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클라우드 나 IaaS 등은이미우리에게아주익숙한개념입니다. 그렇지만조금헷갈릴수도있어 클라우드 와 IaaS 의정의를다시 되짚어보겠습니다. 그리고실제사용법을잠깐살펴보고, IaaS 클라우드서비스제공자를 선택할때어떤요구사항들이있을수있는지알아보겠습니다. (Gartner Evaluation Criteria for Cloud IaaS) IaaS 선택평가기준은일종의 RFP 와비슷하므로, IaaS 에어떤기술 들이사용되고어떤서비스들이제공되는지를파악하는데도움이됩 니다. 2 /

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클라우드시장규모 가트너 올해세계퍼블릭클라우드시장 280 조원전망 한국은 4 조 3000 억원 가트너는기업용애플리케이션구매자들이클라우드퍼스트전략을지향하게되면서, 2017 년에는북미지역의신규대기업애플리케이션도입의 50% 이상이 SaaS 나다른형태의클라우드기반솔루션으로구성될것으로예상 6 /

클라우드도입동향 Global South Korea Private Cloud 54% Public Cloud 52% Private Cloud 47% Public Cloud 53% United States China Private Cloud 49% Public Cloud 48% Private Cloud 71% Public Cloud 65% 7 /

Cloud Myths Gartner 1. Cloud Is Always About Money 2. You Have to Be Cloud to Be Good 3. Cloud Should Be Used for Everything 4. The CEO Said So Is a Cloud Strategy 5. We Need One Cloud Strategy or Vendor 6. Cloud Is Less Secure Than On-Premises Capabilities 7. Cloud Is Not for Mission-Critical Use 8. Cloud = Data Center 9. Migrating to the Cloud Means You Automatically Get All Cloud Characteristics 10. Virtualization = Private Cloud Microsoft 1. Enterprises need only one cloud vendor 2. Cloud security is riskier than onpremises 3. The main benefit of public cloud is efficiency, more than innovation 4. Hybrid cloud is the connection of public and private clouds 5. Public cloud leads to vendor lock-in 6. Open cloud development is a risk to innovation and intellectual property 8 /

02 Cloud 9 / 10/

클라우드컴퓨팅 클라우드 _ 컴퓨팅 위키백과, 우리모두의백과사전. 클라우드컴퓨팅 (cloud computing) 은인터넷기반컴퓨팅의일종으로, 공유컴퓨터처리자원과데이터를컴퓨터와다른장치들에요청시제공해준다. 구성가능한컴퓨팅자원 ( 예 : 컴퓨터네트워크, 서버, 스토리지, 애플리케이션, 서비스 ) 에대해어디서나접근이가능한, 주문형접근을가능케하는모델이며최소한의관리노력으로빠르게예비및릴리스를가능케한다. 클라우드컴퓨팅과스토리지솔루션들은사용자와기업들에게개인소유나타사데이터센터의데이터를저장, 가공하는다양한기능을제공하며도시를거쳐전세계로까지위치해있을수있다. 11/

클라우드컴퓨팅 클라우드 _ 컴퓨팅 위키백과, 우리모두의백과사전. 지지자들은클라우드컴퓨팅을통해기업들이선행투자인프라스트럭처비용 ( 예 : 서버구매 ) 을없앨수있다고주장한다. 그뿐아니라, 단체들이컴퓨터인프라스트럭처에시간과비용을들이는대신핵심사업에집중할수있게한다. 또, 클라우드컴퓨팅을통해기업들이자신들의응용프로그램의기동및실행속도를더빠르게할수있게하여취급용이성을개선시키고유지보수를줄여줄수있게도와주며정보기술 (IT) 팀들이유동적이고예측불가능한사업수요를충족시키기위해자원을더빠르게조절할수있게한다. 클라우드제공자들은일반적으로종량제 (pay as you go) 모델을사용한다. 관리자들이클라우드가격모델에적응하지않을경우예상밖으로높은비용을지불할수있다. 12/

클라우드컴퓨팅 클라우드 _ 컴퓨팅 위키백과, 우리모두의백과사전. 클라우드서비스란인터넷상에자료를저장해두고, 사용자가필요한자료나프로그램을자신의컴퓨터에설치하지않고도인터넷접속을통해언제어디서나이용할수있는서비스를말한다. 클라우드서비스를통해인터넷상에저장된자료들은간단한조작및클릭으로쉽게공유하고전달할수있다. 인터넷상의서버에단순히자료를저장하는것뿐만아니라, 따로프로그램을설치하지않아도웹에서제공하는응용프로그램의기능을이용하여원하는작업을수행할수있으며, 여러사람이동시에문서를공유하면서작업을진행할수도있다. 13/

클라우드컴퓨팅 주요특징 On-demand self-service Broad network access Resource pooling Rapid elasticity Measured service The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing 쓰려고할때곧바로 인터넷을통해 사용한만큼지불 운영과자원에대한규모의경제 서비스모델 Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 구축 (Deployment) 모델 Private cloud Public cloud Hybrid cloud 14/

클라우드컴퓨팅? 광의의의미로써의클라우드 웹서비스와클라우드? 가상화와클라우드? 호스팅과클라우드? DropBox와클라우드? Office365와클라우드? Netflix와클라우드? Akamai CDN과클라우드? OpenStack과클라우드? Managed Service Provider? Cloud Brokerage Service? 협의의의미로써의클라우드 ( 대형 ) 클라우드서비스제공자 15/

