C#과 .NET 플랫폼 - 정식버전판

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1 ,.NET C#.,.,.NET, ( ).,.NET..NET (distributed) (Mobile)., COM.,.NET (class factory), IUnknown.,., COM,.NET!.NET Win32,,. C#(see- sharp ). C#. C# (j ava ) C+ +, Visual Basic 6.0.., C#,., C#, C#.

2 C#.NET.NET.,.NET,., C#.NET., C#.NET..NET,.,.NET,..NET C#..NET.. 1 :.NET 1.,?.,.NET, (CLR : Common Language Runtime), (CTS : Common Type System), (CLS : Common Language Specification),.,.NET, C#, (Visual Studio.NET ) C# (csc.exe). 2 : C# 2 C#. 2 C# (intrinsic data type)., 2.! System.Object, (reference)/ (value), /,.NET. 22

3 3 : C# 3, (Encapsulation), (Polymorphism), (Inheritance). (classical) (ad hoc), is- a has- a., C#.,, readonly., (exceptions) ( (SEH, Structured Exception Handling) ).,.NET (garbage collections) System.GC. 4 : (Int erfaces ) (Collect ions ) J ava COM(Component Obj ect Model), C# (Interface- Based Programming)., C#,.,,..NET (predefined)., System.Collections (clonable) (eunmerable). 5 : C# C# OOP. (indexer), ( ) (cont ainer)., 5.,.NET delegate, event., XML. 123

4 C#.NET 6 : (Assembly), (Thread) AppDomain, C#., EXE..NET, (shared) (private)., (GAC) XML,. CLR,. 7 : (Reflect ion) - (Attribut e-base). System.Reflection,., System.Reflection.Emit., 7.NET.. 7,. 8 : ( (Windows Forms) ).NET.NET,. System.Windows.Forms. Form,,,. Windows : (Paint ing Framework) (GDI+ ) 8 Form,,,. ( ) (hit testing), ( ) 24

5 . XML.NET. 10 :,.NET GUI. TextBox, Button, ListBox (validation), DataGrid, Calendar., Form. 11 : (Input, Out put, and Object Serializat ion).net IO.,., (object serialization)..net XML.,. 12 : (Unmanaged code), COM., COM.NET., COM (CCW : COM Callable Wrapper) (RCW : Runtime Callable Wrapper), COM.NET., SAFE -ARRAY,, COM IDL C#., COM+.NET. 13 : ADO.NET, ADO.NET ADO., ADO.NET (disconnected)., DataSet, DataTable 125

6 C#.NET. MS Access SQL (Dat abase Management System) OleDb Sql.,,,. 14 : ASP.NET., (HTML ), (J avascript ), ASP (response) (request ).,, ASP.NET. (Web Control), (Event handling), Page (Response, Request ). 15 :., , 15.NET. HTTP., (request) (WSDL, SOAP, (discovery services) ). C#, (View) SOAP (proxy). Apress http :/ / 26

7 Visual Studio.NET.,,., VS.NET..NET,.NET Beta 1 ADO.NET.NET Beta 2,.NET Final Release. VS.NET., Apress.NET Beta 2, Final Release. Visual Studio.NET. C#, C# (.NET SDK ) Notepad.exe.NET. C#.NET,. (J ava, C+ +, Visual Basic ). (, ). 1000,,.NET,.,.NET SDK, (White Papers), (tutorial) 2! 3!. 127

8 C#.NET 15, C#.NET.,..,.,..NET Minnes ota Minne apolis Andrew Troe ls e n 28

9 .. Apress Gary Cornell (Tech Ed, ). Grace Wong,., Stephanie Rodriguez,.., Nancy Guenther,.. Doris Wong, Anne Friedman, Nancy Rapoport, Beverly McGuire,,., Anne.. Eric Gunnerson ( C# ),., J oe Nalewabau, Nick Hodapp, Dennis Angeline,. Intertech, Inc. Steve Close, Gina McGhee, Andrew Gunner Sondgeroth. Tom Salonek 5..

