Common Words and Gestures (English, Spanish, and Korean) Gathering Welcome! Bienvenidos/as! 환영합니다! Hwan-yong-ham-ni-da! Let us pray. Oremos. 다같이기도합시다. Da-ga-chi gi-do-hap-si-da. Our help is in the name of the Lord, maker of heaven and earth. Nuestro socorro está en el nombre del Señor, que hizo los cielos y la tierra. 우리의도움은여호와의이름에있도다, U-ri-ui do-u-meun yeo-ho-wa-ui i-reu-me it-do-da. 천지를지으신여호와의이름에있도다 Cheon-ji-reul ji-eu-sin yeo-ho-wa-ui i-reu-me it-do-da. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Este es el día que hizo el Señor; nos gozaremos y alegraremos en él. 이날은여호와의정하신것이라 I na-reun yeo-ho-wa-ui jeong-ha-sin geo-si-ra. 이날에우리가즐거워하고기뻐하리로다. I na-re u-ri-ga jeul-geo-wo-ha-go gi-ppeo-ha-ri-ro-da. xviii Preface BCW_v2.indd 18
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. La gracia del Señor Jesucristo esté con ustedes. Y también contigo. 주예수그리스도의은혜가여러분모두와함께하시기를. Ju ye-su geu-ri-seu-do-ui eun-hye-ga yeo-reo-bun mo-du-wa ham-kke ha-si-gi-reul. 인도자님과도함께하시기를. In-do-ja-nim-gwa-do ham-kke ha-si-gi-leul. Let us worship God. Adoremos a Dios. 다같이하나님을예배합시다. Da-ga-chi ha-na-ni-meul ye-bae-hap-si-da. The baptismal font should be open and filled with water whenever the community gathers for worship. More water may be poured into the font at the opening of the worship service or at the beginning of the confession and pardon. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Señor, ten misericordia. Cristo, ten misericordia. Señor, ten misericordia. 주여, 자비를베푸소서. Ju-yeo, ja-bi-reul be-pu-so-seo. 그리스도여, 자비를베푸소서. Geu-ri-seu-do-yeo, ja-bi-reul be-pu-so-seo. 주여, 자비를베푸소서. Ju-yeo, ja-bi-reul be-pu-so-seo. Water may be lifted from the baptismal font at the declaration of forgiveness. Or water may be poured at this time, if not earlier. Preface xix BCW_v2.indd 19
Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God s people on earth. Gloria a Dios en las alturas, y en la tierra paz para el pueblo de Dios. 높은곳에서는하나님께영광이요, No-peun go-se-seo-neun ha-na-nim-kke yeong-gwang-i-yo, 땅에서는하나님의백성에게평화로다. Ttang-e-seo-neun ha-na-ni-mui baeg-seong-e-ge pyeong-hwa-ro-da. Word This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Esto es palabra de Dios. Te alabamos, Señor. 주님의말씀입니다. Ju-ni-mui mal-sseum-im-ni-da. 하나님감사합니다. Ha-na-nim gam-sa-ham-ni-da. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. En tu misericordia, Señor: escucha nuestra oración. 주여, 주님의자비하심으로 Ju-yeo, ju-ni-mui ja-bi-ha-si-meu-ro 우리의기도를들어주옵소서. U-ri-ui gi-do-reul deu-reo ju-op-so-seo. Some prayers include phrases spoken by the presider, then echoed by the congregation, such as Glory to you, O God. This type of response can be taught through nonverbal signs, as indicated in the illustration. The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. La paz del Señor Jesucristo esté con ustedes. Y también contigo. 주예수그리스도의평화가여러분모두와함께하시기를. Ju ye-su geu-ri-seu-do-ui pyung-hwa-ga yeo-reo-bun mo-du-wa ham-kke ha-si-gi-reul. 인도자님과도함께하시기를. In-do-ja-nim-gwa-do ham-kke ha-si-gi-leul. xx Preface BCW_v2.indd 20
