Weed Turf. Sci. 3(1):13~18 Print ISSN , Online ISSN Research Article Weed & Turfgrass Sci

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1 Weed Turf. Sci. 3(1):13~18 Print ISSN , Online ISSN Research Article Weed & Turfgrass Science Weed & Turfgrass Science was renamed from formerly both Korean Journal of Weed Science from Volume 32(3), 2012, Korean Journal of Turfgrass Science from Volume 25(1), 2011 and Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science from Volume 26(2), 2012 which were launched by The Korean Society of Weed Science and The Turfgrass Society of Korea found in 1981 and 1987, respectively. 벼수확전청보리파종재배시친환경적뚝새풀관리 임일빈 1 * 임보혁 1 박재현 1 장준형 1 오영진 2 장윤우 2 1 ( 주 ) 바이오식물환경연구소, 2 국립식량과학원 Eco-Friendly Control of Water Foxtail (Alopecurus aequalis) on Cultivation Fields of Forage Barley Sowed before Rice Harvest Il-bin Im 1 *, Bo-Hyeok Im 1, Jea-Hyeon Park 1, Jun-Hyeong Jang 1, Young-Jin Oh 2, and Un-woo Jang 2 1 Bio-Plant Environment Research Center, BI center, Honam University, Kwangju , Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science RDA, Iksan , Korea ABSTRACT. This study was conducted to develop an eco-friendly control method for water foxtail in the field sowing barley seeds before rice harvesting. When sea water was applied pre-emergent, 1 and 2 leaves, little injury was observed on barley. Percent of water foxtail control with sea water (100%) was more than 50% at 1 leaf application timing. When sodium chloride was applied 400, 800 and 1,600 kg ha -1, little injury was observed on barley. Percent of water foxtail control with sodium chloride was 36-44% at 30 days after sowing. When ferrous sulfate was applied at 400, 800 and 1,600 kg ha -1, emergent injury was observed 35-50% on barley. Percent of water foxtail control with ferrous sulfate was 48-79% at 30 days after sowing. When barley was sowed at 200, 300 and 400 kg ha -1, seeding rate standing plants have many of the more crops, water foxtail occurrence was low. And, Forage yield of 300 kg ha- 1 seeding in the highest. Based on the results, it is possible to control water foxtail in the field sowing barley seeds before rice harvesting more than 50%. Key words: Barley, Eco-friendly control, Inorganic salts, Water foxtail Received on Feb. 04, 2014; Revised on Feb. 26, 2014; Accepted on Mar. 03, 2014 *Corresponding author: Phone) , Fax) ; ) imweed@hanmail.net 2014 The Korean Society of Weed Science and The Turfgrass Society of Korea This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License & #160; ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, & #160; and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 서론 맥류의벼수확전파종재배는파종기에강우로인한벼수확이지연되거나토양의과습으로인한기계파종이곤란할경우에도적기에파종할수있는재배방법이다. 