한국 IT기업 선진화를 위한 경영자의 IT역량과 확보방안

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1 한국 IT 기업선진화를위한 경영자의 IT 역량과확보방안 박준성 KAIST 산업공학및전산학교수 / Smart Mobile Cloudlet 연구센터장 SW 인재역량포럼운영위원장 SW 공학방법론국제협회 (SEMAT) 회장 1

2 목차 IT 기업의 SW 제품 / 서비스개발역량 IT 기업업종별 Value Chain 분석기반의 IT 기업경영전략수립 IT 제품개발프로세스및필요역량 IT 서비스개발프로세스및필요역량 IT 기업의경영정보시스템혁신역량 IT 기업의 IT 전략 IT 기반경영혁신 IT 부채청산 선진 IT 기업의핵심 IT 역량 IT 최신추세와기업 IT 조직의역량변화 IT 최신추세 클라우드도입전략 Pace-Layered IT 전략 IT 기반와해성비즈니스창출 IT 역할의변화추세와대응방안 2

3 IT 기업의 Value Chain Value Chain 분석을통한경영전략수립 Value Migration Business Asset Business Process Product/ Service Portfolio Profit Model 3

4 IT 기업의경영전략 Value Chain 및 Business Model 이해 제품 / 서비스전략수립 Business Process 분석및혁신계획 제품 / 서비스개발프로젝트계획 정보시스템확충계획 제품 / 서비스개발 경영혁신전략과제정의및수행 4

5 IT 기업유형별 Value Chain IT 제품기업 : 1:N MTS Product Strategy Product Marketing Product Development License and Maintenance Sales Customer Support 5

6 IT 기업유형별 Value Chain IT 서비스기업 : 1:1 ETO Service Strategy Service Marketing Service Engineering Solution Design and Proposal Service Delivery 6

7 IT 기업유형별 Value Chain Cloud 서비스기업 : 1:N Utilities SaaS Strategy SaaS Web Marketing SaaS Infra and Product Development Subscription Fulfillment SLA Assurance and Billing 7

8 IT 기업의제품 / 서비스개발 Value Chain 및 Business Model 이해 제품 / 서비스전략수립 Business Process 분석및혁신계획 제품 / 서비스개발프로젝트계획 정보시스템확충계획 제품 / 서비스개발 경영혁신전략과제정의및수행 8

9 IT 제품개발 전통적제품개발프로세스 Concept / Business Plan Product Dev t Beta Test / Launch Bankrupt due to lack of enough customers and staggering infra costs Founded Built warehouses and software 1,100 Beta tests Launched Webstore Raised $400M VC during IPO raising $400M (Market Cap $8.5B) 9

10 IT 제품개발 와해성제품개발프로세스 Customer Development Process SW 패키지, SaaS, Embedded SW 신제품 10

11 IT 제품개발 와해성제품개발프로세스 : Microsoft IE3 Iterative Software Development Process Agile Software Development Process 11

12 IT 제품개발 클라우드서비스개발 Multitenant 아키텍처 SW 개발 + PaaS 및 IaaS 기반의 SW 개발 + OSS 및 BSS 확보 12

13 IT 제품개발 클라우드서비스개발프로세스 : Google Customer Development Process Agile Software Development Process 13

14 IT 서비스개발 IT 서비스 R&D IT 서비스공학 IT 서비스혁신 클라우드서비스 Brokerage (CSB) 서비스는 IT 서비스의연장 Service Engineering Solution Design and Proposal Service Delivery 14

15 IT 서비스개발 IT 서비스공학체계 : IBM Global Service 15

16 IT 서비스개발 IT 서비스프로세스설계 : Service-Oriented App Dev Process 16

17 IT 서비스개발 IT 서비스프로세스의진화 Waterfall Process Structured ADP System Development Methodology ( s) Spiral Process IE SDM2 (1990s) Unified Process CBD SOA Rational UP (2000s) Agile UP (2010s)

18 IT 서비스개발 IT 서비스직원의역량개발 18

19 IT 서비스개발 클라우드서비스 Brokerage 서비스개발 Cloud Application Factory offers rules, tools, and schools to accelerate a company s adoption of cloud computing. Everything from delivery toolkits to integration frameworks reduces risks and ensures the success of highly complex, global deployments. We have made good business in professional services helping clients with Cloud strategies. We select SaaS solutions and build both public and private Cloud infrastructure and more recently to re-platform and build using PaaS. Andrew Greenway, Global Cloud Lead at Accenture 19

