The 2nd Korea-Japan Aesthetic Surgery Conference
- 소미 왕
- 6 years ago
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1 서울시 MICE 국제화지원대상으로선정된국내유일의국제회의 2015 아시아국제미용의학포럼 제 4 회아시아안티에이징 재생의학학술대회제 5 회한국미용외과의학회학술대회 2015 아시아뷰티메디컬페어 In association with The 4th Congress of Asia Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine[3ARM] The 5th Congress of Korea Academy of Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine[KAAS] 2015 Asia Fare of Cosmetic Medicine & Beauty 날짜 : 2015 년 3 월 일 (27 일 Faculty Meeting) 장소 : 서울 COEX 그랜드볼룸 (1 층, 101~105 호 ) 주관 : 한국미용외과의학회 (KAAS) 협찬 : 서울특별시, 한국관광공사, 코트라 후원학회한국미용외과의학회 Korea Academy of Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine (KAAS) 일본미용외과학회 Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery (JSAS) 중국미용성형의사회 Chinese Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons(CSAPS) 태국미용외과의학회 The Thai Association and Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (TACS) 호치민시미용성형외과학회 Ho Chi Minh City Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery(HSPAS) 대만안면성형재건외과학회 Taiwan Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (TAFPRS) 필리핀미용외과학회 Philippine Academy of Aesthetic Surgery(PAAS) 국제항노화재생의료학회 World Academy of Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (WAARM) 국제혈액생물재료학회 The International Society of Blood Biomaterials (ISBB) 일본임상모발학회 Japan Society of Clinical Hair Restoration (JSCHB) 일본항노화외과미용재생연구회 Japanese Anti-aging Surgery & Regenerative Medicine for Rejuvenation,(JAAS) 일본최소침습미용의료연구회 Japan Academy of Minimal Invasive Cosmetic Surgery(JAMICS) 일본안성형외과학회 Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (JSOPRS) 대한미용학회 Korean Society for Investigative Cosmetology(KSIC) 중국통합미용의학회 Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine Medical Beauty(CIAM) 아시아항노화미용학회 Asia Anti-Aging Aesthetic Association(4A) 1
2 Congress Executive Committee LIM Jong-hak JUNG Kwang-seup Fumihiko UMEZAWA JUNG Dong-hak President of KAAS President of AFAS 2015 Chairman of JSAS Honorary Chairman, of AFAS Melvin Shiffman HAO Lijun LEE Hwang-heui Attapan PORNMONTARUT Chairman, Tustin Vice-president of CSAPS President, 3ARM President of TACS Hospital, USA 일정 Schedule 3 월 27 일 ( 금 ) 3 월 28 일 ( 토 ) 3 월 29 일 ( 일 ) Room A (No ) 09:00-14:30 Non-surgical Session 14:30-18:00 Live Demonstration 08:30-17:00 Non-surgical Sessions Room B (No.103) 18:00-20:00 Faculty Meeting 09:00-17:00 Surgical Sessions 18:00-20:00 Welcome Party 08:30-17:00 Surgical Sessions Room C (No ) 10:00-18:00 Aesthetic Sessions 08:30-17:00 Non-surgical Sessions Lobby 18:00-22:00 전시부스설치 08:30-18:00 의료기전시 08:00-17:00 의료기전시 등록안내 ( 사전등록마감 3 월 14 일 ) 온라인등록 정회원 비회원 사전등록 10만원 15만원 현장등록 13만원 18만원 웰컴파티 5 만원 *3 월 28 일오후 6 시 / 코엑스그랜드볼룸 103 호. 국내외 VIP 및연자들이참여하는저녁식사겸친목자리입니다. 1등록비에는초록집, 점심식사, 커피브레이크가포함됩니다. 신청결과는휴대폰문자메시지나 이메일로보내드립니다. 2행사장오실때는가급적대중교통수단을이용해주십시오. 3등록취소는 3월 21일까지가능하며취소시등록비의 50% 만환불합니다. 이후환불불가. 입금계좌 : 국민은행 ( 한국미용외과의학회 ) 2