벼수확 10일전에보리를 210 kg ha -1 파종하고벼수확후볏짚피복후질소추비를 50% 증비 (135 kg ha -1 ) 시관행산파재배와수량이대등하며 (Ju et al., 1993), 사료용호밀을벼입모중으로 250 kg ha -1 파종은파종비용을 60% 절감할수있다고하여 (Ryu et al., 1988) 벼입모중으로맥류파종재배가벼수확후산파보다생력적인재배방법이라고하였다. 벼입모중맥류파종재배시가장문제가되는것은우점잡초인뚝새풀이다. 뚝새풀은벼수확전보리파종재배시발생된잡초중 95% 정도차지한다 (Kim et al., 1996; Ahn et al., 1997). 또한뚝새풀은벼수확전에대부분발생하여작물과의경합력이매우크며, 논에서벼후작으로맥류재배시가장피해가큰잡초라고하였다 (Chin et al., 1977; Kim et al., 1975; Kim et al., 1998; Im et al., 1998). 1980년대에도동계에보리와밀재배지에서우점도가가장높은잡초이고 (Ha et al., 1983), 1990년대에도동계논과밭에서우점도가매우높은잡초이며 (Chang et al., 1990), Im et al. (2004) 의조사에서도전체밭작물포장및동계작물재배포장에서최우점잡초는뚝새풀이 13

2 14 임일빈 임보혁 박재현 장준형 오영진 장윤우 라고하여동계작물재배지에서가장우점잡초임을확인하였다. 따라서뚝새풀은보리등월동작물재배논에서지속적으로문제가되고있는잡초임을보여주고있다. 이러한뚝새풀은 15 o C 부근에서발아가잘되고, 생육에는인산이절대적으로필요하며 (Im et al., 1994, 1998), 실온에서습윤상태로 2개월정도경과하면휴면이타파된다 (Kim et al., 1996). 과원에서뚝새풀의초생재배로다른잡초의발생을억제시킬수도있다고하는 (Jung et al., 1998) 등생리생태에대한연구도꾸준히진행되어왔다. 벼수확동시맥류파종재배의경우뚝새풀의방제는밀재배시 butachlor+glyphosate 처리로 92% 이상 (Kim et al., 1998), 보리재배시 thifensulfuron-methyl 처리로 90% 이상 (Im et al., 2005) 뚝새풀을방제할수있다고했다. 또한보리재배시후기에광엽잡초는 bentazone의처리로방제할수있다고하여 (Chang et al., 1990) 보리재배시화학적잡초방제체계를확립하려는연구도이루어졌다. 벼수확전입모중맥류파종재배시제초제처리에의한뚝새풀의방제연구도오래전부터진행되었으며, 벼입모중보리파종재배시벼출수후 20~30일에 butachlor처리에서벼수량에영향이없고뚝새풀의방제효과가양호하다고하였다 (Lee et al., 1975). 또한벼수확전입모중호밀파종재배시도파종후 5일에 butachlor처리에서뚝새풀방제효과가양호하며 (Shin and Jung, 1987), 파종후 5~10일에 thiobencarb 및 butachlor처리에서잡초발생이 85~89% 정도억제할수있다고하였다 (Ryu et al., 1988). 비화학적인방법으로뚝새풀을관리할수있는방법을모색하고자하는연구도수행된바있는데뚝새풀은볏짚추출물에의하여발아등초기생육이억제되며 (Lee et al., 1998), 벼와콩등답전윤환재배로도발생이현저히감소한다고하였다 (Yoo et al., 1995). 밀재배시파종전로타리경운후파종재배하면뚝새풀의발생이 85% 정도감소한다고했다 (Kim et al., 2010). 이들은또한파종시기를늦게하면발생을더줄일수있다고도했다. 그러나친환경적인뚝새풀의방제기술은아직도미흡한편이다. 따라서본연구는벼수확전입모중사료맥류파종재배시뚝새풀을친환경적으로방제할수있는가능성을모색해보고자수행되었다. 종자를파종하고, 뚝새풀의발생전, 1엽그리고 2엽기에 30, 50 및 100% 의해수를각각 1,200Lha -1 처리하였다. 시험은완전임의배치 3반복으로수행되었다. 처리후 20 일에작물의출현수를조사하였으며, 뚝새풀은처리후 50 일에생체중을조사하여방제효과를산출하였다. 청보리재배시무기염류처리가생육및뚝새풀에미치는영향벼입모중사료용청보리재배시무기염류처리가작물에미치는영향과뚝새풀의방제효과를검토하기위하여 sodium chloride와 ferrous sulfate를사료작물파종전 5일에 400, 800, 1,600 kg ha -1 농도로처리하고청보리를 10 월 1일에 cm 사각포트에토양 ( 미사질식양토 ) 을 25 cm 충진하고표면에종자를파종하였다. 시험은완전임의배치 3반복으로수행되었다. 파종후 20일에사료용작물의출현수를조사하였으며, 생육은파종후 30일에초장, 엽수, 분얼수를조사하였다. 뚝새풀은처리후 50일에발생억제정도를조사하였다. 통계분석은 R Project (R version 3.0.2) 를사용하였다. 벼수확전청보리파종재배시경종적방법에의한뚝새풀제어벼수확전입모중사료용청보리재배시경종적방법에의한뚝새풀의관리를위하여영양보리를 10월 18일에각각 200, 300, 400 kg ha -1 파종하였으며, 벼는보리파종후 3일에수확하였고, 파종직후에 25 cm 깊이의배수로작성하여복토하였다. 시험환경은시험포장의토성이미사질식양토로배수가불량하였으며, 기상은파종후 1일에 53 mm, 7일에 29.5 mm의강우가있었다 (Fig. 1). 작물의입모율은파종후 18일에 cm 격자를이용하여입모수를조사하여환산하였다. 잡초방제효과는 4월 1일에 cm 격자를이용뚝새풀을채취한후 80 o C의건조기에서 72시간건조후평량하여 m 2 당발생량으로환산하여구하였다. 조사료의수량은맥류의황숙기에 2m 2 를 재료및방법 해수처리가청보리및뚝새풀에미치는영향해수처리가청보리및뚝새풀에미치는영향을검토하기위하여해수를전남영광군법성포해안에서채취하여사용하였다. 사료용작물은 10월 1일에 cm 사각포트에토양 ( 미사질식양토 ) 을 25 cm 충진하고표면에 Fig. 1. Mean daily air temperature for maximum, minimum, average and total daily rainfall from October to November, 2012.

