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3 Contents EBSi EBSi EBSi Q&A

4 Chapter A 1 howeverin contrast regarding latest employment freeze opening at present drive enthusiasm resumé be on file assignment internship related to open up organization 2 A B Answer A 1. latest 2. enthusiasm 3. opening 4. assignment 5. organization B 1. opening 2. latest 3. enthusiasm 4. assignment 5. organization *confine *hone 2 *one-size-fits-all S tructure E nglish 목적과주장 01 thereforeas a result Let s Check It Out Dear Ms. Roberts: Thank you for your letter of September 13, 2013, regarding the latest employment freeze at HTV. Even though there are no openings at present, I want you to know that I am still interested in working for HTV if one should occur in the future. I am a very good news writer and have a high degree of drive, enthusiasm, and energy. My resumé, which is on file at HTV, shows the numerous news writing assignments I completed at a local television station, both in college and during my internship. If any position related to news and news writing opens up, I would like to be considered. I highly respect your organization and believe that I could be a useful person to HTV. Sincerely, Chris Green A STEP STEP STEP Comprehension Process Dear Ms. Roberts Thank you for your letter of September 13, 2013, regarding the latest employment freeze at HTV. Even though there are no openings at present, I want you to know that I am still interested in working for HTV if one should occur in the future. If any position related to news and news writing opens up, I would like to be considered. V ocabulary Review assignment enthusiasm latest opening organization A 1. : most recent 2. : great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause 3. : an opportunity for employment 4. : something given, as a particular task or duty 5. : a group of persons organized for some end or work B 1. We have no s for clerks at the moment. 2. She is interested in all the fashions. 3. He seems to lack for the work he is doing. 4. The reporter has been given the of interviewing the candidate. 5. She is the leader of an international devoted to the protection of natural resources. Words & Phrases T ranslation 6 7 E X ERCISES A 1 To make your job interview a success, it is important to conduct a practice day prior to the day of your interview. If possible, drive or find transportation to the interview location. Ideally, do this on the same hour as your scheduled interview to identify potential transportation problems including traffic and parking. Once at the site, walk to the location where the interview will be held. This will enable you to become comfortable and familiar with your surroundings and let you know how much time you will need to arrive at the interview on time. Do not go into the specific office, just the general area. Make note of the nearest public restroom so you can use it the day of the interview to freshen up prior to your meeting. 2 In the fast-paced world of business today, every manager needs a personal resource a place to go for advice, coaching, background information, or answers. The Essential Business series fits the bill. Concise and straightforward, these books provide highly practical advice for readers at all levels of experience. Whether you are a new manager or an experienced executive, these solution-oriented books give you the reliable tips and tools you need to improve your performance and get the job done. Essential Business titles will quickly become your constant companions and trusted guides. These are priced at $19.95, except as noted. Price is subject to change. *fit the bill 3 I confine my bike riding in New York City to the separate, park-like bike paths because riding in the streets is too dangerous. I ve seen car/bike accidents, and friends and relatives have been hurt bicycling in cities. I d love to bicycle more in the city in fact, I prefer it to walking, driving, or taking a bus or subway, as long as it isn t raining or snowing. When I meet neighbors bringing their bicycles up the elevator in our apartment building, I try to strike up a conversation about where they ve been and how they feel about bicycling in a big city. Almost everybody tells me that they realize it s dangerous, but they love it, so they do it anyway. Don t you think we should make it safe to do so to get more people out of their cars and onto bicycles? 4 Founded in December 2007 by Allison Janney, Tom McLaughlin, and Chris Martin, Dream Writers Workshop (DWW) is a community of creative writers who come together to encourage each other s writing passions and hone their craft. DWW offers biweekly workshops, monthly poetry and lyric workshops, National Novel Writing Month, writers retreats, and a variety of social events throughout the year. DWW is open to anyone writing in English looking to develop their skills in fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, scriptwriting, and lyrics. For more information: * send us an at dreamwriters@gmail.com * find us on Facebook by searching for Dream Writers Workshop * visit our blog at dreamwritersblog.com * follow us on 5 Not everyone is good with kids, the seriously ill, or the homeless. You might prefer to go to a nursing home to play bingo with the residents. My point is that service is not one-size-fits-all; it helps to find something you love. But how? When I was getting started, I considered a bunch of volunteer opportunities. A lot of my friends thought it would be cool to work at the Humane Society or to help kids through therapeutic horseback riding. But since I m afraid of both dogs and horses, they weren t for me. I d love to be a ski guide for the blind, but I definitely don t ski well enough to do something like that. Eventually, I realized that I liked getting involved with the homeless and those living in poverty by going to the Central Night Shelter. When I realized that I liked one kind of service more than the others, I started volunteering more often. 6 As a sociologist, I am constantly reminded of the power of the past. Although each of us comes into the world afresh, we are not really new creatures. We arrive into a social slot, born not only to a family but also to a religion, community, and, of course, a nation and a culture. Sociologists understand the power of social structure and culture to shape not only our path through the world but also our understanding of that path and that world. Yet we often have to expend much energy trying to get students to see the influence on their lives of the social structure and culture they inherit. Not understanding our past makes many of us incapable of thinking effectively about our present and future. If our journey together through my book will make the realities of our past more apparent, then this most irrelevant subject history might become more relevant to you. At least, that is my hope. 8 9

