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1 KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL. Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 33~38 (2010) ü q ƒ yw t p Á Á y Á 1 Á 1 Á½ * w t, 1 The Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Physicochemical Properties of Powdered Green Teas in Korea Lan-Sook Lee, Jong-Dae Park, Hwan-Soo Cha, You-Min Lee 1, Jae-Woong Park 1, and Sang-Hee Kim* Korea Food Research Institute 1 Lotte R&D Center Abstract This study was conducted to compare the physicochemical properties of powdered green teas produced in Korea and Japan including particle size, color, chlorophyll, caffeine and theanine. The average particle size of Korean powered green tea ( µm) was similar to that of powdered green tea ( µm). The surface color of shade-cultivated Haenam Green Tea (HN-1) had the highest negative a value, which represents green color. When the TCD (total color difference value) was measured in the samples, HN-1 was most similar to the premium powdered green tea of Japan (JA-1). Domestic shade-cultivated powdered green teas had times greater chlorophyll content than powdered green teas produced from plants that were not cultivated in the shade. The presence of chlorophyll a resulted in a higher intensity of green color than the presence of chlorophyll b. A significant negative correlation was also observed between the color and the chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll contents. Specifically, chlorophyll a had the greatest impact on the green color of powdered green tea. The content of catechins, caffeine and theanine in Korean powdered green teas ranged from , and g/100 g, respectively. The caffeine and theanine contents were high in shade-cultivated powdered green teas. Based on the above results, domestic powdered green teas cultivated under shaded conditions had a quality similar to that of medium-quality green teas produced in Japan, and the overall quality of Korean powdered green tea was poorer than that of powdered green tea. Key words: powdered green tea, physicochemical properties, shade, chlorophyll (Theaceae), (Camellia) w ù (Camellia sinensis O. Kuntze) ù ƒœw 75-80%, šx 20-25% w šx elk, er,,, rp»,,, k, j v w w (1,2). pw t x w p elk w g l, x w, y, w y, w³, w y z w ³» t ƒeƒ sƒ š (3-8). l» w ù yw, t, t, y t ƒ y š p ƒ *Corresponding author: Sang-Hee Kim, Korea Food Research Institute, Seongnam, Gyeonggi , Korea Tel: Fax: kimsh@kfri.re.kr Received September 16, 2009; revised October 23, 2009; accepted October 30, 2009 t ƒ y š (9,10). ƒ w k A, mgr, ƒ z w z w w» w ƒ œ ƒœw z w yw w. p % Ÿ w Ÿ w w ( )ƒ, wì tw t ½wš (11). ƒ t wš š w š ƒ š p w w ƒ w. ƒ ƒw j,, j, fv w t ü ƒ j ƒwš. ¾ ƒ w ƒ ù y, w, ƒ ƒw, p t (12-15)ƒ w ù ü m ƒ w. ü q ƒ,, j v, e lk, er l w ƒ t» y w» wš w. 33
2 34 w t wz 42 «1y (2010) x x w ƒ wû,,, ü 13 ( Ÿ ƒ 5, Ÿ ƒ 8 ) 3 ( Ÿ ƒ 2, Ÿ ƒ 1 ) 16 ƒ w ƒ w t Table 1 ùkü. ƒ ƒ» w 3 w ü ƒ t sƒw w. w t t catechin(c) epicatechin(ec), epicatechin gallate (ECG), epigallocatechin(egc), epigallocatecnin gallate(egcg), gallocatechin(gc), gallocatechin gallate(gcg), catechin gallate (CG), theanine, caffeine, chlorophyll a chlorophyll b Sigma-Aldrich Co.(St. Louis, MO, USA) t, methanol, ethyl acetate HPLC Mallinckrodt Baker Inc.(Phillipsburg, NJ, USA) t, acetone p w. ƒ j» s» w Particle size analyzer(cilas, CILAS 1064, Orleans, France) w ƒ š k z w. carrier w 60 sonication w d w. ƒ 16 n w v p m»(35 10 mm) Ÿ (CM 2500D, Konica Minolta Sensing Inc., Tokyo, Japan) w CIE L*, a*, b* d w ƒƒ 3 w 3z d w s³e(mean) t r (SD) ùkü. Table 1. Powdered green tea products used for the experiment Product 1) BS-1 BS-2 BS-3 BS-4 BS-5 BS-6 BS-7 SS-1 SS-2 HN-1 HN-2 JJ-1 JJ-2 JA-1 JA-2 JA-3 Cultivation method and product grade, high grade, middle grade, low grade j v ƒ j v w w HPLC Caldwell (16) xw w. ƒ 10 mg 2mL microtube w z 80% cold acetone 1 ml ƒ w 1 z w. ƒ w j v 3z w z ww membrane filterw HPLC w. HPLC j v chlorophyll a chlorophyll b t w t w z w HPLC multiwavelength detector(md-2010 Plus) w HPLC system(jasco Co., Tokyo, Japan) w XTerra RP18 column(3.5 µm, mm, Waters, Milford, MA, USA) w w. 75% methanol( A) 100% ethyl acetate( B) w Aƒ 15 60% 10%ƒ w z 0.8 ml/min w 430 nm w. 3z w d w s³e(mean) t r (SD) ùkü. elk, er l elk, er l w ƒ 1g 50% ethanol 100 ml ywwš 30 o C 60 z w w HPLC ƒ C, EC, ECG, EGC, EGCG, GC, GCG, CG, theanine caffeine t w t w z w. HPLC Hu (17) x w multiwavelength detector(md-2010 Plus) w HPLC system(jasco Co., Tokyo, Japan) w XTerra RP18 column(3.5 µm, mm) w w. 0.2% ortho phosphoric acid( A) 100% methanol( B) w Aƒ 15 82% 40%ƒ w z 1.0 ml/min w 210 nm w. 3z w d w s³e(mean) t r (SD) ùkü. š w ƒ 10, 50, 90% j» s³ j» w Table 2 ùkü. Cumulative particle size w s j» ùkü j» s 10, 50, 90% j» s³ j»ƒ ƒ ƒ Ÿ BS-2, w SS-2 50% j» µm ù 90% j» µm j»ƒ ³ w š s³ j» w µm 16 ƒ j. ƒ ƒ œ t p w w ü ƒ s³ BS-2 SS-2 w µm ƒ µm w ù Youn(18) q 1 w s³ µm ƒ.