3 벼수확전청보리파종재배시친환경적뚝새풀관리 15 Fig. 2. Effects for emergence of barley according to the application concentration of sea water. Sea water was applied foliar on pre-emergence of barley. Data collection was on Oct. 20, Means with the same letters within the bars are not significantly different at p = 0.05 level in DMRT test. 예취하여자연건조시킨후평량하여조사하였다. 통계분석은 R Project (R version 3.0.2) 를사용하였다. 결과및고찰 해수처리가청보리및뚝새풀에미치는영향청보리재배시해수처리가생육및뚝새풀의방제효과를검토하기위하여뚝새풀의발생전, 1엽그리고 2엽기에처리한결과, 해수 30, 50, 100% 처리모두청보리의출현에는영향이없었다 (Fig. 2). 해수처리에의한뚝새풀은 1엽기에 100% 처리에서 50% 정도억제되는편이었으며, 뚝새풀의발생전과 2엽기의처리에서는억제효과가거의없는경향이었다 (Fig. 3). Lee et al.(2012) 은해수 40% 이상의농도처리로과원잡초 ( 바랭이, 개기장, 개비름, 피, 어저귀, 가는털비름, 제비꽃, 명아주등 ) 의발아가억제되었다고하였다. 따라서벼수확전청보리파종재배시해수 Fig. 4. Effects for emergence of barley according the application rate of sodium chloride and ferrous sulfate application. Sodium chloride and ferrous sulfate was applied on 5 days before sowing of barley (Apr. 13). Data collection was on Oct. 20, Means with the same letters over the bars are not significantly different at p = 0.05 level in DMRT test. 처리에의한뚝새풀의방제는사용폭이매우제한적이라고판단된다. 청보리재배시무기염류처리에의한뚝새풀방제청보리파종전에토양표면에 sodium chloride, ferrous sulfate를 400, 800, 1,600 kg ha -1 처리한결과, 청보리의출현은 sodium chloride 처리에서는모든처리량에서무처리와유사한경향이었으나, ferrous sulfate의 1,600kgha -1 처리는무처리보다유의적으로낮은편이었다 (Fig. 4). Sodium chloride의처리시청보리의초장은무처리와유사하였으나, ferrous sulfate의처리는짧아지는경향이었다 (Table 1). 뚝새풀발생전에토양표면에 sodium chloride와 ferrous sulfate를 400, 800, 1,600 kg ha -1 처리한결과, 뚝새풀의발생억제효과는 sodium chloride의처리는 36~44% 정도이었으며, 처리량간에는유의차가없었다. Ferrous sulfate Table 1. Growth of barley according to application rate of sodium chloride and ferrous sulfate. Application Sodium chloride Rate (kg ha -1 ) plant height (cm) Leaf number (No) Tillers (no/plant) a* 3.9 a 1.1 a abc 3.9 a 1.1 a 1, abc 3.9 a 1.1 a Fig. 3. Weeding efficacy according the dilution concentration of sea water on growth stage of water foxtail. Data collection was on Nov. 19, Error bars indicated standard deviation and different letters indicate significant different at p =0.05 level according to DMRT test abc 3.7 ab 1.1 a Ferrous bc 3.3 ab 1.0 a sulfate 1, c 3.1 b 1.1 a Control 12.4 ab 3.8 a 1.3 a * Means with the same letters within the columns are not significantly different at p = 0.05 level in DMRT test.

