도레이첨단소재 Toray Advanced Materials Korea 최고의소재로새로운내일을만들어가는혁신파트너 소재의차이가미래의차이를결정하는시대, 도레이첨단소재는더욱풍요롭고안전하게그리고친환경적인삶을가능하게하는핵심소재개발에집중해왔습니다. 도레이첨단소재는일상의기초소재부터첨

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도레이첨단소재 Toray Advanced Materials Korea 최고의소재로새로운내일을만들어가는혁신파트너 소재의차이가미래의차이를결정하는시대, 도레이첨단소재는더욱풍요롭고안전하게그리고친환경적인삶을가능하게하는핵심소재개발에집중해왔습니다. 도레이첨단소재는일상의기초소재부터첨단분야의고부가가치소재에이르기까지산업전반의필수소재를공급하는화학소재기업으로세계적첨단재료기업인도레이그룹의일원입니다. 부직포를중심으로한섬유사업, 필름, IT 소재및환경소재사업에서쌓은역량을바탕으로차세대그린비즈니스로영역을확대하여탄소섬유, 수처리그리고신재생에너지분야에과감히투자함으로써사업간, 소재간융 복합을추진, 글로벌경쟁력을더욱높여나가고있습니다. 아울러소재혁신을위한 R&D 에힘쓰고더좋은품질의제품을한발앞서고객에게서비스하는기업으로지속성장할수있도록최선의노력을기울이겠습니다. 기반사업 PP & PET 스펀본드부직포 / 폴리에스터필름 / IT 소재 / 폴리에스터원사 / 폴리에스터수지 / 생분해성시트 신규사업 탄소섬유 / 수처리사업 / 태양광소재 / 2 차전지소재 / 친환경소재 Enabling a new future with innovative materials This is the period that distinct materials decide the future. Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc. (TAK) has been concentrating on developing materials that make life enriched and safe while they are environmentally friendly. TAK, a subsidiary of global leading chemical materials manufacturer, Toray Group, provides diversified key materials from basic materials such as living essence items to high valued advanced materials that applied on various industries. Based on long experiences of fiber, base film, IT materials and environment material businesses, TAK is expanding into new business areas. Carbon fiber, water treatment and new renewable energy are the next generation green business areas, which were able to start with drastic investment. Besides, TAK is strengthening the competitiveness with uniting business sectors. Additionally, TAK will put great effort on R&D for material innovation, do the best to sustain growth and get one step closer to customers. Existing Biz. PP & PET Spunbond Nonwoven Fabrics / Polyester Films / IT Materials / Polyester Filaments / Polyester Chips / Polylactic Acid Sheets New Biz. Carbon Fibers / Water Treatment / Solar Photovoltaic Materials / Secondary Battery Materials / Eco-friendly Products

