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2 006 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006

3 he statistics in this report were compiled based on data provided by the following Korean organizations. Ministry of Justice Visitor arrival and Korean departure statistics Ministry of Culture and ourism ourism industry he Bank of Korea ourism balance of payments Korea Hotel Association Hotel room occupancy rates

4 Contents OVERVIEW Korea Inbound and Outbound ourism Summary 5 (00006) Visitor Arrivals and Korean Departures by Month, (00006) ourism Balance of Payments by Month, (96006) ourism Statistics by Year, VISIOR ARRIVALS (005006) Visitor Arrivals from the op 5 Countries, (006) Visitor Arrivals by Gender & Nationality, (006) Visitor Arrivals by Purpose of Visit & Nationality, 006 (006) Visitor Arrivals by Month & Nationality, (006) Visitor Arrivals by Age & Nationality, (006) Visitor Arrivals by Mode of ransportation & Nationality, (997006) Visitor Arrivals by Nationality, (975006) Visitor Arrivals by Month, (975006) Visitor Arrivals by Gender, (975006) Visitor Arrivals by Purpose of Visit, (987006) Visitor Arrivals by Age, (987006) Visitor Arrivals by Mode of ransportation, KOREAN DEPARURES 0 (977006) Korean Departures by Month, (977006) Korean Departures by Gender, (99006) Korean Departures by Age and Gender, (987006) Korean Departures by Age, (987006) Korean Departures by Mode of ransportation, (987006) Korean Departures by Detination,

5 . OURISM BALANCE OF PAYMENS 9 (977006) ourism Receipts & A.E.P.C., (977006) ourism Expenditures & A.E.P.C., (977006) ourism Balance, (00006) Average Expenditure Per Capita, (997006) raining Receipts & Expenditures, (98006) International Fare Receipts & Expenditures, OURISM INDUSRY 56 (00006) ourist Service Business by City/Province, (995006) ourist Hotels & Rooms, (006) ourist Hotels & Rooms by City /Province and ype, (997006) Hotel Room Occupancy Rates by City/Province, (997006) Hotel Room Occupancy Rates by Classification, (997006) Hotel Room Occupancy Rates by Month, REFERENCE World ourism Summary

6 Overview Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006

7 ,000,000,000,000 Visitor Arrivals 0,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000,000,000 3,000,000,000, Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 5

8 ,000 0,000 80,000 0,000 00,000 60,000 0,000 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 6

9 ,500,000,338, ,000,000,500,000,000, , , , ,6 8,6,6,786 8,555 9,79 89,85 Japan China U.S.A. aiwan Philippines Russia Hong Kong hailand Canada Malaysia Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 7

10 ,000,000,89, ,000,000 3,000,000,000,000 60,050,000, ,859 85,00 8,65 80,58 0 Asia Americas Europe Oceania Africa Others 6,000,000,000,000 Korean Departures,000,000 0,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000,000,000,000,

11 6,000,000,000,000,000,000 ourism Receipts ourism Expenditures 0,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000,000,000,000, Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 9

12 006 Korea Inbound and Outbound ourism Summary Inbound ourism he number of tourist arrivals in 006 totaled 6,55,07 (a.% increase over the previous year). his slow growth is believed to be due to the strong won and North Koreas recent nuclear experiment. In the st quarter of 006, Korea s inbound market experienced an overall decrease due to the declining effect of the Korean wave (hallyu), which has until now served as the main growth engine for visitors from Japan. In the nd quarter, low price strategies implemented by airlines companies, as well as a new service between Incheon and Komatsu, led to a slight increase in Japanese visitors. By the 3 rd quarter, however, wariness caused by North Korea s missile launch, heavy rainfall, terrorismrelated incidents in England and the coup d etat in hailand led to weakened growth of the Japanese market, which affected total growth in number of visitors. he downturn in visitor numbers in the last quarter of 006 is believed to have been caused by the North Korean nuclear experiment, bird flu, the strong won and the shortage of available flight seats, which is a direct result of the surge in returning outbound Korean passengers. Arrivals by Market Compared to 005, there was a.5% increase in visitors from Asia, which make up %, or,55,995 of Korea s total inbound market. Visitors from the Americas numbered 673,8 (+5.%), or % of total visitors. Visitors from Europe, who make up % of total visitors, increased 5.%, or 53,83. Finally, visitors from Oceania and Africa showed increases of 7.% and 6.%, respectively. Visits from Koreans living overseas decreased by 9.% North Korean Nuke est Discourages Japanese ravelers he decrease in Japanese travelers, down % in the st quarter due to the decline of the Korean wave, slowed in April, but by May and June, numbers were beginning to turn around. North Korea s missile launch and heavy rainfall in June, anxiety about safe travel caused by incidents in England and the coup d etat in hailand dispirited Japanese travelers, and visitor numbers remained at similar levels to the previous year. In the last quarter, attempts were made to increase Japanese visitor numbers by holding a Korean wave promotion month, but the nuclear experiment in October, the bird flu warning in November, and the increase in the cost of tour packages and travel expenses from the strong won discouraged group travelers from visiting. December saw a noticeable decrease in Japanese visitors (6.%), and 006 closed with Japanese tourist numbers down a total of.%. *Hallyu is a phenomenon sweeping through Southeast Asia and China. It describes a newfound popularity of Korean pop singers, movies, and things Korean. 0

13 By sex, female visitors showed the largest decrease (.9%), followed by male visitors (3.5%). By travel purpose, those visiting for leisure, which makes up 90% of total visitors from Japan to Korea, showed only a 3.7% decrease, but business travelers were down a massive 9%. By age group, those in their 50s continued to represent the most dominant age group of visitors, followed by, in order, by those in their 0s, 30s, and 0s. Chinese Market Grows to 900,000 otal Visitors he Chinese market, which experienced doubledigit growth in every month except February, saw an enormous yearonyear total increase of 6%from 70,000 visitors in 005 to 900,000 in 006. By month, the most number of visitors came in August, followed by April (when China s celebrates its labor day), and then September (when the harvest holiday season begins). Visitor numbers during the 006 winter season were somewhat lower than the previous year, and it turned out that this seasonal tendency was more evident than in 005. he decrease in Chinese tourists in February is explained by comparing yearonyear visitor numbers. In February of 005, there was a surge in tourists during the Lunar New Year holiday, which greatly extended the number of travel days Chinese tourists could take. he following year, visitor numbers normalized, resulting in the yearonyear decrease. he massive increase in August is a result of the increased number of student and teacher groups visiting Korea during summer vacation. Overall, the increased interest in Korean culture and the continuous growth of the Chinese economy are believed to have contributed most to the increases in the number of Chinese visitors. Male visitors (30%) and female visitors (3%) showed similar rate increases and the ratio of male to female visitors stood at 58:. Visitors traveling for leisure showed a 5% yearonyear increase, and business travelers and government visitors increased by % and 6%, respectively. hese increases are a result of more civil servant and incentive groups showing interest in Korea s saemaeul movement, which was a governmentled agrarian development project that began in 970. By age group, those in their 30s made up the bulk of Chinese visitors, followed by those in their 0s and then those in their 0s. US Market Sees Continuous Growth Arrivals from the U.S. numbered 555,705 (.7% over that of 005), and a slight increase (+%) of total market share could be seen. By gender, males (59%) outnumbered females (36%). By month, more than 50,000 U.S. visitors came to Korea in May, June, July, and September. Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006

14 0 0 6 By quarter, the second and third quarters (6.3%) continued to be the most popular times to visit. he market share of U.S. visitors to Korea from among the total U.S. outbound travelers and that of Korean travelers heading to U.S. from among the total Korean outbound travelers remained steady throughout the year. his is a result of business travel being the main purpose of visits by Americans to Korea. Visitors from aiwan Decrease Due to Lower Interest in Korean Wave and Higher ravel Costs Visitors from aiwan, the fourth largest inbound market for Korea, numbered 338,6 (a 3.8% yearonyear decrease) in 006. his is mostly attributed to increased exchanges between Chinaaiwan and lowpriced travel packages offered by Japan. Male and female visitors from aiwan showed decreases of 3.5% and.7%, respectively. hose visiting for leisure purposes decreased.3%. hose in their 30s made up the most common visitor age group, followed by those in their 0s and then those in their 0s. Until 005, the inbound market from aiwan maintained a stable growth rate, but in 006, visitor numbers started to decrease. o overcome this decline, plans must be drawn to encourage repeat visits, including the development of post Korean wave travel packages and improvements to tourism infrastructure. Other regions Visitors from Hong Kong decreased % due to low price competitiveness of travel packages caused by a strong Korean won, and the Malaysian market also recorded a 7% decrease owing to a reduction in flights from Malaysia. However, the number of visitors from hailand and Singapore increased % and 8%, respectively. his was largely due to the popularity of the Korean wave. Visitor numbers from most European countries increased, including a slight growth (%) in visitors from Russia, the biggest market in the region. Aided by stopovers, the European market showed a 5.% overall increase. he number of visitors from Oceania also showed continuous growth (+7.%) thanks to the increased number of lowpriced air carriers to Asia.

15 Outbound ourism Strong Won Pushes of Departures from Korea to,600,000 (+ 5.%) In 006, approximately,600,000 Koreans headed overseas; this is a 5.% increase over the previous year and the highest outbound number to date. Several factors, including the strong Korean won, the expanded adoption of the 0hour workweek, and lowpriced travel strategies implemented by neighboring countries, caused the high increase of outbound tourism throughout the year. Furthermore, in July, August, and Decembermonths with typically long vacation periodsthe number of monthly outbound tourists surpassed,000,000 people, which is.9 times more than the number of inbound tourists. Both male and female outbound tourists showed even growth (+% and +8%, respectively), and there was a more than 0% growth in every recorded age group, including a more than 8% increase for those in their 50s. he group with the highest number of outbound tourists was the to 50yearold demographic (,59,09 tourists). Meanwhile, from July 006, the aggregation of statistics by destination became impossible with the abolition of departure cards. According to arrival statistics of Koreans in major countries, the top five destinations remained the same as the preceding year, and all of these destinations experienced increases in the number of visitors: China (3,90,000, +%), Japan (,0,000, +.%), hailand (,090,000, +33.8%), USA (750,000, +7.%), Hong Kong (700,000, +%). Among these, hailand experienced the highest growth. he number of tourists heading to Japan increased by.% due to the strong won, and the number of tourists to hailand, which decreased in 00 due to the tsunami in December, showed a notable increase of 33.8% in 006. Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 3

16 0 0 6 ourism Balance Imbalance of Inbound/Outbound Visitors and Strong Korean Won Lead to an $8. Billion Deficit in ourism Balance he Highest Ever Recorded he amount of money foreign visitors spent in Korea in 006 totaled $5. billion (+%). his is $500 million less than in 005. Koreans traveling overseas, however, spent $3.7 billion, up.6%, or $.8 billion over 005. his resulted in the tourism balance for 006 being $8. billion in the red, the largest ever. his deficit, having increased each year since 003, can be attributed to several factors. First, outbound travelers are greatly exceeding inbound visitors. In 00, departures from Korea outnumbered foreign arrivals by.5 times; in 006, the gap widened to.9 times. Second, tourism income has decreased due to a strong Korean won, the weakened price competitiveness of Korean products, and lower shopping expenditures by foreign visitors. hird, thanks to the strong won, Koreans traveling overseas spent more.

