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1 Korean Chem. Eng. Res., Vol. 44, No. 2, April, 2006, pp vtž r v qx}v xy d dö rgö vöd Öqr *Öi i { z l, *ˆ fgywu h { {~l ( x 2z {j, x 20z ) The Preparation and Property of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells using Gil-Sung Kim, Young-Soon Kim, Hyung-Il Kim, Hyung-Kee Seo, O-Bong Yang* and Hyung-Shik Shin Thin Film Technology Laboratory, *Center for Advanced Radiation Technology, School of Chemical Engineering, Chonbuk National University, , 1 Ga, Duckjin-dong, Duckjin-gu, Jeonbuk , Korea (Received 2 December 2005; accepted 20 January 2006) t š (nanotube)v zz(nanoparticle)y { u z 450 o Cug y i {y u h y { u. z h y zw fw u u y t{ { šhy f u. zz ji u š 180 o Cug 24l s ju ˆ y n h u. z zz h y fw u {z u y t{ y u y(η)y 8.07Ûz, {s(open-circuit potential, V OC ), { (short-circuit current, I SC )v fill factor(ff) y 0.81 V, mv/cm 2 v 66.95Ûzu. š { wu NaOH wty 3M 5M l. 3M NaOH wtug h š h y fw u {z u y t{ y u y(η)y 6.19Ûzuy, V OC, I SC v FF y 0.77 V, mv/cm 2 v 64.49Ûzu. u 5 M NaOHug {zz hz } ss yz 4.09Û i u. u ju u y { zz { u y t{ y yz z s. q Abstract Two types of, nanotube and nanoparticle, were used for the mesoporous coatings by doctor blade technique followed by calcining at 450 o C. The coatings were used as working materials for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) later on and their photovoltaic characterization was carried out. The nanoparticle was synthesized from hydrogen titanate nanotube by hydrothermal treatment at 180 o C for 24 hr. The solar energy conversion efficiency (η) of DSCs prepared by this nanoparticle reached 8.07 with V OC (open-circuit potential) of 0.81 V, I SC (short-circuit current) of mv/cm 2, and FF (fill factor) of 66.95, respectively. For the preparation of nanotube, the concentration of NaOH solution varied from 3 M to 5 M. In the case of DSCs fabricated with nanotubes from 3 M NaOH solution, the η reached 6.19Û with V OC of 0.77 V, I SC of mv/cm 2, and FF of 64.49Û, respectively. On the other hand, in the case of 5 M solution, the photovoltaic η was decreased with 4.09Û due to a loss of photocarriers. In conclusion, it is demonstrated that the solar energy conversion efficiency of DSCs made from nanoparticle showed best results among those under investigation. Key words: Dye-sensitized Solar Cells, Solar Energy Conversion Efficiency, Hydrothermal Treatment, Nanotube, Nanoparitcle 1. d fug fw z y u xy g u z. g u z y zy d s l vuz f { { z., 1997 u To whom correspondence should be addressed. hsshin@chonbuk.ac.kr y{g(kyoto protocol)u y u v y l t l{ug zg u y why w ~wl z. Ÿ{z zg u tu, j u, Ÿ u, u z z. z ~ug y u {v { j z zgu xy n tu { (photovoltaic effect)u y u { u { z t{ (photovoltaic cell solar cell)z. 10Ûy yy 179
