Erratum & Retraction 개념 및 처리기준

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1 Erratum & Retraction 개념및처리기준 장재화조혜민홍혜미황세희

2 Content changes When it does, Readers need to know

3 한글용어 Erratum or Corrigendum Correction Expression of Concern Retraction Withdrawal 과편협 / 의편협 / 각종논문들 오류공지오류공고오류보고정정정정문 정정정정기사정정문 우려표명우려기사편집인고지 논문취소게재철회논문철회 논문철회 통일 ( 안 )

4 공부할자료

5 Teixeira da Silva JA, Dobránszki J. Notices and Policies for Retractions, Expressions of Concern, Errata and Corrigenda: Their Importance, Content, and Context. Sci Eng Ethics May 18. [Epub]

6 Erratum/Corrigendum/Correction Erratum 등은아주작은오류가발생할경우수정하는것을말함 Fact error, honest error Erratum: 출판과정의오류 (production error) Corrigendum: 저자의오류를나타냄 (author error) Correction: 오류를수정하는것을의미하고하고, corrigendum 과같이저자의오류를의미하기도함

7 Taylor & Francis. Taylor & Francis Corrections Policy [Internet]. Errata/Corrigenda/Addenda: Taylor & Francis Errata An erratum will be used if a significant error has been introduced by us during the production of the journal article, including errors of omission such as failure to make factual proof corrections requested by authors within the deadline provided by the journal and within journal policy. A 'significant error' is one that affects the scholarly record, the scientific integrity of the article, the reputation of the authors, or of the journal. All errata are linked to the version of record (VoR) article that they correct. Corrigenda A corrigendum is a notification of a significant error made by the authors of the article. All corrigenda are normally approved by the editors of the journal. All corrigenda are linked to the VoR article that they correct. Addenda An addendum is a notification of an addition of information to a article, for example in response to a reader's request for clarification or funding information. Addenda do not contradict the original publication, but if the author inadvertently omitted significant information available at the time, this material can be published as an addendum. Addenda may be peer reviewed, according to journal policy, and are normally subject to oversight by the editors of the journal.

8 Erratum 은어떤경우에작성하나? COPE 출판물의일부분이잘못된것으로판명될경우 ( 특히 honest error 때문에 ) Author/contributor 목록이올바르지않을경우 ( 예, 자격이있는 author 가누락되거나 authorship criteria 를충족하지않는사람이포함됨 )

9 Taylor & Francis. Taylor & Francis Corrections Policy [Internet]. Erratum 을쓰는경우 : Taylor & Francis Spelling error or factual error in title Author name spelt incorrectly Affiliation, if this was incorrect at the time of submission Error in ORCiD, copyright line, correspondence details Error in the submitted, received, revised, or accepted dates Error in the article category heading Missing text or typographical error, if the meaning is changed or an error introduced Error in data, medical terms Amendment to tables, figures, and appendices, if the meaning is changed or an error introduced Figure source, attribution, or permission information missing Poor figure quality Missing or incorrect conflict of interest or disclosure statement, funding information Error in online-only supplemental data Amendment to reference list when incorrect information given

10 Taylor & Francis. Taylor & Francis Corrections Policy [Internet]. Erratum 을쓰지않는경우 : Taylor & Francis Title, if an aesthetic change only Affiliation, if this has changed since submission ORCiD, if not supplied on submission Text or typography, if the meaning is unchanged or no error has been introduced Tables, figures, and appendices if the meaning is unchanged or no error has been introduced Acknowledgements Additional or updated references and citations

11 Erratum 에서고려할점 : ICMJE 최대한빨리 correction 을게시 원논문을인용해야하며, 오류에대해상세하게기술하며, 페이지있는논문으로작성하며, 목차에반드시포함해야함 New article version: 원본과변경된날짜에대한세부사항이포함된 new article version 을게시. Article 의모든이전 version 을보관함 Archive 는독자이용할수있도록함 Citation 은가장최신 version 으로 Pervasive error: 계산실수등으로논문전반에거쳐오류가있을경우에, 논문의결과 / 결론에문제가없다면 erratum 으로처리 Serious error: 논문의결과와결론을무효화할정도로심각한오류는 Retraction 요구 ICMJE. Corrections, retractions, republications and version control [Internet].

