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1 < 색채의향연, 단청> -Arirang TV : weekly pro- Ancestral Legacies 13회 방송 프롤로그 # 단풍 / 신선세계처럼운무낀산 사찰천정에그려진아름다운그림 궁궐과사찰에칠해진단청-자연과앙상블 자연의아름다움.. 인간이도달하고자하는이상세계.. 상서로운(felicitous;auspicious;propitious) 총천연색으로 painting해서본질의아름다움을 완벽하게구현(embody) 하고자한것이 바로한국의 Dancheong 이다. 문양을 The beauty of nature... A utopian world that humans wish to live in... Korea's dancheong are beautiful, auspicious patterns drawn on buildings and they embody perfection and unsurpassed beauty. Title : Dancheong, a Traditional Korean Art 역사 # 고구려벽화 동굴입구처럼보이는~ 찬란한고구려벽화 유네스코에의해세계문화유산으로지정된 고구려벽화. 고대한국인에의해창조됐는데, 당시의생활상과고대한국인이생각하는이상향 이생동감넘치는필체(drawing) 와아름다운색감 으로묘사돼있어, 세계문화인류사에서뛰어난예술성과소중한문화 유산으로써그가치가높게평가받고있다. 한국의 painting colorfully, Dancheong의역사가 매우오래되고대단히화려했다는것을알수 있는데, 2 천년이흐른지금에도아름다운색채(color) 의 향기를느낄수있어세계인들이감탄하고있다. The Goguryeo Wall Paintings have been designated as a World Heritage Site - 1 -

2 by UNESCO. They were skillfully drawn by ancient Koreans and the life-like, colorful paintings depict the lives of the Koreans thousands of years ago. These wall paintings are recognized as masterpieces they are priceless in their cultural value. They also indicate that the history of Korea's dancheong can be traced back much further into the ancient past. Even after 2000 years, the colors shown in these wall paintings are still vibrant and impresses anyone who sees them. # 봉정사전경 / 극락전등단청 세계에서가장오래된목조건축물인봉정 temple.. 나무로지어졌는데도아직까지썩지않고 동안건재한것을신기해하는데, 1500년 그비밀은봉정 temple에칠해진 Dancheong에 있다. 목재위에 painting colorfully함으로써비바람에 목재가부식되는것을방지하고, 건물의미적가치를높였다. Bongjeong Temple is the oldest wooden structure in Korea. Although it was built from wood, the structure has not rotted after standing in the same spot for 1500 years. The secret to its longevity is the dancheong that was painted on the temple building. Giving the temple an aesthetic beauty, the colorful paintings on the wood protected it from wind, rain, and corrosion. # 창덕궁 동양궁궐건축사에서비정형적조형미를간직한 대표적인궁으로써주변자연환경과완벽한조화 와배치가탁월하다는점에서, 세계문화유산으로지정된창덕궁 palace. 창덕궁 palace 역시아름다운 painting colorfully로 palace 세계인의사랑을받고있다. 전체를장식해 Dancheong, As an Oriental palace that shows the harmony between sharp edges and delicate lines, Changdeok Palace is acclaimed for how well it blends with its surrounding area. It has been designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Like other ancient buildings, it also features beautiful dancheongs on its walls and roof

3 # 불국사불교에서말하는이상세계를뛰어난건축예술로체현(embody;personify;impersonate) 하였다하여세계문화유산으로지정된불국 temple.. 불국 temple 역시화려한색깔과다양한문양으로보는이로하여금아름다운이상세계를열망케하며매혹시킨다. Designatings as a World Heritage Site, Bulguk Temple is an architectural interpretion of the ideal world described in Buddhism. The outstanding and colorful patterns drawn on the temple buildings will charm visitors as they seek the beautiful heavenly world. # 다양한건물에칠해진단청과문양들 예로부터건물에자신들이생각하는이상향을 형상화한문양을아름다운색깔로채색하여 고귀한이상세계를현실에서실현시키고자했던 한국인의전통이바로 Dancheong 이다. Dancheong is a Korean tradition of drawing beautiful patterns on buildings to depict a utopian world, which they wished they could attain in reality. BR : 고구려벽화~ 한국아름다운단청그림한국인의뛰어난예술성과숭고한의식오색찬란한빛깔과독특한문양한국의 painting colorfully Dancheong 단청실연 # 구름에쌓인산 / 금천사전경자연의신비로움과아름다움.. 예로부터자연의품성을담고자산속깊은곳에자리잡은한국의산사.. The beauty and mystery of nature... Buddhist temples were usually built deep in the mountains where the monks could connect with nature and learn its wisdom. 구상 # 절올라가고절둘러보며구상하는장면 - 3 -

