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1 0 연구자를위한전략적인의사결정 : SciVal 활용법 엘스비어한국지사 서울시용산구녹사평대로 206 ( 이태원동 534) 천우빌딩 4 층 Tel. 02) l Fax. 02) l Homepage:

2 1 Agenda Introduction Scopus? SciVal? 1. Basic Analysis 1. Overview module 2. Benchmarking module 2. Advanced Analysis 1. Account 만들기 2. My SciVal settings 3. Researcher/ Research Team 분석하기 4. Publication Set 분석하기 5. My Research Area 분석하기 3. Collaboration Analysis 1. Current collaborations 2. Potential collaborations

3 Scopus? SciVal? 2

4 Elsevier Research Intelligence portfolio 3

5 4 SciVal: Scopus database 를활용한 Big data 분석 Scopus 는전세계에서가장큰초록및인용데이터베이스 5000 여개출판사에서제공하는 22,283 개의 peer-reviewed 타이틀 (53.3M 레코드 ) 및 30,000 권의도서수록 105 개국가의저널등재 (40 개언어 ) 과학, 기술, 의학분야뿐만아니라사회과학, 예술인문학관련분야를폭넓게다룸 Physical Sciences 7,456 Health Sciences 6,834 Social Sciences 8,042 JOURNALS 22,283 peer-reviewed journals 373 trade journals -Full metadata, abstracts and cited references (pre-1996) -2,800 fully Open Access titles - Going back to Funding data from acknowledgements CONFERENCES 17k events 5.5M records (10%) Conf. expansion: 1,000 conferences 6,000 conf. events 400k conf. papers 5M citations Mainly Engineering and Physical Sciences <Scopus에등재된저널의국가별현황 > BOOKS PATENTS 421 book series - 28K Volumes - 925K items 29,917 books - 311K items Books expansion: 75K books by Focus on Social Sciences and A&H 24M patents from 5 major patent offices Life Sciences 4,509

6 Source: Web of Science Real Facts, Web of Science title list and Scopus own data (Sep 2014) 5 Scopus Coverage: Comparison with nearest peer ~22,000 titles >5,000 publishers Updated daily Scopus 22,283 Web of Science 12,491 ~12,000 titles 3,300 publishers Updated weekly Scopus 7,456 (+78%) Scopus 6,834 (+100%) Scopus 4,509 (+53%) Scopus 8,042 (+100%) WoS 4,188 WoS 3,415 WoS 2,954 WoS 4,016 Physical Sciences Health Sciences Life Sciences Social Sciences

7 6 Scopus Quality: 유의미한연구업적평가자료로활용 Scopus 대학별연구자연구업적평가 source 로활용

8 1. Basic Analysis 7

9 8

10 Overview 220 개국가, 4600 개기관의연구성과분석 Overall research performance with pre-defined Institutions, countries, research areas on publications, citations, authors, collaboration & competencies Customized Performance Analysis with Researchers and groups, research areas, etc. 2. Benchmarking 15 개매트릭스를이용한보다다양한분석 (Snowball matrix 활용가능 ) Academic-Corporate Collaboration Academic-Corporate Collaboration Impact Citation Count Citations per Publication Cited Publications Collaboration Collaboration Impact 3. Collaboration 기존연구협력결과분석및미래의연구협력파트너검색 Analysis for current collaboration results Information for potential collaboration with International and local institutions in each research area Top 100 authors of each selected institution Field-Weighted Citation Impact h-indices Journal Category Count Journal Count Number of Citing Countries Outputs in Top Percentiles Publications in Top Journal Percentiles Scholarly Output

11 10 1. Overview module 220 개국가, 4600 개기관및개별연구자, 연구팀, 연구주제에대한분석제공 원하는기간 (3 년 / 5 년 ) 과연구주제분야를선별해서분석가능 간편하게 PDF 로다운받아공유가능 Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) 연구주제분야, 출판물종류, 출판년도를고려해전세계평균이 1 이되도록 normalize 한 Citation Impact 지수

12 11 1. Overview module 최근중요성이부각되고있는 Snowball metrics 의주요항목들도함께표시 Output in Top Percentiles: 피인용수기준세계상위 (10%) 에들어가는논문비율 Publications in Top Journal Percentiles: 상위 (10%) 저널에발표한논문비율 International Collaboration: 해외저자와공동출판한논문비율 Academic-Corporate Collaboration: 산학협력으로출판한논문비율

13 12 1. Overview module 각 Tab 별로 Publications, Citations, Authors, Collaboration, Competencies 와관련된보다구체적인분석결과를확인할수있음

14 13 1. Overview module My Research Area 를설정해두면각내용과관련된분석이함께제공됨 예를들어, 각키워드및연구분야별선택한기관의출판물목록과주요저자등을확인할수있음

15 14 1. Overview module 연구분야별논문발표건수및 FWCI 를한눈에비교할수있음 전체연구분야별, 특정연구분야의세부카테고리별분석결과확인가능

16 15 1. Overview module 해당분야의논문이주로어떤저널을통해발표되고있는지확인가능 특정연구분야를선택하거나, 직접설정한주제분야의주요저널확인

