- 1 -
- 2 -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
ι κ λ β β β β β - 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 1 -
- 11 -
마. - 12 -
- 13 -
- 14 -
- 15 -
- 16 -
- 17 -
- 18 -
- 19 -
- 2 -
- 21 -
- 22 -
- 23 -
- 24 -
ι κ λ β β - 25 -
- 26 -
- 27 -
- 28 -
- 29 -
- 3 -
- 31 -
- 32 -
- 33 -
- 34 -
β β - 35 -
- 36 -
- 37 -
- 38 -
제 1 장연구개발과제의개요 - 39 -
- 4 -
제 2 장국내외기술개발현황 - 41 -
제 3 장연구개발수행내용및결과 - 42 -
α α - 43 -
- 44 -
- 45 -
- 46 -
ι κ λ ι κ λ β β β β - 47 -
- 48 -
(2) - 49 -
- 5 -
- 51 -
ω δ - 52 -
- 53 -
- 54 -
- 55 -
- 56 -
Content (mg/g) 4 3 2 1 2 % 3% 5% 7% 1% 1 Alliin S-Allylcysteine Allicin Organo-Sulfur Compounds - 57 -
2 15 % 3% 5% 7% 1% Content (mg/g) 1 2 1 Alliin S-Allylcysteine Allicin Organo-Sulfur Compounds - 58 -
45 3 15 2 % 3% 5% 7% 1% Content (mg/g) 1 Alliin S-Allylcysteine Allicin Organo-Sulfur Compounds - 59 -
- 6 -
- 61 -
- 62 -
Electron Donating Abilities (%) 1 8 6 4 2 3 5 7 1.1 Methanol concentration(%) a.a (%) - 63 -
Electron Donating Abilities (%) 1 8 6 4 2 3 5 7 1.1 Acetone concentration(%) a.a (%) - 64 -
5 5 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 4 3 2 1 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol Electron Donating Abilities (%) 4 3 2 1 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 6 7 8 6 7 8 Temperature ( o C) Temperature ( o C) 2hr 3hr Electron Donating Abilities (%) 5 4 3 2 1 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 6 7 8 Temperature ( o C) 4hr - 65 -
- 66 -
5 5 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 4 3 2 1 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol Electron Donating Abilities (%) 4 3 2 1 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 2 3 4 2 3 4 Time (hr) Time (hr) 6 o C 7 o C Electron Donating Abilities (%) 5 4 3 2 1 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 2 3 4 Time (hr) 8 o C - 67 -
1 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 2 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% A B.1 Garlic extract a.a (%) - 68 -
3 3 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 25 2 15 1 5 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol Electron Donating Abilities (%) 25 2 15 1 5 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 6 7 8 6 7 8 Temperature ( o C) Temperature ( o C) 2hr 3hr Electron Donating Abilities (%) 3 25 2 15 1 5 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 6 7 8 Temperature ( o C) 4hr - 69 -
3 3 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 25 2 15 1 5 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol Electron Donating Abilities (%) 25 2 15 1 5 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 2 3 4 Time (hr) 2 3 4 Time (hr) 6 o C 7 o C Electron Donating Abilities (%) 3 25 2 15 1 5 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 2 3 4 Time (hr) 8 o C - 7 -
6 5 SOD-like activity (%) 4 3 2 1 3 5 7 1.1 Methanol concentration (%) a.a (%) - 71 -
- 72 -
6 5 SOD-like activity (%) 4 3 2 1 3 5 7 1.1 Acetone concentration (%) a.a (%) - 73 -
5 SOD-like activity (%) 4 3 2 1 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% Temperature ( o C) a.a (%) 6 7 8.1-74 -
5 SOD-like activity (%) 4 3 2 1 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% 2 3 4.1 Time (hr) a.a (%) - 75 -
5 SOD-like activity (%) 4 3 2 1 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% A B.1 Garlic extract a.a (%) - 76 -
6 Total polyphenol contents (mg%) 5 4 3 2 1 3 5 7 1 Methanol concentration (%) - 77 -
6 Total polyphenol concents (mg%) 5 4 3 2 1 3 5 7 1 Acetone concentration (%) - 78 -