3 [Scientific Program] Room A(No ), 3 월 28 일 ( 토 ) 07:30-08:40 등록 08:40-09:00 개회식 Session 1. PRP Chairs: LIM Jong-hak, Hajime OKUDERA 09:00-09:10 성장인자의보고, 혈소판분말의효과 Platelet Powder A reservoir of GFs for anti-aging and regenerative medicine 09:10-09:20 연조직재생을위한 PRF 적용 PRF(platelet-rich fibrin)application for soft tissue regeneration -cynoacrylate monomar use application effect over 09:20-09:30 골다공증연구에서골수조혈모줄기세포및혈소판농축 피브린방출액 (PRFr) 의치료가능성 The therapeutic potential of bone marrow stem cells and platelet-rich fibrin releasates in osteoporosis research 09:30-09:45 안면회춘에서 PRP 와자가지방이식의결합 The combined use of PRP and autologous fat transplantation in facial rejuvenation Session 2. Skin Treatment Chairs: SON Eun-soo, DING Zhilin 09:45-10:00 흉터관리와교정최신지견 Updates on scar management and revision 10:00-10:15 비후성반흔에대한 CO2 주입기, 실, 보툴리눔독소의조합요법 A case report of combination therapy on hypertrophic scar CO2 injector, thread and BoNT-A 10:15-10:30 암치료후준의학적용에따른외상, 백반증개선 Fix paramedical art trauma, Vitiligo, after cancer treatment 10:30-10:45 미세성형주사로인한감염치료 Infection treatment of micro plastic injection 10:45-11:00 화침을이용한여드름치료 The clinical effect of fire needle treatment of acne 11:00-11:20 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session 3. Facial Rejuvenation Chairs: JUNG Kwang-seup, Fumihiko UMEZAWA 11:20-11:35 안면회춘을위한탄력회복의다양한테크닉비교 Restoring elasticity to the face: comparison of various techniques 11:35-11:50 근육이완과재볼륨화결합을통한눈가회춘과강화 Periorbital rejuvenation and enhancement with combination of muscle relaxation and revolumization. 11:50-12:05 근막시술로동안만들기 Fascia therapy with needle knife for facial rejuvenation by IBBS Chen-Yao SU (Taiwan) Hajime OKUDERA Tzong-Fu Kuo (Taiwan) WANG Jieqing Ian LOH (Singapore) Sumiyoshi SHUKO NAKAMURA Tomomi HUANG Jinjing LI Yun-xia Bob PETERSON (USA) David Sudarto OEIRIA (Indonesia) TANG Wan Juan 3
4 12:05-12:25 Special Lecture 노안을위한비수술적미용시술에대한나의경험 Non surgical aesthetic procedures for aging face : my practice 12:25-13:30 Lunch & Exhibition View Session 4. Anti-Aging Medicine Chairs: KWON Oh-sook, Jun MATSUYAMA 13:30-13:45 21 세기항노화의학의방향 Introduction of 21Century Anti-Aging Medicine 13:45-14:00 환경적, 물리적요인에의해손상받은피부의항염과진정효과를 위한 repurinol(biomaterials) 의연구 Study on repurinol (biomaterials) of soothing activity for damaged skin by environmental or physical stimuli. 14:00-14:15 건강과삶의질을위한항노화의학의미래 Anti-Aging, Quo vadis Optimization of Health and Human Enhancement? Transhumanism, Future Studies (Futurism, Futurology) 14:15-14:30 지방세포유래줄기세포의응용에대한가정이론 Postulated theories on applications of adipocyte-derived stem cells Session 5. Live Surgery & Video Lecture Chairs: BAE Sung-joe, LIM Kye-hwa, Hajime OKUDERA 14:30-15:10 비수술적인눈밑지방축소술 / 물광주사활용법 (Live) RF Cannula & PDO thread for EYEBAG/Advanced HA injector for wrinkle, lifting & moisture 15:10-15:25 스프링실을이용한근접페이스리프팅 Close face lift with spring thread 15:25-16:05 실과 PRP 를이용한페이스리프팅 (Live) Facelift with thread and PRP 16:05-16:25 Coffee Break & Exhibition View 16:25-17:05 융비술 (Live) Rhinoplasty 17:05-17:25 보형물교체가슴지방이식 AFG of breasts changing implants 17:25-17:45 안전한지방흡입 Safe liposuction 17:45-18:00 쌍꺼풀수술 Double eyelid surgery 18:10-21:00 Welcome Reception(Venue :Room B (No. 103) Nariaki MIYATA Jun MATSUYAMA KWON Oh-sook Daniel UBANI (Germany) Kok Leong Tan (Singapore) KWON Han-jin Natsuko OHASHi LIM Jong-hak AHN Tae-hwan SUNG Ki-su BAE Sung-joe LIM Jong-hak Room B(No. 103), 3 월 28 일 ( 토 ) Session 1. Blepharoplasty І Essential knowledge for eyelid surgery Chairs: PARK Ju-wan, Hirohiko KAKIZAKI 09:00-09:15 위눈꺼풀성형술 : 고유의눈꺼풀해부학적구조를복원하는 변형된 Park 수술법 LI Hong Qiang 4