2 180 hù ujù zùg Ùtv Ùl l t{ { y 1Û x z w u y 10 { j z u t u z. zˆ t u z y f w u xy { hy z. t{ y uf 1839 l z Edmond Becquerel i { h hy t u l {y ty { g { (photovoltaic effect) g lz u. z u } y t{ ~ l y z w t{ 25Û y { {y y z fw z, { u y z fw, x y u { u z. zu { { j z t{ u lz z, z ~ zz zw u y t{ y ~ y z. u y t { y w 1991 O Regan Grätzel[1]u y u y u y t{ { z uy, z z y u y t{ y l t{ v y u yy l t{ { y 1/5 u s Ÿ g u y t{ f w { zy u. zˆ u y t { {, y t u { u { l ~ [2-4]. z u y t{ lw yz 20Ûz, { y { l y 5 y 1 j z, 20 y j z z, t yw hy zu, h {y y u zv u y ~{z u z. u y t{ y z x Ÿ ( y xu {, working electrode)u u z {y n- zz ( ~h y zz, working material)u t ( l g)z j u z( t jw u z, dye) {z-{ my gh, {z f y { ~z. f { y ~z {z zz y u { h ( {, counter electrode) y { u { gl. u zug gh { y f - x { (electrolyte)u y {z s l x y l y h x yw { z [5-6]. z { y t{ v {z z{y, y t{ ug tu y j { {z-{ mz u { y y {z ug lu zu u, tu y j { { z {z u tu j u, { y z y {zy ug z. z z x y u y t{ y y xu { (working electrode) u { u z zz h (working material), zz xu z y u z(dye) { (working and counter electrode) fzu z 50~100 µm y y w z f - xw { (electrolyte) wtz uz z. u y t{ u zz fw d s, Š g zw fz {, NO Agy { z ywhz t z z [7-12]. zz z {y s fz { fw u {. Li [13] y w, v wtu fz fw u h ž ž x44 x t {y { uy, Kambe [14]y v sy ug u wtu fz j u f(singlephase) {y h u. š y w } (high aspect ratio)u y u u { {Š y { y z z g u zz l u u y t{ y u yy fl y u z [15-17]. u y sg l ug { z titanium isopropoxide (Ti{OCH(CH 3 ) 2 } 4 y zw[18] P25 w zw[19] u s š { y u {y s { u. z y u z { u g { P25 w zw u u zz š u z z ss., ju h Š u g NaOH ˆ u sodim titanate nanotube ji u š y h u u y ~ z zw y {u u y ~ NaOHy u u w. zu, u ug 3M 5My NaOH wtug ji u š ju u y u zz h u, 450 o Cug 1l s i ˆ u š h u., zzv š h y fw u { z u y t{ y { šhy, u. 2. i 2-1. vvs žd zzv š hu P25 w (Gegussa, z) v 3 M 5 M jf š wt 0.1 M uf wt g s sj(~ph 10) z fw u. Fig. 1y zzv š y h {y u~ z. P25 w (Gegussa, z) 2g 3M 5My jf š jwt 75 mlv u 100 mly s y u 150 o Cug 48l s yl. z fw w v s y y {Š x ˆ u y yy s~ u. z ty fvug l Ž{ y j u hˆ, z Ž{ 0.5 g y l fvug 1l s 0.1 M uf wt 100 mlu {u ~u. l j hˆ zuy u ph 7z Ž{ y 60 o Cug 12l s l ji u š uy j z, 450 o C 1l s i (calcination)l y n s {fy š uy j z. ji u š 180 o Cug 24l s ju ˆ (hydrothermal treatment), h zz g s s w t(ph ~10)y ~ ˆ, z u j hˆ u l y n zz u. h y { 10 mly ju zzv š 0.5 g Šy u y u yl, z tu yuh s {hy l x ˆ { u (PEG( z : 20,000), Junsei, z ) 2 ml ˆ l ul j {. z zzv š l { h xu z y t fvug l, ~ ug 450 o Cug 30 s i l y n h y { u
