Microsoft PowerPoint - PDFCoTemp.PPT

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1 액정디스플레이 - 산업및소재동향 디스플레이소재개발실 이천석상무 제일모직

2 Who am I in front of you? Cheonseok Lee, Ph.D. Vice President Display Materials Lab., Electronic Chemical Materials Div., Samsung Cheil Industries Inc. MBILE KAIST ( ~ ) rg. Photochemistry Lab. SAMSUNG ( ~ ) Samsung General Chemicals Ltd. Co. ( ~ ) - New Materials for Pavement & Fine Chemistry - rganic Photoconductor Drum for Laser Beam Printer Samsung Cheil Industries Inc. ( ~ ) - Digital Printing Materials - rg. Materials for TFT-LCD Cheil Industries Inc. 2

3 목차 I 디스플레이산업및소재현황 II TFT-LCD 개요 III 주요소재의기술현황 LCD 소재 차세대 LCD 기술 Cheil Industries Inc. 3

4 디스플레이산업현황 Cheil Industries Inc. 4

5 디스플레이구분 TFT-LCD PDP LED FED Cheil Industries Inc. 5

6 디스플레이혁신기술 High Resolution Silicon Dot Quantum Dot CNT-FED Photonic Crystal Reality 3D Display Laser TV PDP LED Interferometric Modulator HMD rganic TFT Hologram DMD Projection TV TFT-LCD Electrochromic Electrophoreti c Convenience CRT PDA Present Business New Market Next Generation Cheil Industries Inc. 6

7 Demand Forecast by Technology 전세계 TV 전망 - LCD TV will be top TV technology in PDP could ensure the reasonable portion of the total TV (13.6% in 2010) 40 인치이상전세계 TV 전망 [ 출처 ] Displaybank (07.03) Cheil Industries Inc. 7

8 Full HD Launching Plan 삼성전자 70 TV 용 LCD Full HD 삼성전자 ( 깐느 ) TV 용 PDP Full HD [ 출처 ] IMID 06 (Displaybank) Cheil Industries Inc. 8

9 Large Size TV Line ups [ 출처 ] IMID 06 (Displaybank) Cheil Industries Inc. 9

10 Price Trend LCD TV Panel Q1 06 기준 40 LCD module LCD Production Cost Analysis [ 출처 ] KDC 06 (Displaybank) Cheil Industries Inc. 10

11 가격떨어진 Digital TV 삼성전자 Full HD LCD TV 모젤 소니 Full HD LCD TV 브라비아 제조사 모델명 종류 해상도 특징 가격 ( 만원 ) 소니 LG전자 K이-46X LY3DR 46 LCD 47 LCD Full HD Full HD 브라비아 타임머신 LG 전자 Full HD LCD TV 타임머신 삼성전자 LN46M71BD 46 LCD Full HD 모젤 330 삼성전자 SPD-50Q92HD 50 PDP HD 깐느 290 LG 전자 42LY3DR 42 LCD Full HD 타임머신 230 LG 전자 50PC1DB1 50 PDP HD 210 소니 KDL-40S LCD HD 브라비아 180 삼성전자대우일렉 LN40R81BD DLD-42C1LMR 40 LCD 42 LCD HD HD 2007 년형보르도 새찬전자 SCP4200WHF 42 LCD Full HD 장수명백라이트 140 디지털디바이스하이얼 LDF-3780 HLT-42NHW2SB 37 LCD 42 LCD Full HD HD LG 필립스패널 대우일렉 Full HD LCD TV [ 출처 ] 중앙일보 Cheil Industries Inc. 11

12 N/PC & Monitor Wide 화 LCD 모니터화면비별수요전망 Wide 형태모니터 4:3 혹은 5:4 형태모니터 삼성전자윈도우비스타전용와이드모니터 # 와이드모니터가격하락, 와이드모니터용패널출하량증가, 와이드모니터의기판효율, 노트북의와이드화, 윈도우비스타의출시등에영향 ( 윈도우비스타 : 22 인치와이드모니터 1680x1050 해상도에표준, 22 인치와이드모이터경우 A4 용지두개를붙인크기와같아여러작업을함께하는 Multi-tasking 에유리 ) # 19 인치, 20 인치, 22 인치와이드모니터간의사이즈경쟁 : 08 년까지는 19 인치와이드모니터, 09 년이후에는 22 인치와이드모니터의출하량이앞설것으로전망 Cheil Industries Inc. 12

