TM Leader of Special Purpose Vehicle Maker SHINJEONG Development Co.
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- 7 years ago
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1 신정개발울산본사 울산광역시울주군언양읍반천리 대표전화 : 052) ,8 / FAX : 052) / Headquarter SHINJEONG Development Co Bancheon Eonyang Ulju Ulsan KOREA TEL : ,3 / FAX :
2 TM Leader of Special Purpose Vehicle Maker SHINJEONG Development Co.
3 Vision >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Contents 프롤로그... 3 Prologue 인사말... 5 Message from Shinjeong 연혁... 6 Brief History 사업영역... 8 Business Scope 생산품목 Products Road Sweepers Aircraft Tow Tractors Multi-Purpose Vehicles Armoured Wheeled Vehicle 2 Prologue
4 그 동안힘차게진행되어온변화와개혁의결과들이하나, 둘모습을드러내고있습니다. 신정은기술력의전문성과개척성을바탕으로정부, 관공서, 국방부각기관이그들의의무를원활하게 달성할수있도록최고의가치를가진특장차와서비스를최선의방식으로제공합니다. It seems that Shinjeong's continuous efforts of innovation make fruitful results. Shinjeong, on the basis of profession and pioneer spirit, will supply high-tech special purpose vehicle and service to our customers as Government, Authority and Military to fulfill their duty. 항상고객의소리에귀기울이겠습니다. We will do our best for you! Prologue 3
5 We strive to be the world best manufacturer of special 4 Message
6 Message from Shinjeong <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 신 정개발은 1992 년설립이래 10 년동안의경험기술을바탕으로신차종개발과품질향상을위해연구 개발에주력하고있으며, 고객만족을위해제품하나하나에장인정신을심으며, 고객제일주의를위해 항상최선을다하고있습니다. 주생산차종인노면청소차와항공기견인차는국내시장점유율 90% 이상을차지하고있으며, 과거수입에의존하던차량을국산화개발하여많은외화유출을막고있습니다. 항상차량의신기술적용에노력을아끼지않으며, 판매전과판매후의고객관리를동등하게하고, 세계어디에서든지신속하고철저한사후관리로고객을관리하고있습니다. 이제신정은품질의고급화와기업이미지구축으로세계시장으로의수출을도모하고자전력을다하고있습니다. Since established 1992, Shinjeong concentrates the efforts on R&D(seek for new model and continuous quality improvement) based on experience-technology workforce over 10 years. also, we do our best with artisan spirit for the purpose of customer's satisfaction. Road sweeper and aircraft-towing tractor(our major products) occupied more than 90% of domestic market share and contributed to saving foreign-currency by localization. We have tried to develop new technology and satisfied our customer by quick after sales service all over the world. Now, Shinjeong will do the best to challenge to overseas market with higher product quality and better enterprise image. purpose vehicle! Message 5
