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2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

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공급 에는 권역에 두개의 프라임 오피스가 준공 되었다. 청진구역 2,3지구에는 광화문 D타워가 준공되어 대림에서 약 50%를 사용하며 나머지 50%는 임대마케팅을 진행 중이다. 메트로타워는 GS건설의 사옥에서 매각 이후 2013년 4분기에 리모델링을 시작하여, 에 완공

Unit1 4-5형식 동사 정리 of를 수반할 수 있는 동사: ask, require 등 ex ask: He asked me the way. He asked the way of me. 4 형식 동사 4형식 문형: S + V + I.O + D.O (V: 수여동사) 4형식

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로







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.. IMF.. IMF % (79,895 ). IMF , , % (, 2012;, 2013) %, %, %

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야쿠르트2010 9월재출

[ 영어영문학 ] 제 55 권 4 호 (2010) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1) Kyuchul Yoon, Ji-Yeon Oh & Sang-Cheol Ahn. Teaching English prosody through English poems with clon


2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승

±èÇö¿í Ãâ·Â

철학탐구 1. 들어가는말,. (pathos),,..,.,.,,. (ethos), (logos) (enthymema). 1).... 1,,... (pistis). 2) 1) G. A. Kennedy, Aristotle on Rhetoric, 1356a(New York :

레이아웃 1



A text guide and notebook for SC - Advanced (A) The most essential material for GMAT verbal preparation Class A Parallelism Comparison

GMAT OG S/C A Textbook Written by Camille Cho All rights reserved. Anyone may contact the lecturer via camillecho@naver.com in case that any kind of help or support is needed regarding lectures, test preparations, or MBA application information & processes. Questions regarding contents of lecture may be posted at http://cafe.naver.com/englishagora. Although timely manner is not always guaranteed, questions will be answered as sincerely as possible. Last updated : July, 2015

Coordinate Conjunction Parallelism

병치 (parallelism) 절과절이동등하게사용되는접속사, 즉등위 / 상관접속사또는비교구문에사용되는 as, than 등의접속사들은동일한내용이반복될때불필요한반복부분을생략하며, 남는부분들은서로동일한성질의것으로댓구를이루어야한다. 1. 축약 - 종속 2 개이상의절이주절 / 종속절의관계를맺으면서종속절의주어를따로나타낼필요가없고시제를따로표현할필요가없을경우, 종속의주어를생략하고동사이하부분을분사를이용하여줄인다. 이렇게주어를생략하고절을구로줄이는것을축약한다고한다. ex.: The company is looking for a man who works as a computer technician. The company is looking for a man working as a computer technician. 형용사절인 who 관계절을형용사구인분사구로축약했다. While Tom studied GMAT, he learned many common grammatical errors. Studying GMAT, Tom learned many common grammatical errors. 부사절인 while 절을부사구인분사구문으로축약했다. 2. 생략 - 등위 2 개이상의절이동등하게연결된등위절이나비교구문에서주어나동사, 또는기타동일한부분이반복될경우, 오해의여지가없으면반복된부분을다시쓰지않는다. 이렇게동일한부분의반복을피하고쓰지않는것을생략한다고한다. ex.: Tom bought a car at John s store and he bought a motorcycle at John s store. Tom bought a car and motorcycle at John s store. 앞과뒷절에서동일한부분을생략하였고, 동사도동일한동사이기때문에생략하였다. Tom studied GMAT hard and he learned many common grammatical errors. Tom studied GMAT hard and learned many common grammatical errors. 동일한주어인 he 를생략하였으나, 종속절이아닌등위절이므로남은동사를축약하지않고그대로두었다. 4