Baptism A prayer of thanksgiving over the water takes place before the Sacrament of Baptism. A thanksgiving for Baptism is used at the remembrance or reaffirmation of Baptism. It is appropriate to use the orans posture (see full description below) for both of these prayers. At an appropriate point in these prayers, the presider may touch the water of the font, or make a gesture to express the prayer for the Holy Spirit, or epiclesis (see full description below). A generous use of water in baptism helps to convey the overflowing grace of God. Baptism may be performed by pouring water with the hand or with a vessel (such as a shell or pitcher), or by immersion. Remember your baptism and be thankful. Thanks be to God. Recuerda tu bautismo y da gracias. Demos gracias a Dios. 여러분의세례를기억하고감사하십시오. Yeo-reo-bu-nui se-rye-reul gi-eo-ka-go gam-sa-ha-sip-si-o. 하나님감사합니다. Ha-na-nim gam-sa-ham-ni-da. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. 성부와 Seong-bu-wa 성자와 Seong-ja-wa 성령의이름으로. 아멘. Seong-nyeong-ui i-reu-meu-ro. A-men. Touching the water of the font is an active and tangible way to remember with thanksgiving that you are baptized. Some make the sign of the cross after touching the water of the font, or at other moments in worship. A typical pattern involves holding your thumb and first two fingers together (as a sign of the Trinity) and touching your forehead, lower chest, and both shoulders. Preface xxi BCW_v2.indd 21
Eucharist The Lord be with you. And also with you. El Señor esté con ustedes. Y también contigo. 주님께서여러분과함께하시기를. Ju-nim-kke-seo yeo-reo-bun-gwa ham-kke ha-si-gi-reul. 인도자님과도함께하시기를. In-do-ja-nim-gwa-do ham-kke ha-si-gi-leul. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Levantemos nuestros corazones. Los levantamos al Señor. 여러분의마음을드리십시오. Yeo-reo-bu-nui ma-eu-meul deu-ri-sip-si-o. 주님께우리의마음을드립니다. Ju-nim-kke u-ri-ui ma-eu-meul deu-rim-ni-da. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Demos gracias al Señor nuestro Dios. Dar gracias y alabanzas es digno y justo. 주우리하나님께감사드립시다. Ju u-ri ha-na-nim-kke gam-sa deu-rip-si-da. 우리가주님께감사와찬양을드리는것이마땅합니다. U-ri-ga ju-nim-kke gam-sa-wa chan-yang-eul deuri-neun geo-si ma-ttang-ham-ni-da. The orans (Latin for praying) posture for prayer is traditionally used in eucharistic prayer, and may be used in other prayers in the liturgy as well. This ancient gesture, associated with the image of Christ crucified and risen and with the idea of opening or lifting our hearts to God, can be seen in depictions of prayer from early Christian art. Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. xxii Preface BCW_v2.indd 22
Santo, santo, santo Señor, Dios de gloria y de poder, los cielos y la tierra están llenos de tu gloria. Hosanna en las alturas. Bendito es el que viene en el nombre del Señor. Hosanna en las alturas. 거룩거룩거룩하신여호와전능하신하나님, Geo-ruk geo-ruk geo-ru-ka-sin yeo-ho-wa jeonneung-ha-sin ha-na-nim, 하늘과땅이주님의영광으로충만하나이다. Ha-neul-gwa ttang-i ju-ni-mui yeong-gwang-eu-ro chung-man-ha-na-i-da. 호산나! 가장높은곳에서주님을찬양하나이다. Ho-san-na! ga-jang no-peun go-se-seo ju-ni-meul chan-yang-ha-na-i-da. 주님의이름으로오시는이를송축하나이다. Ju-ni-mui i-reu-meu-ro o-si-neun i-reul song-chu-ka-na-i-da. 호산나! 