Total polyphenol contents (mg%) 1 8 6 4 2 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% Temperature ( o C) 6 7 8-79 -
12 Total polyphenol contents (mg%) 1 8 6 4 2 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% 2 3 4 Time (hr) - 8 -
1 1 Nitrite scavenging ability (%) 8 6 4 2 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% Nitrite scavenging ability (%) 8 6 4 2 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% not boil boil.1 ph 1.2 a.a (%) not boil boil.1 ph 3. a.a (%) Nitrite scavenging ability (%) 1 8 6 4 2 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% Nitrite scavenging ability (%) 1 8 6 4 2 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% not boil boil.1 ph 4.2 a.a (%) not boil boil.1 ph 6. a.a (%) - 81 -
ACE inhibition rate (%) 14 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% 12 Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% 1 8 6 4 2 A Garlic extract B - 82 -
- 83 -
4 FRAP Value (um) 3 2 1 Ethanol % Ethanol 3% Ethanol 5% Ethanol 7% Ethanol 1% A Garlic extract B - 84 -
Frap value (mm/1ml) 2 15 1 5 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol Frap value (mm/1ml) 14 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 12 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 1 8 6 4 2 6 7 8 6 7 8 Temperature ( o C) Temperature ( o C) 2 hr 3 hr 1 Frap value (mm/1ml) 8 6 4 2 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 6 7 8 Temperature ( o C) 4 hr - 85 -
2 2 Frap value (mm/1ml) 15 1 5 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol Frap value (mm/1ml) 15 1 5 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 2 3 4 2 3 4 Time (hr) Time (hr) 6 o C 7 o C 2 Frap value (mm/1ml) 15 1 5 % ethanol 3% ethanol 5% ethanol 7% ethanol 1% ethanol 2 3 4 Time (hr) 8 o C - 86 -
- 87 -
Mean particle size (mm) 5 4 3 2 1:2 5:2 1 2 4 6 Pluronic F-68 (%) 5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1 2 4 6 Tween 8 (%) - 88 -
ι κ λ - 89 -
5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1.5% alginate A B C D E F outer aqueous phase (%) 5 5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1 A B C D E F Outer aqueous phase (%) -1 A B C D E F Outer aqueous phase (%) 1% alginate 2% alginate ι κ λ - 9 -
5 5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1-1 A B C D E F A B C D E F Outer aqueous phase (%) Outer aqueous phase (%) 2% alginate (1,rpm) 2% alginate (12,rpm) ι κ λ β β β - 91 -
β β α β β α β β β β β β - 92 -
ph 4.5 ph 7. - 93 -
5 5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1 ph 4.5 ph 7. Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1 ph 4.5 ph 7.. Pectin (%) Pectin (%) β β -1 ph 4.5 ph 7. Zeta potential (mv) -2-3 -4- Pectin (%) β β - 94 -
β β β β - 95 -
5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1 ph 4.5 ph 7. Zeta potential (mv) -1-2 -3-4 ph 4.5 ph 7.. Pectin (%) Pectin (%) β β - 96 -
β 5 4 4 3 Mean particle size (mm) 3 2 1 2 1-1 Zeta potential (mv). Pectin (%) β - 97 -
- 98 -
1 Mean particle size (mm) 8 6 4 2 Tween 8 Tween 2 Span 2 Corn oil Grape seed oil Canola oil 2% gelatin - 99 -
1 Mean particle size (mm) 8 6 4 2 Tween 8 Tween 2 Span 2 Corn oil Grape seed oil Canola oil 2% pluronic F-68-1 -
1 8 6 4 2 Corn oil Isopropyl Myristate Ethyl Oleate - 11 -
1 8 5% PGMS 1% PGMS Mean Particle Size (um) 6 4 2 A B C D Sample - 12 -
- 13 -
2.5 5 2. 1:.5:1, G' 1:.5:1, G'' 4 1:.1:1, G' 1:.1:1, G'' G' G'' (Pa) 1.5 1. G' G'' (Pa) 3 2.5 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec) 5 4 1:.2:1, G' 1:.2:1, G" G' G'' (Pa) 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) - 14 -
