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잡았다. 임진왜란으로 권위가 실추되었던 선조는 명군의 존재를 구세 주 이자 王權을 지켜주는 보호자 로 인식했다. 선조는 그 같은 인 식을 바탕으로 扈聖功臣들을 높이 평가하고 宣武功臣들을 평가 절하함으로써 자신의 권위를 유지하려고 했다. 이제 명에 대한 숭 앙과 충성은

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이에 이렇게 되었나니 주께서 그들에게 일러 이르시되, 일어나 내게로 나아와서 너희 손을 내 옆구리에 넣어 보고, 또 내 손과 내 발의 못 자국을 만져 보아 내가 이스라엘의 하나님이요, 온 땅의 하나님이며, 세상의 죄를 위하여 죽임을 당하였음을 알지어다. 그들이 이를 행


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현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~ 두 갑 두 갑 이상 5. Ho

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야쿠르트2010 9월재출



( ) ) ( )3) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4) 1915 ( ) ( ) ) 3) 4) 285




274 한국문화 73

발간사 반구대 암각화는 고래잡이 배와 어부, 사냥하는 광경, 다양한 수륙동물 등 약 300여점의 그림이 바위면에 새겨져 있는 세계적 암각화입니다. 오랜 기간 새겨진 그림들 가운데 고래를 잡는 배와 어부모습은 전 세계적으로 유례를 찾기 힘들 정도로 그 중요성과 가치가 큽

2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승

1967년 비틀즈는 ‘Sergeant Pepper

55호 1면

Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.1-19 DOI: *,..,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,, ( )





현대패션의 로맨틱 이미지에 관한 연구



CHAPTER 4 English Morphology 홍성심 ( 인문대학영어영문학과 )

2 연구 / 공부의대상을도표로 beyond S-level The boys left, but the girls remained. S-level The boys left Sentence-level The boys Phrase-level boys word-level boy + -s morphology-level [bɔi] + [-z] phonetics/phonology-level [+consonantal] [-continuant] [+labial] feature-level (below F-level) [+voiced].

연구 / 공부의대상을도표로 3 음성 features < phoneme syllable (Phonetics) (Phonology) morpheme word phrase sentence (Morphology) (Syntax) (Semantics) paragraph/context (Pragramatics) Oxford English Dictionary 에는약 615,000 개의단어수록되어있음 개인사용어휘수는대략 6,500-7,000 개 Globish(Global English) 창시자 : 장폴네리에르에의하면 1500 개의단어만으로영어의사소통가능하다고주장함

4 morphology ( 형태론 ) Morpheme ( 형태소 ) 란의미를가진최소한의단위 A morpheme is the smallest string of sounds carrying meaning/function. Morphology ( 형태론 ) 이란문장의기본단위인단어 / 어휘의구성이나구조에관해서연구하는학문 unfortunately = un(prefix) +fortune (root) +ate(suffix) +ly (suffix) cats = cat (root/stem) + -s (infl. Aff) workers = work (root) + -er (der. Aff) + -s (infl. Aff) [(root) +derivational suffix = stem ] 어근은 W 의의미를가진것에서가장단순한형태로서, 여기에파생접사가붙으면어간 (stem) 이된다. Care (root) careful (stem) <== care + ful) sang=sing (root/stem) +ed (past tense) spaghettification (root/stem)+-fy + -cation (Black Hole)

The Longest English word, not coined, non-technical. 5 "Antidisestablishmentarianism" is the longest common example of a word formed by agglutinative construction, as follows (the numbers succeeding the word refer to the number of letters in the word): establish (9) to set up, put in place, or institute (originally from the Latin stare, to stand) dis-establish (12) to end the established status of a body, in particular a church, given such status by law, such as the Church of England disestablish-ment (16) the separation of church and state (specifically in this context it is the political movement of the 1860s in Britain) anti-disestablishment (20) opposition to disestablishment antidisestablishment-ary (23) of or pertaining to opposition to disestablishment antidisestablishmentari-an (25) an opponent of disestablishment antidisestablishmentarian-ism (28) the movement or ideology that opposes disestablishment between the British State and the Church antidisestablishmentarianismologist = one who studies the movement or the ideology that opposes disestablishment Fill in the blanks. The word antidisestablishmentarianismologist is ( 1 ) word, ( ) morphemes, ( ) phonemes, and ( ) letters.