17 Visitor Arrivals and Korean Departures by Month, Month 006 Visitor Arrivals Korean Departures Jan. 33, ,3 8. 3, , , ,78 Feb. 53, ,706 03,78 9,596 75, ,7 3 Mar. 58,0.7 53,397 8,87 83, , ,69 Quarter,0,85.3,68, 5.,76,38,753,80 7.,350,6.6,05,55 Apr. 539, ,955 5,7 855, ,096 6,3 5 May 56,38 75, , ,8 80,97 680,85 6 Jun. 50,67 67, ,386 95,9 865, ,60 Quarter,558, 8.,,89.5,0,05,677,507 0.,30,86 9.,03,858 7 Jul. 98, 0.8 9, ,358,098,739,00, ,3 8 Aug. 56,53 59,9. 5,756,59,87 8.,070, ,573 9 Sep. 537,09 507,80. 86,68 93,96 785, , Quarter,597,06.,53,399.,55,58 3,90,559,876,595.6,50,05 0 Oct. 578, ,5. 57,693 98, , ,538 Nov. 5, , , ,88 78, ,887 Dec. 95,67 5, ,95,05,87 790,68 75,697 Quarter,59,997,580,60.6,606,83,988,0 3.3,,800,9, otal 6,55,07. 6,0, ,88,38,609, ,080,3. 8,85,585 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 5

18 6 6 (estimate) ourism Balance of Payments by Month, ( Unit:US$,000) Month Jan. Feb. 3 Mar. Quarter Apr. 5 May 6 Jun. Quarter 7 Jul. 8 Aug. 9 Sep. Quarter 0 Oct. Nov. Dec. Quarter otal 5,00 () 57,000 () 53,00,385,800 () 6,600 () 56,00 (.5) 55,00 (),58,00 (.3) 57,00 () 500,500 () 5,300 (9.8),0,000 (6.) 509,00 (6.) 8,00 (.3) 55,00 (.3),5,900 (5.0) 5,759,800 () 5,800 (5.) 500,00 (0.) 86,00 (),,300 (.5) 7,700 () 9,500 () 6,00 (.7),38,600 () 60,300 (8.) 539,800 (.8) 50,600 (),50,700 (0.) 5,700 (.) 503,00 (.) 75,600 (8.),5,00 (.) 5,793,000 (.3) 3,300 (.9) 53,00 () 535,900 (),0,600 (.5) 93,00 () 558,300 (5.) 5,800 (60.),57,00 (.) 50,700 (6.) 5,900 (.) 8,600 (),500,00 (.) 59,00 (.) 9,300 (0.) 57,00 (.3),558,00 (.) 6,053,00 (3.3),,000 (),09,300 (9.7),03,600 () 3,36,900 (3.8),05,900 (.6),36,00 (.0),9,300 () 3,0,600 (3.),33,800 (),376,500 (0.),35,00 (.6) 3,95,500 (),8,800 (.0),,000 (30.),3,00 (5.0) 3,68,900 (5.),335,900 (9.) 90,300 (.8) 8,00 (.) 905,700 (),687,00 (.5) 937,00 (),0,00 (),055,00 (.) 3,006,700 (3.5),53,900 (),9,300 (9.7) 99,500 () 3,39,700 (.) 933,00 (.8) 95,900 (.5),08,500 (3.8),936,500 (9.6),05,000 (.0) 753,700 (7.) 693,000 (3.7) 7,300 (),58,000 (6.) 78,700 (57.) 686,300 () 870,600 (),85,600 (3.3) 938,00 (.6) 963,00 () 83,00 (.),733,00 (9.7) 87,00 () 93,00 (3.) 9,000 (3.),679,600 (3.) 9,856,00 () 796,600 (6.) 63,300 (86.) 50,00 (.6),9,00 (5) 599,300 () 590,300 (.5) 693,900 (),883,500 (.) 856,600 (3.5) 876,000 (3.5) 78,900 (59.8),55,500 () 69,00 (5) 760,600 (6) 856,000 (9.),36,000 (5) 8,576,00 (3) 85,500 (5) 30,700 (.) 9,600 (39.),5,800 (6) 59,700 () 56,700 (3.) 593,700 (7),678,00 (3) 693,600 (59.) 709,500 (58.) 89,900 (),893,000 (53.5) 390,00 () 5,800 (.7) 57,900 (.9),5,00 (6.) 6,3,000 (6) 3,00 () 39,600 (.5) 75,00 () 737,00 (.) 35,600 (6) 8,000 (8.) 37,800 (5.) 7,00 (.) 35,700 (.8) 8,500 () 38,800 (5),33,000 (6.7) 77,800 () 0,00 (73.5) 03,600 (89.),,500 (85.) 3,803,300 (3) Receipts Expenditures Balance 006,%) 005,%) 00,%) 006,%) 005,%) 00,%) 006,%) 005,%) 00,%)

19 7 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 ourism Statistics by Year, Visitor Arrivals Korean Departures ourism Receipts ourism Expenditures (US$,000) Year Balance (US$,000) (estimate) (US$,000) 5,8,06,953 33,6 67,965 8,6 0,78,686 73,335 3, , , 57,590 63,86 83,39 99,666,079,396,6,00 976,5,093,,5,0,9,55,97,38,6,05,659,97,87,50,30,6,78,05,958,839 3,96,30 3,3,08 3,33,6 3,580,0 3,753,97 3,683,779 3,908,0,50,6,659,785 5,3,79 5,7,0 5,37,68,75,76 5,88,38 6,0,75 6,55, ,,860 0,86 9,796 35,095 0,37 67,38 7,3 73,569 76,70 8,5 0,95,573 9,378 6,77 09,698 59,578 95,56 338,80 36,05 99,707 93,6 93,08 8,55 5,97 50,538 75,76,3,,560,93,856,08,03,99,9,930 3,5,36 3,88,70,69,5,5,59 3,066,96,3,56 5,508, 6,08,76 7,3,07 7,086,33 8,85,585 0,080,3,609, ,63 5, 5,70 0,798 3,9 33,87 35,5 3,809 6,77 5,383 83,0 69,3 58,57 0,69 75,0 370,030 08,06 36, ,65 7,60 50,38 596,5 673,355 78,3,57,50,99,56 3,65,3 3,556,79 3,558,666 3,6,6 3,7,5 3,7,60 3,806,05 5,586,536 5,30,0 5,5,963 6,865,00 6,80,900 6,8,300 6,373,00 5,98,800 5,33,00 6,053,00 5,793,000 5,759, ,66,76,38,66 3,93 8,396 0,87 0,96,,808,570 6,98 7,68 30,709 6,3 0,7 08,09 05,8 39,557 39,09 63,77 555,50 576,50 605,973 6,969 70,0,353,89,60,53 3,65,63 3,78,30 3,79,09 3,58,907,088,08 5,90,693 6,96,87 6,6,539,60,300 3,975,00 3,7,000 6,57,000 9,037,900 8,8,00 9,856,00,05,000,335,900,66,936 3,33 9,36 9,30 5,,967,85 3,38 37,575 70, 5,50 30,953 09,90 8,777 67,36 00,087 79,78 9,708 8,6 9,859 0,7 97,05 78,339 93,533,59,955,9,3 95,77 393,03 357,888 5,885 5,733 8,030 36,57,53,637,5,576,5,00,86,500 3,637,300 73,800 3,9,00,90,700 3,803,300 6,3,000 8,576,

20 Visitor Arrivals Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006

21 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 Visitor Arrivals from the op 50 Countries, Arrivals Nationality Arrivals Nationality Arrivals Nationality Arrivals Nationality Arrivals Nationality Arrivals Nationality Rank Rank Rank Japan China U.S.A. aiwan Philippines Russian Fed. Hong Kong hailand Canada Malaysia Singapore Germany U. K. Australia Indonesia India France Vietnam Myanmar Mongolia Ukraine Netherlands Italy New Zealand Uzbekistan Sweden Bulgaria Poland urkey Switzerland Denmark SriLanka Norway Romania Croatia Greece Pakistan Israel Spain Bangladesh Brazil Iran Belgium Austria Mexico Ireland Z.A.F. Finland Kazakhstan Portugal,338,9 896, ,70 338,6 8,6,6,786 8,555 9,79 89,85 88,386 76,07 75,397 68,38 6,869 6,53 7, 6,077 0,758 3,3,5 9,85 8,797 7,50,9,867 0,99 0,7 8,969 8,557 8,09 8,336 8,9 8,098 7,785 7,76 7,560 7, 7,33 6,98 6,69 6,579 6,86 6,3 5,5,833,756,75,06 3,88 3,590 3,505 3,3 3,3 3,375 3,0,93,750,350,05,08,998,889,797,750,73,703,69,606,56,88,8,0, ,808 3,5 3,67,63,9,6,33,3,07,9,787,707,650,6,600,58,377,36,337,087,078, ,0,39 70,3 530,633 35,38,655 66,06 3,850,7 96,583 86,0 8,75 7,96 7,583 63,63 6,9 58,560 5,55,0 33,75 3,939 8,8 6,53 6,9 5,73 0,63 0,38 0,097 9,97 9, 8,976 8,5 7,989 7,833 7,660 7,657 7,7 6,789 6,65 6,39 6,389 6,3 6,37 5,7 5,7 5,89 5,,9,53,37,35 Japan China U.S.A. aiwan Philippines HongKong RussianFed. hailand Malaysia Canada Singapore Germany U.K. Australia Indonesia India Vietnam France Myanmar Mongolia Netherlands Ukraine NewZealand Italy SriLanka Bulgaria Sweden Poland Uzbekistan urkey Pakistan Denmark Greece Israel Switzerland Norway Spain Romania Belgium Iran Brazil Croatia Bangladesh Mexico Austria Portugal Ireland Z.A.F. Finland Macao Cambodia Macao Latvia Egypt Czech Nigeria Kyrgyzstan Nepal Kiribati Fiji Ghana Jordan Yugoslavia Slovakia Iraq Hungary Chile Argentina Libya Peru SaudiArabia Colombia Syria Lithuania SerbiaMontenegro ElSalvador Venezuela Brunei U.A.E Belarus Sudan Lebanon Slovenia Morocco Kuwait Laos Kenya unisia Estonia Ethiopia Cuba Algeria Ecuador uvalu Yemen CostaRica DominicanRepublic Maldives Qatar Panama Latvia Kazakhstan Nigeria Egypt Kiribati Czech Jordan Nepal Cambodia Chile Ghana Argentina Yugoslavia Hungary Colombia Fiji Saudi Arabia Iraq Kyrgyzstan Peru Libya Lithuania Syria Slovakia D.P.R Brunei Belarus Venezuela Lebanon Slovenia Sudan U.A.E SerbiaMontenegro Morocco Kuwait Kenya Laos uvalu Estonia El Salvador Ecuador Georgia Yemen Costa Rica Oman Afghanistan unisia Luxembourg Ethiopia Maldives Luxembourg Georgia Guatemala Afghanistan Angola Bolivia Honduras Oman onga VirginIsland adjikistan Iceland Paraguay Dominica anzania Uganda Azerbaijan Moldova Cyprus RepublicofCotedIvoire Senegal Mauritius Jamaica Malta Armenia Cameroon Zimbabwe rinidadandobago PapuaNewGuinea imor Bahrain Congo Uruguay Benin Palestine Liberia Samoa Albania D.R.C. Guinea Gabon Bhutan Belize Nicaragua Bahamas Mali D.P.R Zambia MarshallIslands Barbados Algeria Paraguay Guatemala Qatar Panama VirginIsland Cuba DominicanRepublic Iceland Bolivia adjikistan PapuaNewGuinea anzania Honduras Cyprus Bahrain Moldova Albania Angola Samoa Palestine Cameroon Zamaica Uganda Armenia Mauritius Zimbabwe SolomonIslands Azerbaijan Republic of Cote divoire Uruguay Congo imor Senegal rinidadandobago Malta Benin Guinea Gabon onga D.R.C. Belize Liberia Bhutan Nicaragua CapeVerde Zambia Palau Micronesia Mali

22 Visitor Arrivals by Gender & Nationality, 006 Nationality Japan China aiwan Philippines HongKong hailand Malaysia Singapore Indonesia India Vietnam Myanmar Mongolia Uzbekistan urkey SriLanka Pakistan Israel Bangladesh Iran Kazakhstan Others Asia U.S.A. Canada Brazil Mexico Others Americas Russia Germany U.K. France Ukraine Netherlands Italy Sweden Bulgaria Poland Switzerland Denmark Norway Romania Croatia Greece Spain Belgium Austria Ireland Finland Portugal Others Europe Australia NewZealand Others Oceania SouthAfrica Others AFRICA stateless OverseasKorean Grandotal otal,338,9 896, ,6 8,6,786 8,555 89,85 88,386 6,869 6,53 6,077 0,758 3,3,9 8,969 8,336 7,560 7, 6,98 6,579,06 5,68,607, ,705 9,79 6,69 5,5,07 673,9,6 76,07 75,03 7,,5 9,85 8,797,867 0,99 0,7 8,557 8,09 8,9 8,098 7,785 7,76 7,33 6,86 6,3,833,75 3,88 7,993 53,83 68,38 7,50 5,686 9,56,756 6,33, ,70 6,55, ,,8 366,33 38,66 7,057 60,3 6,67 36, 36,89,0 3,59,8 7,88 8,8 7,96,537 5,996 6,03 5,596 5,059,96, 8,7,6,8 36,578 50,0 3,99 3,878 6,568 39,05 36,67 5,697 53,97 3,995 3,55,0 3,7 8,53,65 3,55 6,7 5,38 5,98,60,86 3,378 5,50,608,79 3,87 3,769,98 8,87 76,76,089 0,559,967 53,65,578,06, ,395,960,33 Male ,088,953 59,873 89,30 8,733 7,93,39 38, 3,,657 5,87 7,086 79,5, ,7 3,759,795,830 97,399 3,55,896,,96 38,5,577,663 5,78 8,6,06,785,69,07 8,6,788,83, ,637,056,033,376 85,565 3,37 88,07 3,8 6, ,39,37,86 3, ,307,75,39 Female ,8 70,783 0,07 8,7 8,06 39,959 5,58 7,3 7,09 5,795 7,7 3,395 90,3 3,58,80,06,50,7 3,8 38 3,6 695,55 3,78 8, ,875 3,859 83,360,07 5,738 6,50 6,568,98,363,667 8,397 5,9 98,75 85,890 5,785 3, ,80 70,5 3, ,798 6,76 806,986, ,39 Crew

