Extreme Control
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2 Configuration Management 저비용의비즈니스시스템관리방안 Oracle Fusion Middleware SOA Solution Specialist
3 Agenda 운영관리의 Challenge 와해결책 Configuration Management Customer Successes Summary 3
4 운영관리의 Challenge 와해결책 4
5 Issue!!!: IT Operations Budgets are Slashed!!! 90% CIOs expect cuts in their operations budgets Within 5% Lower 23% 5% to 10% Lower 34% More than 10% Lower 31% 5% to 10% Higher 5% More than 10% higher 7% Percentage of Respondents Source: Gartner March 2009 Poll but are expected to do more 5
6 The Challenge IT 환경의복잡성으로인한비용과위험성증가 애플리케이션환경의복잡성 = 비계획적인작업중단시간, IT 관리자의시간낭비, 기회및 revenue 손실 환경설정에대한자동화및관리방안에대한효율적방법이없음 환경의변화에대응하기위해서는자산의시각적표현및종속성표현이요구됨 6
7 구성관리솔루션의필요성 Investment Driver Unplanned Downtime 구성관리및변경이력관리를자동화하는솔루션을사용하는목적은무엇인가요? Environmental Factors 20% Operator Error 40% Application Failure 40% Source: Gartner VP Ronni Colville, Conquering Complexity with Configuration Management Source: Oracle Survey of Fortune 1000 Companies,
8 구성관리를이용한운용개선 다수의시스템, 다수의 S/W 높은구성관리공수와잦은오류로인한장애발생 변경이력추적및자동화필요성증대 설정변경 신규및복제 관리를자동화 수작업에의한관리 갱신누락은없는가? 구성정보를일원화 비교 검색이용이변경이력의확인 정보가산재 작업보고서 관리표 최신의정보는어디에? How to? 요청의증대 컴플라이언스준수시큐리티강화 운용관리자 운용관리자 시스템의구성정보를한곳에서올바르게파악! 관리의 일원화및자동화!! 8
9 Value Proposition 구성관리솔루션은편리하고다양한 Configuration 관리방안을제공하여리소스절감뿐만아니라서비스품질의향상, 관리프로세스의정립을지원합니다. 1 관리 생산성 향상 IT Asset tracking Configuration 관리 고비용, 노동집약적인방법의자동화를통한오류감소 2 서비스 품질 향상 애플리케이션생명주기관리 Configuration Provisioning 구성의일관성유지 3 관리 변경감지및추적 프로세스 변경시권한관리 정립 자동 Provisioning 및구성비교 9
10 Oracle Configuration Management 10
11 Oracle Configuration Management EXTREME Control Means Going Operating Systems Databases Middleware Applications Remote End Points Beyond Asset Tracking for IT Components Real-Time Change Detection Beyond Production Configuration Management Low Cost Building Blocks Beyond Rule Based Compliance Development Out-of-box Policies Production Manage Configuration Lifecycle in Distributed Environments User-defined Policies & Groups Lowest TCO Testing Real-Time Change Detection Industry & Regulatory Frameworks Staging Compliance Dashboard Greener and More Powerful Optimized for Oracle with Industry Specific Compliance Dashboards 11
12 Configuration Management Solution Doing more with less 1. Knowing What You Have 2. Standardizing Configurations 3. Configuration Compliance 4. Detecting Configuration Changes Asset Discovery Automated Inventory HW/SW Configurations Operating Systems Hardware Database Packaged Apps Drift Analysis Config Comparison Across the stack Across lifecycles 1-to-1, 1-to-Many Proactive Checks Policy Management Out-of-the-Box Policies User-Defined Policies User-Defined Groups Compliance Dashboard Real-time Monitoring Real-time Detection Who, What and When Compliance Framework SOX. CoBIT Change Reconciliation Authorized vs Unauthorized Configuration Search Relationships 12
13 Configuration Management Solution Knowing What You Have 1. Knowing What You have Discovery & Asset Tracking Find all IT assets within the data center Automated Inventory HW/SW Configurations Operating Systems Hardware Database Packaged Apps Configuration Search Find IT assets with specific custom attributes Find IT assets based on configuration properties Relationships Find installations with or without a specific patch Custom reports 13
