2. 대학원 교과과정 개요

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1 화학교육과 (Dept. of Chemistry Education) * 유기화학 Organic Chemistry 1 유기화합물의명명법, 구조, 성질, 반응및합성에관한기초적인내용을다룬다. 반응메카니즘에의한분류체계에따라계통적으로학습한다. This course covers simple organic compounds with emphasis on structure, bonding and reaction. Its pre-requisite is Fundamental Chemistry and Lab 1, * 유기화학 Organic Chemsitry 2 < 유기화학 1> 의계속강의로서방향족화합물, 천연물의구조, 성질, 반응및합성에관한기초적인내용을다룬다. Following <Organic Chemistry 1>, this course covers simple organic compounds with empasis onbonding and reaction, structure and various functional groups. Itspre-requisite is <Organic Chemistry 1> * 물리화학 Physical Chemistry 1 양자화학의기본원리및이론을바탕으로원자및분자의구조와에너지에대한양자화학이론을다루고원자와분자의특성을관찰하는기본도구학문인분광학을다룬다. As one of the major requirement courses in the Department of Chemistry Education, this course covers basic principles of quantum chemistry and quantum theories and approaches describing structures and energies of atoms followed by spectroscopy as a tool to investigate properties of atoms and molecules. and molecules. This course has pre-requisites of General physics, General Chemistry and Calculus * 분석화학 Analytical Chemistry 1 화학의모든분야에관련된기본적인여러가지화학반응평형에대한체계적접근방법을다룬다. 그리고농도, 활동도, 무게와부피분석법, 침전물의생성반응을이용한적정법, 산염기중화반응과이에따른적정법, 킬레이트착화합물생성반응과이를이용한금속이온의정량과적정법을다룬다. 이런기본적인화학반응의이해를기초로하여미지시료의화학적성분과조성, 함량, 농도를측정하는원리와방법을강의한다. This course discusses systematical approaching method to deal with an equilibrium inseveral kinds of fundamental chemical reaction which is related to all fields of chemical science. It also covers basic topics such as activity, concentration, gravimetric and volumetric analysis, titrations using precipitation formation and acid-base neutralization, and determination of metal ion concentration using chelates complex formation/edta titration. Theories and methodology measuring composition, quantity, and concentration of unknown samples will be dealt with based on understanding of fundamental chemical reactions in this course * 분석화학 Analytical Chemistry 2 물질의화학적물리적성질의차이를이용하여순수한성분만분리하고추출하는여러가지종류의크로마토그래피법의원리와카운트커런트분배법, 물질의산화환원반응과이를이용한산화환원적정법, 기초적인전기화학반응, 전위, 전류, 전기량의측정을통한물질의전기화학적인성분확인과정량분석법, 빛의세기나흡광도의변화를이용하는분광분석법의기초와원리, 전기분해반응과전기무게분석법, 전위차법에대해강의한다. Fundamentals of several types of chromatography and count current distribution for separation and extraction of pure components will be covered using different physical/chemical properties of chemical substances in the mixtures. This course involves oxidation /reduction of materials, fundamental electrochemistry, redox titrations, electrolysis, electrogravimetric and coulometric analyses, voltammetry, fundamentals of spectrophotometry and spectroscopic analyses using light properties * 유기화학실험 Organic Chemistry Lab. 간단한유기화합물의분리, 정제, 검출등의유기화학실험에관한기본조작법을습득하고기본적인공유결합화합물의성질과특징, 반응을조작, 관찰, 확인하는실험절차를통하여유기화학의기초개념을이해할수있도록한다. 또한, 습득한실험조작법을바탕으로보다복잡한물질을합성, 분리, 정제하고이들을분광학적방법으로확인하는법을익힌다. This class deals with characterization and purification of organic compounds, as well as purification techniques and related experiments. Also this class studies the purification techniques, characterization and synthesis of organic compounds * 분석화학실험 Analytical Chemistry Lab. 부피분석법의기초가되는침전이생성되는반응, 산과염기의중화반응, 산화환원반응, 킬레이트금속착화합물이생성되는반응을이용한다양한적정법에의해미지시료용액속에존재하는분석물질의성분을검출하고정량한다. 또한금속이온의분광학적측정, 비타민의요오드적정법, 구리의전기무게분석법, 카보네이트와바이카보네이트혼합물의분석, 표준첨가물분석법등에대해실험이진행될것이다. The laboratory experiments cover several types of volu- metric analyses using titration such as precipitation reaction, acid-base neutralization, redox reaction, chelate EDTA complex formation reaction in order to detect and quantize a specific component existing in the unknown mixture solution. In addition, spectrophotometric determination of metal ion, iodimetric titration of vitamin C, electrogravimetric analysis of copper ion, analysis of a mixture of carbonate and bicarbonate, and standard addition method will be included in this lab course * 물리화학 Physical Chemistry 2 학점구조는 학점수 - 주당강의시간 - 주당실습시간 을표시함. 한학기는 15 주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 week make one semester.)

