실습 1 개발환경
DE1-SoC Board
Design Tools - Installation Download & Install Quartus Prime Lite Edition http://www.altera.com/ Quartus Prime (includes Nios II EDS) Nios II Embedded Design Suite (EDS) is automatically installed with Quartus Prime This includes Nios II Software Build Tools for Eclipse Embedded Software Device Drivers for Altera IP and HAL API ModelSim-Altera Edition (includes Starter Edition) Devices Cyclone V device support Download & Install University Program Installer for Quartus II 15.1 Download or Copy DE1-SoC_v4.0.1_SystemCD.zip from TAs 3
Design Board: DE1-SoC 7
Design Board: DE1-SoC 8
Design Board: DE1-SoC 9
Design Board: DE1-SoC 10
Configure the FPGA in JTAG Mode Open the Quartus II programmer and click Auto Detect 11
Configure the FPGA in JTAG Mode Select the *.sof file to be programmed into the FPGA device 12
Pin Assignment Push-buttons Check Quartus II Assignment Editor Signal Name vs. FPGA Pin# 13
Pin Assignment LEDs 14
Pin Assignment Switches 15
Pin Assignment Other I/Os Refer to DE1 SoC User Manual You should always refer to this manual for pin assignment For circuit outside the FPGA device, i.e. DE1 SoC board schematic, refer to DE1_SoC.pdf in DE1_SoC CD-ROM 16
DE1-SoC Computer 17
DE1-SoC Computer 18
Programming DE1-SoC Computer into the FPGA Connect a DE1-SoC board to your PC Power on the board In Quartus II Tools Programmer In Programmer window, click [AutoDetect] (Device 5CSEMA5) Click File tab in 5CSEMA5 device and select DE1_SoC_Computer.sof You may re-click [AutoDetect] if [Start] button is not activated 19
Programming DE1-SoC Computer into the FPGA 20
Programming DE1-SoC Computer into the FPGA Browse the DE1-SoC Computer folder There are all the development sources of DE1-SoC Computer Verilog, Qsys system builder results Application software header (address map) Document 21
Hello World Programming Launch Eclipse IDE to program the DE1-SoC Computer In Quartus II, [Tools] [NiosII Software Build Tools for Eclipse] In Eclipse, Make a new Project for DE1-SoC Computer [New] [NiosII Application and BSP from Template] SOPC Information File name: c:\altera\14.1\university_program\computer_systems\de1-soc\de1- SoC_Computer\verilog\Computer_System.sopcinfo CPU name: Nios2 Project Name: [NameWhatYouWant] Project template: Hello World Click [Next] [Finish] 22
Hello World Programming 23
Hello World Programming 24
Hello World Programming 25
Hello World Programming 26
Hello World Programming 27
Hello World Programming 28
Hello World Programming 29
Hello World Programming 생성된 BSP 에서 system.h 읽기 30
Homework 1 DE1-SoC User Manual Ch1~Ch3 읽기 DE1-SoC Schematic 을 Pin Assignment 관점에서살펴보기 FPGA device 와 SDRAM 의연결회로찾기 다음 article 의 Chapter 1-2 를읽고다음물음에답하시오. DE1-SoC Computer System with Nios II Embedded Peripheral IP User Guide 에서 PIO Core chapter 를읽고, DE1- SoC Computer System 에서 SW9-0, KEY3-0, LEDR9-0, HEX5-HEX0, Expansion ports 들은 PIO Core 로구성된다. 이들은입출력방향이각각다르게회로로구성되어있는데, 이들의구동시 register 설정방법들이어떻게다른지설명하시오. 31
Fixes to the BSP Generated
BSP (board support package) an implementation of specific support code (software) for a given board that conforms to a given operating system commonly built with a bootloader that contains the min. device support to load the OS device drivers for all the devices on the board some suppliers also provide a root file system a toolchain for building programs to run on the embedded system utilities to configure the device (while running) 33
BSP Editor 34
Default BSP : Generated for ARM Cores 35
Default BSP : Generated for ARM Cores 36
Fixed BSP for NIOS II Cores 37
Fixed BSP for NIOS II Cores 38
Re-Generate BSP & Compile your Projects 39