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모집분야 : 글로벌진출에적합한아이템 분야참가자격비고 기술창업 지식창업 IT, 바이오의약, 나노융복합, 신재생에너지, 전기 / 전자, 기계 ( 부품 ), 화학 / 소재, 기타융복합등기술창업분야 지식콘텐츠, 웹기반서비스업, IPTV, 스마트폰앱, SW, 콘텐츠등지식창업분야 지원대상제외업종붙임참조 주요사업내용 No. 구분주요내용 1 2 Global Young Entrepreneur Startup K-Camp 개회식 K-Camp 교육프로그램및 피칭코칭 3 Fireside Chat I 패널토의 4 Startup Professional Networking 행사 5 Fireside Chat II 패널토의 6 Startup Pitching Contest 시상식및폐회식 ㅇ일시 : 4 월 4 일오전 10 시ㅇ장소 : 대구창조경제혁신센터 1 층ㅇ참석자 : 대학생피칭참가기업대표ㅇ내외빈 : 동대구벤처벨리관계자, SMB 대표, 언론인 ㅇ일시 : 2016. 4. 4~7( 월 ~ 목 ) 10:00-12:00/13:00~17:00 ㅇ장소 : 대구창조경제혁신센터 1 층ㅇ참석자 : 대학생피칭참가기업대표ㅇ주요내용 -Entrepreneur 교육 - 글로벌시장에서경쟁준비교육 - 스타트업사업전략및사업모델수립및영어피칭 ㅇ일시 : 2016. 4. 7( 목 ) 14:30~15:30 ㅇ장소 : 대구창조혁센터 4 층, 방송녹화 ( 안 ) ㅇ참석자 : 대학생피칭참가기업대표ㅇ주제 - 투자유치에성공한기업과실패한기업의차이점 ㅇ일시 : 2016. 4. 7 ( 목 ) 18:30-21:00 ㅇ장소 : 호텔라온제나 5F ㅇ참석자 : ( 대구시기관장, 시의원, 국회의원, VC 내외 30 명 ) ㅇ주요내용 - 대구시창업생태계환경을위한모임 - 국내창업 / 투자관계자와실리콘벨리네트워크 - SMB IR Book 전달 ㅇ일시 : 2016. 4. 8( 금 ) 10:30~11:30 ㅇ장소 : 대구 MBC 홀 ( 안 ), 방송녹화 ( 안 ) ㅇ참석자 : 대구경북정책공무원, 교수, 언론인ㅇ주제 - 스타트업의유효적인글로벌진출지원방법 - 대구경북내스타트업생태계구축을위한실리콘 \ 밸리투자자들의제언 ㅇ일시 : 2016. 4. 8( 금 ) 13:30-15:30 피칭콘테스트ㅇ시상식및폐회식 16:00-17:00 시상식및폐회식ㅇ장소 : 대구 MBC 홀, 방송취재 ( 안 ) ㅇ주요내용 - 대학생피칭대회최종심사발표 - 시상식및폐회식 - 내외빈 : 국내외창업 / 투자관계자, 대학관계자, SMB 대표, 언론인외내외빈 - 5 -

사업주최 주관기관소개 나 나노아이티 주 나노아이티는비즈니스커뮤니케이션전문기업으로 빅데이터센터를보유하고기업메시징 서비스를전문으로하는기업 년대구수성대학교창업보육센터에서벤처창업한나노아이티 대표하은민 대구시수성구 는 와 앞선네트워크기술을바탕으로어려운여건속에서도꾸준한 를통하여전문기술개발인력을육성하고신기술개발에투자하여최근 년간매년 이상의매출성장을거듭 년 억 년 억 년 억 하며 및중견기업으로도약을준비하는대구대표 벤처기업 이러한꾸준한성과를인정받아대구창조경제혁신센터에서주관하는제 회삼성파트너스데이에선정되어삼성벤처투자로부터투자를받은전도유망한중소기업 나노아이티는 이음 과 도움 의철학으로디양한산업및종사자들간의동반성장과고용창출 그리고가족친화적기업으로성장 기업의선순환효과와함께사회적책임을약속하는기업 가 는지난 월 일대구스타타트업생태계활성화와미래형인재앵성을위해설립된최초의민간엑셀러레이터 은미국실리콘밸리를지나는고속도로이름으로 신생벤처기업에투자를연결해주는고속도로의역할을하겠다는뜻을담고있다 정부 대학 중소기업 스타트업서비스프로바이더생태계를완성하고이를통해스타트업이글로벌시장으로진출할기회를만드는것이목표 특히 기업가정신 에대한티칭 멘토링 중소기업교육을통해선순환사이클을조성하고있음 - 6 -