23 Visitor Arrivals by Purpose of Visit & Nationality, 006 Nationality Japan China aiwan Philippines HongKong hailand Malaysia Singapore Indonesia India Vietnam Myanmar Mongolia Uzbekistan urkey SriLanka Pakistan Israel Bangladesh Iran Kazakhstan Others Asia U.S.A. Canada Brazil Mexico Others Americas Russia Germany U.K. France Ukraine Netherlands Italy Sweden Bulgaria Poland Switzerland Denmark Norway Romania Croatia Greece Spain Belgium Austria Ireland Finland Portugal Others Europe Australia NewZealand Others Oceania SouthAfrica Others AFRICA stateless OverseasKorean Grandotal otal,338,9 896, ,6 8,6,786 8,555 89,85 88,386 6,869 6,53 6,077 0,758 3,3,9 8,969 8,336 7,560 7, 6,98 6,579,06 5,68,607, ,705 9,79 6,69 5,5,07 673,9,6 76,07 75,03 7,,5 9,85 8,797,867 0,99 0,7 8,557 8,09 8,9 8,098 7,785 7,76 7,33 6,86 6,3,833,75 3,88 7,993 53,83 68,38 7,50 5,686 9,56,756 6,33, ,70 6,55, Pleasure,56,5 39, 36,,07 33,903 7,0 7,939 70,0,897 5,0,6,533 6,600 3,07 5,003,368,96 6,058 3,58,305,959 6,50 3,76,63 08,936 6,93,95,908 8,0 9,3 9,09 59,9 59,66 3,68 3,9 3,76 5,596 8,99,796,6 7,550 6,085 6,79,980,763 3,53 6,3 5,06 5,9 3,606,5 3,39 0,689 35,86 5,0,37,85 7,366,830 6,3 9,7 69 0,36, Business 3,30 6, , ,083 7,776 3,55 35,705 3,7 3 70,9 8 5, ,9 9,00, ,975 6,883,556,, ,6,3 3 3, ,676 6, , , Official,,6, ,9 7,769 6, , , , Others 8, ,77, 0,70 8,588 56,0 6,70 7,85 3,76 9,30 30,85 35,79 0,88 6,56 3,88 6,05 3,337,59,80 3,68,7 6,78 876,65 9,369 6,0, ,599 3,90 88,0,,30 9,73 7,87,977,8,37 8,68 5, ,987,68 5,97 5,855 3, , ,868 96,030 9,0 3,007,8 5,09,75,87,599 6,70,, (Including Stateless from 00) Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 3

24 Visitor Arrivals by Month & Nationality, 006 Nationality otal Jan. Feb. 3 Mar. Apr. 5 May Japan China aiwan Philippines HongKong hailand Malaysia Singapore Indonesia India Vietnam Myanmar Mongolia Uzbekistan urkey SriLanka Pakistan Israel Bangladesh Iran Kazakhstan Others Asia U.S.A. Canada Brazil Mexico Others Americas Russia Germany U.K. France Ukraine Netherlands Italy Sweden Bulgaria Poland Switzerland Denmark Norway Romania Croatia Greece Spain Belgium Austria Ireland Finland Portugal Others Europe Australia NewZealand Others Oceania SouthAfrica Others AFRICA stateless Others OverseasKorean Grandotal,338,9 896, ,6 8,6,786 8,555 89,85 88,386 6,869 6,53 6,077 0,758 3,3,9 8,969 8,336 7,560 7, 6,98 6,579,06 5,68,607, ,705 9,79 6,69 5,5,07 673,9,6 76,07 75,03 7,,5 9,85 8,797,867 0,99 0,7 8,557 8,09 8,9 8,098 7,785 7,76 7,33 6,86 6,3,833,75 3,88 7,993 53,83 68,38 7,50 5,686 9,56,756 6,33, ,70 6,55, ,65 55,80 3,89 8,989,80 7,9 6,30,968,07 5,9 3,3,933, ,796 39,8 3,73 7, ,973,060 5,7 5,66 3,,77,39, ,0 0,0,790, , ,0 7 7,766 33, ,5 6,90 3,83,057 7,659,0 9,08 6,0 3,555,95,9 3,9, ,05 39,773,9 7, ,06 0,679 7,93 6,377,00,363,609,55, ,05 3,808 5,, ,595 38,30, ,83 58, ,709 86,03 7,053 3,9 3,06,85 0,69 7,853 6,3 7,306 3,86,7, ,56 9,0 7, ,930 5,70 7,5 6,55,57,,83,55,590, ,7, ,96 53,0 6,06, ,8 399,533, ,05 539, , 73,35 5,78 0,79 9,607 0,88 6,530 6,70,3 5,6 3,3 3,375, , 53,89 8, ,037 6,03 3,659 6,669 6,36,,79,8, ,73 7,3 5,67, 58 7,39 0,,85 9, 56, ,56 59,90 3,87 8,35,7,9 5,609,675 3,395,630,005,78, ,97 36,008 33,59 6, ,039,700 0,36 5,73 5,33 3,7,608,3, ,398 38,088 3,968, ,0 338,70, ,8 53, (Including Stateless from 00)

25 5 Annual Statistical Report on ourism Jun. 7 Jul. 8 Aug. 9 Sep. 0 Oct. Nov. Dec. 9,60 67,933 7,08 9,8 0,7 9,3,898 7,63 5,85,0 3,69 3,50, ,888 56,597 6, ,05 65,6,36 5,337 5,773 3,79,89,5, ,88,0 5,890, , ,385, ,935 50, ,7 83,37 3,7 9,053,9 8,696,,79 5,93,973,9 3,05,55, ,90 5,960 8, ,6,035 5,903 5,97 3,86,75,55, ,58,379 5,6, ,3 59,395, ,56 98, ,830 95,039 9,7 9,835,7 9,77,855,678 5,95 5,088,68 3,595 3,30, ,86 6,533 8,0 9, , 59,65,08 6,08 6,56,3,65,8, ,67 6,935 5,9, ,576 58,69, ,83 56, ,87 89,708 6,60 9,78 9,68 8,8 5,75 5,698,3 5, 3,73 3,560,88, ,390 08,0 5,797 7, ,00 55,5,367 6,966 6,339 3,99,586,670,78, ,93 5, 7,08, ,7,55, ,56 537, ,33 86,05 33,807 9,877 3,09,7 0,985 8,8 7,99 5,8,67 3,37,985, ,8 9,957 55,655 9, ,577 68,338 0,6 7,6 8,35,855,889,896,50, ,733 50,68 6,68,8 39 8,886 68,03, ,35 578, , 73,086 7,06 9,975 0,0 8,73 7,66 9,63 5,097,77 3,939 3,36,935, ,60 397,7,9 7, , 5,58,999 6,98 7,079,,895,607,806, ,587 7, 5,363, ,9 357,805, ,03 5, ,853 6,59,638 8,70 5,579 5,57 3,95 7,57 6,663 5,3 3,65 3,375,65, ,36 380,37,39 6, ,85,075,903 5,88 3,068,0,33, ,86 38,08 7,068,77 6 9,57 385,093,78 6,586 95,

26 Visitor Arrivals by Age & Nationality, 006 Nationality Japan China aiwan Philippines HongKong hailand Malaysia Singapore Indonesia India Vietnam Myanmar Mongolia Uzbekistan urkey SriLanka Pakistan Israel Bangladesh Iran Kazakhstan Others Asia U.S.A. Canada Brazil Mexico Others Americas Russia Germany U.K. France Ukraine Netherlands Italy Sweden Bulgaria Poland Switzerland Denmark Norway Romania Croatia Greece Spain Belgium Austria Ireland Finland Portugal Others Europe Australia NewZealand Others Oceania SouthAfrica Others AFRICA stateless OverseasKorean Grandotal otal,338,9 896, ,6 8,6,786 8,555 89,85 88,386 6,869 6,53 6,077 0,758 3,3,9 8,969 8,336 7,560 7, 6,98 6,579,06 5,68,607, ,705 9,79 6,69 5,5,07 673,9,6 76,07 75,03 7,,5 9,85 8,797,867 0,99 0,7 8,557 8,09 8,9 8,098 7,785 7,76 7,33 6,86 6,3,833,75 3,88 7,993 53,83 68,38 7,50 5,686 9,56,756 6,33, ,70 6,55, ,783 5,600 35,787 3,083 7,97 8,0 8,90,07 3,55,658,08 0 3, ,367 37,863 70,07 7, ,355 5,53 3,78,057, ,680 6,969, , ,50 6, ,869 5,877 70,799 9,397 30,5,786 6,03 9,03,368 9,973 3,37,705,677 3,656,38 3,63, , ,63,79 77,56 6,33,,395,8,78 89,89,8 8,9 9,70 7,3,330,737,053,3 57,5, , , , ,978 6,6,560,09,08 6,85 88,87 3,368 9,30 96, Excluding crew members) 00 (Including Stateless from 00) 6

27 7 Annual Statistical Report on ourism and over 59,9 63,80,6 5,30 3,35 9,67 9,390 9,576 3,97 3,690, 390, , ,068 69,360 0,556, ,5,506 9,97,65,330 6,689 55,8,63, ,3,, ,596 6,857,059,60 33,0 577,59,6 50,897 93, ,937 38,75 65,76,55 30,6 6,07 5,53 8,3 5,859 7,36 3,70,307,083,370,0 553,05,68, ,798 80,830,3 6,30,78,063,058,83 6,30 8,883 0,3 9,977 96,3,0, ,6,959, ,35,666,553 89,79 908,0 96,993,86 3,6 60 8, ,735,73 8 6,580,30, ,599 83,7 8,60 3,8 35,537 8,3 0,565 8,90 9,77,696 6,776 3,79 0,67 3,87,876,855,059,07,075, 886 3,9 95,98 88,7 6,973,9,637,587,37,57 8,79 5,789,5,7,03 5,59,85 66,05,50,05, ,053,5,67,75,5, ,06 97,706,6 3, ,633,087 5,58 6, ,3,86, ,055 35,5 9,905,80 7,059 3,590,63 3,88,89, ,687 73,976 8, ,69,35 5,306 5,556, , ,0 6,, , ,69 566,

28 Visitor Arrivals by Mode of ransportation & Nationality, 006 Nationality Japan China aiwan Philippines HongKong hailand Malaysia Singapore Indonesia India Vietnam Myanmar Mongolia Uzbekistan urkey SriLanka Pakistan Israel Bangladesh Iran Kazakhstan Others Asia U.S.A. Canada Brazil Mexico Others Americas Russia Germany U.K. France Ukraine Netherlands Italy Sweden Bulgaria Poland Switzerland Denmark Norway Romania Croatia Greece Spain Belgium Austria Ireland Finland Portugal Others Europe Australia NewZealand Others Oceania SouthAfrica Others AFRICA stateless OverseasKorean Grandotal otal,338,9 896, ,6 8,6,786 8,555 89,85 88,386 6,869 6,53 6,077 0,758 3,3,9 8,969 8,336 7,560 7, 6,98 6,579,06 5,68,607, ,705 9,79 6,69 5,5,07 673,9,6 76,07 75,03 7,,5 9,85 8,797,867 0,99 0,7 8,557 8,09 8,9 8,098 7,785 7,76 7,33 6,86 6,3,833,75 3,88 7,993 53,83 68,38 7,50 5,686 9,56,756 6,33, ,70 6,55, Incheon,06,5,05 73,6 6,50 38,987 9,066 8,996 86,59 36,97 35,9 35,79 3,33 9,59,888 6,66 6,50 6,3 6,03 5,53 3,378,057,05,83,37 505,37 8,735 6,068,89 9,6 60,53 3,656 65,9 65,553 3,688 3,673 7,359 5,503 9,06,69,066 7,66 5,50 5,536,97,75 3,0 6,06 5,638 5,657,50 3,6 3,570,57 338,93 63,6 6,399,75 8,78,7,6 8,7 8 7,859,036, Gimpo 38,, ,5 9,85, ,678 8,78,7, ,73, , ,50, By Air Gimhae,768,8 5,67,688,35, , ,, ,59 3,0, ,7 5,885,590, , ,8,78 8 6, ,9 35, ,30 5,86 5,303,5, ,70, , , , ,6 8,7 Jeju.9 3, , , , , ,

