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1 2015 년도대비전공영어임용합격안내서 윤도형전공영어연구소 - 1 -

2 목 차 중등영어과유형별출제범위및배점 년간전공영어지역별모집인원및경쟁률 년도대비윤도형전공영어연간강의계획서 학년도전공영어대비전략 년전공영어기출문제및예상답안 06. 윤도형팀전공영어모의고사와 2014년임용고사실제문제의적중비교 - 2 -

3 중등영어과유형별출제범위및배점 각교육청공고(2013 년 10월 18 일) 배점 2014 년기출(2013년 12월 7 일) 전공 A 90 분 기입형 15문항 50 점 기입형 ( 듣기5 문항) 15문항 15( 각2 점) 출제범위 : 서술형 4-6문항서술형 6문항 6( 각3/4 점) 교과교육학 (25-35%) 교과내용학 (65-75%) 서술형 2-3문항 서술형 2문항 2( 각5 점) 전공 B 30 점 90 분 논술형 2문항논술형 2문항 10( 각10 점) 윤도형전공영어 1,2월강의일정표 수목금 09:30 ~ 12:30 13:30 ~ 17:00 출제원전특강반 Teacher's Grammar of English Apple Book (4 판) 영어학 ( 핵심체크영어학) 영어교육 ( 핵심체크영어교육학) 기본이론과정반 영어학특강 (An Introduction to Language) 일반영어 ( 핵심체크일반영어) 영미문학 ( 핵심체크영미문학) 수강료 24만원 35만원 출제원전특강반 + 기본이론과정만패키지 50만원 - 3 -

4 02. 6 년간전공영어지역별모집인원및경쟁률 학년도 지역 서울경기인천대전세종광주부산대구울산 모집인원 응시인원 실경쟁율 모집인원 응시인원 실경쟁율 차합격선 차합격선 최종합격선 모집인원 응시인원 실경쟁율 차합격선 차합격선 최종합격선 모집인원 응시인원 1,049 1, 실경쟁율 차합격선 차합격선 최종합격선 모집인원 응시인원 실경쟁율 차합격선 차합격선 최종합격선 모집인원 응시인원 실경쟁율 차합격선 차합격선 최종합격선

5 학년도 지역 일반 충남 지역제한 충북 일반 전남 도서지역 전북경남경북강원제주 모집인원 응시인원 실경쟁율 모집인원 응시인원 실경쟁율 차합격선 차합격선 최종합격선 모집인원 응시인원 실경쟁율 차합격선 차합격선 최종합격선 모집인원 응시인원 실경쟁율 차합격선 차합격선 최종합격선 모집인원 응시인원 실경쟁율 차합격선 차합격선 최종합격선 모집인원 응시인원 실경쟁율 차합격선 차합격선 최종합격선

6 년도대비윤도형전공영어연간강의계획서 정규과정 서답형출제형식시험에완벽대비를위해기본과정으로부터시작해서기본과정에서학습한내용을심화확장하고이론을문제에적용하는문제연습과정을거쳐최종마무리모의고사과정으로나아가는나선형교수요목으로구성되어있으며금요합격지원특강 One Plus One Curriculum통해정규과정에서의부족한부분을보충할수있도록설계되어있습니다. 과정월별강의특성강의교재 이론과정 1-2 서답형출제형식에대비하여영어교육학, 영어학, 영미문학, 일반영어의기본토대를 형성하는과정입니다. 전공영어핵심체크: 영어교육학 ( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 전공영어핵심체크: 영어학 ( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 전공영어핵심체크: 영미문학 ( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 전공영어핵심체크: 일반영어 ( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 심화과정 3-4 이론과정에서습득한지식을토대로해서 서답형문항에대비하기위해영어교육학, 영어학, 영미문학, 일반영어의영역을 심화확장하는과정입니다. 전공영어특강: 영어교육학 ( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 전공영어특강: 영어학 ( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 전공영어특강: 일반영어 ( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 전공영어특강: 영미문학 ( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 문제연습 과정 5-6 기출문제를분석하고출제가예상되는 핵심문제를영역별로연습하는과정입니다. 전공영어서답형문제연습 : 영어교육학( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 전공영어서답형문제연습 : 영어학( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 전공영어서답형문제연습 : 일반영어( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 전공영어서답형문제연습 : 영미문학( 북이그잼, 2014 년) 기본 모의고사 과정 7-8 출제가예상되는기본수준의문항을 연습하는과정입니다. print 자료교재 실전모의고사과정 9-10 출제가예상되는중급수준의문제를연습하는과정입니다. print 자료교재 최종모의고사과정 11 실제시험과동일한형식과난이도수준의모의고사문제를통해서실전감각을익히고자신의실력을최종점검하는과정입니다. print 자료교재