형태소의유형 6 단어 (W) 는한개의형태소로구성될수도있고여러개의형태소로도구성될수있으며또한영형태소 (zero morpheme) 를포함할수도있다. 1 morpheme: book 2 morphemes: books 3 morphemes: workers = work+er+s zero morpheme: sheep (sg.)+(zero morpheme) Ex: one sheep two sheep-φ one fish a dozen fish-φ

어휘소 (Lexeme) 7 어휘소란동일한어휘항목들이속하는추상적인단어를말한다.(dog-dogs; SEE; see-sees-seeing-saw etc.) SEE 라는어휘소는 see-sees-seeing-saw 같은여러단어를포함함 어휘소가문장가운데서실제로시제, 성, 수등이발현된경우에이를문법어또는단순하게단어라고한다. Usually he cuts the bread on the table. Yesterday he cut the bread in the sink. Jane has a cut on her finger.

8 영어형태소의분류

접두사 (prefix), 접미사 (suffix), 접요사 (infix) 9 접두사는단어앞에, 접미사는뒤에, 접요사는단어가운데오는구속형태소. 영어에는엄밀한의미의접요사가없다. tmesis 현상 : 영어에서한개의단어가다른단어중간에마치접요사처럼삽입되는현상 Kalamazoo; Kalama-goddam-zoo Absolutely; abso-f****ing-lutely Guarantee; guaran-friggin-tee

Free morpheme ( 자유형태소 ) vs Bound morpheme ( 구속형태소 ) 10 Free morpheme 은홀로단어로사용될수있는형태소를말한다. ( 예 : dog, in, to, the, slow, student) Bound morpheme 은독립적으로단어로사용될수없는형태소로서각종접사와어근 / 어간을일컫는다. 단어의내부는층위구조를가지며파생접사는일정한규칙에따라붙는다. 구속형태소는굴절형태소와파생형태소가있다. 영어의굴절형태소는 8 개뿐이며, 파생형태소는훨씬많다. 파생형태소는접두사와접미사가있고, 굴절형태소는접미사만존재한다.

단어의내부구조 : *undrink 는단어가아니다. 11 접두사 un-(type 1) 은형용사에만붙을수있다. unhappy, unmarried, unclear, unhelpful, unjust etc.

12 un-(type-2) 는동사에붙어서 reverse removal 의의미를가진다. undress, undo, unbutton, unfasten, unscribe etc. Fasten the seatbelt! vs. Unfasten the seatbelt as quickly as possible!

예 : ungentlemanly 의구조 13

Which one of the following two structures is the correct one? Justify your answer. 14

조선일보 2009 년 11 월 18 일자 올해의단어 15 옥스퍼드대가출판하는사전인 ' 뉴옥스퍼드아메리칸딕셔너리 ' 는 ' 올해의단어 ' 로 'unfriend'( 친구를삭제하다 ) 를선정했다. 'unfriend' 란, 페이스북과같은소셜네트워킹사이트에서기존에등록된친구를자신의친구목록에서삭제한다는뜻의신조어 ( 新造語 ) 다. 이사전을출판하는옥스퍼드대출판사는 "unfriend 가이미널리쓰이며계속쓰일잠재성도갖추고있어, 올해의단어로선택했다 " 고 16 일자사의블로그에서밝혔다. 출판사측은 " 최소한 17 세기이후에는동사 ( 動詞 ) 로쓰인적이없는명사인 friend 에 'un' 이란접두사를붙여서이를동사화한것도흥미롭다 " 고평했다.