13 Small TFT-LCD 예상출하 Cheil Industries Inc. 13

14 Key Technology Wide Viewing Angle mpva provide Real Wide Viewing Angle Cheil Industries Inc. 14

15 4 Color Rendering Cheil Industries Inc. 15

16 Asian Country as Display Cluster IPS Alpha Tech. SVA-NEC CPT Hanstar QDI Innolux [ 출처 ] KDC 06 (Displaybank) Cheil Industries Inc. 16

17 Structural Issue for TFT-LCD Industry Cheil Industries Inc. 17

18 Sandwich Korea!!! Cheil Industries Inc. 18

19 Sandwich Korea Cheil Industries Inc. 19

20 전자재료왕국 - 일본 電子材料王國日本의逆襲 by Wataru Izumiya - 일본이전자재료분야에강한이유 o 일본인의 성격 이전자재료에적합. 단순작업을 1년이상반복할수있는인내심 (ex. 쌀품종개발 ). 전자재료개발은수년간동일작업을반복해야개발가능 o 일본전자재료업체는대부분 100년이상된기업에서수행. 재료개발은 20년전쟁 이기때문에 100년을견디어온기업문화에적합 o 전자재료각분야에서세계적인기업과 Partnership 형성 - 한국이 전자재료 분야에서성공할수없는이유 o 한국의강점인신속한투자결정, 적극적이고과감한세계적 Marketing 등이재료분야에서도성공할수있을까?. 조급한성격으로 20년전쟁 에서살아남기어려움 o 한국기업들의재료에대한소극적인자세. 설계및양산기술개발에는강하나재료는 수입 하면된다는인식 [ 출처 ] KDC 06 (Displaybank) Cheil Industries Inc. 20

21 [ 출처 ] KDC 06 (Displaybank) Cheil Industries Inc. 21

22 Taiwan & China LCD Industry AU AU, CPT, Hannstar # AU 중국샤먼에 LCD 모듈공장확장해서최근생산시작 # CM 2006 년 12 월 15 일중국닝보에 3000 만달러 ( 약 280 억원 ) 투자, LCD 부품공장건설발표 CM, Hannstar 투자계획 Gov.+SVA+BE+IV 6G(or 7G) 투자계획 TCL+Sharp 6G or 7.5G Shenzhen City + Innolux 5G [ 출처 ] KDC 06 (Displaybank) Cheil Industries Inc. 22

23 한국의디스플레이산업경쟁력분석 - 강점 세계최고수준의 LCD 및 PDP 양산기술보유 적절한설비투자로시장요구에적기대응 (TFT-LCD, PDP) - 기회 디지털 TV의급성장 차세대디스플레이의요구증대 이동통신, TV, PC 등의디스플레이후방산업의국내경쟁력증대 중국시장의급성장 한국디스플레이산업 - 약점 전문인력공급부족 차세대디스플레이기술개발미흡 취약한부품소재및장비기술 LCD 및 PDP의대규모투자에따른거대자본소요 - 위험 대만, 중국등후발국의투자증대및국가차원의지원 차세대디스플레이원천특허를앞세운로열티요구 일본-대만, 일본-중국업체별전략적제휴및한국기업타도전략 Cheil Industries Inc. 23

24 한국의디스플레이기술현황 # TFT-LCD 유리기판, 컬러필터제조기술 : 95% 편광판제조기술 : 90% 기초소재제조기술 : 60% 패널제조기술 : 92% 기술수준 : 일본을 100 으로기준 # PDP 격벽재료제조기술 : 100% 유리기판제조기술 : 50% 패널제조기술 : 91% 디스플레이적용무기재료특허비교 구분 TFT-LCD PDP FED LED 한국 미국 일본 유럽 [ 출처 ] 화학저널 (06.03) Cheil Industries Inc. 24

