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1 증례보고 혈액투석을받는환자에서발병된다발성요로상피암에대한전요로장기적출술 Bilateral Nephroureterectomy with Radical Cystectomy for Urothelial Tumor Involving the Renal Pelvis, Ureter and Bladder in a Patient Receiving Hemodialysis Kyeong Hoon Lee, Yong Hyeok Choi, Soung Yong Cho, Han Sung Kim 1, In Rae Cho From the Departments of Urology and University, Gimhae, Korea 1 Pathology, College of Medicine, Inje Transitional cell carcinoma such as renal cell carcinoma is the relatively common urinary tract cancer in patients who are on dialysis. A 66-year-old male patient, who had been on maintenance hemodialysis for 5 years, was suffering from gross hematuria. The subsequent image studies revealed multiple masses at the right renal pelvis, the right distal ureter and the trigonal area at the bladder. We performed cystoscopy to evaluate the multiple bladder papillary masses and their blood clots. The patient then underwent bilateral radical nephroureterectomy and radical cystectomy. Histological examination revealed the papillary urothelial carcinoma. Our case may imply that dialysis patients have an increased susceptibility to urological malignancies. Physicians should always raise the possibility of urological malignancy when encountering a dialysis patient with gross hematuria. Because of the high recurrence rate, a more extensive operation and aggressive follow-up protocols should be done for these patients on dialysis. (Korean J Urol 2008;49: ) Key Words: Kidney, Dialysis, Carcinoma, Transitional cell, Urinary tract 대한비뇨기과학회지제 49 권제 11 호 2008 인제대학교의과대학비뇨기과학교실, 1 병리학교실 이경훈ㆍ최용혁ㆍ조성용김한성 1 ㆍ조인래 접수일자 :2008년채택일자 :2008년 6월 18일 9월 19일 교신저자 : 조인래인제대학교일산백병원비뇨기과경기도고양시일산구대화동 TEL: FAX: ircho@paik.ac.kr 혈액투석환자에서요로계암은일반환자군에비해높은발생률을지닌다. 하지만이에대한정확한원인은밝혀지지않았으며높은발생률과관련하여국외에서는통계역학조사또는증례보고가활발히진행되었는데비하여 1-3 국내조사는부족한실정이다. Stewart 등 1 은미국, 유럽, 호주, 뉴질랜드의투석환자를대상으로장기간의후향적연구를진행하였는데신장에서발생한암은 3.6%, 방광에서발생한암은 1.5% 의발생률을나타낸다고보고하였다. Satoh 등 2 은일본에서신부전으로투석을시행한환자에서신장암은 0.61% 에서발생하였고요로상피암은 0.26% 에서발생하였다고보고하였다. 또한이중신장암환자에서는원발성신장질환으로만성사구체신염이동반된경우는 68.4% 이고요로상피암에서원발성신장질환으로당뇨성신부전이동반된경우는 43.8% 였음을보고한바있다. 서구의보고에의하면투석환자에서신장암의발생률이높은데비하여대만에서 Ou 등 3 이보고한바에따르면투석환자에대한 후향적역학조사결과요로계암발생률이 0.99% 이며 0.89% 는요로상피암이었고 0.1% 가신장암이었다고보고하였다. 이러한발생률은일반인에비하면매우높은수치이며동양권에서요로상피암의높은발생률과많은증례보고가지속되는것을보면투석환자에서의요로계암의발생에는인종, 유전및환경적인다양한원인이영향을미칠것으로생각되며심도있는연구가필요할것으로보인다. 저자들은국내에서보고된바없었던투석환자에서발생한다발성요로상피암에서전요로장기적출술에대한 1례를문헌고찰과함께보고하는바이다. 증례 66세남환은 6개월전부터간헐적으로혈뇨를보여왔으며갑작스럽게혈괴를동반한심한육안적혈뇨가지속되어내원하였다. 당뇨및고혈압으로약물치료중이었으며, 1046

