[최종본]'13년 NPEs동향 이슈보고서(2분기).hwp

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4 - 1 -

5 NPEs Quarterly Report 분기이슈분석보고서 2013 [2/4 분기 ] 서론 - 2 -

6 배경및목적 - 3 -

7 전체사건 외국기업사건 우리기업사건 소송현황 (2008 년 ~2013 년 5 월 ) - 4 -

8 * * * * - 5 -

9 - 6 -

10 - 7 -

11 NPEs 선정 NPEs - 8 -

12 불리 < 참고자료 > Patent Trolls in Public How does revenue vary with PAE 2) business model?...we identified three different types of business models: "middlemen" who acquire or license patents from third party inventors (e.g., Acacia), "R&D-based" who conduct R&D and file their own patents (e.g., Rambus), and "salvage" where an operating company becomes a PAE using patents it developed for its own business (e.g., Asure / Forgent). The R&D-based PAEs file fewer lawsuits, but their licensing revenues are much greater. The R&D-based PAEs account for only 6% of the lawsuits, but 83% of the revenues, earning $54 million per defendant. The "middlemen" file 80% of the lawsuits, but earn only $0.7 million per defendant. These wide disparities correspond to other evidence about the high heterogeneity of PAEs and licensing outcomes

13 NPEs Source

14 분석대상및범위

15 NPEs Quarterly Report 분기이슈분석보고서 2013 [2/4 분기 ] NPEs 동향통계

16 13 년 2/4 분기 3) NPEs 소송 4) 통계

17 6)

18 - 15 -

19 < 그래프로보는분기별동향 >

20 < 그림으로보는분기별동향 > 1Q 2Q

21 NPEs

22 - 19 -

23 8) NPEs - 국내기업 소송건수

24 NPEs - 국내기업 소송건수

25 NPEs - 국내기업 소송건수

26 NPEs Quarterly Report 분기이슈분석보고서 2013 [2/4 분기 ] 주요 NPEs 분석

27 불리 < 주요 NPEs 업체정보 > 정의 최근 3 개월간우리기업및해외기업을상대로활발하게소송활동을 진행한 NPEs 업체중상위 10 개사를추출하고이중고위험군상위 5 개사에대해개별업체정보를소개 선정기준 01 최근 3개월간소송빈도를고려하여 Top5 NPEs 선정 - Pareto( 파레토 ) 분석을통해전 13년 2/4분기소송점유율 80% 이상 NPEs 업체를분석 - 소송점유상위 5개사를선정후업체정보조사 업체정보 02 선정된 NPEs 업체의기업현황및특허일반현황 - NPEs 업체는상장된 NPEs(Acacia 등 ) 일부를제외하고업체 정보가공개되지않아정보누락가능성존재 특허생산자립도및업체유형 03 특허생산자립도를산출하고 NPEs 업체유형을분류 - 특허자산운영에있어매입형혹은자체생산형 (IP-R&D) NPEs 인지여부안내 특허자산및소송현황 04 산업 기술분야별최근 3 개월간의자산및소송변화정보 - 특허자산중주력포트폴리오분야및분야별소송현황 정보제공

28 13 년 2/4 분기활동주요 NPEs 개요 ➊ ➊ 파레토 (Pareto) 법칙 분석결과 상위 10개 NPEs 업체가최근 3개월간전체의 81.85% 의소송을제기

29 1 Beacon Navigation ➊ 기업및특허현황 ➋ ➌ ➊ Beacon Navigation 자체등록자산양수자산합계 ➋ 특허생산자립도 : ➌ 업체유형

30 2 Adaptix ➊ 기업및특허현황 ➋ ➌ ➊ Adaptix 자체등록자산양수자산합계 ➋ 특허생산자립도 : ➌ 업체유형

31 3 DataTreasury ➊ 기업및특허현황 аԁ ➋ ➌ ➊ DataTreasury 자체등록자산양수자산합계 ➋ 특허생산자립도 : ➌ 업체유형

32 4 Wyncomm ➊ 기업및특허현황 ➋ ➌ ➊ Wyncomm 자체등록자산양수자산합계 ➋ 특허생산자립도 : ➌ 업체유형

33 5 Innovative Wireless Solutions LLC ➊ 기업및특허현황 ➋ ➌ ➊ iws 자체등록자산양수자산합계 ➋ 특허생산자립도 : ➌ 업체유형