7 출제원전특강과정 임용시험출제원전에해당하는원서교재를철저하게분석하고정리함으로써전공내용 지식습득과영어능력향상이라는두가지목표를동시에추구하는합격전략과정입니다 과정강의교재교재소개 1-2 월 출제원전특강 Teacher's Grammar of English Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language Teacher's Grammar of English는영어문법과통사현상에대해쉽게체계적으로설명해주는임용고사대비에필독서에해당하는영어학교재입니다. Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language는영어교육의핵심출제영역이될언어기능지도( 읽기, 쓰기, 듣기, 말하기), 언어구성요소지도( 문법, 어휘, 발음), 언어교수방법론을체계적으로다루고있는임용고사대비에영어교육필독서에해당하는교재입니다. 3-4 월 출제원전특강 English Syntax and Argumentation How Languages Are Learned English Syntax and Argumentation은난해한 영어통사현상을알기쉽게체계적으로다루고있는임용고사대비영어통사론필독서입니다. 이해하기어려운영어교육의한분야인언어습득현상을이해하기쉬운풍부한사례연구를통해서언어습득현상에체계적으로접근하고있는교재입니다. 5-6 월 출제원전특강 Applied English Phonology Transformational Grammar Applied English Phonology는영어음성음운론분야의 필독서로서가장출제원전으로많이활용되고있는교재입니다. Transformational Grammar는복잡하고난해한영어통사현상을쉽게체계적으로분석하는임용수준의최적의영어통사론교재에해당합니다. 금요합격지원특강 과정월별강의교재 영어학특강 1-2월 An Introduction to Language 영어학특강 3-4월 A Student's Grammar of English 영어학특강 5-6월 The Grammar Book - 7 -

8 학년도전공영어대비전략 서답형으로출제유형이전환됨에따라서새로운출제유형에맞추어서준비해야합니다. 영어교육학대비전략 1. 기존객관식출제유형에서출제되었던잡다한지식보다는영어교사로서교육현장에서학생들을 지도하는데배경지식으로중요한 4 가지언어기능지도에해당하는읽기지도, 듣기지도, 쓰기지도, 말하기지도와언어의구성요소에해당하는문법, 어휘, 발음지도가주된출제영역이될것이므로 이부분에대한명확한개념을확립해야할것입니다. 2. 서답형출제형식은객관식출제유형보다는답안작성시에영어자체에대한한층더정확성을요구하기때문에원서를반복해서읽음으로써영어에대한보다많은노출기회를가짐으로서정확한영어사용능력을길러야할것입니다. 3. 서답형출제형식은객관식출제형식보다원서의존도가한층더높아질것으로예상되므로지문이 발췌되는영어교육원서자체를분석하고정리함으로서내용학습과동시에영어능력을향상시키는 것이중요할것입니다. 영어학대비전략 1. 영어교사로서교육현장에서학생들을지도하는데가장필요한배경지식은무엇보다도영어의 통사구조에관한지식이될것이다. 따라서영어통사구조를다루는분야인영문법과영어통사론에 대한명확한개념을정립하는것이무엇보다도중요할것이다. 또한영어의음운구조의측면도 통사적구조에못지않게중시될것으로예상되기때문에영어음운론에대한명확한개념정립 또한마찬가지로중요할것입니다. 2. 영어학분야는과목특성상개념을데이터에적용하는응용능력이요구되는분야이므로추상적인 개념을실제데이터에적용하는응용능력을기르는것이무엇보다도중요합니다

9 영미문학대비전략 1. 시의경우, 기존객관식출제유형에서출제되었던내용도중요하지만기본적인작품의내용을 파악하는데초점을맞추어야한다. 예컨대시의경우시인의의도( 주제) 를설명하는다양한형식적 장치( 비유와상징) 도중요하지만그작품에서논하고있는화자, 시간적 공간적배경, 다루는대상 등에대한깊은이해를요구한다. 다시말해화자는어떤사람인지를구체적으로설명할수있어야 합니다. 2. 소설의경우, 소설의다양한형식적장치도중요하지만그작품에서다루고있는내용등을좀더 꼼꼼히이해하는것이필요합니다. 예컨대소설의지문에서다루고있는대상( 주인공) 의지문내에서의 상황등을구체적으로이해하고설명할수있어야합니다. 3. 기존의유형과는달리, 서답형에서는다양한문학과관련된지문이일반영어의형식을통해서 설명되고있다. 따라서일반영어의관점에서정확하게이해하는동시에문학과관련된기본적인 지식을원서를통해익히는것이중요합니다. 일반영어대비전략 1. 기존객관식출제유형에서다루었던주제문찾기, 구체적인내용확인하기, 논리적배열등의 문제형식은서답형에서도중요합니다. 하지만서답형이기때문에좀더주어진지문에대한꼼꼼한 이해를요구합니다. 따라서평상시에지문에대한내용정리를여백에노트하는것이중요합니다. 2. 서술형으로출제되는 data commentary, summary writing에대비하기위해서는각장르특유의 담화구조를파악하고많은연습을하는것이필요하며논술유형인에세이에대비하기위해서는 시사적주제에대한관심과자료를평소에정리하는습관을들이는것또한중요합니다

10 년전공영어기출문제및예상답안 Write all answers in English. - 전공 A - 기입형 1~15 1~3 Listen to the dialogs and follow the directions. 1. Complete the statement about the woman by filling in the blank with ONE word. 2 points The only part of the gym that the woman is dissatisfied with is the. 예상답안 : music 2. Complete the statement about the professor s advice by filling in the blank with FOUR or fewer words. 2 points The professor says it is important to. 예상답안 : balance work and play 3. Complete the statement about the dialog by filling in the blank with TWO words. 2 points The woman and the man are discussing the of children. 예상답안 : cognitive development 4~5 Listen to the talks and follow the directions. 4. Complete the statement based on the talk by filling in the blank with TWO words. 2 points The audience is composed mostly of people who. 예상답안 : appreciate literature