5 6~18 76~81 EBS 수능완성_ E ngl Chapter 목 1 A 01 Woman: I got up late this morning. We watched some movies. We decided to share a room. Do you want me to join you? How about going to bed early? 04. Green Bakery 05. Man: I made them a pizza. I think that s a good idea. I often cook for my children. They like to eat what I make. You can order a hamburger combo. Wilson Avenue Flower Shop King Street Grant Park Benson Avenue Start here Woman: I m available now. Well, okay. We can try it. Thank you for helping me. I m wondering what you like. Of course. I ve already taken it Answers & Explanations A M : You look so sleepy, Jenny. W: I m really sleepy. My sister and I stayed up late last night. M : What did you do? W: We watched some movies. Jenny stay up share go to bed 2. Brown cook combo 3. M : Jane, why don t we take Mr. Kim s biology class together? W: I m afraid his class might be too hard for us. M : I know. But I heard it s interesting. Let s take it together. W: Well, okay. We can try it. Jane biology Bakery? M : Green Bakery? [Pause] Oh, it s on Wilson Avenue. W: Wilson Avenue? M : Yes. This is Benson Avenue. Go straight for two blocks first. W: Two blocks. And then? M : Turn left on King Street and go one block until you reach an intersection. W: Is that the intersection of King Street and Wilson Avenue? M : Yes. You ll see a flower shop on the corner, on your right. Turn right at the flower shop. W: I see. M : Right next to the flower shop, there s a post office. W: Is the bakery next to the post office? M : No, Green Bakery is directly across from the post office. W: Oh, I ve got it. Thanks a lot. Green Bakery Green Bakery Wilson Avenue Wilson Avenue Benson Avenue King Street King Street Wilson Avenue Green Bakery King Street Wilson Avenue bakery reach intersection next to across from head of the school painting club, Great Artists. We heard that the city was planning to paint pictures on some of the factory walls in our neighborhood. Our club wanted to take part in this project. So we applied and were selected to participate. However, at the moment we don t have enough club members to do our part. So we need some volunteers. It doesn t matter whether you re good at painting or not. You just need to be enthusiastic about improving the environment of our neighborhood. We hope you ll knock on the door of our club soon. Ted Johnson Great Artists head factory neighborhood take part in apply select participate at the moment matter enthusiastic improve 6. available W: I heard that you re taking a cooking class, Mr. Brown. M : Yes, I am. Yesterday I cooked something special for my children. W: Oh, really? What did you make for them? M : I made them a pizza. 4. W: Excuse me, would you tell me how to get to Green 5. M : Good morning, everyone! I m Ted Johnson. I m the W: Robin, what brings you here? M : I m here to buy some soccer balls. W: Oh, are you going to play soccer? M : Oh, no. Not me. Actually, I m going to donate these balls

6 1 A 01. Woman: I got up late this morning. We watched some movies. We decided to share a room. Do you want me to join you? How about going to bed early? 04. Green Bakery Wilson Avenue Flower Shop King Street Grant Park Benson Avenue Start here 02. Man: I made them a pizza. I think that s a good idea. I often cook for my children. They like to eat what I make. You can order a hamburger combo Woman: I m available now. Well, okay. We can try it. Thank you for helping me. I m wondering what you like. Of course. I ve already taken it

7 76~

8 1 A Ski Classes for Adults Level Time Period Advanced 9:30 11:30 Dec Intermediate 14:00 16:00 Dec Advanced 9:30 11:30 Jan. 2 6 Intermediate 9:30 11:30 Jan. 2 6 Intermediate 14:00 16:00 Jan Man: Okay. I ll take your students to the zoo. I think your students will be happy to see it. Your students are looking forward to the field trip. You should bring a digital camera with you in that case. I m sorry, but I don t remember your students very well. 15. $35 $40 $45 $50 $ Woman: 16. English Idiom Illustration Contest A Yes, I m too exhausted to do the dishes. Well, I don t think so. It s your turn to cook today. No, you should reserve a table for two in advance. Yes, but I don t like fast food because it isn t healthy. Yes, there is. I heard the new Chinese restaurant is great. 8

9 81~ Chris Ms. Taylor Chris: I m going to check the engine first. There s nothing wrong with your car. You should change the old front tires. Where s the nearest auto repair shop? Didn t you realize your car had a flat tire? [21~22] When a parent sees two children in the midst of battle, the first instinct is to scream at the one who is yours. Unless blood is being shed or the fight is getting particularly severe or one of the children is older and is obviously winning hands down, let the children solve their own problems. Toddlers aren t necessarily polite to one another. They don t get insulted (not for very long, anyway), and they can settle their differences within a matter of minutes and sometimes seconds. Children s disagreements may be more disagreeable to their parents than to the children themselves, but try to suffer in silence rather than interfere. A parent is not impartial and therefore cannot be an effective referee; children may fight even harder if parents are involved, to save face in front of adults

