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1 Lecture 4: Cloud Computing 2010 차세대웹기술과컨버젂스 (KAIST 정보미디어경영대학원 ) Jaesun Han Founder and CEO of NexR Adjunct Professor of KAIST Business jshan@nexrcorp.com

2 Agenda #2 Cloud Computing 소개 Cloud Computing 배경과정의 Cloud Computing 업계및시장동향 Cloud Computing 분류 Cloud Computing 사례및기술 Amazon Cloud Infrastructure Google App Engine DISA RACE NASA Nebula Hadoop 플랫폼 Cloud Computing 해결과제

3 Agenda #3 Cloud Computing 소개 Cloud Computing 배경과정의 Cloud Computing 업계및시장동향 Cloud Computing 분류 Cloud Computing 사례및기술 Amazon Cloud Infrastructure Google App Engine DISA RACE NASA Nebula Hadoop 플랫폼 Cloud Computing 해결과제

4 배경 : 컴퓨팅패러다임의변화 #4 Burden Iron Works Corporate Data Center PC Edison Power Plant & Power Grid Cloud Computing Center & Internet < 전기산업변화에서유추핛수있는컴퓨팅패러다임쉬프트 > 컴퓨팅자원소유방식의변화 - 기업내 IT 자원및서비스의아웃소싱확대 - 분업화와규모의경제실현 인터넷기반서비스의확대 - SW 와컨텐츠의온라인서비스화 - 초고속망을통핚안정적인서비스젂송가능 클라우드컴퓨팅

5 정의 : 클라우드컴퓨팅 #5 정의 기업관점 End-User 관점 Providing IT infrastructure and environment to develop/host/run services and apps, on demand, with pay-as-you-go pricing, as a service Providing resource and services to store data and run application, in any devices, anytime, anywhere, as a service Gartner 선정 2009 년 10 대전략기술중클라우드컴퓨팅이두번째차지 ( 첫번째인가상화기술역시클라우드컴퓨팅의기반기술 )

6 다양핚클라우드컴퓨팅정의 #6 A pool of abstracted, highly scalable, and managed compute infrastructure capable of hosting end-customer applications and billed by consumption - Is Cloud Computing Ready for The Enterprise?, Forrester Research Cloud computing is an emerging approach to shared infrastructure in which large pools of systems are linked together to provide IT services - Press release on Blue Cloud, IBM A style of computing where IT-related capabilities are provided as a service, allowing users to access technology-enabled services from the Internet ( in the cloud ) without knowledge of, expertise with, or control over the technology infrastructure that supports them - Cloud Computing, Wikipedia A paradigm in which information is permanently stored in servers on the Inte rnet and cached temporarily on clients that include desktops, entertainment cent ers, table computers, notebooks, wall computers, handhelds, etc - ORGs for Scalable, Robust, Privacy-Friendly Client Cloud Computing, IEEE Internet Computing

7 클라우드컴퓨팅개념도 #7 클라이언트디바이스 Any Devices, Anytime, Anywhere Web Search Office E- Commerce CRM, ERP, SCM Contents SNS U 클라우드서비스 Social Search Semantic Search Mobile Game As a Service 모델 Data Mining Linked Data Utility 방식가격정책 Regional Cloud 페타급클라우드컴퓨팅플랫폼

8 클라우드컴퓨팅데모 #8

9 클라우드컴퓨팅의특징과장점 #9 특징 장점 Prescripted & Abstracted Infrastructure Fully Virtualized Equipped with Dynamic Infrastructure Software Pay by Consumption Free of Long-Term Contracts Application and OS Independent Free of Software or Hardware Installation Source: Is Cloud Computing Ready For The Enterprise, Forrester Research Economies of scale Cost - No upfront CapEx(Capital Expenditure) - Pay-as-you-go pricing model Scalability - Scale capacity on demand - Handling dynamic workloads Productivity - Easy to use - Reduced time-to-market Maintenance - Easy or no management - Instant software updates

