0305 소책자.indd

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1 JH-1303 제조사 ( 주 ) 클라루스코리아본사 : 서울특별시강남구논현2동 공장 : 경북구미시칠곡군왜관읍금산리 전화 : 02) 팩스 : 02) Manufacturer CLARUS KOREA Co.,Ltd. Head office : Nonhyun2-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Factory : Geumsan-ri, Waegwan-eup, Chilgok-gun, Gumi-si, Gyungsangbuk-do, Korea Telephone : Fax : 판매처 / Distributor


3 일루텍은 2003 년 LED 신호등개발을시작으로 LED 보안등, 원자력발전소用 LED 조명등, LED 횡단보도안전등과같이우리의생활공간에서최적의조명을구현하고있습니다. 또한, 신뢰성높은품질확보를위해 KS 인증을획득하여고객여러분의신뢰성을높이고자노력을하고있습니다. 현재정부또는공공기관의연구과제를수행하면서축적된기술을토대로차별화된 Design 의제품을공급, 고객과미래를함께하는 Eco Solution Business Partner 가되어생활문화창조의 Leader 가되겠습니다 Starting with the development of LED traffic lighting in 2003, Illutech is realizing the optimal lighting in life environment with LED streetlight, LED lighting for nuclear plant and LED lighting for pedestrian crosswalk. Acquiring KS certificates, we also persevere in our best to increase reliability and quality of products. Illutech provides products which has differentiated design and high-technology based on accumulated experience by accomplishment of various projects with government and public institution. We will become a leader for creation of living culture as an Eco Solution Business Partner who is always together with customer in the future.

4 이것이일루텍이가진경쟁력입니다 에너지절약과환경친화적그리고장수명의특성을가진조명등 타사대비저렴한제품가 세계최초원자력발전소전용 LED조명등개발 적합한방열설계에따른제품디자인 제품관련특허권보유 ( 디자인특허보유 ) 심도있는영업전략 효율적인생산공정 뛰어난배광곡선 한국수력원자력 ( 주 ) 국내최초 A등급획득 소비자보호모임주최에너지위너상수상 This is competitiveness of ILLUTECH LED fixtures with low energy consumption, eco-friendly and long life time Competitive price Development of the world s first LED lighting for nuclear plant The best design for heat sinking Various patents for LED lighting Customer first' sales strategy Efficient manufacturing process Excellent curve for light distribution Grade A certification by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Plant Awards 2009 Energy Winner Prize from Consumers Korea RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) KS C 7653 ( 고정형 LED 등기구 )

5 HISTORY OF ILLUTECH 2012 LED조명등 (8종) 고효율기자재인증획득 Acquisition of High efficiency equipment certificates for LED lightings(8 kinds) 지방법원조명등납품및설치 Supplement and installation of LED lightings for District court 주차장조명등납품및설치 Supplement and installation of LED lightings for underground parking lot 태양광을이용한버스승강장조명장치특허등록 한국수력원자력연구과제수행완료 LED 전문벤처기업지정 LED 파워전구개발 태양광 LED 가로등, SMPS 온도보상화로특허등록 SMPS 신뢰성개선사업수행완료 전남대지역협력센터 (RRC) 반도체컨소시엄참여 2011 LED다목적등, 'LuBlo' 고효율기자재인증획득 Acquisition of High efficiency equipment certificates for LuBlo lighting 지방법원조명등납품및설치 Supplement and installation of LED lightings for District court LED방폭등개발및방폭인증획득 Acquisition of explosion-proof Certificate for LED EX series from Korea Gas Corporation 한국전력유자격공급자등록 Registration as the qualified supplier from Korea Electric Power Corporation 2010 LED산업용조명등 KS 인증획득 Acquisition of Korea Standard certificate for LED industrial lightings LED조명등신제품출시 Launch new product of LED lighting 고리, 영광, 신월성, 원자력발전소등납품 Supplement of LED lighting for Gori, Younggwang and Shinwolseong nuclear plant 항구및공단지역등납품 Supplement of LED lighting for harbor and industrial complex 2009 원자력발전소유자격공급자등록 Registration as the qualified supplier from Korea Hydro & Nuclear Plant 제7회대한민국녹색에너지우수기업대상선정 Award for the 7 th Korea Green Energy company 기업부설연구소설립 Registration of Research & Development center to Korea Evaluation Institute of 고리, 영광, 신고리, 울진원자력발전소등납품 Industrial Technology Supplement of LED lighting for Gori, Younggwang,Shingori and wooljin nuclear plant 2008 상생협력우수원자력기업인선정 Selected as the excellent nuclear power partner company from KHNP 원자력발전소용 LED 조명등국내최초개발및독점공급 The world s first development and supplement of LED lighting for nuclear plant 제12회에너지위너상수상 Prize winner for the 12 th Energy Winner prize from Consumers Korea 산업용 LED 등기구개발 Development of LED lighting for industrial site 기업부설연구소설립 Establishment of Research & Development center 2007 Patent registration for the bus station lighting by solar power Completion of research project with KHNP 2006 Appointment as LED venture company by association Development of LED POWER LAMP 2005 Patent registration for solar LED streelight and from temperature compensation circuit Participation for RRC semiconductor consortium by Jeonnam university ( 주 ) 일루텍설립 Establishment of ILLUTECH Co.,ltd, laboratory and factory for LED LED 전문연구소및생산공장설립 Development of LED traffic signal lighting LED 교통신호등개발