10 CD CD 6. Visual Studio.NET 60 5, 1. Visual Studio.NET 60,.,,, CD. CD.. Vis ual St udio.net 60 Visual Studio.NET 60. II (450MHz), 500MB, 3GB, 128Mb (RAM) NT, 2000, XP ( 95/ 98/ Me ) Caution CD,.,. CD ( ).

11 1.NET,,., (C+ +, Vis ua l Bas ic, J ava) (MFC, ATL, STL), (COM, CORBA),.. ( )..NET.. (As s e m bly), IL(Inte rm ed iate La ng ua ge), J IT (J ust In Time ).NET., CLR(Co m mo n La ng ua ge Ru nt im e), CTS (Co m mo n Ty pe Syste m ), CLS (Co m m o n La ng uag e S pec if icat io n).net.

12 C#.NET,.NET, (ILDasm.exe ).,. Visual Studio.NET (IDE : Integrate Development Environment ), (csc.exe) C#..NET,.NET? ( ). C#.NET. Win32/ C, API(Application Programming Interface) C., API., C. C,,., C (Structured Language),. Win32 API ( ),. C+ +/ MFC C C+ +. C+ + C. C+ + 48

13 .NET (pillars of OOP) (Encapsulation), (Polymorphism), (Inheritance), C (,,, )., C+ +., MF C (Microsoft Foundation Classes), C+ +. MFC Win32 API (Sane Subset) (Macro), GUI (, AppWizard, ClassWizard ). MFC ( ), C+ +., C. Vis ual Bas ic!!, C+ + Visual Basic 6.0 (VB),. VB, COM. MFC VB Win32 API CASE, VB. VB, (Object Aware)., VB 6.0 is-a ( ), (Parameterized), (Multithread). J AVA J ava. J ava C+ +., J ava 149

14 C#.NET. J ava ( ) C+ +., J ava ( ) (Package)., J ava 100% J ava.,, ( ). J ava,. J ava J ava., J ava ( ), (language independence).,. J ava,. J ava., J ava. J ava., (3D ) J ava.. J ava., C+ + ( C+ +. C+ + C C. )., J ava API, J ava (Cross Language). COM J ava, COM(Component Object Model)., COM. 50

15 .NET COM (Reusable Binary Code). COM (Language Independent Manner). C+ + VB (Coclass), Delphi C., COM. COM COM. COM has- a COM. COM, (location-transparent nature). COM AppIDs(Application IDentifiers), (Stub), (proxy), COM,, RPC,. Visual Basic 6.0. ' VB 6. 0 COM, ' ( ) ' COM. ' Di m c as New MyCOMCl ass 'AppI D. c. DoSomeWor k COM, (. C+ +, )., COM COM. ATL(Active Template Library). ATL COM C+ +,. (Visual Basic ) COM. COM. COM Visual Basic,. 15 1

16 C#.NET DNA,.,.,. DNA(Distributed internet Architecture). DNA (ADO, ASP, XML, J ava - Script, VBScript, COM(+ ) ).. J avascript C, VBScript Visual Basic., COM+ COM ASP.. ( ). J avascript int C int, VB Integer..NET..NET.,.NET. ( ).,.NET...NET. :. 12, COM.NET. : COM,.NET (Cross Language Inheritance), (Cross Language Exception Handling), (Cross Language Debugging). 52

17 .NET.NET :.,.NET. : API..NET. COM! : IClassFactory, IUnknown, IDL, VARIANT-compliant (BSTR, SAFEARRAY ).NET. COM.NET COM COM :.NET.,.NET DLL..NET (CLR, CTS a nd CLS), (CLR : Common Language Runtime), (CTS : Common Type System), (CLS : Common Language Specification).NET.,.NET. CLR(Common Language Runtime). CLR.NET,,. CLR,,..NET CTS(Common Type System). CTS.,.NET 153

18 C#.NET (metadata) ( )..NET (.NET- aware language) CTS. CLS(Common Language Specification),.,.NET.NET., CLS (CLS-compliant).NET,.NET..NET CLR, CTS, CLS.NET.NET. IO,,., XML,, (, ). [ 1.1].NET. 1.1 CLR 54