2 화학교육과 (Dept. of Chemistry Education) 이강좌에서는통계열역학을다루어 < 물리화학 1> 에서다룬원자와분자의양자화학지식을물질의거시적열역학적성질과연결하며, 열역학제 법칙을비롯하여기체, 액체, 고체의성질과구조, 상의변화와평형, 화학변화와평형, 용액의종류와성질을체계적으로다룬다. < 물리화학 1> 은필수선수과목이다. In this course, by covering statistical thermodynamics quantum chemical properties of atoms and molecules are linked with macroscopic thermodynamic properties of matter, and based on the laws of thermodynamics, the properties and the structure of gas, liquid, and solid, the phase change and equilibrium, and the topics of chemical changes are studied. This course has a pre-requisite of <Physical Chemistry 1> * 무기화학 Inorganic Chemistry 1 무기화합물의구조와결합, 입체화학, 무기반응의열역학및속도론에관한기본적인사항을다룬다. This course provides an introductory survey of the bonding of inorganic compounds, as well as various reactions of inorganic compounds such as acid-base, oxidation-reduction and substitution reactions * 무기화학 Inorganic Chemistry 2 배위화합물의결합이론, 구조및반응성, 유기금속화합물의특성및촉매로서의응용, 거대무기분자화합물등을다룬다. This course covers such topics as coordination chemistry of transition metals, inorganic reaction mechanisms, and organometallic chemistry * 화학교육론 Theories of Chemistry Education 중등학교화학교육에적용할수있는행동주의학습이론, 인지학습이론, 구성주의학습이론과같은학습이론들을다룬다. 현대의학습이론을강조하고, 학습양식및학습이론과직접관련이있는교수방법도다룬다. This course covers learning theories applied to chemistry instruction in secondary schools. It discusses such topics as behavioral, cognitive, and constructivist learning theories. In addition, the course emphasizes the contemporary perspectives of learning theories * 물리화학실험 Physical Chemistry Lab. < 물리화학 > 이론강의에서이루어지는양자화학, 분광학, 통계열역학, 열역학, 그리고화학반응을강의와병행하여이들영역의화학적개념을실험을통하여보다직접경험하여추상적으로이해하고있는물리화학적개념을구체적으로체득하게되고또물리화학적지식을이용한연구도구를사용하고그원리를분석하는과정을겪으며화학연구도구의원리를이해하여연구방법을체득하는것을목적으로한다. 이를위하여 < 물리화학 1> 과 < 물리화학 2> 를먼저수강하고이강의를수강하는것이바람직하다. 실험내용은교사지망생을주수강생으로고려하여열역학개념에관련된실험을비 중있게다루어, 물질의상태와변화, 평형관계, 용액, 전기화학에관한실험, 화학분광학, 반응속도론, 계면화학및이온수송현상에관련된실험을수행하게된다. As a parallel lecture with <Physical Chemistry> lecture dealing with the theories and basics on quantum chemistry, spectroscopy, statistical thermodynamics, thermodynamics, and chemical reaction, this <Physical Chemistry Laboratory> lecture is aiming to have students to have concrete experiences on chemical concepts through experiments and to have hands-on experiences of physical chemistry research tools as well as to understand the background knowledges of the research tools. For this purpose, it is recommended to take <Physical Chemistry 1> and <Physical Chemistry 2> lectures in advance. Considering the majority of students taking this lecture is aiming for teaching, a great deal of weight is placed on thermodynamics covering various topics such as phase equilibrium, solution, electrochemistry, spectroscopy, kinetics, surface chemistry, and phenomena on ion transport 화학논리및논술 Logic and writing in Chemistry 이강좌에서는화학적사고와이해의특징그리고이를언어적방식을통해의사소통하는활동에대한이론적실천적학습을하고자한다. 특히중등학교교사로서학생들에게화학적으로사고하고표현하는능력을함양하고이를위한효과적인지도방식을실천하는방안을학습하고자한다. 