11 5. Complete the main idea of the talk by filling in the blank with TWO words. 2 points have played an important role in the history of rock. 예상답안 : technological advancements 6. Read the passage and follow the directions. 2 points We are born, each of us, with such self-centeredness that only the fact of being babies, and therefore cute, saves us. Growing up is largely a matter of growing out of that condition: we soak in impressions, and as we do so we dethrone ourselves or at least most of us do from our original position at the center of the universe. It is like taking off in an airplane: the establishment of identity requires recognizing how relatively small we are in the larger scheme of things. Remember how it felt to have your parents unexpectedly produce a younger sibling, or abandon you to the tender mercies of kindergarten? Or what it was like to enter your first public or private school? Or as a teacher, to confront your first classroom filled with sullen, squirmy, slumbering, solipsistic students? Just as you have cleared one hurdle, another is set before you. Each event diminishes your authority at just the moment at which you think you have become an authority. If that is what maturity means in human relationships the arrival at identity by way of relative insignificance then I would define historical consciousness as the projection of that maturity through time. We understand how much has preceded us, and how unimportant we are in relation to it. We learn our place, and we come to realize that it is not a large one. Even a superficial acquaintance with the existence, through millennia of time, of numberless human beings helps to correct the normal adolescent inclination to relate the world to oneself instead of relating oneself to the world. As historian Geoffrey Elton pointed out, History teaches those adjustments and insights which help the adolescent to become adult, surely a worthy service in the education of youth. Complete the main idea by filling in the blank with TWO consecutive words from the passage. History helps us mature by making us realize the of ourselves in a wider context. 예상답안 : relative insignificance 7. Read the passage and follow the directions. 2 points

12 At a high school English writing contest, contestants were given the instructions in the box and completed their compositions. Listen to a taped radio interview of Barbara Carrel, a famous writer, about her adventure to Africa. While listening, take notes. Then using the notes, write a story about her adventure. You will be given 30 minutes to complete the story. Each contestant s composition was evaluated by two English teachers using the same rating scale. Below is part of the two teachers scoring results. Ratings of Contestants Compositions Students Giho Lim Bomi Cho Criteria Teacher A Teacher B Content 2 5 Organization 1 4 Vocabulary 3 4 Grammar 2 5 Content 3 1 Organization 5 2 Vocabulary 4 2 Complete the comments on the situation above by filling in each blank with ONE word. Write your answers in the correct order. The procedure used in the contest exemplifies 1 testing in terms of the number of skills assessed. One potential problem with the scoring process is low 2 reliability, which is most likely due to the subjectivity of the raters. 예상답안 : (1) integrative (2) (inter)-rater

13 8. Read the interaction between a teacher and a student, and follow the directions. 2 points (The teacher asks her student, Dongho, what he did over the weekend.) T: Hi, Dongho, how was your weekend? S: Hello, uh, have, had fun. T: You had fun, oh, good. Did you go anywhere? S: Yeah, uh, I go, go, went to uncle, uncle home. T: What did you do there? Did you do something interesting? S: I play, played with childs. Uncle have childs, three childs. T: Your uncle has three children? S: Yeah, uh, one boy and two girls. So three childs. T: Do you like them? S: Yeah. They e fun. They e good to me. * T = teacher, S = student Complete the comments on the interaction by filling in the blank with ONE word. Language errors may occur as a result of discrepancies between the learner s interlanguage and the target language. One main source of such errors is called, one example of which is seen in the student use of childs in the given interaction. 예상답안 : overgeneralization

14 9. Read the lesson procedure and complete the objectives by filling in each blank with TWO words. Write your answers in the correct order. 2 points Students: 2nd year middle school students Approximate time: 45 minutes Lesson objectives: Students will be able: to describe a daily routine using correct verb forms and 1 from a sample paragraph to revise writing through 2 on first drafts Lesson Procedure 1. The teacher asks students what they do when they get home every day. 2. Students take turns asking and answering questions about their daily routine in pairs. Students take notes on each other answers. 3. The teacher provides a sample paragraph, and students choose the correct expressions. (As soon as/since) Taebin finishes school, he goes to taekwondo. When he arrives, he puts on his workout clothes, and (first/then) he practices. (After/Before) he finishes, he rides his bike home. (As soon as/after that), he takes a shower. (After/Next), he eats his dinner. (Before/When) he finishes dinner, he does his homework. (Before/While) he goes to bed, he brushes his teeth. 4. Students use their notes to write a short paragraph about their partner daily routine. 5. Students exchange writings and underline their partner s mistakes using the checklist. - Are the present forms of verbs used correctly? - Are the events described in time order? - Is time order indicated using the expressions focused upon in the sample paragraph? - Is punctuation used correctly? 6. Students rewrite their paragraph based on Step 5. 예상답안 : (1) time expressions (2) peer review/ peer feedback

15 10. Below are an excerpt from a reading text and part of a student s think-aloud data generated while reading it. Based on the think-aloud data, identify the reading strategy that the student is using. Use ONE word. 2 points 예상답안 : inference

16 11. Read the passage and fill in the blank with ONE word. 2 points In English, the lateral phoneme /l/ has two allophones: clear l, [l], and dark l, [ɫ], a velarized alveolar lateral. The articulatory difference between the two is that in the former the back of the tongue is lowered while in the latter it is raised toward the velum or retracted toward the uvula (without making contact in either case). Some examples with [l] and [ɫ] are: (1) limb [lɪm], climb [klaɪm], lock [lɑk] (2) miller [mɪlər], yellow [jɛlou], billow [bɪlou] (3) mill [mɪɫ], fill [fɪɫ], pile [paɪɫ], milk [mɪɫk] (4) middle [mɪdɫ], bubble [bʌbɫ], tunnel [tʌnɫ] We can see that [l] and [ɫ] are in complementary distribution. [l] appears in an onset position as in (1) and (2), while [ɫ] appears in a coda position as in (3). The rule involved seems to be that velarization takes place whenever /l/ is in a coda position. However, the cases in (4) cannot be explained by this rule because [ɫ] is syllabic and constitutes the nucleus, which is usually occupied by a vowel. By minimally modifying the above rule, we can obtain a more accurate rule: /l/ is velarized if and only if it is part of the. 예상답안 : rime/rhyme

