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IPv6 Application & Service, ahnchul@nca.or.kr IPv6 Portal : www.vsix.net

I IPv6 Application?, IPv6 Service? II IPv6 Application & Service III IPv6 Application & Service IV KOREAv6 IPv6 Application & Service V IPv6 (TIP) 1

IPv6 Application? IPv6 Service?

What is IPv6 Application IPv6 Application & Service IPv6 IPv4 IPv6, &, IPv6 Application & Service QoS, Security, Mobility IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 VoIPv6,, E2E Security, P2P,,, Wireless Ad-hoc, Mobility 3

Why IPv6 Application(1) Mobile Devices P2P Networking, E2E 24 IPv6 Point Drivers Text, Embedded Home Network Internet Enabled Devices RFID, Ubiquitous Network 4

Why IPv6 Application(2) ISP IPv6 IPv6 User IPv6,.. App.. App Vendor IPv6 IPv6, Government ISP.. IPv6 Pandora s Box 5

IPv6 App. Support?,?, Unsupport? OS L3 Windows XP, 2003, CE.Net Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, AIX,. CISCO, Hitachi, Juniper, 6Wind,. L1 & L2 6

Server Side How to IPv6 Application(1) Change Socket Function IPv4 Only >> Address Family Independent Adjust logging functions >> handle larger IP Address In Program and In Database Increase all data members that store IP addresses Client Side Side Change Socket Functions Adjust logging functions Handle larger IP address Adjust keyboard and display interface function 7

How to IPv6 Application(2), Active-X, : : Windows 2003, IIS 6.0, DNS, ASP DB : MSSQL : IPv4 Only :: http://www.neoalbum.net : IPv6 Support :: http://nca.neoalbum.net OS IPv6,, DNS IPv6 DB:, 8

IPv6 Application & Service

(Japan)(1) New Technology Wide, KAME, USAGI, TAHI,. New Service New Business New Market Galleria v6, Application Contest, Feel6 IPv6 Application Pilot Services ISP s Pilot IPv6 Network Service ISP s Commercial IPv6 Service RFID IPv6 Commercial IPv6 Product Commercial IPv6 Service 10

New Internet Market 11

(Japan)(2) IPv6 Application, Pilot 12

IPv6 Application & Service(1) Richo Remote Printing Remote Access to the File and Print Toshiba Security Home Security Security company watches for home emergency Takara Ad-hoc IP phone, lift one phone and ring another one Pioneer Cyber conference system Group work at any time 13

IPv6 Application & Service(2) Panasonic Home System Control home device from outside Fujitsu Mobility TV Conference on PDA P2P Application for IPv6 Communication SONY Broadband Solution Visual communication Simple and Easy communication with Play Station 2 SANYO Multimedia communication Visual communication with digital VTR, Home TV and Home Camera 14

IPv6 Application & Service(3) e-care Town Fujisawa Project e-health Up Program, e-family Care, How are you call E! Agriculture,, Mobile IPv6, Wireless LAN, RFID Auto-ID System NTT Communications, Toppan, SUN and Mitsui 15

IPv6 Application & Service(4) Chiervo : IM(Text, Voice, File ), P2P Sharing Chiervo DVTS DVTS, InternetCAR Project m2m-x by NTT Communications SIP-based connection management system for Net App. 16

(Japan)(4) IPv6 IPv6 Network Service NTT Communications : JENS, BiGlobe, MEX, AboveNet... : IIJ, ODN, PoweredCom, 17

(EU)(1) European IPv6 Task Force IST FP5 IPv6 Cluster Eurov6 : European IPv6 Showcase Nomadic Concept PLC (X.10) (,,, TV, VCR, ) 6Voice(VoIP), ISABEL Multimedia Videoconference Multicast Viceoconfernce : RAT, VIC, NTE, SDR, VideoLAN Darwin Streaming Service, Windows Media Service, MPEG4IP Jabber(Instant Messaging), Tetrinet(Online Game) 18