이를통해화학을지도함에있어서학생들의독서및토론활동이활발해질수있는실질적방안들을탐색한다. This course aims to teach practical as well as theoretical knowledges of the features of the thinking and understanding in chemistry and of the linguistic ways to communicate them. Special focus will be given to the ability of secondary teachers to improve students thinking and expression in chemistry and to develop effective teaching methods. Through the course, the ways to encourage students reading and discussion in teaching them chemistry will be explored * 화학교재연구및지도법 Materials and Methods in Teaching of Chemistry 과학교육과정의변천과우리나라과학교육과정을학습한후, 우리나라고등학교화학교재및중학교과학교재의내용을분석한다. 중등학교화학수업에적용할수있는교수이론을학습하고, 주요이론의적용을위한실습을한다. 또한, 과학 - 기술 - 사회를강조한교수방법과교수자료들을익히고, 교사의자기평가도다룬다. This course studies the chemistry pedagogy for secondary schools, through the analysis of school textbooks. In addition, the course provides relevant practices 유기분광학 Organic Spectroscopy Infrared, Ultra-violet, Mass, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 의이론적배경을다루며 H-NMR 뿐만아니라 C-13, N-15 NMR 등이유기화합물의구조를결정하

3 화학교육과 (Dept. of Chemistry Education) 는데어떻게이용되고있는가를배운다. 학기종반에미지시료의 spectrum 으로구조를결정하게하며 Spectrometer 의작동방법을습득하게한다. This course studies the elucidation of organic structure by physical techniques. It also deals with theories about infrared, ultraviolet, as well as nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectra * 화학교육연구 Research in Chemistry Education 현대의과학론과과학교육에서의시사점을논의한다. 화학교육의목적과목표등을배우고, 화학을가르칠때필요한평가이론및방법을익힌다. 또한, 교육학에서기본과목을이수한학생들에게적절한연구방법및화학교육연구내용을다룬다. This course discusses topics regarding contemporary scientific theories and education. Specifically, it studies the purposes and objectives of chemistry education, as well as its evaluation methods 화학교육실험 Chemistry Education Lab. 중등학교과학과목에서다루는화학내용과관련된실험을하고, 실험실활동을실험실교수원리등의관점에서분석한다. 또한과학반활동에적절한실험이나시범실험들을학습한다. This course provides chemical experiements related to secondary school curricula, including discussions on lab education. This course enables students to acquire skills for synthesis of various inorganic compounds and chromatographic as well as ion exchange separation of inorganic compounds A 화학연구 Chemistry Research 1 화학의한영역을선정하여체계적인화학연구의일반적인절차를익힘과아울러문헌의조사법에숙달토록하고주어진주제에대하여독자적으로문헌조사, 실험의계획, 연구의추진, 발표, 평가, 선례통하여창의적인탐구활동을추진시킨다. 또한, 화학의일반적인연구방법절차를토대로하여주어진주제에대한독자적인연구를수행하고논문을완성시키는과정을내용으로한다. This course studies the systematic research procedures in a given area of chemistry. It involves researches into relevant literature, oral presentations, experiments, and written theses 화학연구 Chemistry Research 2 화학혹은화학교육분야의최근연구동향에대해토의한다. 주어진주제에대해독자적으로문헌조사, 실험계획, 연구추진, 발표, 평가, 선례등을통하여창의적인연구를추진시킨다. This course discusses recent research trends in chemistry and its education. It involves researches into relevant literature, oral presentations, experiments, and written theses in a given area of chemistry 분자분광학개론 Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy 진동분광학, 회전분광학, 전자준위분광학, 레이저의원리및레이저분광학그리고광전자및관련분광학의기본원리, 실험방법, 스펙트럼해석방법에대하여학습한다. This course discusses the basic theories and experimental techniques on various aspects regarding the molecular spect- roscopy * 무기화학실험 Inorganic Chemistry Lab. 무기화합물의합성, 분리및분석방법, 무기반응의속도결정, 크로마토그라피와이온교환반응에의한금속이온및무기화합물의분리기술등을습득한다