25 발전비전및전략 추진과제 전략 Vision 1 차세대신기술개발 2 기술인프라구축확대 3전문인력양성확대 4 장비 재료산업육성 5국제협력및수출마케팅능력제고 6 제도개선 * 디스플레이산업육성을통한글로벌경쟁력확보 - 브라운관, LCD 뿐만아니라 PDP, 유기 EL 등차세대디스플레이에서시장주도권확보 * 디스플레이산업기반강화로디지털 TV, 휴대폰및장비 재료등전후방산업의균형발전도모 * 국가수출주도및세계 1위디스플레이강국 - 수출 : ( 02) 93억불 ( 10) 340억불 - 디스플레이시장의 40% 이상점유 ( 세계 1위 ) * 디스플레이관련산업의경쟁력강화 Cheil Industries Inc. 25

26 소재 (Materials) Set/LCD 의시작점 Process Assembly Materials Parts/Module Set/LCD Cheil Industries Inc. 26

27 Business Paradigm 의변화 기존의 Value Chain 차별화 WHAT Follower Red cean HW Leader Blue cean Cheil Industries Inc. 27

28 차별화 경쟁력의핵심요소 경쟁우위제품 (Competitive Products) 기능차별화 가격차별화 소재혁신 (Material Innovation) 공정혁신 (Process Innovation) 전문지식, 경험, 창의력 Cheil Industries Inc. 28

29 혁신 (Innovation) 의가치 발명 이익률 개선 순차적혁신 (Progressive Innovation) 파격적혁신 (Disruptive Innovation) (ex. CRT LCD) (Invention) (ex. TV, Nylon) (In-Kind (ex. CVD CTG) Improvement) 제품수명 ( 년 ) Cheil Industries Inc. 29

30 TFT - LCD 개요 Cheil Industries Inc. 30

31 TFT-LCD 기술 편광? N (3.5V) FF (0V) Cheil Industries Inc. 31

32 구동원리 TFT-LCD - 편광판-액정-편광판구조 - 액정이전기장에의해빛을 on/off 4액정전압에따라빛의양을조정 300 μm ne Pixel ) C/F 기판 Common 전극 ) Pixel 전극 Data 선 Gate 선 TFT 기판 1 Source 화상신호전달 Glass Pixel 액정에전압인가 편광판 Glass + 2Gate 화상신호를 n/ff Back Light 액정 White (TFT ff) Black (TFT n) 편광판 Cheil Industries Inc. 32

33 TFT-LCD 의구조 (FAB+Module) 와재료 FAB Structure of Color TFT-Panel F A B 핵심소재 Black Matrix Color PR vercoat Spacer L/C Alignment Layer (PI) IL Polarizer 용도및역할 Cell Matrix LCD용컬러색소자 C/F보호막 C/F, TFT 간극유지빛의개폐액정배향전류누설방지광투과제어 Cheil Industries Inc. 33

34 Module Structure of Driving Circuit Unit M o d u l e 핵심소재 ACF FCCL 용도및역할 회로접착필름 기판재료 Cheil Industries Inc. 34

35 Module Structure of BLU & Chassis M o d u l e 핵심소재광학필름류확산판도광판 용도및역할광학특성조절광확산광유도 Cheil Industries Inc. 35

36 생산공정 Color Filter Glass BM Red Green Blue C Patterning Patterning Patterning Patterning Patterning 증착 / 패턴공정상세도 (Deposition & Patterning Process in Detail) A B C/F 단위공정도 Color PR 도포 (Colored PR Coating) 노광 (Exposure) 현상 (Develop) 검사 (Inspection) B/M 단위공정도증착 (Deposition) 세정 (Cleaning) PR 도포 (PR Coating) 노광 (Exposure) 현상 (Develop) 식각 (Etch) 습식식각 (Wet Etch) 박리 (Strip) SPUTTER DC TARGET Ar+ Al Al Al Al Al Al Ar+ SUBSTRATE 건식식각 (Dry Etch) Gas RF PLASMA F Si Si SiF 4 Cheil Industries Inc. 36