프로그램강점및차별성 글로벌 는실리콘밸리스타트업유경험자및전문가로구성되어전체교육을영어로진행함 창업교육의현장및실무경험을보유한실리콘밸리내전문가들이직접참가해자신들이스타트업사업을하면서겪었던성공담그리고실패하게된이유를통해얻게된생생한경험을토대로모든교육프로그램완료후영어피칭을실시 이를통해참가자들은이론만을배우는것이아니라글로벌시장에서실전에활용할수있는자신만의영어피칭자료를보유하게됨 본프로그램은글로벌경쟁에서자생력을제고할수있도록고안된국내유일한글로벌창업프로그램임 프로그램운영계획 가 지원내용 구분인원주요내용 K- 캠프 ( 국내교육 ) 피칭경연 패널토의 네트워크파티 현지보육 사후관리 30 팀내외 20 팀선별 50 인내외 30 인내외 3 팀이내 [ 공통 ] 글로벌기본이론과정 ( 산업, 문화등 ) [ 교육 ] Entrepreneur 교육, 글로벌시장에서경쟁준비교육, 스타트업사업전략및모델수립및영어피칭 [3 팀선정 ] 시상및후원기업투자매칭기회제공 [ 공통 ] 3 분피칭경연, 1 등 -200 만원 /2 등 :150 만원 /3 등 :100 만원 상금외샌프란시스코왕복항공권지급 ( 현지교육일환 ) [ 공통 ] 행사참여자및패널토의희망자 [ 토의 ] 투자유치에성공한기업과실패한기업의차이점스타트업의유효적인글로벌진출지원방법전국스타트업생태계구축을위한실리콘밸리투자자들의제언 [ 공통 ] IR 희망기업및국내외창업및투자관련기관 [ 진행 ] 참가자소개및네트워크교류, IR Book 전달 [ 미국실리콘밸리 ] 분야별전문가멘토링, 전문가특강 VC 엔젤등과의네트워킹, 창업아이템현지화지원 현지전문가멘토링및사업연계등사후관리 나 지원절차 공고신청 서류평가 3.21~25 3.25~28 K 캠프 4.4 4.8 (30 팀선정 ) 피칭경연 4.8 (20 팀 ) 현지보육 미정 (3 팀이내 ) 결과보고 12 월말 - 7 -

다 프로그램운영 캠프 ( 국내교육 ) - 참여대상 : 서류평가후 30팀선정 - 운영기간 : 2016. 4. 4 ~ 4. 8(4일간 ) - 교육장소 : 대구창조경제혁신센터 - 교육내용 : 실리콘밸리진출시참여자가필요한이론및실습과정 - 교육방법 : 실리콘밸리현지전문가 (4명) 의이론강의및실습 토론, 교육기간내상시멘토링진행 - 교육진행 : 영어로만진행 ( 발표는영어로, 강의는통역제공 ) - 피칭경연 : 4월 8일 20팀선별, 팀별 3분피칭경연 실리콘밸리현지보육 - 참여대상 : 최종보육대상 3팀 - 운영기간 : 미정 - 연수장소 : 미국실리콘밸리 - 연수내용 : 창업자특성에맞는멘토십프로그램, 네트워킹, 데모데이등 < 현지보육프로그램기본구성 ( 안 ) > 과정 내용 맨토십프로그램 사업모델, 현지비즈니스문화, 법률 세무, 투자멘토링 네트워킹 성공창업자, 창업전문가와의네트워킹 이벤트참가 창업자간교류, 컨퍼런스, 투자자미팅, 데모데이참가 해외연수프로그램의진행일정은상황에따라변경될수도있습니다. 사후관리 : 현지전문가멘토링, 중기센터사업연계등사후관리 - 8 -

