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서론 34 2

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2 大 韓 政 治 學 會 報 ( 第 18 輯 1 號 ) 과의 소통부재 속에 여당과 국회도 무시한 일방적인 밀어붙이기식 국정운영을 보여주고 있다. 민주주의가 무엇인지 다양하게 논의될 수 있지만, 민주주의 운영에 필요한 최소한의 제도적 조건은 권력 행사에서 국가기관 사이의





Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,

아태연구(송석원) hwp

목차 ⅰ ⅲ ⅳ Abstract v Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ i


북서태평양해역에서기후변화와관련된탁월어종의교체현상 정희동, 공영 1, 서영상 국립수산과학원, 1 한국수산회 95년간 (1910-2004) 쓰시마난류역 (TWC) 및쿠로시오 -오야시오역(KOC) 에서어획된부어류 7종의어획기록과최근에제시된여러해양기후지수를기초로기후변화에관련된어류개체군의장기변동의지역적동시성과탁월어종의교체현상을확인하였다. 어종의교체는 1920년대청어가자취를감춘후 1930년대에는정어리어획량이급격히증가하였으며꽁치, 전갱이, 오징어및멸치 (1950-1960년대), 청어 (1960년대말 -1970년대초), 고등어 (1970년대) 및정어리 (1980년대) 순으로이어졌다. 한편, 청어, 정어리, 멸치, 전갱이, 고등어, 꽁치및오징어의 TWC해역의연별어획량은 KOC 해역의그것들과같은위상으로변동하므로그들은같은해양규모의기후적힘에의하여지배됨을암시한다. 1970년대중기 (1976/77) 의기후체제변화 (Climate regime shifts) 는 SOI, NPI, PDO 및 AOI에서공통으로나타났으며, 1980년대후기 (1988/89) 의변화는 MOI, PDO 및 AOI에서그리고 1990년대의기후변화는 5개지수모두에서잘나타났다. 특히한랭체제의후기단계에정어리의생물량이감소하자 1990년대의온난체제동안에 4종의어획량이곧증가한것으로미루어장기적인해양기후의변화가북서태평양의탁월어종의교체현상과밀접한관련이있는것으로판단되며탁월어종이지속되는시간 10-20년으로나타난다.

북태평양기후변화와연어생산력변동 김수암 1, 강수경 2*, 서현주 3, 김은정 1, 강민호 1 1 부산남구대연동 599-1 부경대학교자원생물학과 2 강원도양양군손양면송현리 424-1, 국립수산과학원영동내수면연구소 3 일본하코다데 041-8611 훗카이도대학교해양생물자원과학전공 Climate variability and chum salmon production in the North Pacific Suam Kim 1, Sukyung Kang 2*, Hyunju Seo 3, Eunjung Kim 1, and Minho Kang 1 1 Department of Marine Biology, Pukyong National University, 599-1 Daeyeon-dong, Nam-gu, Busan, 608-737, Korea 2 Cold_water Inland Fisheries Research Institute, NFRDI, 424-1 Songhyun-ri, Sonyang-meyon, Yangyang-gun, Gangwon-do, 215-821, Korea 3 Division of Marine Bioresource and Environmental Science, Hokkaido University, Hakodate 041-8611, Japan Abstract The relationship between North Pacific chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) population and climate variability was investigated in the North Pacific ecosystem. Time-series for the Aleutian Low Pressure, Southern Oscillation, Arctic Oscillation, and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) indices dating back to 1950 are compared with the chum salmon catch using a cross-correlation function (CCF) and cumulative sum (CuSum) of anomalies. The results of CCF and CuSum analyses indicated that there was a major change in climate during the mid 1970s, and that the chum salmon population responded to this climate event with a time-lag. The PDO and chum salmon returns showed a highly significant correlation with a time-lag of 3 years, while the AOI with a time-lag of 6~7 years. The favorable environments for fry chum salmon might cause better growth in the coastal areas, but higher growth rate during the early stage does not seem to be related to the improved return rate of spawning adults. Rather, growth in the Okhotsk Sea or the Bering Sea during immature stages has a significant correlation with return rate, which implies the size-related mortality process. The development of a local climate index is necessary to elucidate the effect of climate variability on the marine ecosystem around the Korean Peninsula.