37 TFT 유리판 (Glass) GATE 전극 (GATE Electrode) 절연막및반도체막 (Insulator & a-sia si) DATA 전극 (DATA Electrode) 유기절연막 (Passivation) 화소전극 (Pixel Electrode) Patterning Patterning Patterning Patterning Patterning 증착 / 패턴공정상세도 (Deposition & Patterning Process in Detail) 증착 (Deposition) 세정 (Cleaning) PR 도포 (PR Coating) 노광 (Exposure) 현상 (Develop) 식각 (Etch) PR 박리 (PR Strip) 검사 (Inspection) PECVD R F 습식식각 (Wet Etch) H H H Si H H N H H H Si Si Si N N N H H SPUTTER 건식식각 (Dry Etch) DC Ar+ Al Al Al Al Al Al Ar+ F Si Gas PLASMA Si RF TARGET SUBSTRATE SiF 4 Cheil Industries Inc. 37

38 LCD Panel C/F TFT 초기세정 (Cleaning) PI 인쇄 (Alignment-Layer Printing) 러빙 (Rubbing) 3 Seal 인쇄 (Seal Printing) Spacer 산포 (Spacer Dispensing) 합착 (Assembly) 절단 (Scribing & Breaking) 액정주입 (LC Injection) 검사 (Autoprobe Inspection) Cheil Industries Inc. 38

39 주요소재의기술현황 Cheil Industries Inc. 39

40 LCD Materials rganic Black Matrix Color Photo Resist : R,G,B Spacer rg. Insulating Layer Polyimide Layer for Aligning LC Anisotropic Conductive Film Cheil Industries Inc. 40

41 Black Matrix rganic Black Matrix 정의 Color Layer (R,G,B) 각 color pixel들을분리시켜선명도를부여하는흑색안료 (Carbon Black, Titan Black, Mixed rg. Pigment) 가분산된감광성액체. RED GREEN BLUE GLASS Black Matrix 역할 Backlight 의빛을 100% 차단 RGB 색간섭방지 Contrast 증대효과반사율감소오작동방지 Cheil Industries Inc. 41

42 rganic BM 의구성 Mill-base 1. Carbon Black 2. 분산제, 분산조제 3. 바인더 Binder Additives 현상성에영향을줌 BM Photoresist 1. 기판과의흡착성증가 2. 표면을평탄화함 Monomer Solvent Initiator 패턴의물성에영향을줌 1. 광개시제 2. 열개시제 Cheil Industries Inc. 42

43 BM 관련기술동향 C/F 투과면적 高개구율적용투과율및휘도증가 => High Resolutions 要 Cheil Industries Inc. 43

44 차세대 BM 격벽用 재료코팅처리법 플라즈마처리법 B i Phobic 재료 Phobic Philic H i B e 후공정에서제거 B H Cheil Industries Inc. 44

45 차세대 BM Transer / LITI Film Transfer 필름전사 (Film Transer) 노광 (Exposure) 현상 (Develop) 오븐 (Hard Bake) Cheil Industries Inc. 45

46 色을밝히는者? # 色을밝히는女子 - 눈, 코, 입이오밀조밀모여있는여성 - 눈꼬리가위로올라가있는여성 - 눈밑부위에푸르슴한, 혹은어두운여성 - 턱이뾰족하게솟은여성 - 눈의흰자위가많은여성 色卽是空 ( 색즉시공 ) # 色을밝히는 o 子 내가왜웃지? - 양쪽 : 세속적인눈이짝짝이인욕망또는남자색을밝히는것은덧없다는뜻의불교용어 - 눈이움푹들어가있는남자 - 콧등이높은남자 -눈이큰남자 Cheil Industries Inc. 46