19 .NET C#.NET?. C#. C# J ava. C# C+ + (*.h) (*.cpp), J ava (*.cs). C# J ava. C# J ava C+ +. J ava C+ +. J ava C+ +., C# J ava. C# Visual Basic, C+ + (, J ava ). C# C+ + Visual Basic. C#,,,. J ava, Visual Basic, C+ +., C#.! : C# ( ).! (Enumeration), (Structure),. C+ + ( return * this ).., COM,..NET.,. 155

20 C#.NET ( COM IDL ). C#, C#.NET ( COM C# )..NET (managed)., (Assembly) (managed) ( )..NET.NET 2000 PDC(Professional Developers Conference).,.NET.NET.,.NET.NET. 30, Visual Studio.NET(C#, Visual Basic.NET, (managed) C+ + (MC+ + ), J Script.NET), Smalltalk, COBOL, Pascal, Python, Perl.NET. [ 1.2]..NET, COM (DLL EXE),., DLL.NET COM (.NET COM ).,.NET IDL,.. COM,.NET (Platform- Specific), (Platform -Agnostic). Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) IL. 56

21 .NET 1.2.NET IL..NET ( )?.NET DLL EXE (., ). 6,.NET,., IL, (Absolutely necessary) (Platform- Specific) ( J ava ). (Absolutely necessary), IL ( ).NET. IL,., Foo. Foo, Foo,,..NET COM., COM (associate type library) (IDL ). COM?. (coclass) 157

22 C#.NET,, COM IDL.,.NET,.NET., (manifest).,, ( ). IL,. (Single File) (Mult i file),.net DLL, EXE 1 : 1.,.NET DLL,.,, 6. DLL EXE IL,,.,.NET, (module). ( IL ). IL.,?,,.,,

23 .NET., (module). MSIL(Mic rosoft Inte rme diate La ngua ge ),.NET. MSIL. MSIL..NET ( C#, Visual Basic.NET, Eiffel ), IL., C# ( )., Add(). / /. namespace Cal cul at or { usi ng Syst em; / / Cal cul at or Add (). / / (ent ry poi nt ) Mai n (). publ i c cl ass Cal c { / / publ i c Cal c () {} publ i c i nt Add (i nt x, i nt y) { r et ur n x + y; } publ i c st at i c i nt Mai n (st r i ng [] ar gs) { / / Cal c,. Cal c c = new Cal c () ; i nt ans = c.add (10, 84) ; 159

24 C#.NET Consol e.wr i t eli ne (" i s {0}. ", ans) ; r et ur n 0; } } }, C# (csc.exe), Calc, IL,. Add() IL, 1..met hod publ i c hi debysi g i nst ance i nt 32 Add (i nt 32 x, i nt 32 y) ci l managed { / / Code Si ze 8 (0x8).maxst ack 2. l ocal s [0] i nt 32 cs$ $ IL_0000 : l dar g. 1 IL_0001 : l dar g.2 IL_0002 : add IL_0003 : st l oc. 0 IL_0004 : br. s IL_0006 IL_0006 : l dl oc. 0 IL_0007 : r et } / / end of met hod Cal c : :Add IL. IL 7., C# IL (IL ).,.NET., C# Visual Basic.NET Calc. 60

25 .NET ' VB.NET Modul e Modul e1 'Cal c Add (),. Cl ass Cal c Publ i c Funct i on Add (ByVal x As Int eger, ByVal y As Int eger ) As Int eger '! VB.NET 'ret urn '. Ret ur n x + y End Funct i on End Cl ass Sub Mai n () Dim ans As Int eger Dim c As New Cal c () ans = c.add (10, 84) Consol e.wr i t eli ne (" i s {0}. ", ans) End Sub End Modul e Visual Basic.NET Add() IL, (VB.NET )..met hod publ i c i nst ance i nt 32 Add (i nt 32 x, i nt 32 y) ci l managed { / / Code Si ze 10 (0xa).maxst ack 2. l ocal s i ni t ( [0] i nt 32 Add) IL_0000 : nop IL_0001 : nop IL_0002 : l dar g. 1 IL_0003 : l dar g.2 IL_0004 : add. ovf IL_0005 : br. s IL_0008 IL_0007 : l dl oc. 0 IL_0008 : nop IL_0009 : r et } / / end of met hod Cal c : :Add CSharpCalculator VBCalculator