3 Table 2. Particle size of commercial powdered green tea products Product 1) Diameter Diameter Diameter diameter at 10% at 50% at 90% (µm) Cumulative particle size (µm) Mean BS BS BS BS BS BS BS SS SS HN HN JJ JJ JA JA JA ƒ t t sƒ w w L(»), a( - ), b(y - ) d w Table 3 ùkü L Ÿ BS-2ƒ ƒ š Ÿ JJ ƒ û ùk þ. a ùkü t JA- ü q ƒ yw t p ƒ Ÿ BS ƒ û ùkþ. a b l ùkü chroma t JA ƒ wû Ÿ ƒ HN ùkû. ü ƒ sƒw» w t JA-1 L, a, b» total color difference(tcd) w ü q ƒ HN š ƒ ƒ w ùkû. ü ƒ Ÿ ùkû Ÿ ƒ TCD t wt ùkþ. j v w ƒ j v w Table 4 ùkü ü q Ÿ ƒ j v w mg/100 g Ÿ ƒ mg/100 g 1.5 ü 2 w. ü q ƒ Ÿ JJ-1 j v w mg/100 g ƒ w ƒ w w JA mg/g w. j v q l r j v w 500 mg/100 g w Ÿ ƒ JA-1, JA-2 ü Ÿ ƒ JJ-1, HN-1 j v aƒ j v b w j v a b w ƒ w ù j v b w ùkû. ƒ a j v a, b j v w w Fig. 1 ùkü ƒ a j v a, b j v w Table 3. Color values of commercial powdered green tea products 1) Color value 2) Product L* a* b* Chroma TCD BS ±0.01 3) -4.77± ± BS ± ± ± BS ± ± ± BS ± ± ± BS ± ± ± BS ± ± ± BS ± ± ± SS ± ± ± SS ± ± ± HN ± ± ± HN ± ± ± JJ ± ± ± JJ ± ± ± JA ± ± ± JA ± ± ± JA ± ± ± ) L*=lightness; a*=redness; b*=yellowness; Chroma= ( a ) + ( b ) ; TCD= ( L L 0 ) + ( a a 0 ) + ( b b 0 ), where L 0, a 0 and b 0 are color value of JA-1 3) Values represent the mean±sd (n=3).