10 1 A 24. Dear Ms. Cummings: I would like to thank you for interviewing me last Thursday for the part-time preschool instructor position. It was a pleasure meeting you and Jennifer Hedge, as well as the wonderful children you have the opportunity to work with. As I mentioned during our conversation on Thursday, my prime interest is in obtaining full-time teaching work. Therefore, I have decided to accept a position as a prekindergarten teacher in an elementary school near my home. Although I would have enjoyed working with your fine staff, I feel that this position provides an ideal opportunity for me to pursue my goals. I have no doubt that you will find a qualified instructor to fill your vacancy, as you manage an excellent facility for children. Best of luck in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Chris Smith 25. The immediacy of is very tempting. It s all too common for someone to sit at his or her desk, make an message on the computer, and then fire it off to the recipient. One piece of advice is to treat with the same thoughtful consideration that you do letters or memos you send out. While it s tempting to send off an in response to something that has angered and disappointed you, resist the urge. Sure, type out the if you want to, but then use the save draft function that most software allows. When you re calmer about whatever triggered your wrath, go back and read the to see if it s one you really want to send. 26. Swimming involves the use of most of the body s muscles and is excellent cardiovascular exercise. As a result, it is wonderful exercise for children. Children tend to burn up a huge amount of energy just playing in the water, and sleep particularly well after an afternoon of swimming. In addition to its contributions to children s physical well-being, swimming offers them a chance to feel good about themselves. Each new skill they learn can be an excuse to celebrate! Knowing they can succeed in one area of their lives, they will feel positive about their ability to meet other challenges. In addition, an afternoon of swimming can be a wonderful time for parents to play with their children. *cardiovascular 10

11 86~ Detroit Photo Contest Detroit Photo Contest This photo contest is a good opportunity for you to capture and share the precious moments of your life. We hope it will bring out your creativity and sense of beauty. Timeline: Deadline for submissions: September 11 Announcement of results: September 25 Categories: People, Places, Things Contest details: A limit of nine photos per entrant can be entered into the contest with a limit of three per category. Only two formats of photo files, JPEG and TIFF, will be accepted. Submissions may be delivered in digital format on a CD or USB flash drive. submissions will not be accepted. One winner will be chosen from each category. Visit the link below for more information Kids Together Kids Together Kids Together is a preschool program for families with children 3 to 5 years old. The curriculum reflects a child s individual developmental stage of learning. This program provides opportunities for social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development. Parental involvement is required during the class. Teachers will provide a variety of options for parental involvement. Our program runs from May 1 to September 30. Children attend a two-hour session either in the morning or in the afternoon. Three Year Olds Fee: $378 2 days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) 9:00 11:00 a.m. or 1:00 3:00 p.m. Registration Maximum: 7 Four & Five Year Olds Fee: $567 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) 9:00 11:00 a.m. or 1:00 3:00 p.m. Registration Maximum: 10 Please call Judy Thomson at for registration information ~

12 1 A 29. Running with Your Pet Dog Running with Your Pet Dog! Join our fun run at Memorial Park on November 28. This event will be sure to delight you and your pet dog. 30. Changes in blogging by generation, % of Internet users who work on their own blog, over time Dogs and their owners choose on the day of the race to run either 5 kilometers or 10 kilometers. Name tags given at the check-in booth will distinguish 5-kilometer runners from 10-kilometer runners. Dog treats, water, and hot chocolate will be available along the course. Only one dog per runner, please. Dog owners must show documents that their dog s vaccinations are up-to-date and dogs must be on a leash at all times. Fee: $15 (Fee covers one person and one dog.) Pre-Registration: Thursday, November 7 (Those who pre-register will receive a race T-shirt.) On-site Registration: November 28, 9:00 9:30 a.m. (No T-shirt for on-site registration.) Time: Race starts at 10:00 a.m. The above graph shows changes in blogging by generation from December 2008 to May Millennials saw a decline in blogging from 20% in December 2008 to 18% in May While the percentage of bloggers decreased in Millennials, it increased in all the other generations without exception. For example, blogging among members of Gen X increased from 10% in December 2008 to 16% in May Likewise, during the same period, Younger Boomers and Older Boomers experienced an increase in blogging from 6% to 11% and from 7% to 11%, respectively. The result was an increase in blogging for all online adults, from 11% in December 2008 to 14% in May For more information, visit our website at www. funwithdogs.org