26 C#.NET IL?. IL..,.NET. IL. IL( ).,.NET IL. (well defined). IL (platform agnostic). agnostic.,,. IL IL,,...NET.,..NET (platform-independent architecture).. j ava. J ava j ava. j ava..net., j ava.net.,.net,..,.net,.,.net ( ). 62

27 .NET COM IDL(Interface Definition Language). IDL COM, (meta-language). IDL midl.exe, ( ). COM,., IDL COM,. COM., (1.0, 2.0, 2.4 ) COM (,,, ) IDL., COM., IDL..NET IDL., IDL. IL.NET. IDL.NET (,, ) (,, (Enumeration) ).,.NET (manifest) IDL.,..NET,,.,.NET ( ). C# Add() (, VB.NET ). 163

28 C#.NET Met hod # Met hodname : Add ( ) Fl ags : [Publ i c] [Hi debysi g] [ReuseSl ot ] ( ) RVA : 0x Impl Fl ags : [IL] [Managed] ( ) Cal l Cnvnt n : [DEFAULT] hasthi s Ret ur ntype : I 4 2 Argument s Ar gument #1 : I 4 Ar gument #2 : I 4 2 Paramet ers (1)Par amtoken : ( ) Name : x f l ags : [none] ( ) def aul t : (2)Par amtoken : ( ) Name : y f l ags : [none] ( ) def aul t : Add() ( C# )...NET., C#. IL IL, IL. J IT(J ust In Time). J itter J IT IL CPU..NET CLR CPU J IT. J IT,. J itter IL,., Foo Bar (), Bar () IL, 64

29 .NET,. Bar ()..NET.NET (, )..NET,, (delegate),. C#.NET,., (Custom enumeration type).,.,.net,.?.,?.,.,.,,. GoCart., GoCart?. (, CustomVehicals.GoCart SlowVehicals.GoCart ).,. 165

30 C#.NET CLR(Common La ngua ge Runtime),,, IL..NET.,. MFC, (linking) MFC (mfc42.dll).. Visual Basic 6.0 (msvbvm60.dll), J ava (J VM : J ava Virtual Machine)..NET..NET,.NET. CLR. CLR., CLR mscoree.dll,, (load)., (,, ),., IL,. (base class libraries).,.,, mscorlib.dll..net..net,,.net (, ). [ 1.3] ( ).NET,.NET. 66

31 .NET 1.3 mscoree.dll CTS(Common Type Syste m), CTS CLR,,, (formal specification)., CTS (.NET )..NET, CLS. CLS, CTS. 167

32 C#.NET CTS.NET.,,,.,, CTS (derived class) (polymorphism). CTS (CTS-compliant ) ( ). [ 1.1],. 1.1.NET (sealed)??? (abstract)? (concrete)? (visibility)? (sealed),. (object user). CTS.,...,??(private ). CTS CTS. C,.NET (UDT : User Defined Types) (, C )., ( 2 ). CTS (CTS compliant). (number) (parameterized) ( ).,.. 68

33 .NET / / C# st ruct Baby { / / publ i c st r i ng name; / / ( ). publ i c Baby (st r i ng name) {t hi s.name = name; } / /. publ i c voi d Cr y () { Consol e.wr i t eli ne ("Waaaaaaaaaaaah!!!") ; } } publ i c bool I ssl eepi ng () {r et ur n f al se; } publ i c bool I schanged () {r et ur n f al se; }. / / Max Barnaby!! Baby bar nababy = new Baby ("Max") ; Consol e.wr i t eli ne ("Changed? : {0}", bar nababy. I schanged ().ToSt r i ng () ) ; Consol e.wr i t eli ne ("Sl eepi ng? : {0}", bar nababy. I ssl eepi ng ().ToSt r i ng () ) ; / / Max. f or (i nt i = 0; i <10000; i ++) bar nababy.cry () ; CTS System.ValueType. (reference-based), (valuebased) ( (heap), (stack) ). CTS,.,.NET (sealed). 169

