음료수 Beverages 탄산가스미네랄워터, 생수 alcohol free Mineral water, 0.33 l 3.00 Mineral water, 0.75 l 6.50 our made in-house juices, 0.2 l 3.00 seasonal Lemon and soda 1), 0.2 l 2.00 차 Tea (made-in house) Kim s own tea, 0.33 l 4.00 Green, sencha, jasmin, shiso, ginger, Maroccan-mint 커피, 아메리카노 Coffee Espresso 2.50 Verlängerten 3.00 맥주 Beer A Alcohol free beer, 0.33 l 3.00 Zwettler Saphir Beer, 0.33 l 3.80 슈납스 ( 오스트리아 40도과일소주 ) Schnapps, brandy, various, 3 cl, starting at 8.00 한국소주 Soju Soju, Korean rice spirit, 4 cl 3.00 Soju, Korean rice spirit, 1 Fl. 28.00 소맥 Somek Beer + 4 cl Soju A 4.00 전주 & 와인잔술 Aperitif and wine by the glass House Sparkling wine, 0.10 l 5.00 Juzu Prosecco, 0.10 l 7.00 2017 Wiener Gemischter Satz, 0.125 l 4.00 2017 Grüner Veltliner Rabl, 0.125 l 4.50 2017 Riesling Graf Hardegg, 0,125 l 4.50 20180910en_chingu_menu Ask about your favorite wine; it might be available by the glass.
와인 Wine 세크트 ( 오스트리아샴페인 ) &. 샴페인 Sparkling Wine & Champagner, 0.75 l O 2017 Sämling Frizzante Goldenits, Bio 26.00 2011 Brut, Grüner Veltliner, Natur, Jurtschitsch, Bio 38.00 Deutz Brut Classic 68.00 홍포도주 Red wine, 0.75 l O 2016 Syrah, Holzer, Lower Austria 28.00 2015 Stuhlwerker (Z, BF, M, Sy), Böheim, Carnuntum 52.00 2015 Merlot Reserve Böheim, Carnuntum 46.00 2016 PET NAT Fuchs & Hase, Bio 42.00 2016 Brut Rose Jurtschtsch, Bio 45.00 Deutz Rosé Classic 78.00 백포도주 White wine, 0.75 l O 2017 Grüner Veltliner DAC, Rabl, Kamptal 26.00 2016 Grüner Veltliner Reserve Holzer, Lower Austria 28.00 2016 Grüner Veltliner, res. Alte Reben, Rabl, Kamptal 46.00 2017 Grüner Veltliner, Jurtschitsch Stein, Kamptal, Bio 30.00 2017 Grüner Veltliner, Graf Hardegg, Lower Austria, Bio 28.00 2017 Roter Veltliner Seinberg, Fritz, Wagram 32.00 2016 Roter Veltliner Steinberg privat, Fritz, Wagram 52.00 백포도주 White wine, 0.75 l O 2017 Sauvignon blanc, Holzer, Lower Austria 28.00 2016 Sauvignon blanc, pedalones, Vienna 32.00 2017 Sauvignon blanc, Polz, Styria 32.00 2016 Riesling Pedalones, Vienna 32.00 2016 Riesling Steinbügel, Graf Hardegg, Lower Austria 30.00 2017 Dolce Vita, Böheim, Carnuntum, lieblich 28.00 2017 Veltliner & Friends (GV, SB, R), Böheim, Lower Austria 28.00 김콕흐트의하우스와인 House wine, 0.75 l 2017 kocht und trinkt, leichter Wiener Gemischter Satz, Wien Nussberg 28.00 2016 kocht und trinkt, Wiener Gemischter Satz, Burgunder Cuvee, Wien Nussberg 32.00 Prices include tax and surcharges, 1) children s beverages. Children under 16 years of age will not be served alcohol. 114 GewO 1994