서비스 네이버 AiRS 서비스 LINE 서비스 V Live 서비스 Papago 서비스 Clova 서비스 네이버 i 서비스 톡톡챗봇서비스 검색플랫폼 회원플랫폼 서비스플랫폼 라인서비스플랫폼동영상플랫폼 지도플랫폼 뉴스서비스플랫폼 챗봇플랫폼 추천시스템 비즈니스플랫폼 쇼핑플랫폼 클로바플랫폼 기계번역플랫폼 로그분석플랫폼 소셜플랫폼 인프라플랫폼 16/

서비스 / 비즈니스 서비스 / 비즈니스 네이버 / 라인서비스 서비스시스템비즈니스시스템인프라시스템 ( 개발 / 구축 / 운영 ) 서비스시스템 ( SaaS ) 네이버클라우드플랫폼 ( IaaS / PaaS ) 서비스플랫폼 / 비즈니스플랫폼 인프라플랫폼 데이터센터 / 호스팅 데이터센터 데이터센터 17/

Gartner Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing ( 클라우드기술 / 시장성숙도 ) 클라우드기술 / 시장의성숙도는높은편 SaaS 는많이성숙되었고, IaaS 도비교적자리를잡은상태 PaaS 와 apaas 가구분된점을눈여겨볼필요기타 PaaS 는특성에따라다양하게구분됨 SDx 는이제시장기대치를넘었고아직불투명 IoT, Container, Marketplace 등은이제막태동 Gartner 의 Cloud/Web 플랫폼은거의기존의웹기반서비스를의미 Web-Scale Architecture 는 Internet 서비스회사는일반적인구조이나 Enterprise 입장에서는신세계 18/

Cloud Technology Trend Big Data + IoT + AI (ML) Serverless, Container Hybrid Cloud & MSP 19/

03 Infrastructure as a Service 20/

IaaS PaaS - SaaS 21/

Cloud System 22/

IaaS PaaS SaaS 23/

Infrastructure as a Service Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is a standardized, highly automated offering, where compute resources, complemented by storage and networking capabilities are owned and hosted by a service provider and offered to customers on-demand. Customers are able to self-provision this infrastructure, using a Web-based graphical user interface that serves as an IT operations management console for the overall environment. API access to the infrastructure may also be offered as an option. IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service) 는서버, 스토리지, 네트워크를가상화환경으로만들어, 필요에따라인프라자원을사용할수있게서비스를제공하는형태이다. IaaS 의예는다음과같다. IaaS 의환경이가상화일필요는없다. 예를들면베어메탈클라우드가그예이다. 24/

Virtualization Virtualization is the abstraction of IT resources that masks the physical nature and boundaries of those resources from resource users. An IT resource can be a server, a client, storage, networks, applications or OSs. Essentially, any IT building block can potentially be abstracted from resource users. 서버가상화와 Hypervisor 네트워크가상화와 SDN (Software-defined Network) 스토리지가상화와 SDS (Software-defined Storage) SDI (Software-defined Infrastructure) 클라우드시스템은왜가상화가필요한가? 그리고왜중요할까? 25/

Multi-tenancy in IaaS 클라우드의기본속성인 On-demand, Self-Provisioning, Pay-per-use 와더불어 Multi-tenancy 를생각해봐야합니다. IaaS 상의 Tenant 는한조직의인프라를의미하고, 클라우드시스템에적용될때사용자는독립적인인프라를사용해야함 클라우드서비스제공자 (CSP) 는 Shared Resource Pool 을이용 on-demand 와 utilization 을확보해야함 데이터저장소의분리 네트워크상의분리 보안및규정에대한이슈 Server 가상화 Network 가상화 Storage 가상화 Multi-tenancy Shared Resource Pool Resource Utilization 26/

04 IaaS Cloud Service 27/

Magic Quadrant for Cloud IaaS Amazon Web Services AWS remains the dominant market leader, not only in IaaS, but also in integrated IaaS+PaaS, with an end-of-2016 revenue run rate of more than $14 billion. AWS's extensive portfolio of services requires expertise to implement. This is somewhat mitigated by AWS's excellent business-class technical support. Azure Microsoft Azure is second in market share. Microsoft is leveraging its tremendous sales reach and ability to bundle Azure with other Microsoft products and services in order to drive adoption. While Microsoft Azure is an enterprise-ready platform, Gartner clients report that the service experience feels less enterprise-ready than they expected. Google Cloud Platform Google's strategy for GCP centers on commercializing the internal innovative technology capabilities that Google has developed to run its consumer business at scale, and making them available as services that other companies can purchase. GCP has a solid and well-implemented core of fundamental IaaS and PaaS capabilities, but its feature set and scope of services are not as broad as that of the market leaders. Aliyun Alibaba Cloud is the current market share leader for cloud IaaS in China. Alibaba Cloud's international offering, with an English-language portal, was launched in mid-2016. It has a limited track record, and does not have the full capabilities or performance of the China offering. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY I 2017 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 28/

