1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Honey, what are all these piles of paper here? M: They re the newspapers I ve already read. I ll take them

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1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Daniel, what are you reading? M: It s a book titled Flipped. I really like the story. W: I d like to read



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ePapyrus PDF Document


Unit Five: Conversation Three.

#1_초급 본문



2017 학년도 전국연합학력평가 영어영역 듣기평가대본 3 월고 3

1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Honey, what are all these piles of paper here? M: They re the newspapers I ve already read. I ll take them out for recycling later. W: Don t you think it s time to stop subscribing to the newspaper? We can always read the news online. M: 1 17

2. 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것 을고르시오. M: Ms. Baker, my eyeglasses got broken during the P.E. class. W: Oh, no. Are you okay, Kevin? M: I m okay, but I can t study without them. Can I go home to get my spare glasses? W: 2 17

3. 다음을듣고, 여자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. W: Good morning! Citizens of Greenville! The Friends of Greenville Public Libraries is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting libraries in our city. We believe that public libraries are the foundation for lifelong learning in our communities. We are currently focusing on promoting growth and expansion of the public libraries in Greenville. However, libraries cannot be built or maintained by today s tax dollars alone. To ensure the continued excellence and growth of our libraries, become a member of the Friends of Greenville Public Libraries with a monthly donation of 5 dollars! Join us and make a difference to our city! 3 17

4. 대화를듣고, 남자의의견으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Stella, I m going to sign up for the Study Buddy Program. Will you join me? W: I ve never heard about that program. What is it about? M: It s about teaching the subject you re good at to your friend. W: Wouldn t it take too much time? I don t have enough time for my own study. M: I know what you re worried about, but actually teaching others can help you with your study. W: Hmm... What makes you think so? M: It s based on my experience. Last winter, I taught my cousin, Paul, math. At first I thought I was teaching him, but I was learning, too. W: That s interesting. Can you be more specific? M: When I tried to explain to Paul how to solve math problems, I realized I didn t fully understand some basic concepts. I had to study more to teach him. W: So, you have learned more by teaching others. M: That s right. I m sure if you participate in this program, you can learn even more. 4 17

5. 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. M: Excuse me, is this Ms. Thompson s house? We re here for the in home survey. W: Oh, yes. Please come on in. M: Thank you. May I look around? W: Sure. Come this way. I have three rooms but I don t have much to move. M: Okay. Let me see... So you have a refrigerator, a washing machine and an air conditioner. W: Right. Those are all of the big appliances I have. But I have many flower pots. Do you charge extra for them? M: No. We don t charge extra money for flower pots. W: That s great. M: I think a 3 ton truck will cover all your belongings. W: All right. I m planning to move three weeks from today. Are you available then? M: Well, we don t have anything booked on that day. W: Great. Please send me the estimate. M: Okay. I ll do that right away when I return to my office. 5 17

6. 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. M: Have you thought about how we will furnish our student lounge? W: Yes, I have. I found a photo of a cool student lounge. We can get some good ideas from this photo. M: Let me have a look. It looks good and cozy. I especially like that large sofa on the right. W: What about the round clock above the sofa? M: I like its simple design. W: But the dart board next to the window doesn t look very nice. We might break the window if we threw darts. M: I agree. We d better not hang anything next to the window. W: There s a large TV on the left wall. Don t we need one like that? M: Yes. We could use it for presentations or watching movies. W: The round table and chairs in the middle of the room look convenient. M: Yeah. Let s ask our school to order something similar to them. 6 17

7. 대화를듣고, 여자가할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. W: Steve, do you remember where this picture was taken? M: Oh, that was our family trip to Gray Bear Mountain. W: Yeah. We had a lot of fun camping there. M: We ll have more fun this weekend at the river. Have we prepared everything that we need for white water rafting? W: Let s check. I ve packed life jackets, towels, and sunscreen in that bag over there. M: Great. Hmm..., do we need waterproof cellphone cases? W: Oh, right. We ll need a couple of them to take pictures while rafting. M: Yeah, we can capture every moment without worrying about our phones getting wet. W: I ll go buy the cases right away. By the way, did you get our tent back from David? M: Ah, I forgot it. I ll go to his place and get it back from him while you re out. W: Okay, sounds good. 7 17

8. 대화를듣고, 여자가제주도여행을취소한이유를고르시오. W: Hi, Nick. Do you have any special plans for the summer? M: After taking a summer class for two weeks, I m planning to travel to Malaysia with my family. My father told me to make plans. W: That sounds fun. M: Yeah, so I m doing some research on Malaysia. What about you? Are you going to work part time as you did last summer? W: No. Actually, I was planning to visit Jeju Island, but I canceled it. M: Why did you cancel it? W: I have a cousin living in Canada and she s coming to visit Korea during the summer. I d like to spend time with her and show her around Seoul. M: It seems that you re going to have a good time with your cousin. W: Yeah. Also, we are going to a K pop concert. We re big fans of K pop and I already booked the tickets. M: Sounds great. Have a nice summer! 8 17

9. 대화를듣고, 남자가지불할금액을고르시오. W: Good morning. How can I help you? M: Hi. I want to get some scented candles for my mother. What would you recommend? W: These are very popular among ladies. M: They re great. How much are they? W: The large ones are $5 each, and the small ones are $3 each, regardless of fragrance. M: That s nice. I ll take two large ones, one vanilla and one strawberry. W: Excellent. You might also need candle holders for them. M: How much are they? W: The glass candle holders are $1 each, and the metal ones are $2 each. M: I ll take two glass holders. Can I use this coupon I downloaded from your website? W: Of course. That gets you $2 off the total price. M: Wonderful. Here s my credit card. 9 17

