Grammar Focus Ron: I am very hungry. I want two sandwiches! I see a bakery there. Let s go! Amy: I am hungry, too. But we don t have money. Ron: 나는무척배

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2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직

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¹Ý¹èÄ¡°í»ç ´ëºñ ÇÙ½ÉÁ¤¸®.PDF

October 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.8 울긋불긋 가을이야기 목차 From Editor 앉아서 떠나는 여행 Guidance 그림책 읽어주는 기술 Homeschool 다양한 세계문화 알아보기 Study Trip 올 가을!풍요로운 낭만축

49-9분동안 표지 3.3

Yoon s BEFL Note Yujin s Writing Camp Book 5 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.

5. 잘듣고, 주어진그림의상황과일치하지않는대화를고르시오. [2.4] 6. 대화를듣고, 아이들이주스의재료로사용하지않은것을고르시오. [2.5] 7. 대화를듣고, Cindy 가모래로만들고있는것을고르시오. [2.4] 8. 잘듣고, 대화를마친후소년의심경으로가장알맞은것을고르시오.

♡BASIC1 1강-8강♡



CHAPTER 01 명사와 대명사

Grammar Focus Ron: I am very hungry. I want two sandwiches! I see a bakery there. Let s go! Amy: I am hungry, too. But we don t have money. Ron: 나는무척배가고파. 나는샌드위치 2 개를원해! 저기제과점이보인다. 가자! Amy: 나도배가고파. 그런데우리는돈이없어. A 명사 명사는모든사람과사물, 추상적인개념의이름을나타내는말이다. 1 명사의종류 1) 셀수있는명사 : 정해진모양이있거나서로구분되어개수를헤아릴수있는명사를말한다. 예 ) cup, tree, pencil, lemon, ball, day 등수가하나일때는명사앞에부정관사 a/an을붙이고, 둘이상일때는명사뒤에 -s /-es를붙인다. I have a banana and two oranges. Tips 부정관사 an 을쓰는경우 발음이모음으로시작하는명사의경우에는앞에 a 대신 an 을쓴다. an apple an elephant an idea 2) 셀수없는명사 : 개수를헤아릴수없는명사로, 앞에부정관사 a/an 을붙이지않고복수형으로쓰지않는다. 예 ) milk, air, salt, water, love, happiness, Daniel 등 Emma sells cheese. 2 명사의복수형만들기 1) 규칙복수형명사의형태 만드는법 예 대부분의명사 단수형 +-s books, birds, desks, apples, girls -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x로끝나는명사단수형 +-es buses, dresses, dishes, watches, boxes -o로끝나는명사 단수형 +-s /-es pianos, potatoes, tomatoes 자음 +y 로끝나는명사 y를 i로고치고 +-es lady ladies, baby babies -f, -fe로끝나는명사 f, fe를 v로고치고 +-es leaf leaves, knife knives ( 예외 roof roofs) 2) 불규칙복수형 man men, woman women, child children, tooth teeth, foot feet, mouse mice, goose geese 10 Chapter 1

Check-Up A 다음상자에서셀수있는명사와셀수없는명사를구분하여쓰시오. coffee doll water peace time umbrella computer note A peace[ ] 명평화 umbrella[ ] 명우산 1 셀수있는명사 : 2 셀수없는명사 : B 다음명사의복수형을쓰시오. 1 ant 2 candy 3 pencil 4 child 5 actress 6 stamp B actress[ ktris] 명여배우 stamp[st mp] 명우표 tooth[ ] 명치아 life[laif] 명삶, 생명 7 tooth 8 boy 9 life 10 man C 다음괄호안에서알맞은말을고르시오. 1 He is (artist, an artist). 2 I am afraid of (mouses, mice). C artist[ rtist] 명예술가 be afraid of 를두려워하다 3 They play the (pianoes, pianos). 4 Alice likes (chocolate, a chocolate). 5 Three (ladys, ladies) are on the boat. D 다음그림을보고, 괄호안의단어를활용하여문장을완성하시오. 1 2 D wash[w ] 씻다 bathroom[ ] 명화장실 throw[ rou] 던지다 (foot) (ball) She washes her in the bathroom. He throws to his friend. 명사와대명사 11