34 13 년 2/4 분기신규출현 NPEs 1 Intellectual Keystone Technology LLC ➊ 기업및특허현황 ➋ ➌ ➊ ikt 자체등록자산양수자산합계 ➋ 특허생산자립도 : ➌ 업체유형

35 2 Potter Voice Technologies LLC ➊ 기업및특허현황 ➋ ➌ ➊ PVT 자체등록자산양수자산합계 ➋ 특허생산자립도 : ➌ 업체유형

36 3 Relay IP Inc ➊ ➊ Relay IP 기업및특허현황 자체등록자산양수자산합계 ➋ 특허생산자립도 : ➋ ➌ ➌ 업체유형

37 4 Wireless Mobile Devices LLC ➊ 기업및특허현황 ➊ Wireless Mobile Devices 자체등록 자산양수 자산합계 ➋ 특허생산자립도 : ➋ ➌ ➌ 업체유형

38 5 Smartflash LLC ➊ 기업및특허현황 ➊ Smartflash 자체등록자산양수자산합계 ➋ 특허생산자립도 : ➋ ➌ ➌ 업체유형

39 NPEs IP Activity Board ( 13 년 2/4 분기 ) ➊ 개요 ➋ ➊ Dashboard 산출식 특허매입건수 / ( 특허매입건수 + 특허출원건수 ) ➋ 성향분석

40 1 '13 년 3 월 3 월 NPEs IP Activity Board ➊ ➋ ➌ ➊ X축 (NPEs 공격성향 ) ➋ Y축 (NPEs 특허생산의존도 ) ➌ 구의크기 ( 특허자산규모 )

41 2 '13 년 4 월 4 월 NPEs IP Activity Board ➊ ➋ ➌ ➊ X축 (NPEs 공격성향 ) ➋ Y축 (NPEs 특허생산의존도 ) ➌ 구의크기 ( 특허자산규모 )

42 3 '13 년 5 월 5 월 NPEs IP Activity Board ➊ ➋ ➌ ➊ X축 (NPEs 공격성향 ) ➋ Y축 (NPEs 특허생산의존도 ) ➌ 구의크기 ( 특허자산규모 )

43 4 13 년 2/4 분기종합 Activity Board 13 년 2/4 분기 NPEs 활동종합현황 ➊ ➋ ➌ ➊ X축 ( 특허자산증가분 ) ➋ Y축 ( 소송증가분 ) ➌ 구의크기 ( 특허자산규모 )

44 NPEs Quarterly Report 분기이슈분석보고서 2013 [2/4 분기 ] NPEs 주요분쟁이슈

45 불리 < 분쟁사건선정기준 > 정의 13 년 2/4 분기미국에서발생한특허분쟁사건에한하여원고 (NPE) 의다빈도, 사용자들의사건관심도, 한국기업연관사건등에대해비율계산하여선별 선정기준 01 (45%) 특허분쟁소송당사자중원고 (NPEs) 의빈도수 - 현재활동을강화하고있다고판단 - 앞으로의잠재위험성고려 선정기준 02 (45%) 국제지재권분쟁정보포털 (IP-NAVI) 에개재된사건조회수 - 외부정보수요자의관심정도반영 - 수요자의정보활용성증대 선정기준 03 (10%) 특허분쟁소송당사자중피고가한국기업 - 국내기업연루사건에대한관심도반영 - 10 점가점부여 세부내용 04 소송서지정보, 계쟁제품정보, 소송이력정보, 계쟁특허정보등을 조사 분석

46 원고빈도수사건조회수우리기업연관 45% 45% 10% 13 3 no 사건번호 사건 점수 비고 13 4 no 사건번호 사건 점수 비고

47 13 5 no 사건번호 사건 점수 비고

48 < 소송내용 > 1 소송서지정보 원고➊ [NPEs] 피고➋ [ 제조기업 ] ➊ Intellectual Ventures Ⅰ 사 ➋ Canon

49 2 소송관련제품정보 ❸ 제품리스트 ❸ 대표제품 [imagerunner ADVANCE C2020] 3 원고 Intellectual VentureⅠ 의주요소송이력 ( 13 년 2/4 분기 ) ➍-1 US 법원 소송건수 현재단계 (Status) 산업 기술분야 4 소송관련특허정보정보 ➍-2 US US ➍-1 US ➍

