨해튼에서오픈하여비트음율과같은다양한종류의음악을선보이다 1957 년부터오직재즈전용으로변모한재즈클럽이다. 소니롤린스, 마일스데이비스, 찰스밍거스, 빌에반스, 스탠겟츠, 텔로니어스몽크등다양한연주가들이일찍이이곳에서공연을했다. 이곳에서녹음된음반들도아주유명한데, 피아노없는트리오가시작된시기의소니롤린스의 Old Devil Moon 부터아트페퍼의 Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, 그리고윈튼마살리스의 Live at the Vanguard 까지재즈의진화를대표하는많은곡들이이곳에서녹음되었다. 2 Fred Hersh Trio : Fred Hersch (Piano) John Hébert (Double Bass) Eric McPherson (Drums) The program will be announced on the day of performance. 15

21:30 MACERATA, ITALY Teatro Feronia 22:30 NEW YORK, US Village Vanguard Teatro Feronia is a theater located in Marche, Italy, that mainly hosts operas and orchestra concerts as well as jazz performances in its outdoor stage during summer. 페로니아극장 / 이탈리아마르케에위치한페로니아극장은주로오페라와오케스트라연주가열리며여름에는야외무대에서재즈연주가펼쳐진다. Michelle & Keith : Michelle Urquhart (Viola) Keith Mitchell (Piano) C. Franck Sonata for Violin and Piano in A Major, M.8 (performed on Viola and Piano) I. Allegretto ben moderato II. Allegro III. Recitativo : Fantasia IV. Allegretto poco mosso J. Brahms Sonata for Viola and Piano in f minor, Op.120, No.1 I. Allegro appassionato II. Andante un poco adagio III. Allegretto grazioso IV. Vivace N. Paganini Sonata per La Grand Viola, MS70 I. Introduzione : Larghetto - Recitativo a piacere II. Cantabile Andante Sostenuto III. Tema con Variazioni (Theme, 3 Variations and Coda) A. Veracini Largo in f-sharp minor Other works by Peter Sculthorpe and Elena Kats-Chernin Opened in 1935, the Village Vanguard is a jazz club in lower Manhattan that once promoted a wide range of music, including beat poetry, but shifted exclusively to jazz in 1957. Regular performers beginning in that era included Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, and Thelonious Monk. The Village Vanguard is known also for recordings made there, many of them signatures in the evolution of jazz, from Sonny Rollins Old Devil Moon, the dawn of the pianoless trio, to Art Pepper s Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, to Wynton Marsalis Live at the Vanguard. 빌리지뱅가드 / 1935 년로어맨해튼에서오픈하여비트음율과같은다양한종류의음악을선보이다 1957 년부터오직재즈전용으로변모한재즈클럽이다. 소니롤린스, 마일스데이비스, 찰스밍거스, 빌에반스, 스탠겟츠, 텔로니어스몽크등다양한연주가들이일찍이이곳에서공연을했다. 이곳에서녹음된음반들도아주유명한데, 피아노없는트리오가시작된시기의소니롤린스의 Old Devil Moon 부터아트페퍼의 Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, 그리고윈튼마살리스의 Live at the Vanguard 까지재즈의진화를대표하는많은곡들이이곳에서녹음되었다. 2 Fred Hersch Trio : Fred Hersch (Piano) John Hébert (Double Bass) Eric McPherson (Drums) The program will be announced on the day of performance. 16

7.311:30 CALLAO, PERU Escuela de Talentos 12:00 NOORDWIJK, NETHERLANDS Music All In Edcuela de Talentos, located in Callao, Peru, is a school that specializes in intensive training of science, culture, and technology depending on each student s talent. 에스쿠엘라드탈렌토 / 페루칼라우지역의학교로학생개인의재능을발굴하며과학, 문화그리고기술을집중적으로교육하는특수한학교다. The concert will take place on the performance stage on the 1st floor of the Noordwijk branch of Music all In, a music chain store of the Netherlands. The store s contemporary style interior has a spacious area where a total of 50 seats can be freely arranged to create a performance stage. Coffee and tea will be served in the bar. 뮤직올인 / 네덜란드의악기체인점으로, 이번공연은노르트바이크지점 1 층의연주공간에서펼쳐진다. 현대식상점건물내부의넓직한공간이며의자를마음대로배치가능하고최대 50 석까지마련할예정이다. 바에서커피와차가제공된다. Umul Park (Guitar/Harmonica) Sung Sook Hong (Violin) Ja Hye Kim (Piano) Jahye Kim (Piano) F. Chopin Nocturne in A-Flat Major, Op.32, No.2 F. Liszt St. Francis of Paola Walking on the Waters from 2 Legends M. Ravel La Valse Umul Park (Guitar, Harmonice) Peru Traditional Song Ojos Azules (Blue Eyes) + 새야새야파랑새야 (Blue Bird) Korea Traditional Song 박우물 (Umul Park) Sung Sook Hong (Violin) John Newton Arirang C Amazing Grace 그의이야기 (His Story) Tae-Young Kim (Piano) Ines De Brito (Soprano) Songs Matinee Short Improvisation on Piano G. F. Händel Lascia ch io Pianga from Opera Rinaldo G. Giordani Caro mio ben G. Paisiello Nel cor piu non mi cento from Opera L amor Constrastato R. Strauss Die Nacht Morgen Zueignung R. Schumann Widmung A. Berg Excerpts from Seven Early Songs No.1 Nacht No.3 Nachtigal R. Strauss Beim Schlafengehen from Vier Letzte Lieder - Beim Schlafengehen 17