29 9 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006,73,707 50,075 33,03 69,00,66,99 86,039 87,67 38,850 36,339 39,06,86 3,077,906 6,805 6,577 6,68 6,6 5,368 3,6,083,593 3,78,873 59,805 88,67 6,99 5,097 0,68 60,3 9,770 69,0 70,397 6,88 3,87 8,38 7,50 0,08,8,9 8,80 6,558 7,0 3,57,600 3,5 6,69 6,006 5,999,56,50 3,73, ,06 66,75 7,03,765 86,053,60,67 9, ,639 5,6,90 3 3, , , , , , , , , ,799 59,769 3,077 60,53 93,9,05 3 5,996 7,85 6, ,70 5,09 8,3 37,9 5,58 3, ,70 6,693,806 3, ,5 588, ,57,5 5,73 77,76,90, ,667 53,733,69 356,693 3, ,805 03,368.8, ,38 6.3, ,.8, , ,5.5,,9 8. 6, , ,7. 0.8,.7,585.0, 6,8 6.,0 3,00., , ,06.3 8, Subotal 756 3,36,7 6, ,9 3,078,6, ,98, ,856 8, , , , ,8 6.3, ,59.,65.0 0, ,30 8,35, , , , 89. 3, , , , ,, Busan,659 83,76,7 9,589 5,8,7 5, 5,60,89 3, ,93, ,588 9, ,05 0,5 69,5,783,0 79 7, ,3 3,539, ,63,95, ,69 99, ,07, , , , , ,6,39 0, , , , ,59.9,,,5,66 3, ,30, ,70,0 90,9, Incheon 65, 356,89 6,959 79,60 60,56 3,85 769,09 6,9 7,06 35, ,6,759 93,7,580 3, ,830 5,900,9 95 5,39 3,778 9,8 7,306 5, ,38,7,87,839 7,687 5, ,85,07,56 6,85, ,35 68,770,053 89,9 5,63 36,77, ,063,038, ,30. 5, ,85 85, , ,8. 89., , ,7,33. 0.,. 3,93, ,.9 0,896.5, Others Subotal Others By Sea

30 Visitor Arrivals by Nationality, Nationality Japan China aiwan Philippines HongKong hailand Malaysia Singapore Indonesia India Vietnam Myanmar Mongolia Uzbekistan urkey SriLanka Pakistan Israel Bangladesh Iran Kazakhstan Others Asia U.S.A. Canada Brazil Mexico Others Americas Russia Germany U.K. France Ukraine Netherlands Italy Sweden Bulgaria Poland Switzerland Denmark Norway Romania Croatia Greece Spain Belgium Austria Ireland Finland Portugal Others Europe Australia NewZealand Others Oceania SouthAfrica Others AFRICA stateless Others OverseasKorean Grandotal 30,676,3, 0, 87,35 96,650 6,37 36,59 55,805 53,0,93,0 7,6 8,79 8, 5,60,55 0,86 5,965 7,97,37 3,06,937,637,386,58 6,98 8,89, 0,0 93,90 36,87 5,68 58,568 6,673 7,00,853,59 7,90 3,870 7,5 8,657 5,79 6,85,895,069,55,0,056 5,05,30 3,55 3,38 9,079 0,76 3,60 7,78,735 5,093,0 9,873 3,95 307,05 3,908, (Including Stateless person from 00),95,6 0,66 08,880 65,7 9,07 9,973,55 9,67 36,86 0,606,56 6,303 7,393 5,33 6,0,59 8,65,7 7,03 5,55 3,98,036 3,09,330 05,735 6,33 6,37 3,50 9,0 7,37 35,0 6,7 5,87 5,7 7,68 3,33 0,7 7,50 3,35,97 6, 5,66 6,99 3,6,8 8,730,097 3,699,0,07 3,5,3 8,8 378,6 3,08 7,355,76,099 3,986,877 5,863 33,995,50, ,8, 36,639 0,563 98,583 3,087 63,679 8,35 75,335 7,09 3,89 6, 9,03,659 9,006,95,86 3,798,87 3,00 5,608 3,95,93 3,6,77 396,86 50,678 3,78 3,60 9,6 63,937 7,89 7,38 53,90 9, 0,5 3,869,37 7,687,37,975 5,693 5,607 7,550 3,0,6 0,878,9,30 3,700,3 3,63 5,65 8,89 385,5 33,378 8,390,696,6 3,987,68 8,669 30,07,659, ,7,05,79 7,0 8,737 00,87 87,885 59,933 8,87 59,085 5,369,83 37,79,56 0,97 5,89 5,905 5,775 5,58 0,59 8,967,380 5,7 3,98,888 58,67 56,30,9,53 0,653 53,59 55,39 5,093 57,895 33,99,9 5,6 3,578 8,336 6,05 8,9 6,03 6,0 7,500,69,955 9,899,9,86 3,960,376,08 7,70,0 5,78 39,6 9,890,563 5,067,3,0 8,37 77,53 5,3,

31 3 Annual Statistical Report on ourism ,377,3 8,7 9,0 0,975 0,959 73,63 55,88 7,0 57,88 7,657 0,399 30,955,6 9,785 6,7 3,630 0,08 5,983 9,50 7,6,96,65 3,87,6 6,87 59,70,73,908 0, ,787 3,77 5,96 60,080 35,598,96,95,83 7,589 7,569 9,5 6,9 6,063 7,069,807 5,73 9,038,9,735,073,7,065 6,905,00 8,8,95,086 3,30 59,68,850 3,35 8,65 86,585 5,7, ,30, ,66 36,9 5,88 79,99 7,000 8,70 79,03 65,093 5,75 3,57 33,559 8,567 0,88 0,35 3,6 8,087 6,98 6,79 7,73 3,655 6,78 3,88,6 59,36 67,0 7,78 8,335, 556,0 65,3 59,698 66,696,07 7,73 6,88,98 7,769 8,79,08 6,69 8,0 7,050 5,63 7,05 9,068 6,66 5,370,338 6,590 3,870 7, 6, 503,58 9,759 3,355 3,859 66,973 5,53, 9,577,705,705 3,89 5,37, ,80,5 5,768 9,586 6,67 56,358 78,3 90,63 76,3 6,7 50, 8, 30,88,36,06 7,990 5,36 8,305 6,7 0,96 7,330 5,078 8,00 3,39,673,60 66,83,86 3,77 8,58 50,956 68,038 58,809 60,600 35,56 0,6 5,7,73 7,690 0,09 0, 6,88 6,567 6,6 6,6 6,8 9,57 5,70 5,3,33 3,977 3,76 3,60 3,773 8,069 8,597 3,875 3,5 65,77,86 3,533 7,79 3,097 3,097 87,53,75, ,3,070 67,6 30,908 3,3 55,058 0,588 93,98 85,0 6,506 56,966 33,738 9,89 8,73 0,6 8,65 6,756 0,777 7,0 9,799 7,0,65 0,9,3,53 5,70 77,597 5,89 5,83 0,663 60,56 56,890 68,850 65,98,9 7,93 8,67,7 8,88 0,7 8,67 6,7 7,388 6,930 6,635 6,08 9,0 6,66 5,63,5,600,0,5,507 98,096 57,83 6,09,038 77,9,35 3,580 7,905,6,6 99,895 5,88, ,0,39 70,3 35,38,655 66,06,7 96,583 8,75 6,9 58,560 5,55 33,75 3,939 9, 8,976 0,63 8,5 7,660 5,7 6,389 3,5 3,8,89, ,633 86,0 6,3 5,7 0,980 60,050 3,850 7,96 7,583,0 6,53 8,8 5,73 0,097 0,38 9,97 7,657 7,989 7,7 6,65 6,37 7,833 6,789 6,39 5,89,9,37 5, 5,98 508,859 63,63 6,9 5,38 85,00,53 3,63 8, ,6 6,0, ,338,9 896, ,6 8,6,786 8,555 89,85 88,386 6,869 6,53 6,077 0,758 3,3,9 8,969 8,336 7,560 7, 6,98 6,579,06 5,68,607, ,705 9,79 6,69 5,5,07 673,9,6 76,07 75,03 7,,5 9,85 8,797,867 0,99 0,7 8,557 8,09 8,9 8,098 7,785 7,76 7,33 6,86 6,3,833,75 3,88 7,993 53,83 68,38 7,50 5,686 9,56,756 6,33, ,70 6,55,

32 3 Visitor Arrivals by Month, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. otal Year ,86 83,39 99,666,079,396,6,00 976,5,093,,5,0,9,55,97,38,6,05,659,97,87,50,30,6,78,05,958,839 3,96,30 3,3,08 3,33,6 3,580,0 3,753,97 3,683,779 3,908,0,50,6,659,785 5,3,79 5,7,0 5,37,68,75,76 5,88,38 6,0,75 6,55, ,9 53,3 63,05 7,8 8,36 7,6 67,75 8,355 76,069 8,9 87,607 93,76 0,6 6, 75,90 9,369 0,797 3,56 5,7 3,63 60,83 55,07 70,80 77,9 37, , 398,095 36,30 38,98 3,670 58,3 33,79 37,979 5,90 66,38 7,8 8, 76,7 68,78 7,58 8,6 8,35 89,896 0,399 7,65 37,3 8,037 99,37 39,7 65,83 3,006 60,5 7,786 8,573 93,3 3,66 355,60 7,99 39, ,0 08,695 03,78 77,706 53,55 8,733 67,7 78, 88,60 9,67 83,35 85,5 99,06 9,33 99,650,08 35,607 5,89 73,089 3,559,6 38,993 78,670 58,7 39,90 307,0 3, , , ,07 3,937 50,96 9,87 0,60 8,87 53,397 58,0 50,090 7,636 88,65 93,60 03,0 99,7 05,88 06,83 0,66 3,899 3,5,96 63,7 8,5 7,976 53,5 55,75 73,036 5,30 88,783 98,8 95,6 35,3 337, 35,99 3,07 33,80,56 37,7 5,7 97, ,636 5,7 75,79 83,5 97,57 07,87 95,9 0,5 06,88,060 7,099 33,87 6,0 7,367 85,396 55,69 50,35 77,575 80,657 63,60 9,07 335,7 33,60 37,97 356,5 399,885 73,89 70,0 37,37 65,86 75,935 75,38 56,38 56,8 70,77 78,977 93,537 0,37 66,77 9,370 96,85 00,368,879,336 0,768 66,06 07,756,75 59,79 7,068 8,5 66,7 37,83 33,0 306,685 33, , ,0 7,890 60,330 03,66 95,508 9,386 67,986 50,67 5,39 69,55 7,650 8, 9,006 7,388 93,8 96,566 0,7 08,75 0,385 3,35 6,57,383 33,86 53,0 6,67 7,967 63,07 80,580 3,30 9,75 338,36 366,85 39,39 56,7 57,69 59, ,93 506,358 9,678 98, 60,90 78,07 85,58 95, 06,788 8,088 03,857 0,960,37 0,93 37,7 6,399 80,70 6,3 3,5 66,8 93,78 33,67 33,963 37, 35,7 3,666 36,88 375,90 07,806 7,37 76,6 77,09 53,805 5,756 59,9 56,53 6,88 77,60 89,88 03,099 08,95 8,395 95,866 90,3 08,9 0,33 8,309 5,856 65,037 37,88 6,90 68,69 76,797 53,5 93,650 98,808 3,06 307,7 37,5 370,06 393,338 59,803,076 88,73 0,06 86,68 507,80 537,09 68,959 90,77 99,76 5,55 06,09 90,38 06,37 0,33 8,860 3,303 35,857 8,9 8,308 7,60 66,560 8,59 35,9 85, ,693 30,990 35,63 359,80 366,973 38,06 0,9 70,669 9, 56,57 75, 57, ,5 578,06 6,335 7,705 8,99 95,860 78,39 8,3 93,067 9,76 93,737,8 3,0 7,9 6,056 6,78 30,075 60,98 90,53 56, ,33 3,669 39,73 37,987 38,86 368,97 05,998 55,5 373,855 7,585 6,66 59,539 50,093 5,65,63 9,53 58,60 66,635 63,3 65,756 7,83 77,63 76,0 87, 98,53 9,395 9,085 89,7 98,70 9,8 7,367 36,805 9,6 95,393 93, ,96 39,96 375,86 387,79 3,3 393,6 56,5 8,6 5,95 5,095 95,67