5 Upper eyelid blepharoplasty:modified Park restoring inherent eyelid 09:15-09:30 안구함몰의수술적교정 Surgical correction of enophthalmos 09:30-09:45 쌍꺼풀의생리학적접근 Physiological eyelid 09:45-10:05 Special Lecture 눈꺼풀해부학 : 임상적함의 Anatomy of upper and lower eyelids: Clinical implications Session 2. Facelift: Surgical Chairs: JUNG Kwang-seup, WANG Zhijun 10:05-10:20 안면거상술 Facelift 10:20-10:35 실용적인고급안면거상테크닉 : Megafacelift Actual advanced technique of face lift: Megafacelift 10:35-10:50 경부안면의주름살제거시연장된 SMAS 절개방법 Extended SMAS dissection in cervicofacial rhytidectomy 10:50-11:00 제 103 회일본미용외과학회안내 The 103rd Congress of Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery 장소 : 일본도쿄 Tokyo Big Sight, 기간 : 2015 년 6 월 6-7 일 11:00-11:20 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session 3. Facial Contouring with Fat, Filler & Toxin Chairs: KIM Young-gon, Yoshio IKEDA 11:20-11:35 자가지방이식을이용한안면재윤곽화와안면회춘 Autologous fat transfer for facial recontouring and rejuvenation 11:35-11:50 또렷하게안면윤곽을잡아주는메이크업필러, Cleviel Make up filler technique using Cleviel for facial contouring 11:50-12:05 치과치료에있어서보톡스의응용 ( 악관절증의개선 - 리프팅 ) Application of Botox to dental treatment (Improvement of temporomandibular joint disease-facial lift up) 12:05-12:20 표정해부학이해를바탕으로한보툴리늄톡신을이용한자연 미인만들기 Good and natural look in Botulinum Toxin injection by understanding the facial expression anatomy 12:20-12:30 Discussion 12:30-13:30 Lunch & Exhibition View Session 4. Blepharoplasty Ⅱ Ptosis surgery and incisional upper blepharoplasty Chairs: KIM Byoung-jin,Attapan PORNMONTRAUT(Thailand) 13:30-13:45 중증도안검하수보정의새로운개념 : Inferior Whitnall s ligament sling New concept for severe blepharoptosis correction: Inferior Whitnall s ligament sling 13:45-14:00 해부학적미세조직을복원시키는쌍꺼풀수술 Double eyelid operation recreating the anatomic microstructure 14:00-14:15 하안검수술에서외반증예방을위한외안각안륜근고정 Orbicularis muscle suspension to lateral canthus for preventing ectropion in lower eyelid surgery PARK Ju-wan SHAO Wenhui Hirohiko Kakizaki JUNG Kwangseup Nguyen Xuan CUONG (Vietnam) WANG Zhijun Aikawa Yoshiyuki, President, 103rd JSAS Meeting Le HANH (Vietnam) Yoshio IKEDA NAKAMURA Norimitsu Ratna Maitri Dewi Gondowardojo (Indonesia) KIM Byoung-jin XU Fengzhi ZHAO Chaodong 5
6 14:15-14:30 상안검절제술 Excisional upper blepharoplasty Session 5. Rhinoplasty І Chairs: CHANG Geun-uck, ZHANG Chen 14:30-14:45 복코교정에서자가비익연골의접힘수술방법의적용 Application of folded autologous nasal alar cartilage flap in the bulbous nose 14:45-15:00 반복된코성형으로망가진비익재건술의여러가지방법들 Various correction method of collapsed nasal ala due to repeated rhinoplasty 15:00-15:15 동양인의코성형수술에서미간과이마융비술 Glabella and forehead augmentation in Oriental rhinoplasty 15:15-15:30 매부리코와휜코의수술적교정법 Surgical correction of hump nose and deviated nose 15:30-15:50 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session 6. Breast Surgery І Chairs: : SUNG Ki-su, Bob PETERSON(USA) 15:50-16:05 