12:15 EDINBURGH, UK St.Giles Cathedral 14:00 INCHEON, S.KOREA Incheon Seogu Art Center St.Giles Cathedral, is the principal place of worship of the Church of Scotland in Edinburgh. Its distinctive crown steeple is a prominent feature of the city skyline, at about a third of the way down the Royal Mile which runs from the Castle to Holyrood Palace. The church has been one of Edinburgh s religious focal points for approximately 900 years. The present church dates from the late 14th century, though it was extensively restored in the 19th century. 세인트자일스대성당 / 에든버러에위치한이곳은 854 년경부터교회가있었던자리에성인자일스를헌정하며지어진성당이다. 1124 년도에증축되었으며 1385 년화재로불탔으나복구되었다. 왕관모양의독특한성당모습은 1829 년윌리엄번에의해서완성되었다. Opened in 1995, Incheon Seogu Art Center attempts to contribute to inspire the cultural pride of the Seogu citizens under the motto Culture leads the new age. The concert will be held as a house concert style, which the Seogu citizens especially love. It will feature violinist Hyuck-joo Kwon, and audience members will get to sit next to the violinist on stage instead of the seats. 인천서구문화회관 / 1995 년에개관된인천서구문화회관은 문화가새로운시대를이끌어갑니다 라는모토를가지고서구주민의문화적자긍심고취에기여하고자노력하고있다. 이번공연은서구주민들에게특별히사랑받고있는하우스콘서트형식으로진행된다. 관객들이객석이아닌무대에앉아서관람하는컨셉트로진행되는본무대에는바이올리니스트권혁주가인천서구의관객들을찾는다. MinJung Baek (Piano) Hyuk Joo Kwun (Violin) Sanghee Kim (Piano) J. S. Bach / F. Busoni Chaconne from Partita No.2 in d minor, BWV1004 D. Scarlatti Piano Sonata in C Major, K.159 Piano Sonata in G Major, K.427 J. Brahms Two Intermezzi from Klavierstücke, Op.118 No 1 in a minor No 2 in A Major F. Liszt Piano Sonata in b minor, S.178 M. Ravel La Valse L. v. Beethoven Sonata for Violin and Piano No.7 in c minor, Op.30 No.2 I. Allegro con brio II. Adagio cantabile III. Scherzo. Allegro - Trio IV. Finale. Allegro J. Brahms Sonata for Violin and Piano No.2 in A Major, Op.100 I. Allegro amabile II. Andante traquillo III. Allegretto grazioso (quasi Andante) P. de Sarasate Zigeunerweisen, Op.20 I. Moderato II. Lento III. Un poco più lento IV. Allegro molto vivace 18

19:00 SEOUL, S.KOREA Eunpyeong Arts Center 19:00 SEOUL, S.KOREA I Have a Dream The only cultural space in the Nokbeon-dong area, Eunpyeong Arts Center, located in the northwestern Seoul, has been the foothold of promoting regional culture creation for the local residents in their daily lives since its establishment in 1997. The concert will be held at the new outdoor performance stage that was recently remodeled in 2015. 은평문화예술회관 / 서울시북서쪽끝에위치한녹번동일대의유일한문화공간으로서 1997 년에설립되었으며지연민과가까운일상에서지역문화창조를위한거점공간으로서의역할을다하고있다. 이번공연은 2015 년리모델링되어새롭게탄생한야외공연장에서진행된다. Cultural Arts Restaurant I Have a Dream, which has a direct passage way from Gangnam Station, is a cultural arts space that contains both a restaurant and a performance stage. It is an open stage where both professionals and amateur artists can perform, where it also hosts many other types of events. Throughout the month of July, it will host a jazz concert for the One Month Festival every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 아이해브어드림 / 강남역과통로가연결되어있는레스토랑이면서자체공연장이마련되어있는문화예술공간이다. 이곳공연장은전문가외신인들도공연할수있고, 이벤트공간으로도활용할수있는열린공간이다. 7 월에는매주화, 목, 금, 토요일에 원먼스페스티벌 의일환으로재즈공연이열린다. Sonagi Project Healing percussion <BarameSoop> <BarameSoop> is a performance mainly composed of janggu, a well-known traditional Korean musical instrument, having had its first performance in 2008. Starting in 2015, it made big creative changes by including additional instruments other than janggu as well as inviting artists of variety of genre as guests, and arranging the performance to an episodic performance by season; the new version will be first introduced in One Month Festival. Setlist : Moongoot, Baedaree-poolyi, Gureumddara Ddeonaonae, Dduddungllalla, Nine A Hope, Dungdanggitaryeong, etc 3 Wish Morning Autumn Moon (by Sang Jihoon) Two Lonely People (by Cho Soonjong) Some Winter Day (by Yoon Miyoon) etc. 힐링퍼커션 < 바람의숲 > 바람의숲은한국의대표적인전통타악기장구를중심으로만든공연물로지난 2008 년초연된창작공연물입니다. 2015 년을기점으로장구이외의악기를추가하고다양한장르의아티스트를게스트로모셔시즌별, 에피소드중심의공연으로그형식을대폭바꾸어원먼스페스티벌에서첫선을보입니다. 연주곡목 : 문굿, 배다리풀이, 구름따라떠나오네, 뚜뚱랄라, 아홉 A Hope, 둥당기타령등 19