33 33 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 Visitor Arrivals by Gender, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year 63,86 83,39 99,666,079,396,6,00 976,5,093,,5,0,9,55,97,38,6,05,659,97,87,50,30,6,78,05,958,839 3,96,30 3,3,08 3,33,6 3,580,0 3,753,97 3,683,779 3,908,0,50,6,659,785 5,3,79 5,7,0 5,37,68,75,76 5,88,38 6,0,75 6,55,07 33,79 53,55 58,0 539,636 56,38 50,67 98, 56,53 537,09 578,06 5,65 95, ,05 7,3 838,08 99,63 93, ,073 83,05 87, ,60 970,958,058,03,3,39,363,57,589,55,73,67,83,80,89,0,83,67,86,3,905,5,083,03,005,630,080,093,07,5,0,55,685,39,639,6,7,78,3,5,903,55,90,09,960,33 0,60 9,667 7,37,383 5,97 9,055,6 65,85 63,8 8, 58,98 3, ,83 9,98,58 9,753 0,07 6,3 59,69 73,5 9,39 36, ,03 5,733 5,0 590,7 683,057 75,03 8, ,6 980,0,076,55,09,99 993,56,36,333,39,097,609,739,79,5,755,89,790,7,5,863,093,855,93,5,75,39 58,35 67,779 97,87 8,575 88,75 80,76 8,6 9,05 98,089 0,6 88,696 88, ,96 30,36 370,006 8, ,97 53, ,8 60,885 68,603 69,7 603, ,9 8,99 75,86 8,95 807,65 8,08 88,398 99,39 70,3 66,079 7,798,678 76,06 7,5 73,009 76,69 75,70 76,035 73,588 73, otal Female Male Crew

34 Visitor Arrivals by Purpose of Visit, Year otal Pleasure Business Official Others ,86 37, , , , , , , ,08 93, , , , ,363.0, ,079, , ,89.5 0, , ,6, ,939 90,8 8. 8, , , , ,0,99.. 8,0.7 98,093,.0 773, ,3.3,67 9, ,5, , , , , ,9, , , , ,6. 98,97,38 83, , , , ,6, , , , , ,659,97 6.,0, , , , ,87,50.9,, ,875 67, , ,30,6.9,30, , ,0.6 57, ,78,05,579, , , ,59 990,958,839,78, ,9.7, ,. 99 3,96,30,856, ,06.,.8 958, ,3,08.,86, ,78.0., , ,33,6 3.,90, , , ,09, ,580,0,00,59 5 0, ,9.,09, ,753,97.8,76, , , ,063, ,683,779.8,37, , , ,097, ,908,0 6.,580,8 6 8, ,756,5, ,50,6 3,06, , ,596,003, ,659, ,5, , ,696,09, ,3,79. 3,87,8. 73, ,785,, ,7, ,768, , ,077.,6, ,37,68 3,83,50.0 9, ,96 9.9,79, ,75,76. 3,7, , ,786.6,30, ,88,38.,8, , ,3 6.,365, ,0,75 3.5,37, , ,800.,37, ,55,07.,36, , ,66 8.,, Jan. 33, ,60 6,9.7.9, , Feb. 53, , , ,68.6 3, Mar. 58, ,773 8, , ,55..5 Apr. 539, , , ,65. 9,75 3 May 56,38 373,68.6 8, ,777., Jun. 50,67 36,59 6,663 3.,875,00.0. Jul. 98, , , , ,3.0 Aug. 56,53 396, , , , Sep. 537,09 388, ,30.3 3,075. 7,6..8 Oct. 578,06.7 5, , , , Nov. 5, ,9. 7 5, , ,03 Dec. 95,67 36,098,963.6,3 09,98. * VFR: Visiting Friends & Relatives (99 data are extrapolated from results of of the first six six months) 995 (Beginning in 995, the visit purpose categories are reduced to four ones) 995 (Beginning in 995, the vixit purpose categories are reduced to four ones.) 3

35 35 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 Visitor Arrivals by Age, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.,68,535,9,7,86,38,38,60,9,987,97,93,569,39,773,80,9,53,878,955 3,087,868 3,50,75 3,97,9,368,757,7,86,39,75 3,89,950,99,57 5,79,88 5,35,77 36, ,6 5,3 6,958 0, 9,86 5,3 8,90 6,37 50,06 7,677, ,56 5,96 75,967 97,65 0,66 6,65 0,08 50,678 63,97 68,55 87,97 33, ,57 398,03 37,33 393,78 39,60 6,79 50,7 6,8 3,96 5,63 3,98 5,03,83 36,73 55,386 7,37 7,778 3,33 5,3 5, Year otal 00 6,306 35,87 365,35 0,3 5,036 70, 93,08 556,63 59,77 600, , , ,33 966,3 9,60 90,0 80,58 98,9,009,50 96,006 7,6 90,9 8,773 65,058 7,337 73,88 7,950 95,6 9,955 86,3 76,675 80, ,76 95,5 53,6 59,0 578,6 57,9 57,383 60,73 657,88 667,9 698,39 768,87 869, ,77 970,50,06,75 933,8,6,590,,3,86,80 88,69 9,073 97,37 96,78 00,678 95,75 96,59 0,5 03,58 09,36 05,8 96, ,30 97,98 586,70 60,97 659,8 63,6 63,06 680,95 709,93 69,3 79,00 759,366 89,7 90,6 877,337 89,89 808,85,03,567,0,596,30,5 79,77 80,797 96,8 93,89 96,33 93,603 9,59 0,3 96,960 06,89 00,56 9, ,55 99, ,59 377,55 393,73 396,58 3,0,6 75,57 5,9 7,83 550, ,565 75,00 7,56 739,33 63,83 8,68 888,7 93,799 60,6 65,070 8,38 8,805 86,7 80,868 69,733 73,37 88,63 98,65 87,55 67, , 39,36 7,076 8,70 88, 98,639 05,0 0,66 3,965 03,30 0,5 8,699 38,0 38, ,38 397,90 333,760 69,80 55,6 566,6 9,970 33,8 50,65 6,386 60,3 50,309 37,60 36,89 5,987 67,390 5,83 33, and over (Including longterm visitors until 005) 005 (Including longterm visitors until 005) 006 Excluding crew members form 006

36 36 Visitor Arrivals by Mode of ransportation, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year otal,63,36,89,68,05,970,65,59,00,908,08,035,569,39,773,80,9,53,878,95 3,087,868 3,50,75 3,97,9,368,757,7,86,39,75 3,89,950,99,57 5,79,88 6,55,07 33,79 53,55 58,0 539,636 56,38 50,67 98, 56,53 537,09 578,06 5,65 95, ,5,787,78,69,63,36,795,7,865,866,88,8,00,65,,75,337,87,303,780,78,7,898,636 3,,83 3,58,869 3,66,65 3,57,708 3,083,5 3,983,750,0,8,5,07 33,50 337,90 378,68 36,9 367,399 36, 357,806 00,5 386,533 3,60 376,5 37, ,097 57,897 90,9 8,57 70,9 5,633 55,08 53, 7, 39,3 7,56 78,66 300,96 35,9 3,76 367,6 30,97 36,339 35,59 35,93,86 6,776 3,786 30,07 30,376 8,889 7,856 30,98 3,680 33,85 3,5, , 65,9 78,63 95,095 3,08 3,78,99,557 36,75,970 97,70 97,379,90 37,5 5,78 38,0 07,363 5,7 9,958 8,7,3 5,9 0,70,05,68 3,30 7,687 3,638 7,9 30,963 7,58 9, ,36 3,80 3,8 0,098 9,77 9,56 30,079,55,909,6,56,60,05,97,9 3,039,06,63, By Air (Including longterm visitors until 005) 00 IncheonGimpo Gimhae Jeju Others

37 37 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 By Sea,57,05,80,360,0,008,7,8,68,67,70,563,37,95,596,86,7,358,656,07,88,39 3,7,6 3,65,658,05,7 3,97,8,066,67 3,535,53,59,007,775,53 5,6,90 363,33 38,78 33,608 6,59,55 8,538 5,86 66,7 9,7 90,6 36,779 7, Subotal Busan Incheon Others Subotal 5,057 60,895 6,98 58,08 75,366 7,96 73,505 03,775 08,867 03,575 5,66 0,77 5,0 99,73 6,083 0,390 89,53,537 8,879 03,368 6,755 7,83 3,079 3,953 38,6 3,60 3,85 38,99 33,3 39,606 35,905 3, ,00 5,935 5,80 8,70 36,88 39,085 3,73 7,93 5,55 6,835 55,83 6,95 59,6 53,08 50,0,3 55,96 77,76 5,380 7,33,97 6,590 0,880 7,835,009 0,668 3,07 6,560,066 0,53 9,08 8, ,050 3,8 3,863 3,977 0,9,9 6,86 5,88 0,85 56,6 68,59 60,09 6,53 6,55 60,70 7,77 69,878 80,7 70,076 36,56 8,7 6,30 9,7,39 3,68 30, 8,339 9,606 9,858 7,78 9,99 8, , 90,58 93,96 90,768 3,7 37,7 3,0 76,99 0,7,87 39,7 8,0 7,59 3,86 37,00 36,098 3,7 00,50 0,335,038,757 70,6 70,7 8,33 3,7 9,693 83,79 8,595 95,5 87,37 87,597 8,86 77,

38 Korean Departures Annual Statistical Report on ourism 005

39 0 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. otal Year ,698 59,578 95,56 338,80 36,05 99,707 93,6 93,08 8,55 5,97 50,538 75,76,3,,560,93,856,08,03,99,9,930 3,5,36 3,88,70,69,5,5,59 3,066,96,3,56 5,508, 6,08,76 7,3,07 7,086,33 8,85,585 0,080,3,609, (Including crew members from 998) Korean Departures by Month, ,65 7,59,07,78 8,98 39,59 3,33 38,0 3, 39,0 0,03 5, 00,9 38,553 70,66 00,77 8,896 98,8 359,57 35,67 7,389 0,37 37,06 5,69 500,76 69,077 7, ,78 897,06 985,87,80 7,56,583,509 7, 36,3 3,735 35,667 3,005 3,53 3,9,59 79,788 3,75 08,397 5,88 7,08 8,3 75,093 3,8 336,7 97,66 75,0 397,303 5,899 53,30 6, ,7 75,998 9,596 7,308 9,95 3,87 5,500 3,85 39,590 36,83 0,0 38,79 36,535 38,877 50,37 90,39 5,97 9,369 6,53 58,9 8,5 80,97 35, ,8,600 3, ,950 50,78 57,0 59, ,69 707,058 83,98 7,7 0,5 3, 7,5 33,7 38,538 38,78 38,00 38,56 35,98 38,0 5,37 9,0 5,633 0,09 56,569 67,375 3,89 80,35 30,65 356,6 3,80 30,966 07,50 65, ,8 339,38 6,3 76, ,083 7,393,79 5,30 9,589 3,537,97,78 3,9,936 37,5,577 59,09 93,05,05 5,33 6,90 85,9 6,800 80,98 378,98 377,65, 37,367 57,930 89,787 59,0 360,95 680,85 80,97 906,8 6,65 3,05 6,88 9,0 36,55 0,6 0,80,36 0,779 36,907 0,77 53,6 89,977 9,68 9,938 66,37 8,9 8,83 80, ,8 39,05 5,056 39,7 5, ,83 538,0 83,956 7,60 865,693 95,9 7,953 3,83,69 8,770 3,55 6,88 7,05 6,600 5,663,653 5,658 69,385,0 55,77 03,03 08,77 5,983 38,5 39, ,39 99,030 95,06 6,0 589, 66,8 7,788 79,35 897,3,00,757,098,739 0,8,79 5,056 9,996 5,363 5,73 6,836 7,7 8,95 5,90 50,8 77,398 6,09 57,06 0,78,868 5,7 33,77 0,085 9,775 95,88 30,0 8,383 57,379 67,70 773, ,35 930,573,070,89,59,87 8,587,590 5,750 30,809 37,8,083 39,0,73 39,99 37, 5,969 53,67 98,83 30,96 0,978 5,756 89,390, 93,670 3,06 330,778 56,906 36,069 30,56 6,59 56,556 59,030 68, 785,59 93,96 0,75 5,537 5,339 8,86 38,858 3,76 3,0 3,075 0,67 39,9 5,390 69,5 09,60 8,79 53,8 60,30 0,69 5,600 93,7 376, ,95 7, ,7 6,588, ,96 68, ,538 88,088 98,69 8,863 3,366 6,887 3,35 38,69 3,997,878 0,96 0,390 38,85 7,58 7,50 07,569 7,8 8,9 5,79 08,06 53,75 37,33 36, ,780 85,739 38,580 39,805 83, ,686 60,9 75,887 78,03 987,88 7,936 0,735 5,36 9,796 0,76 39,883 38,9 36,870 3,50 33,753 0,0 67,66 05,3 36,638 5,555 69,709 8,665 79,6 359,985 39,367,885 99, ,055 6,9 5, ,89 67, 75, ,68,05,87