단어의구성 : 형태소의존재 16 word; one or more morpheme(s) 단어 =(prefix)+root/stem+(suffix) book, boy undress ungentlemanliness Indetermination compensation Inablity unavoidable Antidisestablishmentarianism( 영국성공회의체제철폐반대주의 ) Disinterestedness

Antidisestablishmentarianism 17 28 letters 11 syllables (or 12 syllables) 7 morphemes 1 word 1 phrase (=NP)

형태소찾아보기 : 다음의자료를보고 ( 공통적인 ) 형태소를찾으시오 18 Gingivitis: inflammation of the gums Appendicitis: inflammation of the appendix Tendonitis: inflammation of a tendon Arthritis: acute or chronic inflammation of a joint Bronchitis: acute or chronic inflammation of the membrane lining of the bronchial tubes, caused by respiratory infection or exposure to bronchial irritants, as cigarette smoke. Hepatitis: inflammation of the liver, caused by a virus or a toxin and characterized by jaundice, liver enlargement, and fever. Cystitis: inflammation of the urinary bladder. Gastritis; inflammation of the stomach, especially its mucous membrane. Rhinitis: inflammation of the nose or its mucous membrane ================================== 위자료에서발견할수있는형태소는무엇이며, 그의미는?

자유형태소와구속형태소 19 독립적으로단어로사용될수있는형태소를 free morpheme 라고한다. Boy, book, house, linguistics, smart, breeze, etc Free morpheme은기능어와내용어로나뉜다. 기능어 : 닫힌어휘부류 (closed class) 내용어 : 열린어휘부류 (open class) 독립적으로단어로사용될수없는형태소를 bound morpheme 라고한다.

영어의 8 개 Inflectional morphemes( 굴절형태소 ) 20 3rd person singular s John studies English Linguistics, Past tense ed My mother baked a chocolate moose cake for me last night. progressive ing We all human being have been destroying our environment. Past participle en The students have studied syntax before.

cont d 21 Plural ending -s The students stormed out of the room. Possessive s John s computer did not work properly. Comparative form of Adj/Adv er John is definitely taller than anyone else in the room. Superlative form est John Baker was the smartest student in the class of 95.

굴절형태소와파생형태소의차이 22 Inflectional morphemes are all suffixes; no inflectional morpheme is a prefix. Inflectional morphemes would not change the syntactic category of the host word. Inflectional morphemes are at the end of the host words. Only one inflectional morpheme can attach to the host word, unlike derivational morphemes.

23 파생형태론 (Derivational morphology) 파생형태소는원래의단어에접사가붙어서새로운단어를만든다. 소유격을제외한나머지굴절형태소는대체로한단어에한개만붙는데비해파생형태소는여러개가붙을수있다. 굴절형태소는본래단어의문법적범주를바꾸지않는데비해서, 파생형태소는본래단어의문법적범주를바꾸는경우가많이있다.

파생어 : Derived words 24 파생접미사 ish, -y, -ly, -esque, -like, -ate 등은명사와결합하여형용사를만든다. fortish, smelly, fatherly, picturesque, fortunate 그밖에명사에붙는접미사들로 ful, -hood, - less, -like, -ster, -ship, -fy, -ize, -ism, -ist 등이있다. fistful, boyhood, fatherless, jobless, youngster, friendship, idealism, violinist

25 동사에붙는접미사 :-able, --age, -al, -ant, -ee, - er/or, -ment, -tion etc. washable, acceptable, thinkable, coverage, denial, contestant, employee, worker, arrangement, fixation etc. 형용사에붙는접사 : -en, -ish, -ity, -ly, -ness fasten, soften, blacken, whiten, reddish, yellowish, greenish, girlish, childish, selfish, sanity, certainly, gladly, happily, fortunately, happiness etc. 형용사와부사가형태적으로동일한경우 hard, well, fast, early, late etc.