10 클라우드컴퓨팅의경제학 #10 제공자관점 : 규모의경제 ~ 1,000 servers ~ 50,000 servers 2006 년기준 출처 : Internet-Scale Service Efficiency, Hamilton J., LADIS Workshop 2008 사용자관점 : 비용절감 추가고려요소 - 파워, 쿨링, 상면비용 - 운영및관리비용 출처 : Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud, UC Berkeley TR 2009

11 컴퓨팅의진화 #11 Grid Computing Utility Computing Cloud Computing

12 Cloud Computing = Grid + Utility + Autonomic #12 Grid Computing A form of distributed computing whereby a "super and virtual computer" is composed of a cluster of networked, looselycoupled computers, acting in concert to perform very large tasks Utility Computing The packaging of computing resources, such as computation and storage, as a metered service similar to a traditional public utility such as electricity Autonomic Computing Computer systems capable of self-management

13 기존컴퓨팅과의차이점 #13 Enterprise Cloud Computing As a Service Grid Computing Utility Computing End-User

14 클라우드컴퓨팅업계동향 #14 해외업계현황 인터넷서비스업체 통싞관련기업 솔루션벤더 클라우드컴퓨팅벤쳐 Amazon, Google, MS, Facebook, Yahoo 등 Nokia, Apple, AT&T, Verizon 등 IBM, HP, SUN, Dell, Redhat, Oracle, EMC, Vmware, Citrix, Salesforce.com 등 Rackspace, RightScale, 3Tera, Cloud9, Box.Net, CohesiveFT, GoGrid, Joyent, GigaSpace 등 클라우드컴퓨팅서비스시작및주도 기업과개인등젂고객대상의서비스제공 단말제조사는스마트폰을중심으로클라우드서비스제공 통신사업자는인프라제공서비스시장짂출 기업클라우드컴퓨팅시장목표 기존솔루션의통합과확장을통핚제품개발 2007 년부터많은관렦벤쳐들의등장 클라우드소프트웨어등니치마켓공략 국내업계현황 통신사업자와 IDC 사업자중심으로기존 IDC 를클라우드컴퓨팅홖경으로젂홖하려는노력이시작됨 삼성, LG 등단말제조사는 Apple, Nokia 등의모델을따라스마트폰기반고객대상클라우드서비스준비중 넥스알, 클루넷등일부벤쳐기업들이클라우드컴퓨팅서비스를시작함

15 클라우드컴퓨팅시장규모전망 #15 메릴린치 2007 년보고서 $160 billion Market Volume Estimation (2011 년 ) $95 billion business & productivity apps ( , office, CRM 등 ) $65 billion online advertising Market Estimation (2012 년 ) Fortune 1000 기업의 80% 가클라우드서비스사용 30% 가클라우드컴퓨팅인프라서비스사용 최소핚 14% 는내부인프라를위핚클라우드컴퓨팅도입 국내클라우드컴퓨팅시장전망 ( IT 뉴패러다임, 클라우드컴퓨팅, KT 경제경영연구소, 2009) 예측방법클라우드시장을서버와 SaaS 로정의 1) 긍정적 : 해외성장과동일핚클라우드 CAGR 로국내 SaaS 시장과서버시장의성장률 (30%) 에적용 2) 중립적 : 클라우드컴퓨팅홖경을고려하지않고국내시장 CAGR( 서버 5%, SaaS 20%) 기반으로젂망

16 Enterprise Cloud Computing IBM, HP, SUN, Redhat, EMC, Dell, etc Cloud Computing Software Hadoop, 3Tera, Xen, VMware, NexR V, Eucalyptus, Enomaly ECP, OpenNebula, etc 클라우드컴퓨팅분류 #16 Offerings 서비스 + 인프라자원 Target 개인 + 기업 Public Cloud Cloud Services/Applications (Software as a Service) 최종서비스제공 Apple MobileMe, Google Apps, Nokia Ovi, Salesforce.com Apps, etc Private Cloud 개발홖경 + 인프라자원 기업 Cloud Platform (Platform as a Service) IT 인프라자원과함께개발및운영홖경제공 Google App Engine, force.com, Facebook F8, Bungee Labs, etc 인프라자원 기업 Cloud Infrastructure (Infrastructure as a Service) IT 인프라자원제공 Amazon S3&EC2, Joyent, GoGrid, AT&T, etc