40 Annual Statistical Report on ourism Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year 09,698 59,578 95,56 338,80 36,05 99,707 93,6 93,08 8,55 5,97 50,538 75,76,3,,560,93,856,08,03,99,9,930 3,5,36 3,88,70,69,5,5,59 3,066,96,3,56 5,508, 6,08,76 7,3,07 7,086,33 8,85,585 0,080,3,609, ,87 9,596 83,98 855, ,8 95,9,098,739,59,87 93,96 98,69 987,88,05, ,79,76 5,66 357,3 07,57 0,5 393, ,77 350,63 38,6 5,55 80,85,000,89,0,66,,6,50,5,95,09,359,57,803,96,73,0,78,67,70,60,87,990 3,86, 3,75,6 3,76,865,68,3 5,359,066 6,0,573 56,9 5,57 35,93 6,53 73,609 83,69 558,608 58, ,055 59,638 57,83 50, ,9,86,88 78,60 9,80 9,6 99,09 03,8 0,33 5,96 03,6 0,67 560,09 75,0 83,038 97,676,00,77,59,3,85,955,808,039 95,76,79,09,953,6,5,33,69,766,58,57 3,36,559 3,89,650,550, ,33 366,6 3,5 33, ,797 35,69 58,65 9,60 350,65 383,7 360,638 39, ,83 39, ,608 68,9 78,030 7,75 86,68 87,7 938,755 75,736 66,78 75,6 7,39 79,076 78,0 8,77 83,56 78,76 8,737 79,567 8, otal Female Male Crew Korean Departures by Gender, (Including crew members from 998)

41 Year otal Korean Departures by Age and Gender, (Including oversseas Koreans, excluding crew members until 005) 006 (Excluding overseas Koreans and crew members form 006) * PSE : Private Sector Employee Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.,353,888,7,7 3,78,99,55,787,960,735,858,35 3,07,567,68,0 5,5,359 5,696,33 6,693,09 6,63,337 8,3,63 9,500,98 0,67,3 909,55 877,868 78,7 780,689 87,06 837,738,07,63,076,30 853,9 90,9 907,9 93, ,069 93,667 9,968 5,8 0,798,75 9,3 8,6 39,69 85,939 37, ,935 55, ,76 59,9 80,87 56,939,666 5,967 39,6 3,536 97,863 93,57 9,83 33,963 3,765 5, ,3 93,50 8,3 6,55 95,75 0,33 3,887 73,660 35,60 83,8 3,7 36,759 5,5 56,578 57,595 7,975 55,0 8,939 7,387 38,3 37,68 97,75 88,7 8,90 8,06,899 53, ,79 30,37 379,98 55,7 5,739 55,6 3,798 6,395 78,3 50,59 55,30 530,63 637,380 7,87 808,808 63,66 6,5 5,59 5,83 58,89 6,8 79,07 87,6 68,388 69,8 7,8 75, ,007 8,70 36,0 36,839 56, 568,8 37,938 9,99 56,60 63,7 709,35 68, ,7 975,38,3,65 87,95 83,897 65,908 76,537 8,7 9,89 8,6 30,68 93,97 96,960 86,870 99, ,3 537,06 686,396 8,78 95,0 885,30 605,700 80,60 97,808 99,66,30,005,09,5,33,5,68,777,605,567 7,656 5,73,75 8,98 3,0 30,69 33,09 35,09 3,36,7 5,663,

42 3 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006,757 3,9 83,378 38,05 385,60 37,575 3,39 30,86 00,59 53,79 535,63 530,93 65,959 78,699 89,75 73,755 66,89 5,09 56,788 6,89 67,0 89,7 9,96 68,83 7,837 67,33 78, ,0 36,56 67,7 56,63 66,735 66,697 88,70 659,579 73,0 857,870,039,309,083,598,338,999,50,0,676,730,7 5,357 7,90 9,67 5,5 33, 0,799 50,858,66,7 60,079 56, ,09 68,3 8,63 6,998 39,55 3, 87,693 75,58 359,80 0,60 5,5 509,37 67,78 7,89 85,79 8,69 7,76 56,089 55,6 60,57 6,9 76,3 9,75 63,03 73,075 76,007 79, ,955 6,88 93,396 38,9 0, ,79 7,05 355,06 380,50,93 87,736 50, ,98 78,77 96,099 77,6 78,85 73,333 68, 7,699 76,5 73, 80,57 75,98 79,6 86,809 75, ,758 76,0 7,93 7,05 38,5 98,00 7,886,78 38,69 3,8 09, ,955 5,806 60,95 70, 5,3 55,757 7,856 67,58 63,08 58,98 9,57 57, 59,738 68,9 66,69 9, ,36 39,530 67,73 95,737 8,5 3,065 30,83 0,08,960 70,600 3,790 30,58 07,336 73,50 5,0 35,668 39,83 50,38 8,96 7,308,9 3,587 37,59,693 50,0 50,5 39, ,008 7,9 55,7 80,88 5,0 08,555 0,75 79,33,76 3,070 30,9 7,83 363,7 07,80,35,90 30,39 8,730 50,685 5,580 36,86 7,06 7,750 35,77,8 0,890 30,

43 Korean Departures by Age, Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 79,99,005,30,59,03,88,00,65,75,353,888,7,7 3,78,99,55,787,960,735,858,35 3,07,567,68,0 5,5,359 5,696,33 6,693,09 6,63,337 8,3,63 9,500,983 0,67,3 909,55 877,868 78,7 780,689 87,06 837,738,07,63,076,30 853,9 90,9 907,9 93, ,98 7,87 0,09 33,79 5,9 65,303 87,7 38,0 97, ,73,09 33,09 35,806 75,59 569,750 69,96 79,69 906,75,06,835,63,8 55,8,00 0,605 53,35 77,77 7,7 95,67 8,88 58,75 6,69 6,66 06, Year otal 57,96 93,769 3,786,55 80, ,799 58,08 7,700 89,86,0,60,09,093 63, ,89,039,95,33,73,6,69,3,99,90,65,698,86,9,33 50,66 8,38 7,37 3,00 0,039 56,378 97,53 8,59 6,360 66, 58,69 75, ,979 7,77,77 50,55 595, ,888 77, ,77,,83,300,8,56, ,839,,090,38,0,,958,665,68,60,73,987,8,7,596,5,8 9, 9,63 7,9 85,76 95,936 97,73,59 8,053,09,55,986 0, ,76 0,63 30,53 36,57,7 37,0 59, ,3 86,6 993,990 98, , ,07,0,8,68,030,550,55,59,735,986,780,5,8,59,09 3,5 0,083 73,999 75,83 85,709 95,53 7, 5,33 0,69 7,9 36,086 35, ,65 6,899 0,685 70,6 305,757 37,73 03,083 50,589 60,83 70,87 676,759 39,9 599, ,0 766,8 897,55 88,83,80,75,386,680,636,50 8,38 3,60 5,89 35,669 35,07 35,09,83 37,668 35,036 8,73 53,58 5, ,95,795 63,50 99,6 7,909, 66,79 3, ,6 3,73 3,60 5, ,35 69,7 53,670 65,73 585,3 770,50 88,38 96,55 59,858 70,07 99,08 99,67 9,888 8,58 6,69 6,909 80,0 9,385 9,035 69, (Including oversseas Koreans, excluding crew members until 005) 006 (Excluding overseas Koreans and crew members form 006) 6 and over

44 5 Annual Statistical Report on ourism Korean Departures by Mode of ransportation, (Excluding crew members.) (Incheon Int l Airport opened on March 9, 00.) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 50,550 75,8,3,8,560,953,856,037,03,30,9,96 3,5,358 3,88,765,69,73,5,56,700,0 3,99,759,88,66 5,0,53 6,375,377 6,33,38 8,008,903 9,08,76 0,67,3 909,55 877,868 78,7 780,689 87,06 837,738,07,6,076,30 853,0 90,9 907,9 93, ,79 585,5 995,987,9,875,537,93,7,836,99,6,633,975 3,9,896,00,06 3,866,6,33,535 3,6,785,58,836,560,93 5,38,7 5,95,8 6,58,55 7,5,87 8,685,8 7,03 78,78 60,35 63,8 66,9 685,3 86,53 89,9 706,08 735,9 7,8 767, ,5 90,575 38,3 69,75,85 08,75 05,638 08,39 3,389 7,79 9,995 58,306,67 308,9 396, ,0 79,35 6,33 7,300 87,89 7,609 67,39 59,977 66, 63,785 63,33 75,03 80,95 57,969 75,797 7,055 7, ,37 8,585 8,57 30,60 3,3 0,35 3,003 3,695 3,775 33,90 3,97 7,03 3,8 3,75 3,033 5,806 8,9 5,98 3,795 38,83,0 3,99,570 3,3,79 3,577,9 5,38,05 3,637,63, , ,6,06 76,93 93,787 85,907 7, 56,68 0,36,53,6,575 0,359 8,956,03 30,6 5,696,39 9,9 0, , , ,5 69,9,6,90,95,3,779,90,9,087,30,069,873,933 3,539,8,3,85,96,368,8,85 3,5,093,50,76 5,0,800 5,957,05 5,886,8 7,07,593 8,53,3 9,808, ,038 8,86 688,56 73,97 75,7 77,87 96,33 966, , ,75 839,09 86, ,59 30,50 50,7 65,656 76,9 0,83 90,05 80,57 79, ,3 35,889 8,577 5,8 38,67 378,73 8,33 56,96 60,30 755,503 86, 73,53 66,00 59,956 66,78 76,79 66,55 70,89 09,603 69,3 65,637 68,89 69, Year otal Incheon Gimhae Jeju Others Subotal By Sea By Air

45 Korean Departures by Destination, Destination otal China Nationality 3,93,986 3,5,3 0.8 Japan Nationality,7,35,77,7. hailand Residence,09,783 86,07 3 U.S.A. Residence 757,7 705,093 HongKong Residence 78,758 6,80.9 Philippines Residence 57,33 89,65 Singapore Residence 5,66 36,9.8 Vietnam Residence,80 37,3 3 Indonesia Residence 98,8 63, Australia Residence 60,900 50,500. Canada Residence 97,66 79, aiwan Residence 96,60 8,57 Malaysia Residence 89,6 58, Macao Residence 6,709 0, Germany Residence 5,39 37,60.0 NewZealand Residence,36,005 Saipan Residence 8,89 69,95 Bali Nationality 79,07 78,6. Overseas Departures,609,878 0,080,3 5. Source) NO, each country s NO NO 6

46 ourism Balance of Payments Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006

47 9 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 ourism Receipts & A.E.P.C., A.E.P.C. : Average Expenditure Per Capita 993 (Excluding expense of students studying overseas from 993) (estimate) ,030 08,06 36, ,65 7,60 50,38 596,5 673,355 78,3,57,50,99,56 3,65,3 3,556,79 3,558,666 3,6,6 3,7,5 3,7,60 3,806,05 5,586,536 5,30,0 5,5,963 6,865,00 6,80,900 6,8,300 6,373,00 5,98,800 5,33,00 6,053,00 5,793,000 5,759, ,7,395,30,03,07,03,05,06,9,77,3,68,6,8,,0,9, ,0,3,600 6,577 37,66 39,30 38,8 38,88,78 63,790 57,6 95,065 6,650 86,069 63,75 8,06,69 3,73 337,97,9 37,385 07,900 53,00 78,900 53,900,800 38,00 3,300 5,800 5,00 3,73 6,75 6,709 0,63 30,95 3,765 5,078 3,50,3 73,0 35, 7,06 6,63 5,3 7,399 50,5 6, 7,6 38,69 3,995 36,37 563, , ,500 9,700 6,700 6,900 53,00 500,00 57,000 9,635 35,3 30,57 7,066 37,7 7,955 55,986 50,875 5,90 88,607 67,08 63,360 98,00 68,988 38,575 59,68 65,5 9,98 88,677 37,85 00,808 57,00 69,00 58,900 57,300 85,300 63,00 535,900 86,00 53,00 30,99 3,7 7,909 33,69 38,693 8,7 5,557 6,53 65,95 7,800 0,50 87,7 30,357 79,569 69,60 67,50 83,66 303,66 86,773 59,3 05,5 587,600 97,00 559,300 59,500 53,00,000 93,00 7,700 6,600 33,935 0,53 37,30 3,75,73 5,358 57, 6,656 70,05 3,5 98,07 9,38 3,597 30, 97,56 7,63 333,9 8,58 557,00 50,95 69, ,900 58, ,900 60,700 56,00 366, ,300 9,500 56,00 3,9 37,69 8,887,07 0, 7,93 8,389 66,63 6,376 0,065 05,06 9,686 96,76 66,369 73,05 88,86 308,375 38,3 95,68 6,758 37,938 53,000 57,300 69, ,900 7,00 36,500 5,800 6,00 55,00 7,6 3,85 6, 7,696 3,905 35,566 6,56 63,87 6,8 5,0 7,075 65,9 73,737 90,6 7,73 86,377 30,553 99,00 75,78 78,38 5,66 55, ,000 59, ,600 5, ,600 50,700 60,300 57,00 9,908 35,00 8,07 35,60 37, 3,98 8,570 6,7 6,93 5,093 85,970 77, 78,3 99,57 3,935 9,96 36, ,59 505,87 88,96 3,79 557,00 58, ,300 59,600 55,900 0,700 5, , ,500 3,553 37,770 9,78 39,009 3,79 33,573 9,68 57,59 68,60 63,96 8,780 53,750 98,3 300, 98,8 6,38 80,5 355,900 6,36,,876 59,600 59,00 55,00 5,00 5,800 56,900 8,600 50,600 5,300 36,5 0,00 8, 3,5 39,6 0,80 57,605 6,00 8,09 6,990,5 300,096 39,50 356,85 33,36 88, 3,3 399,788 87,03 76,00 7,90 636,300 60, ,00 63, , ,000 59,00 5, ,00 8,536 35,73,30 3,357 39,66 5,86,80 59,850 9,3 70,5 6, ,09 38,7 338,600 33,60 6,79 3,055 35,8 78,3,83 59,037 58, ,300 63,00 67,600,000 90,00 9, ,00 8,00,0 7,57 6,739 5,780 3,9 0,869 5,706 5,579 76,765 57,53,50 87,06 300, ,93 303,053 5,676 9,9 350,03 6,796 07, ,00 689, ,00 55,00 8,00 7,00 583,00 57,00 75,600 55,00 Unit : US$,000 Year otal A.E.P.C. (US$) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