Algae and Global Warming - Korean Seaweed Research Initiative Ik Kyo Chung Division of E arth E nvironmental System, Pu san N ational U niversity Busan Metro City 609-735, Korea T he P roj ect Algae and Global Warming - Greenhou se Gas Removal by Seaweeds ( AGW-Seaweed), fu nded by the M inistry of M aritime Aff airs and F ishery, Korea, has been reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using seaweeds since June 2006. Concurrently, members of the Project AGW-Seaweed and the Asia Pacif ic P hy cological Association have been p laying a key role in obtaining international recognition of seaweeds as a GHG sink. The project focuses on mapping out short-to-long-term strategies to encou rage the U N FCC C 's approval of seaweed Clean D evelopment Mechanism (C DM ) methodology while assessing the economic impacts of GH G emissions redu ction. Accordingly, the following are the important activities of the project: ( 1 ) to collect data verif ying that the seaweed mechanism is suf f iciently ef fective as a CO 2 sink; ( 2 ) to identif y the mechanism of CO 2 removal by seaweed and other marine-organism metabolism; (3 ) to develop management technologies to enhance marine-environment conservation while conducting research in sustainable C O 2 removal by marine-lif e mechanisms; (4) to draw up a plan to participate in CO 2 -removal technology sales and emissions trading in response to the enactment of the Kyoto Protocol; and (5) to stand together with other international p arties to create a f avorable environment for the ap p roval of the methodologies employ ed in seaweed CD M project activities (http://agw-seaweed.net).

한국근해해수물성장기변동고찰과기후변화대응해양모니터링계획 한인성, 서영상, 성기탁, 고우진, 윤원득, 김상우, 최용규, 양준용국립수산과학원, 해양연구팀 국립수산과학원에서는 1921 년부터 14 개정선에대한정선해양관측을수행해왔으며, 1961 년부터보다상세한어장환경정보파악및해어황예보를위하여 22 개정선에대한정선조사를수행중이다. 현재한국근해정선조사에서는 1995 년부터실시된동중국해해양조사를포함하여총 25 개정선, 196 개정점에대한년 6 회 (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 월 ) 해양물리 ( 수온, 염분 ), 화학 ( 용존산소, 영양염류 ), 생물조사 ( 동물플랑크톤생체량등 ) 를실시하고있다.한국근해정선조사는 1915 년부터시작된국립수산과학원의연안정지해양관측조사와더불어한반도주변해역의장기변동을파악할수있는유일한해양조사로서전지구규모의기후변화와관련된한반도주변해역의반응양상을살펴볼수있는모니터링망으로유지되고있다. 현재와같은시스템으로정선조사가실시된후비교적결측없이조사가수행된 1968 년부터 2006 년까지한국근해의해수물성의장기변동을살펴보았다. 수온은최근 39 년간표층의경우동해의경우약 0.80 상승하였으며, 남해는 1.04, 서해는 0.97 각각상승한것으로나타났으며, 50m 층에서는최근 39 년간동해가 0.04, 남해가 0.23 각각상승한것으로나타난반면, 서해는 0.51 하강한것으로나타났다. 100m 층의경우, 최근 39 년간동해는 1. 0 9 하강한반면, 남해는 0.21 상승한것으로나타났다. 염분은최근 39 년간대부분의해역에서하강현상이나타나, 표층의경우최근 39 년간동해가 0.07psu, 남해가 0.45psu, 서해가 0.28psu 각각하강하였으며, 50m 층의경우최근 39 년간동해는거의변화가나타나지않았으며, 남해와서해는각각 0.16psu, 0.21psu 하강하는경향을보였다. 100m 층에서는동해와남해가각각 0.06psu, 0.08psu 하강하는양상을나타내었다. 용존산소는결측이많았던 1982 년이전자료를제외한 1983 년부터 2006 년까지 24 년간의자료를살펴보았다. 최근 24 년간표층의용존산소는동해의경우 0.71ml/l, 서해는 0.07ml/l 감소하는경향을보인반면, 남해의경우 0.17ml/l 증가하는양상을나타내었다. 영양염류의경우인산인, 질산질소, 아질산질소, 규산규소등 4 개항목에대하여 1994 년부터 2006 년까지 13 년에걸친변동경향을살펴본결과, 대부분의항목에서표층영양염류는상승하는경향을나타내었다. 이와같이지속적으로수행하고있는해양정선조사이외에국립수산과학원은새롭게기후변화에대응한모니터링망을구축하여정도높은기후변화대응해양반응자료를생산하고자한다. 우선 1989 년부터축적된인공위성표면수온자료를시계열화시켜시험조사선에의한조사가불가능한해역및장기변동에포함된단기적변동제거를수행할예정이며, 한반도주변주요항로에운항중인정기여객선을이용해수온, 염분자료를축적하여기후변화자료정도향상에기여할예정이다. 또한이산화탄소고정관측소의운영, 실시간연안정보시스템, ARGO 지연모드자료분석, 전국연안정치망어장에수산자원및해양환경조사자료축적등도수행할예정이다.