등위접속사 (coordinate conjunction) 등위절 (coordinate clause) 접속사로연결된하나의절의역할이다른한쪽의절에성분역할하는것이아니라, 대등한관계로연결되는것을등위절이라한다. 대표적인등위접속사 BOYFANS : but, or, yet, for, and, nor, so (,for 와,so 의용법은 OG SC B 수식편에서다룹니다.) ex.: Tom loves a girl who used to play the piano at the bar. (who 이하의절이 girl 을수식하는관계절 > 종속절 ) Tom loves a girl and she used to play the piano at the bar. (and 이하는앞절과대등한내용의절 -> 등위절 ) 1. 등위접속사의특징 두절의내용을대등하게연결하기때문에문장중간에만써야하며앞 / 뒤절의내용중동일한부분이있으면그부분은생략한다. ex.: Tom came back home early yesterday and (he) studied GMAT all night. Tom wants to buy a PS3 or (he wants to buy a) XBOX 360. Tom loved Jane but (he) did not marry her. 등위절에서의생략의원칙 1. 등위절에서반복부분을생략할때, 그기준이되는단어나구를중심으로일치하는부분이앞부분이면앞절의내용을그대로두고뒷절의반복부분을생략하고, 일치하는부분이뒷부분이면뒷절의내용을생략하지않고그대로다쓰거나대명사, 대동사등을사용하여문장의구성을지켜준다. 2. 반복부분이수식어일때, 그기준이되는단어나구를중심으로일치하는부분이앞부분이면앞절의내용을그대로두고뒷절의반복부분을생략하고, 일치하는부분이뒷부분이면뒷절의내용을두고앞절의반복부분을생략한다. 6


2. 등위접속사와수식 커머 (,) 나관사등으로분리되지않은두등위절중한한쪽을수식하는수식어는다른쪽도같이수식한다. A 대상 A B and A-1 대상 B B-1 ex.: Tom studied GMAT and TOEFL to enter one of the TOP 20 MBA schools. Tom studied GMAT (to enter one of the TOP 20 MBA schools) and (he studied) TOEFL to enter one of the TOP 20 MBA schools. Tom studied GMAT, and TOEFL to enter one of the TOP 20 MBA schools. Tom studied GMAT, and (Tom studied) TOEFL to enter one of the TOP 20 MBA schools. Tom wants to buy the car and motorcycle that John purchased from the local dealer last year. Tom wants to buy the car (that John purchased from the local dealer last year) and (Tom wants to buy the) motorcycle that John purchased from the local dealer last year. Tom wants to buy a car and the motorcycle that John purchased from the local dealer last year. Tom wants to buy a car and (Tom wants to buy) the motorcycle that John purchased from the local dealer last year. 3. 등위접속사와커머 등위접속사가커머와같이쓰이면, 동등하게연결된것이아니라커머뒷부분의절이부연으로서의역할을한다. 커머가없이동등하게연결된등위절에반복된부분을다시쓰는것은문법적으로틀리나, 부연의의미로커머와같이연결된등위절에는반복부분을가급적다시써주는것이좋다. ex.: Jane moved to Seoul and worked for Tom s company. moved 와 worked 가동등한무게의메인메시지다. 반복부분을다시적으면틀린다. Jane moved to Seoul, and (she) worked for Tom s company. moved 가메인메시지이고, and 이하의내용은부연된것이다. 반복부분은문장전체의이해에큰문제가없다면생략할수도있고, 오해의여지가있다면대명사, 대동사등을이용해다시적을수있다. 8