9 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING CANDLE LIGHT SERIES I INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조와고급디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 본연의색감과감각적인분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 고효율에너지절감형조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material E14 Base LED Direct AC 220V / 60Hz 등기구 : 알루미늄, 폴리카보네이트 / Housing : Aluminum, Polycarbonate 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-CDLICF03 >340 3 >110 > CRC-CDLICC03 >290 3 >95 > Weight (g) 8

10 CANDLE LIGHT SERIES I 제품특징 주거공간, 사무실, 미술관, 박물관, 전시장, 상업매장등의폭넓은인테리어조명 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 80이상, 광효율 95이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 40W 백열램프대비뛰어난에너지절감형대체제품 Features Interior lighting for residential area, office, art gallery, museum, show room and shopping area Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 80 Ra for the color rendering index and over 95 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation Alternative product for 40W incandescent lamp with lower energy consumption and higher efficiency 배광 Light distribution 연간에너지절감비교 Comparative table of energy saving yearly CRC-CDLICF03 40W incandescent lamp ( 백열램프 ) 1일 12시간 365일사용시 (1kWh = 약 150원 ) 1day 12hours 1year used (1KWh = 150 Kwon) 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 65 Lux 2M 15 Lux 3M 7 Lux 9

11 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING MR16 SERIES I INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 수려한감각의디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 본연의색감과감각적인분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 고효율에너지절감형조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 자외선과깜빡임없는건강한조명및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material GU 5.3 Base LED Direct AC/DC 12V 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-MR16WW05 Ø50x52 > >65 > Weight (g) 10

12 MR16 SERIES I 제품특징 미술관, 박물관, 전시장, 상업매장등의인테리어조명 자외선, 발열에의한퇴색이없으며, 본연의색감을유지 연색성 75이상, 광효율 65이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 50W 할로겐램프대비뛰어난에너지절감형대체제품 Features Interior lighting for art gallery, museum, show room and shopping area Discoloration-proof by ultraviolet rays and heating, and maintenance of own color High efficiency product - over 75 Ra for the color rendering index and over 65 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation Alternative product for 50W halogen lamp with lower energy consumption and higher efficiency 배광 Light distribution 연간에너지절감비교 Comparative table of energy saving yearly CRC-MR16WW05 50W halogen lamp ( 할로겐램프 ) 1일 12시간 365일사용시 (1kWh = 약 150원 ) 1day 12hours 1year used (1KWh = 150 Kwon) 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 280 Lux 2M 85 Lux 3M 35 Lux 11

13 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING MR16 SERIES II INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 수려한감각의디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 본연의색감과감각적인분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 고효율에너지절감형조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 자외선과깜빡임없는건강한조명및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material GU 5.3 Base LED Direct AC/DC 12V 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-MR16IIWW03 >230 3 >75 > ~4000 CRC-MR16IICW03 >230 3 >75 > ~