13 89~ (A)(B)(C) During the 1960s and 1970s, the brown pelican population in the U.S. suffered massive declines as the birds accumulated the pesticides DDT and dieldrin in their bodies. These widely used poisons built up in the food chain and became concentrated in the fish (A) that / what the birds ate. That affected the pelicans eggs, thinning their shells so that they broke in the nests. As a result, in parts of their northern range, brown pelican numbers slumped by as much as 90 percent in just 20 years, and the bird was (B) declared / declaring an endangered U.S. species by Fortunately, the pesticides involved were then banned, allowing the pelicans to make a dramatic recovery, and in (C) most / almost areas populations had reached their former levels by the late 1980s. The company no longer expects to have to give specific directions for each task or problem. Instead, employees are asked to direct their own work flow and to keep productivity up even when required resources are not (C) available / scarce. They have to learn how to work smarter, make the most of limited time and budgets, and be more productive in their own work environment. (A) (B) (C) instructed independent available instructed independent scarce instructed conservative available stimulated independent scarce stimulated conservative available *dieldrin 32. (A) (B) (C) that declared most that declared almost that declaring most what declaring almost what declared most (A)(B)(C) In the past, employees did exactly what they were (A) instructed / stimulated to do. If they didn t receive clear directions, then nothing got done. In fact, if they received directions that they knew would produce a low-quality product, they carried them out anyway. That was how the management-employee relationship worked. Today, employees are expected to make minute-by-minute decisions related to their work tasks. They are more (B) conservative / independent. 33. Alice Before they unpacked the car and settled into the cottage, they always took a first look at the ocean from what Alice considered her beach. Alice happily ran ahead, reaching the shoreline before her parents. A pleasant shiver coursed through her. On the shiny sand, Alice smiled and hurriedly kicked off her shoes, then inched forward to test the water. It was cold, so she jumped back, staying just beyond the water s grasp. When she looked from left to right, up and down, there were only two things: sky and sea. Alice blinked her eyes and cheerfully gulped the air as if she could draw the whole blue world inside her and keep it forever. *gulp proud envious grateful joyful worried 13

14 [34~36] A According to research carried out by the University of Michigan, a good brain-training program can improve working memory and boost general problemsolving ability, which can raise general intelligence. In the study, after recording the subjects mental agility with a variety of cognitive tests, the researchers gave the subjects a series of brain-training exercises. This mental workout was given to four groups, who repeated the exercises for 8, 12, 17, or 19 days. After the training the researchers re-tested the subjects intelligence. Although the performance of the untrained group improved slightly, the trained subjects showed a significant improvement, which increased with. This suggests that a good brain-training program is an effective way to boost intelligence levels. group size subjects age peers presence time spent training problem-solving ability *agility 35. Recently I was watching a stranger talk on his cell phone. As he listened, his left foot, which had been resting flat on the ground, changed position. The heel of the foot remained on the ground, but the rest of his shoe moved up, so that his toes were pointing skyward, which usually means the person is in a good mood. To the average person, that behavior would have gone unnoticed or been disregarded as insignificant. But to the trained observer, that gravitydefying foot behavior can be readily decoded to mean that the man on the phone. Sure enough, as I walked by I could hear him say, Really? That s wonderful! His feet had already silently said the same thing. *gravity-defying had recently suffered a failure accepted the observer s opinion wanted to finish the conversation had just heard something positive would like to keep people at a distance 14

15 91~ Because children take stories so seriously and believe in them as if they were real life, the author must evaluate with utmost care whether. Good children s stories are considerate of the reader as well as of the facts of life and the world. They may show how life and the world are, how problems are solved, or they may teach, comfort, inspire, or entertain. But none of these goals is successfully achieved when the reader is left discouraged when he finishes reading. To a child, unhappiness creates a problem. It is as if the action of the story had not been completed: The child can be confused or even frustrated. A children s story should allow the child to leave the story with confidence that the characters will continue successfully in their lives after the end of the story. ring. Ice hockey players would be arrested for actions they define as normal during their games. Race car drivers would be ticketed for speeding and careless driving. (B), even when serious injuries or deaths occur in sports, criminal charges usually are not filed, and civil lawsuits asking for financial compensation are generally unsuccessful. (A) (B) By contrast Therefore By contrast Similarly That is Furthermore For example However For example In conclusion *deviant a sad ending is truly justified the language used is appropriate proper gender roles are provided a complex plot can be understood children s diverse interests are reflected (A)(B) Actions that are accepted in sports may be deviant in other spheres of society. Athletes are allowed and even encouraged to do things that are outlawed or defined as criminal in other settings. (A), some of the things that athletes do in contact sports would be classified as felony assault if they occurred on the streets; boxers would be criminals outside the The value of play lies not only in the amusement and relaxation it gives a child, but also in the learning it provides. Emotionally, even a toddler can play out many aspects of his or her life, so that he or she becomes more familiar with what s going on and finds it easier to live with. Intellectually, play lets a child take in new information and manipulate it to fit in with what he or she already knows. Through play, a child can practice, improve his or her thinking skills and develop his or her creativity. It s better for children to have a special place for their toys, which should be accessible enough to make it easy for them to clean up themselves. Doing something with other children for pleasure is a very valuable means of learning social and communication skills, especially for children who have a tendency to be solitary. 15