19:00 LONDON, UK Hinde Street Methodist Church 19:00 PORTLAND, US Artist Jung Hur s Gallery Studio Hinde Street Methodist Church in Hinde Street, Marylebone, London, was built 1807-10 and rebuilt in the 1880s. 힌데스트리트감리교회 / 이교회는 1807 년부터 1810 년사이에건축되었으며 1880 년대에재건되었다. Oki Hur (Soprano) Grace Yeo (Piano) G. Giordani Caro mio ben G. Puccini O mio babbino caro from Opera Gianni Schicchi G. F. Händel Lascia chi io pianga from Opera Rinaldo G. Caccini Ave Maria W. A. Mozart Exsulltate, Jubilate, K.165 HaeJi Kim (Violin) N. Paganini 24 Caprices for Solo Violin, Op.1 No.24 Finale : Theme and Variations in a minor J. S. Bach Partita No. 3 for Solo Violin in E Major, BMV1006 I. Prelude II. Loure III. Gavotte en rondeau IVa. Menuet 1 IVb. Menuet 2 V. Bourrée VI. Gigue E. Ysaÿe Sonata for Solo Violin in d minor, Op.27, No.3 ( Ballade ) J. Corigliano The Red Violin Caprices 20

19:30 GANGNEUNG, S.KOREA Theatre Dan 20:00 INCHEON, S.KOREA G-Tower (Cloud 29) Theatre Dan, located in Myeongju-dong, Gangneung, Kangwon-do, was originally a church transformed into a small scale culture complex that hosts music, theatre plays, concerts, etc. It will hosts 2 concerts for the One Month Festival, where audience members will be able to watch the performance on the same level as performers. 작은공연장단 / 강원도강릉시명주동에위치한작은공연장단은옛만민교회건물을리모델링한곳으로음악, 연극, 콘서트등의다양한공연을열고있는소규모의복합문화공간이다. 원먼스페스티벌 로총 2 회의공연이개최되며, 관객들은연주자의시선과호흡을마주하며공연을관람하게된다. The concert will be held at G-Tower, the headquarter of Incheon Free Economic Zone, in Songdo, Incheon. It regularly hosts concerts to offer a chance for a special culture exchange among Incheon citizens at the sky garden on the 29th floor. G 타워 / 인천송도에위치한경제자유구역청 G 타워에서열리는공연이다. 이곳 29 층하늘정원에서는인천시민에게특별한문화향유의기회를제공하고자정기적으로공연이개최되고있다. Kyungtae Park (Bass/Uberto) Sangmi Hwang (Soprano/Serpina) Jin Man Han (Baritone/Vespone) G. B. Pergolesi s Opera La Serva Padrona (The Servant Turned Mistress) The Servant Turned Mistress is an opera buffa about a couple s journey to marriage, starring a kind, honest man named Uberto and his clever, witty mistress Serpina. The opera uses its small, cozy atmosphere of little theater to intimately tell the audience the story that is both funny and moving at the same time. When Uberto asks Serpina for a mug of cocoa, Serpina disobeys and complains of Uberto being ill-mannered. Uberto, in order to not be swayed by Serpina, angrily decides to look for a woman to marry to get rid of Serpina, who then conspires with Vespone to trick the kind yet naive Uberto into marrying her. In the end, however, Uberto realizes his love for Serpina, and they become happily married. 3 S.with (Saxophone Quartet) G. F. Händel The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Joe Hisaishi Summer G. Gershwin Oh Lady be Good Miyamoto Fumiaki Kazabue Henry Mancini Moon River Robert Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez Disney s Frozen Medley W. A. Mozart Twinkle Twinkle Little Star G. B. 페르골레시오페라 마님이된하녀 착하고순진한우베르토가그의재치있고슬기로운하녀세르피나와결혼에이르게되기까지의엉뚱발랄한내용의오페라로서, 소극장특유의관객에게친근히다가가는공연으로재미와감동을준다. 우베르토는세르피나에게코코아를마시고싶다고시켰으나세르피나는그말을듣지않고오히려우베르토가맘대로행동한다고불평한다. 화가난우베르토는세르피나에게더이상휘둘리지않기위해결혼하겠다는야심찬결심을말한다. 이에세르피나는착하지만순진한우베르토와결혼하기위해베스포네와짜고우베르토를속이는연극을펼친끝에우베르토역시세르피나를사랑함을깨닫고둘은행복한결혼에성공하게된다. 21

