4 번 대화를듣고, 여자의의견으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Mom! I ve got a letter from my college. W: Let me see... Oh, it s about applying for the dormitory. M: Yeah, but I v

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희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec






< FB0ED315FC1A632C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>

1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

55호 1면



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4 번 대화를듣고, 여자의의견으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Mom! I ve got a letter from my college. W: Let me see... Oh, it s about applying for the dormitory. M: Yeah, but I ve never thought about living in a dormitory. W: Well, it has many benefits like convenient access to classes and the library. M: But, I don t want to share a room with others. W: I know what you mean. However, it s also a good chance to easily make new friends. M: That makes sense. They could help me with some troubles about college life. W: Exactly. The college is two hours away. You can save time by not commuting so far. M: Right. I can get more sleep in order to focus on academics. W: Now, you see why I think living in a dormitory is helpful for college life. M: Sure. I got it. 5 번 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. W: Excuse me, sir! You don t look well. Is everything okay? M: No. I don t feel well now. W: Could you please tell me what s wrong? I can help you, sir. M: My stomach is upset after the in-flight meal. W: Oh, was there something wrong with the meal we d served? M: Not really. I think it s from sitting in this uncomfortable position for too long. W: Maybe you re right. Why don t you loosen your seat belt for a while or stretch, sir? M: Good idea. Also, could you get me some warm water? W: Sure. If you don t get better, I ll get you some medicine as well. M: Thank you. But, for now I d rather walk around in the aisle. W: Okay, but when we make the landing announcement, you should sit down and fasten your seat belt again, okay? M: Yes, I will. 6 번 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. M: Beth, what s that? W: I found this photo yesterday. It was taken a long time ago. M: Can I see it? [Pause] Oh, there s a roller coaster in the background of the picture. Your family must ve been at an amusement park. W: Correct. My mom took this photo. Do you see a clown in front of the ticket booth? M: Yeah, what a funny face! I also see a man wearing glasses. Is he your father? W: Of course, he is. Look! I m standing next to him. M: The girl with a hat in her hand? Is that you? W: Yes. I was five back then. M: How cute! Oh, I see a popcorn cart on the right side in the picture. Did you eat popcorn there? W: Actually I don t remember, because I was too young. M: Anyway, everybody looks so happy in this picture. W: Right. We had fun at the amusement park.

7 번 대화를듣고, 여자가남자에게부탁한일로가장적절한것을고르시오. W: Honey, I m really excited about our picnic to the Cherry Blossom Festival today. M: So am I. The flowers will be beautiful this season. W: Right. I m expecting to take a lot of pictures with our kids there. M: But, I think we need sunscreen and hats. W: Yeah, I ve already packed them in my bag. What are the kids doing? M: They re washing their faces and brushing their teeth upstairs. W: Good. By the way, where are the fruit and snacks I bought? M: I put them in the portable cooler just before. Umm, what s for lunch? W: Well, I m making salads and strawberry juice. So, would you make some sandwiches? M: Okay, I ll make ham and egg sandwiches. What do you think? W: Sounds great. Thank you. 8 번 대화를듣고, 남자가강아지를기를수없는이유를고르시오. M: Hey, Isabel! What are you looking at on your laptop? W: Puppies. My dog Amber gave birth to five puppies last week. M: Really? Let me see, how adorable! Are you going to keep them all? W: I m afraid not. Even though I d love to have all of them, my house isn t big enough. M: Then, is somebody going to adopt some of the puppies? W: Yes, my aunt can afford to raise two of them. Wait, do you have a dog? M: No, but my parents do. I d also love to have one, but I can t. W: Why not? Are you allergic to dogs by any chance? M: No, I m not. But my house will be empty a lot because of my frequent business trips. W: Right. Dogs need a lot of care and love especially when they re young. M: That s my point. I don t want to leave a puppy alone in an empty house so often. W: That makes sense. 9 번 대화를듣고, 여자가지불할금액을고르시오. W: Hello. I m looking for a suitcase. M: Yes, ma am. What size would you like? W: Well, I d like a carry-on suitcase, please. M: I see. Our carry-on suitcases come in two types, fabric and plastic. W: What s the price of each one? M: The fabric one is $60, and the plastic one is $80. W: This plastic one would be better for my vacation. I ll take it. M: Okay, one plastic carry-on suitcase. Anything else? We also sell comfortable travel pillows here. They re useful for long distance trips. W: Sounds good. Let me see... I love the design and color of this pillow. How much is it? M: It s only $10. W: Really? My friends also need pillows. I ll buy three of them. M: Very good. Since your purchase is over $100, you get $10 off the total.