도레이폴리텍난통 Toray Polytech Nantong 도레이와도레이첨단소재는세계최대부직포전문메이커로도약하기위한첫단계로 2006 년중국장수성난통시경제기술개발구에도레이폴리텍난통 (TPN) 을설립하였습니다. TPN 은 2008 년부터연간 18,000 톤의 와 를중국시장에공급하기시작하였으며부직포시장의성장에발맞추어 2011 년, 2012 년연이어증설을추진, 연산 58,000 톤규모를구축함으로써중국최대의스펀본드업체로성장하였습니다. TPN 은도레이첨단소재와유기적인기술및제품개발을협력하여고품질의 S, SMMMS, S 스펀본드를생산, 위생재뿐만아니라의료용및산업용시장으로확대해나가고있습니다. In 2006, the Toray Group and Toray Advanced Materials Korea (TAK) established Toray Polytech Nantong Co., Ltd.(TPN) in the economic and technological development zone of Nantong in Jiangsu, China. That was the first move to grow as the Asia s top spunbond manufacturer and to expand its sphere globally. TPN began mass production, annually 18,000tons of PP spunbond products such as and from 2008. Adding two S lines in 2011 & 2012 and remodeling to SMMMS, TPN produce 58,000 tons of PP spunbond fabrics annually - poised to grow to be China s largest spunbond manufacturer TPN supply superb quality S, SMMMS & S spunbond and sevices to medical and industrial market in addition to hygienic market. 도레이폴리텍자카르타 Toray Polytech Jakarta 도레이폴리텍자카르타 (TPJ) 는성장하는남아시아시장의중핵생산거점이자두번째해외부직포전문회사로 2011 년인도네시아자카르타인근탕그랑에설립되었습니다. TPJ 는 2013 년 6 월부터최신예자동화설비에서연간 20,000 톤의고급위생재용 S 스펀본드부직포를본격적으로생산, 인도네시아는물론아시아시장에공급할계획입니다. Toray Polytech Jakarta(TPJ) is the second overseas spunbond manufacturing base of Toray Group in emerging South Asia, which was founded in 2011, Tangerang, Indonesia near by Jakarta. TPJ s top of the line facility will be able to produce 20,000 tons of spunbond, S, for high quality hygiene products to supply Asian market in addition to Indonesia, is scheduled to be run starting from June 2013 도레이첨단소재는 TPN, TPJ와함께동북아시아, 남아시아, 중국등아시아전역에서플라이체인을형성하여최고품질의스펀본드부직포를가장빠른서비스로고객에게공급하고있습니다. 앞으로지속적인투자확대로글로벌생산시스템을확충하고다양한차별화제품을개발하여전세계고객과함께하는세계 1위의스펀본드부직포기업으로성장할것입니다. TAK is forming supply chains all over the Asia including North East Asia, South Asia (TPJ), China (TPN) and many other countries, and offering the best quality spunbond to customers. Further, TAK will provide wider global network through continuous expansion in overseas and will become the top spunbond nonwoven company that offers differentiated products to global customers.

도레이첨단소재의스펀본드부직포사업 20 년의축적된기술력과품질경쟁력을바탕으로도레이첨단소재의스펀본드부직포사업은성장해왔습니다. 한국뿐만아니라중국및인도네시아에도진출함으로써글로벌화를추진, 보다체계적인공급망을구축하여전세계고객에게한발더가까이가고자합니다. 아시아최초로 SMS,, Bi-component Spunbond 를공급하며부직포소재의새로운시장을개척하였고, 고객과의지속적인정보교류와협력을바탕으로고객의니즈에신속하게대응해왔습니다. LIVSEN 은위생재, 의료용, 생활자재용, 산업용, 건축용, 농업용과토목용등다양한산업분야에서광범위하게사용되며저중량화, 소프트화, 친환경의복합소재등고도화된제품구조를갖추었습니다. 도레이첨단소재의글로벌공급망에서는폴리프로필렌부직포연간 12 만톤, 폴리에스터부직포연간 1 만 2 천톤규모의생산능력을갖추어이미아시아최대의전문메이커로성장하였습니다. 앞으로도레이의첨단기술력과도레이첨단소재의노하우를활용한 R&D 강화로고객의다양한니즈에앞선제품을개발하고최상의서비스를제공하는세계 TOP 부직포기업으로성장하기위해최선을다할것입니다. Spunbond Nonwoven Fabrics Business Toray Advanced Materials Korea (TAK) has been at the forefront of spunbond nonwoven fabrics business over the last 2 decades. Under the globalization, TAK has expanded its manufacturing sites in China and Indonesia to provide a systematic supply chain and get one step closer to the customers. TAK opened a new field of nonwoven market by introducing SMS,, Bi-component spunbond in Asia first and foremost. Furthermore, TAK has been continuously conducting mutual exchange of information to satisfy customers requirements. LIVSEN, the brand name of TAK s spunbond, is widely used for hygiene, medical, living essentials, industrial, construction, agricultural, civil engineering and many more fields. All of them are advanced spunbond with low grammage, soft and eco-friendly charateristics. TAK s current spunbond production capacity is the largest in the Asia with annual capacity of 12 thousand tons Polypropylene and 12 thousand tons Polyester spunbond. TAK will continuously put much effort to enhance R&D with Toray s advanced technology and experience. In addition, TAK will do the best to become the top global spunbond company with the best service and cutting edge spunbond. 부드럽고편안하게 Comfortable 친환경소재 Eco-friendly 안전하고편리하게 Safe & Convenient 더앞선기술로 More Advanced 소프트 우수한유연성 탄성력 피부친화성 높은공기투과성 식물유래원료 온실가스절감 생분해성 재활용성 항균및혈액침투방지처리 정전기방지및난연처리 높은필터성능 우수한가공성 우수한강도 높은단열성및보온성 내화학성 내후성 Soft Flexible Elastic Dermatrophic High air permeability Bio-mass Greenhouse gas reduction Bio-degradable Recyclable Anti-bacterial & blood resistance Anti-static & flame High filtration Good processability Strong strength Excellent insulaton Chemical resistance Weather resistance