17 12. Read the passage and follow the directions. 2 points In post-modification, to-infinitives can be interpreted as relative clauses or appositive clauses. When a to-infinitive is interpreted as a relative clause, the modified head noun corresponds to the relative pronoun, which is implicit in most cases, in the internal structure of the to-infinitive. (1) a. I will buy books to read. b. I will buy books which I will read. The meaning of (1a) is equivalent to that of (1b). Since books is the antecedent of the object relative pronoun in (1b), it can be interpreted as the object of the verb in the internal structure of the to-infinitive in (1a). The modified head noun can also correspond to an implicit relative pronoun with other functions: the subject as in (2a), the object of the preposition as in (2b), and the object of the omitted preposition as in (2c). When a to-infinitive is interpreted as an appositive clause as in (2d), there is no implicit relative pronoun in the to-infinitive that corresponds to the head noun. (2) a. I need someone to help me with my homework. b. Let think about issues to deal with tomorrow. c. We did not have money to buy food. d. Do you have plans to travel abroad? Analyze the sentences below and fill in the blanks with words from the passage. Write your answers in the correct order. (i) The couples found places to stay before having dinner. (ii) I am looking for doctors to consult regarding my mother s health. The underlined head nouns in (i) and (ii) correspond to 1 and 2 in the internal structures of the to-infinitives, respectively. 예상답안 : (1) the object of the omitted preposition (2) the object of the verb

18 13. Read the passage and fill in each blank with ONE word from the passage. Write your answers in the correct order. 2 points Every predicate is associated with an argument structure, which specifies the number of arguments it requires. The predicate assigns its arguments thematic roles including the following: Agent: the instigator of the action Theme: the entity affected by the action or state Experiencer: the entity experiencing the psychological state Instrument: the means by which the action or event is carried out Thematic roles do not have a one-to-one relationship with grammatical functions such as the subject, the object, and so on. For example, the argument the ball is the object in (1a) and the subject in (1b), but it retains the same thematic role, Theme, in both sentences. Other examples can be seen in (2). (1) a. David kicked the ball. b. The ball was kicked by David. (2) a. A brick smashed the window. b. They expected the ship to sink. c. David opened the door slowly. d. Bob cut the tree with a saw. The subject in (2a) and the object of the preposition in (2d) carry the role of 1, whereas the subject of the subordinate clause in (2b) and the object in (2c) have the role of 2. 예상답안 : (1) instrument (2) theme

19 14. Read the essay and follow the directions. 2 points I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Complete the idea that the essayist is conveying by filling in the blank with ONE word from the essay. To reach castles in the air we have to have, and believe in,. 예상답안 : dreams

20 15. Read the excerpt from a novel and follow the directions. 2 points For some days I haunted the spot where these scenes had taken place; sometimes wishing to see you, sometimes resolved to quit the world and its miseries for ever. At length I wandered towards these mountains, and have ranged through their immense recesses, consumed by a burning passion which you alone can gratify. We may not part until you have promised to comply with my requisition. I am alone, and miserable; man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to me. My companion must be of the same species, and have the same defects. This being you must create. The being finished speaking, and fixed his looks upon me in expectation of a reply. But I was bewildered, perplexed, and unable to arrange my ideas sufficiently to understand the full extent of his proposition. He continued You, my creator, must create a female for me, with whom I can live in the interchange of those sympathies necessary for my being. This you alone can do; and I demand it of you as a right which you must not refuse to concede. The latter part of his tale had kindled anew in me the anger that had died away while he narrated his peaceful life among the cottagers, and, as he said this, I could no longer suppress the rage that burned within me. I do refuse it, I replied; and no torture shall ever extort a consent from me. You may render me the most miserable of men, but you shall never make me base in my own eyes. Shall I create another like yourself, whose joint wickedness might desolate the world? Begone! I have answered you; you may torture me, but I will never consent. Below is an analysis of the excerpt above. Fill in the blank with ONE word from the excerpt. Setting Characters Point of view Conflict a mountainous area a creator and a being first-person narration a serious disagreement about the creation of a female creature which, the narrator imagines, would the future of human beings 예상답안 : desolate