6 4 5 1:.5:1, G' 1:.5:1, G'' 3 1:.1:1, G' 1:.1:1, G'' 4 G' G'' (Pa) 3 2 G' G'' (Pa) 2 1 1-1 1 2 3 4 5 6-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec) 2. 1.5 1:.2:1, G' 1:.2:1, G'' G' G'' (Pa) 1..5. -.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) - 15 -
8 6 1:.2:.5, G' 1:.2:.5, G'' 5 1:.2:3, G' 1:.2:3, G'' 6 G' G'' (Pa) 4 G' G'' (Pa) 4 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec) 1.4 1.2 1:.2:5, G' 1:.2:5, G'' G' G'' (Pa) 1.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) - 16 -
4 2. 1:.2:.5, G' 1:.2:.5, G'' 1:.2:3, G' 1:.2:3, G'' 3 1.5 G' G'' (Pa) 2 G' G'' (Pa) 1. 1.5 1 2 3 4 5 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec) 4 1:.2:5, G' 1:.2:5, G'' 3 G' G'' (Pa) 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) - 17 -
3. 2.5 Control High Pressure Homogenization 3. 2.5 Control High Pressure Homogenization Mean Particle Size (um) 2. 1.5 1. Mean Particle Size (um) 2. 1.5 1..5.5.. Aqueous phase : Surfactant : Oil = 1 : 1 : 1 Aqueous phase : Surfactant : Oil = 1 : 1 : 3 3. 3. 2.5 Control High Pressure Homogenization 2.5 Control High Pressure Homogenization Mean Particle Size (um) 2. 1.5 1. Mean Particle Size (um) 2. 1.5 1..5.5.. Aqueous phase : Surfactant : Oil = 1 : 2 : 1 Aqueous phase : Surfactant : Oil = 1 : 2 : 3-18 -
3. 3. 2.5 PGMS PGPR A 2.5 PGMS PGPR B Mean Particle Size (um) 2. 1.5 1. Mean Particle Size (um) 2. 1.5 1..5.5.. Aqueous phase : Surfactant : Oil = 1 :.2 :.5 Aqueous phase : Surfactant : Oil = 1 :.2 : 3 3. 2.5 PGMS PGPR C Mean Particle Size (um) 2. 1.5 1..5. Aqueous phase : Surfactant : Oil = 1 :.2 : 5-19 -
1. 12 1:.5:1, G' 1:.5:1, G''.5 1:.1:1 G' 1:.1:1 G'' 1. G' G'' (Pa) 8 6 G' G'' (Pa) -.5-1. 4-1.5 2-2. 1 2 3 4 5 6-2.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec) 4 1:.2:1, G' 1:.2:1, G'' 3 G' G'' (Pa) 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) - 11 -
6 1.4 5 1:.5:1, G' 1:.5:1, G'' 1.2 1:.1:1, G' 1:.1:1, G'' 4 1. G' G'' (Pa) 3 2 G' G'' (Pa).8.6 1.4.2-1 1 2 3 4 5 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec).5.4 1:.2:1, G' 1:.2:1, G'' G' G'' (Pa).3.2.1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) - 111 -
6 8 1:.2:.5, G' 1:.2:.5, G'' 5 1:.2:3, G' 1:.2:3, G'' G' G'' (Pa) 6 4 G' G'' (Pa) 4 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec) 2.5 2. 1:.2:5, G' 1:.2:5, G'' G' G'' (Pa) 1.5 1..5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) - 112 -
1. 2..8 1:.2:.5, G' 1:.2:.5, G'' 1.5 1:.2:3, G' 1:.2:3, G'' G' G'' (Pa).6.4 G' G'' (Pa) 1..2.5. 1 2 3 4 5 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec) 1.4 1.2 1:.2:5, G' 1:.2:5, G'' G' G'' (Pa) 1.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency (rad/sec) - 113 -
- 114 -
- 115 -
5 1% PGMS 8 1% PGMS Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 Zeta Potential (mv) 6 4 2 1 (1:1) (3:1) (1:1) (3:1) Oil phase : Aqueous phase Oil phase : Aqueous phase - 116 -
5 5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 Zeta potential (mv) 45 4 35 1.5 1 2 3.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) o : w = 1:1 o : w = 1:1-117 -
5. 5 Mean particle size (mm) 4.5 4. 3.5 Zeta potential (mv) 45 4 35 3..5 1 2 3.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) - 118 -
4.5 5 48 Mean particle size (mm) 4. 3.5 3. Zeta potential (mv) 46 44 42 4 38 36 2.5.5 1 2.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) - 119 -
- 12 -
5. -2 Mean particle size (mm) 4.5 4. 3.5 Zeta potential (mv) -25-3 -35-4 -45 3..5 1 2-5.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 1:1 1:1 5. -2 Mean particle size (mm) 4.5 4. 3.5 Zeta potential (mv) -3-4 -5 3. -6.5 1 2.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 3:1 3:1-121 -