20:00 SEOUL, S.KOREA Maria Hall Maria Hall, located in B17 room of the New Hall in the Catholic Hall of Myeong-dong Cathedral, is part of the diverse cultural space inside the newly developed culture attraction 1898Myeong-dong Church, a safe house for listening to music anytime. Open from 9 am to 10 m, it is a culture complex where people can enjoy coffee, media, and music. 마리아홀 / 명동성당카톨릭회관의신관 B17 호에위치한마리아홀은새롭게탄생한문화명소 1898 명동성당 내부의다양한문화공간중하나로, 언제나음악을감상할수있는아지트같은공간으로서단연주목을받고있다. 오전 9 시부터밤 10 시까지오픈되어있으며커피와영상, 음악을즐길수있는복합문화공간이다. 20:00 SEOUL, S.KOREA National Gugak Center (Pungnyu Sarangbang Theater) Poongryu-sarang-bang of National Gugak Center is a small theater with 130 seats, opened in 2013. The theater, where Korean traditional music can be enjoyed with its natural sound without any microphones or amplifiers, hosts special concerts by day from every Tuesday to every Saturday. For the One Month Festival, it will host Geumyogonggam, a collaborative series between Korean traditional music and other various arts. 국립국악원풍류사랑방 / 2013 년개관한 130 석규모의소극장이다. 마이크나앰프를통한증폭없이자연음그대로의국악을즐길수있으며, 매주수요일부터토요일까지요일마다특색있는기획공연이열린다. 원먼스페스티벌 은매주금요일에열리는국악과다양한예술장르의협업시리즈인 금요공감 의일환으로써마련되었다. Gran Guitar Quintet A Midsummer Night s Guitar 한여름밤의기타 G. Bizet Carmen Suite I. Aragonaise II. Habanera III. Seguidilla IV. Toreadors V. Entr acte VI. Gypsy Dance I. Albeniz Asturias Leyenda Bang Ean Yang (*1960) Frontier! G. Rossini La Gazza Ladra Overture A. Dvo ák New World Fantasy from Symphony No.9 Eun-Il Kang (Haegeum) Minje Sung (Double Bass) Milind Date (Bansuri) Jen Shyu (Vocal) Kim Jung A MUTDANCE One Month Festival in GeumyoGonggam I The stage will present a free improvisation stage by artists from Korea, India, and Taiwan. The entire cast of artists will meet on the day of the performance with no contents in advance, and the context of the performance will be revealed for the first time for everyone when the curtain rises. The performance, which will be harmonized with traditional Korean and Indian musical instruments and a western classical instrument double bass, will feature jazz vocal as well as 5 dancers from MUTDANCE. (* the dancer team is part of the program, and will appear for 10-15 minutes) 원먼스페스티벌 in 금요공감 I 원먼스페스티벌 in 금요공감 첫번째무대인 夏 ( 하 ) 는한국과인도, 대만아티스트의즉흥무대로꾸며진다. 모든연주자는사전에약속된내용없이공연당일에만나며, 무대의막이올랐을때비로소오늘공연의속살이드러나게된다. 한국과인도전통악기와서양클래식악기인더블베이스, 그리고재즈보컬이어우러지는자리이며, 또한 MUTDANCE 5 명의무용수와함께한다. (* 무용팀은프로그램중일부로, 10~15 분가량출연합니다.) 22

20:30 New York, US Village Vanguard 21:30 MACERATA, ITALY Auditorium Santo Spirito Opened in 1935, the Village Vanguard is a jazz club in lower Manhattan that once promoted a wide range of music, including beat poetry, but shifted exclusively to jazz in 1957. Regular performers beginning in that era included Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, and Thelonious Monk. The Village Vanguard is known also for recordings made there, many of them signatures in the evolution of jazz, from Sonny Rollins Old Devil Moon, the dawn of the pianoless trio, to Art Pepper s Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, to Wynton Marsalis Live at the Vanguard. 빌리지뱅가드 / 1935 년로어맨해튼에서오픈하여비트음율과같은다양한종류의음악을선보이다 1957 년부터오직재즈전용으로변모한재즈클럽이다. 소니롤린스, 마일스데이비스, 찰스밍거스, 빌에반스, 스탠겟츠, 텔로니어스몽크등다양한연주가들이일찍이이곳에서공연을했다. 이곳에서녹음된음반들도아주유명한데, 피아노없는트리오가시작된시기의소니롤린스의 Old Devil Moon 부터아트페퍼의 Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, 그리고윈튼마살리스의 Live at the Vanguard 까지재즈의진화를대표하는많은곡들이이곳에서녹음되었다. Fred Hersch Trio : Fred Hersch (Piano) John Hébert (Double Bass) Eric McPherson (Drums) The program will be announced on the day of performance. Auditorium Santo Spirito is a small scale venue in Marche, Italy. 오디토리움산토스피리토 / 이탈리아마르케지역에위치한소규모홀이다. 3 Michelle & Keith : Michelle Urquhart (Viola) Keith Mitchell (Piano) C. Franck Sonata for Violin and Piano in A Major, M.8 (performed on Viola and Piano) I. Allegretto ben moderato II. Allegro III. Recitativo : Fantasia IV. Allegretto poco mosso J. Brahms Sonata for Viola and Piano in f minor, Op.120, No.1 I. Allegro appassionato II. Andante un poco adagio III. Allegretto grazioso IV. Vivace N. Paganini Sonata per La Grand Viola, MS70 I. Introduzione : Larghetto - Recitativo a piacere II. Cantabile Andante Sostenuto III. Tema con Variazioni (Theme, 3 Variations and Coda) A. Veracini Largo in f-sharp minor Other works by Peter Sculthorpe and Elena Kats-Chernin 23