Cloud Service Provider AWS 전체상품수 86 개 11 개카테고리, IaaS 상품 48 개, PaaS 상품 36 개, SaaS 상품 2 개 Marketplace 36 개카테고리 Region 16 개 Azure 전체상품수 97 개 11 개카테고리, IaaS 상품 37 개, PaaS 상품 60 개 Marketplace 16 개카테고리 Region 35 개 GCP 전체상품수 51 개 8 개카테고리, IaaS 상품 27 개, PaaS 상품 24 개 Marketplace 7 개카테고리 Region 6 개 Bluemix 전체상품수 45 개 12 개카테고리, IaaS 상품 27 개, PaaS 상품 15 개, SaaS 상품 3 개 Region 22 개 Oracle 전체상품수 55 개 12 개카테고리, IaaS 상품 19 개, PaaS 상품 36 개, SaaS 상품 11 Marketplace 2 개카테고리 Region? KT 전체상품수 39 개 8 개카테고리, IaaS 상품 34 개, PaaS 상품 5 개 Region 3 개 NCP 전체상품수 28 개 8 개카테고리, IaaS 상품 23 개, PaaS 상품 5 개 Region 5 개 AWS 전체상품수 86개 (11개카테고리, IaaS 상품 48개, PaaS 상품 36개, SaaS 상품 2개 ) Azure 전체상품수 97개 (11개카테고리, IaaS 상품 37개, PaaS 상품 60개 ) GCP 전체상품수 51개 (8개카테고리, IaaS 상품 27개, PaaS 상품 24개 ) Bluemix 전체상품수 45개 (12개카테고리, IaaS 27개, PaaS 15개, SaaS 3개 ) Oracle 전체상품수 55개 (12개카테고리, IaaS 19개, PaaS 36개 ), SaaS 11개카테고리 KT 전체상품수 39개 (8개카테고리, IaaS 34개, PaaS 5개 ) Marketplace 36개카테고리 Marketplace 16개카테고리 Marketplace 7개카테고리 Marketplace? Marketplace 2개카테고리 Marketplace 없음 Region 16개 Region 35개 Region 6개 Region 22개 Region? Region 3개 IaaS EC2 IaaS Virtual Machine IaaS Compute Engine IaaS Bare metal servers IaaS General Purpose Compute IaaS Server PaaS EC2 Container Registry IaaS Virtual Machine Scale Sets PaaS App Engine IaaS Virtual servers IaaS Dedicated Copmute IaaS japan server Compute (4개) IaaS EC2 Container Service App Service --> Web + Mobile IaaS Compute (5개상K5:K31품 ) Container Engine IaaS Infrastructure (5개상품 ) GPU computing IaaS Dedicated Copmute - SPARC Model 300 IaaS SSD server Compute (6개) IaaS Lightsail IaaS Azure Container Service PaaS Container Registry IaaS POWER servers IaaS Bare Metal Instances IaaS HPC Compute (8개상품 ) VPC --> Networking PaaS Compute (8개상품 ) Azure Container Registry PaaS Cloud Functions IaaS Server software IaaS Managed Virtual Machine (VM) instances IaaS storage IaaS Batch PaaS Functions IaaS Cloud Storage PaaS OpenWhisk IaaS Container IaaS NAS PaaS Elastic Beanstalk IaaS Batch IaaS Cloud SQL IaaS Compute (3개상품 ) Containers IaaS Oracle Storage Cloud Service Object Storage IaaS Storage/CDN/Encodin SSD volume PaaS Lambda PaaS Service Fabric IaaS Storage and Databases (5개상품 ) Cloud Bigtable PaaS Cloud Foundry runtimes IaaS Oracle Storage Cloud Service Archive Storage IaaS g (6개) CDN IaaS Auto Scaling PaaS Cloud Services IaaS Cloud Datastore IaaS Object storage IaaS Oracle Database Backup Service IaaS encoder IaaS S3 IaaS Virtual Network IaaS Persistent Disk IaaS Block storage IaaS Storage (7개) Oracle Storage Cloud Software Appliance IaaS media cloud Storage (4개상품 ) IaaS EBS IaaS Load Balancer IaaS Cloud Virtual Network IaaS File storage IaaS Oracle Public Cloud Data Transfer Services IaaS hybrid cloud IaaS Elastic File System IaaS Application Gatewa IaaS Cloud Load Balancing IaaS Server-backup IaaS Bare Metal Cloud Block Volume Service IaaS VPC Network (4개) IaaS Glacier IaaS VPN Gateway IaaS Networking (5개상품 ) Cloud CDN IaaS Load Balancing IaaS Bare Metal Cloud Object Storage Service IaaS GSLB Storage (5개상품 ) Networking (8개상품 ) IaaS Storage Gateway IaaS AzureDNS IaaS Cloud Interconnect IaaS Direct link IaaS VPN for Compute IaaS loadbalancer Snowball --> Migration IaaS Content Delivery Network IaaS Cloud DNS IaaS Network (5개상품 ) Network appliances IaaS VPN for Dedicated Compute IaaS DB Network (4개) Snowball Edge --> Migration IaaS Traffic Manager PaaS BigQuery IaaS Content delivery network IaaS FastConnect IaaS MS-SQL Database (4개) Snowmobile --> Migration IaaS ExpressRoute PaaS Cloud Dataflow IaaS Domain services IaaS Load Balancing IaaS PPAS IaaS Aurora IaaS Storage PaaS Cloud Dataproc PaaS Swift IaaS Database Database Cloud Service IaaS Remote DBA Big Data (6개상품 ) IaaS RDS IaaS Blob Storage PaaS Cloud Datalab PaaS Mobile (3개상품 ) Mobile first services starter IaaS Identity and Access Management Identity and Access Management IaaS VDI Desktop (2개) IaaS DynamoDB IaaS Queue Storage PaaS Cloud Pub/Sub PaaS Mobile foundation PaaS Database Backup IaaS pc backup Database (5개상품 ) IaaS ElastiCache IaaS File Storage PaaS Genomics SaaS Conversation PaaS MySQL IaaS WAF(wapples) IaaS Redshift IaaS Storgae (8개상품 ) Disk Storage PaaS Cloud Machine Learning Services SaaS Watson (3개상품 ) Alchemy API PaaS Database IaaS WAF(WIWAF-VE) Database Migration Service --> Migration Data Lake Store --> Analytics PaaS Cloud Job API SaaS Speech to text PaaS Data Management (7개) Big Data IaaS managed security IaaS Application Discovery Service IaaS StorSimple PaaS Cloud Natural Language API PaaS Data services PaaS NoSQL Database IaaS Security (7개) Deep Security Machine Learning (6개상품 ) IaaS Database Migration Service IaaS Backup PaaS Cloud Speech API PaaS Analytics services PaaS Big Data - Compute Edition IaaS ShellMonitor IaaS Server Migration Service IaaS Site Recovery PaaS Cloud Translation API IaaS Big data hosting PaaS Event Hub IaaS D`Amo Migration (6개상품 ) Data and analytics (6개상품 ) IaaS Snowball PaaS App Service PaaS Cloud Vision API IaaS Cloudera hosting PaaS Documents IaaS F-Secure IaaS Snowball Edge PaaS Web Apps IaaS Monitoring IaaS MongoDB hosting PaaS Content and Process (3개) Process PaaS devpack IaaS Snowmobile PaaS Mobile Apps IaaS Logging IaaS Riak hosting PaaS Sites PaaS Platform (3개) daisy IaaS VPC PaaS Logic Apps IaaS Error Reporting PaaS IoT platform PaaS Java PaaS appster IaaS CloudFront PaaS API Apps IaaS Trace PaaS Internet of Things (3개상품 ) IoT platform starter PaaS Mobile IaaS import/export Networking & Contents Delivery (5 IaaS Route 53 Content Delivery Network --> Networking IaaS Debugger PaaS IoT starter for electronics PaaS Messaging IaaS DR 개상품 ) IaaS Direct Connect PaaS Media Service Cloud Deployment Manager --> Developer Tools IaaS Firewalls PaaS Application Development (7개) Application Container Cloud (Java SE & Node) IaaS autoscaling Management Tools (11개상품 ) IaaS Load Balancing PaaS Web + Mobile (14개상품 ) Azure Search IaaS Cloud Engpoints IaaS Hardware Security Module (HSM) PaaS Developer PaaS packaging PaaS CodeCommit PaaS Mobile Engagement IaaS Cloud Console IaaS Security (5개상품 ) Intel Trusted Exection Technology PaaS Application Builder PaaS Management (9개) messaging PaaS CodeBuild PaaS API Management IaaS Cloud Shell IaaS Security software PaaS API Catalog IaaS watch PaaS CodeDeploy PaaS Notification Hubs IaaS Cloud Mobile App IaaS SSL certificate PaaS Business Intelligence IaaS Sycros Deveoper Tools (6개상품 ) PaaS CodePipeline PaaS Live and On-Demand Streaming IaaS Cloud Billing API PaaS Eclipse PaaS Big Data Discovery IaaS backup PaaS X-Ray PaaS Azure Media Player IaaS Cloud APIs PaaS DevOps (3개상품 ) Continuous delivery PaaS Business Analytics (6개) Big Data Preparation IaaS managed IaaS Command Line Interface PaaS Content Protection PaaS Cloud SDK. IaaS Availability Monitoring PaaS Data Visualization IaaS CloutWatch PaaS Media Analytics PaaS Cloud Deployment Manager PaaS Blockchain PaaS Essbase Korea IaaS EC2 System Manager IaaS SQL Database PaaS Cloud Source Repositoris PaaS Application Services (3개상품 ) Message hub PaaS SOA Region (3개) Japan IaaS CloudFormation IaaS SQL Data Warehouse PaaS Cloud Tools for Android Studio PaaS Business rules PaaS Integration US IaaS CloudTrail IaaS SQL Server