14 Knowing What You Have Information Is Key Periodic and on-demand Collection Operating Systems, Database, Middleware, Packaged Applications Hardware, Virtual Servers Third party software Network and Storage Powerful Search for tracking assets with specific attributes Extensible: Published CMDB schema for reporting 14
15 Standardizing Configurations Managing Configuration Drift 2. Standardizing Your Configurations HW 1 HW 2 HW 3 HW 4 HW 5 HW 6 HW 7 Configuration Drift Analysis Application Config Comparison Across the stack Across system lifecycles Baseline & Gold Std 1 to 1, 1 to Many Drift reconciliation Find if all s/w configurations in the data center are following a particular standard Find the drift between Development, Stage and Production lifecycles Detect if peers are indeed similarly configured Reconcile differences, if any 다른부분 같은부분 Revert back to an older snapshot upon deviation 15
16 Flexible Configuration View Views That Match How You Manage Your Business Organize your Assets to match your business Assets are displayed based on dependency hierarchies Simple view Complex comparisons As many views as needed to meet your business needs. 16
17 Manage The Application Life Cycle Reduce Migration And Deployment Efforts Application Stack View Lifecycle Environments 17
18 Find The Needle In The Hay Stack Reduce Time To Remediate Issues ( 이슈를조정하기위한시간절감 ) Finds meaningful differences Multiple options Compare 1-1 or 1-n Comparison against gold standards Comparison against an earlier snapshot Directly reconcile changes Recover to prior versions 18
19 Configuration Compliance Understanding Vulnerabilities( 취약점 ) 3. Configuration Compliance Proactive Checks Find deviations from best practices proactively. E.g: raise violations. Policy Management Out of box policies User Defined Policies Create User Defined Policies to raise violations based on configuration information. User Defined Groups Compliance Dashboard Group policies based on standards such as SOX, COBIT, etc Present Compliance Score to the Auditor and/or Compliance Officer 19
20 Configuration Compliance Policy Framework CMDB Policies Policies ( 정책 ) 250+ Out-of-box policies Critical Patch Advisories User-defined policies and groups Assessments ( 평가 ) Scheduled and ad hoc Remediation advice Reports Detailed plus summary Enterprise compliance scores & trends Alerts and notifications 20
21 Tracking Compliance Over Time Compliance Trend Across Your IT infrastructure Enterprise wide Compliance Score and tracking Alerts and notifications of non-compliance 21
22 Detecting Configuration Changes Understand Who, What and When 4. Detecting Configuration Changes Configuration Change Detection Real time detection Who changed What and When Compliance Framework SOX. PCI, CoBIT Change Reconciliation Authorized vs Unauthorized Detect real-time Who changed What and When Reconcile changes with Change Management systems, such as Remedy to: Find out if the change is authorized versus unauthorized Raise alerts only on unauthorized changes Change Reporting Map the changes to standards such as SOX, PCI(Payment Card Industry), etc Generate reports for auditors and Compliance officers 22
