YH series MIL-TL-0 Style onnector ISO 00/ ISO00 결합안내 (Mating ace View) YH 0 YH 00 YH 0 & YH 0 YH 0 YH 0 & YH 0 품명구성 (Ordering Information) Military No

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Download "YH series MIL-TL-0 Style onnector ISO 00/ ISO00 결합안내 (Mating ace View) YH 0 YH 00 YH 0 & YH 0 YH 0 YH 0 & YH 0 품명구성 (Ordering Information) Military No"


1 개요 (Overview) 이커넥터는원래군용장비에사용되도록디자인되었으나, 현재는여러산업분야에서사용되고있습니다. 특히높은신뢰성이요구되는산업제품인각종의료장비, 전기자동차, 산업용공작기계, 로봇등에저렴한가격으로적용되고있습니다. 커넥터의결합방식은나사식결합방식이며, 커넥터의전선과접점연결방식은납땜형입니다. LSS, 형은방수가되지않는제품이며, LSS,, R 형은절연체패킹을포함하여커넥터후면의전선부를방수할수있도록하였고, YH0/YH0 플러그커넥터의 LSS, R 형은오링을포함하여커넥터전면부에대한방수가가능하도록제작되었습니다. 이커넥터의상호결합관련치수및접점배열은 MIL-TL-0 규격과일치합니다. Introduction 개요 (Overview) 품명구성 (Ordering Information) 기술적정보 (Technical ata) MIL-TL-0 Style onnector MIL-TL-0 Style LSS ///R Wall Mounting Receptacle (YH00) able onnecting Plug (YH0) ox Mounting Receptacle (YH0) Straight Plug (YH0) 0 ngle Plug (YH0) This connector was originally designed for military equipments and today it is widely applied at low costs in various industries. In particular, the MIL- TL-0 Style onnector is used in industrial products which require high levels of reliability such as medical equipments, electric cars, industrial building machinery, robots, and etc., The MIL-TL-0 Style uses a screw type coupling method and Soldering type coupling is used to contact the connector cables. Products in lass and are not waterproof types, whereas lass,, and R types use insulating packing materials which enable the back of the connector cables to be waterproof. The lass and R type YH0/ YH0 plug connector s have an O-ring which enables the entire connector to be waterproof. This connector s measurements regarding mutual coupling and contact arrangements are consistent with the MIL-TL-0 standards. MIL-TL-0 Style LSS (Split Type) ox Mounting Receptacle (YH0) Straight Plug (YH0) 0 ngle Plug (YH0) MIL-TL-0 Style Straight Plug (YH) MIL-TL-0 Style ccessories Sealing Gasket ummy Receptacle (YH0) YH0 able lamp YH0 Rubber ushing YH / YH Protective ap MIL-TL-0 Style ust ap MIL-TL-0 Style 접점배열도 (ontact rrangements) MIL-TL-0 Style 배열에따른접점구성 (ontact rrangements & ormation) MIL-TL-0 Style 절연체회전위치 (lternate Insert Positions) YONH PRISION O., LT.