5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1 Zeta potential (mv) -1-2 -3-4.5 1 2-5.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 1:1 1:1-122 -
5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1 Zeta potential (mv) -1-2 -3-4.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) -5.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) 3:1 3:1-123 -
6 6 Mean particle size (mm) 5 4 3 2 1 Zeta potential (mv) 4 2-2.5 1 2-4.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 1:1 1:1 6 4 Mean particle size (mm) 5 4 3 2 1 Zeta potential (mv) 2-2 -4.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) 3:1.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) 3:1-124 -
- 125 -
6-4 Mean particle size (mm) 5 4 3 2 Zeta potential (mv) -5-6 -7 1.5 1 2-8.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 1:1 1:1 5. -5 Mean particle size (mm) 4.5 4. 3.5 3. 2.5 Zeta potential (mv) -55-6 -65-7 -75 2..5 1 2-8.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 3:1 3:1-126 -
- 127 -
5. -2 Mean particle size (mm) 4.5 4. 3.5 3. 2.5 Zeta potential (mv) -3-4 -5 2..5 1 2-6.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 1:1 1:1 5. -4 Mean particle size (mm) 4.5 4. 3.5 3. Zeta potential (mv) -5-6 -7 2.5 2..5 1 2-8.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 3:1 3:1-128 -
- 129 -
5. 6 Mean particle size (mm) 4.5 4. 3.5 3. 2.5 Zeta potential (mv) 4 2-2 -4-6 2..5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) 1:1.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) 1:1 5 2 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 Zeta potential (mv) -2-4 -6 1.5 1 2-8.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 3:1 3:1-13 -
- 131 -
5. -4 Mean particle size (mm) 4.5 4. 3.5 3. 2.5 Zeta potential (mv) -45-5 -55-6 -65 2..5 1 2-7.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 1:1 1:1 5-5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 Zeta potential (mv) -55-6 -65 1.5 1 2-7.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 3:1 3:1-132 -
- 133 -
8 8 6 Mean particle size (mm) 6 4 2 Zeta potential (mv) 4 2-2 -4-6.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) 1:1-8.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) 1:1 5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 Zeta potential (mv) -2-4 -6 1.5 1 2-8.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 3:1 3:1-134 -
- 135 -
6 1 Mean particle size (mm) 5 4 3 Zeta potential (mv) 5-5 2.5 1 2-1.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 1:1 1:1 5. 1 Mean particle size (mm) 4.5 4. 3.5 3. 2.5 Zeta potential (mv) 5-5 2..5 1 2-1.5 1 2 Concentration of PGMS (%) Concentration of PGMS (%) 3:1 3:1-136 -
나. - 137 -
5 5 4 4 ph 3 2 1 Zeta potential (mv) 3 2 1.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) 5 5 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1 Zeta potential (mv) 4 3 2 1.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml).5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) - 138 -
5 5 4 4 ph 3 2 1 Zeta potential (mv) 3 2 1.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) 2.5 5 Mean particle size (mm) 2. 1.5 1..5. Zeta potential (mv) 45 4 35 3.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) 25.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) - 139 -
5 6 ph 4 3 2 1 Zeta potential (mv) 5 4 3.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 2.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) 2.5 6 Mean particle size (mm) 2. 1.5 1..5. Zeta potential (mv) 5 4 3.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) 2.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) - 14 -