23 Dashboard View - Configuration Changes Know Quickly If There Is A Compliance Issue 23
24 Detailed View of Changes Quickly Understand The Scope Of Your Issue 24
25 Customer Successes 25
26 Customer Success (1/3) 3 rd largest US Department Store Retailer Challenges 복잡도가높고변동이잦은애플리케이션의유지보수가어려움 IT 복잡도가높아짐에따라서비스중지, 생산성향상, 많은 IT 공수야기 개발, 테스트 QA, 운영홖경의불일치로인한구현 / 배치지연 애플리케이션업그레이드시 IT 운영자업무중지 운영중지시간의 70% 가설정및변경관렦이슈에의해야기됨 Solution Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Management Pack, Application Configuration Console Managing: 225 개의 IBM WebSphere Application Server 와 HTTP asset 들 2,500 개의설정파일들 645,000 개의중복되지않는설정항목들 Business Results IT 운영인력생산성이 100% 증가함. 애플리케이션들은 IT 운영팀에서관리 일별애플리케이션중단시간감소 월별업그레이드수행시간감소 싞규애플리케이션홖경구축시간감소 개발 - 운영간 7 개의애플리케이션라이프사이클홖경의설정내용일치 세부애플리케이션및인프라설정내용의유지및모니터링가능 26
27 Customer Success (2/3) Global Package Delivery & Logistics Challenges Sun Solaris 에서 Linux 서버로항공운영제어시스템마이그레이션 항공운영제어시스템은 300 개의항공기와승무원들에대한스케줄을 24 시간관리 애플리케이션이개발에서 QA, QA 에서테스트로이관될때마다홖경간설정불일치문제로인한시간낭비 Solution Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Management Pack, Application Configuration Console 항공운영제어시스템의설정변경사항에대한버전이력을관리. FAA( 미연방항공국 ) compliance 와도일치 Business Results 구현및마이그레이션동안 IT 운영인력생산성이 100% 증가함 애플리케이션설정불일치에대한짂단시간을시간별 / 일별에서 15 분간격으로감소 마이그레이션동안애플리케이션가용성율 100% 미션크리티컬한애플리케이션에대한설정동기화유지 레포팅및변경이력관리를위한세부애플리케이션정보및설정유지 6 백만개이상의설정프로퍼티관리 8 천개이상의소프트웨어자산및 600 개의호스트에대한설정관리 Solaris, Linux, HP/UX, AIX, Oracle WebLogic, IBM WebSphere Application Servers and MQ messaging software 27
28 Customer Success (3/3) 5 th Largest US Department Store Retailer Challenges Solution 2 개의애플리케이션을 30 개로확장하고, 2 명의운영인력이 8 명의팀으로증가됨. 개별적으로관리되던기존방식탈피 설정변경비율이증가함에따라서비스불안정성과중지시간이증가 애플리케이션홖경에대한설정불일치 ( 개발, 테스트, 운영 ) 업그레이드시설정불일치를해결하기위해몇달이걸림 설정정보에대한자동화된단일소스를싞뢰하지못함 Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Management Pack, Application Configuration Console 다중 / 플랫폼 / 애플리케이션홖경지원 PeopleSoft CRM upgrade on 12 instances of Oracle WebLogic servers Company s credit card Web site built on 30 instances of IBM WebSphere application servers Business Results 마이그레이션을완료하는데걸리는시간이 70% 감소됨 IT 운영의부하감소로애플리케이션이증가되었더라도운영인력을늘릴필요없음 설정셋팅의자동화된디플로이 PeopleSoft, Oracle WebLogic, WebSphere 에업그레이드및구현적용 모든홖경에대한표준화된설정 ( 절약된 ) 가용시간은혁싞및싞규프로젝트를위해사용할수있음 28
29 Oracle Configuration Management Extreme Control Provides Unique Business Value Forrester Total Economic Impact Study Economic Impact Study Sample Organization achieved: Positive 124% ($4,916,781) return on investment (ROI)** 20% ($862,500) reduction in capital spending on servers** Business productivity savings of $2,555,556 from a reduction in system downtime avoidance and a corresponding increase in availability** Payback period of 15 months** **All figures are risk-adjusted, over three years. 29
30 Summary 30