21 서술형 1 ~ 6 1. Read the passage and follow the directions. 3 points If there is a single most important flaw in the current news style, it is the overwhelming tendency to downplay the big social, economic, or political picture in favor of the human trials, tragedies, and triumphs that sit at the surface of events. For example, instead of focusing on power and process, the media concentrate on the people engaged in political combat over the issues. The reasons for this are numerous, from the journalist s fear that probing analysis will turn off audiences to the relative ease of telling the human-interest side of a story as opposed to explaining deeper causes and effects. When people are invited to take the news personally, they can find a wide range of private, emotional meanings in it. However, the meanings inspired by personalized news may not add up to the shared critical understandings on which healthy citizen involvement thrives. The focus on personalities encourages a passive spectator attitude among the public. Whether the focus is on sympathetic heroes and victims or hateful scoundrels and culprits, the media reference for personalized human-interest news creates a can t-see-the-forest-for-the-trees information bias that makes it difficult to see the big picture that lies beyond the many actors crowding center stage who are caught in the eye of the news camera. The tendency to personalize the news would be less worrisome if human-interest angles were used to hook audiences into more serious analysis of issues and problems. Almost all great literature and theater, from the Greek dramas to the modern day, use strong characters to promote audience identifications and reactions in order to draw people into thinking about larger moral and social issues. News often stops at the character development stage, however, and leaves the larger lessons and social significance, if there is any, to the imagination of the audience. As a result, the main problem with personalized news is that the focus on personal concerns is seldom linked to more in-depth analysis. What often passes for analysis are opaque news formulas such as He/She was a reflection of us, a line that was used in the media frenzies that followed the deaths of Britain Princess Diana and America s John Kennedy, Jr. Even when large portions of the public reject personalized news formulas, the personalization never stops. This systematic tendency to personalize situations is one of the defining biases of news. Describe the defining characteristic of the current news style, and explain how it differs from the common characteristic of great literature and theater. Do NOT copy more than FIVE consecutive words from the passage

22 예상답안 : The current news style tends to focus on personalities rather than deeper social, political issues. It is different from great literature and theater that use strong characters, which makes people consider about moral and social issues

23 2. Read the passage in <A> and the conversation in <B>, and follow the directions. 3 points <A> A typical conversation organized around making requests has a common overarching sequence of interactional moves: A greeting exchange Preliminary moves toward a forthcoming request Making the request Short negotiation about the request Acceptance/Rejection of the request Closing/Thanking <B> (A low-proficiency English learner asks her roommate, a native speaker of English, to go buy some bread for her.) Jisu: Hi, Kelly. Kelly: Hi, Jisu. Jisu: Buy me bread, OK? Kelly: Do you want bread? Jisu: Yeah. Kelly: So, there no bread in the fridge? Jisu: Sorry? Kelly: You don have bread? Jisu: No. Kelly: So, do you want me to go to the supermarket and get some bread for you? Jisu: What was that? Kelly: Do you want me to get bread for you? Jisu: Yeah. Kelly: Do you want it right now? Jisu: Tomorrow morning. Kelly: OK. I l get it for you later tonight. Jisu: OK. Thank you. * Jisu = low-proficiency learner, Kelly = native speaker of English Explain how the conversation in <B> deviates from the sequence of interactional moves in <A>. Then identify the strategy that Jisu uses when she does not understand Kelly

24 예상답안 : (1) The reason why the conversation deviates from the sequence of interactional moves is that the conversation does not follow a common overarching sequence of interactional moves: the conversation skips preliminary moves toward a forthcoming request and directly jumps into making the request. (2) Jisu is using a clarification request

25 3. Read Mr. Park s comments in <A> and examine the results of a textbook evaluation by a review committee in <B>. Then follow the directions. 3 points <A> Mr. Park: The goal of my class is to help students use the language to communicate and perform authentic tasks. So I want to spend most of my class time letting students rehearse tasks they need to perform outside the classroom. I also want my students to have a lot of opportunities to work together so that they can use their linguistic knowledge to convey meaning rather than just practice form. <B> Evaluation Criteria Textbook A Textbook B Textbook C pattern drill activities role-play based on real-life situations pronunciation tips regular grammar review group projects * 1 = poor, 2 = average, 3 = good Considering the information in <A> and <B>, identify the textbook you would recommend for Mr. Park and provide TWO reasons for recommending it based on its characteristics. 예상답안 : I would recommend Textbook B for Mr. Park for two reasons. First, Textbook B allows students to rehearse tasks they need to perform outside the classroom. Second, Textbook B affords students a lot of opportunities to work together so that they can use their linguistic knowledge to convey meaning rather than just practice form

26 4. Read the passage in <A> and the sentences in <B>, and follow the directions. 4 points <A> A constituent is a string of one or more words that syntactically and semantically behaves as a unit. The constituency of a string of words can be verified by a number of constituency tests, two of which are movement and substitution. <B> (1) Can you confirm your receipt of my application for membership? (2) Call the reviewers of Bill s new book in a week. (3) The music festival was crowded with young composers of jazz from Asia. (4) Tina bears a striking resemblance to her mother. Choose all the sentences where the underlined part qualifies as a constituent and identify the syntactic category of each constituent. Then explain how movement and/or substitution can be applied to verify the constituency of each string of words. 예상답안 : In sentences (2) and (3), the underlined part is a constituent whose category is an NP and N', respectively. The supporting evidence for the NP constituent comes from the well-formedness of the following sentences: Call them in a week (substitution); The reviewers of Bill s new book are called in a week (movement). However, the evidence for the N' constituent is related only to substitution of the string with one, as shown in The music festival was crowded with young composers of jazz from Asia and the ones from Europe

27 5. Read the passage and follow the directions. 4 points There are two types of derivational suffix -al: the type that attaches to nouns and forms adjectives as in central, coastal, and musical, and the type that attaches to verbs and forms nouns as in refusal, proposal, and recital. The second type, called a deverbal suffix, can derive well-formed nouns only if three requirements are satisfied. One is that the final syllable of the verb it attaches to has stress, and based on this requirement, English lacks nouns like *fidgetal, *promisal, and *abandonal. The data in (1) and (2) exemplify the other two requirements. Requirement 2: (1) betrothal, arrival, acquittal *rebukal, *impeachal, *detachal Requirement 3: (2) rental, dispersal, rehearsal *acceptal, *resistal, *engraftal Some Distinctive Features for Consonants Distinctive Features Labials Dentals/ Alveolars Palatoalveolars Velars [anterior] [coronal] Distinctive Features Nasal stops Oral stops Fricatives Liquids/ Glides [sonorant] [continuant] Describe Requirements 2 and 3 based on the data in (1) and (2), respectively. For each requirement, use ONE or TWO distinctive features from the list above. 예상답안 : The 2nd requirement is that the al suffix can be attached to the verb that ends with a consonant with a [+anterior] feature when there is