16 39. 1 A 40. It is important, however, that the subject be unaware that he is being observed. One method for studying behavior is to observe and record events as they naturally occur in life. ( ) Researchers who use this method, called naturalistic observation, do not bring their subjects into the laboratory and manipulate their behavior in any way. ( ) Nor do they select groups of subjects and set up different experimental conditions. ( ) Naturalistic observation is frequently used to study animal behavior, such as the hibernation habits of bears or the maternal behavior of hens. ( ) For example, a psychologist using naturalistic observation to study how children of different races play together would watch groups of children playing in the school yards or parks, but he would keep himself at a distance so as not to be detected. ( ) If the children were aware that a strange adult was watching, they might behave differently than they ordinarily would. *hibernation At 5:30 a.m., Brian Murphy got himself out of bed to go downstairs to work out. His three-yearold daughter, Evelyn, woke up early and came to see him. (A) Evelyn was not allowed to sleep with them. Brian asked Evelyn if the Little People could keep her company in bed while Daddy worked out to stay healthy. Evelyn agreed, and the problem was solved. (B) At the same time, Brian knew he really needed to work out, and this was the only time he could do so. He thought about the things Evelyn really liked. One was her Little People toys. (C) Daddy, can you keep me company? she asked. She wanted him to sleep on the floor in her room. Who can resist such a request? Brian didn t want his daughter to think Daddy loves exercising more than her. (A)(C)(B) (B)(A)(C) (B)(C)(A) (C)(A)(B) (C)(B)(A) 16

17 94~95 [41~42] All salespeople are afraid to face their first prospect. Performers, athletes, actors, singers and many others are also frightened before performing. As with the actor, the salesperson has stage fright. It is known that the very best salespeople continue to have this anxiety throughout their careers. Before the big race at a track meet, the distance runner will take several mental practice runs before loosening up on the field. He will actually see himself in the starting blocks and will run the race in his mind s eye, examining all possibilities. Rain or shine, he will be ready. In the same way, a salesperson must see the whole sale before sitting down with the prospect. Just like the actor or singer, the salesperson goes over the part (even out loud) before the curtain goes up. This kind of gets rid of stage fright. My supervisor amazed me in my early days of selling. During my training period, when we reached his prospect s home or office he started whistling a well-known tune from the time he locked his car to the precise moment that he rang the client s bell. At first I paid no attention, but after three or four presentations before which he whistled the same tune, I caught on Difficulties in Sales Management Tips for Giving Oral Presentations Ways to Improve Customer Satisfaction How to Overcome Fear as a Salesperson Necessity of Building Trust with Customers regulation negotiation preparation friendliness forgiveness 17

18 [43~45] ~96 (A) I saw an incredible act of unrelated elephants helping one another when I traveled in Thailand. An old female elephant, perhaps close to 65 years old, fell down in the middle of the night. As it was a very rainy, muddy jungle, I didn t think the tired old female could get up easily. For hours, mahouts and volunteers alike tried to lift her. *mahout 43. (A) (B)(D)(C) (C)(B)(D) (C)(D)(B) (D)(B)(C) (D)(C)(B) (B) When the mahouts tried to take down a large wooden frame used to raise the old female, Mae Mai got in the way and wouldn t let the wood anywhere near (a) her dead friend. Mae Mai then spent the next two days wandering around the park crying out at the top of (b) her voice every few minutes, causing the rest of the herd to respond with similar sounds. (C) She repeatedly tried to do so, ending each failed attempt with frustrated trunk smacks to the ground and rumbling. She seemed highly committed to staying with her friend. When the old female died, a few days later, (c) she started crying out loudly in an uncontrollable manner. *smack (D) In the meantime, her close companion, Mae Mai, an unrelated female of about 45 years old, refused to leave her side. I say refused because mahouts were trying to get (d) her out of the way, tempting her with food. Mae Mai not only attempted to lift the fallen female with the mahouts and with another elephant, but she got alongside the old female, and with her head, tried to push (e) her up (a)~(e) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Mae Mai 18

19 2 A 04. Weight Lifting Stadium 01. Woman: Thank you for the speedy delivery. Oh, I m sorry. There s only one left. Yes. Can I pay for it by credit card? I m afraid your printer is out of order. Why don t you sell your printer to me? Start here 02. Man: That s a good idea. I think enough is enough. Thanks. Without you, I d have lost it somewhere. I m afraid I can t. I ve just started studying science. Wonderful! I knew you d get a good grade in science. Sounds great. That would be really helpful for both of us Woman: You remembered? You re so sweet. Don t worry. I ll get a pair of gloves for you. You re right. The gloves were too tight for me. Do the gloves cost just $10? That s a real bargain. I d like to exchange these gloves. Here s the receipt

20 2 A Good Eating Plan Mary Ross angry sorrowful nervous confident surprised USB USB USB 20

21 99~ Must-Have Shopping: Electric Fans Model Type Color Remote Control SH 101 stand white AH 202 stand black PR 301 tower white KS 402 tower white RP 501 tower black $100 $150 $180 $200 $ Woman: Sure. I d like to get a new printer. I m afraid it s not available at this time. Don t worry. I ll cancel your order soon. You re right. But I don t think that s my fault. No problem. Sorry again for the inconvenience. 16. Boston Music Camp Man: That s great! I d also like to use it. Okay. I ll buy you a new computer. It s too dark. Please turn on the light. I do. I ll be more careful from now on. Sorry, but I don t like watching the show. 21