2 YH series MIL-TL-0 Style onnector ISO 00/ ISO00 결합안내 (Mating ace View) YH 0 YH 00 YH 0 & YH 0 YH 0 YH 0 & YH 0 품명구성 (Ordering Information) Military Nomenclature MS Number Shell Style lass ontact rrangement ontact Style lternate Insert Position MS00 - P Y 기술적정보 (Technical ata) YH 0 YH 0 표준재질및보호피막 (Standard Materials and inishes) Portion Materials inishes 몸체 (Shell) luminum alloy Olive drab chromate coating over cadmium or zinc plating. 절연체 (Insulator) Polychloroprene (resilient) - 접점 (contacts) rass or opper alloy Silver plate Yeonhab Nomenclature MS Number Shell Style MS00 - Wall Mounting Receptacle MS0 - able onnecting Plug MS0 - ox mounting Receptacle MS0 - Straigt Plug MS0-0 ngle Plug lass - Solid shell for general, non-environmental applications - With resilient insulator and integral clamp for cable strain relief - Same as, However style 0 with O-ring seal under the coupling nut R - With resilient insulator and shortened, lightweight endbell (additional sealing with O-ring under the coupling nut for shell styles 0 and 0) YH Number Shell Style lass ontact rrangement ontact Style lternate Insert Position inish YH Number Shell Style YH00 - Wall Mounting Receptacle YH0 - able omnnecting Plug YH0 - ox mounting Receptacle YH0 - Straigt Plug YH0-0 ngle Plug lass - Solid shell for general, non-environmental applications - With resilient insulator and integral clamp for cable strain relief 0SL, S,, S,, S,,, 0,,,,, ontact rrangement MIL-ST- 에따른다. ontact Style P - Pin ontact S - Socket ontact lternate Insert Position YH00 P Y ** - Same as, However style 0 with O-ring seal under the coupling nut R - With resilient insulator and shortened, lightweight endbell (additional sealing with O-ring under the coupling nut for shell styles 0 and 0) N(Normal), W, X, Y, Z(MIL-ST-) 0SL, S,, S,, S,,, 0,,,,, ontact rrangement MIL-ST- 에따른다. ontact Style P - Pin ontact S - Socket ontact lternate Insert Position N(Normal), W, X, Y, Z(MIL-ST-) inish LNK - onductive Olive rab hromate Over admium or Zinc plate. 0- lack nodize 0- lectroless Nickel plate 0- lack Zinc obalt Plate 전기적특성 (lectrical ata) 절연저항 (Insulation Resistance),000MΩ Min.(at ) 사용온도범위 (Operating Temperature Range) - ~ + 내구성 (urability) 접점배열서비스등급 (ontact rrangements ) ltitude Voltage erating hart ontact Size ielectric Withstanding Voltage Test Voltage (rms) Pin ontact ia. irspace Nominal istance Solder Pot ia. reepage urrent() Rating (Mated With Insulators) 00 cycle, mate and unmate Standard Sea Level onditions Minimum lashover Voltage (rms) ontact Resistance Test urrent () ontact ngaging & Separating orce Operating Voltage orce in Lbs (rms) Maximum verage Minimum inst., , ,0 00, ,00,, ,00,0, ,000,000,00 Test Voltage (rms) Potential rop Max(mV) Wire Range ccommodations Wire Size (WG) Minimum lashover Voltage (rms) Pressure ltitude 0,000 ft Wire Normal Square Size( mm ) Test Voltage (rms) inst. / / 00,000 0 / / 0, / / 00, / / 00, / / 00,00 00 / 00, ielectric Material Outer ia ~..~ ~..~... 0 ~0.0.~... 0 ~.0.0~ ~ ~.0 YONH PRISION O., LT. YONH PRISION O., LT.

