제 9회 EY 최우수 기업가상

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Vol.266 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M

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EY Assurance Tax Transactions Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization and may refer to one or more of the memberfirms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legalentity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about ourorganization, please visit ey.com. About EY Entrepreneur Of The Year EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is the world s most prestigious business award for entrepreneurs. The unique award makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential, and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement. As the first and only truly global award of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in more than 145 cities in more than 60 countries. 2015 Ernst & Young Han Young 2015 Ernst & Young Advisory, Inc. All Rights Reserved. APAC no. 05000287 This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. ey.com/kr us business award because it goes Order m among a unique group of people. events E d. They have the courage and passio alue 2015 that benefits us all. These spec y of Awards the world s most dynamic and su Entrepreneur Gala Of The Year Award ce evements. That s why it s the world s ccolade it recognizes the most exc up of people. Where would we be wi 칵테일리셉션 환영사 축사및건배제의 만찬 Supporter Media Partner ng the future passion, self-belief and trepreneurship others would give up eated many of the world s most dyn. The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year A EOY2015 심사과정소개 수상자발표 Rising Star 축하공연 Industry I 수상자발표 Industry II 축하공연 Industry III 수상자발표 Master 축하파티

most exceptional from among ople. MC Entrepreneurs change the courage and passion to build alue that benefits 제9회 us all. These special ny of the world s EY 최우수 most 기업가상 dynamic ies. The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award kable achievements. That s why it s igious business accolade it recognizes mong a unique group of people. Contents Greetings 02 Overview of EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 04 How the program works 06 2015 Judging panel 10 2015 Award winners 12 2007-2014 Award winners & Judging panels 24 Program founder 32 Program partners 36 preneurs? Creating the future keep going with Entrepreneurship up. These special people the world s most dynamic and successful 나승연 캐나다, 영국, 덴마크등에서유년기를보낸뒤 이화여대불어불문학과를졸업했다. 아리랑 TV 공채 1 기로입사, 뉴스앵커및기자로 활약하였다. 2014 ITU 전권회의및 2012 서울 핵안보정상회의등각종국제회의 MC 로활동했으며, 2018 평창동계올림픽유치위원회대변인으로서 프레젠테이션및프레젠터트레이닝을맡았다. 2003 년오라티오를설립하여유치활동컨설팅, 프레젠테이션트레이닝등을총괄하고있으며 저서로 나승연의프레젠테이션 이있다. 1

s B ui l d y o ur d ream i nto real i ty G reeti ng s 기업가정신이라는진취적기상은지난 7 0년한국경제발전을이끌어온원동력이었습니다. 기업가정신은세상을바꿔온경제현대화의유형ㆍ무형의경제문화재라고할수있습니다. 미국에서 29 년전시작된 EY 최우수기업가상 은도전과열정, 혁신과창조그리고성공을일궈낸기업가를발굴하고그들의기업가정신을사회적으로공유하기위해제정됐습니다. 그리고현재전세계 6 0개국 14 5개도시에서매년개최되는 EY 최우수기업가상은이제전세계기업가들에게꿈의무대가됐습니다. 국내에서아홉번째로열리는 EY 최우수기업가상의주인공을발표하게돼기쁘게생각합니다. 한국의수상자들은 강하고속도감있는변화와혁신 을주도했다는공통점이있습니다. 그들의성공요인은창조적비즈니스개발, 과감한투자, 시장트렌드선점등으로요약됩니다. 올해시상식에서도우리기업가들의감동적인성공스토리를많은분들이듣고영감을얻을수있으리라기대합니다. 도전 과 모험, 혁신, 창조 를함축하고있는기업가정신을어떻게현실적인환경에서펼쳤는지주목하고, 아낌없는박수와환호를보내주시길바랍니다. EY한영은 EY 최우수기업가상을통해 C EO들의도전정신, 기업가정신을다시한번북돋우는계기가되기를기대합니다. 이들의기업가정신이바로귀감이되어사회전반적으로퍼져나갈수있기를진심으로바랍니다. 서진석 EY한영대표이사 The enterpri s i ng s pi ri t c o m m o nl y c al l ed entrepreneurs hi p has b een the d ri v i ng fo rc e b ehi nd K o rea s ec o no m i c g ro w th o v er the pas t 7 0 y ears. Entrepreneurs hi p i s i nd eed a g l o b al ec o no m - i c heri tag e, b o th tang i b l e and i ntang i b l e, w hi c h w as b o rn o ut o f ec o no m i c m o d erni z ati o n and has s i nc e trans fo rm ed the w o rl d. Held for the first time in the U.S. 29 years ago, the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year( EOY ) aw ard w as es tab l i s hed to d i s c o v er the entrepreneurs w ho hav e d em o ns trated a true s pi ri t o f adv enture, pas s i o n, i nno v ati o n, and c reati v enes s w i th s uc c es s ful ac hi ev em ents, and to s hare thei r entrepreneuri al s to ri es. A s an annual c el eb rati o n hel d i n 14 5 c i ti es aro und the w o rl d, i t has b ec o m e a d ream ev ent fo r entrepreneurs. I am v ery pl eas ed to anno unc e the w i nners o f the 9 th EY Entre - preneur Of The Year K o rea. The w i nners hav e i n c o m m o n that they hav e purs ued s tri k i ng and s peed y c hang es and i nno -v a ti o n. Thei r s uc c es s fac to rs c an b e s um m ari z ed as c reati v e b us - i nes s d ev el o pm ent, b o l d i nv es tm ent, and ex pl o i tati o n o f m ark et o ppo rtuni ti es. P l eas e pay attenti o n to ho w they hav e m ani fes - t ed the s pi ri t o f entrepreneurs hi p m ark ed b y c hal l eng e, ad v en - ture, i nno v ati o n, and c reati v enes s i n the real w o rl d, and ap - pl aud o ur w i nners! EY H an Yo ung ex pec ts the EOY 2015 to pro v i d e y et ano ther o ppo rtuni ty to enc o urag e the s pi ri t o f ad v enture and entrepreneurs hi p o f C EOs. F urther, I s i nc erel y ho pe thei r s pi ri t w i l l res o- nate w i th al l o f us and perm eate ev ery c o rner o f o ur s o c i ety. Jin Sug Suh C EO, EY H an Yo ung 2 3