4 16 임일빈 임보혁 박재현 장준형 오영진 장윤우 Fig. 5. Weeding efficacy according to application rate of sodium chloride and ferrous sulfate. Data collection was on Nov. 19, Error bars indicated standard deviation and means with the same letters within the bars are not significantly different at p = 0.05 level in DMRT test. Fig. 7. Water foxtail according to seeding rate in cultivation fields of forage barley sowed before rice harvest. Data collection was on Apl. 1, Means with the same letters within the bars are not significantly different at p = 0.05 level in DMRT test. 처리에서는 47.5~78.8% 정도뚝새풀의발생이억제되었으며, 400 및 800kgha -1 의처리는유의차가없었으며, 1,600 kg ha -1 처리에서는유의적으로효과적이었다 (Fig. 5). Lee et al.(2012) 도천일염 300 kg 800 kg ha -1 처리에서잡초의발생밀도와발생량이감소되었다고하였다. 벼수확전청보리파종재배시경종적방법에의한뚝새풀제어벼수확전사료용맥류파종재배시경종적방법에의한뚝새풀의방제를위하여청보리를 10월 18일에 200, 300, 400 kg ha -1 파종하였으며, 벼는맥류파종 3일후인 10월 21일에수확하였다. 파종직후복토량을배수로깊이를 25 cm로작성하여시험한결과를보면, 청보리의입모수는파종량이많을수록많았으며 (Fig. 6), 뚝새풀의발생량은파종량이많을수록유의적으로낮은경향이었다 (Fig. 7). Kim et al.(2010) 은이모작밀재배시 10월 16일및 26 Table 2. Yield of forage according to seeding rate in the field sowing barley seeds before rice harvesting. Sowing rate (kg ha -1 ) Heading Yellow ripe stage Lodging (0-9) Dry weight (kg ha -1 ) 200 May 3 May ,570 b 300 May 3 May ,500 a 400 May 2 May ,570 ab * Means with the same letters within the columns are not significantly different at p = 0.05 level in DMRT test. 일파종시파종량이 150kgha -1 에서 250kgha -1 으로많을수록뚝새풀의발생이적다고하였다. 파종량에따른작물의생육은 400kgha -1 파종에서는출수가 1일정도빠른경향이었으며, 밀파에의한도복이있었다. 조사료의수량은 200kgha -1 파종에서가장낮았으며, 300 kg ha -1 파종에서가장높은경향이었다. 400kgha -1 파종은도복으로인하여낮아지는경향이었다 (Table 2). Chin et al.(1977) 도뚝새풀의발생량과수량은고도의부의상관관계가있다고하여뚝새풀의발생은수량에크게영향을준다고하였다. Kim et al.(2006) 도총체보리는파종량이 160 kg에서 220kgha -1 까지많을수록생산성이좋았다고하였다. 따라서청보리재배시화학적방제를배제하고경종적으로뚝새풀을관리할경우파종량을 300 kg ha -1 이상으로증파하면뚝새풀의발생과생육을어느정도억제하여친환경적으로조사료를생산할수있다고판단된다. Fig. 6. Standing plants of crop according to seeding rate on cultivation fields of forage barley sowed before rice harvest. Data collection was on Nov. 7, Means with the same letters over the bars are not significantly different at p =0.05 level in DMRT test. 요약 본연구는벼수확전에사료맥류를파종재배할경우뚝새풀의친환경적방제가능성을검토하고자수행되었다. 해

5 벼수확전청보리파종재배시친환경적뚝새풀관리 17 수를뚝새풀발생전, 1엽그리고 2엽기에 30, 50, 100% 농도로처리한결과, 뚝새풀은 1엽기에 100% 처리에서 50% 정도억제되었다. 또한무기염류처리에의한보리생육과뚝새풀의방제효과를검토한결과보리의출현율은 sodium chloride 처리에서는영향이없으나, ferrous sulfate의처리에서는 35~50% 정도낮았으며, 뚝새풀은 sodium chloride 처리에서 36~44%, ferrous sulfate의처리에서 47.5~78.8% 정도억제되었다. 작물파종량증가에의한뚝새풀의발생억제효과를검토한결과, 보리의파종량이많을수록입모수가많고, 뚝새풀의발생량은유의적으로낮았으며, 조사료수량은 300kgha -1 파종에서가장높았다. 결과적으로벼수확전입모중사료맥류재배시뚝새풀의친환경적인방제는 50% 정도의수준은가능한것으로판단되었다. 주요어 : 뚝새풀, 무기염류, 청보리, 친환경 Acknowledgement This study was financially supported by the Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea (PJ008493). References Ahn, D.J., Park, S.G., Son, C.K., Kim, C.R., Choi, B.S. et al Growth characteristics and yield of wheat as affected by sowing methods of seed broadcasting over rice plants and rotavating after seed broadcasting. RDA. J. Crop Sci. 39(2): (In Chang, Y.H., Hong, S.C., Ryu, Y.H. and Youn, K.B