Circulation and Property Changes in the North Pacific Ocean for the Last Glacial Maximum 김성중 1, 박영규 2 1 한국해양연구원부설극지연구소 2 한국해양연구원 1. Introduction North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) is characterized b y a well-defined salinity minimum at 500-700 m with relatively narrow density range from 26.7 to 26.9 kg m -3 (Talley, 1985, 1993; Yasuda, 1997; Shcherbina et al., 2003) and might be producedin the Sea of Okhotsk by a winter time brine rejection (Kitani, 1973; Gladyshev et al., 2000). The production rate of NPIW is suggested to be about 2 Sv (1 Sv = 1 x 10 6 m 3 s -1 ) (Macdonald, 1998; Talley, 2003). Some lines of geological and geochemical ev idence have suggested that during the last glacial maximum (LGM), occurred at 20,000 years BP, the ocean circulation in the North Pacific was different from present. Boyle (1997) summarized the glacial intermediate/deep ocean circulation based on both δ 13 C and Cd/Ca estimate of benthic foraminifera. In the LGM, NADW was shifted to shallow depths and re- circulates to the north in the Indian Ocean at the tip of Africa without fully reaching the S outhern Ocean. AABW appears to flow more extensively to the north in all ocean basinsincluding the North Pacific. Although highly questionable, it is suggested that there are possible sources of intermediate/deep water in the S ea of Okhotsk and B ering Sea as in the glacial North A tlantic. In this study, the hypothesisof the enhanced ocean circulation and deep water production in the North Pacific during the LGM ob tained in the observed proxy estimates are examined using a coupled model and associated mechanisms are inv estigated. 2. Numerical model and experimental design T he model employed in the current study is the second generation Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma) coupled general circulation model. T he atmospheric component of the coupled model is a primitive equation model characteriz ed b y T32 horizontal resolution corresponding to a 3.75 Gaussian grid, and 10 vertical levels. T he oceanic component is a modified v ersion of the GF DL MOM v ersion 1.1. T he horizontal and vertical resolutions are 1.875 x 1.875 and 29 vertical layers. T he coupled model includes a representation of sea ice thermodynamics and sea ice dynamics. T he modern simulation has a specified CO 2 concentration of 330 ppm, and a contemporary land mask and topography. T his experiment is referred to as "MOD". The LGM simulation features a decreased CO 2 concentration of 235 ppm, a value chosen to reproduce the greenhouse gas forcing difference between present and LGM conditions, and ice sheet topography using the ICE-4 G reconstruction of Peltier (1994). The ice sheet volume requires an estimated LGM sea level drop of 120 m. Orbital parameters and v egetation and soil types are unchanged. This simulation is called " LGM". T o sav e computing effort, the ocean component is accelerated in the LGM simulation using a periodically- synchronous coupling method (for more details see Kim et al., 2003).