47 Color Generation Color Photo Resist : R,G,B Cheil Industries Inc. 47

48 Pigment type Pigments for Color Filter Photoresists (Types & C.I. Pigment numbers) C.I Chem ical Class Chem ical structure Hue NH 2 C.I Chem ical Class Chem ical structure Hue PR-177 (65300) A ntraquinone NH 2 red PY-128 (20037) Diazo F 3 C Cl HNC CH3 HC N NCCHN Cl H3C CH CH3 3 CH NHC NN Cl CF 3 CNH Cl greenish y e llo w PR-224 (71127) PR-254 (56110) A ntraquinone Diketopyrrolo pyrrole Cl Cl Br H N N H Cl Cl Cl red bright red PY-138 (56300) PY-139 (56298) Quino phathalone Is o in d olin on e Cl Cl H N N H N Cl Cl H N Cl Cl Cl Cl H N N H y e llo w reddish y e llo w PG-36 (74265) Cu-PC Cl Br Br Cl N Br N N N NCu N N N Cl Br Cl Cl Br y e llo w ish green PY-150 (12764) M o n o a z o - N i com plex N N H N N H H N N y e llo w PB-15:6 (74160) PB-15 :1,2,3,4 Cu-Pc(ε) Cu-Pc(α,β) Cl Cl N N N NCu N N N N bright blue bright blue PY-151 (13980) PV-23 (51319) M o n o a z o Dioxane CH 3 C H N N C CNH CH C 2H 5 Cl N N N Cl H N NH N C 2H 5 y e llo w bluish violet Note PC Red : main R254 + Y139 TV Red : R254 + R177 Note PC Green : main G36 + Y138 -> Y138( 밝은노란색 ) 은휘도증가에유리 TV Green : main G36 + Y150 -> Y150( 진한노란색 ) 은색재현율증가에유리 Note PC & TV Blue : PB 15:6 + V23 Cheil Industries Inc. 48

49 기술동향 1 : Trend of Color Gamut Higher color reproduction rate is a current trend of most LCD applications Current Status Larger Gamut Higher Transmittance ptimization for each Usage Cheil Industries Inc. 49

50 기술동향 2 : High Contrast Ratio Light scattering 감소방안 - 안료미립화 & Matrix내에고른분산상태유지높은 Contrast ratio를가지는안료적용안료입자와 Film Matrix 간의굴절률차이를최소화 Cheil Industries Inc. 50

51 기술동향 3 : High Voltage Holding Ratio VHR 이란? Leakage voltage 감소 Improve VHR Driving Voltage 감소 Improve Image Quality VHR Value 와 Color Resist 의 Design Improve VHR Good Image Quality (ex.) low Image Sticking ( 잔상 ) Color Resist Design with High VHR : Lower ionic impurities : Lower volatile impurities with low Mw : Strengthen the photo-polymerization Cheil Industries Inc. 51

52 기술동향 4 : CIS 用 Color Filter ptical Signal Electrical Signal ptical Signal bject Image Sensor Signal Processing Transmission Image Recognition Display CCD CIS Cheil Industries Inc. 52

53 LCD Color Filter vs. CIS Color Filter Pattern LCD Nega PR Sub pixel : 100 * 300μm CIS Nega PR Pixel : 2 * 2μm Coating Substrate BM Film Thickness Resolution Taper Slit & spin / Slit only Glass 사용 1.2 ~ 1.6μm > 5μm 50 ~ 20 Spin ver coat on Wafer 미사용 0.6 ~ 1.0μm < 1.4μm 90 Cheil Industries Inc. 53

54 Spacer 의역할및종류 Spacer 역할 Color Filter TFT - To make room for liquid crystal between C/F and TFT substrates - To absorb external shocks such as sudden difference in pressure or Temp. 종류 Beads Spacer Glass IT Pixel Black Alignment Film Matrix Liguid Crystal Column Spacer TFT IT Glass Alignment Film Bead Spacer Glass IT Pixel Black Alignment Film Matrix TFT Liguid Crystal IT Alignment Film Glass Column Spacer Cheil Industries Inc. 54

55 Process Flow 및 Mechanism Coating Glass Non - UV Exposure Part Soluble to Developer CH I CH Pre-baking Glass I CH P P P I P CH Exposure Developing Glass Glass i-line Exposure UV Exposure Part Insoluble to Developer C H Post-baking Glass P C H C PH P P P C H Cheil Industries Inc. 55

56 차세대기술 o Photoless 또는 Less Mask 공정 o Ink-jet Printing o Dry Film Photoresist (DFP) 필름전사 (Film Transer) < RPS > 노광 (Exposure) 현상 (Develop) 오븐 (Hard Bake) Cheil Industries Inc. 56