14 MR16 SERIES II 제품특징 미술관, 박물관, 전시장, 상업매장등의인테리어조명 자외선, 발열에의한퇴색이없으며, 본연의색감을유지 연색성 80이상, 광효율 75이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 20~30W 할로겐램프대비뛰어난에너지절감형대체제품 Features Interior lighting for art gallery, museum, show room and shopping area Discoloration-proof by ultraviolet rays and heating, and maintenance of own color High efficiency product over 80 Ra for the color rendering index and over 75 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation Alternative product for 20~30W halogen lamp with lower energy consumption and higher efficiency 배광 Light distribution 연간에너지절감비교 Comparative table of energy saving yearly CRC-MR16 II WW03 20~30W halogen lamp ( 할로겐램프 ) 1일 12시간 365일사용시 (1kWh = 약 150원 ) 1day 12hours 1year used (1KWh = 150 Kwon) 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 310 Lux 2M 75 Lux 3M 30 Lux 13

15 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING MR16 SERIES III INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 수려한감각의디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 본연의색감과감각적인분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 고효율에너지절감형조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 자외선과깜빡임없는건강한조명및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material GU 5.3 Base LED Direct AC/DC 12V 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) CRC-MR16IIIWW05.5 > >65 > temperature CCT(K) 14

16 MR16 SERIES III 제품특징 미술관, 박물관, 전시장, 상업매장등의인테리어조명 자외선, 발열에의한퇴색이없으며, 본연의색감을유지 연색성 80이상, 광효율 65이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 50W 할로겐램프대비뛰어난에너지절감형대체제품 Features Interior lighting for art gallery, museum, show room and shopping area Discoloration-proof by ultraviolet rays and heating, and maintenance of own color High efficiency product over 80 Ra for the color rendering index and over 65 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation Alternative product for 50W halogen lamp with lower energy consumption and higher efficiency 배광 Light distribution 연간에너지절감비교 Comparative table of energy saving yearly CRC-MR16IIIWW W halogen lamp ( 할로겐램프 ) 1일 12시간 365일사용시 (1kWh = 약 150원 ) 1day 12hours 1year used (1KWh = 150 Kwon) 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 280 Lux 2M 85 Lux 3M 35 Lux 15

17 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING BULB SERIES INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조와고급디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 본연의색감과감각적인분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 고효율에너지절감형조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material E26/27 Base LED Direct AC 220V / 60Hz 등기구 : 알루미늄, 폴리카보네이트 / Housing : Aluminum, Polycarbonate 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-BULBNW07 Ø 58x99 >660 7 >94 > CRC-BULBCW07 Ø 58x99 >660 7 >94 > CRC-BULBWW9 Ø 58x99 >890 9 >95 > CRC-BULBCW9 Ø 58x99 >890 9 >95 > Weight (g) 16

18 BULB SERIES 제품특징 주거공간, 사무실, 미술관, 박물관, 전시장, 상업매장등의폭넓은인테리어조명 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 73이상, 광효율 78이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 60W 백열램프대비뛰어난에너지절감형대체제품 Features Optimal product for substitution in residential area, office, art gallery, museum, showroom, shopping area Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 73 Ra for the color rendering index and over 78 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation Alternative product for 60W incandescent lamp with lower energy consumption and higher efficiency 배광 Light distribution 연간에너지절감비교 Comparative table of energy saving yearly CRC-BULB CW09 60W incandescent lamp ( 백열등램프 ) 1일 12시간 365일사용시 (1kWh = 약 150원 ) 1day 12hours 1year used (1KWh = 150 Kwon) 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 150 Lux 2M 35 Lux 3M 15 Lux 17

19 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING PAR SERIES I INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조와고급디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 본연의색감과감각적인분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 고효율에너지절감형조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material E26/27 Base LED Direct AC 220V / 60Hz 등기구 : 알루미늄, 폴리카보네이트 / Housing : Aluminum, Polycarbonate 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-PAR30CW14 Ø90.26x113.2 > >68 > Weight (g) 18

20 PAR SERIES I 제품특징 주거공간, 사무실, 미술관, 박물관, 전시장, 상업매장등의폭넓은인테리어조명 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 75이상, 광효율 65이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 75W 할로겐램프대비뛰어난에너지절감형대체제품 Features Interior lighting for residential area, office, gallery, museum, show room and commercial area Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 75 Ra for the color rendering index and over 65 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation Alternative product for 75W halogen lamp with lower energy consumption and higher efficiency 배광 Light distribution 연간에너지절감비교 Comparative table of energy saving yearly CRC-PAR30CW14 75W halogen lamp ( 할로겐램프 ) 1일 12시간 365일사용시 (1kWh = 약 150원 ) 1day 12hours 1year used (1KWh = 150 Kwon) 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 410 Lux 2M 100 Lux 3M 40 Lux 19

