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한국영양학회지 (Korean J Nutr) 2013; 46(2): 186 ~ 196 / 187 구가보고되고있다 ) 국민건강영양조사에서도우리국민의식품및영양섭취수준에관한국가통계자료를산출하고, 영양정책수립및평가를위한근거자료마련을목적으로식생활조사, 식품섭취조사와함께


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Appetizer A1. 만두구이 Pan Fried Dumplings..(S)$4.95 (L)$8.95 A2. 물만두 Water Dumplings....(S)$4.95 (L)$8.95 A3. 슈마이 Shumai.. (S)$4.95 (L)$8.95 A4. 김밥 Gimbab...$6.95 Korean style maki rolls with marinated beef and assorted vegetables A5. 떡볶이 Rice Cake....$7.95 One of Korean s favorite appetizers. Rice cakes in hot and spicy special sauce with vegetables A6. 오징어덴뿌라 Squid Tempura... (S)$4.95 (L)$8.95 Light and crispy fried squid served with sweet homemade soy sauce A7. 새우덴뿌라 Shrimp Tempura... (S)$6.95 (L)11.95 Light and crispy. Deep fried shrimp served with sweet homemade soy sauce A8. 해물파전 Seafood Scallion Pancake....$9.95 Korean seafood and scallion pancake served with served with sweet homemade soy sauce A9. 야채파전 Vegetable Scallion Pancake....$9.95 Korean pancake with vegetables and scallions served with sweet homemade soy sauce A10. 김치파전 Kimchi Scallion Pancake....$9.95 Korean pancake with Kimchi and scallions served with sweet homemade soy sauce A11. 순대 Soon Dae..... $6.95 *Unique! Steamed Korean blood pudding sausage served with soybean paste and seasoned salt A12. 양념두부 Seasoned Steam Tofu.....$5.95 Freshly steamed tofu, garnished with seasoned soy sauce, seaweed and scallions A13. 풋콩 Edamame..$4.95 A14. 새우야채셀레드 Shrimp and Vegetable Salad..$6.95 Soup A14. 미소스프 Miso Soup... $1.50 A15. 만두스프 Dumpling Soup....$3.95 A16. 떡스프 Rice Cake Soup..$3.95 A17. 미역스프 Seaweed Soup $3.95 A18. 계란스프 Egg Soup. $3.95 A19. 오뎅스프 Fish Cake Soup.. $3.95

Korean BBQ B1. 갈비구이 Galbi Gui.......$22.95 Prime short rib marinated with chef s special sauce B2. 불고기 Bulgogi.... $20.95 Thin sliced beef marinated in special sauce B3. 돼지불고기 Pork Bulgogi.$17.95 Lean Pork marinated with special hot sauce B4. 치킨불고기 Chicken Bulgogi....$17.95 Chicken marinated with special hot sauce Noodle C1. 자장면 Jajangmyun.... $9.95 Noodles with black bean paste stir fried in bits of pork and vegetables C2. 간자장면 Ganjajang.....$9.95 Noodles with black bean stir fried in bits of pork and vegetables (Noodles and Sauce served separate) C3. 삼선간자장면 Samsun Ganjajang $10.95 Noodles with black bean paste stir fried in seafood and vegetables (Noodles and Sauce served separate) C4. 짬뽕 Jambong......$9.95 Assorted seafood, vegetables and noodles in spicy hot soup C5. 삼선짬뽕 Samsun Jambong.... $10.95 Assorted (extra) seafood, vegetables and noodles in spicy hot soup C6. 울면 Ulmyun.....$9.95 Assorted seafood, vegetables and noodles in chowder soup C7. 삼선울면 Samsun Ulmyun...$10.95 Assorted (extra) seafood, vegetables and noodles in chowder soup C8. 우동 Woodong.....$9.95 Assorted seafood, vegetables and noodles in clear soup C9. 삼선우동 Samsun Woodong... $10.95 Assorted (extra) seafood, vegetables and noodles in clear soup C10. 물냉면 Naeng Myun......$10.95 Fine buckwheat noodles served in chilled beef broth (Served Cold) C11. 비빔냉면 Bibim Naeng Myun.......$10.95 Fine buckwheat noodles served with hot chili paste (Served Cold)