유방확대술 Breast augmentation 16:05-16:20 실리콘주입유방에대한임플란트를이용한확대술 Augmentation using silicone implant on silicone injected breast 16:20-16:35 내시경을이용한이중평면확대에의한유방하수교정 The correction of breast ptosis by dual-plane augmentation with endoscope assistant 16:35-16:50 내시경액와부이중평면확대술에대한 128 사례의분석 : 의사 - 환자를만족시키는임상결과 Analysis of 128 cases about endoscopic transaxillary dual-plane augmentation: How to get the satisfying doctor-patient with clinical outcome 16:50-17:10 Special Lecture 유방확대술의합병증 Complications of breast augmentation 17:10-18:10 Preparing Welcome reception 18:10-21:00 Welcome Reception(Room No.103) Attapan Pornmontarut (Thailand) CHEN Weihua CHOI Jong-mu Keizo FUKUTA CHANG Geun-uck JUNG Kwang-seup. Roberto C. VASQUEZ (Philippines) CHEN Gang HAO Lijun ) Melvin SHIFFMAN (USA) Room C(No ), 3 월 28 일 ( 토 ) * 아래 Aesthetic Sessions 은해외참가들을위해기획된세션들입니다. Aesthetic Sessions supported by Asia Anti-Aging Aesthetic Association and Korea Association & Korean Society for Investigative Cosmetology Session 1. Hair Treatment & Consultation Chairs: KIM He-ran, Sotaro Kurata 10:00-10:15 남성탈모에대한비수술적치료 Non-surgical treatments for AGA Sotaro KURATA 6
7 10:15-10:30 3D 시뮬레이터를사용한모발복원수술의수술전상담 Preoperative consultation of hair restoration surgery using 3D simulator 10:30-10:45 MTS 를이용한탈모예방관리효과 Hair loss prevention management effectiveness using the Mcironessdle Therapy System. 10:45-11:00 탈모두피치료시술제품의임상응용사례 : iscalp R R mini PDO suture 와 iscalp R hair loss solution Clinical application of scalp/hair loss treatment products: iscalp R R mini PDO suture & Peptide solution(iscalp R hair loss solution) 11:00-11:15 미용성형환자진료서비스노하우 How to care patients in the field of cosmetic surgery: Network communication and payment instruments 11:15-11:35 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Aesthetic Session 2. Facial & Body Beautification Chairs: WE Soo-young, Megumi Hattori 11:35-11:50 얼굴크기가줄어드는손마사지골근요법 The Effects on facial ratio after facial hand massage-with Golgeun Therapy 11:50-12:05 안면근육예쁘게만들기 Beautification of the facial muscles 12:05-12:20 호르몬균형유지로건강강화하는독소배출치료 Cure drainage for supporting the hormone balance 12:20-13:30 Lunch & Exhibition View Aesthetic Session 3. Skin CareⅠ Chairs: IM Eun-jin, KIM Eun-hwa 13:30-13:45 중년여성의주름, 모공, 피부톤을개선하는골근요법 Effect of Golgeun therapy on wrinkle, pore and skin tone of middle aged woman 13:45-14:00 피부조직활성화에의한트러블피부의개선 Improving skin troubles by skin activity (Turnover normalized) 14:00-14:15 눈주위주름예방과관리방법 The prevention and treatment for eye winkles 14:15-14:30 손등주름예방과관리방법 The prevention and treatment for back of hands Aesthetic Session 4. Skin CareⅡ 皮肤护理 Ⅱ Chairs: HAM Young-joo, KIM He-ran 14:30-14:45 피부관리와비타민섭취에의한피부기능개선 Improvement effectiveness of skin care service and vitamin administration 14:45-15:00 비타민 C 를이용한미백관리 Whitening care using vitamin C 15:00-15:35 1 화장품을이용한여드름관리방법과여드름압출법 2 재발방지를위한화장품을이용한기미관리방법 1 Acne treatment with cosmetics and the successful technic for comedo extraction Keiichiro KASAI KIM Hye-ran AHN Byungki SONG Lijun IM Eunjin Megumi HATTORI Maiko TAKAHASHI WE Soo-young Gotou Kimiyo CHOI Yoonjung LEE Hyun-joo KIM Eun-hwa PARK Seo-yeon YANG Il-hoon 7