20 IT 기업의 IT 전략 Value Chain 및 Business Model 이해 제품 / 서비스전략수립 Business Process 분석및혁신계획 제품 / 서비스개발프로젝트계획 정보시스템확충계획 제품 / 서비스개발 경영혁신전략과제정의및수행 20

21 IT 기업의 IT 전략 IT 기업의 IT 전략수립은상시경영기능 IT Strategy Planning Process Environmental Scan Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Mega Trends Current State Assessment IT Roadmap Plan IT Capability Maturity EA Annual Budget IT 투자계획 / 전략과제 21

22 IT 투자계획 IT 운영 IT 유지보수 IT 관련규제대응 IT 기반경영혁신 IT 부채청산 (Technical Debt Payoff) 최신 IT 기반와해성비즈니스모델창출 전략과제 22

23 IT 기반경영혁신 경영및 IT 전략수립 업무프로세스혁신 정보시스템구축 Business Strategy Planning Method Business Environment Business Strategy Business Process Management Method Enterprise Architecture Method Business Process IT Strategy EA IT Technology IT Strategy Planning Method IT System Software Project Application Business Analysis Method Data Infrastructure Software Engineering Method 23 23

24 Process Reengineering IT Standardization EA-Based Process Integration IT Modernization SOA-Based Process Orchestration Mobile + Social + Cloud + Big Data Process-Orchestrated Cloud Services IT 기반경영혁신 미국 Client/Server Computing ( ) 한국 정보시스템구축본격화 1950 년대 1990 년대 프로세스혁신통한 IT 투자효과극대화 1990 년대 2010 년대? E-Business ( ) Mobile Cloud Computing ( ) Technical Debt Payoff ( ) Batch Computing ( ) Online Computing ( ) IT Dark Age ( ) 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 24

25 IT 기반경영혁신 Maintenance Installation Sales Manufacturing Supply Chain Engineering OTISLINE E*Direct E*Logistics REM E*Service Business process re-engineering cross the entire value chain of the company, looking at processes of how they build, sell, and service products not as individual processes but as one integrated process 1980s 1990s 2000s 25

26 IT 기반경영혁신 E*Logistics 전략과제목표 8-18 개월소요되던 New-Equipment Order-to-Hand-Over Cycle 을 5 년내 5 배저감 년 6 천 5 백만 MH * $40/MH 소요되는 Install-to-Maintain 원가 80% 절감 Sales, Factory, Field Operations 를 Web 으로연결하는 Workflow 및 Information Flow 의통합자동화및 Legacy Apps 와 Back-End 통합 Become the recognized leader in service excellence among all companies -not just elevator companiesworldwide. Ari Bousbib, President 26

27 Process Reengineering IT Standardization EA-Based Process Integration IT Modernization SOA-Based Process Orchestration Mobile + Social + Cloud + Big Data Process-Orchestrated Cloud Services IT 부채청산 Silo Apps, Database Instances, Heterogeneous Infrastructure 만연 표준화, 통합, 공유를통한경영손실축소 Batch Computing ( ) IT Dark Age Online ( ) Computing ( ) Client/Server Computing ( ) Mobile Cloud Computing ( ) Technical Debt Payoff ( ) E-Business ( ) 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 27

28 IT Standardization EA-Based Process Integration SOA-Based Process Orchestration IT 부채청산 EA, BPM, SOA, EIM 을통한프로세스, 데이터, App 의전사표준화, 통합및공유 J. W. Ross, P. Weill and D. C. Robertson, Enterprise Architecture as Strategy,

29 IT 부채청산 Nestle USA 동일공급업체에서바닐라원료를 29 개의상이한가격으로구매 현행프로세스분석, 프로세스리엔지니어링 프로세스통합을위해 SAP 구축 현업의프로세스반대로 Go Live 실패 SAP 구현완료 : $2 억투자, 첫해 $3 억 + 비용절감 29

30 IT 부채청산 EA, BPM, SOA, EIM 을통한 Stable Digital Foundation 구축 Service-Oriented Architecture Enterprise Architecture Hour Glass Model of Middle Out Architecture New Strategy, Processes, Use Cases, Apps Stable Business Services and Metadata Dynamic Business Process for Real Time Enterprise Reusable Business Service Integration across Platforms Business / IT Alignment Heterogeneous Platforms and Infrastructure Distributed Components 30