12 Retraction/Withdrawal Retraction: 출판된논문을저자 / 편집인 / 출판사 / 권위있는대리인이공식적으로취소하는것. 오류의범위가넓고, 결론부분이유효하지않거나, 재현할수없는연구, 과학적으로위법, 또는이중게재의문제를가진논문등에적용 Erratum < Retraction in part (or partial retraction) < Retraction Withdrawal: 게재승인되거나 e-pub 으로출판되었는데권 / 호 / 페이지정보를가지고정식으로출판되지않은 in press 논문에오류가있거나출판윤리를어긴경우 ( 중복투고, 저자됨위반, 표절, 데이터조작등 ) 에해당 (Elsevier) 철회한논문파일을제거하거나저널에서논문이철회되었다는것을알리는 PDF 로대체하는것

13 Retraction 은어떤경우에작성하나? COPE 연구결과에신뢰가가지않거나, 데이터조작같은위법행위가있거나, 계산오류, 실험오류같은진실성문제에대한명백한증거가있을때 중복게재와같이연구결과가적절한상호참조, 퍼미션이나정당한사유없이이미다른곳에서출판되었을때 표절로간주될때 비윤리적인연구일때

14 Retraction 에서고려할점 : COPE 취소된논문의온라인판에링크 Retraction heading 에제목과저자를포함시킴 정정이나커멘트등과는구분되는것으로, Retraction 이라는것을명확히밝힘 오해로인한폐해가없도록신속하게공표 모든독자가볼수있도록 open 논문취소의주체명시 위법행위와부정직함을구분하도록취소의이유를설명 명예를훼손할수있는말은피함 부분취소는독자가논문에대한평가나논문의어떤부분을신뢰할지판단하기어렵게하므로권장하지않음

15 우리나라 Retraction 공지분석 Huh S, Kim SY, Cho HM. Characteristics of Retractions from Korean Medical Journals in the KoreaMed Database: A Bibliometric Analysis. PLoS One. 2016;11(10):e

16 Retraction 에서고려할점 : ICMJE Letter to the editor 로작성하지않음 확실하게명시 전자 / 프린트저널모두에서한페이지를차지하여목차에도포함될수있도록함 => 색인이될수있도록 Heading 에는원논문의제목을포함 온라인에서 retraction 과원논문은양방향으로링크되어야함 취소된논문은초록, 전문, pdf 등모든형식에서취소되었음을명확히알림. 논문이취소된이유와서지정보를밝힘 취소된논문은 public domain 에남기되취소된것임을명확히함

17 Retraction 에서고려할점 : Elsevier Retracted article: 취소된논문의 HTML: 서지정보와설명이적힌하나의페이지로대체 취소된논문의 PDF: 원논문은수정하지않은상태로유지하되, 모든페이지에취소를나타내는워터마크넣음. 온라인에서는 retraction note 화면이논문보다먼저나오게하여, 독자는 retraction 사실을알고논문을읽도록함 Retraction note: 저자 and/or 편집위원장이서명한 Retraction: [ 논문제목 ] 과같은제목의 retraction note 를다음호의페이지가매겨진장에발행하고목차에포함시킴 온라인에서원논문에링크 Elsevier. Policies: article-withdrawal [Internet].