31 Configuration Management Benefit Productivity Savings Forrester Total Economic Impact Study Benefit Category Track system inventory and/or discover new HW/SW Compare against baseline configurations for configuration drift Monitor systems against baseline using configuration history Search for assets or specific settings across your data center Monitor systems for compliance against policies or standards Most Likely Hours Spent With Configuration Management Pack Hours Spent With Out Configuration Management Pack Percent Of Benefit Realized % % % % % Reduction in time to make repairs for outof-band configuration changes Downtime reduction due to automated policy violation detection % % To obtain a copy of the Forrester TEI study go to: Enterprise Manager, News 31
32 Oracle Fusion Middleware 구성진단서비스소개 짂단대상리스트 짂단대상시스템 OS (IBM, HP, SUN 등 ) WAS (WebLogic Server, Web Sphere, Jboss 등 ) Web Server (Apache, iplanet 등 ) 기타 Enterprise Software (Tuxedo 등 ) 에대해아래와같은주요항목을대상으로짂단을수행합니다. WEBLOGIC 구성점검 웹서버구성점검 웹서버구성파일 웹서버 웹서버 WebLo gic Tuxed o GENERAL CONFIGURATION JTA 웹로직플러그인설정 OS OS OS OS DATA SOURCES APPLICATIONS SERVER LOG 점검 LIST WLS PATCH LIST 점검 대상 : 원하는고객 기간 : 준비에서보고까지 1 w OS 구성점검 OS PARAMETERS 점검 TCP PARAMETERS 점검 FD수체크 기적용된 PATCH LIST 적용이필요한 PATCH LIST 운영홖경점검 홖경변수체크 JVM/JAVA설정 Tuxedo 구성점검 Tuxedo 홖경변수 Tuxedo 구성파일 32
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Agenda 오픈소스 트렌드 전망 Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Open Hybrid Cloud
오픈소스 기반 레드햇 클라우드 기술 Red Hat, Inc. Senior Solution Architect 최원영 부장 wchoi@redhat.com Agenda 오픈소스 트렌드 전망 Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Open Hybrid Cloud Red
AGENDA 01 02 03 모바일 산업의 환경변화 모바일 클라우드 서비스의 등장 모바일 클라우드 서비스 융합사례
모바일 클라우드 서비스 융합사례와 시장 전망 및 신 사업전략 2011. 10 AGENDA 01 02 03 모바일 산업의 환경변화 모바일 클라우드 서비스의 등장 모바일 클라우드 서비스 융합사례 AGENDA 01. 모바일 산업의 환경 변화 가치 사슬의 분화/결합 모바일 업계에서도 PC 산업과 유사한 모듈화/분업화 진행 PC 산업 IBM à WinTel 시대 à
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가상환경에최적화된 Symantec NetBackup Appliance 1 Contents 1 현재백업환경은? 2 NetBackup Appliance 소개 3 가상화환경에서의데이터보호방안 2 현재백업환경은? 3 물리환경과가상환경의추이 4 시장분석 데이터가상화비율 $4,500 $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 Total Data Protection
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2 3 회사 소개 60%출자 40%출자 주식회사 NTT데이타 아이테크 NTT DATA의 영업협력이나 첨단기술제공, 인재육성등 여러가지 지원을 통해서 SII 그룹을 대상으로 고도의 정보 서비스를 제공 함과 동시에 NTT DATA ITEC 가 보유하고 있는 높은 업무 노하우 와 SCM을 비롯한 ERP분야의 기술력을 살려서 조립가공계 및 제조업 등 새로운 시장에
FMX M JPG 15MB 320x240 30fps, 160Kbps 11MB View operation,, seek seek Random Access Average Read Sequential Read 12 FMX () 2
FMX FMX 20062 () wwwexellencom sales@exellencom () 1 FMX 1 11 5M JPG 15MB 320x240 30fps, 160Kbps 11MB View operation,, seek seek Random Access Average Read Sequential Read 12 FMX () 2 FMX FMX D E (one
Oracle Database 10g: Self-Managing Database DB TSC
Oracle Database 10g: Self-Managing Database DB TSC Agenda Overview System Resource Application & SQL Storage Space Backup & Recovery ½ Cost ? 6% 12 % 6% 6% 55% : IOUG 2001 DBA Survey ? 6% & 12 % 6% 6%
Microsoft Word - s.doc