26 Parts of speech / syntactic category I ll have to study English linguistics very hard to get an A+. This is such a hard object that no one can break it apart. John speaks Chinese well. Everything seems well with John. My brother drives very fast; he becomes reckless every time he is behind the wheel. Lamborghini is a fast Italian car, whereas Porsche is a fast German automobile. John is never late for a party; he is a party animal. The late president of the university was buried in the national cemetery. John stayed up late last night, studying English linguistics

27 이형태 (allomorph) 동일한한개의형태소 ( 동일한의미를가짐 ) 가그음성음운적 / 어휘적 / 형태적환경에따라두개이상의표면형태로나타날때이들을그형태소의이형태라고한다. Definition An allomorph is one of two or more complementary morphs which manifest a morpheme in its different phonological or morphological environments. 이형태는한개의형태소로부터도출된다.

28 The plural morpheme s is pronounced differently in (a) and (b). Is it the same or two different morphemes? Answer: It is one morpheme with two different realizations depending on the phonological environment. It is [-s] after [p], [t], [k], and [-z] after [d], [g], [n], and [ z] after coronal fricatives Exercise: a. hand-s, dog-s, nun-s [z] b. cat-s, dock-s, trap-s [s] Allomorphic English plural rule: a sound: made with the blade of the tongue raised [Z] [ z] / [coronal, fricative] [s] / [-voice] [z] / [+voice] 주의 : /s/, /z/ 음앞에서복수의형태소 /z/ 가 / z/ 가되는규칙이제일먼저적용되어야한다. 그이유는 bus 를예로들어보면만일두번째규칙이먼저적용되면, [bʌs z] 로발음되는것을설명하지못하기때문이다.

이형태의결정과정 29 (ii) 음운적결정 (phonologically conditioned) 대부분의복수의이형태, 과거시제소의이형태등 Ex. laugh-laughs; tub-tubs; charge-charges; kiss-kissed, study studied, kill-killed (i) 어휘적결정 lexically conditioned Ex. man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, goose-geese, tooth-teeth, mouse-mice (these are German origin via Umlaut plurals) Ox-oxen, brother-brethren, child-children (iii) 드물게 morphological processes 에의해서결정되기도한다 Ex. im port import

Examples of Allomorphs 30 (1)Past tense morpheme; /d/---[d][t][əd] [Φ] John killed the roaches mercilessly John crossed the street without looking around John hunted down a criminal last week. John cut-φ the bread with a fruit knife last night (2) Plural morpheme;/s/ ---[s][z][əz][ən][φ] laugh-laughs; tub-tubs; charge-charges map maps, bag bags, kiss - kisses

31 (3) 3rd person singular affix; /s/--[s][z][əz] John walks every morning. [-s] John sings at a night club on Saturdays [-z]. Prof. Baker is very weird; he hisses at the faculty meeting all the time. [əz] 주의 : 이형태의분포는상보적이며한개의이형태가출현한위치에다른이형태가나타날수없다.

Allomorph 의예 ( 계속 ) 32 (4) Negaive morpheme(prefix) /in/ has several allomorphs. Ex. Sufficient insufficient, elegant inelegant, conceivable inconceivable, capable incapable comprehensible incomprehensible, expensive inexpensive; possible impossible, probable improbable polite impolite, potent impotent; regular irregular, responsible irresponsible resistible irresistible, reconcilable irreconcilable rational irrational, reverent irreverent (revere (v.) Reverend Smith) legal illegal, logical illogical, licit illicit literate illiterate, legible illegible (My grandfather is computer-illiterate, but he is definitely a man of wisdom) Are there 4 English negative morphemes /in, /im/, /ir/, /il/? NO! Instead, there is only one negative morpheme (English) /in/, which contains 4 allomorphs, [-im], [-in], [-il], [-ir]

Past tense allomorphs in English 33 /əd/ or /ɪd/ in verbs whose stem ends with the alveolar stops /t/ or /d/, such as 'hunted' /hʌntɪd/ 'banded' /bændɪd/, landed /lændɪd/ /t/ in verbs whose stem ends with voiceless phonemes other than /t/, such as 'fished' /finiʃt/, lack /læ kt/ look /lukt/ /d/ in verbs whose stem ends voiced phonemes other than /d/, such as 'buzzed' /bʌzd/, jogged /jogd/, rule /ruld/