22:00 NEW YORK, US Joe s Pub 22:30 NEW YORK, US Village Vanguard Joe s Pub, at the Public Theater, is one of New York City s most celebrated venues for emerging and established performance artists. Named for Public Theater founder Joe Papp, Joe s Pub debuted in 1998 and plays a vital role in the theater s mission of supporting young artists while providing established artists with an intimate space to perform and develop new work. 조스펍 / 더퍼블릭시어터안에위치한곳으로뉴욕시에서떠오르는신예와저명한예술인들사이에서가장유명한공연장소다. 퍼블릭시어터설립자조팹에서따온이름으로, 1998 년에오픈하여젊은예술가들을도우며저명한예술가들에게는친밀한공간에서의창작과연주를제공하고자하는시어터의목적에많은기여를해왔다. Danny Lipsitz & His Brass Tacks : Danny Lipsitz (Saxophone, Clarinet, Vocal) Rob Garcia (Drums) the rest TBA The program will be announced on the day of performance. Opened in 1935, the Village Vanguard is a jazz club in lower Manhattan that once promoted a wide range of music, including beat poetry, but shifted exclusively to jazz in 1957. Regular performers beginning in that era included Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, and Thelonious Monk. The Village Vanguard is known also for recordings made there, many of them signatures in the evolution of jazz, from Sonny Rollins Old Devil Moon, the dawn of the pianoless trio, to Art Pepper s Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, to Wynton Marsalis Live at the Vanguard. 빌리지뱅가드 / 1935 년로어맨해튼에서오픈하여비트음율과같은다양한종류의음악을선보이다 1957 년부터오직재즈전용으로변모한재즈클럽이다. 소니롤린스, 마일스데이비스, 찰스밍거스, 빌에반스, 스탠겟츠, 텔로니어스몽크등다양한연주가들이일찍이이곳에서공연을했다. 이곳에서녹음된음반들도아주유명한데, 피아노없는트리오가시작된시기의소니롤린스의 Old Devil Moon 부터아트페퍼의 Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, 그리고윈튼마살리스의 Live at the Vanguard 까지재즈의진화를대표하는많은곡들이이곳에서녹음되었다. 3 Fred Hersch Trio : Fred Hersch (Piano) John Hébert (Double Bass) Eric McPherson (Drums) The program will be announced on the day of performance. 24

7.417:00 PUNE, INDIA Muziclub 18:00 NEW YORK, US Whynot Jazz Room Founded on 20th June 2010, Muziclub aims to develop Music skills in masses. It is a platform for providing integrated music services to a large number of people and for enabling increased level of connect and collaboration between various music living people. 뮤지클럽 / 2010 년 6 월 20 일에오픈한뮤지클럽은대규모의음악스킬발전을도모한다. 많은사람들에게통합적인음악서비스를제공함과동시에다양한음악인과애호가들간의협력과소통을권장하는공간이다. Whynot Jazz Room, according to owner Emil Stefkov, is not a club; it s a room to experiment for the roughly 70 performance groups that take advantage of this lower Manhattan venue monthly. As pianist Leo Genovese describes it, Whynot is the place where the unreal is possible, and the place where all cultures and languages are welcome and converge into one mystical music experience. 와이낫재즈룸 / 로어맨하탄에위치해매달약 70 개의공연단들이자신들의작품을실험할수있는 클럽이아닌룸 ( 방 ) 이라고주인에밀스텝코브는말한다. 피아니스트레오지노베스는 와이낫은비현실이현실로변하는, 모든문화와언어가한데모여하나의신비로운음악적경험으로바뀌는공간이다. 라고설명한다. Nimish Ghube (Harmonium) Milap Rane (Vocal) Traditional India Music and Improvisation Jae Young Jeong Project : Jae Young Jeong (Guitar) and special guests The program will be announced on the day of performance. 25

