Introductory Chemistry: Concepts & Connections 4th Edition by Charles H. Corwin

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Introductory Chemistry: Concepts & Connections 4 th Edition by Charles H. Corwin Chapter 6 주기율표 Christopher G. Hamaker, Illinois State University, Normal IL 2005, Prentice Hall

Arrangement of the Elements Chemists have been looking for a method to classify the elements. J. W. Döbereiner (1829); 몇몇원소는세개원소로이루어진그룹으로분류 세원소는화학적유사성및물리적성질 ( 밀도, 융점, 원자량 ) 이일관된경향성을보임. Chapter 6 2

Organizing the Elements J. A. R. Newlands (1865); 62 개의알려진 원소들은원자량이증가하는순서에의해 7 개 그룹으로배열 옥타브법칙 (law of octaves) 8 th 원소는앞그룹의 1 st 원소성질이되풀이됨. His theory was not widely accepted for about 20 years even though it was mostly correct. Chapter 6 3

Mendeleev s Periodic Table 원자량의증가순서로원소배열 원소들이 규칙적인간격으로반복 현대주기율표의기틀마련 원소의산화물에대한식으로주기율표세로배열 Chapter 6 4

Prediction of New Elements Mendeleev noticed that there appeared to be some elements missing from the periodic table. He was able to accurately predict the properties of the unknown element ekasilicon in 1869. It was discovered in 1886 (germanium). Chapter 6 5

The Noble Gases 아르곤 (1894) 의발견과함께우측원소들의발견 원소배열확장 Helium, neon, krypton, xenon, and radon were subsequently discovered in the next 5 years. 비활성기체 (inert gases); 화학반응성 xenon 및 krypton 화합물합성 영족 (18 족 ) 기체 (noble gases) Chapter 6 6

Refined Arrangement 원소의핵전하가하나씩증가 (H.G.J. Moseley) H= 1 He=2 Li=3 Be=4 B=5 C=6 N=7 O=8 F=9 Ne=10 Na=11 Mg=12 Al=13 Si=14 P=15 S=16 Cl=17 Ar=18 원자량에의한것보다는핵전하증가에따라 원소를배열 양성자수 ( 원자번호 ) 에의한배열 원소의주기적성질 Chapter 6 7

주기율 (periodic law) The Periodic Law 원자번호가증가함에따라배열된원소의주기적성질을나타냄 보어의전자에너지준위개념 현재의주기율표 Chapter 6 8

6.3 Groups & Periods of Elements 족 (group, family); 주기율표의세로열 주기 (period, series); 주기율표의가로열 There are 18 groups and 7 periods on the periodic table. Chapter 6 9

Periods on the Periodic Table The 7 periods are labeled 1 through 7. The first period has only 2 elements, H and He. The second and third periods have 8 elements each: Li through Ne and Na through Ar The fourth and fifth periods each have 18 elements: K through Kr and Rb through Xe Chapter 6 10

Hydrogen on the Periodic Table 수소 (Hydrogen) occupies a special position on the periodic table. 기체, 비금속과유사한성질 전자를잃는성질 금속의성질 We will place hydrogen in the middle of the periodic table to recognize its unique behavior. Chapter 6 11

Groups on the Periodic Table There are 18 groups on the periodic table. American chemists designated the groups with a Roman numeral (I through VIII) and the letter A or B. IA is Li to Fr IIB is Zn, Cd, Hg IIB is Be to Ra VA is N to Bi Chapter 6 12

Groups on the Periodic Table In 1920, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) proposed a new numbering scheme. In it, the groups are assigned numbers 1 through 18. Group 1 is Li to Fr Group 12 is Zn, Cd, Hg Group 2 is Be to Ra Group 15 is N to Bi Chapter 6 13

Groupings of Elements There are several groupings of elements. 주족원소 (representative elements) are in the A groups. (ex. Mg + O MgO) 전이원소 (transition elements) are in the B groups (groups 3 12). 내부전이원소 (inner transition elements) are found below the periodic table. They are also referred to as the 희토류원소 (rare earth elements). Chapter 6 14

Groupings of Elements The inner transition elements are divided into the lanthanide series and the actinide series. Chapter 6 15

Common Names of Families Several columns of the periodic table have common, trivial names. - Group IA/1 are the alkali metals ( 알칼리금속 ) - Group IIA/2 are the alkaline earth metals ( 알칼리토금속 ) - Group VIIA/17 are the halogens ( 할로겐 ) - Group VIIIA/18 are the noble gases. Chapter 6 16

6.4 Periodic Trends 주기율표의배열 원소의물리적성질의규칙성을나타냄. 원자반지름 (atomic radius); 원자핵으로부터최외각전자까지의거리 (~ nm) 원자크기의경향 : 같은족의아래 위, 원자반경감소 한주기의왼쪽 오른쪽, 원자반경감소 Chapter 6 17

Atomic Radius Trend Atoms get smaller as you go bottom to top on the periodic table because as you travel up a group, there are fewer energy levels on the atom. Atomic radius decreases as you travel left to right across the periodic table because the number of protons in the nucleus increases. As the number of protons increases, the nucleus pulls the electrons closer and reduces the size of the atom. Chapter 6 18