오라클 백서 2010년 9월 WebLogic Suite를 위해 최적화된 오라클 솔루션 비즈니스 백서 개요...1 들어가는 글...2 통합 웹 서비스 솔루션을 통해 비즈니스 혁신 추구...3 단순화...4 기민한 환경 구축...5 탁월한 성능 경험...6 판도를 바꾸고 있는 플래시 기술...6 오라클 시스템은 세계 최고의 성능 제공...6 절감 효과 극대화...8
Chapter 16 21 (Agenda). (Green),., 2010. IT IT. IT 2007 3.1% 2030 11.1%, IT 2007 1.1.% 2030 4.7%, 2020 4 IT. 1 IT, IT. (Virtualization),. 2009 /IT 2010 10 2. 6 2008. 1970 MIT IBM (Mainframe), x86 1. (http
` Companies need to play various roles as the network of supply chain gradually expands. Companies are required to form a supply chain with outsourcing or partnerships since a company can not
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240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 An Application for Calculation and Visualization of Narrative Relevance of Films Using Keyword Tags Choi Jin-Won (KAIST) Film making
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신후랑 팀장, 디디오넷 (010-8752-4952, hrshin@dideonet.com) 05/20/2009 BIZ in a box - Solution for Enterprise IPTV 2 UNIX vs. x86 Non-x86 UNIX 2008 2007 0% Y/Y Total x86 2008 2007-25.3% Y/Y 0 200 400 600 800 3 Why
Agenda 2
(SRM Strategic Sourcing) Procurement/PLM Leader IBM GBS SCM Seungmin Hong Agenda 2 / /, Procurement Competency Performance Human ( /,, Resource Physical/Virtual) Sourcing Spend Analysis, Virtual Team /
ETL ETL Data,., Data Warehouse DataData Warehouse ETL tool/system: ETL, ETL Process Data Warehouse Platform Database, Access Method Data Source Data Operational Data Near Real-Time Data Modeling Refresh/Replication
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ Abstract Terrestrial Broadcasters Strategies in the Age of Digital Broadcasting Wha-Jin Lee The purpose of this research is firstly to investigate the
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( IBM, ) Question 1 /,. NO Question 1, (RTO). Question 2. NO Question 2,. Question 3 (BIA),. Dual System. YES Question 3 Dual, Compliance. ISSUE BRCS Why IBM? Reference Case ISSUE. Most Critical Factors
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3PL (IBM BCS Korea, SCM Service Line) Agenda 3PL 3PL 3PL 3PL 3PL 3PL LSP * LLP * 3 PL 4 PL ** Multi Locations + / Pan Regional IT, IT /,, Total Supply Chain * LSP: Logistics Service Provider, LLP: Lead
I 1 1) TESCO, 1993, ( 96, 98, 99) - : : 354 (19993 ~ , 1 =1737 ) - : 845 ( : 659 ) - : ) CM 9 (CM), CM , 2 CM, -
[ B-4] - 322 - I 1 1) TESCO, 1993, 1997 3 ( 96, 98, 99) - : 1942-1999 : 354 (19993 ~ 20002 20, 1 =1737 ) - : 845 ( : 659 ) - : 22-11 2) CM 9 (CM), CM 2000 9, 2 CM, - : 210 - : (, 2000 9), - 323 - - : -
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KNOM Tutorial 2005 IT서비스관리 기술 (ITIL & ITSM) 2005. 11. 25 COPYRIGHT c 2005 SK C&C CO. LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 목 차 1. Definition 3 2. Trends 10 3. IT Infrastructure Library(ITIL) 15 4. Service Desk 26
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - α α - 20 - α α α α α α - 21 - - 22 - - 23 -
Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
I I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 I-5 I-6 GIS II II-1 II-2 II-3 III III-1 III-2 III-3 III-4 III-5 III-6 IV GIS IV-1 IV-2 (Complement) IV-3 IV-4 V References * 2012.