5 6 ph 4 3 2 1 Zeta potential (mv) 5 4 3.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 2.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) - 141 -
3. 6 Mean particle size (mm) 2.5 2. 1.5 1..5 Zeta potential (mv) 5 4 3..5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 2.5 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) Concentration of chitosan (mg/ml) - 142 -
- 143 -
- 144 -
- 145 -
- 146 -
α - 147 -
6 5-5 Mean Particle Size (nm) 4 3 2 1-1 -15 Zeta Potential (mv) DCM DCM+EtOH DCM+Acetone Dispersed Phase Solvents -2 1 Encapsulation Efficiency (%) 8 6 4 2 DCM DCM+EtOH DCM+Acetone Dispersed phase solvents - 148 -
6-3 Mean Particle Size (nm) 4 2-6 -9-12 -15 Zeta Potential (mv) 1 65 8 Molecular Weight of PCL -18 1 Encapsulation Efficiency (%) 8 6 4 2 1 65 8 Molecular Weight of PCL - 149 -
1 1 8 Time(min) vs ph 7.4 Time(min) vs ph 1.2 8 Time(min) vs ph 7.4 Time(min) vs ph 1.2 Release (%) 6 4 Release (%) 6 4 2 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Time (min) Time (min) 1 8 Time(min) vs ph 7.4 Time(min) vs ph 1.2 Release (%) 6 4 2 1 2 3 4 Time (min) - 15 -
- 151 -
- 152 -
고압균질기사용전초고압균질기사용후초 고압균질기사용전초고압균질기사용후초 고압균질기사용전초고압균질기사용후초 고압균질기사용전초고압균질기사용후초 1 1 Mean particle size (mm) 8 6 4 2 Mean particle size (mm) 8 6 4 2 1 2 3 4 8 12 16 23 1 2 3 4 8 12 16 23 Time (day) Time (day) 1 2 Mean particle size (mm) 8 6 4 2 Mean particle size (mm) 15 1 5 1 2 3 4 8 12 16 23 1 2 3 4 8 12 16 23 Time (day) Time (day) - 153 -
- 154 -
3 3 Mean Particle Size (um) 2 1 Mean Particle Size (um) 2 1 2 4 6 8 1 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 1 12 14 16 Time (day) Time (day) - 155 -
3. 2. 2.5 Mean Particle size (um) 2. 1.5 1. Mean Particle size (um) 1.5 1..5.5. 5 1 15 2 25 3 Time (day). 5 1 15 2 25 3 35 Time (day) - 156 -
- 157 -
- 158 -
- 159 -
- 16 -
- 161 -
- 162 -
8 6 viscosity(cp) 4 2 PGMS PGPR Emulsion stabilizer - 163 -
2 2 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 15 1 5 냉장도 2 도 4 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 15 1 5 냉장도 2 도 4-5 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21-5 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Storage period (day) Storage period (day) % 5% 2 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 15 1 5 냉장도 2 도 4-5 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Storage period (day) 1% - 164 -
2 2 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 15 1 5 (A) % EtOH extract 5% EtOH extract 1% EtOH extract Electron Donating Abilities (%) 15 1 5 (B) % EtOH extract 5% EtOH extract 1% EtOH extract -5 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Storage period (day) 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Storage period (day) 2 1 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 15 1 5 (C) % EtOH extract 5% EtOH extract 1% EtOH extract Electron Donating Abilities (%) 8 6 4 2 (D) % EtOH extract 5% EtOH extract 1% EtOH extract -5 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 1 Storage period (day) Storage period (cycle) - 165 -
1 1 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 8 6 4 2-2 냉장도 2 도 4 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 8 6 4 2 냉장도 2 도 4-4 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21-2 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Storage period (day) Storage period (day) % 5% 1 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 8 6 4 2-2 냉장도 2 도 4-4 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Storage period (day) 1% - 166 -