3. Results and discussion In the modern simulation, the features found in the observed sections are reproduced reasonably well such as the propagation of the fresh NPIW outflow tongue to the south, the subarctic front between 3 5-4 5 N slightly south of the observ ed location,the relativ ely saline subtropical water in the south of the front and salinity minimum water in the north of the front. The salinity in the simulated NPIW tongue is slightly higher than the observed. B ecause the salinity in the shallow salinity minimum layer is comparab le to that of the observed, the saltier property of the simulated NPIW seems to be due to the saline deep water below. Fig. 1 shows the meridional sections of the simulated salinity and potential temperature in the LGM and their changes from the MOD. In the LGM, the salinity and temperature sections are quite different from present. First, salinity increases in upper water column shallower than 1,500 m. The salinity increase is particularly large in high latitudes north of 60 N, where surface salinity increases by more than 2 psu in the LGM. T he salinity increase is originated in the Sea of Okhotsk and the western Bering S ea as shown later. Ev en though the salinity increase in high northern latitudes is substantial in the LGM, the salinity at upper and intermediate depths is still lower than that in deep waters as suggested by Keigwin (1998). Deep ocean salinity decreases slightly in the LGM. S econd, potential temperature decreases in the entire water column as would be expected. The temperature reduction is substantial in the upper water column shallower than 300 m from ab out 2 0 N to 5 0 N, especially at ab out 4 0 N due to a southw ard shift of the subtropical gyre as illustrated later. T o the north of 5 0 N, surface temperature reduction is relativ ely small because the high latitude ocean temperature is already low. In deep layers below 2,000 m, potential temperature decreases to less than 0 C and it b ecomes less than - 1 C below 3,000 m. Boyle (2002) compiled glacial temperature and salinity of ocean deep w ater and reported that the potential temperature in the Pacific deep water was about -1.3 C and F ig. 1 Z onally av eraged annual-mean meridional sections for a) salinity and b ) potential temperature simulated in the LGM experiment, and the change for c) salinity and d) potential temperature.

salinity is lower than that of Antarctic in the LGM by about 1.0 psu within some uncertainty range. The simulated glacial deep ocean temperature is close to this proxy estimate. Kim (2004) showed that simulated deep ocean salinity in the Pacific is low er than that of Antarctic in the LGM and this result is qualitatively consistent with the ob serv ed proxy estimate. T hird, there is a signature of v ertical mixing in the north of the subarctic front showing the steep isotherms with potential temperature close to freezing point. In the LGM, the increase in salinity and decrease in potential temperature leads to a sub stantial increase in potential density, especially in upper layers. T he largest density increase by more than 2 kg m -3 is found in low latitudes south of 35 N and high latitudes north of 6 0 N. Another notable feature is the much weaker stability in the northern high latitudes in the LGM compared to present. For example, in the LGM the isopycnal of 27.6 kg m -3 reaches near the surface. The density increase in upper layers of the northern North Pacific and associated w eaker stab ility imply that there must b e some change in thermohaline circulation. Fig. 2 shows that the North Pacific ov erturning circulation simulated in the MOD and LGM experiments. In the MOD, the strong positive cell in low latitudes is associated with the w ind driv en sub tropical circulation, w hile the negativ e cell in mid latitudes is associated with the subpolar gyre. The positive cell in high northern latitudes at depths between 300-500 m is related to the NPIW production, which is ab out 2 Sv as consistent with observed estimates (Talley, 2003). The negative cell in low latitudes reaching the bottom is the northward outflow of AABW. In the LGM, circulations associated with both subtropical and subpolar gyres are intensified due to an increase in surface wind in the North Pacific sector (see Kim et al., 2003). T he NPIW production increases to 3 S v and its outflow reaches deeper layers up to more than 2,000 m. However, the strengthened glacial NPIW outflow is blocked by the w ater mass originated in the Southern Ocean and confined to the northern North Pacific north of about 40 N. The AABW outflow is much more intensified and extends farther to the north in the LGM than in present. The stronger and deeper NPIW (or glacial North Pacific Deep Water) F ig. 2 A nnual- mean meridional stream function for the North Pacific domain simulated in a) MOD and b) LGM. Units are in Sv (10 6 m 3 s -1 ).