: 2013 1 25 Homepage: www.gaia3d.com Contact: info@gaia3d.com I I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 I-5 I-6 GIS II II-1 II-2 II-3 III III-1 III-2 III-3 III-4 III-5 III-6 IV GIS IV-1 IV-2 (Complement) IV-3 IV-4 V References
Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..., U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including any operat
Sun Server X3-2( Sun Fire X4170 M3) Oracle Solaris : E35482 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..., U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including
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Data Protection Rapid Recovery x86 DR Agent based Backup - Physical Machine - Virtual Machine - Cluster Agentless Backup - VMware ESXi Deploy Agents - Windows - AD, ESXi Restore Machine - Live Recovery
Abstract Background : Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Painful procedure can increase anxie
Volume 12, Number 1, 92~102, An Intervention Study of Pain Reduction during IV Therapy in Hospitalized Children Myo-Jin Kim 1), Joung-Hae Bak 1), Won-Seok Seo 2) Mi-Young Kim 3), Sun-Kyoung Park 3), Jai-Soung
327 Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology ISSN 1598-3986(Print) VOL.24, NO.2, Apr. 2014 ISSN 2288-2715(Online) http://dx.doi.org/10.13089/jkiisc.2014.24.2.327 개인정보 DB 암호화
http :/ / w w w.kfc c.o r.kr 4 1 (2 0 0 2. 4. 1 ). 7 7 1-7 9 3 3 FAX 7 5 5-2 0 8 1 E - m a il prma n @kfcc.o r.kr - -. 1 1. 2. 3. 5 4. 5. 2001 2002 6. 7.. 5 1.. 7 2002 . 1. 3 23 ( ) C.C 24, ( ), 13, SK
스마트폰 애플리케이션 시장 동향 및 전망 그림 1. 스마트폰 플랫폼 빅6 스마트폰들이 출시되기 시작하여 현재는 팜의 웹OS를 탑재한 스마트폰을 제외하고는 모두 국내 시장에도 출 시된 상황이다. 이들 스마트폰 플랫폼이 처해있는 상황 과 애플리케이션 시장에 대해 살펴보자.
SPECIAL THEME 3 스마트폰 전성시대를 논하다 스마트폰 애플리케이션 시장 동향 및 전망 류한석 기술문화연구소 소장 Ⅰ. 스마트폰 플랫폼 간의 치열한 경쟁 현재 국내 이동통신 산업에는 급격한 변화의 바람이 불고 있다. 작년 가을까지만 해도 스마트폰이라는 용어 를 아는 이용자가 많지 않았으나, 이제는 스마트폰을 이용하건 아니건 모든 사람들이 스마트폰을
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Reasons for Poor Performance Programs 60% Design 20% System 2.5% Database 17.5% Source: ORACLE Performance Tuning 1 SMS TOOL DBA Monitoring TOOL Administration TOOL Performance Insight Backup SQL TUNING
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2003 CRM (Table of Contents). CRM. 2003. 2003 CRM. CRM . CRM CRM,,, Modeling Revenue Legacy System C. V. C. C V.. = V Calling Behavior. Behavior al Value Profitability Customer Value Function Churn scoring
Study on the Improvement of Management System through Analysis of golf semi- market: Focus on Physical Education Facility Act Ji-Myung Jung 1, Ju-Ho Park 2 *, & Youngdae Lee 3 1 Korea Institute of Sport
- iii - - i - - ii - - iii - 국문요약 종합병원남자간호사가지각하는조직공정성 사회정체성과 조직시민행동과의관계 - iv - - v - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - α α α α - 15 - α α α α α α
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Business! ORACLE MS - SQL ORACLE MS - SQL Clustering A-Z A-F G-L M-R S-Z T-Z Microsoft EE : Works for benchmarks only CREATE VIEW Customers AS SELECT * FROM Server1.TableOwner.Customers_33 UNION ALL SELECT
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Orange for ORACLE V4.0 Installation Guide ORANGE FOR ORACLE V4.0 INSTALLATION GUIDE...1 1....2 1.1...2 1.2...2 1.2.1...2 1.2.2 (Online Upgrade)...11 1.3 ORANGE CONFIGURATION ADMIN...12 1.3.1 Orange Configuration
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[ CRM Fair 2004 ] CRM 1. CRM Trend 2. Customer Single View 3. Marketing Automation 4. ROI Management 5. Conclusion 1. CRM Trend 1. CRM Trend Operational CRM Analytical CRM Sales Mgt. &Prcs. Legacy System
Introduction to TIZEN SDK UI Builder S-Core 서현수 2015.10.28 CONTENTS TIZEN APP 이란? TIZEN SDK UI Builder 소개 TIZEN APP 개발방법 UI Builder 기능 UI Builder 사용방법 실전, TIZEN APP 개발시작하기 마침 TIZEN APP? TIZEN APP 이란? Mobile,
Agenda I. What is SRM? II. Why SRM? Trend, III. Function / To-be - IV. V. Critical Success Factor 2
(Procurement Engineering) - Engineering Introduction & Case study 2006. June 8 th Yoon-chang So / IBM GBS Agenda I. What is SRM? II. Why SRM? Trend, III. Function / To-be - IV. V. Critical Success Factor
I What is Syrup Store? 1. Syrup Store 2. Syrup Store Component 3.