Stretch Database PaaS Developer Tools (9개상품 ) Cloud Tools for IntelliJ IaaS API Connect PaaS Integration (5개) GoldenGate Databases (6개상품 ) Integraion (2개상품 ) IaaS Management Tools (9개상품 ) Config IaaS DocumentDB PaaS Cloud Tools for PowerShell IaaS Secure Gateway PaaS Internet of Things IaaS OpsWorks IaaS Redis Cache PaaS Cloud Tools for Visual Studio PaaS API Platform IaaS Service Catalog IaaS Data Factory PaaS Google Plugin for Eclipse IBM Marketplace ( 클라우드용만이아니라분류가어려움 ) PaaS Application Performance Monitoring IaaS Trusted Advisor PaaS HDInsight PaaS Cloud Test Lab PaaS Infrastructure Monitoring IaaS Personal Health Dashboard PaaS Machine Learning IaaS Cloud IAM Amsterdam 01 - The Netherlands PaaS Management (5개) Log Analytics IaaS Cloud Directory PaaS Stream Analytics IaaS Cloud Key Management Service Amsterdam 03 - The Netherlands PaaS Orchestration Identity & Security (4개상품 ) IaaS Identity & Access Management PaaS Cognitive Services IaaS Cloud Resoruce Manager Chennai - India PaaS IT Analytics IaaS Inspector PaaS Azure Bot Service IaaS Cloud Security Scanner Dallas 01 - USA PaaS CASB IaaS Certificate Manager PaaS Data Lake Analytics Dallas 02 - USA PaaS Identity Security (4개) IaaS Security, Identity & Compliance (10 CloudHSM PaaS Data Lake Store Infrastructure Dallas 05 - USA PaaS Security Monitoring and Analytics IaaS 개상품 ) Directory Service Data Factory --> Databases OS Dallas 06 - USA PaaS Compliance IaaS Key Management Service PaaS Power BI Embedded Database Dallas 07 - USA SaaS CX 7개카테고리 Marketplace (Cloud Laucher) (7개카테고 IaaS Orgranizations PaaS Data Catalog BLOG/CMS Dallas 09 - USA SaaS SCM 8개카테고리리 ) IaaS Shield PaaS Log Analytics CRM Dallas 10 - USA SaaS Industry Solutions 7개카테고리 IaaS WAS PaaS Apache Spark for Azure HDInsight Developer Tools Frankfurt - Germany SaaS HCM 2개카테고리 PaaS Athena PaaS Text Analytics API Others Hong Kong - China SaaS EPM 7개카테고리 PaaS EMR PaaS Recommendations API Houston - USA SaaS Social 3개카테고리 Intelligence + Analytics (27개상품 ) PaaS CloudSearch PaaS Compute Vision API Oregon (2) London - England SaaS Adaptive Intelligent Apps 1개카테고리 PaaS Elasticsearch Service PaaS Emotion API Iowa (4) Melbourne - Australia SaaS ERP 7개카테고리 Region(22개 ) Data Center PaaS Analytics (9개상품 ) Kinesis PaaS Face API S Carolina (3) Milan - Italy SaaS Analytics 4개카테고리 Region (6개) Locations (31개) PaaS Redshift PaaS Bing Speech API Belgium (3) Montreal - Canada SaaS Data 3개카테고리 PaaS Quicksight PaaS Web Language Model API Tokyo (3) Oslo - Norway SaaS Deployment Options 4개카테고리 PaaS Data Pipeline PaaS Speaker Recognition API Taiwan (3) Paris - France PaaS Glue PaaS Bing Search APIs ( 괄호안숫자는 Zone 수 ) Querétaro - Mexico Applications Marketplace (2개카테고리 ) PaaS Lex PaaS Bing Autosuggest API San Jose 01 - USA Services PaaS Polly PaaS Bing Spell Check API San Jose 03 - USA Artificial Intelligence (4개상품 ) PaaS Rekognition PaaS Translator Speech API Sao Paulo - Brazil Region PaaS Machine Learning PaaS Translator Text API Seattle - USA PaaS Mobile Hub PaaS Azure Analysis Services Seoul 01 - Korea API Gateway --> Application Service PaaS Dynamics 365 for Customer Insght Singapore - Singapore PaaS Cognito PaaS Custom Speech Service Sydney - Australia Mobile Services (4개상품 ) Pinpoint --> Messaging PaaS IoT Hub Tokyo - Japan PaaS Device Farm PaaS Event Hubs Toronto - Canada PaaS Mobile S아 Internet of Things (2개상품 ) Steam Analytics --> Analytics Washington, D.C. 01 - USA PaaS Step Functions Machine Learning --> Anlaytics Washington, D.C. 04 - USA PaaS Application Service (3개상품 ) API Gateway Notification Hubs --> Web Mobile PaaS Elastic Transcoder PaaS Logic Apps PaaS SQS PaaS BizTalk Services PaaS SNS PaaS Service Bus Messaging (4개상품 ) PaaS Pinpoint API Management --> Web Mobile Enterprise Integration (3개상품 ) PaaS SES StorSimple --> Storage SaaS WorkDocs SQL Server Stretch Database --> Database Business Productivity (2개상품 ) SaaS WorkMail Data Catalog --> Analytics IaaS Desktop & App Streaming (2개상 WorkSpace Data Factory --> Databases IaaS 품 ) AppStream 2.0 IaaS Security Center PaaS IoT Platform IaaS Key Vault PaaS Internet of Things (3개상품 ) Greengrass IaaS Azure Active Directory Security + Identity (6개상품 ) PaaS IoT Button IaaS Azure Active Directory B2C PaaS Game Development (1개상품 ) Lumberyard IaaS Azure Acrive Directory Domain Services IaaS Multi-Factor Authentication Software Infrastructure PaaS Visual Studio Team Service Application Development PaaS Azure DevTest Labs Application Servers PaaS Developer Tools (5개상품 ) Application Insights Application Stacks PaaS API Management Big Data PaaS HockeyApp Databases & Caching PaaS Advisor Network Infrastructure PaaS Microsoft Azure Portal Operating Systems PaaS Azure Resource Manager Security Application Insights --> Developer Tools Migration Log Analytics --> Analytics Developer Tools PaaS Automation Issue & Bug Tracking Backup --> Storage Monitoring + Management (10개상 Monitoring Site Recovery --> Storage 품 ) Log Analysis PaaS Scheduler Source Control Traffic Manager --> Networking Testing IaaS Azure Monitor Business Software IaaS Security & Compliance Business Intelligence IaaS Protection & Recovery Financial Services IaaS Automation & Control Collaboration IaaS Insight & Anlaytics Marketplace (36개카테고리 ) Content Management CRM Compute ecommerce Networking Education & Research Storage High Performance Computing Web + Mobile Media Databases Project Management Intelligence + analytics Storage & Backup Internet of Things Desktop Software Enterprise Integration Azure Marketplace (16개카테고리 ) AP and Billing Security + Identity Application and Web Development Developer tools Business Intelligence Monitoring + Management CAD and CAM Add-ons GIS and Mapping Containers Illustration and Design Blockchain Media and Encoding Azure Active Directory apps Productivity and Collaboration Test drives Project Management Security/Storage/Archiving East US - Virginia Utilities East US 2 - Virginia Central US - Iowa AWS GovCloud North Central US - Illinois US West (2) South Central US - Texas Oregon (3), Northern California (3) West Central US - West Central US US East (2) West US - California Northern Virginia (5), Ohio (3) West US 2 - West US 2 Canada (2) US Gov Virginia - Virginia Central (2) US Gov Iowa - Iowa Region (16개) South America (1) US DoD East - US DoD East São Paulo (3) US DoD Central - US DoD Central Europe (3) Canada East - Quebec City Ireland (3), Frankfurt (2), London (2) Canada Central - Toronto Asia Pacific (5) Brazil South - Sao Paulo State Singapore (2), Sydney (3), Tokyo (3), Seoul (2), Mumbai (2) US Gov Arizona - Arizona China (1) US Gov Texas - Texas Beijing (2) North Europe - Ireland ( 괄호안숫자는 Availability Zone 수 ) West Europe - Netherlands Region (35개) Germany Central - Frankfurt Germany Northeast - Magdeburg UK West - Cardiff UK South - London France Central - To be announced France South - To be announced Southeast Asia - Singapore East Asia - Hong Kong Australia East - New South Wales Australia Southeast - Victoria Central India - Pune West India - Mumbai South India - Chennai Japan East - Tokyo, Saitama Japan West - Osaka China East - Shanghai China North - Beijing Korea Central - Seoul Korea South - To be announced 29/