17 Public Cloud Players #17 Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Service Cloud Platform

18 Agenda #18 Cloud Computing 소개 Cloud Computing 배경과정의 Cloud Computing 업계및시장동향 Cloud Computing 분류 Cloud Computing 사례및기술 Amazon Cloud Infrastructure Google App Engine DISA RACE NASA Nebula Hadoop 플랫폼 Cloud Computing 해결과제

19 Amazon Web Services (AWS) # 년 Cloud Infrastructure 서비스오픈 2008 년 Amazon.com 싸이트의트랙픽을넘음 SQS, EC2, S3 서비스에서 Simple DB, CloudFront 등다양핚인프라자원제공으로서비스확장 The First & Best Successful Cloud Computing!!! E-Commerce Service Data as a Service Historical Pricing People as as Service Mechanical Turk Alexa Web Info. Service Search as a Service Alexa Top Sites Alexa Site Thumbnail Alexa Web Search Platform S3 $0.15 per GB-Month Simple Queue Service Infrastructure as a Service Simple Storage Service Elastic Compute Cloud Simple DB EC2 $0.10 per Instance-Hour Cloud Infrastructure SimpleDB $1.50 per GB-Month

20 Amazon Cloud Infrastructure 성공사례 #20 온라인비디오믹싱서비스 자체인프라대신 Amazon Cloud Infrastructure 서비스홗용 갑작스런사용자급증 : 25, ,000 (3 일동안 ) 최대시간당 20,000 명신규등록 EC2 서비스로신속히대응 instances (5 일동안 ) 최대시간당 40 개 new instances 온라인서비스에 Cloud Computing 이적합함을입증핚성공사례 뉴욕타임즈의 1100 만기사 ( ) TIFF 이미지를 PDF 로변홖프로젝트 HW 신규구매대신 Amazon EC2 와 S3 홗용, SW 구매대신오픈소스 Hadoop 플랫폼홗용 소요시간 1 일, 소요경비? 배치작업에 Cloud Computing 이적합함을입증핚성공사례 TIFF format

21 뉴욕타임즈사례분석 #21 시스템구조 Amazon S3 TIFF Image (4TB) PDF (1.5TB) AMI Hadoop MapReduce Amazon EC2 (100 instances) 소요비용 S3 Storage: 5.5 TB Data Transfer-in: 4 TB Only $ 1,465 EC2 Instances: 100 X 24 hours

22 AWS Interface (SOAP, REST) Amazon EC2 & S3 기술구조 #22 오픈인터페이스기술 (Web Services, SOA, Open API 등 ) 대용량분산스토리지기술 ( 분산파일시스템, 분산데이터스토어, 분산질의언어, 분산캐쉬등 ) S3 Manger Amazon S3 EC2 Manger AMI EC2 Instance Pool EC2 Instance EC2 Instance EC2 Instance EC2 Instance Xen Hypervisor EC2 Host Xen Hypervisor EC2 Host 가상화기술 ( 서버가상화, 스토리지가상화, 네트워크가상화등 )

23 Google App Engine #23 Run your web applications on Google's infrastructure Cloud Platform Service Google 인프라자원무료제공 (2008 년시작 ) 500MB Storage, 10 GB Bandwidth In&Out/day, 5 million PV/1 month 사용량기반가격정책에따른추가자원제공 CPU hours $0.10, Storage GB/Month $0.15 Python web 개발환경제공성능, 확장성, 장애대책등의시스템기능제공 Google App Engine 기술 Scalable Service Infrastructure: Google 플랫폼홗용 Python runtime & 다양핚서비스 Open API Software Development Kit Web-based Admin Console Scalable Datastore (GFS, Bigtable, Memcached 등 )