50 5 대표특허정보

51 - 48 -

52 < 소송내용 > 1 소송서지정보 ➊ Parallel Iron 사 [ 홈페이지없음 ] ➋ Cloudera 사 원고 ➊ [NPEs] 피고 ➋ [ 제조기업 ]

53 2 소송관련제품정보 ❸ ❸ 대표제품 제품리스트 3 원고 Parallel Iron 의주요소송이력 ( 13 년 2/4 분기 ) ➍-1 US 법원 소송건수 현재단계 (Status) 산업 기술분야 4 소송관련특허정보정보 ➍-2 US US ➍-1 US ➍

54 5 대표특허정보

55 < 소송내용 > 1 소송서지정보 ➊ Wireless Remote System 사 [ 홈페이지없음 ] 원고 ➊ [NPEs] ➋ AudiSoft Technologies 사 피고 ➋ [ 제조기업 ]

56 2 소송관련제품정보 ❸ 제품리스트 ❸ 대표제품 3 ` Wireless Remote System 의주요소송이력 ( 13 년 2/4 분기 ) ➍-1 US 법원 소송건수 현재단계 (Status) 산업 기술분야 4 소송관련특허정보정보 ➍-2 US US ➍-1 US ➍

57 5 대표특허정보

58 - 55 -

59 < 소송내용 > 1 소송서지정보 ➊ ArrivalStar S.A 사 [ 홈페이지없음 ] 원고 ➊ [NPEs] ➋ Q International Courier, Inc 사 [ 홈페이지없음 ] 피고 ➋ [ 제조기업 ]

60 2 소송관련제품정보 ❸ ❸ 대표제품 [ 제품정보없음 ] 제품리스트 ➍-1 US 원고 ArrivalStar S.A. 의주요소송이력 ( 13 년 2/4 분기 ) 법원 소송건수 ➍-2 US 현재단계 (Status) 산업 기술분야 4 소송관련특허정보정보 US ➍-1 US ➍

61 5 대표특허정보

62 < 소송내용 > 1 소송서지정보 원고 ➊ [NPEs] 피고 ➋ [ 제조기업 ] ➊ Brandywine Communications Technologies, LLC사 ➋ DBSolutions, Inc. 사

63 2 소송관련제품정보 ❸ 제품리스트 ➍-1 US 원고 Brandywine Communications Technologies, LLC 의 주요소송이력 ( 13 년 2/4 분기 ) 법원 소송건수 ➍-2 US 현재단계 (Status) 산업 기술분야 4 소송관련특허정보정보 US ➍-1 US ➍

64 5 대표특허정보

65 < 소송내용 > 1 소송서지정보 원고 ➊ [NPEs] 피고 ➋ [ 제조기업 ] ➊ Wyncomm 사 [ 홈페이지없음 ] ➋ LG Corporation 사

66 2 소송관련제품정보 ❸ 대표제품 ❸ 제품리스트 3 원고 Wyncomm 의주요소송이력 ( 13 년 2/4 분기 ) ➍-1 US 법원 소송건수 현재단계 (Status) 산업 기술분야 4 소송관련특허정보정보 US ➍

67 5 대표특허정보

68 < 소송내용 > 1 소송서지정보 원고 ➊ [NPEs] 피고 ➋ [ 제조기업 ] ➊ Mobile Telecommunications Technologies사 [ 홈페이지없음 ] ➋ Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC 사

69 2 소송관련제품정보 ❸ 대표제품 ❸ 제품리스트 3 원고 Mobile Telecommunications Technologies 의 주요소송이력 ( 13 년 2/4 분기 ) ➍-1 US 법원 소송건수 현재단계 (Status) 산업 기술분야 4 소송관련특허정보정보 ➍-2 US US ➍-1 US ➍

70 5 대표특허정보

71 - 68 -

72 < 소송내용 > 1 소송서지정보 원고 ➊ [NPEs] ➊ Wyncomm LLC 사 [ 홈페이지없음 ] ➋ Pantech Corporation 피고 ➋ [ 제조기업 ]