production and the more extensive AABW outflow simulated in the LGM experiment are consistent with that suggested by proxy ev idence. The intensification of the meridional density gradient during the LGM over the northern North Pacific is responsible for the intensification of the North Pacific ov erturning circulation, and the weakening of the vertical stratification leads to the deepening of the circulation. Both of these changes in density are due to relativ ely greater increase in salinity over high northern surface Pacific than the deeper part of the North Pacific. In the LGM, a large increase in surface salinity is obtained in most of the North Pacific and the salinity increase is especially large in the northern and eastern Sea of Okhotsk and the western B ering Sea, where salinity increases by more than 2.4 psu so that the surface salinity becomes as large as about 34.4 psu. The Sea of Okhotsk and the western Bering S ea are suggested to be possible glacial deep water source regions. 4. Conclusion T he coupled model simulates an enhanced circulation in the intermediate and upper deep layers of the northern North Pacific with LGM b oundary conditions, in consistent with proxy estimates. T he enhanced North Pacific circulation is mainly due to the increase in surface salinity in the S ea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea by a reduction in freshwater input. A ck now ledgements This study was supported by the integrated research on the composition of polar atmosphere and climate change (COMPAC) (PE07030) of Korea Polar Research Institute, and Polar Science Program (R01-2006-000-10441-0) of Korea Science and Engineering F oundation. Y.- G. Park w as supported b y KORDI ( PP07401). References 1. B oyle, E. A., Characteristics of the deep ocean carb on system during the past 1 5 0, 0 0 0 years: CO 2 distrib ution, deep w ater flow patterns, and ab rupt climate change. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94, 8300-8307, 1997. 2. Boyle, E. A., Oceanic salt switch. Science, 298, 1724-1725, 2002. 3. Gladyshev, S., S. Martin, S. Riser, and A. Figurkin,Dense water production on the northern Okhotsk shelv es: Comparison of ship- based spring- summer observations for 1996 and 1997 with satellite observ ations. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 26281-26299, 2000. 4. Keigwin, L. D., Glacial-age hydrography of the far northwest Pacific Ocean. Paleoceanogr., 13(4), 323-339, 1998. 5. Kim, S.-J., G. M. Flato, and G. J. Boer, A coupled climate model simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum, Part 2: approach to equilib rium. Clim. Dyn., 20, 635-661, 2003. 6. Kim, S.-J., A coupled model simulation of ocean thermohaline properties of the Last Glacial Maximum. Atm.-Ocean, 42(3), 213-220, 2004. 7. Kitani, K., An oceanographic study of the Okhotsk Sea- particularly in respect to cold waters. Bull. Far Seas Fish. Res. Lab., 9, 45-76, 1973. 8. Macdonald, A. M., The global ocean circulation: a hydrographic estimate and regional analysis. Progr. Oceanogr., 41, 281-382, 1998. 9. Peltier, W. R., Ice age paleotopography. Science, 265, 195-201, 1994. 10. Shcherbina, A. Y., L. D. Talley, and D. L. Rudnick, Direct Ob servations of North Pacific V entilation: Brine Rejection in the Ok hotsk S ea. Science, 302,1952-1955, 2003. 11. Talley, L. D., Ventilation of the sub tropical North Pacific: the shallow salinity minimum. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 15, 633-649, 1985. 12. Talley, L. D., Distribution and formation of North Pacific Intermediate Water. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 23, 517-537, 1993. 13. Talley, L. D., Y. Nagata, M. Fujimura, T. Kono, D. Inagake, M. Hirai, and K. Okuda, North Pacific Intermediate W ater in the K uroshio/ Oyashio mixed w ater region. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 475-501, 1995. 14. Talley, L. D., North Pacific intermediate water transports in the mixed water region.j. Phys. Oceanogr., 27, 17951803, 1997. 1 5. T alley, L. D., S hallow, Intermediate, and D eep Ov erturning Components of the Glob al H eat B udget. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33, 530-560, 2003. 16. Yasuda, I., K. Okuda, and Y. Shimizu, Distribution and modification of North Pacific Intermediate Water in the Kuroshio- Oyashio Interfrontal Z one. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26, 448-465, 1996. 1 7. Yasuda, I., T he origin of the North Pacific Intermediate W ater. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 893-909, 1997. 18. Yuan, X., and L. D. Talley, The subarctic frontal zone in the North Pacific: Characteristics of frontal structure from climatological data and synoptic surveys. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 16491-16508, 1996.