3 MIL-TL-0 Style LSS ///R MIL-TL-0 Style LSS ///R Wall Mouting Receptacle (MS00) Wall Mounting Receptacle (MS00) YH00 lass 엔드벨에 YH0 등의악세사리와 Hole PLS YH00 LSS R 절연체패킹및부싱포함. Hole PLS 함께사용가능함. 절연체패킹및부싱제외. Includes grommet and bushing. an be used with accessories such as YH0 at the endbell. xcludes grommet and bushing. ±0. ±0. ia /Min. G ia H Thread. (lass : ) J Thread. (lass : ) ±0. ±0. ia /Min. G ia K J Thread. (lass : ) YH000SL-xxxx.0..../...0 /-UN /-UN YH00S-xxxx /...0 /-0UN /-UN YH00-xxxx /...0 /-0UN /-UN YH00S-xxxx /...0 /-0UN /-0UN YH00-xxxx /...0 /-0UN /-0UN YH00S-xxxx /...0-0UN /-0UN YH00-xxxx /...0-0UN /-0UN YH00-xxxx....0./...0 /-UN -0UN YH000-xxxx /...0 /-UN /-UN YH00-xxxx /...0 /-UN /-UN YH00-xxxx /... /-UN /-UN YH00-xxxx /... /-UNS /-UN YH00-xxxx...../... -UNS /-UNS YH00-xxxx /... /-UN -UNS YH00R0SL-xxxx.0..../...0. /-UN YH00RS-xxxx /...0. /-0UN YH00R-xxxx / /-0UN YH00RS-xxxx / /-0UN YH00R-xxxx / /-0UN YH00RS-xxxx / UN YH00R-xxxx / UN YH00R-xxxx....0./ /-UN YH00R0-xxxx / /-UN YH00R-xxxx / /-UN YH00R-xxxx /..0.. /-UN YH00R-xxxx /..0.. /-UNS YH00R-xxxx...../.... -UNS YH00R-xxxx / /-UN Wall Mounting Receptacle (MS00) able onnecting Plug (MS0) YH00 LSS, 절연체패킹및부싱포함. Includes grommet and bushing. Hole PLS YH0 LSS 엔드벨에 YH0 등의악세사리와함께 사용가능함. 절연체패킹및부싱제외. an be used with accessories such as YH0 at the endbell. xcludes grommet and bushing. ±0. ±0. ia /Min. G ia H * K ia. J Thread. (lass : ) ia. ia /Min. G Thread. (lass : ) H Thread. (lass : ) YH00x0SL-xxxx.0..../ /-UN YH00xS-xxxx / /-0UN YH00x-xxxx / /-0UN YH00xS-xxxx / /-0UN YH00x-xxxx / /-0UN YH00xS-xxxx / UN YH00x-xxxx / UN YH00x-xxxx....0./ /-UN YH00x0-xxxx / /-UN YH00x-xxxx / /-UN YH00x-xxxx /..... /-UN YH00x-xxxx /..... /-UNS YH00x-xxxx...../ UNS YH00x-xxxx / /-UN * 적용케이블최대외경임. YH0SL-xxxx...../.. /-UN /-UN YH0S-xxxx.0..../.. /-0UN /-UN YH0-xxxx /.. /-0UN /-UN YH0S-xxxx...../.. /-0UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx....0./.. /-0UN /-0UN YH0S-xxxx /.. -0UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx /.. -0UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx....0./.. /-UN -0UN YH00-xxxx /.. /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx /.. /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx /.. /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx /.. /-UNS /-UN YH0-xxxx.0..../.. -UNS /-UNS YH0-xxxx /.. /-UN -UNS YONH PRISION O., LT. YONH PRISION O., LT.