73 2 소송관련제품정보 ❸ ❸ 대표제품 제품리스트 [Discover P9090] 3 원고 Wyncomm 의주요소송이력 ( 13 년 2/4 분기 ) ➍-1 US 법원 소송건수 현재단계 (Status) 산업 기술분야 4 소송관련특허정보정보 US ➍

74 5 대표특허정보

75 < 소송내용 > 1 소송서지정보 원고➊ [NPEs] 피고➋ [ 제조기업 ] ➊ Black Hills Media 사 [ 홈페이지없음 ] ➋ LG Electronics Inc. 사

76 2 소송관련제품정보 ❸ 제품리스트 ❸ 대표제품 [LG BX580] ➍-1 US 3 원고 Black Hills Media 의주요소송이력 (13 년 2/4 분기 ) 법원 소송건수 현재단계 (Status) 산업 기술분야 ➍-2 US 소송관련특허정보정보 US ➍-1 US ➍

77 5 대표특허정보

78 < 소송내용 > 1 소송서지정보 ➊ Wireless Mobile Devices사 [ 홈페이지없음 ] ➋ LG Corporation et al사 원고 ➊ [NPEs] 피고 ➋ [ 제조기업 ]

79 2 소송관련제품정보 ❸ ❸ 대표제품 제품리스트 3 원고 Wireless Mobile Devices 의주요소송 이력 ( 13 년 2/4 분기 ) [ ] ➍-1 US 법원 소송건수 현재단계 (Status) 산업 기술분야 4 소송관련특허정보정보 ➍-2 US US ➍-1 US ➍

80 5 대표특허정보

81 - 78 -

82 불리 < 참고자료 > NPEs 가선호하는법원의변화가있다?

83 전체제기된사건수 소송제기건수, 건별피고인수

84 NPEs 에의해제기된사건수 NPEs ITC 착수건수 NPEs ITC 착수한피고인수

85 ITC 착수건수 ( 전체 ) ITC 착수건수 (NPE)

86 ITC 조사착수피고인수

87 - 84 -

88 NPEs Quarterly Report 분기이슈분석보고서 2013 [2/4 분기 ] 최신이슈판례분석

89 최신이슈판례분석 주요판례이슈 o NPEs 로부터피소당한 LG 전자의특허침해소송성공사례 ➊ 항소인 ➋ 피항소인 ➊ ➋

90 ➌ ➌ ➍ US 5,837,492 ➍

91 - 88 -

92 ➊ 원고 ➋ 피고들 ➊ ➋

93 ➌ ➌ US 5,970,479 ➌ ➌

94 ➍ ➎ ➍ US 7,149,720 ➎ US 6,912,510 ➏ US 7,725,375 ➏

95 - 92 -

96 NPEs Quarterly Report 분기이슈분석보고서 2013 [2/4 분기 ] NPEs 관련법 제도심층연구

97 목 차

98 NPEs 규제및특허개혁에관한최근미국법제동향

99 < 출처 :

100 < 출처 : Chien, Colleen V., "Patent Trolls by the Numbers">

101 - 98 -

102 - 99 -


104 (A) an institution of higher education (as that term is defined in section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001); or (B) a technology transfer organization whose primary purpose is to facilitate the commercialization of technology developed by one or more institutions of higher education





109 any rea (1) NEW PATENTS- Upon the issuance of a patent under this title, the entity to which the patent is issued shall file with the Office a disclosure of the owner of the patent and any real party in interest in the patent

110 (3) NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP- Whenever any patent, any application for patent, or any interest therein, is sold, granted, or conveyed, the entity to which the patent, application, or interest is sold, granted, or conveyed shall, within 90 days after the date of the sale, grant, or conveyance, file with the Office a disclosure of the sale, grant, or conveyance, and any real party in interest in the patent, application, or interest. (4) FORM AND MANNER OF DISCLOSURES- The Director shall prescribe by regulation the form and manner in which disclosures are to be made under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3). The Director shall include, among the real parties in interest, for purposes of such disclosures-- (A) any entity that has the legal right to enforce the patent through an infringement action;

111 (B) any ultimate parent entity of an entity described in subparagraph (A); and (C) any entity that has a controlling interest in the enforcement of the patent, including any ultimate parent entity not included under subparagraph (A) or (B)