Grammar Test 1 다음중복수형이바르게연결된것은? 1 leaf leafs 3 church churches 5 monkey monkeies 2 class classs 4 tomato tomatos note 1 leaf[li f] 명 ( 나뭇 ) 잎 class[ ] 명학급 church[ r ] 명교회 2 다음밑줄친부분을바르게고치시오. (1) Those countrys are very big. 2 country[ ] 명나라, 국가 under[ r] 전 아래에 (2) Five boxs are under the desk. (3) Two womans are in the room. 3 다음빈칸에들어갈말로알맞지않은것은? Amy has two in her bag. 3 eraser[ r] 명지우개 textbook[t kstb k] 명교과서 1 pens 3 cookies 5 textbooks 2 juice 4 erasers 4 다음중어법상바르지못한것은? 1 It is a digital camera. 2 Here is a storybooks. 3 I drink milk every day. 4 They are little puppies. 5 Six lions live in the zoo. 4 digital camera 디지털카메라 storybook[st ri ] 명동화책 puppy[ ] 명강아지 live[liv] 살다 5 다음우리말과일치하도록괄호안의단어를활용하여문장을완성하시오. 열명의선수들이농구를한다. (player) 5 player[pl i r] 명선수 basketball[ ] 명 * 농구 ; 농구공 play basketball. 12 Chapter 1

Grammar Focus Lucy: Oh, Amy! That is my toothbrush. This is yours! Amy: I am sorry. But, Lucy, that is my T-shirt. Lucy: Oops! You re right. Lucy: 아, Amy! 그건내칫솔이야. 이게네거야! Amy: 미안해. 그런데 Lucy, 그건내티셔츠야. Lucy: 이런! 네가맞네. B 대명사 1 인칭대명사 : 사람이나사물의이름을대신해서쓰이는말로, 인칭과격에따라형태가달라진다. 수 주격 ( 은 / 는 / 이 / 가 ) 소유격 ( 의 ) 목적격 ( 을 / 를 / 에게 ) 소유대명사 ( 의것 ) I my me mine you your you yours 단수 he his him his she her her hers it its it we our us ours 복수 you your you yours they their them theirs Sally is a nice girl. She is kind. (She = Sally) I can t find my key. Please help me. It is his book. Yours is on the desk. (Yours = Your book) 2 지시대명사 : 가까이또는멀리있는사람이나사물을가리키는말이다. 1) 가까이있는것을가리킬때 : this( 이것, 이사람 ), these( 이것들, 이사람들 ) This is his teacher. These are his teachers. 2) 멀리있는것을가리킬때 : that( 저것, 저사람 ), those( 저것들, 저사람들 ) That is her basketball. Those are her basketballs. 3 비인칭주어 it: 시간, 요일, 날씨등을나타내는문장의주어로쓰이며, 그것 이라고해석하지않는다. It is 9 o clock. It is Tuesday. It is sunny and warm. 명사와대명사 13

Check-Up A 다음괄호안에서알맞은말을고르시오. 1 (He, His) is my friend. 2 That is (you, your) dress. 3 Mom loves (we, us) a lot. note A a lot 많이 snowy[ ] 형눈이오는 outside[ ] 부밖에 4 (It, That) is snowy outside. 5 The white car is (my, mine). 6 ( This, These) are his books. B 다음괄호안의단어를빈칸에알맞은형태로쓰시오. 1 I meet at school. (they) 2 The old computer is. (we) B gentleman[ ntlm n] 명신사 uncle[ kl] 명삼촌 3 The gentleman is uncle. (I) C 다음빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 1 I like tennis. I play every day. 2 Amy has a sister. name is Mary. C tennis[t nis] 명테니스 gift[ ift] 명선물 3 This is my gift for you. It is now. 4 Tom and Mike are my friends. are nice. D 다음그림을보고, 빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 1 2 D hat[h t] 명모자 people[ ] 명사람들 is a hat. is 11 o clock. 3 4 People like song. are my pencils. 14 Chapter 1