다 세부프로그램 일자총시간시간교육내용강사 1 실리콘밸리스타트업생태계이해 Joe Jasin 4 월 4 일 6 4 월 5 일 6 1 스타트업수립실무절차이해 Jung Moon 1 스타트업팀구성및조직관리이해 Rick Rasmussen 3 피칭멘토링세션 Jung/Joe /Rick/Stephanie 1 The Magic of Silicon Valley Joe Jasin 1 Design Thinking 이해 Rick Rasmussen 1 Business Model 수립방법 Rick Rasmussen 1 Go-To-Market Strategy Stephanie Son 2 피칭멘토링세션 Jung/Joe /Rick/Stephanie 1 Lean Startup 에대한이해 Rick Rasmussen 4 월 6 일 6 1 Positioning your Startup to become a winner Clint Chao 1 Funding 101 for Entrepreneur Stephan Reckie 1 Mobile Innovation & Angel Funding Jeff Wallace 2 피칭멘토링세션 실리콘밸리멘토단 1 How does venture capital work Clint Chao 1 Innovation along with Angel Investor Jeff Wallace 4 월 7 일 6 4 월 8 일 Fireside Chat I 1 - The Advantages and Disadvantages of VC Funding - How to raise the first round of Joe/Jeff/Clint/Step hen MC: Rick funding 2 피칭교육및리허설 실리콘밸리멘토단 Fireside Chat II - How to build a startup ecosystem Rick/Jeff/Stephen/ 45 in Daegu Clint 분 - What are the key element to MC: Joe support it (Global Investors' Perspectives and Suggestions) 피칭경연및시상식 합계 30 30 교육내용은진행상황에따라변경될수도있습니다. 교육내용에대한저작권은나노아이티에있습니다. 교육중카메라및사진촬영은금지될수 있습니다. - 9 -

라 실리콘밸리주요강사진 붙임 참조 Mr. Joe Jasin - 실리콘밸리투자사 DNA Partner 대표 - China Mobile 투자사대표역임및 SK Telecom 미주본사부사장역임 - CTIA Wireless Innovation Council 설립멤버및미연방정부 Mobile Committee 자문 Mr. Rick Rasmussen - Concordia Ventures 대표, 실리콘밸리엑셀러레이터 NestGSV 부사장역임 - Sand Hill Angels 투자그룹투자멤버 - LSI Logic, C-Cube Microsystems, Sage 및 Intellon 공개상장주도 Mr. Jeff Wallace - Global Kinetics 대표 - Cognizant Technology 설립자및 BridgeGate 20 수상 - Berkeley Angel Network 소속엔젤투자자, Keiretzu 포럼투자분과소속 Mr. Jung H. Moon - SV 101 Ventures 공동대표 - 20 년이상의실리콘밸리글로벌 M&A, Startup Venture Investment 성사 - $125 Million 펀드운영경력, 인베스먼트은행근무경력및다수의기업투자 Ms.Stephanie Son - VentureNest 대표, Technology Acclerator - Global Investment, M&A 매치및중소, 강소기업글로벌시장진출지원전문가 - 전 KOTRA Silicon Valley 의 Global Partnership 프로그램총괄 Mr. Clint Chao Mr. Stephan Reckie - 실리콘밸리투자사 Moment Ventures 대표 - Call9, Payable, Savioke, Soha Systems and Skyward 등초기스타트업투자 - Mashery( 인텔에인수 ), SOASTA, Zyray Wireless (Broadcom 에인수 ) and Silicon Clocks 인수. 합병성사 - Angelus Funding 공동설립자 - 총 28 건의초기기술기업및스타트업에대한투자완료 - DigiLink Software 사업총괄이사, Ittiam Systems 이사, 공동설립자 Telogy Networks($457 million 매각 ) - 10 -