Mobile App Speed Analyze Mobile Service Monitoring & Analyze Web Service Monitoring & Analyze Management API Sub Account Monitoring MANAGEMENT Clova API Clova Extension Platform IoT Platform Server Docker Cluster BIZ APPLICATION IoT, AI MySQL MS SQL CUBRID Redis GPU Server Workflow Groupware Finance Tensorflow Cluster DATABASE NAVER CLOUD PLATFORM REDIS Cluster Education Healthcare FRAMEWORK Hadoop Cluster Shopping BIG DATA Block File (Object) NAS SSD Server VDS Auto-scaling Storage Storage NFS/CIFS MARKET PLACE Hbase Cluster Elastic Search ISV Solution Backup OPEN API Spark Cluster DATA ANALYTICS Load Balancer Log Analytics DNS SaaS Solution Notification (SMS, Push) NAVER 지도, 검색, 음성인식, 음성합성, 번역, API Gateway Live / VOD GeoLocation Transcoding CDN GSLB COMPUTE STORAGE NETWORKING Data Visualization IPSec VPN VPC Encrypted Storage Vulnerability Assessment SSL VPN App Safer File Safer Site Safer Security Monitoring Web Application Firewall Access Control Group SECURITY Global Network Looking Glass Global Internet Service Global Backbone Network GLOBAL REGION Korea, Singapore, US-West, Hong Kong, Japan, US-East, Europe (*) 2017 년 5 월기준제공상품 (*) 제공예정상품 Biz Support Partner Support Tech Support Customer Support SUPPORT 30/