8 2 The preventative treatment for melasma with cosmetics 15:35-15:55 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Aesthetic Session 5. Cosmetics and Beauty Chairs: YANG Il-hoon, CHOI Jae-min 15:55-16:10 반영구화장의색체이론 & 한국의눈썹화장트렌드 Permanent make-up color & brow make-up trend in Korea 16:10-16:25 자신감을심어주는나만의메이크업 Life changer, how to make-up 16:25-16:40 다양한피부타입에따른화장품처방법 Cosmetic prescription for various skin type 16:40-16:55 중국문화가미의이미지미학에미친영향 The influence of Chinese culture on aesthetics of beauty image Aesthetic Session 6. Physiological activities & Health Chairs: IM Eun-jin, Maiko Takahashi 16:55-17:10 다양한약용식물발효추출물의생리활성작용연구 A study of physiological activities of fermented extracts of various medicinal plants 17:10-17:25 아로마요법에의한심장및신체관리 Heart & body care by Aroma treatment 17:25-17:40 정맥배출을기반으로한효과적인얼굴당김마사지의새로운 테크닉 New technique for effective facelift massage especially based on venous drainage 17:40-17:55 태극지압요법에의한생체에너지와혈류조절로신체혁신 Body renovation by regulating of vital energy and blood flow by Tai-Chi acupressure therapy 18:10-21:00 Welcome Reception(Room No.103) Room A(No ), 3 월 29 일 ( 일 ) 07:30-09:00 등록 Session 1 Facelift ⅡNon-surgical Chairs: SON Eun-soo, Nguyen Xuan CUONG (Vietnam) 08:30-08:45 일본에서시행하고있는다양한최고급실을조합한최신 안면거상술 The latest treatment using a combination of the most advanced threads in Japan N-COG, Dermaspring and Dermaspring Eye has no downtime. 08:45-09:00 안면거상과몸매교정에서 PDO실의사용법 Use of PDO threads in face lifting and body contouring 09:00-09:15 중년피부의처짐에대한최소침습미니페이스리프팅과실리 프팅, 히알루론산주입등의조합치료 Treatment of the loose skin of middle and old age patients using a combination of low-invasive methods such as mini face lift, thread lift and HA injection. JIN Eun-ju CHOI Jae-min YANG Il-hoon XIAO Qiao HAM Young-joo Yuka MISHIMA Mitani Ai Reika ASAI Yuka YOSHIDA SON Eun-soo Mie KOMIYA 8
9 09:15-09:30 실을이용한페이스리프팅 Face lifting using lifting thread 09:30-09:45 안면윤곽분석과 N-cog 리프팅 Facial contouring analysis and N-cog lifting 09:45-10:00 보톡스, 더모톡신콜라겐생성촉진제를이용한얼굴 3단계메조 보톡스리프팅 Facelifting by triple meso botox(muscle botox, skin dermotoxin, collagen stimulator 10:00-10:15 Thermi RF 를사용한페이스리프트의경험 Experience of using thermi RF with facelift 10:15-10:35 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session 2 Facelift ⅢNon-surgical Chairs: KANG Chun-shik, HAO Lijun 10:35-10:50 금코그실을이용한안면거상과피부회춘 Gold Screw Cog Lifting & skin rejuvenation 10:50-11:05 새로운타입의 cog 실, PUF 를이용한커브캐뉼라테크닉으로 하는혁신적비침습안면거상 Innovative non-invasive face lifting with curved cannula technique with PUF(Premium Uplift Fiber), a new type of cog thread 11:05-11:20 이마주름살의재평가 Revaluation of the forehead wrinkles 11:20-11:40 Special Lecture 안면거상술 Facelift Session 3 Breast Surgery Ⅱ Chairs: CHO Young-shin, Roberto C. Vasquez (Philippines) 11:40-11:55 줄기세포를이용한자가지방유방확대술의유용한가이드라인 Useful guideline of breast augmentation with autologous fat graft and ADSC, Adipose tissue- Derived Stem cell 11:55-12:10 임플란트유방확대술후합병증치료를위한자가지방이식 Experience in applying autologous fat transplantation to treat postoperative complications of implant breast augmentation 12:10-12:25 ULTRA ONE Dream 테크닉을이용한여성형유방증 Gynecomastia treatment using ULTRA ONE Dream technique 12:25-12:40 상측피판을이용한유륜주위절개법과 UAL 을병행한 Grade III Session 4. Liposuction І gynecomastia 의치료법 Circumareolar superior pedicle NAC flap & ultrasound assisted liposuction(ual) for Tx. of grade III gynecomastia Chairs: KIM Hyeong-seok, Yuichi INOUE 13:30-13:45 지방흡입의팁 Tips of Liposuction 13:45-14:00 좀더좋은결과를얻는지방흡입테크닉 How to get better results in liposuction? 