기대효과 실리콘밸리진출지원프로그램본격가동 국내내수시장의포화와한계로인하여해외시장진출의필요성대두와창업단계부터해외시장진출을목표로진행하여대한민국수출강소기업여건조성 도전정신과성공가능성이충만한청년층창업꿈나무의 글로벌창업마인드 를한층업그레이드할수있는서비스제공 실리콘밸리벤처창업모델을집중코칭하여 성공적현지진출을통한투자유치등모범사례가조만간창출될것으로기대 맞춤형창업정보제공시스템구축 는아이디어형성 사업화 성장지원 네트워킹프로그램뿐만아니라글로벌창업지원프로그램으로지원정책의다각화를통해캠프가창업허브가될수있는발판을구축코자함 엔젤 등대상서비스 및투자유치지원 국내스타트업활성화에기여 프로그램은단기적으로대학생이나일반인들을대상으로스타트업준비에있어체계적인교육프로그램을제공해스타트업선순환적생태계조성을위한저변을확대하고 이들의성공적인창업지원 중 장기적으로는자체프리엑셀러레이팅서비스를통해서글로벌의성장가능한스타트업을직접양성하고 실리콘밸리에진출시키는플랫폼서비스구축 스타트업의 를지원하는스타트업엑셀러레이팅프로그램을통해진정한스타트업엑셀러레이팅투코리아로국내스타트업활성화붐조성 - 11 -

전체행사일정 일시시간내용비고 18:00 인천공항도착 4. 3 ( 일 ) 4. 4 ( 월 ) 교육 6 시간 4. 5 ( 화 ) 교육 6 시간 4. 6 ( 수 ) 교육 6 시간 4. 7 ( 목 ) 교육 6 시간 4. 8 ( 금 ) 교육 6 시간 19:00 만찬 20:00 대구이동차량이동 23:00 대구도착 : 호텔라온제나체크인 9:00 행사장이동호텔라온제나 10:30-11:00 개회식 OT 및 K-Camp 강의입문 대구창조혁신센터 12:00-13:00 점심장소확인요 13:00-17:00 K-Camp 강의및피칭코칭대구창조혁신센터 19:00-22:00 만찬장소확인요 22:30 호텔도착및휴식호텔라온제나 9:30 행사장이동대구창조혁신센터 10:00-12:00 K-Camp 강의실리콘밸리멘토 12:00-13:00 점심장소확인요 13:00-17:00 K-Camp 강의및피칭코칭대구창조혁신센터 19:00-22:00 만찬 ( 지역산업관계자, 기업인 ) 장소확인요 22:30 호텔도착및휴식호텔라온제나 9:30 행사장이동대구창조혁신센터 10:00-12:00 K-Camp 강의실리콘밸리멘토 12:00-13:00 점심장소확인요 13:00-17:00 K-Camp 강의및피칭코칭대구창조혁신센터 19:00-22:00 만찬 ( 지역산업관계자, 기업인 ) 장소확인요 22:30 호텔도착및휴식호텔라온제나 9:30 행사장이동대구창조혁신센터 10:00-12:00 K-Camp 강의실리콘밸리멘토 12:00-13:00 점심장소확인요 13:00-17:00 K-Camp 강의및피칭코칭 Fireside Chat I 대구창조혁신센터 19:00-22:00 네트워킹파티행사 ( 국내외창업 / 투자관계자, 기업인, 교수 ) 호텔라온제나 22:30 호텔도착및휴식 10:00-10:30 행사장이동 MBC 홀 10:30-11:30 Fireside Chat II 실리콘밸리멘토 MBC 홀 12:00-13:30 점심장소확인요 13:30-15:30 Pitching Contest ( 사회 : 개그맨황영진 ) MBC 홀 15:30-16:30 시상식밒폐회식 16:30-18:00 호텔도착및휴식호텔라온제나홀 - 11 -