(EU)(2) IST IPv6 : 6NET, EU6IX, 6LINK QoS : 6POWER, 6QM Mobile : 6WINIT, WINE : EUROv6 19

Moonv6 Test (North America) Common Network Application Http, Https, FTP, tftp, Telnet, SSH, DNS, DHCP 20

Japan >>,, IPv6 >> Made in Japan Europe R&D >>, IST >> North America (Drive) >> R&D Moonv6 Project 21

IPv6 Application & Service

ETRI 6NEAT IPv6 Network and Application Testbed IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 [HDTV] Video Streaming Service HDTV 59 IETF Demo IPv6 Video(Audio) Conferencing Application HAT : High Quality Audio Tool, MP3 AVCP : TEIN -EU 23

ETRI - IPv6 Video Streaming Service 24

IPv6 HDTV Streaming At the 59 th IETF Meeting (March 2004, Seoul, Korea) 25

Advanced Video Conferencing Platform MPEG-based Real-time Encoding and Decoding for Video/Audio Multiparty Conference Text Messenger support Traffic Monitoring 26

NCA IPv6 Application Strategy(1) New Technology Unlimited Address Space New Service Mobility u-life Security New Market New Business QoS 27

NCA IPv6 Application Strategy(2) Ubiquitous World BcN Pilot Service Advanced New Network, Advanced New Application Digital Home Pilot Service IPv6 Digital Home Pilot Service KOREAv6 Pilot Service National Wide IPv6 App. Pilot Service 2004 ~ 2007 ~ 2005 ~ 2004.6 ~ IPv6 Portal IPv6 Public Service 2002 ~ KIESv6 IPv6 Exhibit, Promotion & International Cooperation 28

NCA IPv6 App. RoadMap IPv6 Application Area Peer to Peer 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 P2P Service Develop & Apply Home Network Web Camera Remote Home Management Remote Health Care VoIP Service SIP Core Engine Wireless LAN Public Hot Spot Service 3G+WLAN Service Wide Area Service 3G+WLAN+HPi Telematics Pre-Study Mobile Office, ITS Application Education Service P2P e-learning IPv6 High Qualty Broadcast and Education e-government End-to-End IPSEC/VPN IPv6 Middleware/ Groupware 29

IPv6 Korea IPv6 Experience Sphere 2003 6 IPv6, IPv6 IPv6 IPv6, 30

KIESv6 MoodSphere Ubiquitous home environment control service through IPv6 embedded microsystem(sinkboard) Botanic v6 Flowerpot management service, monitor and supply water remotely by any device with IPv6 CyberTown Meeting On-Line, Multi-user video conference(meeting) service over IPv6 multicast network Distance HomeCare Remote medical treatment service over IPv6 network Patient's electrocardiogram and heart rate, which is measured by the biological signal measurement system are transmitted to patient s PC IPv6 Home Gateway(Samsung) Digital home equipment that supports the Wireless IPv6, Dual Stack, NAT-PT, Tunneling(6 to 4) Enable communication with IPv6/v4 home network terminals such as refrigerator IPv6 Transition Mechanism Show how IPv6/IPv4 transition mechanisms work Dual Stack, 6to4, DSTM, NAT-PT, Teredo 31

IPv6 (1) IPv6, IPv6 IPv6 IPv6, IPv6 DDNS IPv6 : seeing is believing 2003 IPv6 (2003~2004) Embedded Linux, Native IPv6 6to4, Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Digital I/O,,, : NCA 6CAM 32

NCA 6CAM - Video Video 33

NCA 6CAM Public Demo IPv6 http://www.kiesv6.or.kr/imain.jsp?pageid=0404 http://www.kiesv6.or.kr/imain.jsp?pageid=0403 34