14:00-14:15 이중턱과하안면의안면윤곽개선을위한 UAL 이용과 병합시술 Ultrasonic assisted liposuction using ultra-z in double chin & lower face and procedures that can be used in combination ZHANG Ruobing KWON Yong-hyun LEE Woo-seok Igawa Kazuhiro PAK Hyun AN Kyung-chun KANG Chun-shik LIM Jong-hak CHO Young-shin LIU Chengsheng PARK Kwang-in KWON Song-jin KIM Tae-kyeom Yuichi INOUE KIM Hyeong-seok 9
10 14:15-14:30 고주파지방흡입을이용한안면윤곽술 ( 단극고주파지방흡입을 이용한하안면윤곽술소개 ) Facial contouring with RF assisted liposuction(introduction of low face contouring using monopolar radiofrequency-assisted liposuction) Session 5. Liposuction Ⅱ Chairs: CHO Jae-ho, LIU Chengsheng 14:30-14:45 균형잡힌몸매교정을위한지방흡입, 5D 지방성형, 지방이식, 복부성형의최신지견 Advanced form of liposuction, 5D liposculpture, fat transfer and abdominoplasty for balanced body contouring 14:45-15:00 꼬리뼈절개를이용한지방흡입 Liposuction using a sacral incision 15:00-15:15 표층지방재평형술에대한소견 Surface fat rebalancing surgery 15:15-15:35 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session 6. Fat Grafting Chairs: JUNG Kwang-seup, HUANG Jinglong 15:35-15:55 Special Lecture 생존률을줄이는지방이식의새로운합병증보고 New complication of fat transfer causing mortality 15:55-16:05 안면을젊어보이게만드는 RF 와조합한과립지방이식 Granular fat transplantation combined with RF (bodytite) make facial younger 16:05-16:20 노안과안면윤곽성형교정에있어서자가지방과립이식 Autologous fat granulars transplantation in correction of aging face and facial contouring plasty 16:20-16:35 브라질스타일둔부확대술-자가지방이식을이용한둔부확대술 Brazilian butt lift surgery - Gluteal augmentation with autologous fat graft 16:35-16:50 지방이식, 지방흡입근육축소시술을통한비대칭다리개선사례 The cases of asymmetric leg improvement through fat transplantation, liposuction, calf muscle reduction 16:50-17:05 자가세포이식최적화전략 Autologous cell transplantation optimization strategy 17:05 Closing CHO Jae-ho AN Kyung-chun SEO Yong-seung DING Zhilin Melvin SHIFFMAN (USA) HUANG Jinlong LIU Chengsheng Francis M. DECANGCHON (Philippines) LEE Je-seong KE Qingfang Room B(No. 103), 3 월 29 일 ( 일 ) Session 1. Facial Contouring Chairs: HAN Seong-yik, Chen-Yao Su(Taiwan) 08:30-08:45 아름다운얼굴을위한동적설계및구현 Dynamic design and implementation on human facial beauty 08:45-09:00 돌출입치료를위한국소마취및진정작용하의전방분절 절골술 (ASO) 및피질골절단술 CHEN Zhongcun CHOI Jin-young 10
11 Anterior segmental osteotomy (ASO) and corticotomy under local anesthesia and sedation for treating lip protrusion 09:00-09:15 다크광대성형술 - 근육박리와절골면에의한광대수술후 부작용이없는눈밑절개를통한광대축소술 Dark-Zygomaplasty(Surgery making good impression) - zygoma reduction surgery through the lower cilliary incision without complication that occurred due to zygomatic muscle dissection and zygomatic osteotomy 09:15-09:30 헤어라인절개내시경을이용한광대뼈축소수술 Using endoscope-assisted zygomatic complex narrow orthopaedics 09:30-09:45 울트라본을이용한광대뼈축소및지방융해 Zygomatic