48 50 ourism Expenditures & A.E.P.C., A.E.P.C.: Average Expenditure Per Capita 993 (From 993, excluding expense of students studying overseas) (estimate) Year otal A.E.P.C. (US$) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. *977 *978 *979 *980 *98 *98 *983 *98 *985 *986 *987 *988 *989 *990 *99 *99 *993 *99 *995 *996 *997 *998 *999 *000 *00 *00 *003 *00 *005 *006 0,7 08,09 05,8 39,557 39,09 63,77 555,0 576,50 605,973 6,969 70,0,353,89,60,53 3,65,63 3,78,30 3,79,09 3,58,907,088,08 5,90,693 6,96,87 6,6,539,60,300 3,975,00 6,7,000 6,57,000 9,037,900 8,8,00 9,856,00,05,000,335, ,37,03,007,65,6,69,5,37,379,867,5,08,39,857,65,00,666,6, ,75,7,333,,69,7,35 5,,669 8,893 30,9 8,76 3,03 53,7,8 55,08 5,38 53,6 9,9 96,738 7,397 99,77 33,9 55,8 38,06 53,765 57,00 6,803 09,00 7,300 3,00 7,900 75,000 83, ,700 90,300,,000 7,060 0,677 3,090 5,588,95 39,50,078,6 3,986 3,90 9,89 8,98 6,393,73,06 67,798,06 5,678 03,65 83,3 59,05 38,00 3,00 0,300 0,00 68, , ,000 8,00,09,300 7,78 3,793 33,896 6,0 7,083,935 3,85,086 5,7 7,76 53,539 87,3 99,80 56,97 7,98 90, 39,870 88,96,0 98,86 5,890 0,600,700 55,300 9,00 66,00 608,500 7, ,700,03,600 6,865 3,38 35,79 7,53 3,33,99,97 0,050 7,9 7,68 5,3 90,0 90,87 5,585 30,98 3,76 56,38 99,95 33,9 569,0 53,60 0,300 76,900 6,00 3,700 7,00 63,500 78, ,00,05,900 8,386 5,78 35,3 3,03 3,995 8,93 3,500 6,5 9,677 5, 5,93 03,70,573 6,96 3,893 85,666 0,00 39,676 8,670 6, 559,36,000 98,300 53,00 59,300 80,900 55, ,300,0,00,36,00 7,59,76 33,079 9,57 36,67 9,0, 5,853 7,039 6,573 55,557 05,95 9,9 0,9 38,77 33,886 7,5 370,96 50,69 6,0 607,63 6, ,00 56,900 60, ,00 693,00 870,600,055,00,9,300 7,538 5,505 3,05 30,83,565 67,973 5,968 56,796 58,88 53,569 6,636,660 38,68 30,583 07,0 375, ,55 396,76 68,930 7, 7,659 35,600 06,00 673, ,00 9, , ,00,53,900,33,800 9,899 6,89 35,733 30,79,55 7,7 53,5 60,390 63,77 6,85 6,705 36,805 8,70 98,53 00,98 339,770 35,05 383, , , 657,638 75,500 39,00 66,600 75, ,00 85,00 963,00,9,300,376,500 0,3 0,579 0,98 9,9,56 56,689,6 7,897 5,735 5,57 68,66 07,3 5,99 78,908 95,7 353,66 67, ,35 90,3 509,00 560,360 99,700 37,00 58,900 53,700 73,000 7,00 83,00 99,500,35,00 0,93 3,86 3,03 3,307 5,8 55,00 3,30 50,776 8,30 5,6 60,65 35,00 3,030 3,50 98, ,30 6,53 3,3 7,68 573, ,859 96,300 33,000 98,00 87, ,00 685,800 87,00 933,00,8,800,788 7,986 35,08 30,78 0,78 56,07 5,55 5,55 6,09 9,65 59,999 5,56 9,705 67,0 8,5 76,305 90,389 33,76 7,97 56,3 386,696 0,00 38,000 53, , ,00 65,00 93,00 95,900,,000 9,9 3,80 33,3 5,73 0,05 5,375 6,9 5,978,3 50,77 67, 0,37 8,857 87,85 3,67 38,800 88, ,309 53, 58,958 6,00 56,500,800 78, , , ,900 9,000,08,500,3,00 Unit : US$,000

49 5 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 ourism Balance, (From 993, excluding expense of students studying overseas) (estimate) Year otal Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. *977 *978 *979 *980 *98 *98 *983 *98 *985 *986 *987 *988 *989 *990 *99 *99 *993 *99 *995 *996 *997 *998 *999 *000 *00 *00 *003 *00 * ,36 00,087 79,78 9,708 8,6 9,859 0,8 97,05 78,339 93,533,59,955,9,3 95,77 393,03 357,888 5,885 5,733 8,030 36,57,53,637,5,576,5,00,86, ,300 73,800 3,9,00,90,700 3,803,300 6,3,000 8,576, ,69,65,93,337 8,0 3,873 5,309 5,9 0,90,65 03,70 00,936 6,9 38,67 36,0 59,838 3,3 83,8 5,793 57,80 39,8 98,800 7,00,500,000 83,00 3,500 3,00 85, ,600 6,67 6,068,38 5,5 6,000,385 9,000 8,0 7 9,50 85,37 3,080 98,070 7,578 33,338 7,87,66 9,93,6 8,39 57,778 5,500 36,300 9,00 5,600,800 9,00 39,600 30,700 63,300,85, 3, ,39 3,00,80 8,789 78,3 3,53 76,7 98,90,0 36,06 30,56 5,6,056,557 6,008,08 370,600 37,00 7,600 3,00 78,800 5,00 75,00 9,600 50,00,7,035 7,885 6,5 7,560 3,55,60,03 8,00 70,8 5,058 97,05 3,530 6,98 33,378 5,5 6,88 3,70 5,83 09,879 8,9 377,300 0,300 33,00 9,800 78,00,500 35,600 59, ,300 5,59,73,898 3,59 9,78 3,5 3,7 5, 0,368 69,33 3,8 87,737 33,0 63,6 5,367 3,03 93,9 5,095 7,33 39,7 89,750 3,900 30,600 70,800 6,00 59,700 78,700 8,000 56, ,300,033,903,9 7,57 3,77,67,8 0,60,337 73,9 9,505 85,73 76,850 6,75 75,73 5,060 3,60 5,60 9,076 56,66 69,55 8,00 58,900 67,00 63,900 33, ,700 37, , ,900 9,93 7,37,60,87 9,660 3,07 6, 6,9,5 98,5 06,39 0,63 35,089,37 3,08 89,03 33,998 97,56 3,8,06 87,393 05,900 89,600,000 9, ,900 99,700 35, , ,600 0,009 8,306 7,66,89 7,03 39,78, ,,65 0,339 9,73,059 78,07,85,93,09 83,38 75,05 3,889 8,700 5,600 56,300 59,900,00 3,500 8, , ,000, 7,9,00 9,095 7,777 3,6 5,0 9,695 6,867,89 6,8 6,38 6,8,33 3,595 9,65 3,36,5 6,85 6,799 8,8 39,900 6,900 3,500 0,700 9,00,00 38,800 89,900 78,900 6,5 6,7 3,60,07 5,855,380,30,6 35,77 0,58 63,839 65,086 88,0 3,33,66 8,008 59,798 58,55,863 96,968 66,369 0,000 59,900 76,800 3,00 68,300 8,800 77, ,00 69,00 36,78 7,75 3,708,79,0 0,0,7 7,335 6,05 0,50 86,309 90,67 98,567 7,60 39,86,586 30,666,088 3,59 03,630 6,3 376,600 09,300 9,00 06,000 57,00 60,900 0,00 5, ,600,9,39 6,8 0,057 5,9 0, ,60 3,5 06,876 5,008 6,69 7,698,79, 76,,936 35,75 07,66 75,93 33,900 3,800 65,600 73,600 66,700 3,800 03,700 03,600 57, ,000 Unit : US$,000

50 Average Expenditures Per Capita, ourism Receipts Unit : US$ Month By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. Jan.,9,9,3, ,03, Feb.,65,80,085,5,09,03,37,078,06,03, Mar.,73,77,08,6,5,060,0, Apr.,,63,0,7,33,7,09, May,300,7,85,76,385,57,75, , Jun.,7,5,77,76,07,50,067, , Jul.,,9,89,78,058,36 996, Aug.,5,50,5,7 935,05 995,083, Sep.,96,55,05,59,80,5 999, Oct.,08, 96,36,75, 959, Nov.,5, 9,6,0,0 97,08, Dec.,3,,0,0,06,9,03, otal,,0,9, Month ourism Expenditures By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. Unit : US$ By Month Accumulative A.E.P.C. Jan.,05,05,,,76,76,06,06,0,0,30,30 Feb.,03,0,38,8,00,,088,09,87,5,55,93 Mar.,03,030,76,80,3,7,67,,336,07,,08 Apr. 969,05,8,8,33,9,7,7,7,3,3, May,57,05,53,333,57,5,0,09,305,0,5,0 Jun.,3,080,53,365,5,88,76,38,69,6,33,39 Jul.,8,089,379,367,93,89,097,3,8,3,96,3 Aug.,36,,33,360,5,66,09,8,5,36,87,5 Sep.,03,,77,37,30,7,85,,33,6,35,36 Oct.,39,,59,350,09,5,33,3,39,35,6,7 Nov.,3,3,90,335,08,3,87,56,5,36,58,9 Dec.,090,7,306,333,50,,309,69,370,7,9,35 otal,7,333,,69,7,35 A.E.P.C.: (Average Expenditure Per Capita) 006 (estimate) 5

51 53 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 Year otal Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. *997 *998 *999 *000 *00 *00 *003 *00 * ,37,79 786, ,800 93,900,059,00,09,700,839,900,77,900 3,368,300,86, ,9,600 79,500 90,00 79,00 6,00 66,00,000 93,800 37,800 90,307 8,900 53,800 67,00 6,00 83,500 7,00 9,00 09,300 9,500 87,97 79,500 6,000 76,800 6,00 9,800 7,000 88,000 50,900 38,00 93,03 67,700 63,500 6,300 6,00 05,900,00 77,500 59,000 39,800 88,86 6,900 57,00 7,300 80,300,700 3,00 59,300 6,900 30,300 9,79 57,800 70,500 69,500 78,900 05,700 9,00 97,300 56, ,00 6,675 97,00 76,800 95,000 06,500 0,00 96,00 0,600 3,700 39,700 37,876 80,00 09,00 3,500 56,00 7,700 33,00 303,00 0,800 55,900 08,08 6,900 7,300 80,300 98,00 5,700 69,800,600 9,00 0,00 89,380 50,500 6,00 57,500 73,300 98,00 8,00 76,900,000 33,700 73,50 5,300 69,00 59,00 9,900 06,00 6,00 3,000 5, ,500 0,600 83,00 89,300 73,700 0,00 7,00 90,800 89,00 353,600 39,700 raining Receipts & Expenditures, Year otal Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. *997 *998 *999 *000 *00 *00 *003 *00 * ,696,800 38,700 3,000 0,800 6,900,800 5,900,600 8, ,700 3,00,800, ,00, ,69,900 3,600, ,000 00,500,5,900,00,00, , ,800,7,00,800, ,000, ,00,763,00,600, , ,00 600,000,56 3,600 3,000, ,900,000, , ,800 3,300, ,500,00,700,700,00,8 3,800,300,00,000,700,300,800,000 5,00,355 3,800 3,00 900,000,00,00,00,500 3,800,557 3,900, , ,000,00,33 5,000, ,300,00 500,00,600 5,800,800 3, ,600,00 700,600 3,000 raining Receipts raining Expenditures raining Balance Unit : US$,000 Year otal Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. *997 *998 *999 *000 *00 *00 *003 *00 * ,57,875 89, , ,900,070,000,6,600,85,700,93,800 3,380,900,5, ,86 6,300 8,700 93,00 8,00 7,000 67,300,500 9,00 38,700 9,76 5,800 57,00 69,600 6,300 83,900 8,00 50,00 09,700 95,000 89,3 8,00 65,00 79,00 6,900 9,300 7,900 89,600 5,700 30,000 9,30 70,00 66,300 6,900 65,00 06,500 3,00 79,00 59,900 3,000 90,09 6,00 59,700 7,000 80,800 6,300 35,000 60,500 6,500 3,300 9,73 6,00 73,500 7,300 79,800 09,600 50,00 99,000 57,500 36,900 7,568 0,000 80,00 97,700 07,00,600 97,600 0,300 3,00 393,900 39,9 8,00 3,700 33,900 57,00 76,00 3,00 30,900,800 53,300 09,03 66,700 77,00 8,00 99,00 6,800 7,000,800 95,700 0,900 90,937 5,00 6,800 57,900 73,700 99,000 9,800 77,00 3,000 35,800 75,836 59,300 7,00 59,700 95,800 07,00 7,800 3,500 55,00 358,00 6,00 88,000 9,00 7,300 0,900 9,800 9,000 89, ,00,700 Unit : US$,000 Unit : US$,000 (estimate)