4. and 의 4 가지용법 1. 단순연결 V(N,A)1 and V(N,A)2 = V(N,A)2 and V(N,A)1} 단순연결의경우앞과뒤의내용이동일한성질과무게를가진것끼리병치가되야한다. ex.: Tom works as a security manager during the day and as a janitor during the night. 2. 시간순서의 and (and then 의의미 ) 시간순서의경우 and 뒤에 then 을넣어서의미가맞으면사용할수있다. ex.: Tom ate an apple and (then) watched TV. 3. 결과의 and (and thus 의의미 ) 결과의경우 and 뒤에 thus 를넣어의미가맞으면사용할수있다. ex.: Tom studied hard and (thus) could enter one of the top MBA schools. 4. 부연 (comma 와함께사용 ) 부연의경우항상 and 앞에 comma 와함께사용하며, 주절에대한부연을한다. 부연의경우주절전체내용에대한부연이므로대명사 / 대동사등을사용하여절전체를다시써줄수도있고, 내용에따라서 also 등을추가해사용한다. 5. AND / OR 나열 같은종류의단어나구가나열될경우해당단어들을커머로분리하여나열하고, 그나열이끝난다는신호로나열된가장마지막의단어나구의앞에 and 나 or 를적어준다. ex.: Tom bought apples, oranges, and pineapples. (O) Tom bought apples, oranges and pineapples. (X) ex.: Tom bought apples and oranges, flowers, and a detergent at the grocery store. (O) ; 1. Heavy comma, < ; <. < paragram < chapter < volume < Book 2. 접속사 ( 부연 ) 10


6. 상관접속사 상관접속사는접속사와그의미를부연해주는말들이댓구를이루어쓰이며, 특히접속사부분은절대생략될수없다. (both) A and B (either) A or B (neither) A nor B -> not either A not or B Not A but B Not only A but (also) B B as well as A ex.: Tom can not swim or Tom can not ski. = Tom can not swim nor can he ski. ( not 이문두로가기때문에조동사가쫓아옴 ) 6-1. 상관접속사와수일치 상관접속사와쓰이는명사가주어역할을할때에는그의미에맞추어동사와수일치를시킨다. (both) A and B -> 무조건복수취급 ( 가산 / 불가산상관없음 ) (either) A or B -> 둘중어느것인지모른다? -> 그럼동사에가까운것 > B neither A nor B -> 역시가까운것 -> B not A but B -> A 가아니라 B 가 -> B not only A but also B -> A 뿐아니라 B 도 -> B B as well as A -> A 뿐아니라 B 도 -> B ( 순서에주의 ) B rather than A -> B 등위 / 상관접속사와병치 / 댓구의개념 등위접속사, 상관접속사나비교구문등으로연결된두절은원칙적으로반복된부분이생략되며, 반복부분의생략후에는필연적으로동일한역할과성질의단어나구가반복부분에대한기준으로남게된다. 이렇게동일한역할이나성질의단어 / 구만이남는것을 댓구 를이룬다고하고, 문법적용어로는 병치를이룬다 라고표현한다. ( 병치편참조 ) 12


병치 (parallelism) 1. 병치의기본 - 생략과복원 아래와같이등위 / 상관접속사로연결된것들은구라할지라도절에서반복되는부분이생략된것으로보며, 만약앞쪽절의내용중겹치는부분을지우고나머지를하나의독립된문장으로복원했을때문장이성립하지않으면제대로생략이된것이아니며, 비문이다. Ex: Students studying GMAT in the institute came from not only Seoul but also all over the country. (O) Students studying GMAT in the institute came not only from Seoul but also all over the country. (X) Students studying GMAT in the institute came from not only Seoul but also from all over the country. (X) 병치에대한이해의키포인트 분사구문 ( 부사절의축약 ), 또는분사구 ( 형용사의축약 ) 들의이해의키포인트가축약된부분을다시절로살려서만들어보는것이듯, 등위 / 상관 / 비교구문의이해역시생략된부분을살려서완전한절로만들어보는것이다. 병치는동일한부분을지우고나면병치되는내용끼리는같은성질, 같은역할을하는것끼리만병치될수밖에없다. 병치와댓구의성질 접속사앞뒤로생략된부분이외의남는것들이동일한성질을유지하여댓구를이루는것을병치라한다. 만약생략된부분이아예없거나또는주어만같고동사이하의내용이달라동사이하의내용을전부다쓰는통병치의경우, 각각의절의의미는동작 -> 동작, 상태 -> 상태로절의의미를맞춰준다. ex: Tom had lunch and a flower at the John s store. (X) lunch 와 flower 가다른성질의명사로 had 의의미가서로다르게이해되어병치되지않는다. Tom ate lunch and bought a flower at Johns store. (O) 다른동사를사용하여명확하게동사병치를맞추어주었다. Jane bore a son last month and his name is John. ( ) 동작동사와상태동사를병치시킴으로서의미가어색하다. Jane bore a son last month and named him John. (O) bore 와 named 가둘다 ~ 하다라는의미의동작동사류로병치가되었다. 14