VoIPv6 H.323 based Voice over IPv6 - Wired - Embedded VoIPv6 System(6Phone Box) by Wiz-IT SIP based Voice over IPv6 - Wireless - Embedded OS on Nexio PDA by Samsung Electronic - VxWorks, Hast Handoff SIP based VoIPv6 with Mobile IPv6, Fast Handoff Offer seamless mobility with Mobile IPv6 - Provide IPv4 VoIP connectivity using NAT-PT(SIP ALG) - Pilot service on NCA, IPv6 Showroom and KOREAv6 - By Modacom, IMNetpia, Polypix and NCA 35

VoIPv6 with Mobile IPv6 & Fast H/O 36

IPv6 P2P(Peer to Peer)(1) IPv6 End-to-End Connectivity (NAT) IPv4 P2P :, P2P :, Port Forwarding, DMZ 1 :, P2P :, Port Forwarind, DMZ 1 37

IPv6 P2P(Peer to Peer)(2) NCA IPv6 P2P :, Hybrid P2P 38

IPv6 P2P(Peer to Peer)(3), IPv6 Windows XP IPv6 Firewall UDP IPv4 IPv6 Application Tip IPv4 IPv6 Client IPv6, Port Proxy 46Bouncer,,., IPv6 39

IPv6/4 Port Proxy IPv4 Client + Port Proxy = IPv6 Client IPv6 Server + Port Proxy = IPv6 Server IPv4 Client + Port Proxy = IPv6 Client IPv4 Server + Port Proxy = IPv6 Server IPv4 Servers + Port Proxy = IPv6 Servers 40

IPv6 www.vsix.net :: IPv6 IPv6 ( : 700M) :,,,, IPv6, IPv4 IPv6 OS IPv6 Start Pack >> IPv6 OS IPv6 : 6to4, ISATAP, Teredo IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 DIY(Do DIY(Do It It YourSelf) Yourself) Power User IPv6 IPv6 IPv6 IPv6Style >> www.ipv6style.jp 41

IPv6 www.vsix.net : 2003 ~ 2004.4 : ~ 2004.6 : 2004.7 ~ : 2004.10 ~ IPv6 KOREAv6 IPv6,, IPv6 42

Gateway to the IPv6 World Major Services Vsix Mail IPv6 Web Mail Service Additional Services Vsix Disk IPv6 Web Hard Sevrice Vsix My Home IPv6 Home Page Service IPv6 Community IPv6 Blog Service IPv6 Start Pack Link Services IPv6 DIY Document, IPv6 Network Camera, IPv6 P2P, IPv6 Speed Test, IPv6 Dynamic DNS Service, Etc. 43

IPv6 Portal s Positioning IPv6 Internet Speed Measurement IPv6 Network Camera IPv6 Peer to Peer IPv6 Start Pack IPv6 Web Mail IPv6 Web Hard IPv6 VoIP IPv6 Home Page IPv6 Messenger IPv6 Blog IPv6 Dynamic DNS KIESv6 Service IPv6 Game IPv6 Community IPv6 Streaming Service New Service in 2004 44

IPv6 Portal Demo 45

DDNS IPv6 Dynamic DNS(DDNSv6) (DNS ) IP DNS TTL DNS, DNS,, IPv6 DDNS >> IPv6 : 32 IPv6 : e 2, :: : Literal IPv6 Address >> DNS Hostname IE 6.0 Literal IPv6 Address 46

IPv6 Dynamic DNS(DDNSv6) IPv6 Network Camera IPv6 : 2001:2b8::10 Hostname : cam01.6dns.org IPv6 Dynamic DNS Server www.6dns.org IPv6 User IPv6 Dynamic DNS Database(zonefile) 47

IPv6 Dynamic DNS DEMO 48

IPv6 - Tunneling IPv6 IPv6 3 6to4 : 6to4.ngix.ne.kr >> CISCO 3660, IOS 12.3(4) T2 ISATAP : isatap.ngix.ne.kr >> CISCO 3660, IOS 12.3(4) T2 Teredo : teredo.ngix.ne.kr >> FreeBSD IPv6 StartPack Windows XP, 2003, 2000 Pv6,,, 6to4, ISATAP, Teredo 49