34 C#.NET CTS,,. COM,.NET IUnknown (Common based interface).,.,,.,.net, CTS., 4. CTS.,,.!. CTS. public, private, protected., abstract,, static instance (static, instance ). CTS,.,,..,. (Wizard) (Fighter), (Thief),. / / C# enum Pl ayer Type { Wi zar d = 100, Fi ght er = 200, Thi ef = 300 }; CTS System.Enum. /. 70

35 .NET CTS (delegat e).net (delegate) C., C,.NET (delegate) MulticastDelegate.,. 5,.NET. CTS CTS, CTS., boolean int, float, char.,.net. [ 1.2]. 1.2 CTS.NET Visual Basic.NET C# MANAGED C++(MC++) System.Byte Byte byte char System.SByte sbyte signed char System.Int16 Short short short System.Int32 Integer int int or long System.Int64 Long long int64 System.UInt16 ushort unsigned short System.UInt32 uint unsigned int or unsigned long System.UInt64 ulong unsigned int64 System.Single Single float float System.Double Double double double System.Object Object object Object* 171

36 C#.NET.NET Visual Basic.NET C# MANAGED C++(MC++) System.Char Char char wchar_t System.String String string String* System.Decimal Decimal decimal Decimal System.Boolean Boolean bool bool, CLS., CTS (.NET ),., ( ),, CTS,?, CLS. CLS(Common La ngua ge Spe c ification)., C# +, Visual Basic &.,.,.. ' voi d VB (VB ) Publ i c Sub Foo () '... End Sub / / voi d C# publ i c voi d Foo () { / /... }.NET, ( csc.exe, vbc.exe) IL.,., 72

37 .NET.,.NET,. CLS. CLS,.NET, CLR (.NET )., CLS CTS (subset).,.net, CLS. CLS 6,?,?., CLS 1. 1 : CLS., CLS.NET., ( 1 ). 1 (,, ) CLS. CLS,.., CLS., 1., ( ), (static) CLS. ( LISP.NET ). CLS Collected CLS. 173

38 C#.NET.NET,.. MFC ATL,., MFC C+ +,,. MFC,. Visual Basic J ava, (Intrinsic Classes), (Packages). MFC J ava, Visual Basic, C#., C#., C#.NET.,.NET..NET.NET, C#. Hello World C#, VB.NET, MC+ + (Managed C+ + ), 3. / / Hel l o worl d C# usi ng Syst em; publ i c cl ass MyApp { publ i c st at i c voi d Mai n () { Consol e.wr i t eli ne ("Hi f r om C#") ; } } 'Hel l o worl d VB.NET Impor t s Syst em 74

39 .NET Publ i c Modul e MyApp Sub Mai n () Consol e.wr i t eli ne ("Hi f r om VB") End Sub End Modul e / / Hel l o worl d MC++ usi ng namespace Syst em; / /!.NET C(++) mai n / /. voi d mai n () { Consol e : :Wr i t eli ne ("Hi f r om MC ") ; }.,,.,.NET..NET!.NET,. System,., C#., (,,, )., System.Drawing. (access), (Threading),. [ 1.3].NET ( ). 175

40 C#.NET 1.3.NET.NET System System.Collections System.Data System.Data.Common System.Data.OleDb System.Data.SqlClient System.Diagnostics System.Drawing System.Drawing.Drawing2D System.Drawing.Printing System.IO System.Net System.Reflection System.Reflection.Emit System.Runtime.InteropServices System.Runtime.Remoting System.Security System.Threading System.Web System, (Garbage Collection). (container) (ArrayList, Queue, SortedList). ( ).,. (bitmap), (font), (icon), (printing) GDI+. IO. IO, (buffering). (request)/ (response), (socket) (dynamic creation),. (unmanaged) (Win32 DLL, COM ),..NET. (permission), (cryptography)., (threading). (Mutex),, (Timeout). ASP.NET. 76