4 새로건립되는 temple의 단청, painting colorfully 하기위해단청 master가 temple의구조와모양 을꼼꼼히살핀다. 적합한문양과색깔을선택하고, 전체의조화와 아름다움을구상하기위해서다. When drawing a dancheong on a newly-built temple, the dancheong painter will carefully examine the design of the temple's structure. He will select the palate of colors and try to make a beautiful painting that will blend in harmony with the building. 예불 # 연꽃 / 예불장면 temple에 painting colorfully 하기전에우선, 부처님께예불 (hold worship in front of Buddha) 을올린다. 부디 temple 을극락세계(the Land of Happiness) 처럼아름답게 painting colorfully해서세상사람들 이이를보고아름답고착하게살수있게해달라 고부처님께기원하는것이다. Before the painter makes his first brush stroke, he will worship in front of a Buddha statue. The painter will pray that people will appreciate the painting after it is finished as a beautiful portrayal of the Land of Happiness. Design # 아름다운단풍 / 출초 ( 화선지에그리는) 예불(hold worship in front of Buddha) 이끝난 뒤, temple에 painting colorfully할문양을 design 한다. 건축부재의크기와길이에꼭맞게 하기때문에 design해야 0.1mm 의착오도있어서는안된다. When the worshipping is over, the painter will sketch the pattern first. He must make a sketch that has correct proportions to the size of the building. There is little margin of error. design outline 바늘로구멍내기 # 천초 ( 바늘로뚫기) - 4 -

5 타분( 건축물위에종이올려놓고하얀가루뿌려문양윤곽드러내게하는) 타분선따라다양하게색칠 - ( 서까래, 갈모산방, 도리, 장여단청중) design 이끝난뒤, design outline 을바늘로구멍을낸다. 구멍이뚫린 design paper를건축물표면위에 올려놓고흰가루를뿌리면, 문양의 outline이선명하게드러나서 그선을경계로 때문이다. painting colorfully 할수있기 When the outline sketch is complete, a needle is used to puncture holes in the outline. A special paper is attached to the surface of the building and white powder is sprinkled on top of it. When the outline of the pattern emerges, the painter will paint the dancheong within the lines. # 건물표면매끄럽게닦기 아름다운자연이나사철전경 면닦기 ( 마포로문지르기) (sandpaper 로닦기) temple에 painting colorfully할모든문양의 design 이끝난뒤, 건물표면을연마지(sandpaper) 로닦는다. 나무옹이(knar) 를제거하고대패질자국을없애 건물표면을매끄럽게해서채색이잘스며들고 윤기있게하기위함이다. After the pattern design of the dancheong is completed, the surface of the wood is smoothened with sandpaper. Any knots and rough edges on the wood will be eliminated and a smooth surface will let the wood absorb the paint evenly. 아교(glue) 바르기 # 아교포수 그런뒤, 매끄럽게만든건물표면에아교(glue) 를 바른다. 채색할때안료(pigments) 가건물표면에잘 접착되게하고, 응집력을증가시켜색이다른곳으로번지는것을 방지하기때문이다. Then glue will be applied to the surface to make it even smoother. The glue - 5 -