21 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING PAR SERIES II INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조와고급디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 본연의색감과감각적인분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 고효율에너지절감형조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material E26/27 Base LED Direct AC 220V / 60Hz 등기구 : 알루미늄, 폴리카보네이트 / Housing : Aluminum, Polycarbonate 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-PAR30IIWW/CW09 Ø101x96 >670 9 >74 > / CRC-PAR38IIWW/CW15 Ø128x120 > >74 > / Weight (g) 20

22 PAR SERIES II 제품특징 주거공간, 사무실, 미술관, 박물관, 전시장, 상업매장등의폭넓은인테리어조명 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 80이상, 광효율 74 이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 75W 할로겐램프대비뛰어난에너지절감형대체제품 Features Optimal product for substitution in residential area, office, art gallery, museum, showroom, shopping area Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 80 Ra for the color rendering index and over 74 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation Alternative product for 75W halogen lamp with lower energy consumption and higher efficiency 배광 Light distribution 연간에너지절감비교 Comparative table of energy saving yearly CRC-PAR 38IICW15 75W halogen lamp ( 할로겐램프 ) 1일 12시간 365일사용시 (1kWh = 약 150원 ) 1day 12hours 1year used (1KWh = 150 Kwon) 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 15W 1M 410 Lux 2M 3M 100 Lux 45 Lux 21

23 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING PAR SERIES III INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조와고급디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 본연의색감과감각적인분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 고효율에너지절감형조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material E26/27 Base LED Direct AC 220V / 60Hz 등기구 : 알루미늄, 폴리카보네이트 / Housing : Aluminum, Polycarbonate 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-PAR30IIIWW15 > >74 > ~4000 CRC-PAR38IIIWW20 > >71 > ~

24 PAR SERIES III 제품특징 주거공간, 사무실, 미술관, 박물관, 전시장, 상업매장등의폭넓은인테리어조명 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 80이상, 광효율 70이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 200W 백열램프대비뛰어난에너지절감형대체제품 Features Optimal product for substitution in residential area, office, art gallery, museum, showroom, shopping area Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 80 Ra for the color rendering index and over 70 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation Alternative product for 200W incandescent lamp with lower energy consumption and higher efficiency 배광 Light distribution 연간에너지절감비교 Comparative table of energy saving yearly CRC-PAR 38 III WW20 200W incandescent lamp ( 백열램프 ) 1일 12시간 365일사용시 (1kWh = 약 150원 ) 1day 12hours 1year used (1KWh = 150 Kwon) 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 20W 1M 500 Lux 2M 120 Lux 3M 55 Lux 23

25 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING TUBULAR SERIES I INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 심플한디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 EXCELLENT THERMAL PERFORMANCE, MAINTA & LONG LIFE 우수한발열성능, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material G-13 베이스 / G-13 Base LED Direct 직관형 LED조명전용컨버터 (110~220 AC / 60Hz) Converter for LED lighting of tube type (110~220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄, 폴리카보네이트 / Housing : Aluminum, Polycarbonate 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-T8-22A > >110 > Weight (g) 24

26 TUBULAR SERIES I Ø mm 제품특징 사무실, 학교, 병원, 대형마트, 공장, 주차장의기존 T8 형광등대체용도로장시간조명을사용하는장소에적합 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 80이상, 광효율 110이상고효율제품 기존등기구에직관형 LED 램프와전용컨버터만교체하는호환성제품 주기적인램프교환유지관리가불필요 Features Optimal product for replacement of fluorescent lamp in office area, school, hospital, supermarket, factory and parking lot Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 80 Ra for the color rendering index and over 110 lm/w for light efficiency Compatible product for replacement of fluorescent lamp and ballast of the existing lighting fixture Exclusion of necessity for periodic replacement of lamp 배광 Light distribution 연간에너지절감비교 Comparative table of energy saving yearly CRC-T8-22A 사용 ( 컨버터포함 ) 전력 25W Power used with converter 25W 32W Fluorescent Lamp ( 형광램프 ) 사용 ( 안정기포함 ) 전력 35W Power used with ballast stabilizer 35W 1일 12시간 365일사용시 (1kWh = 약 150원 ) 1day 12hours 1year used (1KWh = 150 Kwon) 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 690 Lux 2M 170 Lux 3M 75 Lux 25