4 MIL-TL-0 Style LSS ///R MIL-TL-0 Style LSS ///R able onnecting Plug (MS0) ox Mouting Receptacle (MS0) YH0 LSS, YH0 LSS, R Hole PLS 절연체 패킹 및 부싱포함. Includes grommet and bushing. ia. ia /Min. * G ia. H YH0x0SL-xxxx...../.... YH0xS-xxxx.0..../.... YH0x-xxxx /... YH0xS-xxxx...../.. YH0x-xxxx....0./. YH0xS-xxxx YH0x-xxxx YH0x-xxxx.. YH0x0-xxxx. YH0x-xxxx.0 YH0x-xxxx J Thread. (lass : ) ±0. ±0. ia /Min. G ia H ia. J Thread. (lass : ) /-UN YH0x0SL-xxxx.0..../..0. /-UN /-0UN YH0xS-xxxx /..0. /-0UN. /-0UN YH0x-xxxx /..0. /-0UN.0. /-0UN YH0xS-xxxx /..0.0 /-0UN..0. /-0UN YH0x-xxxx /..0.0 /-0UN./ UN YH0xS-xxxx / UN.0./ UN YH0x-xxxx / UN..0./.... /-UN YH0x-xxxx....0./..0. /-UN.0..0./.... /-UN YH0x0-xxxx /..0.0 /-UN /.... /-UN YH0x-xxxx /..0. /-UN /.... /-UN YH0x-xxxx /... /-UN YH0x-xxxx /.... /-UNS YH0x-xxxx /... /-UNS YH0x-xxxx.0..../.... -UNS YH0x-xxxx...../... -UNS YH0x-xxxx /....0 /-UN YH0x-xxxx /... /-UN * 적용 케이블 최대 외경임. able onnecting Plug (MS0) Straight Plug (MS0) YH0 LSS R YH0 LSS 절연체 패킹 및 부싱포함. 엔드벨에 YH0 등의 악세사리와 함께 사용가능함. 오링 및 절연체 패킹, 부싱제외 Includes grommet and bushing. an be used with accessories such as YH0 at the endbell. xcludes O-Ring, grommet and bushing. ia. ia /Min. G YH0R0SL-xxxx...../... YH0RS-xxxx.0..../... YH0R-xxxx /..0 YH0RS-xxxx...../. YH0R-xxxx....0 YH0RS-xxxx YH0R-xxxx.. YH0R-xxxx. YH0R0-xxxx H Thread. (lass : ) ia. ia. -0. Thread. (lass : ) /-UN YH00SL-xxxx... /-UN /-UN /-0UN YH0S-xxxx..0. /-0UN /-UN. /-0UN YH0-xxxx..0. /-0UN /-UN..0 /-0UN YH0S-xxxx... /-0UN /-0UN./..0.0 /-0UN YH0-xxxx... /-0UN /-0UN../... -0UN YH0S-xxxx UN /-0UN / UN YH0-xxxx UN /-0UN...0./..0. /-UN YH0-xxxx... /-UN -0UN /..0. /-UN YH00-xxxx... /-UN /-UN YH0R-xxxx /..0. /-UN YH0-xxxx 0... /-UN /-UN YH0R-xxxx /..0. /-UN YH0-xxxx..0. /-UN /-UN YH0R-xxxx /..0. /-UNS YH0-xxxx /-UNS /-UN YH0R-xxxx.0..../... -UNS YH0-xxxx... -UNS YH0R-xxxx /.. 0. /-UN YH0-xxxx. 0.. /-UN YONH PRISION O., LT. Thread. (lass : ) /-UNS -UNS YONH PRISION O., LT.

5 MIL-TL-0 Style LSS ///R MIL-TL-0 Style LSS ///R Straight Plug (MS0) YH0 LSS, 0 ngle plug (MS0) YH0 LSS - 오링제외. - 오링포함. 절연체패킹및부싱포함. 엔드벨에 YH0 등의악세사리와 함께사용가능함. 오링및절연체패킹, 부싱제외. - xcludes O-Ring - Includes O-Ring Includes grommet and bushing. an be used with accessories such as YH0 at the endbell. xcludes O-Ring, grommet and bushing. ia. ia. -0. * ia. Thread. (lass : ) ia. ia. -0. Thread. (lass : ) Thread. (lass : ) YH0x0SL-xxxx..... /-UN YH0xS-xxxx /-0UN YH0x-xxxx /-0UN YH0xS-xxxx /-0UN YH0x-xxxx /-0UN YH0xS-xxxx UN YH0x-xxxx UN YH0x-xxxx..... /-UN YH0x0-xxxx..... /-UN YH0x-xxxx /-UN YH0x-xxxx /-UN YH0x-xxxx /-UNS YH0x-xxxx UNS YH0x-xxxx /-UN * 적용케이블최대외경임. YH00SL-xxxx...0. /-UN /-UN YH0S-xxxx..0.. /-0UN /-UN YH0-xxxx..0.. /-0UN /-UN YH0S-xxxx.... /-0UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx.... /-0UN /-0UN YH0S-xxxx UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx.... /-UN -0UN YH0-xxxx.... /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx..0.. /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx /-UNS /-UN YH0-xxxx UNS /-UNS YH0-xxxx /-UN -UNS Straight Plug (MS0) YH0 LSS R 0 ngle Plug (MS0) YH0 LSS, R 오링및절연체패킹, 부싱포함. Includes O-Ring, grommet and bushing. - 오링제외. R - 오링포함. 절연체패킹및부싱포함. - xcludes O-Ring - Includes O-Ring Includes grommet and bushing. ia. ia. -0. Thread. (lass : ) ia. ia. -0. Thread. (lass : ) YH0R0SL-xxxx.... /-UN YH0RS-xxxx..0.. /-0UN YH0R-xxxx /-0UN YH0RS-xxxx...0. /-0UN YH0R-xxxx /-0UN YH0RS-xxxx UN YH0R-xxxx UN YH0R-xxxx....0 /-UN YH0R0-xxxx....0 /-UN YH0R-xxxx /-UN YH0R-xxxx /-UN YH0R-xxxx /-UNS YH0R-xxxx.... -UNS YH0R-xxxx /-UN YH0x0SL-xxxx /-UN YH0xS-xxxx /-0UN YH0x-xxxx /-0UN YH0xS-xxxx /-0UN YH0x-xxxx /-0UN YH0xS-xxxx UN YH0x-xxxx UN YH0x-xxxx /-UN YH0x0-xxxx /-UN YH0x-xxxx /-UN YH0x-xxxx /-UN YH0x-xxxx /-UNS YH0x-xxxx UNS YH0x-xxxx /-UN 0 YONH PRISION O., LT. YONH PRISION O., LT.