19:00 SEOUL, S.KOREA I Have a Dream 19:00 SEOUL, S.KOREA Place SAI Cultural Arts Restaurant I Have a Dream, which has a direct passage way from Gangnam Station, is a cultural arts space that contains both a restaurant and a performance stage. It is an open stage where both professionals and amateur artists can perform, where it also hosts many other types of events. Throughout the month of July, it will host a jazz concert for the One Month Festival every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 아이해브어드림 / 강남역과통로가연결되어있으며, 레스토랑이면서자체공연장이마련되어있는문화예술공간이다. 이곳공연장은전문가외신인들도공연할수있고, 이벤트공간으로도활용할수있는열린공간이다. 7 월에는매주화, 목, 금, 토요일에 원먼스페스티벌 의일환으로재즈공연이열린다. Place SAI, which opened in December 2013, is a 400m2 space located between Seoul s Seongsu station and Konkuk University station. A unique multi culture space that changes its concept every month, it is an AX (Art Experience) Space where one can see and experience art in person. 플레이스사이 / 2013 년 12 월에오픈한 120 평공간으로서울의성수역과건대입구 사이 에위치했다. 한달단위로컨세트가바뀌는이곳은보다특별한복합문화공간을지향하는 AX (Art Experience) Space 로 예술 을보고, 직접경험하는공간으로운영되고있다. Wonkyung Yoon (Piano) Jaechul Oh (Trumpet) Younghoo Kim (Double Bass) Ekah Kim (Drums) Temporary Thing (by Wonkyung Yoon) Remy (by Wonkyung Yoon) Sail Away (by Tom Harrell) etc. Mahogany King Yong Chang Song (Vocal) Rivers Crew Animation Crew ONE POINT Music of the Mahogany King with Yong Chang Song, together with B-Boy teams 26

19:00 YANGPYEONG, S.KOREA Sangil Park s House 19:30 LIMA, PERU Open Concert (TBA) The concert will be held at a private residence of Sangil Park, located in Daeshim-ri, Yangpyeong County, Gyeonggi-do. While sporadically hosting small concerts, it participated in The House Concert s 2013 One Day Festival, and will host two concerts with the We Soloists for the One Month Festival. 박상일의집 / 경기도양평군대심리에위치한박상일씨의자택에서열리는공연이다. 간헐적으로작은콘서트를열어온이곳은더하우스콘서트의 2013 원데이페스티벌에도함께한바있으며, 이번 원먼스페스티벌 로는위솔로이스츠의공연이두차례마련된다. We Soloists : Kwang Hoon Kim (Violin) Jungmin Park (Viola) Soyoung Yoon (Piano) Jung-Ki Kim (Horn) G. F. Händel / J. Halvorsen Passacaglia in g minor for Violin and Viola A. Piazzolla Le Grand Tango for Viola and Piano N. Rota Castel del Monte for Horn and Piano M. Ravel Tzigane J. Brahms Trio for Horn, Violin and Piano in E-flat Major, Op.40 I. Andante. Poco più animato 4 Umul Park (Guitar/Harmonica) the rest The program will be announced on the day of performance. 27

19:30 CHUNCHEON, S.KOREA PPAL 20:00 LYON, FRANCE Salon de Musique Ppal is a trademark cultural space in Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, administered by mimeist Jin-Gyu Yu. It opened in December 2013 by the back gate of Kangwon National University, a street known as Chuncheon s Hong Dae street. With its motto Ppal is senses. It plays well. It is free written on the flag, it continues to promote the area as a youthful street of cultural arts by constantly hosting activities with many young artists. 빨 / 마임이스트유진규가운영하는강원도춘천을대표하는문화공간이다. 2013 년 12 월, 춘천의홍대거리라고불리는강원대학교후문앞에문을열었다. 빨은감각입니다. 잘놉니다. 자유입니다. 라는깃발을내걸고젊은예술가들과끊임없는활동을하면서일대를젊음이넘치는문화예술의거리로꽃을피워가고있다. Salon de Musique is a small cafe in Lyon, France that also hosts concerts as well as music class and workshops for general adults. 살롱드무지크 / 프랑스리옹에위치한작은카페이며콘서트뿐만아니라일반성인들을위한음악클래스와워크샵을운영하고있다. Muse Ranger (4 Cellos) Acoustic Jazz Ensemble 730 Muse Ranger G. F. Händel Passacalia in g minor C. Gardel Por una Cabeza D. Popper Polonaise de Concert J. Strauss II Pizzicato Polka J. Klengel Serenade in F Major, Op.24 W. H. Squire Dance Rustique, Op.20, No.5 Hyo Young Kim (Saenghwang/Piri) Seung Hyun Lim (Cello) Eun Young Yoon (Piano) Kyoung Hoon Park Hyo Young Kim 이준호 Peaceful mind 고즈 - 넋 (Silent Spirit) 풍향 (Scent of wind) A. Piazzolla Oblivion / Libertango Kyoung Hoon Park Tarantella 피리산조 (Korean Traditinal folk music for Piri) Kyoung Hoon Park 눈물 (Tears) Acoustic Jazz Ensemble 730 Baroque and Blue Islandise Javaniase Intime 애상기억을걷는시간슬픔기다림꽃보다그대가 28