6 will prep the wood before the patterns are painted on it. It will make the pigments stick to the surface better and since it is a sticky material, it will prevent the paint from dripping. 물감만들기 # 조색 ( 물감만들기) 오채(5가지색깔-적, 청, 황, 흑, 백) 오방색 CG 이제본격적으로 물감을만든다. painting colorfully 원색은그대로사용하는데, 하기위해 기본색은 Yellow, Blue, Red, White, black 이렇게 5 가지색이다. Now, the painter will start making paints to use for the dancheong. He will use the five primary colors, which are yellow, blue, red, white and black. 예로부터한국사람들은음양오행에따라 세상의중심은땅을상징하는노란색, 해가뜨는동쪽은봄을상징하는청색, 따뜻한남쪽은여름을상징하는붉은색, 해가지는서쪽은가을을상징하는백색, 추운북쪽은겨울을상징하는흑색을사용하였고 각방위를지키는신이있다고믿었기때문이다. From ancient times, Korean people believed in the yin and the yang as well as the five elements theory. Yellow symbolizes earth, blue (the color of spring) symbolizes the east where the sun rises, red (the color of summer) symbolizes the warm south, white (the color of autumn) symbolizes the west where the sun sets, and black (the color of winter) symbolizes the cold north. It was also believed that there was a god for each different direction of the world. # 물감섞어다양한색만드는 / 중간아름다운꽃과형형색색의자연 기본 5색을바탕으로하여 자연에존재하는아름다운색깔과 인간이생각하는최고로환상적인색을 만들어내기위해여러색을혼합한다. 이혼합비법에따라영롱하고오묘한빛깔이 탄생되기때문에, - 6 -

7 단청 master의뛰어난예술적감각이여기에서 찬란하게빛난다. These five colors will be mixed together to create marvelous colors and natural tones. The mixing technique will also influence whether the combined colors will produce a nice shiny paint. This process heavily depends on the skill of the dancheong painter. BR : 아름다운단청사진슬라이드쇼아름다운색채의향연고대한국인에의해창조된독특한비법 5천년동안전승된한국의찬란한예술세계 Dancheong 바탕색칠하기 # 처마부뇌록가칠 ( 연한녹색) 본격적으로건물에 painting colorfully 하기위해우선바탕색을칠한다. 연한녹색을칠하는데, 그위에칠할다양한문양의색깔을보다선명하게하고칠이벗겨지는것을방지하기때문이다. A base coat of paint is applied to prime the surface before the dancheong is drawn. This layer of paint is usually of a light green color and it will accentuate the colors of the actual painting. # 처마부양록바탕칠 밑색으로칠한연한녹색이다마른뒤, 그위에좀더진한녹색을칠한다. 햇빛에안료(pigments) 가바래는(fade) 것을 방지하기때문이다. After the green paint completely dries, another layer of dark green paint is coated on top of it. This will keep the colors from fading. 문양프린트하기( 입히기) # 아름다운사찰-자료나프로그램내에서찾기 서까래머리초타분 ( 건물표면에문양초본올려놓고흰가루칠하기) 밑색으로칠한녹색이다마른뒤, 구멍을뚫어서 design outline이선명하게표시된 - 7 -

8 paper 를건축물표면위에올려놓고 조개가루를빻아서만든흰가루를뿌린다. 흰가루가미리 통과해서, design paper에뚫어놓은구멍을 밑색으로칠한녹색위에문양의 게드러나서, 그선을경계로 outline이선명하 painting colorfully 할수있다. When the second layer of paint is dry, the special paper that shows the outline of the pattern will be laid on the surface of the building and white powder made from crushing seashells will be spread on it. The white powder will leave an outline on the painted surface since the paper has tiny holes that were punctured by a needle already. Then the painter will start painting the dancheong within this outline. 채색하기 # 초빛넣기 / 밝은색~ 진한색 문양을건물표면에입힌(print) 뒤, 본격적으로채색하기시작한다. 우선각문양의가장밝은색부터칠한다. 진한( 어두운) 색을칠한위에밝은색을칠하면, 밝은색이잘드러나지않고색깔이죽기 때문이다. 그래서밝은색부터칠한뒤차차좀더진한색을 칠한다. After printing the pattern on the surface of the building, the painter will begin to add colors. He will paint the brightest colors first since a bright color will look less bright if it is painted over a dark layer of paint. Thus, he will paint the bright colors first and the dark colors will be painted last. # 서까래( 지붕처마밑길게늘어선나무들) 단청서까래보다낮은곳색칠하기위에있는서까래단청건물의채색은상부(upside) 부터하는데, 아래부터채색을하면, 나중에상부를칠할때물감이아래로떨어져서기껏정성들여칠한문양을망칠수있기때문이다