114 (A) the patent number; (B) the name and address of the patent owner or owners and assignee or assignees, if any; and (C) factual allegations concerning the specific areas in which the target 's products, services, and technology infringe the patent or are covered by the claims in the patent

115 (A) those threats or lawsuits lacked the information described in subdivision (1) of this subsection; or (B) the person attempted to enforce the claim of patent infringement in litigation and a court found the claim to be meritless

116 (A) the patent number; (B) the name and address of the patent owner or owners and assignee or assignees, if any; and (C) factual allegations concerning the specific areas in which the target 's products, services, and technology infringe the patent or are covered by the claims in the patent. (A) the inventor or joint inventor of the patent or, in the case of a patent filed by and awarded to an assignee of the original inventor or joint inventor, is the original assignee; or (B) an institution of higher education or a technology transfer organization owned or affiliated with an institution of higher education

117 (A) demonstrated good faith business practices in previous efforts to enforce the patent, or a substantially similar patent; or (B) successfully enforced the patent, or a substantially similar patent, through litigation. Upon motion by a target and a finding by the court that a target has established a reasonable likelihood that a person has made a bad faith assertion of patent infringement in violation of this chapter, the court shall require the person to post a bond in an amount equal to a good faith estimate of the target 's costs to litigate the claim and amounts reasonably likely to be recovered under 4199(b) of this chapter, conditioned upon payment of any amounts finally determined to be due to the target. A hearing shall be held if either party so requests. A bond ordered pursuant to this section shall not exceed $250, The court may waive the bond requirement if it finds the person has available assets equal to the amount of the proposed bond or for other good cause shown. (a) The Attorney General shall have the same authority under this chapter to make rules, conduct civil investigations, bring civil actions, and enter into assurances of discontinuance as provided under chapter 63 of this title. In an action brought by the Attorney General under this chapter the court may award or impose any relief available under chapter 63 of this title

118 (1) equitable relief; (2) damages; (3) costs and fees, including reasonable attorney 's fees; and (4) exemplary damages in an amount equal to $50, or three times the total of damages, costs, and fees, whichever is greater


120 In a civil action arising under any Act of Congress relating to patents, a party alleging infringement shall include in the initial complaint, counterclaim, or cross-claim for patent infringement (1) an identification of each patent allegedly infringed; (2) an identification of each claim of each patent identified under paragraph (1) that is allegedly infringed; (3) for each claim identified under paragraph (2), an identification of each accused apparatus, product, feature, device, method, system, process, function, act, service, or other instrumentality (referred to in this section as an accused instrumentality ) alleged to infringe the claim; (4) for each accused instrumentality identified under paragraph (3), an identification with particularity, if known, of (A) the name or model number of each accused instrumentality; and (B) the name of each accused method, system, process, function, act, or service, or the name or model number of each apparatus, product, feature, or device that, when used, allegedly results in the practice of the claimed invention; (5) for each accused instrumentality identified under paragraph (3), an explanation of

121 (A) where each element of each asserted claim identified under paragraph (2) is found within the accused instrumentality; (B) whether each such element is infringed literally or under the doctrine of equivalents; and (C) with detailed specificity, how the terms in each asserted claim identified under paragraph (2) correspond to the functionality of the accused instrumentality; (6) for each claim that is alleged to have been infringed indirectly, a description of (A) the direct infringement; (B) any person alleged to be a direct infringer known to the party alleging infringement; and (C) the acts of the alleged indirect infringer that contribute to or are inducing the direct infringement; (7) a description of the right of the party alleging infringement to assert each (A) patent identified under paragraph (1); and (B) patent claim identified in paragraph (2); (8) a description of the principal business of the party alleging infringement; (9) a list of each complaint filed, of which the party alleging infringement has knowledge, that asserts or asserted any of the patents identified under paragraph (1); (10) for each patent identified under paragraph (1), whether such patent is subject to any licensing term or pricing commitments through any agency, organization, standard-setting body, or other entity or community; (11) the identity of any person other than the party alleging infringement, known to the party alleging infringement, who (A) owns or co-owns a patent identified under paragraph (1); (B) is the assignee of a patent identified under paragraph (1); or (C) is an exclusive licensee to a patent identified under paragraph (1); (12) the identity of any person other than the party alleging infringement, known to the party alleging infringement, who has a legal right to enforce a patent identified under paragraph (1) through a civil action under any Act of Congress relating to patents or is licensed under such patent; (13) the identity of any person with a direct financial interest in the outcome of the action, including a right to receive proceeds, or any fixed or variable portion thereof; and (14) a description of any agreement or other legal basis for a financial interest described in paragraph (13)