발음과철자 : Ghoti 의발음은? 34 동음이의어 homonymes/homophones 동일한발음, 다른의미를가진단어쌍을말하는데이들의철자는 같을수도있고다를수도있다. 철자가다른경우 : mail/male, tail/tale, whether/weather, sea/see, sight/site etc. 철자가같은경우 ; bank/bank; bear/bear - 다음쌍은 homonyme 일까? The hunters saw a gorilla in the woods. The hunters saw a guerrilla in the woods.

Case study: homonyms? or Not? 35 The male students carried the bier to the cemetery The male students carried the beer to the cemetery 동철자어 (Homograph) 철자는같고의미는다른단어 ( 대개, 발음이다르다 ) 발음이다른경우 : lead- [led]; [li:d] (= 동철이음어 ) 발음이같은경우 : bear( 곰 )- bear( 참다 ) (= 동철동음어 )

36 동음이의, 동철자, 동철이음의비교

Here are some more examples of homographs with differing pronunciations. 37 I live in the north of England. /liv/ Your favorite rock group is singing live on TV tonight. /laiv/ I read in bed each night. /ri:d/ I read War and Peach last year. /red/ The lead singer in the group is superb. /li:d/ Lead pipes are detrimental to everyone; it is environmentally unsafe. /led/ The wind blew the tree down. /wind/ Wind the rope around this tree. /waind/ I wound my watch last night. /waund/ The veteran fireman suffered a terrible wound in the line of duty. /wu:nd/ Some students at Oxford spend more time learning to row well than studying. /rəu/ They shared a flat for ages until they had a row over money and split up. /rau/ They stood in a row and had their photo taken. /rəu/ This book is called English Vocabulary in Use. /ju:s/ You must know how to use words as well as their meanings. /ju:z/ They lived in a large old house. /haus/ The buildings house a library and two concert halls as well as a theater. /hauz/ The sow has five piglets. /sau/ The farmers sow the seeds in the spring. /səu/

영어단어의형성 38 영어로유입된주요언어

영어의시기와어휘의유입 39 고대영어 (449-1100) Latin, Scandinavian 의유입 AD 449 Angles, Jutes, Saxons arrived in Britain 중세영어 (1100-1500) 프랑스 Norman 지역방언, 법률, 정부, 등어휘의유입 mortal, divine, veal, vital etc.

40 현대영어 (1500- ) Latin, Greek 에바탕을둔과학용어의유입 cervix, dental; cardiac, stethoscope Renaissance 의영향 유럽의기타지역, 아시아, 호주, 아프리카등으로부터어휘가유입 (pajamas, guru, sushi, Vodka, sake, kimchi, taekwondo, ondol etc.) 새로운컴퓨터, 인터넷관련어휘의산생 internet, email, surf, google, etc.

41 Word Coinage: 조어법 (1) 합성어 (Compound, 또는복합어 ) 두개의독립적인단어가결합해서생긴어휘인데두단어의문법적범주는제한이없다. 합성어로될때의미상변화가생기고강세는첫단어에, 복합어가아닌경우는강세가둘째단어에오는것이보편적임 Blackboard (1823 년 ) - black board cf. whiteboard (1980-1985) White House - white house dark room( 암실 ) - dark room ( 어두운방 ) Walk-in, six-pack, horsefly,

More examples of compound words 42 Adj: childlike, ready-to-wear, well-off, upright, singleminded Verb: blackmail, overact, downsize, update, outsource, etc Adverb: downward, upward, therefore, furthermore Preposition: into, onto, within, toward, without Noun: greenhouse, White house, blackbird, Red coat, etc