ㅐㅐㅐㅐㅐ The w o rl d s m pres ti g i o us b us i nes s aw ard o s t ㅐ Overview 주요수상자 Most recognizable names of Entrepreneur Of The Year winners EY 최우수기업가상은세계최고권위의비즈니스어워드프로그램으로 19 8 6 년미국에서뛰어난리더십으로사업의지속적인성장을이룬혁신적인기업가들을기리기위해처음시작되었습니다. 올해로 29 주년을맞이한 EY 최우수기업가상은약 6 0 개국가, 14 5여개도시에서매년 9 00여명의전세계최고기업가들에게시상되고있습니다. The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year i s the w o rl d s m o s t pres ti g i o us b us i nes s aw ard. The pro g ram w as c reated i n the U ni ted S tates b y EY i n 19 8 6 to ho no r entrepreneurs w ho s e i ng enui ty and per - s ev eranc e hav e c reated and s us tai ned s uc c es s ful b us i nes s v entures. Thi s y ear Entrepreneur Of The Year i s c el eb rati ng i ts 29 th anni v ers ary. I n tho s e y ears, the pro g ram has ex pand ed to 14 5 c i ti es i n 6 0 c o untri es w i th aw ard s pres ented annual l y to o v er 9 00 o f the w o rl d s m o s t s uc c es s ful and i nno v ati v e entrepreneurs. I t has b ec o m e the hal l m ark o f s uc c es s fo r rec o g ni z i ng entrepreneurs. c o i m o d g i M o C o, M o o b i d i W o d A c d o g o s g K o i i l l K o W o d d i M o C o i g i o W i o i m 6 c o. 각국가의최우수기업가상수상자는매년모나코몬 테카를로에서열리는 EY 세계최우수기업가상 에참 가해다른나라의수상자들과교류할기회를갖습니 다. 그리고이자리에서그해세계최고의기업가가선 정됩니다. Eac h y ear, the untry w nners fro aro und the w rl ather n nte arl nac to e n- uc ted nto the rl Entrepreneur Of The Year ad em y uri ng a rec ni ti n aw ard al a. The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year rea w nner w repres ent rea at the annual rl Entrepreneur Of The Year aw ard hel n nte arl and v e fo r the pres ti us EOY ti tl e w th the ther w nners fro 0 untri es 제프베조스아마존닷컴, 미국 마이클델델컴퓨터, 미국 안드레아일리일리카페, 이탈리아 라탄타타타타그룹, 인도 세르게이브린 래리페이지구글, 미국 하워드슐츠스타벅스, 미국 가이라리베르테태양의서커스, 캐나다 리처드슐츠베스트바이, 미국 잉그바르캄라드이케아, 스웨덴 피에르오미디마르이베이, 미국 알프레도야오제스트오, 필리핀 존맥케이홀푸드마켓, 미국 차오드왕후야오글래스인더스트리그룹, 중국 마이클스펜서 ICAP, 영국 올리비아럼하이플럭스, 싱가포르 제임스메왕기에쿼티은행, 케냐 함디울루카야초바니, 미국 우다이코닥코닥마힌드라은행, 인도 모헤드알트라드알트라드그룹, 프랑스 J eff B ez o s M i c hael D el l A nd rea I l l y Amazon.com, US Dell Computer Corp., US Illy caffè S.p.A., Italy R atan N. Tata Tata Group, India S erg ey B ri n and L arry P ag e Google, Inc., US H o w ard S c hul tz Starbucks Corp., US G uy L al i b erte Cirque du Soleil, Canada R i c hard M I ng v ar K am P i erre Om A l fred o M J o hn M. S c hul z e Best Buy Co. Inc., US rad IKEA, Sweden i d y ar ebay, Inc., US. Yao ac k ey C ao D ew ang M Zest-O Corporation, Philippines Whole Foods Market, US Fuyao Glass Industry Group, China i c hael S penc er ICAP, United Kingdom Ol i v i a L um Hyflux Limited, Singapore J am es M w ang i Equity Bank Limited, Kenya H am U d ay K o tak M d i U l uk ay a Chobani, Inc., US Kotak Mahindra Bank, India o hed A l trad, Altrad Group, France 4 5

H o w the pro g ram w o rk s K ey d ates 후보자선정설립후최소 2년이지난기업의오너, 설립자또는최고경영자로서최근성과가탁월한경영자들이 EY 최우수기업가상의후보자가됩니다. Candidates To b e el i g i b l e to rec ei v e an EY Entrepreneur Of The Year aw ard, the c and i d ate has to b e: The o w ner/ fo und er/ C EO res po ns i b l e fo r the rec ent perfo rm anc e o f a c o m pany that i s at l eas t tw o y ears o l d. 2015 7 June 10 August 1st Judges meeting 2nd Judges meeting 1 차심사위원단미팅 2 차심사위원단미팅 심사과정 Judging process 심사위원단은선별된후보자중에서수상자를선정하게되며, 수상부문및수상자선정과정에있어모든결정권을가지고독립적으로심사를진행합니다. 수상자는다음과같은여섯가지기준에의해선발됩니다. The i nd epend ent j ud g i ng panel s i ng l e o ut c ateg o ri es and aw ard ees fo und ed o n the q ual i ty and q uanti ty o f the no m i nati o ns. The j ud g es are al - l o w ed c o m pl ete d i s c reti o n i n d eterm i ni ng c ateg o - ri es and aw ard rec i pi ents. August - October 9 September Onsite interviews 3rd Judges meeting 후보자인터뷰진행 최종심사위원단미팅 심사기준 Judging criteria 기업가정신 Entrepreneuri al s pi ri t 재무성과 전략적방향 F i nanc i al perfo rm anc e S trateg i c d i rec ti o n 26 November Awards Gala EY 최우수기업가상시상식 국내및세계적영향력 N ati o nal / G l o b al i m pac t 혁신성 개인적품성및사회적기여도 I nno v ati o n Personal integrity / Influence 2016 June World Entrepreneur Of The Year 2016 EY 세계최우수기업가상시상식 6 7

8 9

2015 J ud g i ng panel 심사위원단은유능한기업가들을발굴할수있는경륜과통찰을지닌분들로재계, 학계등각계각층의존경받는리더및기업가적역할모델이되는저명한인사들로구성되어있습니다. The judging panel comprises highly visible and respected leaders in the business and academia arenas as well as entrepreneunal role models who possess the necessary experience and commercial acumen to spot talented entrepreneurs. 심사위원장 박병원 김영세 이승철 이인실 전병준 전병찬 한국경영자총협회회장 연세대학교경제학부교수 ( 기획실장 ) 전국경제인연합회부회장 서강대학교경제대학원교수 매일경제논설실장 에버다임대표이사코스닥협회부회장 Byongwon Bahk C hai rm an o f K o rea Em pl o y ers F ed erati o n Youngse Kim P ro fes s o r o f Ec o no m i c s, Yo ns ei U ni v ers i ty V i c e pres i d ent fo r P l anni ng & D ev el o pm ent Seungcheol Lee V i c e c hai rm an o f The F ed erati o n o f K o rean I nd us tri es Insill Yi P ro fes s o r o f S o g ang S c ho o l o f Ec o no m i c s V i c e P res i d ent o f P ub l i c A ffai rs Byung-Jun Jeon C hi ef Ed i to r/ D i rec to r o f M B us i nes s N ew s paper aei l C o i g m C o V i c C o K D A Q l i s C o m A s s o c i o Jeon Byong Chan EO f Ev erd rp. e hai rm an f OS ted pani es ati n 10 11