7 Brief History <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 신정개발설립 Established SHINJEONG DEVELOPMENT Co., 노면청소차국산화개발 Localization of road sweeper 노면청소차시장점유율 1 위 Road sweeper(our major product) occupied more than 90% of domestic market share 항공기견인차개발 Localization of aircraft tow tractor 청소차, 견인차해외수출 Exported road sweeper, tow tractor 신정은 1992년 6월에특장차제조회사로설립하여, 진공흡입차, 고압살수차, 복합식하수구준설차등을공급했으며, 국내최초로노면청소차를국산화개발하여국내시장에선보였습니다. 그동안의기술력으로불과 5년안에국내시장 90% 이상을차지하는점유율을자랑하며노면청소차제조업계의정상에올라섰습니다. 또한다수의실용신안등록출원, 신기술 (NT) 마크를획득하는등기술력개발에주력하여소형청소차를다양하게개발했습니다. 신정은공군이 3년간민, 관, 군협력사업으로추진한항공기견인차개발사업에참여해견인력 1만파운드급시제품을선보였습니다. 중소기업육성책에힘입어공군으로부터기술자문을비롯해장비및기술지시서, 장비견학등지원을받아개발에성공했습니다. 기존차량보다대당약 5천7백여만원씩절감하여국내항공기견인차부분의새로운장을열었습니다. 또한항공기견인차와도로청소차 20대를중국, 대만, 베트남등지에수출했습니다. 6 Brief History
8 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<< 노면청소차 170 만불수출 Exported road sweeper as USD 1.7million 중형급 4 륜구동차개발 Developed 4 wheel drive vehicle 한국지형에맞는중형급 (3t) 4륜구동차 ' 카우보이 ' 를국산화하는데성공했습니다. 이는습지, 물속, 자갈밭등악조건에서도작업할수있는강점을가지며, 도로청소차와모래 / 염화칼슘살포기, 테러진압차, 캠핑카, 트랙터, 철도보수, 크레인카고등다양한기능의 4륜구동작업차로활용이가능합니다. 그동안의노면청소차기술 Know-how로활주로청소차 (6m3) 12대를 월에이집트국방부로수출하여약 170만불의외화를획득했으며, 년간매출액약 170억원을이뤘습니다 C 21 세기세계 10 대초일류특장차제조기업을위해... We strive to be the world best manufacturer of special purpose vehicle. 신정은차륜형장갑차를개발하여 20대를인도네시아경찰청에수출하는성과를거두었습니다. 국내노면청소차, 항공기견인차산업을이끌어온신정은 21세기특장차제조의중심회사로서한국을대표하며세계 10대초일류특장차제조기업으로도약하기위해힘찬전진을거듭하고있습니다. 세계최고의상품과서비스, 사회공익사업과임직원의자기계발실현을통해 한국을대표하는세계적기업, 고객에게기쁨을주는국민적기업, 꿈을실현하는창조적기업 으로거듭날것입니다 신정개발설립 Established SHINJEONG Development Co. 6m3노면청소차국산화개발 Introduced 6m3 Road Sweeper 4m3노면청소차국산화개발 Introduced 6m3 Road Sweeper 10m3노면청소차국산화개발 Introduced 10m3 Road Sweeper 실용신안등록출원 ( 제 호 : 사이크론식노면청소차 ) Registered to Patent name as Cyclon Type Road Sweeper by No 신기술 NT마크획득 ( 도로청소차량의청소시스템 ) Awarded the New Technology Mark name as Sweeping System of Road Sweeper 항공기견인차 ( 견인력 :10,300lbs급) 국산화개발 Introduced Aircraft Tow Tractor (Drawbar Pull: 10,300lbs) 항공기견인차 ( 견인력 :5,000lbs급) 국산화개발 Introduced Aircraft Tow Tractor (Drawbar Pull: 5,000lbs) 우수제품인증 EM마크획득 ( 청소차량의청소시스템 ) Registered the Excellent Machinery Mark name as Sweeping System of Road Sweeper I.S.O 9001 획득 Awarded the I.S.O 9001 Registration 항공기견인차 ( 견인력 :20,000lbs급) 국산화개발 Introduced Arcraft Tow Tractor (Drawbar Pull: 20,000lbs) 중소기업청장표창 Awarded the President Citation for Developing New Technology 항공기견인차 ( 견인력 :12,000lbs급) 국산화개발 Introduced Aircraft Tow Tractor (Drawbar Pull: 12,000lbs) 대통령표창수여 ( 신기술개발유공기업 ) Awarded by Korean President 방위산업체지정 Approved by Defense Industry by Government 중소기업우수제품 GQ인증마크획득 Awarded by Great Quality Certification by Government 노면청소차 170만불수출 Exported Road Sweeper as US170 차륜장갑차 (4X4) 개발 Introduced Armoured Wheeled Vehicle(4X4) 노면청소차 2003우수산업디자인상품 GD 마크획득 Awarded the Good Design Product Certification 다목적작업 4륜구동장치 EM마크획득 Awared the EM(Exellent Machine) Mark name as Multi- Purpose 4 Wheel Drive System 차륜장갑차 ( 바라쿠다 ) 인도네시아경찰청 20대수출 Exported 20 units of Armoured Wheeled Vehicle (4X4) to the Indonesian National Police 항공기견인차 ( 견인력 :35,000lbs급) 국산화개발 Introduced