22 2 A 20. Mary Chris Mary: Don t worry. I can do it by myself. Sorry. I forgot to call your manager. I did. You should treat me to dinner. I can t put it off. Please give me a hand. Okay. Let s visit him in the hospital together. [21~22] There are everyday things that all of us innocently put off until later cleaning the room, doing homework, or the seemingly difficult chore of stopping watching television for ten seconds to take out the trash. But have you noticed that even when you re watching a show or hanging out with friends as the homework piles up, you can t fully relax? You feel this pressure build and build. And no matter how much you do your best to avoid the issue, the longer you do, the more that pressure intensifies. What causes this? It is basically your conscience battling with what you re doing compared with what you should do

23 106~ Dear Mr. Green: I recently renewed our service contract on our copy machine for the next three years. Our lasting business relationship has motivated me to write this letter. I want to compliment your service representative, Peggy Miller. She s always diligent and has good manners. Her work is quick and professional, and she knows how to handle all the problems of our old copy machine. She gives me a quiet confidence in your company. That s one of the reasons we continue to do business with your company. People like Peggy are hard to find. It s not often that I take the time to write a note like this, but she s been so consistently outstanding that I just couldn t help myself. Sincerely, James Brown 25. One of the most pressing problems organizations face today is how to motivate employees to work more productively. Many managers believe that the answer is simple: If the workers need more motivation, pay them more. But this no longer works. In today s society, money no longer serves as the primary motivation force. In times of severe economic depression when jobs were extremely difficult to find, the question of survival of being able to provide enough food for one s family was most important, and money was the prime mover. But in times of prosperity, jobs are generally plentiful and salaries high. People are not forced to remain at unsatisfying jobs, nor are they compelled to work hard at jobs they don t like. They can quit and go elsewhere. Consequently, they don t have to worry about being fired for not doing the best job possible; they can always get other jobs. 23

24 2 A 26. Office workers know that filing information in alphabetical order provides easier retrieval than storing it in no particular order. When memories are similarly patterned or organized, recall is facilitated. The greater the organization the learner can impose on the material, the better the recall. Gordon Bower and others conducted an experiment that illustrated this phenomenon. The subjects were required to learn several lists of words. One group studied slides which presented the words in the form of a tree diagram. The other group studied lists from slides which presented the words in random order. The group learning the organized words from a tree pattern recalled significantly more words than the group learning randomly patterned words. *retrieval 27. Orlando Audition Orlando Audition Notice Sept. 1 Sept. 21 at Green Culture Center Orlando Men s Chorus is a chorus for men who love to sing modern popular songs from The Beatles to Abba, Boys II Men to Robbie Williams. Orlando Men s Chorus is scheduled to perform with the Orlando Women s Choir. Songs include: It s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Andy Williams Here Comes the Sun The Beatles Believe Josh Groban The Winner Takes It All Abba The ability to read music is not necessary, just a good ear! Weekly rehearsals starting from Wednesday, Oct. 2, 7:00 10:00 p.m. Performances: Dec (Mon. Tues.), 7:00 10:00 p.m., Green Culture Center To book an audition time, please letssingalong@orlandochorus.com or phone: (852) Green Culture Center Orlando

25 108~ Burrell University Library Burrell University Library Welcome to the Burrell University Library. The library, located on East Road, can be reached by many buses. You can also come on foot or by bicycle. Library Hours Monday to Saturday: 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Sundays and Christmas: Closed Borrowing Loan period: 2 weeks / Renewal period: 2 weeks (1 renewal) The maximum number of books to be checked out is six. Any borrower who fails to return a book shall be fined 50 cents per day it is late. Rules Food and drink shall not be taken into the library. Mobile phones must be set to silent mode in the library. The marking of any library materials is forbidden. The use of portable computers is only permitted in designated areas. The use of mobile telephones is only permitted in the Tea Room. 1 2 Tea Room 29. Angel Hospital s College Volunteer Program Angel Hospital s College Volunteer Program We welcome college students to the College Volunteer Program at Angel Hospital. Applications are accepted all year round and accepted only by . Who Volunteers must be currently enrolled in a university or college. What Volunteers provide support to patients, families, and staff. Some assignments have direct patient contact, and other assignments are more supportive. When Assignments will be given at 2:00 p.m. each day. It typically takes 3 4 hours to do the assignments. Where Volunteering will be done at the hospital s main building. Attendance is very important in issuing a volunteering certificate. So please consider transportation before applying. Cost Volunteer T-shirt is $20, including tax. Commitment Minimum initial commitment is 50 hours. We encourage volunteers to stay longer. We re unable to accommodate volunteers who want shorter assignment periods. If you have additional questions, please contact us at volunteering@angelhospital.org or (614)