9 그래서항상건물의상부(upside) 부터채색하는 것이원칙이다. The painter will begin to work on the top of the building when he paints the dancheong because paint tends to drip downward. Thus, it is a basic rule to paint the dancheong from the top. 문양 # 다양한문양채색 / 고구려벽화등에나타난다양한문양 옷이나장신구등에새겨진문양들 건축물다양한문양단청 연화( 연꽃) 문양- 서까래, 도리장여단청 한국의 painting colorfully, Dancheong에서 가장중요한것이문양이다. 예로부터한국인들은자신들이생각하는이상향과 길조 (good[lucky] omen, good[happy] augury, auspicious sign) 를상징화한문양을건물이나옷, 장신구에새겨서현실에서실현되기를바랬다. 그래서건축물에도 상서로운(felicitous;auspicious;propitious) 아름다운색채로장식했는데, 그중한국인들이가장좋아하는문양은, 연꽃(lotus flower) 문양이다. 문양을 The most important part of the dancheong is to draw a beautiful pattern. Long ago, Koreans drew patterns onto buildings or sewed them onto their clothes and other articles to wish for good luck. So auspicious patterns were beautifully drawn on buildings. The lotus flower is one of the favorite plants that are drawn as patterns on buildings and clothes. # 연꽃 / 중간중간연화문양 연꽃은꽃이핌과동시에많은열매가동시에 열려풍요를상징하고, 1000 년이지나도썩지않고아름다운꽃을피워 영원한생명을상징하고, 더러운진흙탕에서자라지만, 자신은흙탕물하나안묻히고깨끗하고 청아(elegant;graceful;refined) 하기때문이다. When lotus flowers bloom, it will usually coincide with the growth of fruits on - 9 -

10 trees and plants, and that is why lotus flowers became symbols of a bountiful harvest. Since lotus plants do not rot even after it is kept for a thousand years, they symbolize eternal life as well. They grow in muddy waters, but the plants stay clean and beautiful in such environments, highlighting its graceful beauty. # 연화문양 / 당초문( 식물잎사귀연결된모습) -갈모산방 연꽃(lotus flower) 문양다음으로 한국인들이좋아하는문양은, 당초문(arabesque (pattern, design) 이다. 당초문(arabesque (pattern, design) 은끝없이 꽃잎과넝쿨이이어져서영원한생명과행복을 상징한다. Another favorite pattern among Koreans is the arabesque pattern. It displays a pattern of flower petals and honeysuckles that go on endlessly. These are symbols of eternal life and happiness. # 비단문양 - 주의단청( 기둥머리) 비단문양역시한국인들이좋아하는문양인데, 최고급옷감이라부귀와명예를상징하기때문이다. 다양한무늬가있는비단을바른것처럼문양을그려넣는다. Drawings of silk is also used as patterns and since they are used to make luxurious fabric, silk represents wealth and honor. Colorful geometric designs of silk are used as patterns. # 박쥐문양- 머리초묶음( 박쥐문) 박쥐문양도부귀를상징하는데, 박쥐가번식률이강해다산과재물의번창을 가져다준다고믿기때문이다. Bats are drawn because they symbolize wealth and fame. Many Koreans used to believe that bats could bring them prosperity and wealth because they could multiply very quickly. # 귀면( 도깨비) 문양-궁창단청 도깨비문양은한국인들이집앞에꼭걸어놓은

11 문양이다. 왜냐하면옛날에는질병, 죽음, 재앙등을사악한 귀신의탓이라고여겨서, 귀신보다더무섭고사납게생긴도깨비를걸어 놓으면, 귀신이무서워서도망간다고믿었기때문 이다. Drawings of goblins always appear in front of the homes of Koreans. Since diseases, death, and misfortune were thought to be caused by evil spirits, they hung paintings of scary goblins around their house to ward of these spirits. # 용머리단청용은아예조각을해서건물입구에세워놓았는데, 그이유는용이물의신이기때문에화재를예방한다고믿었기때문이다. Stone sculpture of dragons are usually placed near the building entrance. Dragons are the gods of water so they were believed to prevent fire accidents. # 건물내부대량( 대들보) 에용단청 건물내부에있는대들보(girder) 에도용을크게 그렸는데, 화재예방과아울러힘이센용이대들보(girder) 처 럼집을튼튼하게떠받쳐서오래도록안전하고 행복하게살기를바라는마음이담겨있다. Dragons were also drawn on the crossbeams inside the building not only because the dragon was a symbol of water but also because it symbolized strength. Crossbeams have to be sturdy enough to support the building. # 내부천장단청 사람이늘올려다보는천장(the ceiling) 에는인간 이소망하는이상세계를형상화하는데, temple 이라 비천(legendary flying wizard[fairy) 과용, 봉황(phoenix), paradise 를형상화했다. 학등을그려넣어가장아름다운 People frequently look up at the ceiling of a temple so paintings of a utopian