57 유기절연막의역할 rg. Insulating Layer TFT 기판의누설전류방지, 평탄화및개구율향상을위해신호선및전극이외의부분의절연을담당 GI GATE Active Glass SD 유기절연막 BM & 유기절연막 Cheil Industries Inc. 57

58 유기절연막의조성 1. Acryl Resin - High Transmittance - Stable Thermal Resistance A B C D 1) Resin 구조 (-CH) 2) Mw, Mw 분포 3) DR, Amount etc. 2. NQD PAC - 광원에대한용해도변화유발 - 감도, 잔막률, 열특성등의 Factor G-line PAC N2 3. Cross-linker - Develop, Etch 공정시 Adhesion 강화 - 감도, 안정성등의 Factor 4. Solvent - 고형분인여러성분을용해하여균일한박막을형성 Q Q Q Q C H C S 2 Q 1) PAC 구조 2) Ester Ratio 3) Amount etc. - 도포성과안정성등의 Factor 5. Surfactant Q i-line PAC - Coating Uniformity 개선 - 도포성, 안정성등의 Factor Cheil Industries Inc. 58

59 향후개발 Trend Posi vs. Nega Resist type Maximum thickness Photosensitivity (i-line) * Residual Film Thickness(%) Transmittance(%) Resolution(Hole) Positive 3 μm 60~70% 86~88% 95% <5 μm Negative 3 μm 10~20% 86~88% 92~95% 5 μm * Negative Type : Photo-speed 개선으로 tact time 감소, 아직은 Strip 불량등문제있음 Single 유기절연막 SiNx(500A ) 유기절연막 유기절연막 Cheil Industries Inc. 59

60 The Function Polyimide Layer for Aligning LC LC Alignment by Rubbed Alignment Layer Regulation of LC Movement Short Range rdering 전원 N No Alignment Layer Aligning agent Rubbing Long Range Alignment Pretilt Angle Alignment Layer 적용 /Rubbing 후 전원 N Cheil Industries Inc. 60

61 Polyimide as Alignment Layer Price PE High PA PMPBT PET PP PI Crystalline High PEEKPAI LCP PEIPES PPS PSF PAR PCm-PP Heat resistance ABS PS PMMA Amorphous Super Engineering Plastics Engineering Plastics Commodity Plastics - Thermally Stable > 260 C - Chemical resistance : 액정, 세정공정 - Excellent mechanical property : Rubbing 공정 - ptical stability : 내후성 (ex. PC 황변 ) Problems! - Color : Alicyclic Anhydride - Low pretilt angle : Functional Diamine Polyimide 의합성 CH 3 * N H H + H 2 N NH 2 H N Polymerization H n N H Curing N N * n H 2 N DCDA N N N NH 2 Dianhydride Diamine Polyamic acid Polyimide Triaz-16 Cheil Industries Inc. 61

62 Pretilt Angle What is pretilt angle (θ p )? Liquid crystal molecule Rubbing direction θ p : Pretilt angle Required to give uniform movement Necessity of Pretilt Angle In case of the pretilt angle 0 o Alignment Layer Glass Substrate Mode TN mode IPS mode VA mode Pretilt(º) 5~10 ~2 87~90 In case of the pretilt angle 2 o Voltage impressing The standing direction of LC molecules are random 2 o Voltage impressing LC molecules stand up to the same direction Cheil Industries Inc. 62

63 Substitution Effect Pretilt angle of LCD (o) DAM-1 DAM-2 DAM-3 DAM-4 N N N m CF 3 CF 3 R: (DAM-1) CF 3 CF 3 N CF 3 CF 3 R n m + n = 1 (DAM-2) Mole% of fluorine containing diamine(%) NH (DAM-3) NH (DAM-4) CF 3 CF 3 Control of pretilt angle by using various kind of diamines Cheil Industries Inc. 63

64 Voltage Holding Ratio (VHR) Influence of diamine structures on the VHR X Polyimide No. CH 2 H N CF 3 PI-1 PI-2 PI-3 PI-4 PI-5 Hydrocarbon xygen atom Polar group VHR(%) PI-1 : 99% PI-2 : 90% PI-3 : 80% PI-4 : 60% PI-5 : 50% CF 3 N N X Cheil Industries Inc. 64