W: Wonderful! Here s my credit card. 10 번 대화를듣고, 영화 Futurist 에관해두사람이언급하지않은것을고르시오. M: Hailey, have you heard of the movie Futurist? W: No. What s that? M: It s a science fiction movie that shows life in the year 2070. W: 2070? I can t imagine what life would be like. What s the movie about? M: The plot is about a character accidentally traveling to the future. So, she has to adapt to completely new surroundings. W: That sounds interesting. M: And I heard it took three years to make the film. W: Wow, it must be well-made. When will it be released? M: On April 15th. Why don t we go see it? W: Okay. I wonder who the main actors are in the movie. M: Sarah Taylor plays the leading role. And some other famous actors star in the movie. W: Awesome! I love Sarah Taylor. Let s book the tickets online right away. 11 번 Kalson Island 에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시오. W: Hello, listeners! I m Nancy Brier for Radio Travel World. Today, I m going to talk about a fantastic island in Australia, Kalson Island. It was first discovered in the 18th century. Thanks to its natural beauty, it became a national park 20 years ago. It s one of the largest sand islands in the world. Kalson Island has more than 50 lakes to swim in, and some of them attract huge numbers of visitors every day. You can go fishing there all year round because of the diverse range of fish. Also, you can enjoy camping and overnight trekking, except during the winter season. These days, this island is a popular tourist destination. If you re dreaming about a nice vacation, why don t you go to Kalson Island? 12 번 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 두사람이구매할책세트를고르시오. W: Honey, Bob s birthday is coming up. Why don t we buy him some books? M: Good idea. Our son is a book lover. W: I got this brochure for kids book sets at the bookstore nearby. M: That s nice. Let s see. [Pause] We already bought him some books on flowers last year. W: I know. So let s choose a different topic for the books this time. M: Absolutely. Also, I don t think it s a good idea to buy a set with more than 10 books. W: I agree. Our son can get bored easily with too many books on the same topic. M: Right. Then, which cover do you think is better, hardcover or paperback? W: I like hardcover because that type lasts longer even though it tends to be more expensive. M: I prefer hardcover, too. Now we have two options left. W: Okay. They have the same number of books in each set. So, how about getting the cheaper one? M: Good. Let s buy it.

13 번 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Hey, Kate. What are you doing in front of the mirror? W: I m checking my costume, Tom. M: Costume for what? You re not in the school play this time, are you? W: I wasn t at first, because I failed the audition. But a miracle happened! M: What do you mean? W: Two days ago, the director called me. He offered me the very role I d wanted. M: Congratulations! I know how much you ve longed for that role. W: Thank you. He said the student for that part gave it up because of personal reasons. M: I feel sorry for her. But, happy for you. W: Yes. You know I even memorized almost all of the lines for that role before the audition. M: Sure, I know. So, everything s okay with your practice? W: Well, I m trying hard. But I m not sure if I can do well. M: 14 번 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. W: Peter, what are you looking for? M: Have you seen my white shirt, Sally? I can t find it. W: I put it in the washing machine with the other clothes an hour ago. They must be done by now. M: Thanks. I d like to wear it for the meeting with clients tomorrow. W: Would you take the clothes out of the washing machine and put them in the dryer? M: Okay. [Pause] Oh, no! I think the washing machine isn t working. W: Really? What s wrong with the machine? M: I don t know. But, none of the clothes are washed. W: That s awful! We ve already fixed it several times. M: Right. You know we ve been using this machine for more than 10 years. W: For that long? Well, fixing it again is a waste of money. It s time to buy a new one. M: You got a point. It s more economical to get a new washing machine. W: 15 번 다음상황설명을듣고, Amy 가 Daniel 에게할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Daniel and Amy work in the same office. Daniel s hobby is baking. From time to time he brings cookies and cakes to the office and shares them with his coworkers. They always enjoy his treats and praise him for his baking skills. One day, Daniel makes a cheesecake and brings it to the office. Amy eats a piece of the cake and is really impressed. Since Daniel s cake is so rich and delicious, Amy decides to make the same cheesecake for her mother s birthday the following week. Now, Amy wants to ask Daniel for the list of ingredients and the instructions for making that cake. In this situation, what would Amy most likely say to Daniel?

Amy: 16 번부터 17 번까지는두번들려줍니다. 16 번과 17 번 다음을듣고, 물음에답하시오. W: Hello, everyone. I m Claire Smith, chief curator from the National Science Museum. Thanks for attending today s lecture. Now, I m going to talk about A.I. technology used in various fields. As you know, A.I. stands for artificial intelligence, and it s already part of our life. First, it analyzes and learns our lifestyles to enhance convenience and efficiency at home. It predicts our needs and automatically adjusts our domestic environments such as temperature and lighting. Second, A.I. systems used in hospitals interpret complex medical information and support clinical decisions. Their highly accurate analysis of medical images is used to detect possible diseases, and to design treatment plans. Third, more banks use A.I. to study financial data and manage money effectively. It evaluates customers records and makes wiser investments by predicting changes in the market. Fourth, automation in factories keeps increasing productivity due to the evolving technology. A.I. robots learn from their own mistakes like humans and perform their jobs perfectly. Now, we re aware of these uses of artificial intelligence. After taking a short break, we re going to continue our discussion on this topic. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. 다시한번듣겠습니다. W: Hello, everyone. I m Claire Smith, chief curator from the National Science Museum. Thanks for attending today s lecture. Now, I m going to talk about A.I. technology used in various fields. As you know, A.I. stands for artificial intelligence, and it s already part of our life. First, it analyzes and learns our lifestyles to enhance convenience and efficiency at home. It predicts our needs and automatically adjusts our domestic environments such as temperature and lighting. Second, A.I. systems used in hospitals interpret complex medical information and support clinical decisions. Their highly accurate analysis of medical images is used to detect possible diseases, and to design treatment plans. Third, more banks use A.I. to study financial data and manage money effectively. It evaluates customers records and makes wiser investments by predicting changes in the market. Fourth, automation in factories keeps increasing productivity due to the evolving technology. A.I. robots learn from their own mistakes like humans and perform their jobs perfectly. Now, we re aware of these uses of artificial intelligence. After taking a short break, we re going to continue our discussion on this topic. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. 16 번 여자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것은? 17 번 언급된장소가아닌것은? 이제듣기문제가끝났습니다. 18 번부터는문제지의지시에따라답을하시기바랍니다.