Aircraft Tow Tractor (Drawbar Pull: 35,000lbs) 6.8m3활주로청소차이라크 20대수출 Exported 20 units of 6.8m3 Runway Sweeper to Iraq 독립현가적용다목적 4륜구동차량개발 Introduced Multi-Purpose 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle with Independent Suspension Axle System CNG 노면청소차개발 Introduced CNG Road Sweeper 시위진압차개발 Introduced Water Cannon Vehicle 살수겸용저공해노면청소차개발 Introduced Water Spray CNG Road Sweeper 시위진압차 550만불수출 Export Water Cannon Vehicle as USD 5.5 million 차륜장갑차말레이시아육군수출 ( 이백만물 ) Export APC to Malaysian Defense (USD 2.0M) 통일그룹인수 Acquisition to TONGIL Group ISO ( 환경 ) / ISO 18001( 보건및안전인증획득 ) Certified ISO (environment) for and (health & safety) 민군겸용산악 UTV 정부과제획득 Award Ligjt Tactical UTV project by Korean government Brief History 7
9 Business Scope <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 제조 Manufacture 연구개발 Research & Development 노면청소차 Road Sweepers : 4 m3, 6 m3, 10 m3, CNG 활주로청소차 Runway Sweeper : 6.8 m3 항공기견인차 Aircraft Tow Tractors : 5000lbs, 10,000lbs, 12,000lbs, 20,000lbs, 35,000lbs 신정은신기술을적용하여고품질, 고성능을지닌각종차량을개발하여소비자의욕구를만족시키고자신차종개발에전력을다하고있습니다. We are going to put our new products used new technology and high quality on the market all over the world soon 다목적작업차 Multi-Purpose Vehicle : Cowboy, SMPV50, SMPV80 차륜장갑차 (4X4) Armoured Wheeled Vehicle(4X4) 골프장작업차 Turf Maintenance Equipments 8 Business Scope
10 << 판매 Sales 사후관리 Maintenance & After-Sale Service 신정은차량납품시운영및관리교육을실시하여효율적인장비관리를도모할수있도록지원하며, 전국에종합서비스센터를운영하여수요부에신속하게수리및 A/S를처리하고, 년간 2회이상의정기순회점검서비스를실시하여정기점검및방문수리를하고있습니다. Market - Domestic Sale - Overseas Sale Shinjeong supplies the customer with commodity training for efficient operation/maintenance before delivery. Also, we have been operating periodic travel service over 2 times a year as well as quick A/S by running service centers over the country. Business Scope 9
11 Vehicle Line-Up 도로청소차 ROAD SWEEPER 제설차 SNOW PLOW TRUCK 민군겸용산악 UTV MULTI - PURPOSE UTV 살수차 WATER SPRAYER 5000LBS 항공기견인차 5000LBS TOW TRACTOR 다목적작업차 (4x4) : 5T MULTI - PURPOSE UTV (4x4) : 5T 다목적작업차 (4x4) : 8T MULTI - PURPOSE UTV (4x4) : 8T 차륜형장갑차 S-5 (4x4) ARMOURED WHEELED VEHICLE S-5 (4x4) 12000LBS 항공기견인차 12000LBS TOW TRACTOR 10300LBS 항공기견인차 10300LBS TOW TRACTOR 20000LBS 항공기견인차 20000LBS TOW TRACTOR 10 Products
12 All Wheel Drive Line-Up 2.5 ~ 3.5 TON VEHICLE 2.5 ~ 3.5 TON TRUCK 25 PASSENGER 4X4 BUS Drive Steer Rigid Axle 2.5/3.5 Ton 5 TON CARGO 5 TON CRANE CARGO Drive Steer Rigid Axle 5Ton 34 PASSENGER 4X4 BUS TOWING TRACTOR 16 TON 6X6 TRUCH CHASSIS Double Reduction Steer Axle 16 TON TRUCK 4X4 ARMORED WHEELED VEHICLE 6X6 ARMORED WHEELED VEHICLE Independent Axle 16 TON 6X6 SPECIAL CHASSIS Products 11
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