합성어와구 (phrase) 를구별하는방법 43 Proform 대체가능한가? one이라는 pro-form으로일부분이대체될수있으면 phrase고, 대체될수없으면합성어이다. The white house is expensive, but the red one is not. *The White House is expensive, but the red one is not. very 가수식할수있는가? 수식할수있으면 phrase고, 수식할수없으면합성어이다. It was a very wet day vs. *It was a very small talk. 비교급 / 최상급이가능한가? 가능하면구, 불가능하면합성어 wet day<wetter day<wettest day vs *wet nurse<wetter nurse<wettest nurse

44 앞에있는형용사가보어의위치에올수있는가? My wet nurse was mean. *My nurse was wet. 본래의의미를바꾸지않고, 동등접속이가능한가? 가능하면 phrase 지만, 불가능하면합성어이다. wet and gloomy day vs. wet and funny nurse ( 본래의 유모 라는의미가없어짐 )

합성어의표시일반화 (hyphenation) 45 합해지는두단어의음절의수가같으면붙여쓰며 (workbook, blackboard) 음절수가차이가있으면띄어쓴다 (exercise book, bulletin board). 오랫동안사용되어왔거나, 매우보편적인단어면붙여쓰기도한다. (checkerboard) 어떤경우에는하이픈을사용하기도하고붙여쓰거나띄어쓰는것이둘다가능한경우도있다. (floatingpoint calculation; hair spray/hairspray)

(2) 고유명 (Eponyms, Proper Names of person & place) 46 고유인명이나고유지명이보통명사화하여새로운단어로사용되는경우 Sandwich, Robot, cashmere, zerox, lolita syndrom, 클리넥스, ipods (for all MP3 players), 퐁퐁, Alzheimer s disease, ammonia (an Egyptian god s name) sandwich: named after John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich (1718 1792), a British politician. cardigan: a knitted garment, such as a sweater or jacket, that opens down the front. Named after the Seventh Earl of Cardigan, James Thomas Brudenell (1797 1868), a British army officer. saxophone: named after Sax, the surname of a 19th-century instrument-making family in Belgium. Other eponyms in English include assassin, boycott, camellia, chauvinist, dahlia, diesel, freesia, guillotine, hooligan, magnolia, ohm, pasteurize, poinsettia, quixotic (from Don Quixote ), silhouette, volt, watt, etc.

(3) Retronym (a kind of backformation) 47 보다최근에생겨난이름과구별하기위하여과거 / 원래의물체에이름을붙이는방식 주로원래의물체에수식어를첨가하는방식으로단어가만들어짐. 예 : watch 라는단어는있었음 => digital watch 가생겨나니까과거의시계 watch 에 analog 를붙여서 analog watch 로, electric guitar 가생기니과거의기타를이름붙이기위해 acoustic guitar 라고부르게된것

(4) 혼성어 (Blends) 48 두개이상의단어에서각각일부가결합하여하나의단어가만들어지는경우 smoke+fogsmog motor+hotelmotel breakfast+lunchbrunch electronic+mail email network+ citizennetizen What is the name of the following object? Can you guess? 고시텔 고시원 + 호텔 멘붕 멘탈 + 붕괴 신상 최신 + 상품 절친 절친한 + 친구

Blends ( 혼성어의예 ) (= portmanteau) 49 blog=web+log Internet = international + network Outpatient = outside+patient Palimony=partner+alimony Goodbye=Gob+be(with)+ye Hitech = high+ technology Sitcom = situation + comedy stagflation=stagnation+inflation televangelist=television+evangelist WiFi=wireless+fidelity

What is the name of the following object? 50 다음그림의이름은무엇일까요? 답 : 치마바지

(5) 영도출 (Zero Derivation, conversion, function shift) 51 문법적범주가바뀌면서도아무런형태적변화가없는경우 table (n.)-table (v.) I d like a table for four, please. The president tabled the issue to the Congress I would like to table the amendment for the next few months. water (n.)-water (v.) If you want to quench your thirst quickly, don t drink cold water; drink tepid water. My roommate did not water my plants during my absence. I m going to kill him, if my plants are dead! My mouth waters every time he talks about lemons.