2015 A w ard w i nners 산업부문 Industry Entrepreneur Of The Year 이상은각산업부문의대표로서모범적인경영으로탁월한재무성과를내고산업내확고한위치에자리매김한기업가에게수여됩니다. 이중영예의마스터수상자로뽑힌기업가는한국을대표하여모나코몬테카를로에서개최되는 세계최우수기업가상 시상식에참가하게됩니다. This award pays tribute to exemplary entrepreneurs who can show the entrepreneurship as a role model representing innovative entrepreneurs. The Master award recipient will be selected among the Industry Winners, to go on to represent Korea as the overall national winner at the 2015 World Entrepreneur Of The Year award in Monte Carlo, Monaco. 라이징스타 Rising Star Entrepreneur Of The Year 이상은단기간내뛰어난재무성과를기반으로향후지속적인성장가능성이돋보이는기업을이끌고있는기업가에게수여됩니다. The award salutes the entrepreneur whose business exemplifies the start-up process and has shown future sustainability based on financial profit and performances. SERVICE INDUSTRY INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS PHARMACEUTICAL CONSUMER PRODUCTS RISING STAR 카카오의장김범수 와이지 - 원회장송호근 휴온스부회장윤성태 쿠쿠전자대표이사구본학 엠씨넥스대표이사민동욱 C hai rm an o f K ak ao C o rp. Beom Su Kim C hai rm an & C EO o f YG - 1 C o., L td Hokeun Song V i c e C hai rm an o f H uo ns C o., L td Sung-Tae Yoon C EO o f C U C K OO EL EC TR ON I C S C o., L td Bon Hak Koo C EO o f M C N EX C o., L td Dong-Uk Min 12 13

m S erv i c e I nd us try Entrepreneur Of The Year 새로운세상으로의혁신은다양한연결에서부터시작된다. 김범수카카오의장 Beom Su Kim C hai rm an o f K ak ao C o rp. 김범수의장은업계최초로인터넷에서게임을다운받아설치, 실행하는인터넷클라이언트게임을개발한한게임을설립하였으며, 네이버와의합병을통해 N H N 을설립하고대한민국인터넷산업에새로운역사를세웠습니다. 하지만여기에안주하지않고새로운도전을위해 N H N 에서퇴사, 카카오의전신인아이위랩 (I W I L A B ) 을설립하여다양한시도를거듭했습니다. 그러던중 2009 년, 스마트폰이한국에처음진출하는것을보고모바일세상에서는커뮤니케이션이중심이될것이라고직감했습니다. 김의장은생각에그치지않고특유의결정력과추진력을바탕으로전세계 1억9 천만명이사용하는모바일플랫폼 카카오톡 을개발했습니다. 현재카카오톡은국내에서만매월 3 천9 백만명이사용하고, 하루 8 0억건의메시지가오가며, 전세계에서실행빈도가가장높은어플리케이션으로성장했습니다. 김의장은 C o nnec t Ev ery thi ng 이라는비전을제시하고사람과사람, 사람과정보, 사람과사물, 온라인과오프라인의연결을통해산업의패러다임전환과새로운가치를창출하고있습니다. 그가치가고스란히담긴카카오는커뮤니케이션메신저서비스를넘어모바일생활플랫폼으로진화하고있으며, 다양한연결을통해일상에서의편의성을극대화할수있는서비스를만들어가고있습니다. 대표적으로 2015년 3 월에출시한카카오택시는 6 개월만에 15만명의기사회원을확보하고, 2015년 9 월기준 2천만건의누적호출수를기 o S o c i C B m S K i m i s o H I g s i c A s c o m g, d i d m H i N K o s I s i c N H N. A s o c o m o g o I i i K o I o s i c o m i s s - c s, K i m l N H N c s I W I L A B ( d s K ) m i j i d. I, i K o i k c o 록하는등택시를이용하는소비자의생활습관 에새로운변화를만들어가고있습니다. 그뿐만아니라, 수평적인커뮤니케이션을중요하 게생각하는김의장은사람에게 가치 를, 파트너 에게 기회 를, 그리고생태계에 희망 을줄수있 는실질적인활동에많은노력을기울이고있습 니다. 이를위해파트너와의동반성장, 소셜임 팩트를통한사회의변화, 스타트업및벤처지원 등생태계조성에적극적으로나서고있으며, 앞 으로도새로운형태의연결과서비스, 플랫폼을 선보이며 C nnec ted ety 의미래를선도해 나갈것입니다. hai rm an eo u the fo und er f ang am e, an nternet am e pl atfo rm erv e. the pany rew he ec ed to erg e ang am e w th av er, rea to p nternet po rtal erv e, to fo rm ne, the pany pened a new enerati n to the nternet nd us try n rea. ns tead f ettl ng fo r ac pl hed uc es eft to reate a new tartup to ay ak ao to ex peri ent w th new pro ec ts and eas n 2009 as the first smartphone was introduced n rea, he ntui ti v el y new that m- uni c ati o n w o ul d pl ay a v i tal ro l e i n the m o b i l e i nd us try. U nd er hi s l ead ers hi p, I W I L A B ( K ak ao ) d ev el o ped K ak ao Tal k, the num b er o ne m es s ag i ng appl i c ati o n i m o m i l l i o o d- i d 3 9 m i l l i o m o i c o. w th re than 19 0 n peo pl e w rl w e and n nthl y ac ti v e us ers n the untry U nd er the v i s i o n to C o nnec t Ev ery - thi ng, K i m s tri v es to b ri ng new v al ues to the i nd us try b y i ntro d uc i ng new w ay s o f c o nnec ti o n b etw een peo pl e and peo - pl e, peo pl e and i nfo rm ati o n, peo pl e and things and the online and the offline. A l read y an i m perati v e part o f peo pl e s ev - ery d ay l i v es, K ak ao i s no w ex pand i ng i ts reac h b ey o nd i nterpers o nal c o nnec ti o ns to b ec o m e a m o b i l e l i fe pl atfo rm that b ri ng s c o nv eni enc e to ev ery d ay l i fe. F o r ex am pl e, the tax i - c al l i ng app K ak ao Taxi has brought significant changes and c o nv eni enc e to the w ay peo pl e hai l and ri d e tax i s, res ul ti ng i n 150 tho us and reg - i s tered d ri v ers and 20 m i l l i o n ac c um u- l ated c al l s i n j us t s i x m o nths s i nc e l aunc h i n M arc h 2015. K i m c o nti nues to s eek w ay s to b ri ng new v al ue to peo pl e, o ppo rtuni ti es to partners and new ho pe to the enti re ec o s y s tem thro ug h i nno v ati v e w ay s. B as ed o n s uc h v al ues and effo rts, K i m w i l l c o nti nue to l ead the m ark et b y pi o neeri ng i nno v ati v e w ay s to real i z e a new l ev el o f c o nnec ted s o c i ety. 14 15