붙임 1 지원제외대상업종 * 중소기업기본법제 2 조의중소기업을지원대상업종으로하되, 아래업종은지원대상제외 업 종 품목코드 해당업종 제조업 33402 中불건전영상게임기제조업 33409 中도박게임장비등불건전오락용품제조업 건설업 41~42 건설업 ( 산업플랜트건설업 (41225), 폐기물처리및오염방지시설건설업 (41224), 조경건설업 (41226), 방음및내화공사업 (42203), 소방시설공사업 (42204) 제외 ) 451 자동차판매업 452 中 자동차부품및내장품판매업중소매업 도매및소매업 45302 모터사이클및부품소매업 46102 中주류, 담배중개업 46331, 3 주류, 담배도매업 47 소매업 491, 2 철도운송업, 육상여객운송업 50 中 수상운송업중여객운송업 운수업 51 中 항공운송업중여객운송업 52914 도로및관련시설운영업 52915 주차장운영업 숙박및음식점업 55~56 숙박및음식점업 ( 호텔업, 휴양콘도운영업, 기타관광숙박시설운영업및상시근로자 20 명이상의법인인음식점업은제외 ) 게임SW 및공급업 5821 中 불건전게임소프트웨어개발및공급업 금융및보험업 64~66 금융및보험업 부동산업 68 부동산업 임대업 6911 자동차임대업 692 개인및가정용품임대업 전문서비스업 711~2 법무, 회계및세무관련서비스업 7151, 2 회사본부, 비금융지주회사 수의업 731 수의업 752 여행사및기타여행보조서비스업 753 경비, 경호및탐정업 ( 보안시스템서비스업 (75320) 제외 ) 사업지원서비스업 759 기타사업지원서비스업 ( 콜센터및텔레마케팅서비스업 (75991 중콜센터서비스업 ), 전시및행사대행업 (75992), 포장및충전업 (75994) 제외 ) 공공행정, 국방및사회보장행정 84 공공행정, 국방및사회보장행정 교육서비스업 85 교육서비스업 ( 기술및직업훈련학원 (8565), 온라인교육학원 (85504) 중기술및직원훈련교육은제외 ) 보건업 86 보건업 902 도서관, 사적지및유사여가관련서비스업예술, 스포츠및스포츠및오락관련서비스업 ( 기타스포츠시설운영업여가관련서비스업 91 (9113), 기타스포츠서비스업 (9119) 제외 ) 협회및단체 94 협회및단체 기타개인서비스업 96 기타개인서비스업 ( 산업용세탁업 (96911) 제외 ) 가구내고용및자가소비생산활동 97~98 가구내고용활동및달리분류되지않는자가소비생산활동 국제및외국기관 99 국제및외국기관 - 12 -

붙임 2 실리콘벨리초청강사약력 Mr. Joe Jasin, DNA Partner 대표 Joe Jasin has built a 20 year international career within the Mobile/Wireless and Digital Media industries, establishing a cross-border presence in the USA and Asia. Presently, Joe Jasin is Managing Director of DNA Partners, LLC an early stage venture investment firm. DNA invests in digital-media value-chain technology companies, based in the USA and China. Mr. Jasin spends about 20 to 30 percent of his time in Asia. Mr. Jasin is presently in active dialogue with the open-source software community, sourcing and indexing the emerging landscape worldwide, for example: Mozilla, Jolla, Tizen, Canonical-Ubuntu. In 2010 with China Mobile Ltd. (Beijing HQ) he worked on a stealth Venture Capital fund for the OPhone ecosystem initiatives. Mr. Jasin served as Vice President of Corporate Development for SK Telecom, in Seoul Korea. He was founder and chair of the local Software Developer s Forum Mobile Group, in the trenches cultivating a community of software developers since the year 2000. Joe has now taken that group, and converged them in an entity called DNA Digital, an intelligence think-tank. Nationally, he is founding member CTIA s Wireless Innovation Council, and Internationally a formal advisor to the U.S. Department of State; APEC Office of Commerce, working on 5G spectrum allocation between the USA and Asian countries. - 13 -