20:00 BOSTON, US Les Zygomates 20:30 NEW YORK, US Village Vanguard Les Zygomates is a gourmet French restaurant in Boston, Massachusetts that features live jazz and blues, and where patrons are as likely to hear a John Lee Hooker tune as an Armstrong oldie. 지고메이트 / 재즈, 블루스등라이브뮤직으로유명한매사추세츠주보스턴의유명프랑스레스토랑이다. Yoko Miwa Trio The program will be announced on the day of performance. Opened in 1935, the Village Vanguard is a jazz club in lower Manhattan that once promoted a wide range of music, including beat poetry, but shifted exclusively to jazz in 1957. Regular performers beginning in that era included Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, and Thelonious Monk. The Village Vanguard is known also for recordings made there, many of them signatures in the evolution of jazz, from Sonny Rollins Old Devil Moon, the dawn of the pianoless trio, to Art Pepper s Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, to Wynton Marsalis Live at the Vanguard. 빌리지뱅가드 / 1935 년로어맨해튼에서오픈하여비트음율과같은다양한종류의음악을선보이다 1957 년부터오직재즈전용으로변모한재즈클럽이다. 소니롤린스, 마일스데이비스, 찰스밍거스, 빌에반스, 스탠겟츠, 텔로니어스몽크등다양한연주가들이일찍이이곳에서공연을했다. 이곳에서녹음된음반들도아주유명한데, 피아노없는트리오가시작된시기의소니롤린스의 Old Devil Moon 부터아트페퍼의 Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, 그리고윈튼마살리스의 Live at the Vanguard 까지재즈의진화를대표하는많은곡들이이곳에서녹음되었다. 4 Fred Hersch Trio : Fred Hersch (Piano) John Hébert (Double Bass) Eric McPherson (Drums) The program will be announced on the day of performance. 29

22:30 NEW YORK, US Village Vanguard Opened in 1935, the Village Vanguard is a jazz club in lower Manhattan that once promoted a wide range of music, including beat poetry, but shifted exclusively to jazz in 1957. Regular performers beginning in that era included Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, and Thelonious Monk. The Village Vanguard is known also for recordings made there, many of them signatures in the evolution of jazz, from Sonny Rollins Old Devil Moon, the dawn of the pianoless trio, to Art Pepper s Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, to Wynton Marsalis Live at the Vanguard. 빌리지뱅가드 / 1935 년로어맨해튼에서오픈하여비트음율과같은다양한종류의음악을선보이다 1957 년부터오직재즈전용으로변모한재즈클럽이다. 소니롤린스, 마일스데이비스, 찰스밍거스, 빌에반스, 스탠겟츠, 텔로니어스몽크등다양한연주가들이일찍이이곳에서공연을했다. 이곳에서녹음된음반들도아주유명한데, 피아노없는트리오가시작된시기의소니롤린스의 Old Devil Moon 부터아트페퍼의 Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard, 그리고윈튼마살리스의 Live at the Vanguard 까지재즈의진화를대표하는많은곡들이이곳에서녹음되었다. Fred Hersch Trio : Fred Hersch (Piano) John Hébert (Double Bass) Eric McPherson (Drums) 7.511:00 HOUSTON, US Table 57 Located inside Tanglewood s much-anticipated HEB store, Table 57 is more than a grocery store restaurant. The sit-down outpost is the first of its kind in the company and boasts a full-time executive chef and a menu inspired by one of the city s most-loved chefs, Randy Evans. 테이블 57 / 탱글우드의기대되는 HEB 상점안에위치한테이블 57 은단순한슈퍼마켓식당이아니다. 회사최초로야외구간을선보이며, 풀타임총주방장와도시에서가장사랑받는셰프인랜디에반스에서영감을얻은메뉴를자랑한다. Danielle Reich Gypsy Swing Quintet : Danielle Reich (Vocal) Mark Seale (Violin) Michael Viteri, Morris Moon (Guitar) Thomas Helton (Double Bass) Gypsy Jazz and French Standards in the style of Django Reinhardt & Stephane Grappelli The program will be announced on the day of performance. 30

13:00 CHENGDU, CHINA Chengdu All Nations Church 14:00 KANOYA, JAPAN Ganshoji Hall Established in 2007, the Chengdu All Nations Church is in Cheongdu, Sichuan Province. 성도열방교회 / 2007 년에설립된성도열방교회는중국쓰촨성성도시에위치해있다. Ganshoji Hall is affiliated with a temple in Kanoya, Kagoshima, part of the Southern Kyushu in Japan. The temple is a Ganshoji that is a part of the Hongan-ji school of Jōdo Shinshū. The hall can accommodate 50 people. 간쇼지홀 / 일본규슈남부의가고시마현에위치한가노야시의한사원에병설된홀이다. 이사원은정토진종혼간지파 ( 浄土真宗本願寺派 ) 의사원인원생사 (Ganshoji) 이며홀은 50 명을수용할수있는아담한공간이다. Chanmi Jung (Piano) Ge Han (Soprano) I m Thine O Lord Nearer, My God to Thee It is so Sweet to Trust in Jesus In The Sweet By and By See the Birds That Fly The Heavens 5 Otosennin : Naoaki Umekita (Composition) Shinichiro Miyagawa (Composition) Eri Sasaki (Composition/Piano) Saori Nakazawa (Violin) Sho-Myo (The Song of Japanese Buddhism by Buddhist monk) E. Sasaki Romance for Solo Violin S. Miyagawa Golden Axe (revised edition) - Atonement of God N. Umekita Sound Burial I for Solo Piano, E=MC2 J. Brahms Sonata for Violin and Piano No.1 in G Major, Op.78 I. Vivace, ma non troppo II. Adagio III. Allegro molto moderato P. de Sarasate Zigeunerweisen, Op.20 I. Moderato II. Lento III. Un poco più lento IV. Allegro molto vivace 31