Effetct of post-emergence herbicide bentazon on weed control and 1st application methods in barley field. Res. Rept. RDA. 32(1): (In Chang, Y.H., Kim, C.S. and Youn, K.B Weed occurrence in upland crop fields of Korea. Korean J. Weed Sci. 10(4): (In Chin, M.S. Park, C.S. and Ham, Y.S Ecological analysis of the water foxtail (Alopecurus aequalis) damage in barley cultivation on drained paddy fields. RDA. J. Crop Sci. 19: (In Ha, Y.W., Nam, Y.I., Park, M.E. and Cho, C.H Distribution of weed population in the winter wheat and barley field in Korea. Korean J. Weed Sci. 3(2): (In Im, I.B., Back, N.H. and Huh, S.M Physio-ecological characteristics and control of Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. var. amurensis (Kom.) Ohwi. 2. Growth response on fertilizer three factors. Korean J. Weed Sci. 18(2): (In Im, I.B., Lee, S.Y. and Huh, S.M Physio-ecological characteristics and control of Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. var. amurensis (Kom.) Ohwi. 1. Germination and emergence under several environment. Korean J. Weed Sci. 14(4): (In Im, I.B., Kang, J.K. and Kim, S Weed survey in crop fields of Honam area. Honam Exp. & Res. Report (In Im, I.B., Kim, Y.G., Lee, J.J. and Kang, J.G Weed control system in the cultivation paddy of barley seeded at the same time with rice harvesting. Korean J. Weed Sci. 25(1): (In Ju, J.I., Ryu, B.Y., Kim, C.H., Moon, C.H., Kim, C.Y., Rho, T.H. and Cho, C.W Comparisons of barley growth and yield as affected by different sowing method of scattering sowing before rice harvest and drilling on high ridge. RDA. J. Agri. Sci. 35(1): (In Jung, J.S., Lee, J.S., Choi, C.D. and Cheung, J.D A study on sod culture using water foxtail in apple orchard. Korean J. Weed Sci. 18: (In Kim, D.H., Kim, S.K., Kim, E.S., Son, B.Y. and Kang, D.J Weed occurrence and control in simultaneous wheat sowing culture with rice harvest under no-tilled paddy field. Korean J. Weed Sci. 18: (In Kim, D.H., Son, B.Y., Kim, S.K., Shon, G.M., Kang, D.J. et al Effect of over-sowing for labor-saving and on growth response as affected by different barley and wheat. RDA. J. Crop Sci. 38(2): (In Kim, S., Ahn, S.H., Im, I.B., Cheong, Y.K. and Kim, S.J Effects of seeding methods to the growing Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. var. amurensis in wheat field of rice-wheat cropping system. Korean J. Weed Sci. 30(3): (In Kim, S.C. Sull, H.S. and Chung, K.Y Studies on weed control in barley and wheat field. Res. Rept. RDA. 17: (In Kim, W.H., Seo, S., Shin, J.S., Lim, Y.C., Jung, M.W. et al Effect of seeding date and rate on the agronomic characteristics and yield of forage barley. J. Korean. Sci. 26(3): (In Lee, C.W., Kim, Y.W., Yoon, E.B Influence of rice straw extract on growth of barley and water foxtail. Korean J. Weed Sci. 18(1): (In Lee, J.Y., Gho, K.I. and Rhu, D.j Control of Alopecurus aequalis by herbicides application on rice standing in barley sowing cultivation field. Honam Exp. & Res. Report (In

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