28 one consonant in the coda of the final syllable. On the other hand, the 3rd requirement can be stated in such a way that when the coda of the last syllable is occupied by two consonants, the two should agree in the feature value of [continuant] and the one right next to the nucleus should be a sonorant

29 6. Read the passage in <A> and examine the teaching procedure in <B>. Then follow the directions. 3 points <A> Processing instruction, a type of focus-on-form instruction, is based on the assumption that when processing input, L2 learners have difficulty in attending to form and meaning at the same time due to working memory limitations. Not surprisingly, they tend to give priority to meaning and tend not to notice details of form. Processing instruction uses several principles to explain what learners attend to in the input and why. Below are some of these principles. The Lexical Preference Principle: In (1), both -es and boy convey the same information, the third person singular Yet, learners prefer to focus on the lexical item, boy, to arrive at meaning, and often ignore the grammatical item, -es, while processing the sentence. (1) The boy studies in the library, not at home. The First Noun Principle: Learners tend to process the first noun or pronoun they encounter in a sentence as the agent of action. For example, they may misinterpret (2) as Jack collected the data for the project. (2) Jack let Joe collect the data for the project. The Event Possibilities Principle: Event possibilities refer to the likelihood of one noun being the agent of action as opposed to another. Since it is more likely in the real world that a dog would bite a man than the other way around, learners would likely misinterpret (3) as The dog bit the farmer. (3) The dog was bitten by the farmer. In processing instruction, teachers provide students with structured input activities, taking into consideration the principles above. In a structured input activity, students are forced to attend to form in order to comprehend a sentence

30 Teaching Procedure 1. Explicit Explanation <B> Explain how a past tense sentence is constructed in English. Then inform students of why they tend not to notice the past tense marker -ed and thus misinterpret past tense sentences. 2. Structured Input Activity Have students read six sentences and decide whether they describe an activity that was done in the past or usually happens in the present. Then, check the answers together. Sentences Present Past (1) They watched television at night. (2) They watch television at night. (3) I walk to school on Mondays. (4) I walked to school on Mondays. (5) We played soccer on weekends. (6) We play soccer on weekends. Identify the principle in <A> that the teaching procedure in <B> focuses on. Then how the structured input activity in <B> helps students correctly process the target form for meaning. 예상답안 : The teaching procedure in <B> focuses on The Lexical Preference Principle. According to processing instruction, learners prefer processing lexical items to morphological items. Since tenses in English can be marked both morphologically and lexically, learners may not process the morphological marker if the tense is also marked lexically with a time reference, such as an adverb of time. The goal of the structured input activity is to push learners to process the morphological marker -ed, which they may not otherwise notice if the past adverbial is provided

31 Write all answers in English. 서술형 1~2 1. Read the passage and follow the directions. 5 points The population of a certain species tends to remain relatively stable over long periods of time. After domestic sheep became established on the island of Tasmania in the early nineteenth century, for instance, their population varied irregularly between 1,230,000 and 2,250,000-less than a factor of 2-over nearly a century. We know this because sheep were, and still are, very important to the economy of Tasmania, and their numbers were carefully recorded. In sharp contrast, populations of small, short-lived organisms may fluctuate wildly over many orders of magnitude within short periods. Populations of the green algae and diatoms that make up the phytoplankton may soar and crash over periods of a few days or weeks. These rapid fluctuations overlay changes with longer periods that occur, for example, on a seasonal basis. Figure 1 Figure 2 Why do sheep and algae show such disparate fluctuations in population? First of all, sheep and algae differ in their sensitivity to environmental change. Because sheep are larger, they have a greater capacity for homeostasis and better resist the physiological effects of environmental change. Furthermore, the populations of sheep and algae are differentially affected by birth rate fluctuations. Because sheep have a relatively long lifespan, short-term fluctuations in birth rate do not greatly affect the overall population at a given time. Thus, sheep populations possess a high intrinsic stability. On the other hand, the lives of single-celled algal cells span only a few days, so these intrinsically unstable populations turn over rapidly. * homeostasis: the maintenance of a stable equilibrium Identify the figure that represents the fluctuations in sheep population and explain why the sheep population fluctuated the way the figure depicts. Do NOT copy more than FIVE consecutive words from the passage

32 예상답안 : Figure 2 shows the fluctuation of sheep population in Tasmania between 1820 and As can be seen, Figure 2 is more stable than Figure 1 over a century. The sheep population was so stable because sheep have a better capacity for maintaining a stable equilibrium and adaptability to environmental change. In addition, in spite of their short-term change in birth rate, their long lifespan contributed to a high stability in population