to 부정사 vs. 동명사 to 부정사와동명사는둘다동사를기반으로한것이지만세부적으로는행위주체 / 동작성 / 지향시제에서적지않은차이를보인다. 그러므로 to 부정사와동명사는명사적용법으로사용해도병치될수없다. ex: To see is to believe. (O) To see is believing. (X) 동명사의명사화 V~ing 로된동명사는쉽게명사화가이루어진다. 동명사에목적어가전치사 목적의 of 를사용하면임의명사화가가능하며, 이때는명사로취급하므로관사나소유격을붙여쓸수있고또한명사와병치가가능해진다. ex: Loud talking is not permitted. ( 명사 ) Talking loudly is not permitted. ( 동명사 ) harvesting crops ( 동명사 ) the harvesting of crops ( 명사 ) 전치사구, 접속사, 부정사와병치 전치사구, 절, to 부정사등을병치할때, 병치된두행위가한사건으로서이루어지면두번째 to 를생략하며, 별개의사건으로서이루어지면각각 to 를다붙여준다. ex.: Tom wanted Jane to wash face and go to work. (X) Tom wanted Jane to wash face and to go to work. (O) Tom wanted Jane to go to Seoul and to start a new career. (X) Tom wanted Jane to go to Seoul and start a new career. (O) 16


명사의종류 보통명사 : 사람이나사물의이름따위를지칭하는명사로서대개유형적이며셀수있다. 셀수있는가산명사이며단수일떄는부정관사 a(n) 이필수이다. a cup, a pen, a desk, a man 추상명사 : 개념을지칭하는명사로서대개무형적이며셀수없다. 셀수없는불가산명사의의미일때는부정관사를붙일수없다. 가산으로쓰면뜻이바뀐다. beauty ( 아름다움 ) -> a beauty ( 미인 ) She is beauty. (X) -> She is a beauty. (O) 물질명사 : 유형적인사물을지칭하지만그형태가정형화되어있지않아서셀수없는명사이다. 셀수없는불가산명사의의미일때는부정관사를붙일수없다. 가산으로쓰면뜻이바뀐다. bread ( 빵 ) -> breads ( 여러종류의빵 ) Several loaves of bread is on sale. Several breads are on sale. 고유명사 : 사람이나사물의고유한이름을나타내는명사로서항상대문자로쓴다. 세상에하나밖에없는고유한이름의의미일때는부정관사 a(n) 또는정관사 the 를다쓸수없다. 가산으로쓰면뜻이바뀐다. Tom ( 이름 ) -> a Tom (Tom 같은사람 ) He is Tom Cruise. He is a Tom Cruise. 집합명사 : 하나의집단을대표하는의미의명사로서단수취급한다. 구성원을의미할때는복수취급한다. family ( 가족 / 집단 ) My family is large. ( 집합명사 ) My family were excited to visit New York. ( 군집명사 ) 한정사 한정사 : 형용사의일종으로명사를수식한다. 단, 한정사는형용사가나열되어쓰일때맨앞에쓴다. 기본한정사로는소유격, 관사, 지시형용사등이있다. The is a pretty girl. (a 를 pretty 보다먼저쓴다.) 전치한정사 : 한정사의일종으로, 한정사끼리어울리게되면기본한정사보다앞에쓰며, such, all 등이있다. Tom has such a nice car that every his friend envies him. (such 를 a 보다앞에쓴다 ) 후치한정사 : 한정사의일종으로, 한정사끼리어울리게되면기본한정사보다뒤에쓰며, 수량형용사가후치한정사로쓰인다. Tom saw Jane s many pretty dolls. (many 를단순형용사인 pretty 보다는앞에쓰지만한정사인소유격보다는뒤에쓴다.) 18