2 이경훈외 : 다발성요로상피암에대한전요로장기적출술 년전부터당뇨병성신부전으로주 3회혈액투석을시행하고있었다. 수축기와이완기혈압이각각 228mmHg와 99 mmhg로높게나타났으며, 혈색소치는 9.4g/dl (35.3%) 로감소되어있었고, 백혈구는 13,310/ul (segment neutrophil; 84%) 로증가되어있었다. 요소및크레아티닌수치는 76mg/dl와 10.1mg/dl였으며전해질검사에서칼륨은 6.9mEq/l로전형적인만성신부전소견을보이고있었다. 소변량은하루에총 ml 정도로측정되었으며일반요검사에서는다수의적혈구와백혈구가고배율시야에서관찰되었다. 단순흉부촬영에서는심근비대증소견이관찰되었고복부골반전산화단층촬영결과 (Fig. 1) 신실질내로미세한석회화소견이다수관찰되었고우측신우, 우측원위부요관및방광내방광요관이행부에내강으로불규칙한표면을보이는비후된종괴가관찰되었으며 delayed phase에서종괴내부로조영이증강되는소견이보였으나좌측신장내부와좌측요관에는종괴로의심되는소견은관찰되지않았다. 우측신우의종괴는 36mm 크기로신실질내로침습적인양상이며전체적으로불규칙하게돌출되어있는모양 이었으나신우주위의지방침범소견은보이지않았고우측원위부요관은종양으로인해내강이심하게불규칙하였으며상측요관및신우까지심한확장이있는것으로보아협착으로인한요관폐쇄가의심되었다. 우측원위부요관에서부터요관방광문합부를비롯한방광후벽은비후되고주변조직과의불규칙한경계를나타내고있었고방광내부에는조영증강이없이혈종으로생각되는다수의불규칙한모양의종괴가관찰되었으나주변장기침습및의미있는림프절종대는관찰되지않았다. 환자는복부골반전산화단층촬영을시행한후신부전악화가능성을낮추기위한목적으로조영제제거를위한혈액투석을시행하였고이후이틀뒤전신골주사를시행하였으며암전이를의심할만한 hot uptake는관찰되지않았다. 출혈부위의파악과지혈및조직검사를위해경요도국소마취후방광내시경을시행하였다. 방광내부는작은방광용적과심한출혈로관찰이용이하지않았으나방광후벽및방광삼각부전반에다수의유두상모양의종괴가발견되었으며출혈과산재한종괴로인하여양측요관구를 Fig. 1. The abdomino-pelvic computed tomography (CT) scan shows multiple masses at the right renal pelvis, the right distal ureter and the trigonal area at the bladder at the delayed scan phase. Arrow indicates the right distal ureter mass. We can see a high attenuated lesion in the bladder, and the lesion is not enhanced at the delayed phase and it seems to be a blood clot.

3 1048 대한비뇨기과학회지 : 제 49 권제 11 호 2008 Fig. 2. On cystoscopic findings multiple bladder papillary masses with blood clots were seen. Both ureteral orifices were not observed due to multiple spreading masses and the bleeding tendency. 확인하기힘들었다 (Fig. 2). 방광내시경검사시시행한 washing cytology에서는음성소견이나왔고방광내관찰된종괴의한곳에서시행하였던조직검사는판독이용이치않다는판정을받았다. 경요도방광종양절제술을 1차로시행할것을고려하였으나이전방광내시경검사에서확인할수없었던출혈부위의절제및지혈에대한확신이없었고반복된마취로인한만성신부전증의부담및출혈지연으로인한 pancytopenia의악화를고려해관련사례와논문을참고하여신속한수술이필요할것으로판단하여우측신우, 요관, 방광의요로상피암으로진단하에근치적방광전적출술및양측신요관전적출술을시행하였다. 절개는 xyphoid process 하방에서치골상부에이르기까지 midline으로시행하였고수술소견에서우측원위부요관우측신장은비대되어있었고요관은상부요관부터방광문합부에이르기까지확장되어있었으며주위조직과의유착및침습소견은관찰되지않았다. 좌측신장과원위부요관에서는전형적인신부전의소견외다른사항은관찰되지않았고술전계획대로양측신장을제거한후근치적방광적출술을진행하였다. 수술후얻어진검체의병리소견에서좌측하부요관은정상적으로관찰되었으나우측신우및원위부요관과방광내병변에서 low grade의 papillary urothelial carcinoma가요관점막하층까지침범한소견을보였고절제면이나림프절에서는모두음성소견을보였다 (Fig. 3). 종양조직에대 Fig. 3. Gross findings. Protruding masses were noted in the right renal pelvis, the right distal ureter and the posterior wall of the urinary bladder. 한면역조직화학염색에서 CK7 (+), EMA (+), CK20 (+), Ki-67(15%), Cyclin D1(+) 소견을보였고 (CK: cytokeratin, EMA: epithelial membrane associated antigen, Ki: monoclonal anti-proliferating cell protein, Cyclin: cell proliferating associated protein) 양측신장모두에서당뇨성신병증을동반한 diabetic nodular glomerulosclerosis 및말기신부전소견이확인되었다 (Fig. 4). 이상의병리소견으로우측신우와우측원위부요관그리고방광에발생한동시다발성의요로상피암으로확진하였다.