65 What is ACF? Anisotropic Conductive Film Anisotropic Conductive Film ACF Heat/Pressure TAB Film It is used for TFT-LCD module packaging process. It contains conductive powder like Nickel, gold, Au-coated Nickel with shape of spiky and sphere like. It contains between PCB and FPC, between FPC and IT glass pannel. ACF is called Z-Axis conductive adhesive film. Conductive Ball Panel ACF allows electrical interconnection between top and bottom circuit in the Z-direction of the film. Cheil Industries Inc. 65

66 ACF Structure ACF Cover Film (10 ~ 38μm ) Conductive particle ACF film (16 ~ 45μm ) PET Release film (50 ~75μm ) Conductive Particle Insulation Layer PS 계 resin Polymer bead Au Ni 3~10 μm size ther bead materials: Benzoguanamine, PMMA, Acrylic copolymer, etc. Nickel powder Polymer Particle Insulated Conductive Particle Cheil Industries Inc. 66

67 Manufacturing Process Mixing Process Coating Process Conductive powder Resin Curing Agent Coating Knife Coating Resin Hot Air Dry Mixing Adhesive Elements Solvent Pay-off Take-up Packing Process Slitting Process Cutting Knife REEL Slitting condition. Width, 1.0~3.5 mm. Length, 25 ~ 350 m include required inspections at each step Cheil Industries Inc. 67

68 ACF Application TAB bonding output FPC/PCR TAB bonding input FPC/LCD CG bonding IC/LCD ACF connection Plasma display FPC/PDP CF bonding IC/FPC CB bonding IC/PCB Cheil Industries Inc. 68

69 Flexible Display Plastic 기판 저온개발 (150 이하 ) 모듈例 1 모듈例 2 Cheil Industries Inc. 69

70 차세대 LCD 기술 Cheil Industries Inc. 70

71 Flexible Display? Cheil Industries Inc. 71

72 Concept of Flexible Display Process Flexibility + Design Flexibility Process Design Substrate Flexibility 깨지지않고... 가볍고 박막형성 Flexibility + Design Freedom - Wearable, Fashionable Manufacturing Flex. Paper-like - 휴대는간편, 볼때는크게 (Roll-able) Cheil Industries Inc. 72

73 Road Map of Flexible Display 2011 년 - 3 인치급이하 flexible display 를채용한 high- end mobile phone 등장 2016 년 - 노트북, TV, 모니터등에채용될대형디스플레이시장형성전망 [ 출처 ] Displaybank (07.03) Flexible Display Market 수요전망 ( 금액기준 ) Cheil Industries Inc. 73

74 Printing for Next Gen. Display ffset Printing (Plate Type) 균일한도포 Cliché 이용한패턴형성 Glass 위에패턴전사 Cheil Industries Inc. 74

75 Ink Jet Printing Color Filter Conventional Lithography Direct Printing Glass Coat Expose Feature Print Feature Etch Feature Cheil Industries Inc. 75

76 Ink Jet Printing PI Process Polyimide Alignment Layer < Conventional Roll Printing > < Ink Jet Printing > Anilox Roll Plate Cylinder PI Doctor Roll Ink Jet Head PI ink Cheil Industries Inc. 76

77 Flexible Substrates : Glass vs. Plastic Polymer Substrate MacDonald, J.Mat.Chem. 14, 4-10 (2004) Flexible glass Plichta et al, Materials Research Soc. (2003) Requirements Mechanical Strength Chemical Resistance Water Absorption Dielectric Properties Dimensional Stability Surface Pretreatment Properties Processing Cheil Industries Inc. 77

78 rganic TFT rganic Transistor? - rganic semiconductor similar to Si-Semiconductor - Easy processible Why rganic Transistor? - Lightweight, Low-cost, Flexibility, Roll to Roll TFT Structure Si TFT CVD process Si semiconductor Si2, SiNx Metal Glass rganic TFT Printing process Conjugated rganic materials rganic Gate Insulator Conducting polymer rg. Inorg. Hybrid Glass, Plastic Cheil Industries Inc. 78