17 16 1. Overview module Citation trend 를각항목별, 연도별로확인가능 Citation count 가연도와반비례하는경향이있는데반해, FWCI 를이용하면각연도별 Citation 지수가상승하고있는지, 하락하고있는지판단할수있음

18 17 1. Overview module 해당분야의논문발표가가장활발한 100 명의저자리스트확인가능 직접설정한주제분야를선택하는경우, 전세계, Asia Pacific, 한국, 기관별관련저자리스트를출력할수있음

19 18 1. Overview module 공동연구관련하여보다자세한정보도쉽게산출할수있음 일반적으로단일출판, 기관내공동출판, 국내공동출판, 국제출판순으로, 학계내공동출판보다산학협력을통한공동출판의 FWCI 가높아지는경향

20 19 1. Overview module SciVal 의기본세팅은 Scopus 분류기준인 ASJC journal classification 적용 전체논문에대한통합분석이외에도필요에따라다음의 27 개대주제분야및 300 여개의소주제분야를손쉽게선택가능 최근 update 를통해다음의 journal classification 이새로이추가됨 Fields of Research (FoR) 호주연구위원회사용 Field of Science and Technology (FOS) Classification OCED 사용 Units of Assessment (UoA) 영국의 REF 2014 exercise 에서사용 27 개대주제분야 (ASJC Scopus 기준 ) Agricultural and Biological Sciences Arts and Humanities Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Business, Management and Accounting Chemical Engineering Chemistry Computer Science Decision Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences Economics, Econometrics and Finance Energy Engineering Environmental Science Immunology and Microbiology Materials Science Mathematics Medicine Neuroscience Nursing Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Physics and Astronomy Psychology Social Sciences Veterinary Dentistry Health Professions

21 20 1. Overview module Competency 분석은동시인용분석기법을통해기관의고유역량을정의함 전세계에서발표되는논문을다양한세부연구분야로클러스터링하고 ( 동일한 reference 를가지고있는논문은동일한연구주제를다룬다고판단 ) 각연구분야클러스터중개별기관이선도하고있는분야를선별하여고유 competency 로정의


23 22 2. Benchmarking module Overview module 에서는분석대상을고르면일련의분석결과가자동도출되는반면, Benchmarking module 에서는분석자의필요에맞춘커스텀분석제공 다음과같은 15 개의매트릭스를 3 개사분면으로조합하여분석할수있으며, 각매트릭스내에서도세부옵션조정이가능함 예를들어, Scholarly Output 관련분석시 articles, reviews, conference papers 를구분할수있음 Academic-Corporate Collaboration Academic-Corporate Collaboration Impact Citation Count Citations per Publication Cited Publications Collaboration Collaboration Impact 15 개매트릭스 Publications with both academic and corporate affiliations. 산학협력을통해출판된논문 Citations per publication received by those publications with and without academic-corporate collaboration. 산학협력을통해발표된논문과비산학협력논문의논문당피인용횟수 Total citations received by publications of the selected entities. 해당기관의이름으로발표된논문이피인용된전체횟수 The average number of citations received per publication. 논문당피인용횟수의평균 Publications that have received at least one citation. 최소 1 회이상피인용된논문 The extent of international, national and institutional co-authorship. 국제, 국내, 기관내저자가발표한공동연구논문 The average number of citations received by publications that have international, national or institutional co-authorship. 국제, 국내, 기관내저자가발표한공동연구논문의피인용횟수평균

24 23 2. Benchmarking module Field-Weighted Citation Impact 15 개매트릭스 The ratio of citations received relative to the expected world average for the subject field, publication type and publication year. 해당연구분야, 논문타입, 발표연도에따른세계평균대비피인용비율 h-indices A measure of both the productivity and publication impact of an entity, based on the number of publications as well as the number of citations they have received. g-index emphasizes the most highly cited publications. m-index is h-index per year. 연구의생산성과효과를함께측정하기위한지수로, 발표한논문개수와피인용횟수를모두고려함. g-index 는가장많이피인용된논문을강조하고, m-index 는 h-index 를연도로나눈값을의미함 Journal Category Count The number of Journal Categories in which a selected entity's publications have appeared. 해당기관의논문이해당하는저널카테고리 ( 연구분야 ) 수 Journal Count The number of journals in which a selected entity's publications have appeared. 해당기관의논문이발표된논문수 Number of Citing Countries Outputs in Top Percentiles Publications in Top Journal Percentiles The number of distinct Countries represented by the publications citing a selected entity. 해당논문을인용한국가수 The number of publications of a selected entity that are highly cited, having reached a particular threshold of citations received. 일정수준이상의피인용횟수에도달한논문수 The number of publications of a selected entity that have been published in the world's top journals. 세계상위저널에발표된논문수 Scholarly Output The number of publications of a selected entity. 특정기관에서발표한논문수

25 24 2. Benchmarking module Benchmarking module 에서는다양한매트릭스를활용한분석이외에도, 특정시점의연구성과혹은특정기간동안의연구트랜드변화를관찰할수있음