Traditional Korean Rice Entrée D1. 비빔밥 Bi Bim Bap. $9.95 Mixed vegetables, bits of beef and egg served with rice and spicy sauce on the side D2. 돌솥비빔밥 Dolsot Bi Bim Bap...$9.95 Sizzling stone pot with mixed vegetables, bits of beef, egg and rice with spicy sauce on the side D3. 두부김치볶음 Tofu Kimchi Bokum. $12.95 Stir-fried Kimchi (Korea s famous spicy pickled cabbage) with pork D4. 오무라이스 Omelet Rice.......$10.95 Fried rice with vegetables and choice of pork, chicken, or shrimp in omelet style (add $1 with meat) D5. 볶음밥 Bokum Bap.....$9.95 Fried rice with vegetables and choice of pork, chicken, or shrimp (add $1 with meat) D6. 김치볶음밥 Kimchi Bokum Bap..... $10.95 Fried rice with vegetables and Kimchi with choice of pork, chicken, or shrimp (add $1 with meat) D7. 잡탕밥 Japtang Bap.. $12.95 Combination of assorted seafood with mild sauce with side of rice D8. 자장밥 Jajang Bap....$12.95 Black bean paste stir fried in bits of pork and vegetables with side of rice D9. 짬뽕밥 Jambong Bap..... $9.95 Assorted seafood, vegetables in spicy hot soup with side of rice D10. 마파두부 Mapa Tofu....$12.95 Tofu with mixed vegetables and bits of pork with spicy sauce

Chef s Choice of Traditional Entrée E1. 참조기구이 Pan Fried Crocker Fish.....$14.95 E2. 고등어구이 Pan Fried Mackerel....$11.95 E3. 모밀쟁반국수 Cold Buckwheat Noodles.......$20.95 E4. 대구머리볼찜 Cod Fish Cheek with Bean Sprouts Stir Fry.......$32.95 E5. 양념치킨 Chicken Wings........ $6.95(S) $11.95(L) E6. 보쌈 Sliced Pork and Cabbage with Radish......$19.95 E7. 삼계탕 Traditional Stuffed Whole Cornish Hen Soup......$19.95 E8. 닭백숙 Chicken Hearty Soup (Chicken Thigh & Leg).....$14.95 E9. 돼지국밥 Pork Belly Stew......$14.95 E10. 순대국 Soon Dae Guk.....$14.95 Korean blood pudding sausage and vegetable stew E11. 내장탕 Nehjang Tang... $14.95 Beef intestines, tripe, and vegetables in spicy broth E12. 영양탕 Young Yang Tang......$14.95(S) $31.95(L) Healthy Goat stew E13. 감자탕 Gam Jah Tang......$14.95(S) $29.95(L) Potato and Pork Stew E13. 매운해물볶음 Seafood and Vegetable Stir-Fry.....$12.95 Chef s Choice of Traditional Korean Combination Entrée E12. 한국정식 ( 조기 ) Korean Jung Sik....$24.95 ( 갈비, 된장찌개, 조기 ) Galbi, 1 grilled Crocker fish, and Dwen Jang jigae E13. 한국정식 ( 고등어 ) Korean Jung Sik....$20.95 ( 갈비, 된장찌개, 고등어 ) Galbi, 1 grilled Mackerel fish, and Dwen Jang jigae