M m I nd us tri al P ro d uc ts Entrepreneur Of The Year B e po s i ti v e! 한분야에서 1 등이되기위해서는그노력역시 1 등이되어야한다. 송호근와이지-원회장 Hokeun Song C hai rm an & C EO o f YG - 1 C o., L td 와이지-원송호근회장은서울대학교기계공학과를졸업후 19 7 7 년, 절삭공구산업을도입하고자하는대기업에입사해기술도입과수출을주도하던중, 공작기계산업및금속가공산업에서의절삭공구발전가능성을크게인식하고 19 8 1년와이지-원을설립했습니다. 송회장은 모든산업분야에서최고가될수는없지만, 피나는노력과뜨거운열정이있다면특정분야에서만큼은세계 1위가될수있다 는신념으로, 창업이후절삭공구에대해남다른애착을갖고끊임없이개발에도전하며절삭공구한분야에매진해오고있습니다. 글로벌 1위를목표로회사를설립한송회장은창업초기부터미국에수출하는등해외시장에서경쟁력을키웠습니다. 송회장은해외에서인정받은기술을기반으로국내시장에진출해일본등기술선진국의수입제품이독점하던국내절삭공구시장을국산제품으로대체해가며국내산업의경쟁력을높이는데기여했습니다. 또한, 전세계 16 개선진국시장의절삭공구업체와적극적인 M &A 를펼쳐현지법인을통한자체영업및생산조직을갖추었습니다. 그결과로 2012년에는수출 2억달러를돌파했으며엔드밀은세계 1위, 탭은 3 위, 드릴은 6 위를차지해글로벌 To p 절삭공구달성을향해나아가고있습니다. 송회장은세계시장에서이기기위해우수인재육성에힘쓰는한편, 고졸인재및장애인고용확대등사회적약자에대한배려에도노력을기울이고있습니다. 또한, 그동안구축해온엔드밀, 드릴, 탭등절삭공구시장에서의경쟁우위와축적된기술노하우, 글로벌네트워크, 우수한연구인력, 탄탄한조직문화를바탕으로사업영역확대를지속하고있습니다. 송회장은임직원과협력업체, 지역사회등 모든사람의행복 이라는경영이념을현장에서실천하며, 204 0년글로벌 1등절삭공구기업을향한도전을이어나가고있습니다. A fter g rad uati ng fro m S eo ul N ati o nal U ni v ers i ty, C EO H o k eun S o ng o f YG - 1, j o i ned a m aj o r K o rean c o m pany that w as i nteres ted i n entry i nto the c utti ng to o l s m ark et i n 19 9 7. W hi l e he w as i n c harg e o f i ntro d uc ti o n o f fo rei g n tec hno l o g y and ex po rts i n the c o rpo rati o n, he rec - o g ni z ed the i m po rtanc e o f the d ev el o p- m ent o f c utti ng to o l s i n the m ac hi ne to o l and m etal w o rk i ng i nd us try. Thi s w as the reas o n w hy he fo und ed hi s o w n c o m pany, YG - 1, i n 19 8 1. H e al s o b el i ev ed that no t ev ery o ne c an reac h the to p po s i ti o n in every field, but one can become the best in a particular field with continuous effo rts and pas s i o n. W i th the ai m o f b e- i ng g l o b al N o. 1, he s treng thened g l o b al c o m peti ti v enes s b y pi o neeri ng o v ers eas s al es m ark ets, i nc l ud i ng the U S. YG - 1 ex pand ed i ts b as e i n the d o m es ti c m ark et that w as prev i o us l y d o m i nated b y i m po rted m anufac turers fro m J apan, G erm any, and the U S A. The c o m pany has c o ntri b uted to enhanc i ng the g l o b al c o m peti v enes s o f d o m es ti c al l y m anufac - i d i A m o o l d & D i c s I. S o d o m s d o o g l o b c o l s m s - i o s m o, l i s c m o o. H s o i m q i o m m g l o b q i s d s. s s, - b o m g l o b N o. i M i l l, N o. 3 i N o. 6 i d l l s o o g l o b l i c o l s m. S o i s c o d o g l o b o c o m s c o m s. - i s c o i i i i b l c o c i b i i l o i d i s l o g s c o l d i o m l d. S o c o l s s b i s c q o k - m c o l s s s m i l l s, d l l s,, g l o b o i s o o H i s i l l i c l m i o i tured nd us tri al pro uc ts n uto ti v e, e, El ec tro ni and T, etc ng has ev ted hi el f to the ev el pm ent f the al utti ng to ark et, pend ng aro und hal f f hi ti e v ers eas teni ng to the us to ers pi ni ns e has al pro v ed the ual ty f anag em ent to eet the al ual ty tan- ard Thank to uc h effo rts YG 1 has ec e the al 1 n End n Taps and n ri as ne f to p al ead ng utti ng to ak ers ng fo us ed n rec rui ti ng and ev el pi ng the al tal ent as to p pri ri ty fo r the pany peti ti v enes YG 1 m- tted to pl ay ng ts part as a res po ns e rpo rate ti z en, y nc reas ng y empl y ng ab ed w rk ers and hi h ho pl a ho ers ng nti nuo us y expand hi us nes thro ug h ac um ul ated tec hni ues f no w ho w fro the utti ng to ec to r, uc h as end ri taps and a al netw rk w th to p tal ent and a tro ng rg ani z ati n. e w ng to fac e hal eng es to ai ntai n ts reputati n w th the m anag em ent phi l o s o phy o f H appi - nes s fo r ev ery o ne, i nc l ud i ng em pl o y ees, c us to m ers, v end o rs and s o c i ety. 16 17

m m m P harm ac euti c al Entrepreneur Of The Year 19 9 7 년, 윤성태부회장은 3 4 살의젊은나이에 나아가기업의사회적책임과직원들의복지를위해다각화로공헌하고있습니다. 공장내에어린이집을지어임직원들이보다마음편하게자녀를맡길수있도록배려했습니다. 그뿐만아니라, 소외된계층및의료환경이열악한북한등제3 국에의약품을매년기부하고있습니다. I n 2008, w hen al l o f the c o m pani es w i thd rew i nv es tm ents i n the afterm ath o f the global financial crisis, Yoon decided to ex ec ute hi s pl an to b ui l d a m anufac turi ng pl ant, und er the b el i ef that w el l - es - tab l i s hed pl ants are the b as i s o f a g l o b al anufac turer. B y pl anni ng ahead and b ei ng prepared fo r unex pec ted c i rc um - s tanc es, he s uc c es s ful l y g rew hi s b us - i nes s and ac hi ev ed rev enue o f 18 2. 3 b -i l l i o n w o n as o f 2014. 선대회장의뜻에따라휴온스대표이사로취임, 회사경영전반을책임지게됩니다. 하지만그해 11월 I M F 사태와다음해 3 월발생한공장화재등악재가겹쳐회사경영은악화일로로치달았습니다. 돌파구를찾고자떠났던해외출장에서윤부회장은잘깨지지않는플라스틱앰플을발견하고국내생산에돌입하게됩니다. 플라스틱앰플은유리앰플에비해유리가루도없고편리하며원가도비교적낮기때문에경쟁력이있다고판단한것입니다. 그결과한달에 6 0만개정도팔리던플라스틱앰플이 200만개판매를돌파하는기록을세웠습니다. 끝까지포기하지않는것, 약속을지키는것이기업가가지켜야할원칙이자기본이라고이야기하는윤성태부회장은휴온스를글로벌헬스케어기업으로성장시키기위해오늘도전세계를무대로뛰고있습니다. Yo o n s b us i nes s i s al s o ac ti v e i n C hi na. F o r the C hi nes e m ark et, he tho ug ht that i t w o ul d b e a g o o d i d ea to d ev el o p a m ed - i c ati o n fo r x ero phthal m i a, s i nc e i nd us tri al po l l uti o n i s a s eri o us i s s ue i n C hi na. H u- o ns b ui l t a fac to ry i n B ei j i ng l as t y ear, i n anti c i pati o n o f g ro w th i n the ey e d ro p ark et. 불굴의정신으로포기하지말라! 중요한것은실패를겪고, 딛고, 극복해내려는의지이다. 윤성태휴온스부회장 Sung-Tae Yoon V i c e C hai rm an o f H uo ns C o., L td 또한, 윤부회장은국내의료시장이치료에서예방으로재편될것으로예상하고사업을다각화하기시작했습니다. 2008 년, 외환위기로모든기업이투자를줄일때, 윤부회장은불확실한위험을감수하고기존에계획했던 500억원규모의공장설립을강행했습니다. 제조업은제대로된공장이있어야만큰매출을달성할수있고, 글로벌회사로성장할수있다는윤부회장의신념때문이었습니다. 상황이좋지않을때를대비해미리투자하고준비한결과, 외환위기때도꾸준히매출상승을유지해 2014 년기준 1,8 23 억원의매출을달성했습니다. 윤부회장은여기서그치지않고더넓은시장을위해중국에서의활동도활발히하고있습니다. 산업공해가많은중국대도시의환경을고려해지난해중국북경에점안제공장을설립하는등목표를향해끊임없이나아가고있습니다. 휴온스는국민의건강과웰빙에기여하는것에서더 I n 19 9 7, at the ag e o f 3 4, S ung Tae Yo o n w as appo i nted as C EO o f H uo ns fo l l o w i ng the w i s hes o f the fo und er. H o w ev er, the company suffered from financial problems due to the 1999 financial crisis and a factory fire in the following year. At that ti m e, Yo o n w ent o n an o v ers eas b us i nes s tri p to l o o k fo r a b reak thro ug h, w here he d i s c o v ered the po tenti al o f the pl as ti c am pul e. H e b el i ev ed that i t c o ul d b e c o m - peti ti v e i n K o rea, s i nc e i t w as c heaper and m uc h m o re c o nv eni ent to us e. H uo ns m anufac tured and s o l d pl as ti c am pul es o f ab o ut 2 m i l l i o n. Yo o n b eg an to d i v ers i fy b us i nes s, as he pred i c ted that the m ed i c al m ark et w o ul d s hi ft fro m treatm ent to prev enti o n- b as ed s o l uti o ns. H uo ns has c o ntri b uted no t o nl y to heal th and w el l nes s, b ut al s o to the w el fare o f em pl o y ees and c o rpo rate s o c i al res po n- s i b i l i ty i n m any w ay s. Yo o n b ui l t a c hi - l d ren s d ay c are i n the fac to ry and has d o nated m ed i c i ne and m ed i c al s uppl i es to peo pl e i n need o f hel p. Yo o n rem ai ns d ed i c ated to hi s c o m m i t- ent o f nev er g i v i ng up and d el i v eri ng o n pro m i s es as he s tri v es to turn H uo ns i nto the no. 1 g l o b al heal th c are c o m pany. 18 19

