Job Satisfaction and Service Quality between Non-regular and Regular workers in Commercial Sports Facilities: Based on Qualitative Method Bokyeon Kim
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1 Job Satisfaction and Service Quality between Non-regular and Regular workers in Commercial Sports Facilities: Based on Qualitative Method Bokyeon Kim & Jinho Choi* Dongduk Women s University
4 Table 1. Demographic information for study participants Employment status Age Gender Career Regular 1 31 M 3yrs Regular 2 26 M 1yr Regular 3 29 M 5yrs Regular 4 26 M 4yrs Regular 5 28 F 2yrs Regular 6 25 M 3yrs Non-Regular 1 27 M 4yrs Non-Regular 2 33 F 8yrs Non-Regular 3 24 F 3yrs Non-Regular 4 26 M 1yr and a half Non-Regular 5 27 F 7yrs Non-Regular 6 24 F 1yr
5 Fig. 1. Connection map of categories of regular workers related to job satisfaction
6 Fig. 2. Connection map of categories of non-regular workers related to job satisfaction
7 Fig. 3. Connection map of categories of regular workers related to service quality
8 Fig. 4. Connection map of categories of non-regular workers related to service quality
9 Table 2. Number and frequency of coding by categories 1 2 Final category Work on present job Supervision on present job Number of coding Regular worker Non -regular worker Frequency of coding(%) Regular worker Non -regular worker Present pay Opportunities for promotion People on your present job Tangibles Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy Total by employment type Total Fig. 5. Work on present job category of regular workers
10 Fig. 6. Work on present job category of non-regular workers
11 Fig. 8. Supervision on present job category of non-regular workers Fig. 7. Work on present job category of regular workers
12 Fig. 10. Present pay category of non-regular workers Fig. 9. Present pay category of regular workers Fig. 11. Opportunities for promotion category of regular workers
13 Fig. 12. Opportunities for promotion category of non-regular workers Fig. 14. People on your present job category of non-regular workers Fig. 13. People on your present job category of regular workers
14 Fig. 15. Tangibles category of regular workers Fig. 16. Tangibles category of non-regular workers Fig. 17. Reliability category of regular workers
15 Fig. 19. Responsiveness category of regular workers Fig. 18. Reliability category of non-regular workers
16 Fig. 20. Responsiveness category of non-regular workers Fig. 22. Assurance category of non-regular workers Fig. 21. Assurance category of regular workers
17 Fig. 23. Empathy category of regular workers Fig. 24. Empathy category of non-regular workers
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