4 과학공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses in Integrated Science Education) 일반물리학및실험 General Physics and Lab. 2 이과목은공통과학전공교사양성과정에서제시된기본이수과목으로서, 공통과학교육에있어가장기초적인과목이다. 전하, 전기장, 가우스의법칙, 전위, 기전력과회로, 자기장, 암페어의법칙, 페러데이의법칙, 인덕턴스, 물질의자기적성질, 전자기파, 기하광학, 파동광학, 양자물리, 상대론, 물질의파동성과입자성등을논의하며, 자기장의측정, 오옴의법칙, R-L-C 공진회로, 임피던스측정, 리사쥬곡선, 전류천칭, 레이저를이용한간섭및회절, 현의진동등을실험한다. This requisite course is one of the basic courses for students majoring in common science education. Charge, electric field, Gauss law, electric potential, emf and circuit, magnetic field, Ampere s law, Faraday s law, inductance, magnetic properties of matters, electromagnetic waves, geometrical optics, wave optics, quantum physics, relativity, and the dual nature of matter will be discussed. Experiments including magnetic field, Ohm s law, RLC resonance circuit, impedance, Lissajous figures, current balance, laser, and the vibration of strings will be performed 일반화학및실험 General Chemistry and Lab. 2 이과목은공통과학전공교사양성과정에서제시된기본이수과목으로서, 공통과학교사가반드시갖추어야할기초과학인일반화학전반에걸친강의와실험으로진행된다. 반응속도론, 화학평형, 분자운동론, 금속과비금속의화학, 배위화합물, 유기화학과생화학의기초, 간단한기기의조작및실험데이터처리와통계등을전반적으로다루어물리학, 지구과학, 생물학등의관련연구에도반드시필요한화학적지식과실험기술의훌륭한밑거름을제공한다. This course in chemistry is for students in the integrated science teacher program. Topics will cover reaction kinetics, chemical equilibrium, Kinetic theory of molecules, metals and nonmetals, coordination compounds, organic chemistry, biochemistry basics, instrument operation, and experimental data handling and statistics. The course will offer chemical principles and experiments for students majoring in other sciences such as physics, earth science, and biology 일반생물학및실험 General Biology and Lab. 2 이과목은공통과학전공교사양성과정에서제시된기본이수과목이다. 이과목에서는소화, 호흡, 순환, 배설등의대사과정과면역계, 자극에대한동. 식물의반응, 신경계, 분류와진화, 생태등을보다폭넓게강의한다. This basic course is for students majoring in common science education. Topics will cover the molecular interpre- tation of life phenomena, history of modern biology, origin of life, structure materials of living things, cells, heredity, metabolism, reproduction, and development 일반지구과학및실험 General Earth Science and Lab. 2 이과목은공통과학전공교사양성과정에제시된기본이수과목에해당하는것으로, 과학교육론, 일반물리학및실험, 일반화학및실험, 일반생물학및실험과더불어공통과학교사양성에있어서가장기본이되는과목이다. 지구과학전반의이론을탐색하고기본적인실험을통해이를확인하는과정으로이루어지며, 지구과학이라는학문의특성과지구과학을구성하고있는천문, 대기, 해양, 지질학각영역의특성을파악하여중등지구과학교육에있어서지구과학분야의학습지도에도움이되도록하는데그목표가있다. This requisite course is for students majoring in common science, science education, general physics, general chemistry, and general biology. It will deal with the basic principles of and laboratory studies on earth science. The course will challenge students to develop models of how the earth functions. Topics will include a brief introduction to astronomy, meteorology, oceanography, and geology. The course will help students to teach earth science at middle and high schools A 과학탐구지도 Teaching Inquiry for Science 공통과학의각영역에서포함하고있는탐구활동지도를실질적으로안내하기위하여탐구활동에대한전반적인안내와함께교육과정및교과서에나오는구체적탐구활동을경험하고실질적인지도방법을다룬다. 각영역의내용을보다심도있게다루기위하여네영역의교수진이상호협력하여내용을구성하고수업을지도한다. 또한학생들의실질적인탐구활동경험이충분히이루어질수있도록실습시간을함께제공한다. Students will experience inquiry activities and learn practical instructing methods for teaching integrated science in national curriculum effectively. A cooperative teaching group from different areas will lead this course from organizing contents to instruction. This course has practice times following lecture 교사를위한과학사 History of Science for Teachers 이강좌는중등과학교사를위한과학사입문강좌로서고대그리스과학사상으로부터중세의과학, 천문학등과학혁명과근대과학의탄생, 20 세기현대과학의탄생과발전에이르는과학의역사적발전과정전반을개관한다. 