4 36 w t wz 42 «1y (2010) Table 4. Contents of chlorophyll in commercial powdered green tea products Content (mg/100 g) Product 1) Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll b Total chlorophyll BS ± ) ± ±1.699 BS ± ± ±3.752 BS ± ± ±3.528 BS ± ± ±4.466 BS ± ± ±1.780 BS ± ± ±1.901 BS ± ± ±0.495 SS ± ± ±3.216 SS ± ± ±0.639 HN ± ± ±1.874 HN ± ± ±1.381 JJ ± ± ±2.074 JJ ± ± ±3.307 JA ± ± ±2.257 JA ± ± ± JA ± ± ± ) Values represent the mean±sd (n=3). Table 5. Contents of total catechin, caffeine and theanine in commercial powdered green tea products Content (g/100 g) Product 1) Total catechin Caffeine Theanine BS ± ) 2.144± ±0.015 BS ± ± ±0.277 BS ± ± ±0.025 BS ± ± ±0.159 BS ± ± ±0.090 BS ± ± ±0.283 BS ± ± ±0.026 SS ± ± ±0.015 SS ± ± ±0.031 HN ± ± ±0.058 HN ± ± ±0.016 JJ ± ± ±0.274 JJ ± ± ±0.094 JA ± ± ±0.023 JA ± ± ±0.061 JA ± ± ± ) Values represent the mean±sd (n=3). Fig. 1. Correlation between color a* value and chlorophyll content. (p<0.01)ƒ ùkû p ƒ j v a w ƒ j ùkû (r 2 =0.906). j v w w w m j v a y j v bƒ 3:1 s š ù j v w» y, w š ƒœœ j v r vp, r v w j v w š w (1,19). Park Lim(12) w j v w Ÿ mg/100 g, Ÿ mg/100 g w š šw. elk, er l elk, er l Table 5 ùkü elk w ü ƒ g/100 g w Ÿ w ùkù. elk Table 6 ùk ü EGCG, EGC, ECG, EC, GCG, GC C w elk w y, w z w EGCG EGC elk 50% w. ü ƒ elk w ƒ w» ù Goto (20) w g/100 g w š šw xw ƒ. elk EC, EGC, ECG, EGCG 4 w C, GC, GCG w w wì elk t š 20% ¾ ƒ š elk w ƒ š. er w ü ƒ g/100 g, ƒ g/100 g w Ÿ w ƒ w er w. Park Lim(12) w ƒ er w g/100 g w š šw, Goto (20) g/100 g w š šw. l w p e ü. l 50% w»ƒ l w š (1). ƒ l w ü ƒ
5 ü q ƒ yw t p 37 Table 6. Catechin compositions in commercial powdered green tea products Product 1) Catechin content (g/100 g) GC EGC C EC EGCG GCG ECG BS ± ) 3.034± ± ± ± ± ±0.099 BS ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.068 BS ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.078 BS ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.012 BS ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.017 BS ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.025 BS ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.023 SS ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.024 SS ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.007 HN ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.106 HN ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.050 JJ ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.039 JJ ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.001 JA ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.128 JA ± ± ± ± ± ± ±0.052 JA ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ) Region: BS, Bosung; SS, Sachon; HN, Haenam; JJ, Jeju; JA, 2) Values represent the mean±sd (n=3) g/100 g, ƒ g/100 g w l w er Ÿ w ƒ w š ƒ t wt w 3.8 w. ü q ƒ ƒ ( ),, j v, elk, er l t p w. ü ƒ s³ µm ƒ µm w. ƒ t d w ùkü a wû Ÿ HN ƒ š, sƒw» w t JA-1» TCD w ü q ƒ HN š ƒ ƒ w ùkû. j v ü Ÿ ƒ j v w mg/100 g Ÿ ƒ mg/100 g w š ƒ j v aƒ j v b w. ƒ a j v a, b j v w ƒ ùkû p ƒ j v a w ƒ j ùkû. elk, er l ü ƒ elk w g/100 g, er w g/100 g, l w g/100 g w elk w Ÿ w ùkù ù er l w Ÿ w ƒ w. x ü ƒ t Ÿ w t w w ùkþ ù ƒ w t w ùkþ. 1. Kim JT. Science and Culture of Tea. Borimsa Publishing Co., Seoul, Korea. pp (1996) 2. Nakabayashi T, Ina K, Sakata K. Chemistry and Function of Green, Black and Oolong tea. Kogagu Press, Tokyo, Japan. pp (1994) 3. Matsuzaki TL, Hara Y. Antioxidative activity of the leaf catechins. J. Agric. Chem. Soc. Japan 59: (1985) 4. Yoshioka H, Sugiura K, Kawahara R, Hujita T, Makino M, Kamiya M, Tsuyumu S. Formation of radicals and chemiluminescence during the auto- oxidation of the catechins. Agri Biol. Chem. Tokyo 55: (1991) 5. Song JM, Park KD, Lee KH, Byun YH, Park JH, Kim SH, Kim JH, Seong BL. Biological evaluation of anti-influenza viral activity of semisynthetic catechin derivatives. Antivir. Res. 76: (2007) 6. Khan SM, Kour G. Subacute oral toxicity of chlorpyriphos and protective effect of green tea extract. Pestic. Biochem. Phys. 89: (2007) 7. Mohan KVP, Gunasekaran P, Varalakshmi E, Hara Y, Nagini S. In vitro evaluation of the anticancer effect of lactoferrin and tea polyphenol combination on oral carcinoma cells. Cell Biol. Int. 31: (2007) 8. Higdon JV, Frei B. Tea catechins and polyphenols: Health effects, metabolism, and antioxidant functions, Cri. Rev. Food Sci. 43: (2003) 9. Tang S, Kerry JP, Sheehan D, Buckley DJ, Morrissey PA. Antioxidative effect of added tea catechins on susceptibility of cooked red meat, poultry, and fish patties to lipid oxidation. Food Res. Int. 34: (2001) 10. Lee JW, Do JH. Market trand of health functional food and prospect of ginseng market. J. Ginseng Res. 29: (2005) 11. Chung DH. Components and Efficacy of Tea. Hongikjae, Seoul, Korea. pp (2004) 12. Park JH, Lim KC. Growth and constituents of tea shoots for powder green tea. J. Medicinal Crop Sci. 10: (2002) 13. Kim KS, Kouzkue N, Han JS. Comparison of the ingredients at powdered green teas commercialized in Korea and Japan. Korean J. Food Culture 19: (2004) 14. Jung DW, Park SI. Preparation of drinkable yoghurt added with x
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