26 30. 2 A Apple and Pear Production in Australia, The graph above shows the apple and pear production in Australia from 2001 to The production of pears was about 175 thousand tons in 2001 and stayed at around 150 thousand tons from 2002 to In 2004, the volume of apple production decreased sharply from about 325 thousand tons in 2003 to about 260 thousand tons and recovered roughly to the level of 2003 in The narrowest production gap between apples and pears appeared in The production of pears began to decline from 2001 and reached a bit below 150 thousand tons in However, in 2005 the production of pears increased a little and reached its peak for the whole period. 31. (A)(B)(C) There is an ice cream shop near my residence. The people working at the ice cream shop (A) is / are in their early twenties. The ice cream is great but the servers talk a whole lot among themselves while they re serving customers. One night, as a young lady was scooping up my ice cream, she was in the middle of a conversation with her co-worker, who was doing nothing. It took her longer to fill up my ice cream cup because she was busy talking instead of focusing on serving me. After having a few similar negative experiences, I just stopped (B) going / to go. Even though the ice cream is delicious, it s not worth the time it takes to get it. Any customer who is (C) made / making to wait an unreasonable amount of time before being served often comes to the same conclusion. (A) (B) (C) is going made is going making are to go making are going made are to go made 26

27 110~ (A)(B)(C) Some years back, I had a client, a doctor of chiropractic, with a million-dollar-a-year practice and a rather large staff. It was particularly (A) annoying / pleasing to him that he was unable to rely on any of his staff members to be punctual. Some were habitually late getting to work on time. Others were habitually late getting back from lunch. Others habitually fell behind in getting important paperwork done. And so on. He tried everything punishments and rewards and nothing (B) worked / failed. Why? In all the years I knew him, I can t recall this doctor ever getting anywhere on time himself. He was even 20 minutes late one morning picking me up at my hotel so I could go and teach a time management seminar to his staff! Incredibly, my client never (C) acknowledged / denied the obvious problem here. Maybe there weren t any mirrors in his house. *chiropractic 33. I I was tempted to go and sleep on the floor by Grandpa and Grandma Tiny. I lay quietly for a while, gathering up my courage. Just when I was about to run fast to them, I spied a tall, thin, ghostly white figure drifting into the room. I threw the covers back over my head. My heart was beating fast like a mouse before a cat. I heard the rocking chair creak back and forth, back and forth. Then I heard that funny snip, snip, rustle, rustle sound. I was frightened. After a while, all was quiet again. I gave up on the idea of going into Grandpa and Grandma Tiny s room. I kept the covers over my head and prayed for morning to come. calm excited envious scared indifferent (A) (B) (C) annoying worked acknowledged annoying failed acknowledged annoying worked denied pleasing worked denied pleasing failed acknowledged 27

28 2 A [34~36] 34. A married woman comes home from work, kicks off her shoes, flings herself on the couch, and groans, I had an awful day today. How is her husband likely to respond? Sorry to hear that, honey. Let s go to a nice restaurant for dinner, or Oh. What s for dinner? I have asked this question to audiences all over the United States. Most of the unfortunate men choose option two ( What s for dinner? ). Why does this happen so predictably? Because the men assume that when the woman says, I had an awful day, she is simply sharing a piece of information. Although this is technically true, most of the women realize that I had an awful day is actually a coded message. It means, If you loved me, you d take me out to dinner. This message seems so obvious that most wives assume it doesn t need to be. hidden spoken predicted 35. ignored blamed The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned that on repetitive heading of soccer balls in young athletes, the bottom line is probably. Heading drills, in which a child s head is knocked repeatedly, as happens with forward and defensive players, are of greater concern to pediatricians than is the occasional head-punt in a game. A pair of studies conducted in Norway and in the United States compared the mental functioning of large groups of adult soccer players to adults of similar age and circumstances who did not play soccer. Out of 106 soccer players in the Norwegian study, 81 percent had impairment of attention, concentration, memory, and judgment that ranged from mild to severe. In the U.S. study, attention and concentration deficits were significantly more common among those who headed the ball most often. *head-punt less is better it does no harm more is not enough 36. simple is best practice pays off In many situations, we will find it difficult to put ourselves in another person s shoes. We may not have time, we may be troubled by pressures that require our attention, or we may have such strong views that we cannot break outside ourselves. If so, it may be useful to. In the construction industry, for instance, businesses that have an ongoing working relationship often end up in a lawsuit. In such situations, settling a dispute quickly and fairly may be far more important than the precise terms of any settlement. Mediation can help each company better understand the perceptions of the other. Similarly, in family relations, a therapist can often help family members break out of a destructive pattern of interaction by helping each better understand how the world looks through the eyes of the other. ask the help of a third party keep a distance for some time figure out the cause of the dispute remember what was done together communicate in a written statement 28