특히, 학생의과학개념과과학사에서의과학개념의변천의비교, 과학교육에서의과학사적접근등과학교육에서의과학사의활용방안등에대한이론적, 실천적배경지식을습득하고자한다. This course, as an introductory history of science course for science teachers, outlines the general historical development of science, covering from ancient Greek science ideas, scientific revolution and the birth of modern sciences such as in astronomy, the beginning and development of contemporary science during the 20C. In particular, special attention will be given to the ways of using the history of science in science education, such as the comparison of students science ideas and historical development of science concepts, historical approaches to science teaching. Practical as well as theoretical knowledge will be expected to be gained

5 교사를위한과학철학 Philosophy of Science for Teachers 이강좌는중등과학교사를위한과학철학입문강좌로서고대그리스과학사상으로부터귀납주의, 연역주의, 경험주의, 실증주의, 반증주의등에이르는과학및과학탐구의본성에대한다양한철학적관점에대해살펴본다. 특히, 최근과학교육의철학적배경이론이되는다양한구성주의적관점을살펴봄으로써과학교육에서의과학철학의활용방안등에대한이론적, 실천적배경지식을습득하고자한다. This course, as an introductory philosophy of science course for science teachers, outlines various views of the nature of science and scientific inquiry, covering from ancient Greek science ideas, induction, deduction, empiricism, positivism, falsification. In particular, special attention will be given to the ways of using the philosophy of science in science education, by looking at various perspectives of constructivism which has been the background theory of recent science education. Practical as well as theoretical knowledge will be expected to be gained 과학적사고와논술 Thinking and Writing in Science 이강좌에서는과학적사고와이해의특징그리고이를언어적방식을통해의사소통하는활동에대한이론적실천적학습을하고자한다. 특히중등학교교사로서학생들에게과학적으로사고하고표현하는능력을함양하고이를위한효과적인지도방식을실천하는방안을학습하고자한다. 이를통해과학을지도함에있어서학생들의독서및토론활동이활발해질수있는실질적방안들을탐색한다. This course aims to teach practical as well as theoretical knowledges of the features of the thinking and understanding in science and of the linguistic ways to communicate them. Special focus will be given to the ability of secondary teachers to improve students' thinking and expression in science and to develop effective teaching methods. Through the course, the ways to encourage students reading and discussion in teaching them science will be explored 과학교육론 Science Education 과학교사가되기위한기본소양을쌓는과목으로서, 과학교육의목표, 과학교육과정, 과학탐구, 과학교수 - 학습, 과학교육시설, 과학교육평가, 과학교육정책등과학교육의전반에대한기초적인이론과지식을습득한다. 본강좌에서는과목으로서의과학의특성을반영하는교육적실천과지식을지향한다. As the fundamental subject for science teachers, this course provides basic theories and knowledge covering the whole areas of science education, such as aims, curriculum, scientific inquiry, teaching & learning, school facilities, assessment, policy issues in science. This course pursues educational practice and knowledge reflecting the features of science as school subjects

6 전공탐색과목 (Pre-major Tracks for College of Education) A 독일문화와영상매체 German Culture and Medium 대표적인독일문화를문자매체와영상매체를통해감상함으로써독일문화과예술에대한이해를높인다. 영상매체를이용해서보다사실적으로독일문화교육의발전과정에서문화교육의가치와주요한개념들을이해하고, 문예학의발전과사회적, 문화적발전에상응하는문화교육의방향과방법을이해하고자한다. 문화교육의목적, 문화교육의방향과방법, 교수법적측면에서본문화교육, 한국문화교육의현재와독일문화교육의수용등다양한주제로연구될수있다. By giving the opportunities to meet the major works through the image media, the course is helpful to understanding German culture and Art. The course aims at understanding the critical concepts in Education with the Culture in the process of the Education with German Culture. With this, Students can have the opportunities to consider about the direction and the ways, adjusting to the social, cultural developments of the education with Culture 현대사회와지리 Modern Society and Geography 우리나라의도시화와산업화에서보는바와같이현대사회를이루는구성요소는복잡하고급속히변하고있다. 