Electron Donating Abilities (%) 1 8 6 4 2 (A) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 14 12 1 8 6 4 2-2 (B) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Storage period (day) Storage period (day) 1 8 Electron Donating Abilities (%) 8 6 4 2-2 (C) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion Electron Donating Abilities (%) 6 4 2 (D) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion -4 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 1 Storage period (day) Storage period (cycle) - 167 -
1. 1. Mean particle size (mm). 냉장도 2 도 4 Mean particle size (mm). 냉장도 2 도 4. 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21. 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Storage period (day) Storage period (day) % 5% - 168 -
1. Mean particle size (mm). 냉장도 2 도 4. 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Storage period (day) 1% - 169 -
1. 1. Mean particle size (mm). (A) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion Mean particle size (mm). (B) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion. 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21. 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Storage period (day) Storage period (day) Mean particle size (mm) 1.. (C) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion. 1 2 3 4 7 9 11 14 17 21 Storage period (day) - 17 -
5. 55 Mean particle size (mm) 4.5 4. 3.5 3. (A) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion Zeta Potential (mv) 5 45 4 35 (A) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion 2.5 3 6 9 13 Storage period (day) 3 3 6 9 13 Storage period (day) - 171 -
Mean particle size (mm) 5. 4.5 4. 3.5 3. (B) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion Zeta Potential (mv) 55 5 45 4 35 (B) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion 2.5 3 6 9 13 Storage period (day) 3 3 6 9 13 Storage period (day) 5. 55 Mean particle size (mm) 4.5 4. 3.5 3. (C) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion Zeta Potential (mv) 5 45 4 35 (C) % EtOH extract emulsion 5% EtOH extract emulsion 1% EtOH extract emulsion 2.5 3 6 9 3 3 6 9 Storage period (day) Storage period (day) - 172 -
5-4 Mean particle size (mm) 4 3 2 1 % EtOH garlic extract emulsion 5% EtOH garlic extract emulsion Zeta Potential (mv) -5-6 -7-8 -9 % EtOH garlic extract emulsion 5% EtOH garlic extract emulsion 5-1 5 Ethanol concentration (%) Ethanol concentration (%) - 173 -
- 174 -
- 175 -
- 176 -
제 4 장목표달성도및관련분야에의기여도 - 177 -
- 178 -
- 179 -
제 5 장연구개발성과및성과활용계획 - 18 -
- 181 -
- 182 -
제 6 장연구개발과정에서수집한해외과학기술정보 l l l l l - 183 -
<Nano-Structured Micro-Particles (NSM-Particles)의 제조 및 방법> 일반적인 에멀젼 시스템 (conventional emulsion system)의 전형적인 단점이 보완된 Nano-Structured Microparticle (NSM-particles)의 제조 방법은 그림 124와 같다. 그림 124. Nano-Structured Microparticles (McClements, 24) NSM-particle의 경우 나노 크기의 oil droplet (r= 1-25 )이 마이크로 크기의 수용 성 고분자 입자 (r= 1-1 ) 안으로 캡슐화 된 형태를 말한다. 이때 나노크기의 oil droplet 내 에 존재하는 지질의 용해 성상 (MELTING PROFILE)에 대한 나노수준의 제어를 통해 낮은 온도에서는 캡슐화가, 높은 온도 (예; mouth temperature)에서는 용출이 발생하게 된다. 또한 다층막 제조 기술 (LAYER-BY-LAYER DEPOSITION) (nanometer scale)을 통해 계면막이 생성되면 내부의 oil droplet의 안정성이 높아지게 되어 기능성 성분의 Smart delivery가 가능 하게 되는 것이다. 이에 부가적으로 고분자 혼합물의 열역학적 불안정성 (THERMODYNAMIC INCOMPATIBILITY)을 이용한 상변화기법에 의해 에멀젼을 제조하여 기능성 성분의 용출을 제어할 수 있게 된다. 그림 125. 다층막 제조기술을 이용한 다층 에멀젼 (Guzey and McClements, 24) - 184 -
Biopolymer A STIR & GEL Biopolymer B Two-Phase Incompatibility W/W Emulsion - 185 -
A B l l l l l - 186 -
제 7 장참고문헌 - 187 -
β β ι β - 188 -
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b - 19 -
β - 191 -
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