123 (1) DEFINITION. In this subsection, the term 'interested party', with respect to a civil action arising under any Act of Congress relating to patents (A) means a person described in paragraph (11) or (13) of section 281A; and (B) does not include an attorney or law firm providing legal representation in the action if the sole basis for the financial interest of the attorney or law firm in the outcome of the action arises from an agreement to provide that legal representation. (2) JOINDER OF INTERESTED PARTIES. In a civil action arising under any Act of Congress relating to patents, the court shall grant a motion by a party defending an infringement claim to join an interested party if the defending party shows that the interest of the plaintiff in any patent identified in the complaint, including a claim asserted in the complaint, is limited primarily to asserting any such patent claim in litigation. (3) LIMITATION ON JOINDER. The court may deny a motion to join an interested party under paragraph (2) if (A) the interested party is not subject to service of process; or (B) joinder under paragraph (2) would deprive the court of subject matter jurisdiction or make venue improper

124 (a) DISCOVERY LIMITATION PRIOR TO CLAIM CONSTRUCTION. (1) IN GENERAL. - Except as provided in paragraph (2), in a civil action arising under any Act of Congress relating to patents, if the court determines that a ruling relating to the construction of terms used in a patent claim asserted in the complaint is required, discovery shall be limited, until such ruling, to information necessary for the court to determine the meaning of the terms used in the patent claim, including any interpretation of those terms used to support the claim of infringement. (2) DISCRETION TO EXPAND SCOPE OF DISCOVERY. (A) TIMELY RESOLUTION OF ACTIONS. If, under any provision of Federal law (including the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act (Public Law )), resolution within a specified period of time of a civil action arising under any Act of Congress relating to patents will have an automatic impact upon the rights of a party with respect to the patent, the court may permit discovery in addition to the discovery authorized under paragraph (1) before the ruling described in paragraph (1) as necessary to ensure timely resolution of the action. (B) RESOLUTION OF MOTIONS. When necessary to resolve a motion properly raised by a party before a ruling relating to the construction of terms (as described in paragraph (1)), the court may allow limited discovery in addition to the discovery authorized under paragraph (1) as necessary to resolve the motion. (b) SEQUENCE AND SCOPE COST-SHIFTING. (1) DEFINITIONS. In this subsection (A) the term 'additional discovery' means discovery of evidence other than core documentary evidence; and (B) the term 'core documentary evidence', with respect to a civil action arising under any Act of Congress relating to patents (i) subject to clause (ii), includes only documents that (I) relate to the conception, reduction to practice, and application for the asserted patent; (II) are sufficient to show the technical operation of the instrumentality identified in the complaint as infringing the asserted patent; (III) relate to potentially invalidating prior art; (IV) relate to previous licensing or conveyances of the asserted patent; (V) are sufficient to show revenue attributable to any claimed invention; (VI) are sufficient to show the organizational ownership and structure of each party, including identification of any person that has a financial interest in the asserted patent; (VII) relate to awareness of the asserted patent or claim, or the infringement, before the action was filed; and