C o ns um er P ro d uc ts Entrepreneur Of The Year 구본학대표이사는어린시절부터보고자란밥솥사업을향한열정으로쿠쿠전자의전신인 성광전자 에입사해 19 9 8 년 쿠쿠 브랜드를런칭했습니다. 외환위기 (I M F ) 가운데기업의존폐가걸린상황에서신규브랜드런칭이라는승부수를던질수있었던것은 준비된자에게만위기가기회가될수있다 는신념아래, 오랜기간연구를통해쿠쿠만의기술력을확보한것이원동력이되었습니다. 이제는이러한차별화된기술을기반으로국내밥솥시장 N o.1을넘어글로벌종합건강생활가전기업으로나아가고있습니다. 을위한밀착지원사업등체계적으로사회공헌활동을펼쳐가고있습니다. 앞으로쿠쿠전자는제품기술력, 고객만족등다양한분야에서트렌드와기술력을이끄는리딩기업으로도약해나갈것입니다. 언제나업계트렌드를제일먼저이끌고고객의건강을먼저생각하는기술력을선보이는글로벌생활가전기업, 그것이쿠쿠전자의미래입니다. B o n H ak K o o, C EO o f C U C K OO EL EC - TOR N I C S, j o i ned S unk w ang El ec tro ni c s i n purs ui t o f hi s i nteres t i n the ri c e c o o k er b us i nes s, i n w hi c h he had b een i nteres ted s i nc e c hi l d ho o d. I n 19 9 8, he l aunc hed the C U C K OO b rand. The ti m i ng w as ri s k y, as i t w as a ti m e w hen K o rea und erw ent a financial crisis, but CUCKOO dared to tak e ac ti o n und er the c o nv i c ti o n o f o nl y to tho s e w ho are prepared c an c o nv ert c ri s i s i nto o ppo rtuni ty. I t s d i fferenti - ated and i nno v ati v e tec hno l o g y enab l es C U C K OO to g ro w b ey o nd N o. 1 i n the d o- m es ti c m ark et, and ex pand further i nto the g l o b al ho m e appl i anc e m ark ets. no o ne pai d attenti o n to the C hi nes e m ark et, C U C K OO es tab l i s hed a d i s tri b u- ti o n b ranc h i n C hi na i n 2003. A s a res ul t, C U C K OO has b ec o m e a prem i um K o rean b rand fav o red b y C hi nes e c o ns um ers. C U C K OO has al s o b ec o m e a po pul ar b rand i n V i etnam, M al ay s i a, and o ther A s i an c o untri es. C U C K OO m ad e a b i g hi t i n S pai n, R us s i a and Euro pean reg i o ns w i th M ul ti c o o k er, s ho w i ng g reat po tenti al as a g l o b al ho m e appl i anc e b rand. 위기는준비된자에게만기회가된다. 구본학쿠쿠전자대표이사 Bon Hak Koo C EO o f C U C K OO EL EC TR ON I C S C o., L td 쿠쿠전자는밥솥을비롯해정수기, 공기청정기, 전기레인지, 안마의자등다양한생활가전출시를통해종합건강 생활가전기업으로자리매김하며 2014 년기준매출 5,6 6 7 억원을기록했습니다. 해외시장에서도쿠쿠는명품으로인정받고있습니다. 아무도중국시장을주목하지않던 2003 년 청도복고전자 라는법인을설립하며중국내수시장을공략한결과, 중국인민망이선정한중국인이사랑하는한국명품으로선정되었습니다. 그뿐만아니라, 베트남 말레이시아등동남아시아에서도명품으로인정받고있으며, 미주지역을비롯한스페인 러시아등유럽지역에서찜, 스튜요리가가능한멀티쿠커로시장을선점하는등글로벌브랜드로의포석을마련했습니다. 구대표는 최고의품질로사회에봉사한다 는사시 ( 社是 ) 를실현하기위해사회공헌활동에도적극적으로나서고있습니다. 경남지역최초로 쿠쿠사회복지재단 을설립, 다문화가정아이들과소년소녀가장을위한다양한교육활동, 독거노인 A s C U C K OO ex pand ed i ts c ateg o ry to w a- ter purifiers, air purifiers, electric ranges, and m as s ag e c hai rs, i t b ec am e a l ead i ng ho m e appl i anc e b rand w i th s al es reac h- i ng 556. 7 b i l l i o n w o n i n 2014. C U C K OO i s no w k no w n as a prem i um b rand i m ag e w o rl d w i d e. A t a ti m e w hen G i v i ng b ac k to the s o c i ety w i th hi g h q ual i ty pro d uc ts i s C U C K OO s m o tto. CUCKOO was the first corporation that es tab l i s hed s o c i al w el fare fo und ati o n i n s o uthern reg i o n o f K o rea. C U C K OO R A I N B OW, the m ul ti c ul tural y o uth o g, G R C U C K i d i l o - o s ed uc ati n pro ram EEN OO pro v ng ng term ed uc ati n uppo rt, and L o v e s hari ng C am pai g n pro v i d i ng ri c e c o o k ers to the l o w - i nc o m e fam i l i es are w el l - k no w n ac ti v i ti es c arri ed o ut b y C U C K OO. A l o ng w i th the ad v anc ed tec hno l o g y and hi g h c us to m er s ati s fac ti o n, C U C K OO w i l l c o nti nue to l ead the trend i n v ari o us fields. Most importantly, CUCKOO will alw ay s s eek a future w here i t w i l l l ead the trend and d ev el o p new tec hno l o g i es that c are fo r c us to m ers heal th. 20 21