Traditional Korean Stew Entrée F1. 갈비탕 Kalbi Tang.. $12.95 Short-rib beef soup F2. 매운갈비탕 Kalbi Tang....$12.95 short-rib soup F3. 설렁탕 Sulong Tang. $10.95 Beef bone-marrow soup F4. 떡국 Duk Guk.....$10.95 Traditional Korean rice cake soup F5. 만두국 Mandoo Guk.... $10.95 Traditional Korean style dumpling soup F6. 떡만두국 Duk Mandoo Guk... $10.95 Traditional Korean style rice cake and dumpling soup F7. 대구매운탕 Daegoo Maewoon Tang..$14.95 Codfish with vegetables in spicy broth F8. 아구매운탕 Ahgoo Maewoon Tang....$14.95 Monkfish with vegetables in spicy broth F8. 생태매운탕 Sengteh Maewoon Tang....$14.95 Pollack with vegetables in spicy broth F9. 부대찌개 Boodeh Jigae.... $14.95 stew with Kimchi, ham, bacon, and vegetables F10. 대구지리 Daegoo Jiri.......$14.95 Mild codfish with vegetables F11. 김치찌개 Kimchi Jigae.....$10.95 stew with Kimchi, vegetables, and bits of pork F12. 된장찌개 Dwen Jang Jigae.....$10.95 Traditional miso stew with assorted vegetables and tofu F13. 육개장 Yook Gae Jang..... $10.95 Shredded beef, vermicelli noodles & scallions in spicy beef F14. 두부찌개 Tofu Jigae......$10.95 tofu and vegetable stew F15. 해물순두부 Seafood Soft Tofu Jigae.....$10.95 Seafood and soft tofu in spicy stew F16. 해물순두부지리 Seafood Soft Tofu Jiri......$10.95 Seafood and soft tofu in mild stew

House Specialties G1. 잡채 Jap Che.... $10.95 Vermicelli noodles pan fried with assorted mixed vegetables and bits of pork G2. 제육볶음 Jae Yuk Bokum... $14.95 Pan fried spicy pork with vegetables G3. 오징어볶음 Oh Jing Uh Bokum $12.95 Pan fried spicy squid with vegetables G4. 낚지볶음 Nakji Bokum... $14.95(S) $24.95(L) Pan fried spicy octopus with vegetables G5. 팔보채 Par Bo Che.... $19.95 Combination of assorted seafood with mild sauce G6. 야채면볶음 Vegetable Noodle Stir-Fry.... $10.95 Stir fried noodles with vegetables with choice of pork, beef, or chicken G7. 돈까스 Pork Cutlet... $12.95 Deep fried tender pork cutlets served with rice and salad G8. 부추잡채 Boochu Jap Che.... $12.95 Vermicelli noodles pan fried with extra Asian Chives and assorted mixed vegetables and bits of pork G9. 고추잡채 Hot Pepper Vermicelli Noodles....$12.95 Hot Pepper Vermicelli Noodles G10. 탕수육 Tang Soo Yuk.. (S)$14.95(L)17.95 Sweet and sour sauce poured over choice of chicken/pork/beef deep fried till perfection of golden brown w/fresh assorted vegetables G11. 사천탕수육 Szechuan Tang Soo Yuk.. (S)$14.95(L)17.95 Choice of chicken/pork/beef deep fried till perfection of golden brown w/fresh assorted vegetables Schezuan style G12. 깐풍기 Gan Poon Ki. (S)$14.95(L)17.95 Deep fried chicken in spicy sweet and sour sauce G13. 깐풍육 Gan Poon Yuk.(S)$14.95(L)17.95 Deep fried pork in spicy sweet and sour sauce G14. 아구찜 Ahgoo Chim.. $32.95 Steamed monk fish in spicy hot sauce with vegetables G16. 양장피 Yang Jang Pi (for 2)..$24.95 Assorted fresh thin sliced vegetables, eggs, seafood and jellyfish noodles topped with stir fry pork and green vegetables. Served with Korean spicy mustard sauce on the side.