52 5 International Fare Receipts International Fare Receipts and Expenditures, Year otal Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec * ,7,3,59.9,69.9,58,3,9,6,53.5,685.,67.,5,8., Unit : US$,000,000 International Fare Expenditures Year otal Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec * , ,5,5, Unit : US$,000,000 (estimate)

53 ourism Industry Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006

54 ourist Service Business by City/ Province, Seoul ravel Agencies 8,38 8,605 9,06 9,63 0,7,539 Overseas ravel Agencies 3,96,0,6,985 5,560,837 Domestic ravel Agencies 3,565 3,653 3,706 3,8,38,09 General ravel Agencies ourist Accommodations ourist Hotels Seaborne ourist Hotels raditional Korean Hotels Family Hotels Condominiums ourist Entertainment Facilities Specialized Recreation Facilities 0 7 General Recreation Facilities 5 7 Automobile Camping Grounds Cruise Ships ourist Performance heaters ourist Souvenir Shops Professional Convention Organizers Casinos Amusement Parks ourist Convenience Facilities,08,,73,9, 5 ourist Amusement Restaurants Amusement Restaurants Exclusively for Foreigners ourist Restaurants Cityour Operators ourist Photo Studios Passenger Car erminals ourist Local Liquor Shops (Source: Hotel Association) (up to date st Jan. every year) 56

55 57 Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 Busan Daegu Gyeonggi Province Gangwon Province Chungbuk Province Chungnam Province Jeonbuk Province Jeonnam Province Gyeongbuk Province Gyeongnam Province Jeju Province Incheon Gwangju Daejeon Ulsan City/Province , (007.. )

56 58 ourist Hotels & Rooms, (Source: Korea Hotel Association) r(revise) Year Hotels Rooms r 996r 997r 998r 999r r ,058,5,6 5,37 8,57 8,57 9,70,59,800 3,03 3,77,560 7,963 33,869 39,09,87,09,55 5,096,88 5,69 6,77 6,89 6,998 7,536 5,89 5,069 5,086 56,96 59,35 58,950 60,

57 ourist Hotels & Rooms by City /Province and ype, 006 (00. ) City/ Province Hotels otal Rooms Super Deluxe Hotels Deluxe Rooms Hotels Deluxe Rooms st Class Hotels Rooms nd Class Hotels Rooms 3rd Class Hotels Rooms Unclassified Hotels Rooms Seoul 3 0, ,77 5, 3 3,605 5, Busan 5 5,68, , Daegu 5, Incheon 30, Gwangju 0, Daejeon, Ulsan Gyeonggi Province 68, 80 5, ,60 Gangwon Province 3 3, , ,00 Chungbuk Province 3, , Chungnam Province 5, Jeonbuk Province, Jeonnam Province 9, Gyeongbuk Province 50,99 6, Gyeongnam Province 33, , Jeju Province 7 6,0 3, , otal , ,98 7,0 86 5,09 9 6,30 66, ,3 : (Source: Korea Hotel Association) Annual Statistical Report on ourism

58 Hotel Room Occupancy Rates by City/Province, Unit: % Year City/Province Seoul Busan Daegu Incheon Gwangju Daejeon Ulsan Gyeonggi Province Gangwon Province Chungbuk Province Chungnam Province Jeonbuk Province Jeonnam Province Gyeongbuk Province Gyeongnam Province Jeju Province Average : (Source: Korea Hotel Association) 60

59 Hotel Room Occupancy Rates by Classification, Unit: % Classification Super Deluxe Deluxe st class nd class rd class Public Hotels * * * * * * * Family Hotels raditional Korean Hotels otal : (Source: Korea Hotel Association) Public Hotels are included in Family Hotels by the revision of related laws) Hotel Room Occupancy Rates by Month, Month Unit: % r 006 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec otal : (Source: Korea Hotel Association) r : (revise) Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 6

60 ourism Industry Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006

61 Region International ourist Arrivals(Millions)/ Growth Average annual Growth World Europe * 05/0 06*/05 00/ (5) 39 (5) 07. (5). (55.5) 3 () 5 () Asia & Pacific 8. (5.) (6.) 3.3 (6.3). () 55. (9.) 67. (9.9).5 Americas 0 (0.) 8. () 3. (6.3) (6.) 33. () 3 (6.). 3.8 Middle East 3.7 (.5). (3.5) (.3) 36.3 (.8) 3 (.8) (.8) Africa (3.8) 8. (.) (.5) 33.8 (.) 3 (.7) (.9). Annual Statistical Report on ourism

62 Milions World Europe Asia & Pacific Americas Africa Middle East 66

63 Region World International ourist Arrivals(Millions)/ Growth * 0/03 05*/ Europe (5) 30 (5) (5).6 (59.7) 3. (56.) (5).. Asia & Pacific 59. (3.) 87. (6.) 5.5 () 5.5 (6.7). () (9.) 5.0 Americas 0 (.8) 0 (0.) 3.5 (9.) 6. (6.7) 30. () 37. (). Middle East (.9) 9.7 (.8) 3.7 (.0) (.) (.7).9 (.7) Africa (.3).9 (.) 6.5 (.) (.6) (.5) (.5) Etc. 9. (.). (.).9 (.9) 3.3 (.9) (.5) 3.6 (.9) Same Region () 3 () 5 (8) 56. (8.) () 63. ().7 Other Region 79. () 9 () 3 (9.7) 9.7 () 39.7 () () Annual Statistical Report on ourism

64 Region Billions/ International ourism Receipts * 05/0 06*/05 World Europe 35 () 37 (5.).6.0 Asia & Pacific 3.5 (9.8) 53. (). 9. Americas.7 (.3) 53. ().0.8 Middle East 6. () (3.6).8 3. Africa.6 (3.). (3.3) 0. 68

65 Annual Statistical Report on ourism

66 70

67 World s op ourism Destinations & Earners, International ourist Arrivals International ourism Receipts ( unit: housands) RANK ( unit: US$Million) 005 Country Country France Spain UnitedStates China Italy UnitedKingdom Mexico Germany urkey Austria RussianFederation Canada Ukraine Malaysia Poland HongKong,China Greece hailand Portugal Netherlands Hungary Macau,China Croatia Egypt SaudiArabia SouthAfrica Ireland Singapore Belgium Japan unisia CzechRep. Korea,Rep.Of Morocco Romania Brazil Australia Indonesia Bulgaria Denmark India Bahrain Norway Argentina DominicaRep. PuertoRico VietNam aiwan SyrianArabRep. Kazakhstan WORLD OAL V V V V V 75,908 55,9 9,06 6,809 36,53 8,039,95,500 0,73 9,95 9,90 8,77 7,63 6,3 5,00,773,765,567 0,6 0,0 9,979 9,0 8,67 8, 8,037 7,369 7,333 7,080 6,77 6,78 6,378 6,336 6,0 5,83 5,839 5,358 5,00 5,00,837,699 3,99 3,9 3,8 3,83 3,69 3,686 3,68 3,378 3,368 3,3 803, % 79,083 58,5 5,063 9,600,058 30,65,353 3,569 8,96 0,6 0,99 8,65 8,936 7,57 5,670 5,8 6,039 3,88,8 0,739 9,59 0,683 8,659 8,66 8,60 8,396 8,00 7,588 6,995 7,33 6,550 6,35 6,55 6,558 5,09 5,06,87 5,58,7,59 3,95,56 3,965 3,7 3,583 3,50, 86,000 5.% (Source): WO Compendium of ourism Statistics 006 Edition(June 006), WO World ourism Barometer(No., July 006), WO ourism Highlights 006 Edition(Nov. 006). (ourist)v(visitor). WO 3. WO (Visitor) (ourist) United States Spain France Italy United Kingdom Germany China urkey Austria Australia Canada Greece Japan Mexico Switzerland Netherlands hailand Belgium Hong Kong, China Malaysia Portugal Macau, China Croatia Saudi Arabia South Africa Egypt India Korea, Rep. Of Sweden Poland Denmark Lebanon Russian Federation Singapore Indonesia New Zealand Ireland Czech Rep. Hungary aiwan Morocco Luxembourg Brazil Dominica Rep. Norway Puerto Rico Ukraine Israel Cyprus Argentina WORLD OAL 8,799 7,970,76 35,398 30,675 9,73 9,96 8,5 6,0 6,866 3,760 3,73 6,630,803,00 0,75 9,59 9,868 0,9 8,53 7,7 7,980 7,63 5,85 7,37 6,85 7,5 5,806 7,7 6,7,9 5,3 5,56 5,908,5,865,7,668,7,977,6 3,63 3,86 3,58 3,95 3,39 3,5,8,39,79 676,000 % 85,69 5,5,90 38,9 33,695 3,760 33,99 6,853 6,658 7,80,63,59 8,69,77,83,56,3,535,630 9,630 8,39 9,337 7,90,96 7,875 7,59 8,885 5,33 7,39 5,05 7,05 7,06,8,536 5, 5,007,59 5,0 5,967,36 3,79 3,760 3,369 3,85 3,39 733,000 8.% Annual Statistical Report on ourism 006 7

68 World s op ourism Source Markets & Spenders, International ourist Arrivals From: International ourism Expenditures ( unit: housands) RANK ( unit: US$Million) 005 Country Country Germany 7,300 77,00 USA 69,56 73,558 U.K 6,9 66,9 Germany 70,6 7,88 USA 6,809 63,503 3 U.K 56,8 59,593 Poland 37,6 0,8 Japan 38,5 37,565 Czech 36,650 N/A 5 France 8,50 3,80 China 8,853 3,06 6 Italy 0,60,37 Malaysia 30,76 N/A 7 China 9,9,759 Russia,507 8,6 8 Canada 5,985 8,3 Italy 3,39,796 9 Russia 5,730 7,80 France,3,70 0 Netherlands 7,6 6,08 Canada 9,595,0 Korea,Rep.Of,986 5,3 Hungary 7,558 8,6 Spain,078 5,06 Japan 6,83 7,0 3 Belgium 3,88,8 Netherlands 7,30 7,086 Australia 9,0,8 Ukraine 5,88 N/A 5 Austria,5 0,99 Mexico,9 3,305 6 Sweden 9,96 0,776 Sweden 3,967,598 7 Singapore 7,750 9,853 Spain 5, 0,508 8 Norway 8,383 9,753 Korea,Rep.Of 8,86 0,080 9 Switzerland 8,779 9,6 Belgium 8,783 9,38 0 aiwan 8,70 8,68 urkey 7,99 8,6 Mexico 6,959 7,600 aiwan 7,78 8,08 Ireland 5,73 6,056 Rumania 6,97 7,0 3 Denmark 7,79 5,690 Austria 6,798 6,56 UAE,75 5,300 Ireland 5,09 6,3 5 hailand,5,995 Finland 5,798 6,035 6 Iran,053,380 Hongkong 5,003 5,786 7 Poland 3,8,3 Denmark,630 5,69 8 Kuwait 3,70,77 Singapore 5,65 5,59 9 SaudiArabia,6 N/A SaudiArabia,35 5, Lebanon 3,70,878 WORLD OAL 86, ,000 WORLD OAL 733, ,000 5.% 5.5% 8.% % (Source):WO Compendium of ourism Statistics 007 Edition(June 007), WO ourism Highlights 007 Edition(Nov. 007). WO 7

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