6 MIL-TL-0 Style LSS (Sprit Type) MIL-TL-0 Style LSS (Sprit Type) ox Mounting Receptacle (MS0) 0 ngle Plug (MS0) YH0 LSS 방수구조아님. Hole PLS YH0 LSS 엔드벨에 YH0 등의악세사리와 Not a waterproof structure. 함께사용가능함. 엔드벨분리형. 방수구조아님. an be used with accessories such as YH0 at the endbell. ndbell may be separated. Not a waterproof structure. ±0. ±0. ia. +0. ia. ia G /Min. H Thread. (lass : ) ia. ia. -0. Thread. (lass : ) Thread. (lass : ) YH00SL-xxxx /. /-UN YH0S-xxxx /. /-0UN YH0-xxxx /. /-0UN YH0S-xxxx /. /-0UN YH0-xxxx /. /-0UN YH0S-xxxx /. -0UN YH0-xxxx /. -0UN YH0-xxxx /. /-UN YH00-xxxx /. /-UN YH0-xxxx /. /-UN YH0-xxxx /. /-UN YH0-xxxx /. /-UNS YH0-xxxx /. -UNS YH0-xxxx /. /-UN YH00SL-xxxx /-UN /-UN YH0S-xxxx /-0UN /-UN YH0-xxxx..0.. /-0UN /-UN YH0S-xxxx.... /-0UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx.... /-0UN /-0UN YH0S-xxxx UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx.... /-UN -0UN YH00-xxxx.... /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx..0.. /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx /-UNS /-UN YH0-xxxx UNS /-UNS YH0-xxxx /-UN -UNS Straight Plug (MS0) YH0 LSS 엔드벨에 YH0 등의악세사리와함께사용가능함. 엔드벨분리형. 방수구조아님. an be used with accessories such as YH0 at the endbell. ndbell may be separated. Not a waterproof structure. MIL-TL-0 Style Straight Plug (MS) YH 포트타입. 오링포함. Pot Type. Includes O-Ring. ia. ia. -0. Thread. (lass : ) Thread. (lass : ) ia. ia. -0. Thread. (lass : ) YH00SL-xxxx... /-UN /-UN YH0S-xxxx..0. /-0UN /-UN YH0-xxxx..0. /-0UN /-UN YH0S-xxxx... /-0UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx... /-0UN /-0UN YH0S-xxxx UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx UN /-0UN YH0-xxxx... /-UN -0UN YH00-xxxx... /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx 0... /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx..0. /-UN /-UN YH0-xxxx /-UNS /-UN YH0-xxxx... -UNS /-UNS YH0-xxxx. 0.. /-UN -UNS YH-0SL-xxxx...0 /-UN YH-S-xxxx..0.0 /-0UN YH--xxxx..0. /-0UN YH-S-xxxx...0 /-0UN YH--xxxx... /-0UN YH-S-xxxx UN YH--xxxx UN YH--xxxx... /-UN YH-0-xxxx... /-UN YH--xxxx 0... /-UN YH--xxxx..0. /-UN YH--xxxx /-UNS YH--xxxx... -UNS YH--xxxx. 0.. /-UN YONH PRISION O., LT. YONH PRISION O., LT.