4 이경훈외 : 다발성요로상피암에대한전요로장기적출술 1049 Fig. 4. (A) Light microscopic findings. The protruding masses in the urinary bladder revealed low grade papillary urothelial carcinoma (H&E, x10). (B) Low grade papillary urothelial carcinoma is noted in the right distal ureter (H&E, x400). (C) Low grade papillary urothelial carcinoma is noted in the right renal pelvis (upper). The renal parenchyma reveals marked atrophic change, which is consistent with end stage kidney disease (H&E, x100). (D) Immunohistochemical microscopic findings. The urothelial carcinoma cells of the urinary bladder mass are positively stained with CK20 antibody. 환자는술후 10일째창상봉합부위가벌어져국소마취하에절제및재봉합수술을시행하였고술후 13일째퇴원하였다. 수술후신장내과에서투석치료를하며경과관찰중이었다. 수술 16개월후촬영한복부골반전산화단층촬영과전신골주사촬영검사에서는재발및이상소견은보이지않았고수술 28개월후시행한복부골반자기공명검사및전신골주사촬영검사에서도특이소견을보이지않았다. 고찰신부전증으로인하여투석을시행받는환자에서종양의발생률이증가한다는사실이보고된이후이에대해서전세계적으로수많은보고와연구들이있었으며이중비뇨기계종양이가장흔한것으로알려져있다. 1-4 원인인자로면역력감소, 종양유발바이러스감수성증가, 요독증, 투석과정등을들수있으며신장질환이동반되는경우인진통제유발신증, 발칸신증 (Balkan nephropathy), 한약재유발신증에서도비뇨기계악성종양의발생증가와연관이있다 는보고가있지만명확한병리기전에대해서밝혀진바없다. 만성신부전으로인하여신장을이식받은환자에서도악성종양의빈도는높게보고되고있으며말기신장질환은암발생의주요인자로후천성신낭증과신장암에관련하여서는서구권에많은보고와연구가있었으며요로상피암에대해서는일본, 대만에서다수의증례가보고되었다. 1-6 국내에서도투석환자에서신장암의발생과신이식환자에서요로상피암의발생률에대한보고는몇차례있었다. 하지만투석환자에서의요로상피암에대한증례및투석환자에서의요로상피암발생률에대한조사는부족한실정이다. 대만에서의연구에의하면투석환자에서가장많이발생하는종양이요로상피암이며이는서구권과는구별되는특징이다. 이지역에서투석환자에서요로상피암의높은발생률은체중감량이나백반증에사용되는광방기 (Aristolochia fangch) 와같은한약이나지하수의높은비소함량때문이라는말도있으나유의성은없는것으로알려져있다. 7 Wu 등 8 은투석을받은환자에서발생한요로상피암 30례를일반환자에게시행하는고식적술식으로수술을시행

5 1050 대한비뇨기과학회지 : 제 49 권제 11 호 2008 한결과를보고하였는데, 하부요로계에서발생된종양으로내시경절제술을받은 13명의환자중에서 7명 (53.8%) 이상부요로계에요로상피암이재발하였고상부요로암으로신요관적출술과요관구주위방광점막절제술을시행한 14명의환자중에서 10명 (71.4%) 이방광에서재발했음을보고하였다. 이후추가로진행된연구로투석환자에서요로상피암으로수술한뒤재발한경우 (54.8%) 중에서, 방광재발이 64% 였으며반대측상부요관재발이 13% 였고평균재발기간은 15개월이었다고하였다. 이처럼방광암을동반한상부요관요로상피암환자는반대측상부요로에암이발생할확률이높으므로상부요로에요로상피암을가진환자에서는높은재발률과다발성및동시발생한암이영상검사에서식별이되지못할가능성을고려하여전요로장기적출술을권장하였다. 본원의증례에서도이와같은연구에근거하여다발성요로상피암에대한전요로장기적출술을계획하였으며좌측요관의침범여부는불명확하나신기능에대한보존이불필요하다고판단되어함께적출하였다. 신우신배를침범한요로상피암이신부전환자에서일반적으로식별이어려운이유는배설성요로조영술을시행하기어려워충만결손음영을확인하기쉽지않고복부전산화촬영에서도명확한조영증강소견을기대하기어려우며따라서정상신실질에침윤을일으킨경우신세포암이나신림프종, 세균성신염, 또는전이성질환과의감별이매우어렵다는점이다. 비록이종양이신요로상피에서발생하지만신실질을침범했을때신배혹은신우요상피종양보다더신세포암에가까운양상을보일수도있고세포검사및전산화단층촬영결과로도감별이어려울때가있는것이다. 