위생재용 Hygiene LIVSEN Hygiene 은유아용및성인용기저귀와여성용생리대를위한최적의선택입니다. 다층복합설비와우수한가공기술로생산된 LIVSEN 은뛰어난균일성, 발수성및유연성으로위생재분야에서최고의강점을갖추고있습니다. LIVSEN Hygiene is the optimal choice for baby diapers, adult incontinences and sanitary napkins. LIVSEN Hygiene, produced on multi-layer cutting edge equipment, has the greatest advantages among hygiene materials due to its excellent formation, water repellency and softness. 용도 (Application) : Leg cuffs, Topsheet, Backsheet, Corewrap, Ear Part, Napkin Pouch 의료용 Medical LIVSEN Medical 은발수, 혈액침투방지및항균성이우수하여세균과각종오염으로부터사용자를안전하게보호합니다. 높은통기성과함께액체방어력및대전방지성이뛰어난 LIVSEN Medical 은안전성과편리함을드립니다. Boasting excellent water repellent, blood resistant and antimicrobial properties, LIVSEN Medical safely prevents users from a variety of bacteria and contamination. In addition, LIVSEN Medical is treated with anti-static agent that provides outstanding air-permeability and protection against liquid leakage. Consequently, it offers safety and comfort 용도 : 수술용가운및드레이프, 멸균포등 Application : Surgical Gown & Drape, Sterilized Wrap 산업용및건축용 Industrial & Construction LIVSEN Industrial은높은강도, 내구성, 가공성, 안정성그리고우수한차단력으로생활자재용, 침장가구용, 액체및공기필터용, 산업용마스크및작업복용등에활용됩니다. LIVSEN Construction은루핑, 하우스랩, 드레인보드, 단열재등건축용으로다양하게사용됩니다. LIVSEN Industrial is widely used for various purposes including living essence items, upholstered furniture, filters for liquid and air, industrial masks and protective apparels due to its superior tensile strength, durability, processability, safety and filtration. LIVSEN Construction is used for various construction uses such as roofing, house-wrapping, drain board and insulation. 토목용 Geotextile LIVSEN Geotextile 은폴리에스터니들펀치제품으로높은인장강도와인열강도, 내후성및내화학성으로보강, 보호, 차단및여과기능이탁월, 토목공사의다양한분야에서기능성및작업성향상에효과적인소재입니다 LIVSEN Geotextile is a needle-punched product made of polyester materials, based on high tensile and tearing strength, as well as weather and chemical resistance. Having reinforcement, protection, separation and filtration functions, it is an effective material that improves functions and work efficiency in a wide range of areas of civil engineering. 용도 : 터널, 사면보호용, 쓰레기매립장, 연약지반의안정화, 맹암거및유공관등 Application : Tunnel, Shore s Slope, Waste Dumping Ground, Stabilization for Weak Ground, Filtration for Underdrainage & Porous pipe 농업용 Agricultural LIVSEN Agricultural 은높은내후성과내구성을겸비하고있으며, 극심한기후변화와다양한병충해로부터농작물을 안전하게보호하고잡초억제효과를부여함으로써농가의생산성및작업성향상에기여합니다. LIVSEN Agricultural with high weather resistance and durability protects crops from severe climate change and damages from various diseases and insects, and offers the effect of preventing weeds, contributing to the productivity and work efficiency of farms. 용도 : 온실커튼및터널용, 잡초방제용, 못자리용및보온커버등 Application : Greenhouse Curtain & Tunnel, Mulching, Rice Seedbed and Thermal Cover