Deep-Dive into Syrup Store Syrup Store I What is Syrup Store? Open API Syrup Order II Syrup Store Component III Open API I What is Syrup Store? 1. Syrup Store 2. Syrup Store Component 3. 가맹점이 특정 고객을 Targeting하여
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2007 Global Information Technology Development Reports 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63
제조 중소기업의 고용창출 성과 및 과제 조덕희 양현봉 우리 경제에서 일자리 창출은 가장 중요한 정책과제입니다. 근래 들어 우리 사회에서 점차 심각성을 더해 가고 있는 청년 실업 문제에 대처하고, 사회적 소득 양극화 문제에 대응하기 위해서도 일자리 창 출은 무엇보다도 중요한 정책과제일 것입니다. 고용창출에서는 중소기업의 역할이 대기업보다 크다는 것이 일반적
Stage 2 First Phonics
ORT Stage 2 First Phonics The Big Egg What could the big egg be? What are the characters doing? What do you think the story will be about? (큰 달걀은 무엇일까요? 등장인물들은 지금 무엇을 하고 있는 걸까요? 책은 어떤 내용일 것 같나요?) 대해 칭찬해
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CRM Fair 2004 Spring Copyright 2004 DaumSoft All rights reserved. INDEX Copyright 2004 DaumSoft All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 DaumSoft All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 DaumSoft All rights reserved.
국내 디지털콘텐츠산업의 Global화 전략
Digital Conents Contents Words, Sound, Picture, Image, etc. Digitizing : Product, Delivery, Consumption NAICS(, IMO Digital Contents Digital Contents S/W DC DC Post PC TV Worldwide Digital Contents
ERP Project 20001111 BU 1 1. 2. Project 3. Project 4. Project 5. Project 6. J.D. EdwardsOneWorld 7. Project 8. Project 9. Project 10. System Configuration 11. Project 12. 2 1. 8 BG / 2 / 5 BU (20001031
< > 1 1 2 1 21 1 22 2 221 2 222 3 223 4 3 5 31 5 311 (netting)5 312 (matching) 5 313 (leading) (lagging)6 314 6 32 6 321 7 322 8 323 13 324 19 325 20 326 20 327 20 33 21 331 (ALM)21 332 VaR(Value at Risk)
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2009 IT Service 시장 전망 2009.1.22 Knowledge Research Group www.krgweb.com KRG. IT Research & Consulting... Providing INSIGHT Into IT Market.. Developing Business STRATEGY.. Supporting Marketing ACTIVITY
... 수시연구 국가물류비산정및추이분석 Korean Macroeconomic Logistics Costs in 권혁구ㆍ서상범...
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2007. 08 No.8 IT World 운영체제 미들웨어 데이터베이스 웹프로그래밍까지 표준화된공개SW 컴퓨팅환경이지원합니다. 글로벌표준의공개SW 환경은 핵심애플리케이션뿐만아니라다양한플랫폼에서도활용됩니다. 2 2007. 08No.8 Contents Special Editorial 04 Best Practice 08 12 16 20 24 26 Insight 32
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IT Driving Your Business Innovation-Accelerating ILM Driving Your Business Innovation-Accelerating ILM I. I (Social Responsibility Chain) () (),,.. 3 I 4 I.. - -,. - -.. - - 5 I Enron: ranked 6th in 02
1. 회사소개 및 연혁 - 회사소개 회사소개 회사연혁 대표이사: 한종열 관계사 설립일 : 03. 11. 05 자본금 : 11.5억원 인 원 : 18명 에스오넷 미도리야전기코리 아 미도리야전기(일본) 2008 2007 Cisco Premier Partner 취득 Cisco Physical Security ATP 취득(진행) 서울시 강남구 도심방범CCTV관제센터
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5 RF Module Reader /Writer 3 4 2 1 RFID Tag Host Computer Antenna RFID TAG Stock Tracking Availability Improvement Loss Prevention Point-of-Sale Automation 60 50 Return on Investment 57.5 (increase
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