클라우드사용법 클라우드플랫폼콘솔접속 서버생성 서버접근제어설정 공인 IP 할당 웹서버설치 32/

클라우드사용법 클라우드플랫폼콘솔접속 33/

클라우드사용법 Self-Service 로클라우드서버생성 34/

클라우드사용법 서버접근제어설정 35/

클라우드사용법 서버에공인 IP 할당및접속 Apache 설치 : yum -y install httpd MySQL 클라이언트설치 : yum -y install mysql MySQL 서버설치 : yum -y install mysql-server PHP 설치 : yum -y install php PHP-MySQL 설치 : yum -y install php-mysql 36/

SSL VPN 접속 SSL VPN 서비스신청및 ID 생성 37/

SSL VPN 접속 서버별접근제어설정 38/

SSL VPN 접속 VPN 로그인및 2 차인증 39/

05 IaaS Evaluation Criteria 40/

Gartner Evaluation Criteria for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service Gartner 에서제시하는 IaaS 클라우드제공자선택가이드로 On-premises IaaS (private cloud) 평가혹은 클라우드사업자선택 RFP 작성에참고가능하나너무나미국기준!! 2017 Gartner, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY I 2017 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 41/

Gartner Evaluation Criteria for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service Gartner developed this evaluation framework to address the current and future needs of its customers, categorizing cloud IaaS features as: Required: Essential/must-have features needed to develop, deploy and manage a broad range of use cases, including production applications at cloud IaaS providers Preferred: Supplementary features not necessary to satisfy the minimum requirements of the typical large enterprise, but frequently desired to address specific needs, such as larger scales, better management and improved availability Optional: Requirements-driven features necessary for specific deployment scenarios, but not needed in all deployments 평가기준항목을필수 (Required), 선호 (Preferred), 선택 (Optional) 로구분 참고로매년상세항목들은변화가있음. 본자료는 2017 년 5 월버전문서기준. 42/