이과목에서는이러한사회, 경제, 문화적인요소가우리나라및세계각지역에어떻게분포하고, 이들이어떻게변하고있으며오늘날우리사회의특성을이루는가를살펴보려고한다. 예를들면도시화, 산업화가일어난사회 경제적원인을분석하고, 우리나라및세계의여러지역이갖고있는문제를이해하고그대안을연구해본다. 특히인간의활동이현대사회에미친영향에초점을둔다. The organization of modern society has changed very rapidly and complicatedly, as is obvious in the case of urbanization and industrialization in Korea. This course is designed to show where the social, economic, and cultural elements are located and how they are distributed and changed, thus affecting the characteristics of Korean society. Students will focus on how human activities affect modern society 환경과지리 Environment and Geography 오늘날우리사회가겪고있는환경문제를진단하고대안을찾기위해서다학문적이고, 간학문적인접근이필요하다. 지리학은전통적으로인간과자연과의관련성이해를강조해왔는데, 최근우리사회가맞고있는지리과목에서적절한주제가된다. 자연환경에서부터인문환경에이르는광범위한주제가대상에포함될수있으나이과목에서는인간의활동이자연환경에미친영향과, 이와관련한환경교육과같은자연환경에초점을둔다. To diagnose and solve environmental problems, this course will take an interdisciplinary approach. Traditionally, geography focused on the relationship between man and his envi- ronment. It is therefore appropriate for the geographer to approach environmental issues. Students will focus on how human activities affect on our environment and discuss issues in environment education 교육심리학 Education Psychology 본과목은교육현상에대한심리적접근에대한기본적이해를형성하도록하는데그목적이있다. 발달, 학습, 동기측면에서관련된선행연구에대한이해를바탕으로교육현상을이해하는교육심리학적관점을형성할수있도록강의와토론을중심으로수업이이루어진다. This course is intended to develop understanding on educational phenomena from the educational psychology perspective. Students will develop their own perspective through participating in various class activities and in-depth discussion on research findings and implications will be done in areas of development, learning, and motivation 영미어문교육의기초 Foundations of English Language, Literature and Education 사범대어문계열로들어오는신입생들이장차자신이전공할분야를탐색하는전공탐색과목으로서영어교육의기초가되는영어교육학, 영어학및영미문학분야에대한개관적인조망을영미어문교육의시각에서통합적으로제시한다. 특히, 영어교육분야에서는영어교육론, 영어교수법, 영어교재론, 응용언어학 ( 심리언어학및사회언어학 ), 영한대조분석등을조망하고, 영어학분야에서는영어학개론, 영어음운론등을개관하며, 영미문학분야에서는영미소설, 영미문학개론, 영미시, 영미희곡, 영미문학비평등을조망한다. A basis interdisciplinary course for freshmen majoring in language education, this course will provide them with an over- view of English literature, linguistics, and language education. Topics will cover: English language learning and teaching, teaching methodology in TEEL, teaching materials in TEEL, applied linguistics, contrastive analyssis and in relation to English education; an introduction to English linguistics and phonology in relation to English linguistics; and an introduction to British and American fiction, poetry, drama, and literary criticism in relation to British and American literature 프랑스문화개론 Introduction to French Cultures 1 본과목은사범대학어문교육계열학생들을대상으로프랑스문화에대한다양한접근을통해프랑스어전공분야를소개한다. This course on French culture and its current issues aims at enhancing the qualifications of prospective French teachers 프랑스문화개론 Introduction to French Cultures 2 본과목은사범대학어문교육계열학생들을대상으로프랑스문화에대한다양한접근을통해프랑스어전공분야를소개한다