33 2. Read the poem and follow the directions. 5 points Say not the struggle naught availeth, The labour and the wounds are vain, The enemy faints not, nor faileth, And as things have been they remain. If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars; It may be, in yon smoke conceal, Your comrades chase e en now the fliers, And, but for you, possess the field. For while the tired waves, vainly breaking, Seem here no painful inch to gain, Far back, through creeks and inlets making, Comes silent, flooding in, the main. And not by eastern windows only, When daylight comes, comes in the light; In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly! But westward, look, the land is bright! * yon: over there * fliers: runaway soldiers * the main: the sea Describe the theme of the poem and explain how the metaphor, the main (Line 12), is related to the theme. 예상답안 : The speaker in the poem exhorts the need for hope in an age of despair and failure. He or she conveys a great message that, without struggle, man cannot achieve anything great such as hope in this world. Though the personified waves fail to achieve their goals at first, they can return the "main" or sea at last. In other words, in spite of their first failure, they can achieve with incessant struggle or effort the hope metaphorized by the main

34 논술형 1~2 1. Read the passage and follow the directions. 10 points Korea is quickly becoming an aging society. Consequently, we need to prepare so that we can effectively deal with the changes this situation will bring about. Clearly, these changes will have a wide-ranging impact on different facets of the nation. We should consider how we must prepare for the future from both individual and societal perspectives. Below are some of the points to consider within these two main areas. Possible preparation points at the individual level Develop life-long hobbies Embrace healthier lifestyles Seek financial self-sufficiency Possible preparation points at the societal level Re-examine mandatory retirement ages Improve the healthcare system Expand the existing pension system How must we prepare for the future? Choose one preparation point that you think is most important at each level, and write a composition following the guidelines below. <Guidelines> Write TWO paragraphs, one for each preparation point. For each paragraph, include a topic sentence. Support each preparation point with two specific reasons. Use neat handwriting. 예상답안 : The most important individual preparation for an aging society is embracing healthier lifestyles. First, healthier lifestyles will help reduce potential medical costs and maintain a happier life in old age. If an illness due to unhealthy lifestyles drains the financial resources of an elderly person, care-free life in later years will be almost impossible to enjoy. Second, having healthier lifestyles will lighten the government s burden of subsidizing medical costs for the elderly. If the elderly stay healthy because of their healthier lifestyles, the government won t have to spend an exorbitant amount

35 of money of health care for the elderly and instead invest the money in more productive areas such as education. At the societal level, I think that re-examining the mandatory retirement age is the most important thing. First, thanks to medical advances and healthier lifestyles, people live longer and stay healthy longer. People should not be forced to retire early age when they are physically and mentally capable of having a job. The current mandatory retirement age deprives the elderly of the right to work. In addition, the society will definitely benefit from the expertise and experience of the elderly. Failure to make the best use of what the elderly have to offer can result in slower economic growth. Therefore, the current mandatory retirement age should be seriously re-considered

36 2. Examine the class observation checklist and notes completed by a middle school English teacher after observing a colleague class, and follow the directions. 10 points Observation Checklist Instructor: Sumi Kim Unit: 4. Personal Health Topic: How to treat acne Function: Giving advice Period: 2/8 Date: Nov. 11 Areas Criteria Scale* Lesson Preparation Instructional Strategies Affective Aspects have a clearly developed lesson plan prepare interesting multimedia materials give clear directions use an appropriate grouping strategy for group activities provide level-appropriate activities create a warm and accepting atmosphere * 1 = poor, 2 = average, 3 = good - - A fun video clip on acne. Ss loved it. - - T was kind and patient. - - Group activity (same-ability grouping) Higher-level students did well. Had no problems. Lower-level students had a hard time completing the task. Seemed like they needed some help In one paragraph, identify one strong point and one weak point of the lesson based on the data above. Support each of your choices with details from both the checklist and the notes. In another paragraph, address the problems the lower-level students are experiencing by suggesting two possible solutions and supporting them with your rationales

37 예상답안 : One strong point of the lesson is use of interesting multimedia materials. This is demonstrated in the high rating on prepare interesting multimedia materials in the checklist and in the remarks in the notes saying, A fun video clip on acne. Ss loved it. One weak point of the lesson relates to the teacher s same-ability grouping strategy and its consequences on lower-level students. The low rating on use an appropriate grouping strategy for group activities in the checklist and in the observer s notes saying, Lower-level students had a hard time completing the task. Seemed like they needed some help. One way to address the problems the lower-level students are experiencing is by using a mixed-ability grouping strategy. If students with different abilities engage in a group activity, lower-level students can benefit from the interaction where scaffolded assistance may be provided by higher-level students. Keeping the same-ability grouping strategy and giving lower-level students more level-appropriate activities that can be done without much difficulty. If lower-level students are given easier activities and experience success in completing them, they will be able to build confidence in language learning and stay motivated to learn the target language

38 06. 윤도형팀전공영어모의고사와 2014년임용시험실제문제적중비교 [2014 기출전공 A 기입형 10 번 ] 윤도형전공영어 7,8 월모의고사 6 회 2014 기출전공 A 형기입형 10 번 10. Below are an excerpt from a reading text and part of a student s think-aloud data generated while reading it. Based on the think-aloud data, identify the reading strategy that the student is using. Use ONE word. 2 points