18 Retraction 에서고려할점 : NPG 모든저자는에러에대한구체적인설명과그로인해결론에어떤영향을미쳤는지기술한후서명 저자가동의하지않을때, 편집위에서는별도의심사위원으로부터조언을구하고 amendment 를냄. 여기에는출판된버전의논문에서저자의의견에반대한다는어조를띔 독자가취소를요청할경우 : 원저자에게연락후, 저자와교신한내용을포함시켜 ( 저자가회신을했건안했건 ) 출판팀에게서한을보냄 편집위에서는심사위원에게제보가출판된논문의주요결론에문제가있는지판단해달라고조언을구함

19 Retraction 에서고려할점 : Wiley Erratum, Retraction, Eoc 의제목에는 Erratum, Retraction, Expression of Concern 이라는말을포함 온라인 / 인쇄저널모두에서페이지가매겨진장에공표하고이는목차에들어가야함 원논문을인용해야함 독자가에러가있는부분이어떻게고쳐져야하는지이해하고알아볼수있도록하거나, 논문의내용에대해편집인이우려하는바를설명 원본파일에링크 색인 / 초록기관이알아보고원논문에다 erratum, retraction, Eoc 를링크할수있도록일정한형식이있어야함

20 Expression of Concern 발간된논문의타당성을의심할만한심각한문제가제기되었으나아직확정적인결론을얻지못했을때, 편집인은 EoC 를통해해당사안을독자에게설명하고우려를표명함으로써잠재적인부작용을줄임 연구부정행위가의심되나아직조사위원회가열리지않았거나연구부정행위에대한조사결과가확정되지않았을때 저자의소속기관에서저자의연구윤리혐의에대해조사를거부하거나연구부정행위조사결과를공개하지않은경우 조사가공정하지못했다고판단할때 저자들이연구에대해서로상충되는견해를표명하거나해당분야의전무가들이서로엇갈리는견해를표명하여논문의타당성에의문이제기될때 조사가진행중이지만판결에시간이오래걸릴때 과편협. 이공계연구윤리및출판윤리매뉴얼. p.59


22 Preservation of the Objective Record of Science: An STM Guideline STM supports the principle of favouring retraction (erratum) over removal in virtually all cases. To further this principle, STM encourages STM member publishers and other scholarly publishers to not require another publisher to permanently remove infringing or offending articles, with only very rare exceptions. The practice of removal, deletion or obscuring of an article or portion thereof should be limited to circumstances such as: An inappropriate violation of the privacy of a research subject Errors to which a member of the general public might be exposed that, if followed or adopted, would pose a significant risk to health Clearly defamatory comment made about others or about their work. Even in these circumstances, bibliographic information about the removed article should be retained for the scientific record, and an explanation given, however brief, about the circumstances of its removal.

23 QUIZ Which of the following is a reason for retraction of data? a. Fabrication of data b. Falsification of data c. Plagiarism d. All of the above What is the first step an editor should take when duplicate publication is suspected? a. Contact the authors and request an explanation b. Publish a notice of duplicate publication c. Publish a retraction d. Publish a correction King L. Correction, Retractions and duplicate publication quiz [Internet].

24 QUIZ Which of the following can issue a retraction? a. Author b. Author s institution c. Journal editor d. All of the above What is the preferred method for handling libelous material? a. Correction b. Correction and retraction c. Removal of content d. Publication of an apology

25 논의사항 : Error 가확인되었을경우처리 Erratum 작성 Journal Home 의해당원고부분에 Error 있음을표시 PDF PDF 변경안함 PDF 수정함 PDF 를수정하고수정된 PDF 라는것을표시 PDF 에 Erratum 파일을합침 첫페이지에오류 note + 원 PDF + Erratum?

깔끔한 보고서 양식

깔끔한 보고서 양식 2017.01.20. 과편협원고편집위원회 이성욱 ( 김연욱 ( 1. 기본목적 1) 연구자는논문을검색할때 Retraction, Erratum 을쉽게확인할수있어야함 2) 편집자는연구자가 Retraction, Erratum 을명확하게인식할수있게해야함 2. 출판물과데이터베이스처리의차이점

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