가장높은곳에서주님을찬양하나이다. Ho-san-na! ga-jang no-peun go-se-seo ju-ni-meul chan-yang-ha-na-i-da. When the words of institution are included within the eucharistic prayer, the bread and cup may be lifted or touched, but they are not broken and poured at this time. Great is the mystery of faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. El misterio de la fe es grande: Cristo murió, Cristo resucitó, Cristo vendrá otra vez. 신앙의신비가놀랍도다. Sin-ang-ui sin-bi-ga nol-lap-do-da. 그리스도께서죽으셨고, 그리스도께서부활하셨으며, 그리스도께서다시오시리라. Geu-ri-seu-do-kke-seo ju-geu-syeot-go, geu-ri-seu-do-kke-seo bu-hwal-ha-syeot-seu-myeo, geu-ri-seu-do-kke-seo da-si o-si-ri-ra. Preface xxiii BCW_v2.indd 23
A prayer for the Holy Spirit (or epiclesis) is found in prayers for illumination, thanksgivings over the water, and eucharistic prayers, and is often enacted with the presider s hands extended, palms facing down. The bread and cup are lifted, broken, and poured with solemn joy and in full view of the people. This may be done in silence or may be accompanied with words from scripture. The gifts of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Estos son los dones de Dios para el pueblo de Dios. Demos gracias a Dios. 하나님의백성을위한하나님의선물입니다. Ha-na-ni-mui baek-seong-eul wi-han ha-na-ni-mui seon-mu-rim-ni-da. 하나님감사합니다. Ha-na-nim gam-sa-ham-ni-da. The bread of heaven. Amen. El pan del cielo. Amén. 하늘의양식입니다. 아멘. Ha-neu-rui yang-sig-im-ni-da. A-men. The body of Christ, given for you. Amen. El cuerpo de Cristo, dado por ustedes. Amén. 여러분을위하여주시는그리스도의몸입니다. 아멘. Yeo-reo-bu-neul wi-ha-yeo ju-si-neun geu-ri-seu-do-ui mom-im-ni-da. A-men. xxiv Preface BCW_v2.indd 24
The cup of salvation. Amen. La copa de salvación. Amén. 구원의잔입니다. 아멘. Gu-wo-nui jan-im-ni-da. A-men. The blood of Christ, given for you. Amen. La sangre de Cristo, dada por ustedes. Amén. 여러분을위하여흘리신그리스도의피입니다. 아멘. Yeo-reo-bu-neul wi-ha-yeo heul-li-sin geu-ri-seu-do-ui pi-im-ni-da. A-men. Sending The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Alleluia! or Amen. La gracia del Señor Jesucristo, el amor de Dios, y la comunión del Espíritu Santo sea con ustedes. Aleluya! o Amén. 주예수그리스도의은혜와 Ju ye-su geu-ri-seu-do-ui eun-hye-wa 하나님의사랑과 Ha-na-ni-mui sa-rang-gwa 성령의교통하심이 Seong-nyeong-ui gyo-tong-ha-si-mi 너희모두와함께있을지어다. 할렐루야! 또는아멘. Neo-hui mo-du-wa ham-kke i-sseul-ji-eo-da. Hal-lel-lu-ya! or A-men. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord be kind and gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace. Alleluia! or Amen. Que el Señor te bendiga y te guarde. Que el Señor sea bondadoso contigo y te llene de su gracia. Que el Señor te mire con agrado, y te de paz. Aleluya! o Amén. Preface xxv BCW_v2.indd 25
여호와는네게복을주시고너를지키시기원하며 Yeo-ho-wa-neun ne-ge bo-geul ju-si-go neo-reul ji-ki-si-gi won-ha-myeo 여호와는그얼굴로네게비취사은혜베푸시기를원하며 Yeo-ho-wa-neun geu eol-gul-lo ne-ge bi-chwi-sa eun-hye be-pu-si-gi-reul won-ha-myeo 여호와는그얼굴을네게로향하여드사 Yeo-ho-wa-neun geu eol-gu-reul ne-ge-ro hyang-ha-yeo deu-sa 평강주시기를원하노라. 할렐루야! 또는아멘. Pyeong-gang ju-si-gi-reul won-ha-no-ra. Hal-lel-lu-ya! or A-men. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Amen. or Thanks be to God. Vayan en paz a amar y a servir al Señor. Amén. o Demos gracias a Dios. 주님을사랑하고섬기도록평화가운데가십시오. Ju-ni-meul sa-rang-ha-go seom-gi-do-log pyeong-hwa ga-un-de ga-sip-si-o. 아멘. 또는하나님감사합니다. Amen. or Ha-na-nim gam-sa-ham-ni-da. xxvi Preface BCW_v2.indd 26