IPv6 - Tunneling IPv4 Network IPv6 Network 50

KOREAv6 IPv6 Application & Service Koreav6.vsix.net

About KOREAv6 Master Plan 52

About KOREAv6 2004 IPv6 IPv6 53

KOREAv6 (1 ) IPv6 ( ) IPv6@Gov&Office ( ) IPv6@Home( ) IPv6@Campus( ) IPv6@ISP( ) - ( ) 1 - / IPv6 P2P, 1 - IPv6 P2P, 1 - FTTH 500 P2P,, 1-1~3 - P2P,, -ISP CATV, xdsl IPv6 1 IPv6@Hdtv( ) -HDTV 1 - IPv6 -,, - 54

IPv6@Gov&Office ( ) IPv6 IPv6 55

IPv6@Campus( )/IPv6@Home( ) IPv6@Home IPv6 (IPv6 ) IPv6 IPv6, IPv6 IPv6@Campus IPv6 IPv6,,, IPv6, IPv6 56

IPv6@ISP( ), IPv6 IPv6 Contents xdsl,catv 57

IPv6@HDTV( ) IPv6 (HDTV ) IPv6 58

IPv6 IPv6 Multicasting IPv6 Native vs. 6to4 2002:: Prefix Advertise Dual Stack IPv4 6to4 Windows XP IPv6 Firewall IPv6

IPv6 (1) Current Status Future Status 60

IPv6 (2) IPv6 61

Multicasting IPv6 IPv6 arp icmp arp protocol ( neighbor discovery ) icmp query ipv6 multicast icmp IP snoofing IPv6 IP snoofing multicast report/leave (L3 ) IP snoofing IPv6 neighbor discovery (IP snoofing IPv6 ) IPv6 AP L2 Multicast IPv6 neighbor discovery 62

Native vs. 6to4 Windows XP IPv6 Native IPv6 IPv6 6to4 Native IPv6, 6to4 6to4 : 6to4 IPv6 63

2002:: Prefix Advertise(1) Windows XP IPv6 6to4, 6to4 2002:: prefix RA PC PC IPv6 : 2002:: prefix RA 64

Dual Stack IPv4 (1) 65

Dual Stack IPv4 (2) : DNS www AAAA 2001:2b8:1::100 A mail AAAA 2001:2b8:1::103 A DNS www cname www2 mail cname mail2 www2 AAAA 2001:2b8:1::100 A mail2 AAAA 2001:2b8:1::103 A 66

Dual Stack IPv4 (3) Windows XP SP2(Service Pack 2) Beta(?) Windows XP Advanced Networking Pack? OS * DNS cname 6to4, ISATAP, Teredo ** DNS cname Teredo IPv6 Windows XP Original Windows XP SP1 6to4, ISATAP Windows XP 2003 Windows XP SP1 + (*) ISATAP Windows XP SP1 + + NAT(**) Teredo 67

6to4 Auto Config Using Anycast ( Manual Configuration ( 68

Windows XP IPv6 Firewall IPv6 CLI(Command Line Interface), GUI IPv6 : 6to4 >> Windows XP IPv6 Firewall Windows XP SP1 + Advanced Networking Pack IPv6 Firewall IPv6, P2P Firewall 69

IPv6 Note Book Tablet PC PDA 100% Windows XP Linux 100% Windows XP Tablet CE.Net 4.2 Pocket PC 4.2 ipaq 3950, 3850 MS Pocket PC 4.20.1081 (Buile 13100) Familiar Linux 0.7.2 ipaq 36xx, 38xx, 39xx, 54xx Sharp Zaurus Smart Phone Symbian 7.x NOKIA 7700 70

. Q&A IPv6 : http://www.vsix.net,, IPv6 700M IPv6.