79 Display Vision Any Place, Any Shape, and Any Size Source: U.K outdoor Advertising Association, Source: IBM Cheil Industries Inc. 79

80 제일모직소개및현황 Cheil Industries Inc. 80

81 삼성그룹관계사 전자 전자 SDI 전기 코닝 SDS 네트웍스 금융 생명화재카드증권 투신운용벤쳐투자 화학 제일모직토탈석유화학 정밀화학 BP 화학 기계 중공업 테크윈 기타 물산엔지니어링에버랜드호텔신라 제일기획에스원라이온스의료원 경제연구소인력개발원종합기술원 문화재단복지재단호암재단 언론재단공익재단채용사이트 전자서비스법률봉사단 이건희장학재단 Cheil Industries Inc. 81

82 제일모직의위상 - 삼성그룹의소재업체로서의위상정립 Cheil Industries Inc. 82

83 제일모직의사업변신 - 전통적직물업체에서선도적소재업체로 Cheil Industries Inc. 83

84 제일모직사업장현황 FF 밀라노 비엘라 천진상해대만심천 동경 산호세 LA 패션본사 의왕 시카고뉴욕 말레이지아 여수 구미 해외법인 : 8 個 해외사무소 : 9 個해외연구소 :2 個 시드니 Cheil Industries Inc. 84

85 제일모직의사업 - 합성수지분야 ABS, HIPS for Automobile Electronics Functional Styrene Resin Engineering Plastics PC, PC/ABS, PBT, PPS for Mobile Phone Electronics ptical Film, Micro beads, CNT, Encapsulation PC, PMMA, Transparent ABS, Heat Resistant PS New Materials ptical Materials Solid Surface, E-Stone Construction Materials Cheil Industries Inc. 85

86 제일모직의사업 전자소재분야 CMP Slurry, SWC Semi. FAB. Mat. EMC, LE Packaging Mat. Functional Mat. EMI Shield Mat. Paste, Electrolyte, Cathode Active Mat. Frontier Mat. Display FAB. Mat. Color PR, PI, ver coat ptical Sheet/Film LGP, Diffuser Plate AR Film, Polarizer Component LED, Fuel cell, TFT Mat. EMC : Epoxy Molding Compound SWC : Specialty Wet Chemical LE : Liquid Encapsulant LGP : Light Guide Plate PI : Polyimide Cheil Industries Inc. 86

87 제일모직의성장전략 05 년매출 2.6 조원 10 년, 매출 8 조원 케미칼 / 전자소재매출비중 : 05 년 59% 10 년 75% 매출 59% 케미칼 51% 2.6 조원 전자소재 8% 41% 패션 / 직물 75% 전자소재 케미칼 37% 8 조원 38% 패션 / 직물 25% [ 05 년 ] [ 10 년 ] Cheil Industries Inc. 87

88 R&D 전략 R&D 전략 건강 약전달시스템 인공피부 / 기관 전자 / 가정용기기 IT / 통신 World Best 제품 핵심역량 경쟁력강화 독자기술 선택과집중 우주 / 항공 우주선 고내열코팅 인류의진보 환경 / 에너지 군용 신개념무기 Bio Nano-bio 장치 molecular motor 목표기기 & 적용범위 차세대 Display & ptics 차세대 Semiconductor & Mobile 차세대 Energy & Environment Cheil Industries Inc. 88

89 제일모직 (Cheil Industries Inc.) 세계를선도하는소재기업의선두에있습니다 의왕연구센터 Thank You Thank You Thank You Cheil Industries Inc. 89

90 개발자이라며 Cheil Industries Inc. 90

91 21 세기의개발자는? 주인의식 어느곳에있든지있는그자리에서주인이되어라 母性愛? 유필화 < CE, 고전에서답을찾다 > 21 세기는유목민의시대 유목민의가치와사상, 그리고욕구가사회를지배할것 유목민은누구나가볍고자유롭고타인을환대하고,,,,,, 늘접속되어있으며 쟈크아탈리 <21 세기사전 > Cheil Industries Inc. 91

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