3 Fig. 1. The synthesis steps of (a) nanoparticle and (b) nanotube.. z y y f š y X-g { g (XRD, X-ray diffraction), { ~f {z (FESEM, field-emission scanning electron microscopy), {z (TEM, transmission electron microscopy) y fw u f u r v qx}v xy { h y l g uuu 80Ûy y y { (ρ)z 2y ~8 Ω/cm FTO y y fw u. { h xu f { y xy Fig. 1 y y { y zzv š y h y f w u. (Ru) y i (C 58 H 86 O 8 N 8 S 2 Ru, Solaronix) y h u u t y j y{ fw u. f - x { sh š (acetonitrile)u 0.3 M LiIv 15 ml I 2 u fw u. { u {sy l x 0.2 M tert-butyl pyridine ˆ { fw uy, { u fw tÿ y Aldrich(USA)ug z u. f { (counter electrode)y ITO y xu (Pt)y u fw u. z (Pt)y {z (electron beam evaporation)u y u ~10 nm ITO glass xu u, z{(sealing agent) {uh (SX , Solaronix) fw u. t{ { {y 2y 5mm 5mm=25mm Ÿ {y zw u y t{ y { šh 181 š v zz h y j u v (Ru) y i h u wtu 24l s u u { y u v hˆ u fvug l. z f { u y zy y, h { u 5 mm, ~60 µm {uh y hl 2~3 s y { fzy zuz v. z {u u t 100 C o y l. ITO y u z y zy y u f - x { y { ( { fzy ) ~z, y y zy l ty y y. {y x {y u {z t { y {y t cm x}x d x { { šhy { x u { fzu {s, { (Model 2000, Keithley) (load) g u { -{s g(photocurrent-voltage curve)y { u. {{x{s (EG&G173, i šxu: EG&G M542)v lock-in amplifier fw uy xy g 150 Watty Xe(Xenon) fw u AM-1.5 f v yf y h { u. y h power analyzer(fielmaster GS, Coherent)v thermal smartsensor (LM-30V, Coherent)u y u { u š Fig. 1(b)y y h, 150 Cug o 48l P25 jf š wtug sodium titanate š h 0.1 M HCl wt ˆ v hˆ {ug + +y Na H zv g gh. Fig. 2 3 M jf š 5 My jf š wtug h 0.1 M uf wt ˆ v i {y u, Fig. 1(b)y y uu š y XRD patternsy u~ z. š y ~ z y s {(anatase) fz u., 3 M jf š w ty { š y XRD patternz Fig. 2(a)ug z(rutile) fz z, 5 M jf š wtz Fig. 2(b) ug Žzš(brookite) fz. s { (101) zy FWHM(full-width at half-maximum) y 3M jf š ug 0.421z 5M jf š wtug M jf š wtug { š y. x z P25 zz {hy z š {hz z s. g 3 M NaOH š h u y z {hz [20-22] yf. Fig. 2y XRD šhy š zw u z y { h y SEM micrograph Fig. 3u u. Fig. 3(a), (b)v (e) 3 M jf š wtug h š y fw u {z h y Ÿ y Fig. 3(a)ug y u jl µmz y z z y j zy, Fig. 3(a) Fig. 3(b)ug zzy 20~30 nmz x y zz h uyy z j z., Fig. 3(a), (b)y z Fig. 3(e)ug Ÿ z uz z y z j z. 5 M jf š Korean Chem. Eng. Res., Vol. 44, No. 2, April, 2006
4 182 hù ujù zùg Ùtv Ùl l Fig. 2. XRD patterns of nanotubular materials treated with 0.1 M HCl solution and calcined at 450 o C for 1 hr, which is obtained from sodium titanate nanotube synthesized at different concentration of NaOH solution at 150 o C for 48 hr: (a) 3 M NaOH, (b) 5M NaOH ( Anatase, Rutile and brookite). wtug h š y fw u {z h y Ÿ z Fig. 3(c)ug uz z sy zz y y z { zu y z j z. Fig. 3(d)ug 10~20 nm x y zz 10~20 nmz š v, š xu h u z y z j z. u z sgg u u [19, 23] 10 M NaOH zw u { w h FESEM TEM y f š y y t 10 nm, z t 200 nm z Fig. 3(d)v yf s š zy z j zu. Fig. 3(f)ug uz z s y j zy 3M j f š wtug h (Fig. 3(e)) w Ÿ zy z j z. Fig. 3y u jf š wty ji u š y h {hu u y ~ 5M jf š wtug š h y g. Fig. 3y š h y zw { u y Fig. 3. FE-SEM images of various films prepared by nanotubular (anatase) materials. 3 M NaOH(a, b) and 5 M NaOH (c, d). Cross-section images of 3 M NaOH(e) and 5 M NaOH(f). ž ž x44 x t