bone reduction and fat melting using ULTRA BONE Session 2. Blepharoplasty Ⅲ Various eyelid surgery Chairs: CHOI Woong-chul, Sakanishi HIRONOBU 09:45-09:55 향상된쌍꺼풀매몰법 46 사례분석 46 patient analysis of an enhanced method for buried suture double eyelid operations 09:55-10:05 결막매몰결절, 눈꺼풀올림근결찰및 6-스티치매몰봉합법을 이용한쌍꺼풀매몰법 600 사례 600 cases of buried-suture double-eyelid blepharoplasty using subconjunctival buried knots, skin-levator ligate method and 6-stitch buried suture method 10:05-10:15 보다나은매몰봉합법을이용한쌍꺼풀수술 Advanced buried suture method in double eyelid operation 10:15-10:25 안검하수수술후초기교정 Early postoperative revision in ptosis surgery 10:25-10:45 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session 3. Blepharoplasty Ⅳ Various eyelid surgery Chairs:YANG Suk-woo, Yoshio IKEDA 10:45-10:55 성인의선천안검하수에서의눈꺼풀올림근수술 Levator surgery in adult-type congenital ptosis 10:55-11:05 앞트임방법과디자인 Epicanthoplasty: Method and design 11:05-11:15 외안각성형술 Plastic application in lateral canthus 11:15-11:25 뒤트임 Lateral canthoplasty KIM Peom-seok LU Jin-ling LEE Sunghyung ZHANG Hongjie Sakanishi HIRONOBU LEE Jong-ki CHOI Woongchul YANG Suk-woo JANG Jin-ho LI Jianning KIM Ki-hong Session 4. Blepharoplasty ⅤLower blepharoplasty Chairs: KIM Byoung-jin,DONG Fan 11:35-11:45 눈물고랑을특징으로하는자루형하안검에서의하안검성형술 JEONG Ki-chun Lower blepharoplasty of palpebral bags, especially tear through 11:45-11:55 비절개하안검성형술 ( 더블눈밑지방재배치 ) BANG June-mo Non-incisional lower blepharoplasty 11:55-12:05 하안검성형수술에대한종합적접근방법 CHANG Ki-hyun Comprehensive approach to lower blephroplasty 12:05-12:15 눈물고랑의치료 LEE Ji-hyeong 11
12 Correction of tear trough deformity 12:15-12:25 아래눈꺼풀수술 Eye pouch operation 12:25-13:30 Lunch & Exhibition View Session 5. Rhinoplasty Ⅱ Chairs: AHN Tae-hwan, Le HANH(Vietnam) 13:30-13:45 콧구멍변형에대한 2 차코성형수술의전략 Strategies in secondary rhinoplasty for nostril deformities 13:45-14:00 동양인에게적합한코끝성형술 Appropriate nasal tip surgery for Asian 14:00-14:15 합병증이발생된코에대한치료법 Management of complicated noses 14:15-14:30 아시아인의코끝교정에대한나의접근방법 Asian nasal tip modification: My personal approach 14:30-14:45 코성형수술에서메가덤의사용 Mega derm in rhinoplasty 14:45-15:05 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session 6. Rhinoplasty Ⅲ Chairs: JUNG Dong-hak, Chuan-Hsiang KAO(Taiwan) 15:05-15:35 1 코끝재수술 2 구축코의교정 1Secondary tip plasty 2Correction of the contracted noses 15:35-15:50 여러다양한미용적방법을통한팔자주름의적절한교정 Optimizing patients outcomes in correction of nasolabial folds (NLs) with different medical aesthetics methods 15:50-16:05 Mantis Strut 을이용한코성형수술 Rhinoplasty with Mantis Strut 16:05-16:35 1 코성형술합병증 2. 사비교정수술의기본 1Complications of rhinoplasty 2Basics in corrective rhinoplasty 16:35-16:45 Discussion 16:45 Closing Zhang Xiaochuan ZHANG Chen AHN Tae-hwan Le HANH (Vietnam) Chuan-Hsiang KAO (Taiwan) JANG Dong-woo JUNG Dong-hak CUI Shuang Sampandh Komrit (Thailand) Levi John Lansangan (Philippine) Room C(No ), 3 월 29 일 ( 일 ) Session 1 Cosmetogyniocology & Gender Change Chairs: LEE Chang-hwan, KIM Eun-young 08:30-08:45 성전환의외과적접근 ( 남성에서여성으로 ) Alvin M. Jorge (Philipipine) Surgical approach to gender change(male to Female) 08:45-09:00 비침습적이면서간단한여성성형술의새로운접근 LEE Chang-hwan New approach of the invasive & simple cosmetogynecologic surgery 09:00-09:15 간단히끝내는음모이식 KIM Eun-young Easy way of perfect pubic hair transplantation 09:15-09:30 수술없는질성형의새로운패러다임 PARK Jeong-won 12