12 world were drawn here as well. A flying wizard, dragon, phoenix, or crane were drawn on the ceilings to portray a beautiful paradise. # 포벽( 벽) 단청 그리고사람들의눈에잘뜨이는건물벽에는 부처의말씀을항상기억하고올바르게살수 있게부처님과 부처님의율법과자비를형상화한만다라화 (mandala) 등을그린다. Buddha and the mandala, which is an image representing Buddha's mercy and teachings, is drawn on the outer walls of the building to remind people of Buddha's teachings. BR : 각종문양들상징과기원 (wish) 상서로운(felicitous;auspicious;propitious) 문양한국의 painting colorfully Dancheong 금단장 # 문양채색완료된모습 / 금박붙이기금박접착제칠하기모든문양을채색한뒤, 문양을도드라지게표현하고부처의자비를찬란하게표현하기위해금박을붙인다. 금박은두께가미세하고손에잘달라붙어서건물표면에붙이기가쉽지않은데, 우선건물표면에접착제를칠한뒤에붙인다. 접착제는캐슈나무에서추출한수액을사용한다. 접착력이매우강해금박을건물표면에붙이는데아주좋다. After all the patterns are painted, they are mounted in gold to make them look conspicuous and glitter like the light of Buddha. Gold foil is very thin and has a tendency of sticking to any surface, making it difficult to apply to the painting. So the surface is coated with an adhesive layer before the gold is attached to it. The adhesive is a resin extracted from cashew trees. It is extremely sticky and is the perfect material to use for this job

13 # 홍점석 / < 단청> 기능보유자 예로부터금박은옻칠이나부레풀(isinglass) 을이용하여붙였습니다. 그러나옻칠은부작용으로다루기가어렵고, 부레풀또한시공이매우까다롭기때문에시간이많이걸리는단점이있습니다. 그래서제가착안한것이카슈입니다. 카슈는옻나무과의일종인카슈나무에서추출한수액을성분으로만든것인데, 다루기도쉽고, 접착력도매우강해 금박을붙일때아주중요한접착제로사용하고있습니다. # 금박붙이기캐슈를칠한뒤접착제가막말라붙으려고할때금박을붙인다. 접착제가마르지않은상태에서금박을붙이면, 접착제가다른곳으로번져애써서아름다운색채로문양을망치기때문이다. The gold foil is mounted after the cashew resin is dried for a little while. When the cashew resin is still wet, it will drip if pressure is applied and this would ruin the pattern. # 첨차금단청등아름답게장식된금단청 중요부위를금으로장식함으로써 수십가지의색채를더욱화려하게하고 빛나게한다. colorfull한 Specific areas of the patterns are mounted with gold and this will make the colorful dancheong shine under light. Korean ink 로문양윤곽(outline) 만들기( 그리기) # 먹선긋기 / 분선긋기 이제한국의 painting colorfully, Dancheong에서 가장정성을기울여야할차례. 문양의윤곽(outline) 을따라 Korean ink로선을 그린다. 문양을더욱도드라지게하고, 검은색과대비되어문양안에채색된 색들을더욱선명하게하기때문이다. colorfull한 검은색으로칠하기때문에자칫잘못했다간여태 까지정성들여작업한아름다운문양을망칠수가