5 zw u y t{ y { šh 183 Fig. 4. I-V curves of two types films prepared by anatase phase nanotubular materials at 3 M NaOH and 5 M NaOH solution. t{ y { -{s šhy Fig. 4ug jf š wty u u~ z. 3 M 5 M jf š wty { t{ y {s(v OC )y 0.77 Vv 0.82 Vz, { (I SC ) ma/cm 2 v 7.25 ma/cm 2 zy u~. Fig. 4 { -{s gy u Fig. 5u u. 3 M 5 M jf š wty { t{ y { (P m )y 5.7 mwv 4 mwz z {s(v m ) { (I m ) y 0.55 V, 10.3 ma/cm 2 z 0.67 V, 6.1 ma/cm 2 z. { z 3 M NaOH ug { š ug zy zz fzy {zz hz š } z y g. Fig. 4 5ug u y t{ y { šhy Table 1ug u~ z. jf š wty 3 Mug 5 M u g { y V OC 0.77 Vug 0.82 V. tu { yy jf š wty 3Mug 5M u g 6.19Ûug 4.09Û i Fig. 5. Power-V curves of two types films prepared by anantase phase nanotubular materials at 3 M NaOH and 5 M NaOH solution. Table 1. Photovoltatic performance of DSCs fabrication with 3 M, 5 M NaOH concentration and Ru-dye Conditions V OC (V) I SC (ma/cm 2 ) FF ( ) η ( ) 3 M, 450 o C M, 450 o C z xy P m y y t{ y { z u {zz hz i u tu { yu zs y f vv Fig. 6y ji u š { u ju u y h Fig. 1(a)y y { zzy SEM TEM micrograph u ~ z. Fig. 6(a) Fig. 3(b)v Fig. 6. (a) FE-SEM images, (b) TEM image of nanotubular (anatase) particles synthesized hydrothermal treatment with 0.1 M HCl solution at 180 o C for 24 hr. Korean Chem. Eng. Res., Vol. 44, No. 2, April, 2006
6 184 hù ujù zùg Ùtv Ùl l z x y zzz Fig. 3(b) h y zz u y z. Fig. 6(b) u ~10 nmz zzy g ly j z. Fig. 7 Fig. 6ug uu, ju ˆ u y uu zz z 450 o Cug 30 y i ˆ y n {z h y XRD SEM f y u ~ z. Fig. 7(a) { h z FTO y y XRD z. i sy l z Fig. 7(c)ug Žz š f z fz 450 o Cugy i {y h zzz Fig. 7(b)ug f Žzš fz z y s { f z y z j z., Fig. 7(d) y i {y u { h y Ÿ u s Fig. 5(a) v uz uyy u ~ u{ zzy y fy z j z. Fig. 7(e)y SEM f y uz u y j z. Fig. 8y s { fz zz { h y {, { -{s g { -{s gy u ~ z. z i {u y {z s { fy zz h y V OC v I SC 0.81 Vv mv/cm 2 y., P m y 7.87 mwz z V m I m y 0.52 V, 16.0 ma/cm 2., FFv tu { y (η)y 66.95Ûv 8.07Û y. 4. u ug zw g s š v zz f w u u y t{ {z u. š v zz { {ug NaOH wty 3 M NaOH 5M NaOH l y, z uu s { fz z 450 o Cy i {y zw u h y { u. z h y fw u {z u y t{ y { { šhy { u. 3M jf š ug h š h y fw u y t{ y V OC, I SC y 0.77Vv mv/cm 2 y., FFv tu { y(η)y 66.49Ûv 6.19Û y. u 5M jf š ug h š h y fw u y t{ y w w zy iv š h FTO y {Š z i u { { šhz i. u ug fw zw y z (anatase) zz ji u š { fw u ju Fig. 7. XRD patterns and FE-SEM images of fims prepared by nanostructured (anatase) paricles synthesized hydrothermal treatment with 0.1 M HCl solution at 180 o C for 24 hr as a function of calcination temperature. XRD patterns (a) FTO glass, (b) nanoparticle calcined at 450 o C for 1 hr, (c) mesoporus coating of room temperature, (d) Cross-section image (e,f) Surface image of nanoparticle calcined at 450 o C for 1 hr, ( Anatase, brookite, and PEG) ž ž x44 x t
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