7 MIL-TL-0 Style ccessories MIL-TL-0 Style ccessories Sealing Gasket (MS000) YH0 (MS0) able lamp PLS YH YH 0 - Size Size +0.0 ±0. ia ia. ±0. L ±0. Min. p ±0. R ±0. Thread (lass : ) YH000-0SL.0... YH YH YH YH YH YH YH YH YH YH YH0-0SL,S, /-UN YH0- S,..... /-0UN YH0- S,..... /-0UN YH UN YH0-0, /-UN YH0-, /-UN YH /-UNS YH UNS ummy Receptacle (MS0) YH0 더미사각. YH0 또는 YH0 플러그와결합. Hole PLS YH0 (MS0) Rubber ushing ummy receptacle. Used with YH0 or YH0 plug. YH 0-0S Size YH 0 - Size Thread. (lass : ) K /Min. L +0. N ±0. R ±0. S ±0. T ±0. L ±0. R ±0. YH0-0S /-UN./ YH0-S /-0UN./ YH0- /-0UN./ YH0-S /-0UN./ YH0- /-0UN./ YH0-S -0UN./ YH0- -0UN./ YH0- /-UN./ YH0-0 /-UN./ YH0- /-UN./ YH0- /-UN./ YH0- /-UNS./ YH0- -UNS./ YH0- /-UN./ YH0-0SL,,S... YH0-,S... YH0-,S YH YH0-0,... YH0-,...0 YH YH0-... YONH PRISION O., LT. YONH PRISION O., LT.

8 MIL-TL-0 Style ccessories MIL-TL-0 Style ust ap YH (MS) Protective ap (Receptacle) YH - ia ±One Link ia Thread (lass : ) YH-0 0S,0SL /-UN YH- S,SL..0.. /-0UN YH-,S.... /-0UN YH-,S UN YH-.... /-UN YH /-UN YH /-UN YH-.... /-UN YH /-UNS YH UNS YH-.... /-UN YH (MS) Protective ap (Plug ) The polyethylene dust caps provide added protection for precision-built YH connectors during storage and handling, in assembling with equipment, protective caps cover threaded sections of plugs and receptacles, assure against damage to thread from any cause permit lowcost, attactive coverings which protect contacts and the insulation from dust, dirt and handling damage. YH - 0 Part Number oupling nd YH00,R YH0,R YH0/YH0,R Solder Pot nd oupling nd Solder Pot nd oupling nd YH0-0 S S Solder Pot nd YH0-0 S S,0S S S,0S S,0S YH0-0 0S,0SL 0SL,S, 0S,0SL 0SL,S, 0SL,S, 0SL,S, YH0-0 S, S, S, S, S, YH0-0 S, S, S, S, S, YH0-0 YH Part Number oupling nd YH00,R YH0,R YH0/YH0,R Solder Pot nd oupling nd Solder Pot nd oupling nd YH-0 YH-0 YH-0 YH-0 YH-0 YH-0 0 YH-0 Solder Pot nd ia ±One Link ia Thread (lass : ) YH YH0-0 YH0-0 YH-0 YH-0 YH-0 S, S, YH0-0 0, 0, YH-0, 0, YH-0 0S,0SL...0. /-UN YH- S,SL /-0UN YH-,S /-0UN YH- S,SL UN YH /-UN YH /-UN YH /-UN YH /-UN YH /-UNS YH UNS YH /-UN YH-0 YH-0 0 YH-0 YH-0 YH-0 0S,0SL YH-0 S, YH-0 S, YH-0 S, YH0-0 YH-0 YH-0 YH-0 0, 0 YH , YH-0 YH-0 YH-0 YH-0 YONH PRISION O., LT. YONH PRISION O., LT.