13 Filler vaginoplasty Session 2 Filler & Toxin І Chairs: JUNG Jae-yun, Daniel UBANI(Germany) 09:30-09:45 눈썹과위눈꺼풀을올려주는측두와와이마필러테크닉 Filler for temporal fossa and forehead, also lifting the eye brows and upper lids 09:45-10:00 필러를이용한중안면성형으로사과같은얼굴만들기- 다크서 클, 눈물고랑, 앞광대필러를한번에 Mid-Face correction by hyaluronic acid filler - Dark circle, tear trough deformity, frontal cheek depression 10:00-10:15 필러와 COG 실을이용한코성형술 Rhinoplasty using filler and COG thread 10:15-10:30 오래지속되는수용성필러 : Aquafilling Filler Water soluble and long lasting filler : Aquafilling Filler 10:30-10:45 필러주사후부작용과그치료 Adverse effects and treatments after dermal filler injection 10:45-11:05 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session 3 Filler & Toxin Ⅱ Chairs: LEE Hwang-heui, David Sudarto Oeiria (Indonesia) 11:05-11:20 이근에보툴리늄톡신주입으로아름다운아래입술만곡 만들기 Injection of Botulinum Toxin on the mentalis muscle for the esthetic lower lip curvature 11:20-11:35 안와하공교정을위한다양한필러주입 The various ways of filler injection to correct the infraorbital hollowness 11:35-11:50 에어물광주사 Air dissection and hydro lifting 11:50-12:05 Licol 사용경험에대해 About Licol use experience 12:05-12:35 필러를이용한다양한안면회춘테크닉 Advanced techniques of facial rejuvenation using a variety of fillers 12:35-13:30 Lunch & Exhibition View Session 4 Skin Care & Laser І Chairs: KIM Sang-hyeok, Nariaki MIYATA 13:30-13:45 다이오드에의한안면색소침착제거및개선 Facial pigmentation removal /improvement by light emitting diode 발광 13:45-14:00 프랙셔널 Q 스위치 ND yag 레이저를이용한색소침착치료 Pigmentation Treatment using Fractional Q-switch ND yag laser 14:00-14:15 고주파 (RF) 를이용한미용적치료 Cosmetic treatment using radiofrequency(rf) devices 14:15-14:30 안면윤곽과리프팅을위한 HIFU 의원리와적용 Principle and application of high intensity focused ultrasound(hifu) treatment for facial contouring and lifting 14:30-14:40 Discussion David Sudarto Oeiria (Indonesia) HAN Sang-hyuk LEE Sang-bong JUNG Jae-yun LEE Sang- jin CHOI Jin-young KIM Ki-wook PARK So-yoon SHIN Hee-jun LEE Hwang-Heui Joe Shigemoto KIM Sang-hyeok KIM Hong-doo KIM Bong-Chul 13
14 Session 5 Skin Care & Laser Ⅱ Chairs: LIM Jong-hak, PARK Hyoun-jun 14:40-14:55 모낭을통한약물전달시스템을이용한비레이저, 비박피적 안면회춘 (Affinite) Non-laser, non-ablative facial rejuvenation using a transfollicular drug delivery system (Affinite) 14:55-15:10 Gentle Max(long pulse 755nm & 1064nm) 의임상사례 Clinical cases of Gentle Max(long pulse 755nm & 1064nm) 15:10-15:20 뼈를깎지않는중하안면윤곽시술 ( 지방흡입레이저, Smartlipo TPX) Middle & Lower face contouring without bone surgery. (Laser assisted liposuction, Smartlipo TPX) 15:20-15:35 안면회춘의새로운패러다임- Rejuran (DNA fragment) New paradigm of facial rejuvenation-rejuran(dna fragment). 15:35-15:50 적색광선을더한이온영동법을이용한민감성피부치료효과 LEE Min-ho KIM Hyoung-moon PARK Hyoun-jun PARK Hyoun-jun Li Shuke Treatment of sensitive skin using iontophoresis with red light 15:50-16:00 Discussion 16:00 Closing 한국미용외과의학회 Tel: Fax: 이메일 : 홈페이지 : 14
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