10. 대화를듣고, Kite Flying Competition 에관해언급되지않은것을고르시 오. W: Mike, what are these? M: I m making a kite for the Kite Flying Competition, Mom. W: I ve heard about that. When is it going to be this year? M: It ll be on March 30th. W: It s only one week away. Where will it take place? M: At Citizens Park. It s near my school. Can you come? W: Sure. Dad and I will be there to cheer for you. Do you need any help in your kite making? M: Yes. Please hold this frame while I glue the paper. W: Okay. This will be a beautiful kite. By the way, how do they decide the winners? M: The judges will rate the kites on the basis of how beautiful they are and how high up they go. W: I see. I hope you can win a prize. M: Me, too. The prizes are really great this year. The winners will receive wireless speakers, tablet computers, and so on. W: That s terrific! 10 17

11. Spring Walking Day 에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시 오. M: Good morning, everyone. I m Stanley Chung, president of Whitehorse High School Student Council. I d like to invite you to Spring Walking Day. This is an event where students, teachers, and parents can participate. Spring Walking Day will be on the last Saturday of March. We ll start at the school gate and walk a 5 km course. After walking, we ll eat lunch together and do some interesting activities. Lunch and bottled water will be offered for free. To participate, you must register at least three days prior to this event. You can find more information on our school s bulletin board. I hope all the members of Whitehorse High School community will have a great day together! Let s go walking! 11 17

12. 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 여자가선택한애완동물운반용가방을 고르시오. M: Ma am, are you being served? W: No, I m looking for a pet carrier for my puppy. M: All right. I can definitely help you with that. We have a variety of pet carriers. Is there a specific feature you d like? W: Yes. It should be foldable. I don t have much space in my place. M: Good point. We have foldable ones. How big is your puppy? W: He is a poodle and weighs about 6 kg. M: Then you can choose from these small or medium ones. W: I think either size would be fine for my puppy. M: All right. Which color do you prefer, gray or yellow? W: I prefer a gray one. It wouldn t get stained easily. M: Good choice. Then you have two options left. Which one would you take? W: I d like the cheaper one. M: Okay. Then I ll go get a new one from the storage room. W: Thanks. 12 17

13. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것 을고르시오. [Telephone rings.] M: Good morning, Victory Shoe Store. W: Hi. I d like to buy the newest model of Victory Sneakers. I checked the website but my size was sold out. So I m calling every Victory Shoe Store in the city to get a pair. M: I guess you re talking about the model Number 101. It s really popular now. W: Yes. I d like to ask if you have a size 38 in your store. M: Okay. Let me check if they re in stock. [typing sound] We have two pairs. W: Oh, I m so glad! I ve called five other stores so far and you re the only one who has them! So, how can I get them? M: You can either pick them up at our store or place an order for delivery. W: Umm... How long does it take to get them delivered? I live on Main Street. M: It usually takes three days. W: Then I d like to go grab the sneakers myself. I guess I can visit you tomorrow. But what if somebody else takes them? M: 13 17

14. 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것 을고르시오. M: Katie, how many friends are you going to invite to your birthday party? W: Seven, Dad. They re all my classmates. M: Okay. Have you invited them already? W: Not yet. I m going to make invitation cards tonight. M: Good idea! How will you send the invitations to your friends? W: I was thinking of handing them out at school. M: Well, I don t think it s very considerate. W: Really? Why do you think so? M: There are many other classmates who are not invited. If you hand out the invitations in front of them, they may get hurt. W: Oh, I didn t think about that. M: They may feel they are left out. You know how it feels, sweetie. W: 14 17

15. 다음상황설명을듣고, Carla 가노신사에게할말로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Carla works at an electronics store. One day, an elderly gentleman comes to her store and looks for a gift for his granddaughter. Carla recommends several products within the gentleman s budget range. The man is now considering two options. One is a pair of headphones and the other is a pair of wireless earphones. Before making a decision, the man asks Carla for advice. Carla thinks that the wireless earphones would be a better choice. She uses them for herself and is quite happy with them, so she thinks the man s granddaughter would like them, too. In this situation, what would Carla most likely say to the elderly gentleman? 15 17

16 번부터 17 번까지는두번들려줍니다. [16 ~ 17] 다음을듣고, 물음에답하시오. M: Good morning, listeners. Today, I d like to talk about vegetables and fruits. Have you thought about how your refrigerator is never large enough to store all the fresh vegetables and fruits? Here s a tip that can help you with that problem. This is effective and doesn t require any room in your refrigerator. Besides, it doesn t consume any electricity. Sand is the key. If you have a cool basement or other cool areas in your house, you can store fresh foods there, in cardboard or wooden boxes filled with sand. Firm root vegetables like carrots and radishes last longer in the sand. Ginger and onions also stay fresh in the sand for up to a month. Just spread out the vegetables and cover them with sand. Since the sand regulates humidity, it can keep the produce from rotting. Firm fruits such as apples and pears can be stored in sand, too. There s one thing to remember, though. Don t wash the vegetables or fruits before storing, because it speeds rotting. So now, all you need to do is get a bag or two of clean sand at the market. Now, let s take a commercial break. Stay tuned! 다시한번듣겠습니다. 16. 남자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것은? 16 17

17. 언급된채소나과일이아닌것은? 17 17