39 윤도형전공영어 7,8 월모의고사 6 회 10. Read the following teaching procedure, and follow the directions. Strategies can be taught through teacher modeling and feedback. The teacher models expert behavior by reading and thinking aloud. The students also read and think-aloud in class, and their strategy use is supported by teacher feedback. Step 1: The teacher reads aloud a short portion of the text and thinks aloud. Here is a short excerpt from a transcript: ( (Words in italics represents the actual text.) Okay, um the chapter, the title of the chapter is Dreams and Screams um, well, what does that mean? Um, I know the book is about special effects? --- Continued --- Here the teacher can be observed using several strategies, which include asking questions, making predictions, checking those predictions, and summarizing or paraphrasing. Step 2: The teacher encourages students to read and think aloud from the very beginning, though he/she expects that familiarity with this process will take time. Here is an example of one student reading and thinking aloud: The title of the next is "Simple mattes"... And, so I think it would be, explain something more about, uh, this kind of special effect. In its, in its simplest form, a matte is a black card held in front of the camera lens. This matte card can have many different shapes. I think he, he's going to explain some more about the, um, maybe technical, some infor- some technical information. It can be used to cover a large part of the image or just a small part, like a window or doorway. When a camera operator photographs a scene, the area hidden behind the matte, the matte card does not show up on the filmed image. I was almost right, he's, uh, he was explaining the, the use, how do they use, how they use this kind of effect. I think that the next we can, maybe we can find some example. In this excerpt, the student can be heard using ( ). Step 3: After the students and the teacher have read a portion of the text, they immediately analyze their strategy use through full class discussion. Fill in the blank with the strategies the student has used in Step 2. The strategies can be more than one from the passage above

40 2014 기출전공 A 형기입형 10 번관련윤도형팀 7,8 월모의고사 6 회보충자료 Teaching Strategic Reading (1) General strategy discussion In general strategy discussion, reading strategies and strategic reading are defined. The teacher explains and the class discusses why learning and practicing strategies are important. The following three points are examples of what I try to elicit from students: (1) Strategies help to improve reading comprehension as well as efficiency in reading; (2) By using strategies, students will be reading in the way that expert readers do; (3) Strategies help readers to process the text actively, to monitor their comprehension, and to connect what they are reading to their own knowledge and to other parts of the text. Through discussion, students gain a deeper understanding of their reading behavior, and they come to realize that they use strategies in reading in their L1. (2) Teacher Modeling A second important feature of strategy instruction is regular teacher modeling of expert behavior. In doing this, I read aloud a short portion of the text, and, as I do so, I think aloud. Here is a short excerpt from a transcript early in the semester. (Words in italics represent the actual text.) Okay, um, the chapter, the title of the chapter is Dreams and Screams -um, well, what does that mean? Um. I know the book is about special effects, but what, why is the chapter called Dreams and Screams? I don't know. Movies have always had the power to make people believe that what they are seeing on screen is really happening. Okay, so is this what the author means by special effects? I don't know. Um, okay. Special effects add to that power. Oh, so the author means that movies without special effects make people believe they're seeing what's on the screen, but special effects make those movies more surprising, more amazing. (Someone says "um-hum".) By using special effects, filmmakers make "impossible" scenes seem real. Okay, so movies seem real when we watch them, and special effects can make impossible things seem real. So may be the author will say next what impossible things can seem real... Through special effects, filmmakers have shown actors parting the waters of the Red Sea, flying to distant planets, and chopping off heads on Friday the 13th. Okay, so I was right. The author is giving examples of special effects, impossible things that can seem real. Here I can be observed using several strategies, which include asking questions,

41 making predictions, checking those predictions, and summarizing or paraphrasing. (3) Student Reading I also encourage students to read and think aloud from the very beginning, though I expect that familiarity with this process will take time. Reading and thinking aloud presents a very high cognitive load for L2 readers, yet not an impossible one. Here is an example of one student reading, also taken from early in the semester. (Words in italics represent the actual text.) The title of the next is "Simple mattes"... And, so I think it would be, explain something more about, uh, this kind of special effect. In its, in its simplest form, a matte is a black card held in front of the camera lens. This matte card can have many different shapes. I think he, he's going to explain some more about the, um, maybe technical, some infor- some technical information. It can be used to cover a large part of the image or just a small part, like a window or doorway. When a camera operator photographs a scene, the area hidden behind the matte, the matte card does not show up on the filmed image. I was almost right, he's, uh, he was explaining the, the use, how do they use, how they use this kind of effect. I think that the next we can, maybe we can find some example. In this excerpt, the reader can be heard predicting and checking the correctness of her predictions

42 [2014 기출전공형서술형 6 번 ] 9,10 월모의고사 4 회 / 7,8 월모의고사 5 회 2014 기출전공 A 형서술형 6 번 6. Read the passage in <A> and examine the teaching procedure in <B>. Then follow the directions. 3 points <A> Processing instruction, a type of focus-on-form instruction, is based on the assumption that when processing input, L2 learners have difficulty in attending to form and meaning at the same time due to working memory limitations. Not surprisingly, they tend to give priority to meaning and tend not to notice details of form. Processing instruction uses several principles to explain what learners attend to in the input and why. Below are some of these principles. The Lexical Preference Principle: In (1), both - -es and boy convey the same information, he third person singular. Yet, learners prefer to focus on the lexical item, boy,, to arrive at meaning, and often ignore the grammatical item, - -es, while processing the sentence. (1) The boy studies in the library, not at home. The First Noun Principle: Learners tend to process the first noun or pronoun they encounter in a sentence as the agent of action. For example, they may misinterpret (2) as Jack collected the data for the project. (2) Jack let Joe collect the data for the project. The Event Possibilities Principle: Event possibilities refer to the likelihood of one noun being the agent of action as opposed to another. Since it is more likely in the real world that a dog would bite a man than the other way around, learners would likely misinterpret (3) as he dog bit the farmer. (3) The dog was bitten by the farmer. In processing instruction, teachers provide students with structured input activities, taking into consideration the principles above. In a structured input activity, students are forced to attend to form in order to comprehend a sentence

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