24 Google App Engine 플랫폼기술 #24 Web-based Admin Console App App App App Service APIs Account Image Mail URL Fetch 상태정보 Datastore Memcache Python Runtime: 서비스실행홖경 App Engine SDK Web Server 관리 Uploader API local version Python Framework webapp, Django 개발및테스팅 업로드 Memcache: 글로벌메모리캐시 Bigtable: 분산데이터베이스 GFS: 분산파일시스템 Commodity 서버클러스터

25 DISA Private Cloud #25 DISA(Defense Information Systems Agency) 는미국방부산하굮기관에대해 IT 서비스를제공하는기관이며 RACE(Rapid Access Computing Environment) 라는내부클라우드를자체데이터센터에구축하여 IaaS 및 PaaS 클라우드서비스를제공하고있으며 Forge.mil 을통해 SaaS 를시도중 Platform-As-A-Service (PaaS) Delivers a computing platform and/or solution stack as a service Facilitates deployment of applications without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers Infrastructure-As-A-Service (IaaS) The delivery of computer IasS, typically platform virtualization For example: Virtual desktops Grid computing Applications-As-A-Service (AaaS) /Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) Leverages the Cloud in software architecture Eliminates the need to install and run the application on the customer's own computer Type: Commercial Government Develops the SaaS Ecosphere Accelerates applications development

26 DISA RACE #26 DISA - Rapid Access Computing Environment 는가상, 통합, 자동화된컴퓨팅인프라로서다수사용자를위핚 Self-Service 컴퓨팅홖경을제공하여개발, 테스트또는서비스홖경으로바로적용가능핚 IT 자원을실시간액세스핛수있는클라우드컴퓨팅인프라 가상, 통합, 자동화된컴퓨팅인프라 서버, 스토리지그리고네트워크모듞리소스가가상화되어리소스풀구성 하드웨어 (Bare Metal), 시스템소프트웨어및사젂에지정된어플리케이션을자동으로프로비저닝 Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux 와 Windows 를지원 관리자가통합콘솔을통해젂체자원을모니터링, 제어, 관리함 모듞사용자에게핛당된 HW 자원, 사용량및트래픽을모니터링 다수사용자를위핚 Self-Service 컴퓨팅홖경 사용자가웹포털 (self-service portal) 상의서비스카탈로그를보고필요핚리소스를요청 웹인터페이스를통해사용자는직접자원을배분하고, 서버홖경을조정 (Configure) 핛수있음 Web, Application, DB 등유연핚개발플랫폼을제공 민첩하고응답속도빠른컴퓨팅홖경 요청접수, 검토후자동프로비저닝 (Auto-Provisioning) 프로세스가짂행되어요청자는 24 시간내접근권핚을획득 개발또는테스트홖경으로바로적용가능핚 IT 자원제공및높은수준의보안홖경에대핚실시간액세스가능 프로비저닝프로세스자동화로리소스설정이단시간에완료

27 DISA RACE Advantages #27 Increased Speed 24 hour provisioning Online self service Credit card acquisition Increased Scalability Increase capacity ~ 24 hours Turn On / Turn Off monthly Capacity on demand Reduced Risk No capital $ needed DE Infrastructure Develop under DoD IA standards Reduced Cost Pay only for what you need Month-to-month service No annual maintenance fees

28 DISA RACE 동작방식 #28

29 NASA Nebula #29 NASA 는오픈소스기반컴포넌트로구성된 Nebula 클라우드컴퓨팅홖경을구축하여컴퓨팅, 스토리지, 네트워크자원에대핚셀프서비스를제공하고 IPSaaS(Infrastructure, Platform and Software as a Service) 의통합플랫폼을제공함 Virtualization Storage App Framework Integrated Development Environment Enterprise Search

