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Syllabus 1.3 주간월. 일내용요약 제 1 주 3.2 3.8 강의소개 Chapter 1. The Atom in Modern Chemistry 제 2 주 39 3.9 3.15 315 Chapter 2. Chemical Formular, Equations, 제 3 주 3.16 3.22 Chapter 3. Chemical Bonding 제 4 주 제 5 주 제 6 주 제 7 주 3.23 3.29 3.30 4.5 4.6 4.12 4.13 4.19 Chapter 3. Chemical Bonding Chapter 4. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Chapter 5. Quantum Mechanics & Atomic Structure Chapter 6. Quantum Mechanics & Molecular Structure 주교재참고문헌 Chapter 6. Quantum Mechanics & Molecular 사용 ) Structure, / 보충수업 및 1. Oxtoby Principles of Modern Chemistry 2. Cutting edge chemistry 츨판사 : Springer Verlag 2000년 ( 제13주-14주 비고 제 8 주 4.20 4.26 중간고사 (4.20 4.26) Oxtoby (100%) Syllabus 1.4 제 9 주 4.27 5.3 Chapter 7. Bonding in Organic Molecules 제 10 주 5.4 5.10 Chapter 8. Bonding in Transition Metal Compounds & Coordination Complexes 제 11 주 5.11 5.17 Chapter 9. The Gaseous state 제 12 주 518 5 5.18 5.24 Chapter 10. Solids, Liquids, Phase transitions 제 13 주 5.25 5.31 Chapter 11. Solutions 제14주제15주 6.1 6.7 6.8 6.14 특강특강 ( 화, 오후 7-9 시, 과학관 111호 ) 제 16 주 6.15~ 6.20 기말고사 (6.15 6.20)

계산기사용 1.5 시험시간에사용가능한계산기는지나치게복잡한기능을탑재한계산기의사용을제한하며간단한수학적기능의계산기사용을권장함. 추천예 : sharp EL-509V, casio FX-350MS (11,500~13,000, 원 ) 혹은학생회관에진열되어있는제품 : casio FX-570MS, sharp EL-5120 (18000 원내외 ) 그외상기기종과유사한사양의전자계산기 Programming 기능이있는계산기사용불가 Chapter 1 1.6 The Atom in Modern Chemistry

1.1 The Nature of Modern Chemistry 1.7 Chemistry: "Chem is Try" Fire Alchemy New Materials (20 th ) What is Chemistry? A + B C + D Study the properties of substances, their aim being to understand their reactions can transform substances into still other substances at the molecular level. : Agricultural production, helped prevent and cure manny diseases : Increased the efficiency of energy production : reduced environmental pollution No other science covers as broad a range of topics as does chemistry What Do Chemists Do? 1.8

The Scientific Method 1.9 Process of Science : asking questions and making careful observations. science as a means of knowing; raising questions, designing experiments, gathering data, interpreting the data, drawing conclusions, raising more questions : the structured way of knowing Two Important Laws 1.10 The Law of Conservation of Matter matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction, but rearranged to another sub. Antonie Lavoisier (1743-1794) The Law of Conservation of Energy Energy is neither created nor destroyed during chemical reactions, but converted into thermal, electrical, or mechanical energy. (except for nuclear reactions: matter & E converted into one another through Einstein Eq. E=mc 2.

1.11 Macroscopic & Nanoscopic Methods Electrolytic decomposition of water 1.2 Macroscopic Methods for classifying matter 1.12

Homogenious vs Heterogenious mixtures 1.13 Elements, Compounds, Substances 1.14

1.3 Indirect Evidence for the Existence of Atoms 1.15 The Law of Conservation of Mass - matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. Antonie Lavoisier (1743-1794) The Law of Definite Proportions - the components of a compound are always present in the same ratio, by mass Josef Louis Proust (1799) : Water Oxygen : hydrogen = 8:1 1.16 Dalton s Atomic Theory - The theory focused attention on the valid idea that compounds are made from little bits atoms combining in fixed proportions and that chemical reactions are rearrangements of these atoms. 1. Matter consists of indivisible atoms 2. All the atoms of a chemical element are identical in mass 3. Different chemical elements have different kinds of atoms 4. Atoms are indestructible 5. Compound forms in small whole-number ratios from its elements through h combination of different atoms

1.17 Law of Multiple Proportions - If two elements combine to form more than one compound, the masses of one element that combine with a fixed mass of the other element are in the ratios of small whole numbers. 1.18 Avogadro s Hypothesis - Equal volumes of different gases at the same tem. and pressure contain equal numbers of particles.

1.4 Physical Structure of Atoms 1.19 Atom was considered the ultimate and indivisible building block of matter At the end of19 th century Atoms were composed of smaller elementary particls: protons: positively charged neutrons: neutral electrons: negatively charged Electrons 1.20 Electrons are found in the space around the nucleus. J.J.Thomson (1856-1940) Plum pudding model 1897

1.21 Determination of Mass-to-Charge Ratio of Electron Electric force = Magnetic force Deflection downward F E = ee = 1 2 D = at v = l / t, 2 Net displacement evh L e S = 2 D = ( l m e SE = 2 m llh m e E: electrical field H: magnetic field FE = mea = e l )( ) v 2 ee L ( ) E l Millikan s Oil droplet experiment 1.22 1906, electric charge was measured. e = 1.59x10-19 C e = 1.6021x10-19 C (by modern meas.) m e = 9.1093819x10-31 Kg

Nucleus 1.23 In 1911, Ernest Rutherford (NZ physicist) Rutherford s Gold Foil Experiment 1.24 Rutherford s Gold Foil Experiment

Mass Spectrometry & Measurement of Relative Masses 1.25 2 1 2 v, 2 mv = qv qvb = m r 2 2 2 2 m B r m B r z = = q 2V e 2V Mass Spectrum 1.26

Atomic Mass 1.27 Atomic mass is a relative scale based on 12 C = exactly 12 atomic mass units only one with integer all other elements have mass numbers of integers (proton 1.0073, n=1.0087) Mass of isotopes Abundance of isotopes Atomic mass is a weighted average. Sample Problem 1.28 Chlorine consists of two isotopes: 35 Cl, isotopic mass = 34.9689, abundance 75.77%; and 37 Cl, isotopic mass = 36.9659, abundance 24.23%. What is the atomic mass of chlorine? Atomic mass = (34.9689 0.7577)+(36.9659 0.2423) = 35.45 amu

Protons, Neutrons, Isotopes 1.29 The number of neutrons = A Z Isotopes have the same atomic number but different mass numbers 1 2 3 1 1 1 H H H 1.5 Imaging Atoms, Molecules, and Chemical Reactions Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Imaging of Atoms 1.30 Electric current passes through a single atom in the probe tip

Homework 1.31 8, 12, 16, 20, 22