초록양식해파리미토콘드리아유전체를이용한국내출현종의국제적분포양상파악및 DNA chip을이용한종판별 기장서 1, 황대식 1, 이재성 1,2 한양대학교대학원분자생명환경과학과 1 ; 화학과 2 The Cnidarian moon jellyfish, which is known to be Aurelia aurita, has occurred in Korean waters every year. However, their origins, the pattern and timing of introductions, and genomic information are unknown. We determined a nearly complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial genome from the Korean Aurelia species. The linear-formed mitogenome of the Korean Aurelia is 16,577 nucleotides in length. This sequence contains small and large subunit rrnas, genes for 13 energy pathway proteins, and methionine and tryptophan trnas. In a phylogenetic comparison, we found the exotic moon jelly that occurred in Korean coastal waters is the same as Auralia sp.1, and strongly clustered with Aurelia limbata rather than Aurelia aurita, as judged by molecular phylogenetic analysis. This suggests the Korean Aurelia should be identified as Aurelia sp.1. and is identical to species occurring in Tokyo Bay and northern Japan, in Australia, on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of France, from Los Angeles to San Diego, and in San Francisco Bay. This implies that the Korean jellyfish is apparently an exotic species introduced by anthropogenic means like ballast waters. For correct and rapid detection of the exotic organisms, we developed a DNAchip for the determination of jellyfish, including various life forms, based on mitochondrial COI gene sequences of jellyfish. It was designed to simultaneously detect 27 species of jellyfish, based on the hybridization of consensus PCR products of COI gene sequences. A universal primer pair was designed within the conserved regions adjacent to the sequence of COI-based probes, possibly working the COI mtdna of all jellyfish. We applied the DNAchip to discriminate the moon jelly and cotton jelly, including polyp and ephyra-staged samples (Fig. 3, 4). The array produced unique hybridization patterns for the tested species of each jellyfish. Furthermore, we were able to simultaneously detect several jellyfish from a mixture of different isolates and from several natural samples. These results show that DNAchip can be a newtechnical platform for parallel discrimination of jellyfish and has great potential to alter the manner in which researchers monitor this geographic expansion.

Future directions and oceanic proxies for paleoclimate research (review) 현상민, 김수현한국해양연구원남해연구소 고기후연구에사용된다양한 proxies 의사용예와앞으로고기후연구의방향을파악하기위해고기후관련주요국제학술지에서조사된 2000여편이상의논문중 300여편의내용을조사해보았다. 과거주요국제학술지에게재된고기후관련연구는 60연대후반에태동되어점점증가하는경향을보이고있다. 초기의 60~70연대는개별 proxies 에대해적용가능성을설명하거나소개하는수준에서고기후연구가진행되었으며 80연대는고생물학분야인부유성, 저서성유공충을중심으로한고기후연구가활발하게진행되었다. 특히 80연대는해양퇴적물중에포함된유공충연구에서산소와탄소동위원소기법이이용되면서가장활발한고기후연구가진행되었고할수있다. 고기후연구는 1980연대말을기점으로폭발적인증가경향을보이고있으며사용된 proxies 도다양하게변화해온것으로나타났다. 1986년에는 AGU 에서발간되는 paleoceanography 의탄생으로고기후 / 고해양에관한비약적인발전이있었으며이시기에는 SPECMAP, CLIMAP 등범지구적인연구가활발하게진행되어더이상고기후연구가지역적이거나편협된연구가아닌국제적인관심을가지는연구분야로자리매김하게되었다. 고기후연구에서는이제더이상한개의 proxies 자료로는과거의변화를적절하게설명할수없다고여기고있기때문에육지와해양에서나타나는지역적인고기후의증거들을통합해야되며이러한과정을통해서기후변화와서로다른지역이나체계에서의기후변화와관련된사항을고찰해야한다고여기고있다. 이번 300여편이넘는관련연구결과를분석한결과현재까지고기후연구에사용된 proxies 는해양퇴적물을이용한연구에서는동위원소기법을이용한연구등주로지화학적접근에의한연구가많은부분을차지하고있으며육상퇴적물에서도다양한분야에서고기후연구가진행된것으로나타났다. 미래의고기후연구방향에관해서는이미 Broecker(1997) 에의해제시되었듯이크게빙기동안에기후변화의양상과특징을정확하게이해하는것과갑작스럽게일어난기후변화의지형학적형태와이러한기후변화를유발한근본적원인에대한연구일것이라고설명하고있다. 그러나아직도고기후연구에대한주요한연구는미지로남겨진부분이많으며다양한 proxies 의적용과미래의연구방향과기후예측에대한도전이필요할것으로판단된다 (Henderson, 2002). 참고문헌 1. Broecker, W., Future directions of paleoclimate research. Q uaternary Science Reviews, V ol. 1 6, pp. 821-825. 1997. 2. H enderson, G.M., N ew oceanic proxies for paleoclimate. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 203, pp. 1-13. 2002.