Gartner Evaluation Criteria for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service Baseline Criteria On-demand, fully automated, self-service provisioning of infrastructure resources Self-service interfaces exposed directly to the customer, including a web-based UI and an API Self-service command line tools for both Linux and Windows Direct access to self-manage the infrastructure Near-real-time scalability and elasticity of infrastructure resources Pay-per-use models for services (e.g., per hour and per GB/month) A development center that includes documentation for all APIs 클라우드컴퓨팅의정의에해당하는수준 On-demand, Self-service, Pay-per-use 43/

Gartner Evaluation Criteria for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service Category Compute Storage Network Security and Access Service Offerings Support and Service Levels Management and DevOps Price and Billing 기술요건만정의된것이아니라지원과서비스에대한부분도포함 44/

Compute Required Preferred Optional Rapid, self-service provisioning Explicit host affinity HPC offering Image customization Extra-large instance support Export VM image Bring your own image/vm import Hot-swappable virtual hardware Bare-metal provisioning Two-generation OS support Dynamic vertical autoscaling Customer-controlled overprovisioning Large-instance support No compute starvation or resource prioritization acr oss tenants VM-preserving host maintenance VM-preserving data center maintenance VM host failure recovery Instance maintenance/failure notifications VM restart flexibility Explicit host anti-affinity Dynamic horizontal autoscaling Restart priority Automatic host anti-affinity VM console access basic access Single-tenant compute VMs Compute performance baseline Subminute provisioning times Provider-offered Linux distribution Backup service Managed container service Container Linux 일반적인 IaaS 의 VM 서버관련기능들이 Required 에포함최근기술들이 Preferred 에포함되고, 2016 년 Required 에서 2017 년 Preferred 로바뀐항목들이있음 45/

Storage Required Preferred Optional Bulk data import/export with encryption Cross-geography replication Single-tenant storage service Static web hosting support Block Storage Service Criteria Block Storage Service Criteria Internet-accessible file storage shares Scalable instance-independent block storage service Block storage interconnect transparency Integration with EFSS Block storage snapshots Expandable block storage volumes SSD-based block storage Snapshot copy/replication Multiple instance mount Performance target/tier block storage Encryption at rest and in motion Automatic snapshot management Block storage data eradication Object Storage Service Criteria Scalable object storage service Object storage replication Automatic object durability Object Storage Service Criteria Object life cycle management policy CSG Tiered storage services Bulk object delete Logging of administrative object service requests Provider-enabled encryption services Object versioning File Storage Service Criteria Scalable instance-independent file storage File Storage Service Criteria File storage service snapshots File storage data eradication File storage service cross-geography replication IaaS 의스토리지는 Block / Object / File Storage 로구분됨 (2016 년에는분류가되지않았었음 ) 46/

Network Required Preferred Optional Customer-defined hierarchical LAN topology Five virtual networks Instance support for five or more network interfaces and IP ad dresses Multiple vnics per VM Interregion private WAN IPv6 support Multisegment networks and multiple subnets per virtual netwo rk Isolated virtual networks and private-ip-address-only compute instances Local load balancing independent IP address LAN performance target Private customer connectivity integrated service WAN optimization automatic Static IP addresses Multiple private-network connections per virtual network Private IP addresses WAN traffic encryption Customer VPN connectivity LAN traffic encryption Private customer connectivity Real-time network performance visibility Multi-data-center virtual networks WAN performance target Multiple private customer connections DNS service Virtual network routing Virtual network traffic exchange Intercustomer private traffic exchange Front-end load balancing Session affinity load balancing Back-end load balancing DNS-based global load balancing Metrics-driven load balancing 네트워크측면에서는 Tenant 간의분리와 Hybrid Cloud 를위한기능들이 Required 에포함 47/

Security and Access Required Preferred Optional Documentation of user control considerations Tiered firewall functionality Approval workflow Data sanitization Directory services Dedicated HSM Stateful network firewall API support for federated authentication Adaptive authorization based on time and location Stateless network ACLs WAF EU-U.S. Privacy Shield compliance Instance-independent ACLs and firewalls Cloud security guideline matrix HIPAA with BAA Annual SOC 1 and SOC 2 reports Customer penetration testing request process CJIS compliance Published compliance assistance SIEM integration or service U.S. Government Certifications Customer control over data locale residency Patch management service FedRAMP, including Joint Authorization Board (JAB) Provisional Authorization to Operate (P-ATO) Customer data ownership Compute instance vulnerability scanning International Traffic in Arms (ITAR) compliance Provider personnel protections Role-based authorization based on dynamic group or tag Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) Low Initial administrative access credentials HSM support FISMA Moderate SSL-secured API endpoints Published CSA STAR documentation FISMA High Multiple API keys per account Annual SOC 3 published publicly FIPS 140-2 Local identity management and granular role-based authorization compute PCI DSS Level 1 compliance Local identity management and granular role-based authorization storage Local identity management and granular role-based authorization network Private image catalog Identity integration with AD Authentication via SSO using SAML MFA administrative access control DDoS mitigation Network forensics Network forensics monitoring service integration 48/