41 .NET.NET System.Windows.Forms System.Xml,.NET Win 32,. XML XML,.. System. System.Console, System Console..NET..NET System.Console. C# using...,.. / /. usi ng Syst em; / / usi ng Syst em. Dr awi ng; / / (r ender i ng) usi ng Syst em.wi ndows. Forms ; / / GUI (wi dget ) usi ng Syst em. Dat a; / / usi ng Syst em. Dat a.ol edb; / / OLE DB,., System.Drawing Bitmap,. / /... usi ng Syst em. Dr awi ng; 177

42 C#.NET cl ass MyCl ass { publ i c voi d DoIt () { / / 20 *20. Bi t map bm = new Bi t map (20, 20) ;... } } System.Drawing, Bitmap., System.Drawing,.. / /! cl ass MyCl ass { publ i c voi d DoIt () { / /. Syst em.dr awi ng.bi t map bm = new Syst em.dr awi ng.bi t map (20, 20) ;... } },.,.. using, IL.,.NET mscorlib.dll. System.Drawing System.Drawing.dll., [ 1.4], <drive>:winnt\ Microsoft.NET\ Framework\ <version>. 78

43 .NET.NET NET, (semantically related)., System. Windows.Forms System.Drawing.,,..,.NET,..,.NET,..NET SDK (MSDN) ILDasm.exe 179

44 C#.NET ClassView WinCV.exe Visual Studio.NET, MSDN (F 1?)..NET SDK IDLasm.exe ClassView, WinCV., Visual Studio.NET. ILDas m.exe ILDasm.exe(Intermediate Language Disassembler Utility) GUI.NET (EXE DLL).,, IL,.,.. mscorlib.dll ([ 1.5] ). ILDasm.exe (path). [ 1.5],.,, (nested classes). [ 1.4]. 80

45 .NET 1.5 ILDasm.exe. 1.4 ILDasm.exe ILDASM.EXE. (dot).. [NSP] [CLS] [VCL] [INT] [FLD] [STF] [MET].. <outer > $<inner >... (public ). (static) ( ).. [STM] [PTY] (static)

46 C#.NET, ILDasm.exe IL., System.IO.BinaryWriter, [ 1.6] IL. 1.6 IL (dump) ILDasm.exe.,,., *.txt.,. [ 1.7]

47 .NET IL, IL.., *.il. Mscorlib.dll. [ 1.8] 7 GetType() IL. 1.8 IL ILDasm.exe.,. CTRL+ M.,.NET IL. CLR. ILDasm.exe CTRL + M,.!., (disassemble). [ 1.9] TestApp.exe. 183

48 C#.NET 1.9 ILDasm.exe, ILDasm.exe OLE/ COM (Object Viewer). Oleview.exe COM, IDL. ILDasm.exe IL.NET. (ClassViewer) ILDasm.exe, (ClassViewer) (.NET SDK ).NET. SDK http :/ / localhost/ quickstart/ aspplus/ samples/ classbrowser/ vb/ classbrowser.aspx. ([ 1.10] ). 84

49 .NET 1.10 (ClassViewer) WinCV. WinCV.exe(Windows Class Viewer), C#. GUI,,. [ 1.11] System.Windows.Forms.Tooltip.,.NET. C#. 185

50 C#.NET 1.11 WinCV.exe C# C#, csc.exe(c Sharp Compiler)..NET SDK,. TestApp.exe., C#., [ 1.12] TestApp.cs TestApp 86

51 .NET, C#. (, DLL, EXE ). csc.exe ([ 1.5] ). 1.5 C# /doc /out /target:exe /target:library /target:module /target:winexe csc.exe XML. 5. MyAssembly.dll, WordProcessingApp.exe. *.cs ( /out ). DOS EXE.. (manifest), DLL. (manifest) DLL. /target:winexe.,., TestApp.cs,., C#. csc / t arget :exe Test App. cs C#. / target / t. csc / t :exe Test App.cs, csc / t :exe C#. TestApp.cs. csc Test App.cs 187

52 C#.NET, TestApp.cs., ( csc.exe ) ([ 1.13] ) TestApp,.NET. C#., mscorlib.dll..net, TestApp.cs. TestApp. [ 1.14]. C# using System.Windows.Forms. MessageBox, System.Windows.Forms.dll. 1 / reference., / r., (:). csc / r :Syst em.wi ndows.forms.dl l t est app.cs 88