전식 Starter Small Tasties 매운돼지비게버터와빵 Spicy greaves 4.00 Home-made bread A 고추장버터와빵 Spicy Chilibutter 4.00 Home-made bread A 오늘의스프 Daily soup 4.50 라임드레싱에참치회샐러드 Marinated Tuna 11.00 Chilinut, lime-ginger dressing, herb salad D,H,N 오징어와수박구이 Calamari 10.00 Grilled watermelon, shot of cucumber-apple-basil, spicy quinoa C,F,N 망고사프란자연산새우새비채 Mango-saffron-cerviche 14.00 Wild Chilean shrimp with mango and avocado B,O 유기농소고기타다끼와타르타르 Twosome organic beef: Takaki and tartar 16.00 Orange-herb-crust, lovage, Kimchi, scrambled eg C,F,N 참치타타끼스테이크샐러드 Tuna sashimi steak salad 14.00 Romaine-dandelion-salad, tuna steak, Parmesan dressing, bread chips A,C,D,G,M 정식메인 Main 코코넛에스튜한닭고기, 타불레, 시금치샐러드 Coconut chicken 14.00 Braised, pimento, lentil dhal, tabouleh, spinach salad D 고추장아귀와보리, 버섯 Monkfish 20.00 Spicy, red chili paste monkfish, mushrooms, barley Gröstel, onions, sea asparagus A,D 20180822_chingu_menu 이베리코의돼지고기, 미소퓨래 Iberico pork 20.00 Cocoa crust, sweet corn, miso puree C,G
친구한국요리 Chingu Speciality for friends of the Korean kitchen 김치샐러드 KimChi Salad 5.00 Fermented pickled Korean cabbage salad, fresh cabbage, chili mayonnaise A,C,F,N 야채전, 프로수토햄 Zizimi with Proscuitto 8.00 Vegetable pancakes with chili-mayo A,C,F,N 닭고기만두, 땅콩소스 Mandu Dumplings 10.00 Chicken wantan, peanut sauce, chili-vegetablese A,E,F,N 소고기튀김, 초고추장소스 Beef Tempura 8.00 Kim s bibim sauce A,C,F,N 소고기잡채 Bulgogi beef with glass noodles 12.00 fried vegetables, shitake mushrooms, spring onion F,N 만두국, 두부, 야채 Beef soup with mandu 10.00 Onions, vegetables, chili, dumplings, tofu A,F,R 불고기김치밥 Kimchi Bab 15.00 Bulgoggi-sirloin, rice, fried egg C,F,N 오가닉제육김치스파게티 Organic pork 14.00 Spaghetti, KimChi, tomatoes, spring onion, Parmesan A,F,G,N 야채뽁음 Wok vegetables rice F,N 선택 optionally: 두부 Tofu F,N 12.00 불고기 Bulgogi beef F,N 14.00 고추장참치구이 Spicy tuna, well-done D,F,N 14.00 미소라면 Miso ramen 14.00 Large soup stew, noodles, vegetables, bulgogi, KimChi A,D,F,N We gladly provide you with information about allergy-related ingredients in our food. Please ask the personnel. Information about allergies according to codex recommendations: A: Gluten containing cereals, B: Crustaceans, Shellfish, C: Egg, D: Fish, E: Peanut, F: Soy, G: Milk or lactose, H: Nuts, L: Celery, M: Mustard, N: Sesame, O: Sulfates, P: Lupines, R: Mollusks
사이드디쉬 Side Dish 고구마오븐구이 Oven baked sweet potatoes 3.00 Olive oil, Balinese salt 김치밥 KimChi rice F,N 4.00 야채뽁음 Wok vegetables F,N 5.00 땅콩소스의뽁은쌀국수 Fried rice noodles 4.00 with peanut sauce E,F,N 빵 Home-made bread A,C 2.00 공기밥 Rice 2.50 디저트 Sweeties 우유크림말이크랩에알몬드사바이온 Milchrahmstrudel 7.00 (Milk curd cheese strudel) Plum and raisin chutney, almond sabayon A,C,G 누가드파나코타 Nougat Panna Cotta 7.00 Grated coconut, nutty Turkish delight E,G 카이저슈마른케익 House made carmel sugared pancake 9.00 Coconut milk, fruit compote, raisins A,C,G