14 있기때문에고도의섬세함과테크닉이요구된다. The next part of the dancheong is a very important process. The outlines of the patterns are traced with ink. These black lines will display a sharp contrast to the pattern and accentuate the bright colors. But the black lines must be drawn precisely or they might ruin the beautiful patterns. It is a process that requires a delicate technique and steady hand. 부처의광채 ( 점으로) 찍기 # 단청거의완료된모습 / 민주점( 하얀점) 찍기 temple painting colorfully 가거의완성됐다. 이제마지막으로제일심혈을기울여야할부분이 남아있다. 바로부처의광채를상징하는점찍기! 부처의사리(relic of the Buddha) 를모신 사리함(reliquary;a sarira case[casket) 하얀점을찍어부처의광채를표시하는데, 정중앙에 실수하면그동안작업한문양의채색들을망칠수 있기때문에매우조심스레해야하며 부처의광채를상징적으로표현하는것이라실수 하게되면, 불경스럽다하여매우정성들여간절 히기원하는마음으로하얀점을찍는다. The dancheong is nearly complete. The painter will now focus all his attention on one important detail. He will carefully paint the dot that symbolizes Buddha! He will mark the sarira case that contains relics of Buddha with a white dot, which is the bright aura that surrounds Buddha. If he makes a mistake, he could ruin the entire balanced look of the patterns so he does it very carefully. A botched dot will also be deemed to be disrespectful. # 아름다운사찰전경 / 현판편액단청 드디어건물채색이완료됐다. 이제마지막으로현판을만들차례. 현판은건물의얼굴이라는점에서매우상징적인 데, 테두리에부귀영화와복, 장수를상징하는 상서로운(felicitous;auspicious;propitious) 그려넣고 문양을 네귀모서리에복을상징하는박쥐문양을채색한 다

15 현판글씨는금박으로치장하고, 그바탕에먹을칠하여명도와색상의극대비를연출한다. 각기둥에걸리는주련 (verse couplet carved or written on a plank which is put on a pillar) 은먹바탕에흰글씨를써서장식한다. All the colors have been painted at last. Now the painter needs to make the board that will be hung on the temple. This hanging board is like the face of the building so it has a symbolic meaning. Sacred patterns that represent fame, wealth, fortune and longevity are drawn around the edges of the board. Bat are drawn in each corner of the board and then painted in black. The letters on the board will be mounted with gold and the blank spaces will be painted dark black to create a sharp constrast. The verse couplet that is hung on each column will have white letters written over a black background. # 기둥들기름칠그런뒤, 마지막으로건물기둥에들기름을칠한다. 비와눈, 햇볕에그대로노출돼썩기쉽고갈라지기쉬운기둥에들기름을칠함으로써부식을방지하고오랫동안보존하기위해서다. After this, perilla oil is applied to the columns in the building. The columns are exposed to the elements and this makes them susceptible to rotting so a they are coated with perilla oil to prevent corrosion and keep them well-preserved. # 전체완성장면 / 회향예불 드디어 끝났다. temple painting colorfully가무사히 temple painting colorfully를완성한 는무사히 temple painting colorfully 단청 master 끝낼수 있게도와준부처님께감사의예불 (hold worship in front of Buddha) 을올린다. 신처럼고귀하고아름답게살고자하는인간의 마음을표현한것이다. The dancheong is finally complete. The dancheong painter who painted the temple prays before the Buddha statue once more to thank Buddha for his grace

16 에필로그 # 하이라이트자연의아름다움과인간이꿈꾸는이상세계를 painting colorfully로완벽하게표현하고자한한국의 Dancheong.. 가장순수하고아름다운세계에서살고자하는한국인의의지이자평화롭고조화로운자연을닮고자하는한국인의마음이다. Korea's dancheong depicted the beauty of nature and the utopian world that people dreamed through colorful patterns. These drawings embodied Korean's simple desire to live in a beautiful world and exemplified the wishes of Koreans to live in peace and harmony

63 19 2 1989 90 2013 3 4 2 54 15 2002 p 19; 1 2008 pp 32 37; 2013 p 23 3 2001 ㆍ 2002 2009 新 興 寺 大 光 殿 2010 2013 2013 4 大 光 殿 壁 畵 考 察 193 1992 ; : 2006

63 19 2 1989 90 2013 3 4 2 54 15 2002 p 19; 1 2008 pp 32 37; 2013 p 23 3 2001 ㆍ 2002 2009 新 興 寺 大 光 殿 2010 2013 2013 4 大 光 殿 壁 畵 考 察 193 1992 ; : 2006 DOI http:ddoi org 10 14380 AHF 2015 41 113 新 興 寺 佛 殿 莊 嚴 壁 畵 考 I. 머리말 朴 銀 卿 동아대학교 인문과학대학 고고미술사학과 교수 규슈대학 문학박사 불교회화사 15 3 3 1 1 * 2013 NRF 2013S1A5A2A03045496 ** : 26 2014; 高 麗 佛 畵 : 本 地 畵 幅 奉 安 問 題 美 術

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