Mr. Rick Rasmussen, 콩코디아벤처스대표 Rick Rasmussen is a Managing Director at Concordia Ventures, a leading education and advisory firm focused on International Business Development. He is a Silicon Valley native with entrepreneurial, executive, government and academic experience focusing on startups and growth stage companies. He works extensively with governments and economic development agencies looking to connect with Silicon Valley. Mr.Rasmussen served as VP of Business Development for nestgsv, al arge-scale accelerator in Silicon Valley with clients including Japan, Korea, Austria, Armenia, Palestine, Brazil, Portugal, Spain, and Singapore. Prior, Mr.Rasmussen served as the Trade Commissioner for the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade with responsibility for linking Canadian IT companies to the Valley. Prior, he served as an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Institutional Venture Partners, Interim CEO for @Road, President and CEO for. He is an active member of the Sand Hill Angels investment group and has been part of five Initial Public Offerings including LSI Logic, C-Cube Microsystems, @Road, Sage and Intellon. He currently advises half dozen companies in mobile and international social media and serves as a Director of CritterPix, an animated feature film startup in Marin County, CA. and LionSharp, a presentation-based gesture control company in Yerevan, Armenia. Mr. Rasmussen earned an Electrical Engineering and Computer Science degree with highest honors from the University of California at Berkeley and a dual MBA degree from UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business and Columbia's Graduate School of Business in New York City with honors. He currently lectures on Entrepreneurship at both UC Berkeley and Stanford University. - 14 -

Mr. Jeff Wallace, Global Kinetics Inc. 대표 Jeff Wallace is the founder and president of Global Kinetics Inc., a Bay Area based corporate advisor and market development accelerator partner to early-to-mid stage clients seeking to establish or expand operations within the U.S. marketplace as well as a long-standing enterprise mobility industry veteran. He is also a Founding Investor of The Batchery, a Bay Area-based global incubator for seed stage startups poised for rapid growth which was founded by 50 veteran Investor-Advisors ready to provide entrepreneurs with ideas, insights and networks. In addition, Jeff is an Entrepreneur in Residence for SKTA Innopartners where he works alongside the staff coaching and mentoring portfolio companies, sourcing new companies for the accelerator, conducting technical and financial diligence on new investments and expanding the contact network with other investors. Jeff was previously with Cognizant Technology Solutions and Brillio where he served as the founder of and Global Practice Head for the Mobility practices and also focused on Internet of Things (IoT) and user experience (UX) practice areas. Prior to this, Jeff was a serial entrepreneur having founded several businesses since the mid-1990s. In fact, Jeff was awarded the prestigious BridgeGate 20 Award, recognizing Jeff as one of the top 20 business leaders and difference makers in Southern California s information technology and new media community. In addition, Jeff serves on the Global Advisory Board for the Enterprise Mobility Exchange and is a mentor and advisor to several Bay Area / Silicon Valley technology accelerators where he advises several early to mid stage technology companies. Jeff is also an active angel investor and a member of the Berkeley Angel Network as well as the global angel investor network, Keiretsu Forum. Jeff also serves as a Board member for Innovate Marquette SmartZone in Michigan where he helps support the entrepreneurial eco-system in which new tech-based business ideas can start, grow and succeed while existing ones can continue to innovate, thrive and expand. Jeff frequently speaks at international conferences and corporate events and has published numerous documents about enterprise mobility, user experience, Internet of Things and related topics. Jeff earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics/Finance from Rutgers College and an MBA focused on Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Technology from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. He is based in the San Francisco Bay Area and, along with his wife, enjoys the Silicon Valley lifestyle. - 15 -