29 112~ (A)(B) Usually after I give out a detention slip, the student will try very hard to behave, and rarely will anyone get four slips. I tell my students that with four slips, there will be an immediate parent-teacher conference. When it does happen, depending on the severity of the action, different forms of parent contact will occur. (A), if I don t feel it is a serious problem, I will just wait and call the parent on my cell phone when I get home. If it is more of a problem, I will call during planning time or after school. On some occasions, I will ask the child to step out in the hall, and I will call the parent on my cell phone. I don t do that often, because it interrupts the class. I will, (B), do it every now and then, because I want the students to know that if I need to, I can have their parents on the phone at a moment s notice. China with that of a group from the USA. They found no difference in performance between young people from each group. However, the older Americans were outperformed by the older Chinese, who had a much more positive attitude to aging. Unfortunately, your memory and your mental powers fade and decline as you get older. Similarly, Americans who had a positive outlook on age performed better than Americans who had a negative outlook. *connotation *detention (A) (B) For example therefore In addition however For example however In addition similarly As a result therefore 39. While it was a challenge for Corinne, she made the effort to make eye contact with her audience. 38. In China, older people are still generally revered for their wisdom and old age does not have the same negative connotations that it does in the West. Interestingly, in a Harvard study researchers compared the memory performance of a group from When she spoke to the group in communication practice sessions, Corinne would look above their heads instead of making eye contact with people in the audience. The feedback from the group was that Corinne was disconnected from them. ( ) She gave the impression of being very self-focused and indifferent. ( ) In fact, Corinne s lack of eye contact was the result of a technique she had been taught at college to combat nervousness when speaking in public. ( ) What she never realized, however, was that it kept her from being an effective communicator. ( ) This calmed her down and gave her cues as she spoke. ( ) For example, an approving nod would show that her message was being received and understood. 29

30 2 A 40. If you look around you, you can find a place where help is needed. One morning Joe, the owner of a small auto repair shop in Vermont, was talking with friends at the local coffee shop. (A) One of his buddies told about a young mother trying desperately to get off welfare. Community services helped her get job training, coached her to do well in interviews, and then steered her toward job openings. (B) After hearing the story, Joe spread the word that he d take in unwanted, nonrunning cars. He repaired them and donated them to people needing transportation in order to work. Joe found a need and filled it. (C) But because there was no public transportation in that area, she had no way to get to an interview or to work, for she had no car. *steer (A)(C)(B) (B)(C)(A) (C)(B)(A) (B)(A)(C) (C)(A)(B) Looking as clean as you can under the circumstances, walk into the interview and announce: A funny thing happened to me on my way down here. Narrate the incident, then conclude: I apologize for my appearance, but this meeting is important to me, and I didn t want to postpone it or cause you the inconvenience of rescheduling. I hope you ll bear with me. This was a good-looking suit, up until a few minutes ago! Handled this way, the incident won t make you look foolish. The interviewers will be treated to your healthy sense of humor, your unflappable nature, your ability to put matters into their proper proportion, and your professionalism: nothing could stop you from. 41. *venue **unflappable Crisis Brings Opportunities Misfortunes Never Come Singly Dress Yourself Up for Your Interview! Don t Stick to Your Physical Appearance Too Much Humor Will Ruin Your Interview [41~42] A rainy day. You ve gotten off the bus and are walking to the interview. A car speeds around the corner, tires churn into a mud puddle, and you are splattered head to foot. What do you do? Let s face it. There s no way that this is a desirable event. However, you can turn this disaster to your advantage. If possible, duck into a restaurant or other place that has a public restroom, and tidy up as best you can, particularly your face and hands, if they were splashed. If you can t find a place to do this, try to find a public washroom at the interview venue. You might explain to the receptionist what happened to you and secure from her a key to a washroom. 42. setting realistic goals getting to this interview causing the same problem putting off the appointment running a successful business 30

31 115~117 [43~45] (A) Lieutenant-Colonel Oreste Pinto was a Dutch member of Allied Counter-Intelligence in the Second World War. He was convinced that Emile Boulanger, a man he d met for routine questioning, was a German spy and not the Belgian farmer (a) he claimed to be. Pinto did all he could do to catch Boulanger out. *Allied Counter-Intelligence (B) On another occasion, Pinto turned to one of his men during an interrogation of Boulanger and made arrangements, in German, for Boulanger to be shot by firing squad in an hour s time. Once again, Boulanger didn t react in any way to suggest that he d understood a word. By now Pinto was beginning to doubt (b) his own instincts. Had he made a mistake? Was Boulanger really just the Belgian farmer he claimed to be? *interrogation (C) The following day, Boulanger was taken to Pinto s office. There Pinto signed some papers and told Boulanger that he was free to go. Boulanger sighed with relief and turned to leave. Only then did he realize his terrible, stupid mistake. Pinto had spoken to him IN GERMAN. (c) His cover was blown. (D) Boulanger was put in a cell and, when (d) he was asleep, smoke was blown under his door and soldiers shouted, Feuer! (German for fire ). Boulanger ignored the cries, other than rolling over, until someone shouted, Fire! in French. Then he leaped up. Pinto s attempt to catch the man out if (e) he really was a German spy, that is had failed (A) (B)(D)(C) (C)(B)(D) (C)(D)(B) (D)(B)(C) (D)(C)(B) (a)~(e) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Pinto Boulanger Pinto Boulanger Boulanger Boulanger 31

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower. 스피킹 매트릭스 특별 체험판 정답 및 스크립트 30초 영어 말하기 INPUT DAY 01 p.10~12 3 min 집중 훈련 01 I * wake up * at 7. 02 I * eat * an apple. 03 I * go * to school. 04 I * put on * my shoes. 05 I * wash * my hands. 06 I * leave

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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 BROWN MAGAZINE Webzine vol.3 May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool

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