27 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING TUBULAR SERIES II INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 심플한디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 EXCELLENT THERMAL PERFORMANCE, MAINTA & LONG LIFE 우수한발열성능, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material G-13 베이스 / G-13 Base LED Direct 직관형 LED조명전용컨버터 (110~220 AC / 60Hz) Converter for LED lighting of tube type (110~220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-T8IICW18 > >120 > Weight (g) 26

28 TUBULAR SERIES II 제품특징 사무실, 학교, 병원, 대형마트, 공장, 주차장의기존 T8 형광등대체용도로장시간조명을사용하는장소에적합 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 75이상, 광효율 120이상고효율제품 기존등기구에직관형 LED 램프와전용컨버터만교체하는호환성제품 주기적인램프교환유지관리가불필요 Features Optimal product for substitution of T8 fluorescent lamp in office area, school, hospital, supermarket, factory and parking lot Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 75 Ra for the color rendering index and over 120 lm/w for light efficiency Compatible product for replacement of fluorescent lamp and ballast of the existing lighting fixture Exclusion of necessity for periodic replacement of lamp 배광 Light distribution 연간에너지절감비교 Comparative table of energy saving yearly CRC-T8IICW18 사용 ( 컨버터포함 ) 전력 25W Power used with converter 25W 32W Fluorescent Lamp ( 형광램프 ) 사용 ( 안정기포함 ) 전력 35W Power used with ballast stabilizer 35W 1일 12시간 365일사용시 (1kWh = 약 150원 ) 1day 12hours 1year used (1KWh = 150 Kwon) 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 650 Lux 2M 160 Lux 3M 70 Lux 27

29 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING DOWNLIGHT SERIES I INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 편안하고심플한디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 고급스러운실내분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 천장매입형 / Recessed lighting fixture LED Direct 정전류타입컨버터 / Constant current type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-DL6CW12 Ø170x104 > >80 > Weight (g) 28

30 DOWNLIGHT SERIES I 제품특징 사무실, 학교, 도서관, 상업주거공간에최적의제품 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 75이상, 광효율 80이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 기존 6인치다운라이트와동일한매입이가능 Features Optimal lighting for office, school, library and commercial area Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 75 Ra for the color rendering index and over 80 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation Substitution of existing 6 downlight 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 410 Lux 2M 100 Lux 3M 40 Lux 29

31 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING DOWNLIGHT SERIES II INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 편안하고심플한디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 고급스러운실내분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 천장매입형 / Recessed lighting fixture LED Direct 정전류타입컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant current type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-DL6IICW18 Ø195x105(Ø170) > >73 > ~6000 CRC-DL6IICW24 Ø195x105(Ø170) > >73 > ~6000 CRC-DL8IICW32 Ø240x106(Ø210) > >75 > ~

32 DOWNLIGHT SERIES II 제품특징 사무실, 학교, 도서관, 상업주거공간에최적의제품 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 80이상, 광효율 73이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 기존다운라이트와동일한매입이가능 Features Optimal product for office area, school, library, commercial & residential area Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 80 Ra for the color rendering index and over 73 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation Substitution of existing downlight fixture 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 32W Height Center Illuminace 24W 1M 950 Lux 1M 570 Lux 2M 230 Lux 2M 140 Lux 3M 100 Lux 3M 60 Lux 31

33 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING DOWNLIGHT SERIES III INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 편안하고심플한디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 고급스러운실내분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 천장매입형 / Recessed lighting fixture LED Direct 정전류타입컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant current type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-DL6IIICW18 Ø190x80(Ø160) > >73 > ~6000 CRC-DL6IIICW21 Ø190x80(Ø160) > >73 > ~6000 CRC-DL8IIICW32 Ø240x95(Ø210) > >75 > ~

34 DOWNLIGHT SERIES III 제품특징 사무실, 학교, 도서관, 상업주거공간에최적의제품 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 80이상, 광효율 68이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 기존다운라이트와동일한매입이가능 Features Optimal product for office area, school, library, commercial & residential area Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 80 Ra for the color rendering index and over 68 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation Substitution of existing downlight fixture 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 32W Height Center Illuminace 21W 1M 850 Lux 1M 500 Lux 2M 210 Lux 2M 120 Lux 3M 90 Lux 3M 55 Lux 33

35 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING PANEL SERIES INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 편안하고심플한디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 부드러운실내분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material Recessed lighting fixture (T-Bar, M-Bar) / 천장매입형 (T-Bar, M-Bar) LED Direct Constant current type converter (110~220 AC / 60Hz) / 정전류타입컨버터등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-FL50A 1280 x 310 > >85 > CRC-FL50B 610 x 610 > >85 > Weight (kg) 34