9 MIL-TL-0 Style 접점배열도 (ontact rrangements) MIL-TL-0 Style 접점배열도 (ontact rrangements) 0 Insert rrangement S- 0S- 0SL-, 0SL- S- S- S- S- Insert rrangement Insert rrangement S- S- - S- S- S- S- S- Insert rrangement (LL OTHRS) (,,G,H) Insert rrangement S- S-0 S- S- S- S- 0 Insert rrangement S Insert rrangement Insert rrangement - (,,,G) (OTHRS) 0 - V Insert rrangement Insert rrangement Insert rrangement View looking into front face of pin insert (+insulator).. Please make a direct inquiry for the information not contained in the table.. The contact arrangement in the table meets the MIL-ST- standards. ontact Legend 0. View looking into front face of pin insert (+insulator).. Please make a direct inquiry for the information not contained in the table.. The contact arrangement in the table meets the MIL-ST- standards. ontact Legend 0 YONH PRISION O., LT. YONH PRISION O., LT.

10 MIL-TL-0 Style 접점배열도 (ontact rrangements) MIL-TL-0 Style 접점배열도 (ontact rrangements) Insert rrangement Insert rrangement Insert rrangement - (LL OTHRS) () - - (LL OTHRS) () - (,,) (LL OTHRS) - Insert rrangement (LL OTHRS), (G) Insert rrangement (LL OTHRS), (H) - Insert rrangement Insert rrangement Insert rrangement Insert rrangement - (LL OTHRS) (R), (M,N,P) - (,). (M), (,,,) (LL OTHRS) - (LL OTHRS) (H,M), (,) -0. View looking into front face of pin insert (+insulator).. Please make a direct inquiry for the information not contained in the table.. The contact arrangement in the table meets the MIL-ST- standards. ontact Legend 0. View looking into front face of pin insert (+insulator).. Please make a direct inquiry for the information not contained in the table.. The contact arrangement in the table meets the MIL-ST- standards. ontact Legend 0 0 YONH PRISION O., LT. YONH PRISION O., LT.

11 MIL-TL-0 Style 접점배열도 (ontact rrangements) MIL-TL-0 Style 접점배열도 (ontact rrangements) Insert rrangement Insert rrangement Insert rrangement -0 - (), (LL OTHRS) 0-0 Insert rrangement Insert rrangement - - (LL OTHRS), (,,h,j) - Insert rrangement Insert rrangement (,), () 0. View looking into front face of pin insert (+insulator).. Please make a direct inquiry for the information not contained in the table.. The contact arrangement in the table meets the MIL-ST- standards. ontact Legend 0. View looking into front face of pin insert (+insulator).. Please make a direct inquiry for the information not contained in the table.. The contact arrangement in the table meets the MIL-ST- standards. ontact Legend 0 YONH PRISION O., LT. YONH PRISION O., LT.

12 MIL-TL-0 Style 접점배열도 (ontact rrangements) MIL-TL-0 Style 배열에따른접점구성 (ontact rrangements & ormation) Pin Pin 0 0 PIN Pin 0 0 Pin Pin size S SL SL size S S S S S-0 0- size Insert rrangement size S S- S- 0-0 size S- - - S- - - S- - - S- - - S size -0-0 S size S- - - S S Insert rrangement S size size size -0-0 size Insert rrangement View looking into front face of pin insert (+insulator).. Please make a direct inquiry for the information not contained in the table.. The contact arrangement in the table meets the MIL-ST- standards. ontact Legend Please make a direct inquiry for the information not contained in the table. (ollow the MIL-ST- standards.) YONH PRISION O., LT. YONH PRISION O., LT.

13 MIL-TL-0 Style 절연체 회전위치 (lternate Insert Positions) Shell Insert Service Size rrangement Rating 0SL S S S 0 0SL- 0SL- S- S- - S- S- S- S- S- S- - S- S- S- S- S / V / / / / Total ontact lternate Positions W X Y Z Shell Insert Service Size rrangement Rating / / / / / // /// // / / / / Please make a direct inquiry for the information not contained in the table. (ollow the MIL-ST- standards.) YONH PRISION O., LT. Total ontact 0 lternate Positions W X Y Z

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