7 A seminar in the selected topics of French cultural tradition or its current issues with a view to enhancing the level of qualification of prospective teachers of French 민주주의론 Theories of Democracy 민주주의는국민들에의한지배를의미한다. 그것은정치공동체에살고있는개인들이실제적으로나혹은가능성의차원에서그공동체의결정과정에참여하는것을보장하는체계다. 물론어떤유형의참여가바람직한가하는점은오늘날에도쟁점이되어있다. 직접민주주의나참여민주주의를선호하는사람들은시민스스로토론과심의를통해공동체의결정과정에참여해야한다고주장한다. 그런가하면대의민주주의자들은대표자선정이나혹은현안문제에대하여투표를통해결정하는것이중요하다고강조해왔다. 민주주의와관련된규범적문제가있다면, 민주주의의본질과그가치에관한문제들이다. 민주주의는자유와평등을고양하기에가치가있다. 그러나민주적결정이다수결에의해이루어진다는점을감안하면, 소수자에대한평등권은도전을받게된다. 또한모든사람들의의견을하나로취급함으로써 책임있는투표 와 무책임한투표 를꼭같이평가한다. 한편그렇다고해도사람들의의견을투표를통해수렴할때올바른해결책이나올수있다는희망을가질수있을것이다. 본과목에서학생들은민주주의의강점과약점을이해할수있어야하고민주주의제도뿐아니라가치에대해서비판적으로평가할수있는안목을가지게될것으로기대된다. Democracy means rule by the people. It is a system of decision making in which everyone who belongs to the political community making the decision is actually or potentially involved. There have been competing conceptions about what this involves. On one conception this means that everyone should participate in making the decision themselves, which should emerge from a full discussion. On another conception, it means that everyone should be able to vote between proposals or for representatives who will be entrusted with making the decision; the proposal or representative with most votes wins. Normative problems connected with democracy relate both to its nature and its value. Democracy has value because it promotes liberty and equality. Given the majority rule, however, the minority may not be thought to be treated equally. Moreover, democracy considers the ignorant as being as important as the knowledgeable, by counting everyone's opinions as of equal value. But voting may in certain circumstances be the right way of achieving knowledge. Pooling opinions may lead to better group judgement. This class will pay attention to the attractive points and vulnerable ones of democracy. Participants in this class are expected to understand norms and values of democracy as well as the institutions of democracy in a critical way 역사학개론 Introduction to Korean History 역사학과역사교육학습및공통사회교습의첫걸음으로서역사학을통한교육적, 인문적소양을함양하도록우리나라및동 서양의역사인식, 연구대상과방법, 역사서술, 역사교육등 을개별성과보편성에서파악하게한다. This course is the first step in the study of history, history teaching, and social studies. Students will investigate the facts and ideas of Korean and world history through physical data and historical narratives. They will also learn to see history in terms of particularity and universality 독일문화와생활 Culture and Life in Germany 외국어를학습하는데있어서그나라의문화를아는것은필수적인요소이다. 본과목은독일의정치, 사회, 문화전반에대하여개괄함으로써, 학생들이독어학, 독문학, 독어교수법등을학습하는데기초가되는상호문화적능력을향상시키는것을목적으로한다. This course overviews German politics, society, and culture. It focuses on enhancing intercultural ability in order to learn German language, literature, and pedagogy 기초독문법 Basic German Grammar 본과목은독문법의기초적인내용들을학습함으로써학생들의독일어문법능력을향상시키는데그목적이있다. 특히일반문법과는구별되는학습자문법 (Schulgrammatik) 의관점에서수업을진행함으로써예비독일어교사인학생들이장차학교수업에서독일어문법을가르치게될때필수적으로갖춰야할능력들을신장시키는데그주안점을둔다. The course aims at improvement in practicing the basic grammar in German This course deals with various German grammar theories, which will then be applied to the study of the Korean language 독어발음및듣기지도 German Pronunciation and Listening 본과목은언어습득의네가지영역, 즉쓰기, 듣기, 말하기, 읽기영역중에서듣기영역의능력을향상하기위한것으로서, 독일어테이프가첨부된독어교재, 독일방송극, 독일시등의시청각자료를통해서청취력향상에중점을둔다. 