Korean Hot Pot (Serves 2-3) H1. 해물전골 Haemul-Jun Gol....$36.95 Lobster, scallop, squid, shrimp, clams, codfish, udon noodles, vegetable in broth H2. 곱창전골 Gopchang-Jun Gol.. $31.95 Beef intestines, tripe, rice cakes, udon noodles and vegetables in spicy broth H3. 만두전골 Dumpling- Jun Gol.....$29.95 Dumplings, beef, udon noodles, vegetables in spicy broth H4. 영양전골 Young Yang - Jun Gol.......$31.95 Healthy Goat stew hot pot H5. 부대전골 Boodeh - Jun Gol........$29.95 Healthy Goat stew hot pot Japanese Cuisine I1. 치킨테리야키 Chicken Teriyaki......$17.95 Sliced chicken grilled with teriyaki sauce I2. 해물테리야키 Seafood Teriyaki...$17.95 Assorted seafood grilled with teriyaki sauce I3. 연어테리야키 Salmon Teriyaki....$17.95 Salmon filet grilled with teriyaki sauce I4. 야키소바 Yakisoba..$10.95 Choice of chicken, pork, beef, (add $1) seafood (add $2) with soba noodles stir fry in sweet brown sauce Vegetarian J1. 야채비빔밥 Vegetable Bibimbab.. $9.95 Mixed vegetables and tofu served with rice & spicy sauce J2. 야채돌솥비빔밥 Vegetable DolSot Bibimbab. $9.95 Mixed vegetables and tofu served with rice & spicy sauce in sizzling hot pot J3. 야채잡채 Vegetable Jab chae. $10.95 Vermicelli noodles pan fried with assorted vegetables and mushrooms J4. 야채야키소바 Vegetable yakisoba. $10.95 Mixed vegetables and stir fried egg noodles in sweet brown sauce. J5. 야채순두부 Vegetable Soft Tofu Jigae.. $10.95 Mixed vegetables and soft tofu stew

Lunch Specials 11:30AM-2:30PM No lunch special weekends and holidays 1. 갈비박스 Galbi Box... $11.95 Prime short rib marinated with chef s special sauce 2. 불고기박스 Bulgogi Box.....$10.95 Slices of prime beef with chef s special sauce 3. 치킨불고기박스 Chicken Bulgogi Box..... $9.95 Slices of chicken with special spicy sauce 4. 돼지불고기박스 Pork Bulgogi Box....$9.95 Slices of prime pork with spicy sauce 5. 해물박스 Seafood Box...... $9.95 Grilled seafood with Teriyaki sauce 6. 치킨테리야키박스 Chicken Teriyaki Box....$9.95 Grilled chicken with Teriyaki sauce 7. 연어테리야키박스 Salmon Teriyaki Box.... $9.95 Grilled salmon with Teriyaki sauce 8. 돈까스박스 Pork Cutlet Box....$9.95 Tender pork culets 9. 새우덴뿌라박스 Shrimp Tempura Box... $10.95 Light and crispy, Japanese style deep fried shrimp 10. 불고기덮밥 Bulgogi Dupbap......$10.95 Slices of prime beef with chef s special sauce with rice 11. 오징어덮밥 Squid Dupbap......$9.95 Grilled squid and vegetable in spicy sauce with rice 12. 자장덮밥 Jajang Dupbap.....$9.95 Black bean sauce with bits of pork and vegetables with rice 13. 두부덮밥 Tofu Dupbap.....$9.95 Tofu, pork, and vegetable in oyster sauce with rice 14. 마파두부밥 Mapa Tofu Bap....$9.95 Tofu with mixed vegetables and bits of pork and spicy sauce with side of rice 15. 잡채덮밥 Jabchae Dupbap.....$9.95 Vermicelli pan fried noodles, bits of pork and vegetables with rice 16. 짬뽕밥 Jambong Bap....$9.95 Assorted seafood, vegetables in spicy hot soup with side of rice Only Lunch Boxes (#1~9) are served with white rice, 2 pieces of Kimbap (Korean rolls), assorted dumpling, salad, and chef s choice of side dish.