Ms. Stephanie Son, Venture Nest 대표 Stephanie Son is the CEOandfounder of VentureNest, which focuses on helping startups and SMEs gain a foothold in overseas markets. VentureNestcontinues to be at the forefront of trade and investment activities to help startups and SMEs tap into new market opportunities. Stephanie has been committed to delivering exceptional high-quality B2B services and solutions to her corporate clients forthe past decade.stephanie has a proven track record of driving business expansion through business initiatives that deliver revenue growth, market expansion, and customer satisfaction. Having more than a decade of work experience in various industries, includinghigh tech, government sectors, ecommerce, IT asset management, real estate, and thetravel industry, she has actively participated in most aspects of managing and promoting a business, including strategic partnerships, global alliances, startup consulting, benchmarking, team leadership and mentoring, key account management, startup pitch event planning, technology sourcing, business strategy and planning, and managing all phases of business development cycles in highly competitive industries. Previously, she was the head of Global Partnerships at KOTRA, a non-profit government agency that promotes trade and investment in Korea. As the head of theglobal Partnerships (GP) program at KOTRA, Stephanie actively promoted business partnerships between Fortune 500 companies and many Korean startups and SMEs. Areas of cooperation through the Global Partnerships program included technology alliances, joint ventures, marketing alliances, strategic investments, joint R&D, product and solution outsourcing, and technology commercialization and licensing. Stephanie sinterests include innovation, clean energy, environment, technology, business, health, art, music, andphilosophy, and the way these things move us within our lives. All things are interesting in their own way, and Stephanie tries to find that glimmer of genius in all things that sparkfascination in her. - 16 -

Mr. Jung H Moon, SV 101 Ventures 공동설립자 Jung Moon is the co-founder of SV 101 Venture Partners in the Silicon Valley. Previously, he was Managing Director and of Thinktomi Korea until 2015. He has been worked for Public entities and Global Investment companies since 1996. Mr. Moon is a self-motivated and dynamic visionary professional with a record of achievement and demonstrating talents in establishing a keen strategy. As Executive Director of Korea IT Network, he has been developed strong relationships with external business partners and investors including angel, financial, and strategic investors in Silicon Valley helping numbers of Korean startups and venture companies. He has continuously achieved annual governemnt FDI goal of $450 million and $460 million to Korea in 2012, 2013, and 2014, this achievement was a proof of possessing a strong business development skill and client management as he served Korean government agencies including Korean Consulate General Office in San Francisco. He was a Managing Director of AMB Korea, a fund managing company, responsible for controlling and investing arms of $125 million in Korea. He has extensive experience global cross border business transactions and actively involved with Korean companies cross-border M&A deals and matching Korean companies with the Silicon Valley venture capital firms. - 14 -

Mr. Clint Chao, General Partner Moment Ventures Clint Chao is a co-founding general partner of Moment Ventures, a seed & early stage venture capital firm based in Palo Alto, CA. Moment Ventures invests in IT startups involved in building the Infrastructure of Everything: solutions that connect digital and physical networks to improve enterprises and society. Investments include Call9, Payable, Savioke, Soha Systems and Skyward. Prior to Moment Ventures, Clint co-founded and served as a general partner at Formative Ventures, an early stage IT VC firm in Menlo Park, CA. While at Formative, Clint led investments in Mashery (acquired by Intel), SOASTA, Zyray Wireless (acquired by Broadcom) and Silicon Clocks (acquired by Silicon Labs). Prior to his VC career, Clint spent over 15 years as a sales and marketing executive at SkyStream Networks, C-Cube Microsystems and Motorola. At SkyStream, Clint served as VP of Marketing and Sales and guided the company to its leadership position as the #1 MPEG router supplier in the industry. As an early sales and marketing exec at C-Cube, Clint played a key role in securing key customers that propelled C-Cube into the #1 world supplier of MPEG and JPEG products to the DVD, VideoCD, Digital Cable & Satellite and Broadcast industries. Clint started his sales career at Motorola s Semiconductor Products Sector, where he was recognized as one of the sector s top salespeople. Clint earned a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. Clint is an active communicator on various social platforms. Follow his musings on startups, technology, market trends, sales and marketing strategies and the Infrastructure of Everything on Twitter and LinkedIn. - 15 -