No. 용도 Application 공정 Process 중량 (g/m 2 ) 제품 Type 제품소개 Description 1 8 DP 초저중량부직포 Ultra-light Weight PP Spunbond 2 9 HY 지속성이우수한흡수성부직포 Permanent Hydrophilic PP Spunbond 3 13 SF 실크터치감촉의부직포 Silky Touch PP Spunbond 4 17 Green 다양한색상의 부직포 Colored PP Spunbond 5 위생재 Hygiene S 13 SF 실크터치감촉의소프트부직포 Silky & Soft Touch PP Spunbond 6 S 17 SF-MAX 우수한유연성의부직포 Excellent Softness & Drape PP Spunbond 7 S 18 HY 흡수성고후도부직포 Permanent Hydrophilic & Bulky PP Spunbond 8 17 Bico PE/PP 복합소재부직포 PE/PP Bicomponent 9 18 BC-HY 흡수성 PE/PP 복합소재부직포 PE/PP Bicomponent, Permanent Hydrophilic 10 80 FR 난연처리 PP 부직포 Flame Retardant PP Spunbond 11 산업용 Industrial 60 Bico PE/PP 복합소재부직포 PE/PP Bicomponent Spunbond 12 42 NA 다양한색상의 부직포 Colored PP Spunbond 13 의료용 Medical 47 Blood Resistant 의료용 PP 부직포 Medical PP Spunbond 14 농업용 Agricultural 100 UH 온실커튼용흡수성부직포 PP Hydrophilic Spunbond for Curtain in Greenhouse 15 Embossing 42 E/L 난연처리 PET 부직포 Flame Retardant Polyester Spunbond 16 17 PET Spunbond Embossing Needle Punch 40 100 E/L H/N 무엠보싱 PET 부직포 Flat Bonded Polyester Spunbond 중공사 PET 부직포 Hollow Filament Polyester Spunbond 18 Needle Punch 500 H/N 고강도고후도 PET 부직포 High Strength Geotextile Polyester Spunbond

도레이폴리텍자카르타 Toray Polytech Jakarta For the Leap into the Top Global Spunbond Company LIVSEN, the Essence of Life! 폴리프로필렌스펀본드 (Polypropylene Spunbond) 폴리에스터스펀본드 (Polyester Spunbond) 복합소재스펀본드 (Bi-component & Copolymer Spunbond) 스펀본드부직포브랜드 LIVSEN 은 20 년역사의우수한기술력과첨단설비로 PP, PET, Bi-component, Copolymer Spunbond, Needle Punch 등다양한제품군으로위생재, 의료용, 산업용, 생활자재용, 농업용및토목용으로광범위하게활용됩니다. 다층복합소재로초저중량, 우수한유연성및고기능성의 LIVSEN 은소비자의풍요롭고편안한삶을위해혁신을계속해나갈것입니다. Under the brand name of LIVSEN, Toray s spunbond nonwoven fabrics are widely used in an array of industries, including hygiene, medical, industrial, living essences, agricultural and civil engineering fields with PP, PET, Bi-component and Copolymer Spunbond and Needle Punch based on high capability of R&D, the state-ofthe-art facilities and accumulated technological expertise. LIVSEN s innovation for customers will never cease for customer s enriched and comfortable life with new materials such as multi-layered composite, ultra-light weight, softness and highly functional products.

Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc. 17Fl., LG Mapo Bldg., 275, Gongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 121-721, KOREA TEL : +82-2-3279-1000 FAX : +82-2-3279-1411 Toray Polytech Nantong Co.,Ltd. No.56, Xinkai South Rd., Nantong Economic & Technological Development Zone, Nantong, Jiangsu, 226010, P.R. CHINA TEL : +86-513-8010-0290 FAX : +86-513-8010-0294 PT. Toray Polytech Jakarta Jl. Moh. Toha Km. 1 Pasar Baru, Tangerang 15112 Banten, INDONESIA TEL : +62-21-5579-7157 FAX : +62-21-5579-7250 www.torayamk.com