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한지닥섬유제품의인체생리반응및쾌적성평가 임순 Evaluation of Thermal Physiological Responses and Comfort in Dox Fabric Soon Im Professor, Dept. of Fashion Industry, Incheon National University This study performed the evaluation of skin temperature, heart rate, humidity and temperature inside clothing, and subjective sensation to estimate the physiological responses of the human body and its feeling of comfort for developing value-added dox fabric. Experiments were performed on five healthy adult women whose average age was 21, at climate chamber in which temperature, relative humidity and air current were set up below 28±5, 50±10%, 0.2, respectively. Two kinds of clothes were used for the experiments: 100% cotton and dox clothes. The clothes were identical in size and form, and the attire consisted of long-sleeved shirts, long trousers, and socks. The experiment was performed for 30 minutes using ergometer. The results are as follows. 1) It showed low skin temperature of forearm, breast, back, forehead and lower leg in exercise, but high skin temperature of them in recovery. However skin temperature of thigh and foot increased from rest to recovery. 2) It showed significant difference (p<0.001, p<0.01) in average skin temperature between cotton and dox clothes. Cotton clothes had a higher average skin temperature compared to dox. Not only was there a significant difference in temperature inside clothing (p<0.001), this was also the case with humidity inside the clothing (p<0.001). Key words: Dox fiber(), humidity and temperature inside clothing( ), skin temperature(), subjective sensation( ), thermal physiological response() 2011. Corresponding: Soon Im, e-mail: imsoon@incheon.ac.kr


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