Grammar Test 1 다음중주격 소유격 목적격이잘못연결된것은? note 1 it its it 3 she her her 5 we our ours 2 you your you 4 they their them 2 다음문장의밑줄친부분을보기처럼바꿔쓰시오. 보기 It is your bicycle. It is yours. 2 bicycle[ ] 명자전거 pants[p nts] 명 복수 바지 (1) This is his camera. This is. (2) These are her pants. These are. (3) Those are my textbooks. Those are. 3 다음빈칸에들어갈말로알맞은것은? I have a rabbit. ears are long. 3 rabbit[r bit] 명토끼 1 My 3 Its 5 Their 2 It 4 Hers 4 다음빈칸에공통으로들어갈말로알맞은것은? is 12:30 p.m. is cold and windy. 4 windy[w ndi] 형바람이부는 1 I 3 He 5 They 2 It 4 We 5 다음우리말과일치하도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 저분들은그들의부모님이다. 5 parent[ ] 명 ( 주로복수형으로쓰여 ) 부모 are parents. 명사와대명사 15

Writing with Grammar A 다음그림을보고, 보기처럼괄호안의단어를활용하여문장을완성하시오. Jake Kate Tom Mina Chris 보기 Jake has four cups. (cup) 1 Kate has. (egg) 2 Tom has. (potato) 3 Mina has. (fish) 4 Chris has. (knife) B 다음그림을보고, 괄호안의단어를활용하여문장을완성하시오. 1 is a cat. The cat is. (I) 2 are red roses. The roses are. (she) 16 Chapter 1

Reading with Grammar Sue: Ron: Sue: Ron: Sue: Ron: Sue: Ron: Sue: Look! This is my favorite park. Wow, it is very big. And the 1 trees are tall. Their 2 branches are long, too. I like the trees smell. The park also has a pond. It is beautiful. It is popular with 3 childs. Many small 4 fish are in the pond. Oh, people ride their 5 bikes. I ride my bike here, too. Wow, your bike is very nice! Thank you. It is new! 1 다음그림을보고, 위대화에서언급되지않은부분을고르시오. 1 2 3 4 5 2 위대화의밑줄친부분중어법상바르지못한것은? 1 2 3 4 5 favorite[ ] 형가장좋아하는 park[p rk] 명공원 branch[ ] 명나뭇가지 smell[smel] 명냄새 pond[pand] 명연못 be popular with 에게인기있다 ride[r id] 타다 bike[ ] 명자전거 명사와대명사 17

Communication A 안부묻고답하기 A: How are you, John? B: Fine, thanks! How are you doing? A: Not bad. A: 어떻게지내니, John? B: 잘지내, 고마워! 넌어떻게지내니? A: 나쁘지않아. 상대방에게안부를물을때 How are you? 나 How are you doing? 등의표현을쓸수있다. 안부인사에답할때는 Fine, thanks. 나 Not bad. 등의표현을쓸수있다. 1 안부묻기 How is it going? / How is everything? ( 어떻게지내니?) What s up? ( 어떻게지내니?) ( 친한사이에쓰는구어적표현 ) 2 안부인사에답하기 I m fine. / All right. ( 잘지내.) Very well. / Pretty good. ( 아주잘지내.) So- so. ( 그저그래.) Not so good. ( 잘못지내.) B 소개하기와답하기 A: This is my brother, Tom. B: Nice to meet you, Tom. I m Bobby. C: Nice to meet you, too. A: 이쪽은내남동생 Tom 이야. B: 만나서반가워, Tom. 나는 Bobby 야. C: 저도만나서반가워요. 이사람은 입니다. 의의미로다른사람을소개할때 This is 를사용한다. 자신을소개할때는 I m 라고말할수있다. 소개에답할때는 Nice to meet you. 등의표현을쓸수있다. A: Let me introduce myself. My name is Jacob. ( 내소개를할게. 내이름은 Jacob이야.) B: Welcome, Jacob! ( 환영해, Jacob!) A: This is my father. Dad, this is my friend, Dave. ( 이분은우리아버지셔. 아빠, 이쪽은제친구 Dave예요.) B: Glad to meet you, Dave. ( 만나서반갑구나, Dave.) C: Happy to meet you, sir. ( 만나뵙게되어반갑습니다, 아저씨.) 18 Chapter 1

Communication Test 1 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈수없는것은? note A: Hi. How are you doing? B: 1 So - so. 3 All right. 5 Pretty good. 2 Thanks. 4 Very well. 2 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈말로알맞은것은? A: Let me introduce myself. B: Nice to meet you! 1 This is Ben. 2 My name is Ben. 3 Ben is 7 years old. 4 Happy to meet you. 5 He is my brother, Ben. 3 다음중쓰임이나머지넷과다른것은? 1 What s up? 2 How are you? 3 How old are you? 4 How is everything? 5 How are you doing? 4 다음대화의빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. A: Minsu, my cousin, John. 4 cousin[ ] 명사촌 B: Hello, John.. C: Glad to meet you, too. 명사와대명사 19