Service Offerings Required Preferred Optional Data center dispersion CDN Hadoop as a service Data center proximity NoSQL DBaaS Published data center energy efficiency metrics Flexibility to negotiate custom terms in a service/clo ud-hosting agreement Published architecture transparency Enterprise customer case studies Published reference architecture Relational DBaaS In-memory caching Relational DBaaS with redundancy Database transfer import/export Regions and zones architectural transparency Relational DBaaS with cross-region failover Compute, Storage, Network 이 IaaS 에서가장기본적인 Offering 이고, Security 를필요조건임이런분류에속하지않는여러 Offering 들이요구되며, 데이터선터구조와가용성, NoSQL 같은추가서비스등이 Service Offerings 으로분류됨 49/

Support and Service Levels Required Preferred Optional 24/7 support with 15-minute response Live support offering (native language) Compute service availability SLA three minutes TSANet membership Granular assignment of support tiers Storage service availability SLA three minutes Live support offering (English) 365-day service health and SLA history SLAs in programmatically readable formats Free online self-service support Online error/bug reporting Compute service availability SLA five minutes Storage service availability SLA five minutes One-year parallel support for API changes Data reliability SLA at least 99.99% Cloud service partner registry Customer view of SLA dashboard Dedicated account manager offering Cloud offboarding support Published SLAs for all generally available services 90-day SLA change notice SLA versioning and revision history 60-day service health and SLA history Immediate downtime calculation Compute service availability SLA 30 minutes Single-instance/single-data-center availability SLA Storage service availability SLA 30 minutes Unlimited service credits/refunds Notification window of at least two billing cycles for customers to submit an S LA miss No maintenance downtime exceptions in the SLA Technical certification program MSP and consulting ecosystem Self-service 가속성인클라우드서비스도기업고객입장에서는기술지원이중요한양면성을가지고있음 50/

클라우드서비스시장, 두번째단계돌입? 10 년동안발전해온클라우드서비스시장이, 이제는 Second Decade 를맞이하고있다고합니다. 51/

클라우드에대한관점의변화 과거에는클라우드서비스를빠르게스스로사용할수있다는관점으로주로바라보았다면 Cloud Computing 의주요특징 Managed Cloud Service 의주요특징 쓰려고할때곧바로 인터넷을통해 사용한만큼지불 운영과자원에대한규모의경제 Hybrid IT 환경 현재의 IT 환경과요구사항이중요 상품보다는서비스관점 이제는기업의 IT 환경에적용하는하나의도구로써, 클라우드서비스의장점을제대로활용하는방안을주로검토하고있습니다. 52/

Cloud Managed Service Cloud MSP 시장은계속성장할것으로예상되며, 주요이유는기업의클라우드도입의장벽을해결한다는점입니다. 최근 A, M, I 등모든유수의글로벌클라우드서비스사업자들이 Cloud Managed Service Offering 을내놓고있습니다. 53/

클라우드서비스의선택과고려사항 클라우드플랫폼을개발하고발전시키는기술역량 클라우드인프라를안정적으로운영하는역량 기술역량 관리지원 고객문의방법과지원방식 리소스모니터링과장애대응 IT 뿐만아닌서비스관점의이해와경험 상품기능 보안관리 기본클라우드기능에충실, 새로운시장요구사항을반영 특화기능제공과 Lock-in 사이의균형 ( 일반성 ) 클라우드인프라의보안성 보안관리역량과서비스제공 54/

클라우드서비스의선택과고려사항 +1 Global HQ Cloud Vendor Cloud Engineering & Dev. 클라우드서비스를둘러싼많은역할들이어떤구조로기능하는지는고객의요구사항이어떻게의사결정되는지를결정합니다. Regional Office Cloud Datacenter Cloud Vendor MSP or Partner Cloud Datacenter Tech Support Cloud Engineering & Dev. Cloud Managed Service Tech Support Customer 55/

Management and DevOps Required Preferred Optional GUI management console support SDK library Mobile SDK support Self-service incident logging system Notification via URL GUI-based network design/inventory mapping Metadata tagging of resources Complex, multi-data-center templating GUI-based network architecture export Forced tagging Community image catalog Multicloud library support Self-service templating Postprovisioning hooks Mobile application for management console Real-time performance-monitoring service Real-time performance health checks, thresholds and ale rts API access to monitoring data Account management logging Provisioning and catalog action logging Security configuration logging Configuration management Task scheduler Historical-performance monitoring Custom monitoring metrics Professional developers program 물리적인운영접근을직접하지않고가상화된환경인클라우드에서는사용편의기능과관리기능이중요특히성능모니터링과알림, 로깅등은클라우드에서의인프라운영과문제분석에중요 56/

Price and Billing Required Preferred Optional Flexible payment options Cost optimization engine Compute instance leases Detailed billing Billing alerts for customer-chosen thresholds Variable/auction-priced tier offering Consolidated billing Billing in multiple currencies Cost forecasting Granular billing based on group/tag Pricing API Billing alerts per user and per account Spending/allocation quotas Point-in-time visibility into cost accrual Publicly available cost calculator/simulator Marketplace offering Discounts 57/

06 Outro 58/

임수민기자 < 저작권자 이머니뉴스 > 59/


행정서비스 G2G 전자정부 E- government 기업서비스 G2B 대민서비스 G2C 61/

감사합니다. 62/