26 25 2. Benchmarking module 조합에따라 3 개의매트릭스를한개그래프안에서분석할수있음

27 26 2. Benchmarking module 분석결과는테이블형태로도출력이가능하며, 이형태는구체적인수치확인및비교시보다유용하게쓰일수있음

28 2. Advanced Analysis 27

29 28 1. Account 만들기 SciVal 의다양한기능을가장잘활용하기위해서는개인계정을만들어야함 다음주소에서 Register Now 를선택 : 이름, 이메일주소, 비밀번호를입력하는것만으로간단히계정생성가능 단, 기관소속이용자임을증명하기위해기관이메일주소를이용해야함

30 29 2. My SciVal settings My SciVal 메뉴를통해서분석자의필요에의한다양한분석단위를생성할수있음 Institutions and Groups: 개별연구기관혹은다양한연구기관을그룹핑 Researchers and Groups: 개별연구자혹은연구팀을그룹핑 Publication Sets: 특정연구자 ( 들 ) 의출판물을등록하거나 DOI, PMID, EID 로출판물리스트를 Import 해서분석 Research Areas: 연구키워드, 연구기관, 국가, 연구분야, 저널, competency 를이용해고유의분석단위생성

31 30 2. My SciVal settings 이렇게생성한분석단위들은추후수정및동일기관내다른 user 와공유가능 해당 definition 위에 mouse over 하면나타나는우측메뉴중표시를클릭한후공유하고자하는 user 의이메일주소입력 공유받을 user 가이메일을통해승인하면내용공유완료

32 31 3. Researcher/ Research Team 분석하기 My SciVal에서 Researcher 등록하기 ( 계속 ) 1. My SciVal에서 Researchers and Groups 선택 2. Define a new entity 선택후 Define a new Researcher 선택 3. Pop up 창의각필드에연구자의성과이름, 소속기관을입력후 Search 1 2 3

33 32 3. Researcher/ Research Team 분석하기 My SciVal 에서 Researcher 등록하기 4. 동명이인, 같은이니셜의연구자가여러명검색되는경우, 해당되는프로파일을가려내어선택 5. 저자프로필에등록된논문정보확인하고 Next Step 으로진행 6. 저자명표기방식을선택한후 Save and finish 4 5 Scopus Author ID 를통해저자정보를불러올수있습니다 SciVal 을통해수정된저자정보는 Scopus 에도동일하게반영됩니다 Scopus 에서 update 되는논문정보가 SciVal 분석에도반영됩니다 6

34 33 3. Researcher/ Research Team 분석하기 Scopus Author ID 를관리하고있는경우에는해당 ID 를등록하는방법도권할만함 Additional fields 중 Scopus author ID 검색을선택하면가장간단하게 researcher define 가능 저자명과소속기관에따라자동으로 Author profile 이 setting 되기때문에, 한명의논문이여러개의 id 로나뉘어있거나, 동명이인의논문이한개의 id 에함께들어있는경우가발생할수있으며, 이는 precision rate 과 recall rate 을동시에추구하기위한 logic 구성의결과입니다

35 34 3. Researcher/ Research Team 분석하기 등록한연구자 / 연구자그룹은 Overview module 과 Benchmarking module 에서개별분석단위로활용가능 연구자포트폴리오관리및연구팀의성과분석등에활용 연구자 CV 작성및연구기금신청시분석자료로활용

36 35 3. Researcher/ Research Team 분석하기 연구자 / 연구자그룹간의성과비교분석용으로활용가능 학과성과관리및분석, proposal 제출시 raw data 로활용 분석하고자하는 researcher 를그룹으로설정하면 research team 분석가능 각사업단별 Scopus ID 가명확하지않은일부연구원자료를제외하고비교한결과임을참고할것

37 36 3. Researcher/ Research Team 분석하기 특정연구과제를위한연구팀구성시나리오검증용으로활용가능 예를들어, E 교수님은발표한논문수는상대적으로적으나, 국제연구협력경험이풍부해해외연구진과의공조유치에기여할수있는가능성이큼 우측연구자리스트옆의눈그림을클릭하면특정연구원을추가 / 제외하면서분석을진행할수있음 A B C D E F G H I J K L A B C D E F G H I J K L 본분석은 Scopus 저널에발표한논문자료만을근거로하고있으며, Scopus author ID 별논문등록상황을검토및수정할경우보다정확한분석이가능함

38 37 3. Researcher/ Research Team 분석하기 등록된연구자를그룹으로묶어분석할수있으며, 경쟁학교간과별비교분석가능 연구자및연구팀에서각저널별발표한논문수를분석하는기능또한제공됨

39 38 4. Publication Set 분석하기 My SciVal에서 Publication Set 등록하기 1. My SciVal에서 Publication Sets 선택 2. Define a new entity 선택후 Define a new Publication Set 선택 3. 분석할논문을보유한연구자선택 4. 분석할논문을선택 5. Publication Set의이름을지정하고저장 DOI, PMID, EID 리스트를통해 Publication Set 을 Import 할수있습니다 Publication Set 은정해진논문을분석대상으로지정하게되므로, Scopus 에서저자정보가 update 되더라도추가되거나삭제된논문정보가 SciVal 분석에반영되지않습니다

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