53 .NET 1.14 TestApp.cs, TestApp. [ 1.15] [ 1.15], TestApp.cs TestApp.exe., *.exe.?, HelloMessage ([ 1.16] ), TestApp [ 1.17]. 189

54 C#.NET 1.16 HelloMessage *.cs. csc / r :Syst em.wi ndows. Forms.dl l t es t app.cs hel l omsg. cs,.,??. C#, csc.exe *.cs, *.cs., / out. csc / r :Syst em.wi ndows. Forms.dl l / out :TestApp. exe *.cs,?. (:)?., (;). csc / r :Syst em.wi ndows.forms.dl l ;Syst em.drawi ng.dl l t est app. cs hel l omsg.cs C#.. 90

55 .NET 1.17 TestApp.cs TestApp 1. Visua l Studio.NET IDE C#, Visual Studio.NET., Visual Studio.NET IDE., (ATL, MFC, C#, Visual Basic.NET, FoxPro, C+ + ),. VS.NET, Visual Basic.NET. [ 1.18],., TestApp Visual Studio.NET (VSNETTestApp ). 19 1

56 C#.NET 1.18 VS.NET C# (Solut ion Explorer) VS.NET., (solution) (project ).,. (Solution Explorer),. Class1.cs ([ 1.19] )

57 .NET (Solution Explorer) (object-oriented view) ([ 1.20] ) (Class View),, CASE (,, (indexer) ). [ 1.21].,.,, C#,.,. 193

58 C#.NET (Propert ies ) IDE, (Properties).., GUI ( ),.,, ([ 1.22] ) (Properties). 94

59 .NET, (Class View) Class1, (Name) ([ 1.23] )., (Properties). (out line) (Code View). (Code View) +, -.,..., ([ 1.24] )

60 C#.NET -,,, Main(),., ([ 1.25] ). 1.25,. System.Windows.Forms.dll,...., [ 1.26] VS.NET 96

61 .NET, COM (.NET COM 12 )., System.Windows. Forms.dll,. Vis ual St udio.net IDE (Debugging) Developer Studio, Visual Studio.NET (debugger).,.,., (step into), (step out), (step over)., (Call Stack), (Autos), (Locals), (Breakpoints),., (BreakPoint) 197

62 C#.NET VSNETTestApp 1. (Server Explorer) (Server Explorer) Visual Studio.NET. [ 1.28]. (Server Explorer),, ( ).,, (Server Explorer) XML Visual Studio.NET HTML XML. Visual InterDev IDE. 98

63 .NET XML, GUI XML. [ 1.29] ( XML ADO.NET ) XML (Integrated XML Editor) UML Visual Studio.NET Visual Studio 6.0, Visual Modeler. UML(Unified Modeling Language). *.mdx, [ 1.30] UML (ToolBox) [ 1.30],., Visual Studio.NET UML! Visual Studio.NET Rational Rose XDE UML. (Object Browser)., Visual Studio.NET (Object Browser).. [ 1.31]. 199

64 C#.NET 1.30 UML (Object Browser) 100

65 .NET Visual Studio.NET IDE.,,. [ 1.32] Cars ( ADO.NET ) (Help),. ALT+ TAB, MSDN. Visual Studio.NET IDE,,. Main (), [ 1.33]. 10 1

66 C#.NET 1.33, ([ 1.34] ). 1.34! F1. 102

67 .NET.NET C#.,.NET,.,.NET C#..,,.NET C#..NET (mscoree.dll) (mscorlib.dll ). CLR.NET ( ). IL. IL JIT., CLS(Common Language Specification) CTS(Common Type System)., C# (csc.exe) Visual Studio.NET IDE. 103

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초보자를 위한 C# 21일 완성 C# 21., 21 C#., 2 ~ 3 21. 2 ~ 3 21.,. 1~ 2 (, ), C#.,,.,., 21..,.,,, 3. A..,,.,.. Q&A.. 24 C#,.NET.,.,.,. Visual C# Visual Studio.NET,..,. CD., www. TeachYour sel f CSharp. com., ( )., C#.. C# 1, 1. WEEK

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