52 영도출에서품사가바뀌면서강세의위치가달라지는경우 conduct conduct (n.) conduct (v.) contrast contrast (n.) contrast (v.) 품사가바뀌면서강세가변하지않는경우 command, review, surprise, exchange etc. comfort, preface, comment etc.

(6) 두문자어 (Acronym) 53 여러개의단어에서첫머리글자끼리조합하여한개의단어를이루는경우를두문자어라고하는데이런방식의단어조어법은매우생산적이다. NASA, UNESCO, AIDS, Radar, AWOL FBI, DOB, U.S.A., UCONN, MIT, UCLA, FAQ (initialism) OMG(oh my god), lol (laughing out loud), online acronym

(7) 단축어 (Clipping, Curtailed Words) 54 한단어의일부가잘려나가고남은부분이독립된단어로사용되는경우 back clipping: advertisement, pianoforte, mathematics, dormitory, examination, gasoline, fore-clipping: telephone, omnibus, caravan 본래의단어의모습과많이바뀐단어들 facsimile fax, microphone mike Pub- public house fridge Refrigerator Flue influenza Perm permanent wave

(8) 역성어 (Back-formation) 55 언어사용자가기존단어의형태분석을잘못하여, 이를 ( 주로 ) 제거하고새로운단어로사용하기시작하면서생겨난단어 destruction destroy; action act; automation automate; babysitter babysit; diagnosis diagnose; location locate; donation donate; typewriter typewrite etc.

56 (9) 기타 ; 의성어, 중첩어, 완곡어 onomatopoeia, reduplication, euphemism Onomatopoeia 의성어 : 소리에근거해서생겨난단어들로, 예를들면 fl-, sl- 로시작한단어, 가벼운물체의이동과관련하거나 (flash, flickering), 미끄러운물체의움직임 (slip, slick, slippery) 을묘사하는단어들은의성법에의거한단어들 hiccup, zoom, bang, beep-beeper, splash, honk, quack (duck), bark (dog), roar (lion) and meow (cat), oink (pig) moan, wham, click, murmur, boom, cuckcoo, giggle, hiss, shuffle, sizzle, tinkle (cf. twinkle 은의성어아님 ) etc.

57 중첩어 : click, tick-tock, hoscus-pocus, wishy-washy, crisscross, itsy-bitsy, hanky-panky, etc. 알록달록, 설렁설렁, 울긋불긋, 얼기설기, 무럭무럭, 깡총깡총, 딸랑딸랑, 완곡어법 : die pass away, crippled unabled disabled, negro black African American, fat obese, corpulent, overweight heavy physically challenged, etc. plump, stout, chubby 한국어의완곡어법 : 뚱뚱한 땅땅한, 통통한 통통한편의? Prof. Hong is. John is a stout peasant living in a farm far away from here. The kid is a plump little toddler with chubby cheeks.

58 영어에차용된 (loan words) 라틴어단어 / 표현 개별단어 : collegium, interregnum, infra, qua, quasi etc. 전치사구 : a priori, ad hoc, in situ, per capita, per se etc. 명사구 : 명사 + 명사속격 curriculum vitae ( 이력서 ) He said the documents were bona fide and accurate. The company seems to be a bona fide and reputable organization. Brighton Council is concerned to ensure that visitors to the town know how to identify a bona fide taxi. A bona fide manuscript, a bona fide agreement, etc 명사구 : 명사 + 형용사 alma mater( 모교 ); In 1985 Jones moved back to Provo to take up an appointment in the physics department at his Alma Mater, BYU. Chungnam National University in Daejeon is my Alma Mater. No wonder I'm returning to live closer to my alma mater.

MORE EXAMPLES Ubiquitous: -Tourists with digital cameras are ubiquitous in Europe every summer. -The ubiquitous mosquitos are inevitable in the moonsoon seasons. -In the early 1990's, the cell phone was used mostly by businesses; but in the post decade it ubiquitously seized the consumer market, to the point today where even young children own them.