R i s i ng S tar Entrepreneur Of The Year 휴대폰제조사들이카메라모듈의 8 0% 이상을일본으로부터수입하고있던 2004 년, 민동욱대표이사는카메라모듈시장의가능성을보고창업을결심, 다섯명의동료와함께세계영상부품시장에서파란을일으키겠다는일념하나로엠씨넥스를설립했습니다. 천여명의임직원이근무하는중견기업으로성장한엠씨넥스는 2013 년 2,9 7 2억, 2014 년 4,104 억매출을달성하며가파른성장세를이어가고있습니다. C s N o. o m m c o c o m, A m i o 4 o c o m, o c c i l m s i o d. hi na 1 tel ec uni ati n pany ri a n Tai w an, and ther 0 fam us pani es no w upy ng the 11th arges t ark et hare n the w rl 민대표는창업초기부터적극적으로해외시장을공략하며시장다각화에주력했습니다. 2006 년중국에상해법인을설립해생산설비를갖추었고일본과대만, 중국심천에발빠르게영업소를설치했습니다. 무모한도전이고무분별한사업확장이라는주변의만류가있었지만과감한추진력과뛰어난기술력으로엠씨넥스는전세계카메라모듈시장에서 11위기업으로성장했습니다. 민대표의궁극적인목표는엠씨넥스를영속기업으로만드는것입니다. 시장과고객이원하는것을언제나제공할수있어야한다는굳은믿음으로민대표와엠씨넥스임직원들은글로벌영상종합솔루션기업으로거듭날엠씨넥스의새로운미래를준비하고있습니다. I t es tab l i s hed a c o rpo rate and m anufac - turi ng pl ants i n S hang hai i n 2006, and sales offices in Japan, Taiwan, and Shenz hen i n C hi na. A l tho ug h i t s eem ed l i k e a rec k l es s d ec i s i o n i n m i d s t o f the c o m pany s fas t g ro w th, i t w as pro v ed to b e the ri g ht d ec i s i o n. 새로움을위한도전, 미래를위한기술개발만이결국경쟁력이될것이다. 민동욱엠씨넥스대표이사 Dong-Uk Min C EO o f M C N EX C o., L td 엠씨넥스의제품은현재카메라기술력의본산인일본의교세라, N EC 뿐아니라중국의 Z TE, 대만의아리마, 그리고삼성전자등 4 0여개의세계유수기업들이사용하고있습니다. 민대표는새로운사업부문에진출하기위해또한번과감한도전을시작, 자동차카메라개발에착수했습니다. 많은위험부담이있었지만, 최고의품질을확보하기위해몇년에걸쳐연구개발에매진하였고, 마침내엠씨넥스는차량용카메라모듈시장에서국내 1위, 글로벌 5위기업으로인정받고있습니다. 엠씨넥스는 2012년코스닥시장에상장한데이어이듬해베트남법인을완공해, 상해법인과함께중국, 일본, 대만, 유럽, 인도등에제품을공급할수있는글로벌공급망을구축했습니다. 국내본사와중국상해법인, 베트남법인에총 4 W M C N i, m o 8 o c m o d i m m J o c m o d m i S o K o s m D o - U k M i C s o i, M C N i c o l l o m - l i i c o l o g i i i s i o b o m l i i m i s o l o - i d hen EX w as fo und ed n 2004 re than 0% f the am era ul es w ere po rted fro apan. There w as no ther am era ul e anufac turer n uth rea. Thi w as the ti e w hen ng n, the EO aw the po tenti al f the nd us try and fo und ed EX w th 5 eag ues to pi neer a new ark et uti z ng re tec hno es w th the v n to ec e a ead ng ag ng uti n pro v er. M C N EX q ui c k l y m o v ed to ex pand i ts b us - i nes s o v ers eas to fo c us o n m ark et d i v ers - i fication. Japan s leading high-technology c o m pani es s uc h as K y o c era, N EC, and o thers hav e b een us i ng c am era m o d ul es o f M C N EX. I n ad d i ti o n, M C N EX has b een d el i v eri ng i ts pro d uc ts to S am s ung, Z TE, I n auto m o ti v e c am era m o d ul es, o ne o f the m aj o r rev enue s o urc es, M C N EX rank s N o. 1 i n K o rea, and N o. 5 i n the w o rl d. The c o m pany w as l i s ted o n K OS D A Q i n 2012, and es tab l i s hed a c o rpo rati o n i n V i etnam, b ui l d i ng a w o rl d w i d e d i s tri b u- ti o n netw o rk ac ro s s C hi na, J apan, Tai - w an, Euro pe, I nd i a, and o thers. S al es rev enue has b een c o ns i s tentl y i nc reas i ng w i th the hi t o f 29 7 b i l l i o n w o n i n 2013 and 4 10 b i l l i o n w o n i n 2014. M C N EX has b ec o m e a s tro ng m ed i um enterpri s e w i th 4, 000 em pl o y ees i nc l ud i ng s taff i n S hang hai and V i etnam c o rpo rati o ns. W i th c o nti nuo us d ev el o pm ent i n tec hno l o g y, M C N EX w i l l s tri v e to b ec o m e a g l o b al l ead i ng to tal i m ag e s o l uti o n pro v i d er i m pl em enti ng d i v ers e s o l uti o ns fro m c o m po nents to s o ftw are. 22 23

A w ard w i nners A w ard w i nners 허진규일진그룹회장 Chinkyu Huh C hai rm an o f I L J I N G ro up 김영찬골프존대표이사 Youngchan Kim C EO o f G OL F Z ON 정지완솔브레인대표이사회장 Ji-Wan Chung C hai rm an o f S o ul b rai n C o., L td. IT Display Products Rising star Special Master Culture Technology Chemical Products 김동녕한세예스24 홀딩스대표이사회장 KIM DONG NYUNG C EO & C hai rm an o f H A N S A E YES 24 H OL D I N G S 조정일코나아이 ( 주 ) 대표이사 CHUNG IL CHO C EO o f K ON A I C o., L TD. 장경호이녹스대표이사 Chang, Kyeong-Ho C EO o f I N N OX C o rpo rati o n Industrial Products Rising Star Master Technology IT Materials 전병찬에버다임대표이사 Jeon Byong Chan C EO o f Ev erd i g m C o rp. 김후식뷰웍스대표이사 Hooshik Kim C EO o f V i ew o rk s C o., L td. 김철영미래나노텍대표이사사장 Chul-Young Kim C EO & P res i d ent o f M N tec h C o., L td. 이재원슈프리마대표이사 Jae-Won Lee C EO o f S uprem a I nc. 송병준게임빌대표이사 Byung Joon Song C EO o f G A M EV I L I nc. J ud g i ng panel 심사위원장이장무카이스트이사장 Jang Moo Lee C hai rm an o f B o ard o f Trus tees o f K A I S T 강정애숙명여자대학교경영학부교수 Jung Ai Kang P ro fes s o r o f B us i nes s A d m i ni s trati o n at S o o k m y ung W o m en s U ni v ers i ty 이승철전국경제인연합회부회장 Seungcheol Lee V i c e C hai rm an & C EO o f The F ed erati o n o f K o rean I nd us tri es 전병준매일경제논설실장 Byung-Jun Jeon M aei l B us i nes s N ew s paper C hi ef Ed i to r/ D i rec to r 정광선중앙대학교경영대학명예교수 Kwang S. Chung P ro fes s o r Em eri tus o f F i nanc e at C hung - A ng U ni v ers i ty 정지완솔브레인대표이사회장 Ji-Wan Chung C hai rm an o f S o ul b rai n C o., L td. J ud g i ng panel C o M o i o F o o P s o o B i s A d m i s o S o o k m W o m s U i C & P i d o K o l o g P s o o F i K o U i B i s S c o l A d i s o o P C M B N V i c i d & C o M B N C o b o & C o J U S U N G G I N I N G 심사위원장 송자 학교법인명지학원이사장 Ja Song hai rm an f y ung Ed uc ati nal und ati n 강정애숙명여자대학교경영학부교수 Jung Ai Kang ro fes r f us nes ni trati n at y ung en ni v ers ty 고광일고영테크놀러지대표이사사장 Kwangill Koh EO res ent f h Yo ung Tec hno y 박경서고려대학교경영대학교수 Kyung Suh Park ro fes r f nanc e at rea ni v ers ty us nes ho 이구택포스코고문 Ku Taek Lee v r f OS O 장용성 대표이사부사장 Yong Sung Jang e pres ent EO f 황철주주성엔지니어링대표이사 Chul Joo Hwang hai rm an f the ard EO f EN EER 24 25