Atomic Radius 주족원소들의원자반지름 ( 그림 6.4) 전이원소는일반적경향에서예외가많음. Chapter 6 19

Metallic Character 금속성 (Metallic character); 전자를잃는경향 한주기의왼쪽 오른쪽, 금속성감소 같은족의아래 위, 금속성감소 Chapter 6 20

6.5 Physical Properties of Elements Since the properties of the elements follow regular patterns, we can predict unknown properties of elements based on those around it. For example, table 6.2 lists several properties of the alkali metals except francium, Fr. We can predict the properties of francium based on the other alkali metals. Chapter 6 21

Predicting Physical Properties Fr의원자반경 0.266 nm 보다크고, 밀도 1.87 g/ml 보다크며, 녹는점 28.4 C 보다낮고, 원자량 132.91 amu 보다크다. Chapter 6 22

Predicting Chemical Properties 화학반응의생성물예상 All of the alkali metals have oxides of the general formula M 2 O: Li 2 O, Na 2 O, K 2 O, Rb 2 O, Cs 2 O, and Fr 2 O. The formula for the chloride of calcium is CaCl 2. What is the formula for the chloride of barium? The general formula is MCl 2, so the formula must be BaCl 2. Chapter 6 23

Blocks of Elements 전자의에너지부준위 : 1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d < 4p < 5s 에너지부준위에따라특정구역모양이생김 : -IA/1족과 IIA/2족 ; s 부준위채움 s 구역 (s block) - IIIA/13족 ~VIIIA/18족 ; p 부준위채움 p 구역 (p block) - IIIB/3족 ~IIB/12족 ; d 부준위채움 d 구역 (d block) - 란탄족과악티늄족 ; f 부준위채움 f 구역 (f block) Chapter 6 24

Blocks and Sublevels We can use the periodic table to predict which sublevel is being filled by a particular element. Chapter 6 25

Noble Gas Core Electron Configurations Na ( 원자번호 11) 의전자배치 : Na: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 1 속기법 ; 가장내부의전자를앞에있는영족기체의기호로표시 전자배치를축약 원자번호가 11 보다작고앞에있는영족기체, Ne. Na 의전자배치를다시쓰면 : Na: [Ne] 3s 1 Chapter 6 26

6.7 Valence Electrons 원소의화학반응은최외각전자들만관여 에너지가가장높고, 핵에서가장멀리있는최외각전자 원자가전자 (valence electrons) 화학결합형성및화학적성질지배 원자가전자수 = s and p 준위의전자의총수 원자가전자최대수 = 8(2+6) Chapter 6 27

Predicting Valence Electrons 족수 ( 로마숫자 ) = 원자가전자수 Group IA elements have 1 valence electron Group VA elements have 5 valence electrons IUPAC 명명법이용시, 끝자리숫자가원자가전자수를나타냄. Group 14 elements have 4 valence electrons Group 2 elements have 2 valence electrons Chapter 6 28

6.8 Electron Dot Formulas 전자점식 ; 원소의원자가전자배치표기법 We use one dot for each valence electron. Consider phosphorous, P, which has 5 valence electrons. Here is the method for writing the electron dot formula. Chapter 6 29

6.9 Ionization Energy (potential) 이온 (ion); 전하를지니고있는모든원자 이온화에너지 ; 기체상태에있는중성원자로부터전자하나를제거하는데필요한에너지의양 같은족내에서아래 위, 이온화에너지증가 주기의왼쪽 오른쪽, 이온화에너지증가 핵에가까이붙어있는전자일수록제거하는데필요한에너지가더크다. Chapter 6 30

Ionization Energy Trend Chapter 6 31

6.10 Ionic Charge 금속은전자를잃고, 비금속은전자를얻는다. 금속 ; 양이온, 비금속 ; 음이온 이온전하 이온전하는원자가전자수와관련 IA/1족금속; 전자 1개를잃고, 1+ 양이온전하 Na Na + + e - Chapter 6 32

Predicting Ionic Charge Group IA/1 metals form 1+ ions, group IIA/2 metals form 2+ ions, group IIIA/13 metals form 3+ ions, and group IVA/14 metals from 4+ ions. 금속은전자를잃어서영족기체와동일한전자배치를이루려고함. 유사하게, 비금속은전자를얻어서 Group VA/15 elements form -3 ions, group VIA/16 elements form -2 ions, and group VIIA/17 elements form -1 ions. Chapter 6 33

Ion Electron Configurations Na Na + 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 1 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 O O 2-1s 2 2s 2 2p 4 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 Mn Mn 2+ 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 5 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 5 [Ar] 3d 5 Chapter 6 34

Conclusions The elements in the periodic table are arranged by increasing atomic number. The elements have, regular repeating chemical and physical properties. The periodic table can be broken down into groups or families which are columns periods or series which are rows Chapter 6 35

Conclusions Continued Atomic radius and metallic character increase as you go from bottom to top and from left to right across the periodic table. The periodic table can be broken down into blocks where a certain sublevel is being filled. Chapter 6 36

Conclusions Continued Valence electrons are the outermost electrons and are involved in chemical reactions. We can write electron dot formulas for elements which indicate the number of valence electrons. Ionization energy is the amount of energy that is required to remove an electron from an atom in the gaseous state. Chapter 6 37

Conclusions Continued We can predict the charge on the ion of an element from its position on the periodic table. Chapter 6 38