해양생물의내인성산소소비리듬을이용한 CO 2 해양처리생물영향연구 김종욱, 김완수 1, 강성길 2, 이태원 3 1 한국해양연구원해양환경연구본부 2 한국해양연구원해양시스템안전연구소 3 충남대학교해양학과 화석연료사용증가에따른온실가스저감대책의일환으로대기중의 CO 2 를포집하여해양에격리하는방안이논의되고있으며, 이러한기술에의해해저퇴적층이나심해에대량으로투기된고농도 CO 2 에대한생물학적영향및환경위해성평가에대한연구가요구된다. 본연구는분사및저류를포함한 CO 2 해양처리기술이실행된다는가정하에실제고농도 CO 2 환경에서해수산성화에따른 ph 변화와이에따른해양생물의생리영향을알아보기위해내인성생체리듬을이용하여생물종에따른급성독성영향을분석하였다. 생리영향실험은생체리듬관찰이용이한바지락 (Ruditapes philippinarum), 조피볼락 (Sebastes schlegeli) 및대하 (Penaeus chinensis) 와심해생물종인물렁가시붉은새우 (Pandalopsis japonica) 를선정하여정상상태에서호흡리듬을관찰한후, 고농도및저농도 CO 2 환경에노출하여호흡리듬의변화를분석하였다. 실험은자체개발한자동호흡측정기 (AIFR) 와 Gas 농도정밀제어장치를이용하여진행하였으며, 실험농도는 350~ 100,000 ppm 까지실험생물에따라적절하게조절하여적용하였다. 일정한상태에서 5일간관찰된바지락 (R. philippinarum) 의호흡생체리듬은채집지역의조석주기와연관된뚜렷한주기성이나타났다. CO 2 에노출된바지락의호흡생체리듬은저농도 (0.05~0.2%) 노출에서는큰변화를보이지않았으나전반적으로다소감소하는경향을나타냈다. 고농도 (2.0~10.0%) 환경에노출된개체들은호흡리듬의주기성이약화되거나소멸되는양상을나타냈으며, 호흡률도감소하였다. 조피볼락 (S. schlegeli) 의경우, 저농도 (0.1~0.2%) 환경에서호흡생체리듬은바지락과유사하게큰변화를보이지않았으나다소증가하는양상을나타냈다. 반면, 고농도 (2.0~5.0%) 환경에노출된개체들은노출후 1~2일이경과한시점부터호흡리듬이급격하게증가한후점차원래리듬으로회복되는양상을나타냈다. 대하 (P. chinensis) 를대상으로한노출실험에서저농도 (0.035~0.05%) 환경에서는호흡률과호흡리듬의주기성에있어서뚜렷한변화패턴을보이지는않았다. 반면, 고농도 (2.0~3.0%) 환경에서대하의호흡생체리듬은노출전에나타나던뚜렷한주기성이노출후급격하게약화되어원래리듬으로회복되지못하고소멸되었으며, 호흡량도지속적으로감소하였다. 물렁가시붉은새우 (P. japonica) 의경우, 저농도 (0.05%) 환경에서도노출전에비해노출후의호흡리듬과호흡률이다소약화되는경향을보였으며, 고농도 (2.0%) 환경에서는노출후호흡리듬이다소증가하다가약 2일이경과되는시점에서사망하는개체가관찰되었다. 본연구에서는실제 CO 2 해양처리가이루어지는수심에서식하는생물을대상으로실험이진행되진않았으나, 다양한생물종을대상으로 CO 2 에대한내성실험을수행함으로써 CO 2 해양격리시발생할수있는고농도환경에대한생리영향을명확하게밝힐수있었다. 앞으로 CO 2 장기노출에따른만성독성영향및실제격리수심에서식하는생물종에대한추가적인생리영향연구가요구된다. 본연구는해양수산부연구개발과제로한국해양연구원에서수행하는 " CO2 해양처리기술개발사업 " 의연구결과일부임을밝혀둔다.