Award winners Award winners 윤윤수휠라글로벌회장 Yoon soo(gene) Yoon Chairman & CEO of FILA Global 故이운형세아그룹회장 Late Woon-Hyung Lee Chairman & CEO of SeAH Group 최평규 S&T 그룹회장 Pyung-Kyu Choi Chairman of S&T Group Technology Rising star Special Master Steel Products Industrial Products 변대규휴맥스대표이사사장 Dae-Gyu Byun President & CEO of HUMAX 김익래키움증권회장 Ik-Rae Kim Chairman of Kiwoom Securities 성규동이오테크닉스대표이사사장 Kyu-Dong Sung President & CEO of EO Technics Rising Star Special Master Banking & Capital Markets Industrial Products 한대근실리콘웍스대표이사사장 Dae-Keun Han CEO & President of Silicon Works 고광일고영테크놀러지대표이사사장 Kwangill Koh CEO & President of Koh Young Technology 김미경이오에스대표이사 Mi Kyung Kim CEO of EOS Corporation 안건준크루셜텍대표이사사장 Keon-Joon Ahn President & CEO of CrucialTec 남수정썬앳푸드대표이사 Caroline Nam CEO of SUN AT FOOD Judging panel Judging panel 심사위원장 윤증현 전기획재정부장관 Jeung-Hyun Yoon Former Minister, Ministry of Strategy and Finance 박경서 고려대학교경영대학교수 Kyung Suh Park Professor of Finance at Korea University Business School 성규동 이오테크닉스대표이사 Kyu-Dong Sung President & CEO of EO Technics 안태식 서울대학교경영대학교수 Tae-Sik Ahn Seoul National University Business School Professor 이구택 포스코고문 Ku Taek Lee Advisor of POSCO 장용성 MBN 대표이사부사장 Yong Sung Jang Vice president & CEO of MBN 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 심사위원장 이헌재 전경제부총리 Hun Jai Lee Former Deputy Prime Minister 김대식 보험연구원원장 Dae-Sik Kim President of Korea Insurance Research Institute 박정인 현대모비스고문 Jeong In Park Executive Advisor of Hyundai Mobis 박종원 코리안리대표이사사장 Jong-Won Park President & CEO of Korean Reinsurance Company 안태식 서울대학교경영대학교수 Tae-Sik Ahn Seoul National University Business School Professor 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 26 27

Award winners Award winners 서경배아모레퍼시픽대표이사사장 Kyung-Bae Suh President & CEO of AMOREPACIFIC 류진풍산회장 Jin Roy Ryu Chairman & CEO of POONGSAN 남광희 KH 바텍대표이사 Kwang-Hee Nam CEO & President of KHVatec Insurance Rising Star Special Master Industrial Products Technology 박현주미래에셋회장 Hyeon Joo Park Chairman of Mirae Asset 허용도태웅대표이사회장 Yong-Do Huh Chairman of Taewoong 김택진엔씨소프트대표이사사장 Taek-Jin Kim CEO of NCSOFT Consumer Products Rising Star Special Master Industrial Products Entertainment 박종원코리안리대표이사사장 Jong-Won Park President & CEO of Korean Reinsurance Company 서정진셀트리온회장 Jung-Jin Seo Chairman of Celltrion 최승옥기보스틸대표이사 Seung Ok Choi President & CEO of KIBO STEEL 성기학영원무역회장 Kihak Sung Chairman & CEO of Youngone Corporation 김달수티엘아이대표이사사장 Dal-soo Kim President & CEO of TLi 김성주성주그룹회장 Sung-Joo Kim Chairperson & CEO of SUNGJOO GROUP Judging panel Judging panel 심사위원장 이헌재 전경제부총리 Hun Jai Lee Former Deputy Prime Minister 김대식 보험연구원원장 Dae-Sik Kim President of Korea Insurance Research Institute 박정인 현대모비스고문 Jeong In Park Executive Advisor of Hyundai Mobis 성기학 영원무역회장 Kihak Sung Chairman & CEO of Youngone Corporation 윤종용 삼성전자상임고문 Jong-Yong Yun Executive Advisor of Samsung Electronics 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 심사위원장 어윤대 국가브랜드위원회위원장 Yoon-Dae Euh Chairman of the Presidential Council on Nation Branding 강덕수 STX그룹회장 Duk-soo Kang Chairman of STX Group 곽수근 서울대학교교수 Su-Keun Kwak Professor of Seoul National University 서윤석 이화여자대학교교수 Yoon-Suk Suh Professor of Ewha Womans University 윤종용 삼성전자상임고문 Jong-Yong Yun Executive Advisor of Samsung Electronics 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 정병철 전국경제인연합회부회장 Byung-Chul Jung Vice Chairman & CEO of the Federation of Korean Industries 28 29

Award winners Award winners 김재철동원그룹회장 Jae-Chul Kim Founder & Chairman of Dongwon Group 강덕수 STX 그룹회장 Duk-soo Kang Founder & Chairman of STX Group 민계식현대중공업부회장 Keh-Sik Min Vice Chairman & CEO of Hyundai Heavy Industries Rising Star Special Master Shipping Industry Heavy Industry 박삼구금호아시아나그룹회장 Sam-Koo Park Chairman & CEO of Kumho Asiana Group 라응찬신한금융지주회장 Eung Chan Ra Chairman of Shinhan Financial Group 윤석금웅진그룹회장 Seok-Keum Yoon Chairman of Woongjin Group Telecommunications Rising Star Master Financial Services Consumer Products 윤재승대웅제약부회장 Jae Seung Yoon Vice Chairman of Daewoong Pharmaceutical 박지영컴투스대표이사사장 Ji-young Park Founder & CEO of Com2uS 김신배 SKT 대표이사사장 Shin Bae Kim President & CEO of SKT 박상환하나투어회장 Sang-Hwan Park Chairman & CEO of Hanatour Judging panel Judging panel 심사위원장 강철규 서울시립대학교교수 Chul-kyu Kang Professor of the University of Seoul 김신배 SK C&C 대표이사부회장 Shin-Bae Kim Vice Chairman of SK C&C 곽수근 서울대학교교수 Su-Keun Kwak Professor of Seoul National University 서윤석 이화여자대학교교수 Yoon-Suk Suh Professor of Ewha Womans University 윤종용 삼성전자상임고문 Jong-Yong Yun Executive Advisor of Samsung Electronics 이진강 대한변호사협회협회장 Jin Kang Lee President of Korean Bar Association 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 심사위원장 정운찬 서울대학교교수 Un-Chan Chung Professor of Seoul National University 강철규 서울시립대학교교수 Chul-kyu Kang Professor of University of Seoul 엄기영 MBC 사장 Ki-Young Ohm President of Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation 이윤호 지식경제부장관 Youn Ho Lee Minister of Knowledge Economy 장용성 매일경제주필 Yong Sung Jang Editor-in-Chief of Maeil Business Newspaper 제프리존스김앤장법률사무소변호사 Jeffrey D. Jones Lawyer of Kim & Chang 주인기 연세대학교교수 In-Ki Joo Professor of Yonsei University 30 31