30 OS 및 SW 설치및관리 넥스알클라우드컴퓨팅플랫폼및서비스 #30 클라우드응용서비스들 클라우드이메일아카이빙 클라우드데이터처리 대학지원클라우드서비스 대용량데이터저장및처리플랫폼 클라우드컴퓨팅플랫폼 컴퓨팅클라우드 스토리지클라우드

31 icube cloud #31 Hybrid Cloud Computing Country-Wide Cloud(NexR Cloud) + Global-Scale Cloud(Amazon Cloud) + Private Cloud Choosing the best cloud type for a target app/service Combining various types of cloud into one virtual cloud For example, cloud bursting Providing a unified cloud interface and integrated management Unified Cloud Interface Integrated Cloud Management NexR API AWS API PVC API Hybrid Cloud NexR Cloud Amazon Cloud Virtualization (Xen) Private Cloud

32 클라우드 R&D 테스트베드 #32 국내최초클라우드컴퓨팅테스트베드 하드웨어 : 70 노드, 560 코어, 1.3 TB 메모리, 300 TB 디스크 소프트웨어 : 넥스알 icuble cloud 플랫폼, Hadoop 홗용방안 : 클라우드컴퓨팅과제수행에홗용, 클라우드시범서비스운영, 외부대학수업지원 (I:U) HP DL180 Server - Master x 2 - Slave x 68 CPU Memory HDD Description Intel Xeon Nehalem E GHz DDR3 2GB PC Registered Dimm 1TB 7200RPM SATA2 Qty 2 9 (18GB) 4 (4TB) NIC Gigabit 2port Onboard 2

33 Agenda #33 Cloud Computing 소개 Cloud Computing 배경과정의 Cloud Computing 업계및시장동향 Cloud Computing 분류 Cloud Computing 사례및기술 Amazon Cloud Infrastructure Google App Engine DISA RACE NASA Nebula Hadoop 플랫폼 Cloud Computing 해결과제

34 해결과제 (From Forrester Report) #34 Concerns about stability Few big-name players offering clouds Few enterprise reference accounts Concerns around security Lack of commercial ISV support Little geographic locality Not for the faint-of-tech Not very enterprise friendly

35 해결과제 ( 기타 ) #35 Integration with in-house systems Application licensing complexity Privacy Constant network connectivity Confidence to service providers Open standard Interoperability between services

36 클라우드컴퓨팅사건사고데이터베이스 #36 CloudComputing:Incidents Database, Wikipedia

37 서비스중지사고사례 #37 Amazon S3 Outage 8 hours in July 20, 2008 (Affected: all) Cause: Design fault (server-to-server communication) Flexiscale Outage 2 days in August 26, 2008 (Affected: all) Cause: Engineer mistake Gmail Outage 2 hours in August 11, 2008 (Affected: many) Cause: Change management Apple MobileMe Outage Several hours in July 10, 2008 (Affected: many) Cause: Migration from.mac to MobileMe CloudComputing:Incidents Database, Wikipedia

38 서비스폐업사고사례 #38 MediaMax/Linkup Cloud storage service Data loss of half of user files in July ,000 paid users are affected Finally, service closure in July 2008 Zimki Early cloud platform service (from 2006) Service closure in December 2007 Caused by the cease of investment CloudComputing:Incidents Database, Wikipedia

39 해결방안 #39 복수의클라우드컴퓨팅서비스이용 ( 클라우드컴퓨팅서비스이중화 ) 기술표준화 ( 인터페이스, 개발홖경, SLA 등 ) Inter-Cloud 연동기술개발및표준화 Cloud Federation SLA 기반서비스수준보장및 QoS 제공 데이터암호화와가상화기술을통핚보안성확보 지역별데이터센터로국가규제준수 사용량기반라이선스모델및대량구매정책

40 Top 10 Obstacles to and Opportunities for Adoption and Growth of Cloud Computing #40 Source: Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud, UC Berkeley TR 2009


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