31 선진 IT 기업의핵심 IT 역량 선진 IT기업이되기위한첫걸음은 IT 관련 Discipline의임직원교육 임직원의 IT 역할별로필요지식 / 스킬정의및훈련과정확충 인사고과시역량평가와성과평가병행 Software Lifecycle Software Layer Requirement Architecture Development Operation Business Model Application Data Platform and Infrastructure Management UI Logic Business/IT Strategy UX BAUnified Process Agile MDD Process / TDD / XP SOA EIM EA IT Infra Virtualization PMBOK / CMMI-DEV Scrum / Kanban ITIL BPM 31

32 IT 최신추세 Convergence of Mobile, Social, Cloud and Big Data IoT and Context Computing Process Innovation for Mobile, Social, Cloud, IoT and Big Data-Enabled Business 32

33 클라우드 Migration 1. Create the cloud strategy. 2. Develop the cloud adoption roadmap. 3. Develop the business case for a cloud project. 4. Analyze requirements and design architecture. 5. Implement the cloud. Replace Replace Apps by SaaS Replace Dev Env by PaaS Replace Middleware by PaaS Apps Moved to IaaS Rehost Refactor Apps Moved to PaaS Apps Redesigned for PaaS Revise Rebuild Apps Rebuilt on PaaS 33

34 클라우드 Migration U.S. Government: Cloud First Policy Cloud Computing Business Use Case Template, NIST,

35 클라우드 Migration POSCO 는최근 Google 과협력하여 POSPIA 3.0 Smart Workplace 전략과제수행 Google Search Appliance (GSA) 와 Google Apps (Gmail, Calendar, Google+ Hangouts, Google Drive 등 ) 전면도입 35

36 Pace-Layered IT Strategy Apps move across layers as they mature. IT cannot succeed with explorative or exploitative apps on an unstable foundation. IT cannot skip maturity levels of business and IT. Explorative Apps Exploitative Apps Stable Digital Foundation 와해성비즈니스창출 IT 기반경영혁신 IT 부채청산 Enterprise Mobility Social Business Cloud Service Migration Big Data Analytics Case Management Complex Event Processing Event-Driven Architecture Business Process Management Metadata Management Enterprise Architecture Service-Oriented Architecture Process Orchestration 36

37 IT 기반와해성비즈니스창출 Big Data Analytics: Amcor 호주의글로벌패킹업체 ( 종업원 2 만명, 매출 8 조 ) 1 백만개제품별 Pocket Margin 측정하는 Value Plus 전략과제수행 Phase I: 32 개 Apps 로부터데이터를추출, 표준화하여 DW 구축 Phase II: 쓰기쉬운툴을채택하여한달만에 Analytics 및 Visualization 구축 Lessons Learned Link BI projects with strategic initiatives. Align BI output with corporate KPIs. Implement BI within business processes. Have business people, not IT people, determine BI use cases, i.e., where and how they would use the BI app in process execution. Take enough time to consolidate silo data into a single version of standardized and cleansed data. Pick a tool easy for rapid deployment and easy for users. Have business managers train users. 37

38 IT 역할변화와대응방안 IT 조직의역할, 역량, 프로세스의전반적인변화진행중 Public Cloud Research, Selection and Contract Mobile Enterprise and BYOD Support Big Data Analytics Enterprise Business Public Cloud Service (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) Cloud Service Brokerage Vendors IT Private Cloud Traditional IT Security and Risk Challenge Integration among Public & Private Cloud, Packaged Apps and Legacy Apps Agile IT Investment and Chargeback 38

39 IT 역할변화와대응방안 HBP 의최근와해성비즈니스창출 : 비즈니스프로세스와정보 / 컨텐츠의근원적재설계를통한 Digital Media, E-Learning, Social Networks, Cloud Services 융합 App Portfolio 분석을통해 Technical Debt 청산, Cloud Migration 을위한 Code Change AWS 와가상화를혼합한 Hybrid IaaS 구축으로한달내 Digital Content 서버를 15 개 250 개 ; 2 년내 100% Cloud 예정 핵심성공요인은 IT 인력재교육 39

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