P ro g ram fo und er EY는 회계감사, 세무, 재무자문 및 어드바이저리 서비스 부문의 글로벌 리더입니다. 뛰어난 통찰과 Argentina Czech Republic Indonesia Netherlands Slovak Republic 높은 품질의 서비스를 제공함으로써 자본시장, 나아가 세계경제의 신뢰를 높이는 데 기여하고 있습 Australia Denmark Ireland New Zealand Southern Africa Austria Eastern Africa Israel Norway Spain Belarus Estonia Italy Peru Sweden Belgium Finland Japan Philippines Switzerland Brazil France Jordan Poland Taiwan Canada Georgia Kazakhstan Portugal Turkey Chile Germany Korea Romania United Kingdom China Hong Kong Greece Liechtenstein Russia United States China Mainland Greenland* Luxembourg Saudi Arabia Uruguay Colombia Hungary Malaysia Serbia Vietnam Croatia India Mexico Singapore Western Africa 니다. EY는 B ui l d i ng a b etter w o rk i ng w o rl d 를 사명으로 모든 임직원과 고객, 나아가 사회 전체를 위해 더 나은 세상을 만들고자 최선을 다하고 있습니다. EY i s a g l o b al l ead er i n as s uranc e, tax, trans ac ti o n and ad v i s o ry s erv i c es. The i ns i g hts and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and i n ec o no m i es the w o rl d o v er. W e d ev el o p o uts tand i ng l ead ers w ho team to d el i v er o n o ur pro m i s es to al l o f o ur s tak eho l d ers. I n s o d o i ng, w e pl ay a c ri ti c al ro l e i n b ui l d i ng a b etter w o rk i ng w o rl d fo r o ur peo pl e, fo r o ur c l i ents and fo r o ur c o m m uni ti es. 32 33

Monaco l 8-13 June 2016 Celebrating exceptional entrepreneurs from around the world whose vision will create the future www.ey.com/weoy 34 35

W P ro g ram partners C o ntac t i nfo rm ati o n P l eas e c o ntac t us to fi nd o ut m ab o ut the aw ard s pro g ram. o re SUPPORTER MEDIA PARTNER 지난반세기동안우리나라는불굴의기업가정신으로유례없는고도의경제성장을이루어냈습니다. 향후반세기는이러한양적성과를바탕으로질적성장을이루어야할시점입니다. 사회와함께꿈꾸고기회를나누며, 사회적책임을다하는새로운기업가정신은따뜻한자본주의를꽃피우는버팀목이될것입니다. EY 최우수기업가상이미래새로운기업가정신의정립을위한이정표를제시하고우리기업인들에게힘을실어주는계기가되기를기원합니다. 세계최고의지식신문을추구하는매일경제는대한민국의미래를위한어젠다를제시하는언론으로서의사명을다해왔습니다. 글로벌석학들을한자리에불러지식의향연을펼치는세계지식포럼. 지난 19 9 7 년외환위기를예고한 한국보고서 를시발로매년지식강국의내일을위한새로운비전과패러다임을제시하는국민보고대회. 매일경제는이렇게대한민국의내일을늘걱정하고고민하는신문입니다. 특히 기업육성의지침 이라는사시를비탕으로창간이후지금까지기업가정신의중요성을인식하고기업들의비즈니스동반자로자리매김하기위해그역할을다하고자노력하고있습니다. 매일경제는 2007 년 1회개최부터 9 회를맞는올해시상식까지 EY의최우수기업가상의후원을하게됨을기쁘게생각합니다. Program leader 윤석진파트너 T + 8 2 2 3 7 8 7 6 8 28 E s uk - j i n. y un@ k r. ey. c o m Program director 정재형이사 T + 8 2 2 3 7 8 7 4 54 4 E j ae- hy ung. j ung @ k r. ey. c o m K o rea ac hi ev ed as to ni s hi ng l ev el s o f ec o no m i c g ro w th o v er the M aei l B us i nes s N ew s paper s eek s to b e a l ead i ng k no w l ed g e- pas t hal f c entury as a res ul t o f pers i s tent entrepreneurs hi p. I n ab l e new s paper that pro po s es future ag end a. W i th thi s m i s s i o n the nex t hal f c entury, w e m us t b ui l d o n thi s q uanti tati v e g ro w th i n m i nd, M aei l B us i nes s N ew s paper ho l d s v ari o us ev ents : The and fo c us o n q ual i tati v e g ro w th. Entrepreneurs hi p s ho ul d c re- W o rl d K no w l ed g e F o rum i nv i tes the w o rl d s m o s t reno w ned ate o ppo rtuni ti es and i m pro v e s o c i ety thro ug h c o rpo rate s o c i al s c ho l ars and l ead ers to s hare thei r tho ug hts. The W o rl d K o rean B us i nes s C o nv enti o n, w hi c h s tarted i n 19 9 7 pred i c ti ng the responsibility. That is how the society of the future will flourish. e ho pe the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year A w ard w i l l i ns pi re fo l l o w i ng ec o no m i c c ri s i s that hi t K o rea, g rew i nto an annual K o rean b us i nes s l ead ers and s et a po s i ti v e d i rec ti o n fo r future ev ent. Ev ery y ear, M aei l B us i nes s N ew s paper s ets a new v i s i o n entrepreneurs hi p. and pres ents K o rea s c urrent parad i g m thro ug h thi s ev ent. W el l aw are o f the i m po rtanc e o f entrepreneurs hi p i n K o rea, M aei l B us i nes s N ew s paper has al s o b een m ak i ng v ari o us effo rts as a c o rpo rate c o m pani o n. I t i s an ho no r and a g reat pl eas ure to s po ns o r the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year A w ard pro g ram ev ery y ear s i nc e i ts i nc epti o n. Program manager 김유리나대리 T + 8 2 2 3 7 8 7 6 7 4 2 E y uri na. k i m @ k r. ey. c o m PR manager 이진원차장 T + 8 2 2 3 7 8 7 9 17 8 E z i no ne. l ee@ k r. ey. c o m Program designer 강윤정과장 T + 8 2 2 3 7 8 7 6 7 21 E y un- j ung. k ang @ k r. ey. c o m 최근혜과장 T + 8 2 2 3 7 8 7 6 7 4 4 E g un- hy e. c ho i @ k r. ey. c o m 36