14:00 TOKYO, JAPAN Symphony Steinway Hall 15:00 LONDON, UK St.John the Evangelist Symphony Salon offers professional and amateur musicians the precious opportunity to practice piano and other ensemble in Tokyo. Symphony Steinway Hall, is one of the 6 halls of Symphony Salon, can accommodate up to 60 or so people and quipped with a New York Steinway B 211 grand piano (1985). 심포니스타인웨이홀 / 도쿄에위치한심포니살롱은전문연주자혹은아마추어연주자들까지도피아노나앙상블연습이가능하도록만들어진공간이다. 심포니살롱이보유한 6 개의홀중하나인심포니스타인웨이홀은 60 명가량수용이가능한공간으로 1985 년뉴욕산스타인웨이 B 타입을보유하고있다. The Church of St John the Evangelist is a Church of England church in Upper Norwood, a suburb of South London. It was built between 1878 and 1887 by the English architect John Loughborough Pearson (1817-1897). The church is dedicated to the Christian saint, John the Evangelist. 성요한교회 / 런던남쪽외곽에위치한성요한교회는 1878 년에서 1887 년사이에건축되었으며영국의건축가존러프버러피어슨이건축했다. 이교회는성요한을기리며지어졌다. Nao Yamamoto (Piano) J. S. Bach Prelude and Fugue No.17 in A-flat Major, BWV862 J. Haydn Piano Sonata in E-flat Major, Hob.XVI:52 I. Allegro moderato II. Adagio III. Finale : Presto E. Grieg 8 Lyric Pieces, Op.12 I. Arietta II. Vals (Waltz) III. Vektersang (Watchman s Song) IV. Alfedans (Fairy Dance) V. Folkevise (Folk-song) VI. Norsk (Norwegian) VII. Albumblad (Album Leaf) VIII. Fedrelandssang (National Song) M. Ravel Sonatine in f-sharp minor I. Modéré II. Mouvement de Menuet III. Animé P. Tucker Preludes for the Piano Vol.1 Meehyun Oh (Violin) Lydia Kwon (Cello) Grace Yeo (Piano) J. Haydn Piano Trio in G Major, Hob.XV/25 ( Gypsy Trio ) I. Andante II. Poco adagio III. Rondo all Ongarese ( Gypsy rondo ) F. Bridge Excerpts of Miniatures for Piano Trio F. Mendelssohn Piano Trio No.1 in d minor, Op.49 I. Molto allegro ed agitato II. Andante con moto tranquillo III. Scherzo : Leggiero e vivace IV. Finale : Allegro assai appassionato 32

16:00 AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS House Concert place in the Weesperzijde For the One Month Festival, a new House Concert will be held at the residence of an amateur flamenco guitarist. The house, located by the Amstel River in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is a typical Amsterdam residence with a big window overlooking the riverside view. A small cembalo is also available in the living room. 이번페스티벌을계기로아마추어플라멩코기타리스트의집에서새로이열리는하우스콘서트이다. 네덜란드암스테르담암스텔강변의집이며, 큰창문으로강변의전경이보이는전형적인암스테르담의거주건물이다. 마룻바닥거실에작은쳄발로를보유하고있다. 17:00 PUNE, INDIA Muziclub Founded on 20th June 2010, Muziclub aims to develop Music skills in masses. It is a platform for providing integrated music services to a large number of people and for enabling increased level of connect and collaboration between various music living people. 뮤지클럽 / 2010 년 6 월 20 일에오픈한뮤지클럽은대규모의음악스킬발전을도모한다. 많은사람들에게통합적인음악서비스를제공함과동시에다양한음악인과애호가들간의협력과소통을권장하는공간이다. Tae-Young Kim (Harpsichord) Ines De Brito (Soprano) Peter-Jan van Doorn (Flamenco Guitar) Musical dialogue and emotions in Baroque and Flamenco <Baroque> Improvisation on Harpsichord Prelude G. F. Händel Arias from Opera Rinaldo - L ascia qu io Pianga / - Cara sposa J. Haydn Nun beute die Flu G. Giacomelli / A. Vivaldi Sposa son disprezzata G. B. Guarini / G. Caccini Amarilli, mia bella G. Giordani Caro mio ben G. Paisiello Nel cor piu non mi cento <Flamenco> Solo guitar / Guitar and Voice <Baroque> Short Improvisation on Harpsichord in Baroque style G. F. Händel V adoro pupille H. Purcell Music for a While Ye gentle spirits 5 Since from my dear Aestreas s sight When I m laid in earth 33 Puspanjali Kar, Katrik Agrawal (Vocal) Traditional India Music and Improvisation