9 또한상부요로계에발생하는요로상피암은일반인에게서는비교적드문종양으로전체요로종양의 5-10% 를차지하고있으나방광종양과유사한병리소견, 병인, 임상증상및자연경과때문에같은질환으로생각되며다발성으로발생한다는특징을가지고있어 30-60% 에서방광종양이동반되고수술후 15-40% 에서방광재발이일어나며동측요로상피에서다발성으로발생하는경우가흔하다 (27-36%). 10 이처럼다발성암의존재가능성과재발이높은요로상피암의특성을생각하고투석을정기적으로시행받는환자에서는전반적인종양발생빈도의증가, 요로계암의높은비중을고려해볼때조기진단및치료에관심을가져야하며요로계암의발견시에방광및양측신요관계에대한 정밀한검사가시행되어야할것이다. 동시에수술을선택할때높은재발률과암의다발성산재가능성을고려하여광범위한수술을시행하는것을생각해보아야할것으로보인다. 투석환자는종양의전이및진행속도가빠르므로조기진단및치료가매우중요하며병변이발견되었을때재발위험이높은특성상남아있는신기능을유지하는것이향후환자의삶에어느정도도움을줄것인가에대해고민의대상이될것이다. REFERENCES 1. Stewart JH, Buccianti G, Agodoa L, Gellert R, McCredie MR, Lowenfels AB, et al. Cancers of the kidney and urinary tract in patients on dialysis for end-stage renal disease: analysis of data from the United States, Europe, and Australia and New Zealand. J Am Soc Nephrol 2003;14: Satoh S, Tsuchiya N, Habuchi T, Ishiyama T, Seimo K, Kato T. Renal cell and transitional cell carcinoma in a Japanese population undergoing maintenance dialysis. J Urol 2005;174: Ou JH, Pan CC, Lin JS, Tzai TS, Yang WH, Chang CC, et al. Transitional cell carcinoma in dialysis patients. Eur Urol 2000;37: Matas AJ, Simmons RL, Kjellstrand CM, Buselmeier TJ, Najarian JS. Increased incidence of malignancy during chronic renal failure. Lancet 1975;1: Wang HB, Hsieh HH, Chen YT, Chiang CY, Cheng YT. The outcome of post-transplant transitional cell carcinoma in 10 renal transplant recipients. Clin Transplant 2002;16: Lee KW, Rha KH, Yang SC. Experience of transitional cell carcinoma after renal allograft. Korean J Urol 2005;46: Wu CF, Shee JJ, Ho DR, Chen WC, Chen CS. Different treatment strategies for end stage renal disease in patients with transitional cell carcinoma. J Urol 2004;171: Wu CF, Chang PL, Chen CS, Chuang CK, Weng HH, Pang ST. The outcome of patients on dialysis with upper urinary tract transitional cell carcinoma. J Urol 2006;176: Lee JG, Kim KW, Kwon DD, Oh BR, Ryu SB, Park YI, et al. Differentiation of Infiltrating urothelial tumor of renal pelvis from renal cell carcinoma invading into renal pelvis or calyx. Korean J Urol 2002;43: Kim KH, Park JS, Kim CI, Lee KS. Risk factors for the development of bladder transitional cell carcinoma following surgery for transitional cell carcinoma of the upper urinary tract. Korean J Urol 2005;46:229-33


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