이러한발음과듣기훈련과정을거쳐학생들은말하기능력을자연스럽게향상시킬수있을것이다. 전공탐색과목으로서 1 학년때정확한발음과청취능력을발달시키기위해서이과목의신설이필요하다고판단되어본과목을신설하고자한다. The course is for the improvement in listening part It is for the improvement in the ability of listening by using kinds of texts in the visual and audio media In the first grade, the establishment of this subject is necessary for the advances of the accurate pronunciation and listening ability 현대윤리학개론 Introduction to Modern Ethics 윤리학은인식론, 형이상학과더불어철학의중요분과이면서또도덕윤리교육의중요내용학이다. 칸트가순수이성 ( 인식론 ) 에대해실천이성 ( 윤리학 ) 의우위를주장했던데에서도짐작할수있듯이, 우리는어떻게행위해야하는가, 우리는어

8 떻게살아야하는가, 참으로가치있는것은무엇인가, 삶의의미는무엇인가, 무엇이인생을살만한가치가있도록하는가 를묻는윤리학은사실상인간의최종적관심사를다루는학문이라할수있다. 본강의는현대윤리학의주요이론과쟁점들을소개하는것과아울러실천윤리의측면도함께다룬다. Ethics is an main branch of philosophy with epistemology and metaphysics, and also a base of the moral education. As Kant insisted on the preference of the practical reason to the theoretical reason, ethics is an important study that deals with our primary concerns such as What should we do?, How should we live?, What is really valuable?, What is the meaning of life?, What makes life livable?. This lecture deals with important theories and disputed points of modern ethics 유럽과미국사회와문화의이해 Understanding European and American Societies and Cultures 본과목은사범대학외국어교육학과 ( 영어, 독어, 불어전공 ) 학생을대상으로하는강좌이다. 본강좌는유럽과미주지역의다양한사회와문화 ( 언어, 문학, 예술, 역사, 사회등 ) 를통합적이고유기적으로이해하는것을목표로하며팀티칭의형식으로진행된다. This course is designed for the students in three foreign language education departments (English, German and French) of the College of Education. It aims to foster an integrative understanding of the various societies and cultures (language, literature, arts, history etc.) of Europe and America. The course will be taught through team teaching 한국사개론 Introduction to Korean History 공통사회 교습에서반드시갖추어야할우리식자세와안목을역사적으로정립하도록우리나라고대에서현대에이르는국사의행정을세계사와관련하여체계성과계통성에서이해하고파악한다. In this course, students will study the Korean history systematically in relation to world history, so as to gain the traditional historical attitude and viewpoint essential in teaching social studies 시민교육론 Civic Education 사회과교육의궁극적목적은훌륭한시민의자질을향상하는데있다. 시민교육론은사회과교육중에서가장핵심적인시민교육의목표, 역사적발전과정, 내용구성, 방법평가등에중점을두면서국민의한사람으로서갖추어야할정치, 경제, 사회, 문화의여러영역에서필요한각종정보를획득하고당면하는문제를해결하며기대되는역할을수행할수있는능력을갖추게하는교육을연구하는과목이다. This course is a study of social studies education as civic education and citizenship education. The emphasis is on the relationship between social studies and citizenship education, the concept, problems, and future directions of citizenship education, and the attitudes and abilities needed for good citizens


<31335FB1C7B0E6C7CABFDC2E687770> 에너지기후변화교육 4(2):203~211(2014) 203 초등학교 교과서 에너지 단원의 탐구활동과 시각자료 기능 분석 사례 연구 신명경 권경필 * 경인교육대학교 Abstract : This study aimed to analyze energy related inquiry activity and visual materials in elementary textbook.

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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp DOI: : Researc

Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp DOI:   : Researc Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp.251-273 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.27.2.201706.251 : 1997 2005 Research Trend Analysis on the Korean Alternative Education

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