36 PANEL SERIES Top View 610 X 610 Top View 1280 X mm 610mm mm 1280mm 248.6mm 310mm 12mm 12mm 586mm 610mm 54mm 84mm 1256mm 1280mm 54mm 84mm 제품특징 사무공간에최적의제품 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 80이상, 광효율 85이상고효율제품 형광등교체비용과약 15% 전기료절감효과 Features Optimal product for office area Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 80 Ra for the color rendering index and over 85 lm/w for light efficiency Cost reduction for the replacement of fluorescent lamps and power consumption (approximate 15%) 배광 Light distribution 연간에너지절감비교 Comparative table of energy saving yearly CRC-FL50 Series 사용 ( 컨버터포함 ) 전력 500W Power consumption with converter: 500W FL 32W fluorescent lamp x 2 ( 형광램프X2) 사용 ( 컨버터포함 ) 전력 500W Power consumption with ballast: 500W 1일 12시간 365일사용시 (1kWh = 약 150원 ) 12hours per 1day for a year (1KWh = 150 Kwon) 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 1390 Lux 2M 3405 Lux 3M 150 Lux Electric energy (KWh) / Annual power rates (33,000Kwon / 46050Kwon) 35

37 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING LuBlo SERIES INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 심플한디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 고급스러운실내분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 벽부형, 현수형, 레이스웨이형 / Wall mounted, pendant and race-way type LED Direct 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-LB200A 595x48x48 > >75 > Weight (g) 36

38 LuBlo SERIES 제품특징 사무실, 학교, 도서관, 상업주거공간, 실내주차장등넓은사용범위를갖는제품 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 75 이상광효율 75 이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 Features Optimal LED lighting for various applications such as indoor parking lot Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 75 Ra for the color rendering index and over 75 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 570 Lux 2M 140 Lux 3M 60 Lux 37

39 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING PARKING LIGHT SERIES I INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 편안하고심플한디자인 DIRECTING THE LUXURIOUS INTERIORS 고급스러운실내분위기연출 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 벽부형, 현수형, 레이스웨이형 / Wall mounted, pendant and race-way type LED Direct 정전류 / 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant current & voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) CRC-PKICW x66x51 > >120 > temperature CCT(K) 38

40 PARKING LIGHT SERIES I 제품특징 사무실, 학교, 도서관, 상업주거공간, 실내주차장등넓은사용범위를갖는제품 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 연색성 75 이상광효율 120 이상고효율제품 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 Features Optimal LED lighting for various applications such as indoor parking lot Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere High efficiency product over 75 Ra for the color rendering index and over 120 lm/w for light efficiency Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 650 Lux 2M 160 Lux 3M 70 Lux 39



43 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING FLOOD LIGHT SERIES I OUTDOOR 실외용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 고정형 / Fixed type LED Direct 정전류 / 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant current & voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-FLICW60 300x330x95 > >80 > CRC-FLICW80 300x330x95 > >85 > CRC-FLICW x330x95 > >83 > Weight (kg) 42

44 FLOOD LIGHT SERIES I 제품특징 공장, 창고, 실내체육관, 생산및산업현장내최적의고정형조명제품 기존메탈할라이드램프대체용 고효율장수명으로유지관리비절감 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 Features Optimal fixed LED lighting for factory, warehouse, gymnasium and industrial complex Substitution of existing fixture for metal halide lamp Maintenance cost reduction by high efficiency and long life Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 2M 4M 100W Lux 4125 Lux 1030 Lux 6M 450 Lux 8M 10M 250 Lux 165 Lux 43

45 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING FLOOD LIGHT SERIES II OUTDOOR 실외용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 고정형 / Fixed type LED Direct 정전류 / 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant current & voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-FLIICW50 235x290x156 > >80 > CRC-FLIICW70 235x290x156 > >80 > Weight (kg) 44

46 FLOOD LIGHT SERIES II 제품특징 공장, 창고, 실내체육관, 생산및산업현장내최적의고정형조명제품 기존메탈할라이드램프대체용 고효율장수명으로유지관리비절감 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 Features Optimal fixed LED lighting for factory, warehouse, gymnasium and industrial complex Substitution of existing fixture for metal halide lamp Maintenance cost reduction by high efficiency and long life Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 70W 1M 2M 1880 Lux 470 Lux 4M 115 Lux 6M 50 Lux 45