Final Test 1 다음중영어단어와우리말뜻이잘못연결된것은? 5 다음대화의빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 1 live - 살다 3 artist - 예술가 5 umbrella - 우산 2 wash - 던지다 4 country - 국가 A: Hello, Jack. is Thomas. B: Nice to meet you, Thomas. 2 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장알맞은것은? The boy is of ghosts. 1 nice 2 kind 3 funny 4 afraid 5 happy 6 다음중복수형이잘못연결된것은? 1 lily - lilies 2 zoo - zooes 3 place - places 4 heart - hearts 5 hobby - hobbies 7 다음중명사의성격이나머지넷과다른것은? 3 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈말로알맞지않은것을모두고르시오. A: B: All right. And you? 1 dish 3 health 5 calendar 2 factory 4 building 1 What s up? 2 How are you? 3 How is it going? 4 This is my daughter. 5 Let me introduce myself. 8 다음밑줄친부분중어법상바른것은? 1 They are an eagles. 2 That is a great idea! 3 Those are my boates. 4 This is a interesting story. 5 Julia eats two strawberrys. 4 대화가자연스럽게이어지도록 (A) ~ (C) 를바르게배열하시오. (A) Nice to meet you, too. (B) Let me introduce myself. My name is Uri. (C) Nice to meet you, Uri. I m your new teacher. 9 다음빈칸에들어갈말로알맞지않은것은? Those are. 1 pens 2 apples 3 red wine 4 dictionaries 5 my best friends 20 Chapter 1

10 다음빈칸에들어갈말이바르게짝지어진것은? Mrs. Brown is our aunt. We love. They are my cats. I like. [14-15] 다음빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 14 I have a girlfriend. I meet every day. 1 she they 3 her them 5 hers their 2 her they 4 hers them 15 Lauren and Adam take a skating class. Sylvia is teacher. 11 다음밑줄친부분과바꿔쓸수있는것은? Yumi and I are good friends. 16 다음중어법상바르지못한것은? 1 He 3 You 5 They 2 We 4 She 1 He is Chinese. 2 They are my cousins. 3 I am smart and pretty. 4 Her is a famous singer. 5 We are late for the movie. [12-13] 다음중밑줄친부분의쓰임이나머지넷과 다른것을고르시오. 12 1 Jason knows her. 2 My mother is busy. 3 This is Mary s violin. 4 It is Paul s backpack. 5 Our classroom is small. 서술형 17 다음문장을보기처럼바꿔쓰시오. 보기 That is a key. Those are keys. This is a rabbit. 어려워요! 13 1 It is Sunday. 2 It is my skirt. 3 It is 7 o clock. 4 It rains heavily. 5 It is very windy. 18 밑줄친 1 ~ 5 중지칭하는대상이나머지넷과다른것은? 1 He is my brother. 2 His name is Julien. 3 He is a baseball player. 4 He has a cute dog. 5 His name is Willy. 명사와대명사 21

19 다음밑줄친부분이가리키는말로바르지못한것은? 1 It is Tom s bike. It is new. = Tom s bike 2 This is his bag. That is hers. = her bag 3 The book on the desk is his. = his book 4 Sandra drinks coffee. Its smell is nice. = Sandra s 5 I know his phone number. He knows mine, too. = my phone number [22-23] 다음문장을바르게고쳐쓰시오. 22 Tom is he classmate. 23 Those are her letter. 서술형 [20-21] 다음그림을보고, 보기처럼괄호안의단어를 활용하여문장을완성하시오. 보기 24 다음대화의밑줄친부분이가리키는것을 2 단어로 쓰시오. (orange) Those are two oranges. A: This is a nice car. B: Oh, thank you! It is mine. 20 (chair) are. 25 다음우리말을조건에맞게영작하시오. 21 Brittany 와 Amy 는우리의아이들이다. (elephant) is. 조건 1 child 를활용할것 조건 2 6 단어로작성할것 22 Chapter 1