125 (VIII) sufficient to show any marking, lack of marking, or notice of the asserted patent provided to the accused infringer; and (ii) does not include computer code or electronic communication, such as , text messages, instant messaging, and other forms of electronic communication, unless the court finds good cause for including such computer code or electronic communication as core documentary evidence of a particular party under clause (i). (2) DISCOVERY SEQUENCE AND SCOPE. In a civil action arising under any Act of Congress relating to patents, the parties shall discuss and address in the written report filed under rule 26(f)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure the views and proposals of the parties on (A) when the discovery of core documentary evidence should be completed; (B) whether the parties will seek additional discovery under paragraph (3); and (C) any issues relating to infringement, invalidity, or damages that, if resolved before the additional discovery described in paragraph (3) commences, will simplify or streamline the case, including the identification of any key patent claim terms or phrases to be construed by the court and whether the early construction of any of those terms or phrases would be helpful. (3) DISCOVERY COST-SHIFTING. (A) IN GENERAL. In a civil action arising under any Act of Congress relating to patents, each party shall be responsible for the costs of producing core documentary evidence within the possession, custody, or control of that party. (B) ADDITIONAL DISCOVERY. (i) IN GENERAL. A party to a civil action arising under any Act of Congress relating to patents may seek additional discovery if the party bears the costs of the additional discovery, including reasonable attorney 's fees. (ii) REQUIREMENTS. A party shall not be allowed additional discovery unless the party (I) at the time that such party seeks additional discovery, provides to the party from whom the additional discovery is sought payment of the anticipated costs of the discovery; or (II) posts a bond in an amount sufficient to cover the anticipated costs of the discovery. (C) RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. Nothing in subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be construed to (i) entitle a party to information not otherwise discoverable under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or any other applicable rule or order; (ii) require a party to produce privileged matter or other discovery otherwise limited under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; or (iii) prohibit a court from (I) determining that a request for discovery is excessive, irrelevant, or otherwise abusive; or (II) setting other limits on discovery


127 (a) IN GENERAL. The court shall award to the prevailing party reasonable costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, unless (1) the position and conduct of the non-prevailing party were objectively reasonable and substantially justified; or (2) exceptional circumstances make such an award unjust. (b) PROHIBITION ON CONSIDERATION OF CERTAIN SETTLEMENTS. In determining whether an exception under paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a) applies, the court shall not consider as evidence any license taken in settlement of an asserted claim. (c) RECOVERY. If the non-prevailing party is unable to pay reasonable costs and expenses awarded by the

128 court under subsection (a), the court may make the reasonable costs and expenses recoverable against any interested party, as defined in section 299(d)










138 NPEs Quarterly Report 분기이슈분석보고서 2013 [2/4 분기 ] Appendix

139 지재권분쟁정보포털 (IP-NAVI),

140 일일분쟁속보 소개 ➊ IP-NAVI 접속 ➊ ➋ 속보상세정보 ( 예 ) ➋ ➌ 수신정보 ( 예 ) ➌

141 일일분쟁속보 SDI 활용방법 소개 SDI(Selective Dissemination of Information) 는정보이용자의특성을프로파일로서등록해둔후, 새로운정보가발생할때마다프로파일을대조하여이용자에게자동적으로제공하는정보검색서비스임현재 IP-NAVI 에선알리미서비스를통해방문자들이등록한분쟁속보키워드관련정보가발생할경우이메일로알려주는방법으로이를구현 ➊ ➋ ➌ ➍

142 월간 NPEs 뉴스레터

143 12 년지식재산보호협회발간연구보고서 소개 ➊ 연구보고서 5-1 국제 IP 분쟁동향연구보고서 ➊ ➋ 연구보고서 ➋ ➌ 연구보고서 ➌

144 소개 ➊ 연구보고서 5-2 NPEs 분쟁동향연구보고서 ➊ ➋ 연구보고서 ➋ ➌ 연구보고서 ➌

145 참여인력 편찬기관 I 특허청 과장 산업재산보호과 백온기 서기관 산업재산보호과 사무관 산업재산보호과 하종혁 주무관 산업재산보호과 주관기관 I 이태인 한국지식재산보호협회 지재권분쟁대응센터장 추형준 팀장 분쟁대응팀 김양실 변호사 분쟁대응팀 고순복 대리 분쟁대응팀 이지호 사원 분쟁대응팀 권도완 사원 분쟁대응팀

146 본보고서의전문은한국지식재산보호협회에서운영중인 국제지재권분쟁정보포털 ( 에서열람가능합니다. [ 발행 ] 특허청산업재산보호과 NPEs Quartely 2013 주소 대전시서구청사로 189( 둔산동 ) 정부대전청사 4 동 전화 042) 팩스 042) 홈페이지 한국지식재산보호협회분쟁대응팀 주소 서울시강남구테헤란로 131 한국지식재산센터 6 층 전화 02) 팩스 02) 홈페이지 [ 발행일 ] 2013 년 6 월 무단전재및재배포금지 본보고서는특허청용역사업의결과입니다. 본보고서의내용인용시반드시특허청의연구사업의결과임을밝혀주시기바랍니다

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