but vs. although ( 양보절접속사 ) 등위접속사인 but 은역접을한다는점에서양보절접속사인 although, whether 류와비슷하게느껴지나, 내용기술의순서가다르므로주의하여사용한다. Although Tom was sick yesterday, he attended the meeting. = Tom attended the meeting although he was sick yesterday. = Tom was sick yesterday but he attended the meeting. Tom attended the meeting but he was sick yesterday. But 과 although 의위치와뒤에따라오는내용에주의한다. 등위접속사 for for 는이유나근거를설명할때사용하며, 서술적으로만사용한다. 해석은 왜냐하면 의의미로앞절전체의내용, 즉본동사를부연할때사용한다. Tom deserves to enter one of the Top MBA schools, for he studied GMAT and prepared the essay hard. for 절은 deserve 를수식 Tom deserves to enter one of the Top MBA schools in that he studied GMAT and prepared the essay hard. in that 절은 to enter 를수식. 등위접속사 so 등위접속사 so 는인과관계가있는것의결과를서술적으로표현할때사용하며, 커머와함께부연의의미로사용된다. Tom studied GMAT hard so that he could enter one of the Top MBA schools. 목적부사절 so that 으로서 ~ 하기위해서라고해석한다. Tom studied GMAT hard, so that he could enter one of the Top MBA schools. Tom studied GMAT hard, so he could enter one of the Top MBA schools. 커머와함께쓰인 so that 이나 so 는결과를부연해주는역할로그래서라고해석한다. 20


결과구문 so ~ that, such ~ that, so ~ as to 1. so ~ that, such ~ that so 는형용사, 부사와함께, such 는순수명사구와함께사용하여 so~ 또는 such~ 해서 that~ 하다 라는의미로사용한다. ex.: The sales result was so disappointing that the company decided to discontinue the product. The new president is such a humble man that all workers can talk to him freely. 2. so ~ as to + V, such ~ as to V so ~ that, such ~ that 과같은의미로사용하나, as to 이하의동사의행위주체가 so 나 such 가설명하고자하는명사와같을때사용한다. ex.: The new product is so versatile as to sell well in virtually every international market. The company released such a versatile product as to sell well in virtually every international market. 목적부사절접속사 so that 목적부사구 so that 은주절의목적을설명하는, 즉 ~ 하기위해서라는의미로사용하며 in order to do 와의미적으로같으나수식하는동사류의행위주체가다를때사용한다. ex.: The president asked his workers to complete the paper works to sign the contract. (X) to sign~ 이하가 to complete 를수식하며, sign 의주체가 workers 가됨 The president asked his workers to complete the paper works so that he could sign the contract. (O) so that he could sign~ 이하도 to complete 를수식하나, sign 의행위주체는 he 가지칭하는 the president 이다., so that 의해석 커머와함께쓰인접속사 2 so that 앞에커머를삽입하는경우는 그래서 라고해석하고 so that 절이주절의결과를설명하는것이된다. ex.: The president asked his workers to complete the paper works, so that he could sign the c ontract. -> the president 는직원들에게직원들에게서류작업을끝내도록시켰고, 그결과 the president 는계약서에 sign 할수있었다. so that, in order to vs. in order that, so as to 일반영어에서 ~ 하기위해서 라는의미를절로전달할때는 so that 과함께 in order that 도사용되며, 또한구로전달할때는 in order to 와함께 so as to 도널리사용된다. 그러나이러한사용은의미가비슷해보이는두개의다른어휘를섞어서사용하는것이며, GMAT 에서는원칙적으로목적부사절은 so that 을, 목적부사구로는 in order to 를사용하는것이바람직하다. 22