Mr. Stephan Reckie, Founding Managing Member, Angelus Reckie is the Co-founder and CEO of Angelus Funding, a trust-based global network of angel investors, who actively evaluate a wide range of innovative investment opportunities. Stephan serves on the board of directors of several companies and has personally made 28 investments since 2012. Prior to starting Angelus Funding, Stephan served in several international executive roles including: COO of DigiLink Software, a China-based embedded video solutions developer, and the Director of North American Sales at India-based Ittiam Systems. As the founding Director of EMEA Operations for Telogy Networks, his company was acquired for $457 million by Texas Instruments. Stephan holds Bachelor s and Masters of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering from Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts. A second generation Russian and a true native New Yorker, he is fluent in 5 languages. Stephan is a professional" volunteer for several impactful organizations and an active community leader. - 16 -

붙임 3 참가신청서 Global Young Entrepreneur Startup Korea Camp 참가신청서 접수번호 접수처에서기재 참가구분 예비창업자, 기업참가분야 참가자 ( 대표 ) 주소 예비창업자일경우성명기재 기업일경우기업명, 대표자명생년월일 ( 만 ) 세 예비창업자의경우자택주소, 기업의경우기업주소 연락처 전화 ( 자택 ) ( 휴대전화 ) E-Mail 구분 참가자주요경력및역량 전공및 기술보유현황 전공또는기술보유현황을적어주시기바랍니다. 경력 실무경력또는창업활동, 사회활동, 교육이수정도등창업과관련되는다양한활동을적어주시기바랍니다. 사업 ( 아이템 ) 명 공모전 ( 대회 ) 출품여부 공모전 ( 대회 ) 명사업아이템명수상내역 본인은실리콘밸리스타트업코리아캠프프로그램참가신청서를첨부와같이제출하며유의사항을충분히숙 지하였으며진행에필요한요구사항에성실히응할것에동의합니다. 20 년월일 신청인 ( 대표자 ) ( 인 ) GYES K-CAMP 추진위원회귀하 첨부 1. 아이템설명서 1 부. 2. 사업자등록증 1 부.( 창업자의경우 ) 3. 개인정보수집및이용동의서 1 부. - 17 -

아이템설명서 아이디어 ( 아이템 / 사업화명 ) 창업하고자하는아이디어 ( 아이템 ) 를명료하게나타내도록명명 [ 아이템기술서 ] - 창업아이템설명 - 아이디어 ( 아이템 ) 의독창성, 경쟁제품과의차별성, 기술적경제적우월성서술 - 18 -

[ 아이템의시장성및사업성 ] 아이디어 ( 아이템의시장규모 ) - 아이템 ( 아이디어 ) 의시장수요, 사업성, 경쟁제품현황등 글로벌사업화계획 - 글로벌시장진입가능성, 성장가능성 - 글로벌마케팅계획 - 19 -

개인 ( 신용 ) 정보수집 이용동의서 Global Young Entrepreneur Startup Korea Camp와관련하여 개인정보보호법 제 15조제1항제1호, 제17 조제1항제1호, 제23 조제1호, 제24 조제1항제1호및 신용정보의이용및보호에관한법률 제 32조제1항, 제33 조, 제34 조에따라아래와같이개인 ( 신용 ) 정보의수집 이용에관하여귀하의동의를얻고자합니다. 수집 이용에관한사항 수집 이용목적 창업지원업무 개인정보의제 자제공관한사항 제공받는자 sv101 ventures 제공받는자의이용목적 창업지원 개인정보이용항목 신청인이제출하는서류에포함된개인정보 보유 이용기간 위개인 신용 정보는수집 이용에관한동의일로부터보유목적달성시또는정보주체가개인정보삭제를요청할경우지체없이파기합니다 단 사업종료일후에는분쟁해결 민원처리 법령상의무이행만을위하여보유 이용되며기간은 년입니다 동의를거부할권리및동의를거부할경우의불이익 위개인 신용 정보중필수항목 고유식별번호의수집 이용에관한동의는본업무의수행을위해필수적이므로이에동의하셔야이후절차를진행할수있습니다 선택항목의수집 이용에관한동의는거부하실수있으며 다만동의하지않으시는경우본사업에신청이불가합니다 위와같이귀하의개인 신용 정보를수집 이용하는것에동의합니까 년월일 동의자성명 서명또는인 추진위원회귀하 - 20 -