47 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING FLOOD LIGHT SERIES III OUTDOOR 실외용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 고정형 / Fixed type LED Direct 정전류 / 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant current & voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) CRC-FLIIICW50 310x233x150 > >80 > CRC-FLAIIICW50 310x233x150 > >80 > Temperature CCT(K) 46

48 FLOOD LIGHT SERIES III 제품특징 공장, 창고, 실내체육관, 생산및산업현장내최적의고정형조명제품 기존메탈할라이드램프대체용 고효율장수명으로유지관리비절감 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 Features Optimal fixed LED lighting for factory, warehouse, gymnasium and industrial complex Substitution of existing fixture for metal halide lamp Maintenance cost reduction by high efficiency and long life Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 1450 Lux 2M 360 Lux 4M 90 Lux 6M 40 Lux 47

49 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING FLOOD LIGHT SERIES IV OUTDOOR 실외용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 고정형 / Fixed type LED Direct 정전류 / 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant current & voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) CRC-FLIVCW x310x250 > >80 > CRC-FLAIVCW x310x250 > >86 > temperature CCT(K) 48

50 FLOOD LIGHT SERIES IV 제품특징 공장, 창고, 실내체육관, 생산및산업현장내최적의고정형조명제품 기존메탈할라이드램프대체용 고효율장수명으로유지관리비절감 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 Features Optimal fixed LED lighting for factory, warehouse, gymnasium and industrial complex Substitution of existing fixture for metal halide lamp Maintenance cost reduction by high efficiency and long life Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 4080 Lux 2M 1020 Lux 4M 250 Lux 6M 110 Lux 49

51 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING STREET/SECURITY LIGHT SERIES I OUTDOOR 실외용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 고정형 Ø60mm / Fixed type Ø60mm LED Direct 정전류 / 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant current & voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) Weight (kg) CRC-SSICW80 855x363x100 > >85 > CRC-SSICW96 855x363x100 > >85 > CRC-SSICW x363x100 > >85 > CRC-SSICW x363x100 > >85 >

52 STREET/SECURITY LIGHT SERIES I 제품특징 도로, 거리, 공원등야외공간을위한최적의조명제품 기존메탈할라이드램프대체용 고효율장수명으로유지관리비절감 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 Features Optimal LED lighting for outdoor such as road, street, park, etc. Substitution of existing fixture for metal halide lamp Maintenance cost reduction by high efficiency and long life Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation 배광 Light distribution 51

53 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING STREET/SECURITY LIGHT SERIES II OUTDOOR 실외용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 고정형 Ø60mm / Fixed type Ø60mm LED Direct 정전류 / 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant current & voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) Weight (kg) CRC-SSIICW60 470x320x103 > >80 > CRC-SSIICW90 530x320x103 > >80 > CRC-SSIICW x320x103 > >80 >

54 STREET/SECURITY LIGHT SERIES II 제품특징 도로, 거리, 공원등야외공간을위한최적의조명제품 기존메탈할라이드램프대체용 고효율장수명으로유지관리비절감 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 Features Optimal LED lighting for outdoor such as road, street, park, etc. Substitution of existing fixture for metal halide lamp Maintenance cost reduction by high efficiency and long life Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation 배광 Light distribution 53

55 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING LED BAR SERIES I OUTDOOR 실외용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 BEST DESIGN 심플한디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 EXCELLENT THERMAL PERFORMANCE, MAINTA & LONG LIFE 우수한발열성능, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 고정형 / Fixed type LED Direct DC24V 등기구 : 알루미늄, 폴리카보네이트 / Housing : Aluminum, Polycarbonate 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate TypeI Size Power (W) Input temperature CCT(K) CRC-BARI Ø16x DC24V 2700~8000 / R.G.B CRC-BARI Ø16x DC24V 2700~8000 / R.G.B CRC-BARI Ø16x DC24V 2700~8000 / R.G.B 54

56 LED BAR SERIES I 제품특징 빌딩, 박물관, 다리등의건물의아름다움을표현하기위한최적의경관조명제품 눈부심이적으며, 부드럽고쾌적한최상의실내조명연출 주기적인램프교환유지관리가불필요 Features Optimal product for architectural lighting to highlight beauty of the structure such as building, museum, bridge, etc. Less glare and creation of soft and comfortable atmosphere Exclusion of necessity for periodic replacement of lamp 배광 Light distribution 55



59 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING CEILING LIGHT SERIES INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 현수형 / Pendant type LED Direct 정전류 / 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant current & voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) CRC-CLCW120 > >70 > CRC-CLCW150 > >72 > CRC-CLCW180 > >72 > CRC-CLCW200 > >70 > temperature CCT(K) 58

60 CEILING LIGHT SERIES 제품특징 공장, 창고, 실내체육관, 생산및산업현장내최적의천장형조명제품 기존메탈할라이드램프대체용 고효율장수명으로유지관리비절감 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 Features Optimal ceiling mounting LED lighting for factory, warehouse, gymnasium and industrial complex Substitution of existing fixture for metal halide lamp Maintenance cost reduction by high efficiency and long life Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace 1M 2M 4M 150W Lux 4125 Lux 1030 Lux 6M 450 Lux 8M 10M 250 Lux 165 Lux 59

61 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING LP SERIES INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 현수형 / Pendant type LED Direct 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-LP800A Ø240x105 > >75 > CRC-LP800 Ø240x105 > >75 > CRC-LP600A Ø240x105 > >75 > CRC-LP600 Ø240x105 > >75 > Weight (g) 60

62 LP SERIES 제품특징 공장, 창고, 실내체육관, 생산및산업현장내최적의천장형조명제품 기존메탈할라이드램프대체용 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 고효율장수명으로유지관리비절감 Features Optimal LED lighting of pendant type for factory, warehouse, gymnasium, industry site commercial area Alternative product for existing metal halide lighting Maintenance cost reduction by high efficiency and long life Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace Height Center Illuminace 1M 2200 Lux 2M 1370 Lux 2M 550 Lux 4M 340 Lux 4M 130 Lux 6M 85 Lux 6M 61 Lux 8M 38 Lux LP800A LP600A 61

63 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING LW SERIES INDOOR 실내용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고품질우수제품 EXCELLENT HEAT SINK 우수한방열구조디자인 HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY LIGHTING 친환경적인고효율에너지조명 LOW EXOTHERMIC, MAINTAIN A CONSTANT ILLUMINATION & LONG LIFE 저발열성, 일정한조도유지및장수명 Mounting Light source Light distribution Input voltage Material 벽부형 / Wall mounted type LED Direct 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type Size output (lm) Power (W) efficiency (lm/w) rendering index CRI(Ra) temperature CCT(K) CRC-LW800A 308x229x325 > >70 > CRC-LW x229x325 > >50 > CRC-LW600A 308x229x325 > >68 > CRC-LW x229x325 > >50 > Weight (kg) 62

64 LW SERIES 제품특징 공장, 창고, 실내체육관, 생산및산업현장내최적의벽부형조명제품 기존메탈할라이드램프대체용 램프교체가빈번하거나설치가어려운장소에적합 고효율장수명으로유지관리비절감 Features Optimal LED lighting of wall mounted type for factory, warehouse, gymnasium, industry site commercial area Alternative product for existing metal halide lighting Maintenance cost reduction by high efficiency and long life Suitable for place where needs frequent lamp replacement or where is hard for installation 배광 Light distribution 높이별조도 Illuminance as per heights Height Center Illuminace Height Center Illuminace 2M 1880 Lux 2M 1200 Lux 4M 470 Lux 4M 300 Lux 6M 110 Lux 6M 75 Lux 8M 50 Lux 8M 18 Lux LW800A LW600A 63

65 LEADING THE CULTURE OF LED LIGHTING ILT-EX SERIES OUTDOOR 실외용 LED 조명 HIGH QUALITY 고급등급제품 BEST DESIGN & LONG LIFE 우수한디자인및장수명 Mounting 고정형 / Fixed type Light source LED Light distribution 120 Input voltage 정전류 / 정전압방식컨버터 (220 AC / 60Hz) Constant current & voltage type converter (220 AC / 60Hz) Material 등기구 : 알루미늄 / Housing : Aluminum 커버 : 폴리카보네이트 / Luminaire Cover : Polycarbonate Type output (lm) Power (W) rendering index CRI(Ra) Weight (kg) Case Temperature ( ) ILT-EX > ILT-EX >

66 ILT-EX SERIES 방폭등급 ( 표기예 ) Explosion-proof grade (example) 65



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