최근비즈니스에영향을주고있는 6 가지기술 해외현황국내문제 디지털금융 ( 중개, 지급결제, 위험관리 ) 특징. 채널의디지털화 : 인터넷뱅킹, CD/ATM, 모바일금융 지급결제수단의전자화 : 전자카드, 모바일지급결제, 모바일지갑 (wallet) Big data Every year, companies and individuals generate billions of gigabytes of data. Data, which properly analyzed and used in time, can emerge as an unbeatable competitive advantage. Enterprises need to recognize the prospect big data represents and should adapt their IT strategy to capture such opportunities. Big data can help retailers predict buying decisions of shoppers; it can help banks weed out fraudulent transactions; while governments can use big data to provide services directly to their citizens. Cloud computing The undeniable power of cloud computing to foster innovations and improve productivity is now accepted by both IT vendors and their customers. While the financial services and government sectors are mostly moving to a private cloud model due to information security concerns, other industries like healthcare and retail have adopted public cloud. Moreover, their existing infrastructure has helped telecom players to emerge as providers of cloud computing, leading to erosion in boundaries between IT and telecom vendors. Social media A social media strategy has become a must for all enterprises, be it banks, retailers or the government. With over one billion individuals logged on to various social networks, people are now using social media for advice on what products to buy, where to shop and even regarding what firms they want to work with. While most enterprises use social media for their customer service function only, many firms have now started using social media in tandem with their sales and marketing functions. This in turn enables firms to use data generated by the customers effectively to service their larger pools of customers. 출처 : KPMG, 03 최근비즈니스에영향을주고있는 6 가지기술 ( 계속 ) Mobility Mobile devices have changed the way people access digital content. Smartphones and tablets have brought rich, digital content to the fingertips of consumers. Mobile banking has emerged as one of the most innovative products in the financial services industry. Shoppers are increasingly using their mobile devices for everything from browsing to comparing to buying products. Governments are also reaching out to their citizens, using mobile devices as an efficient channel. Enterprises must also jump on to the mobility bandwagon, and ensure that their applications are mobile ready. Embedded systems The decreasing cost of embedded systems has made their presence ubiquitous across the business landscape. Embedded systems like RFID chips have revolutionized supply chains for retailers. Embedded systems are also having an impact in the healthcare industry, where hospitals attach smart chips to patients to keep track of their entire medical regime. Augmented reality Over the past 4-36 months, augmented reality has moved from the world of science fiction, to our everyday lives. The spread of smartphones and tablets gave rise to the spread of location-based augmented reality applications, and now everyone from retailers to healthcare providers have embraced augmented reality. Augmented reality enhances the customer experience, and enables enterprises to add a fourth dimension to their products. 출처 : KPMG, 03 디지털화의예
언제, 어디서나 디지털기기만있으면 서비스품질 빠름 이용하기쉽다 기술이필요하다 http://www.booz.com/media/file/boozco_maximizing-the-impact-of-digitization.pdf 디지털금융관련대고객관련과제들
앞서살펴본 6 가지 IT 혁신의영향 ( 시장규모 ) 을받는산업들 디지털화이해하기 3
디지털화에따른비즈니스와산업의변화 디지털화에따른금융회사내외부과제 ( 고객경험 ) ( 프로세스효과성 ) ( 비즈니스통합 ) ( 데이터및정보 ) 출처 : McKinsey, 03 ( 새로운상품및서비스 ) 디지털금융이기존금융과무엇이다른가?. 금융은기본적으로중개업 : 그런데무엇을통해서비스를연결하나 / 하나 / 받나? ( 고객경험 ) 점포, 디지털채널, SNS. 비즈니스프로세스 ( 프로세스효과성 ) 비즈니스프로세스 크라우드 (cloud) 컴퓨팅의활용 3. 정보시스템및데이터 ( 데이터및정보 ) 3 차세대정보시스템 + 빅데이터 (Analytics) 데이터기반마케팅 유연한정보시스템 4. 일반비즈니스와금융과의연결 ( 비즈니스통합 ) 금융과상거래의결합 : 금융공급사슬 비금융회사들의참여 / 진출 / 협력 5. 새로운디지털서비스및금융상품 ( 새로운상품및서비스 ) 디지털화폐 ( 지급결제 ) 3 모바일지갑 SNS 금융서비스 해외현황국내문제 디지털금융 ( 중개, 지급결제, 위험관리 ) 특징. 채널의디지털화 : 인터넷뱅킹, CD/ATM, 모바일금융 지급결제수단의전자화 : 전자카드, 모바일지급결제, 모바일지갑 (wallet) 4
금융서비스과제의예 대고객과제해결의예 : 가상어드바이저 고객의구매과정 : 새로운고객경험 고객경험의변화 http://thefinanser.co.uk/files/trends_in_retail_banking_channels improving_client_service_and_o perating_costs.pdf 5
국가별채널의특징 디지털화되는상품 / 서비스의예 나라마다발달된채널이다른이유는? 지리적, 사회적환경 ( 현금, 정치비리 ) IT 인프라수준 경제적환경 : 전자상거래의발달, 개방성 정부의정책 : 규제 금융기관 / 회사의전략 : 수수료중심 우리나라의강점과취약점은? 가치있는데이터는? Accenture 는데이터의가치를 3 단계로분류하고있다. 원시데이터 (raw data), 인사이트 (insight), 거래 (transaction) 등으로구분한다. 은행의새로운서비스 출처 : Accenture, 0 출처 : Capgemini, 0 6
지급결제수단중전세계적에걸쳐가장성장이두드러질것으로예상되는수단은? 선불카드 발행이쉬움 : 선불 사업상의유리함 비금융기관들과의제휴용이 ( 상품권 ) 로다양한서비스가능 포화상태인신용카드시장 직불카드 은행잔액이상의위험부담없음 은행인프라가취약한지역 신용카드포화 낮은위험 신용카드 신흥국 ( 중국 ) 에서는도시유입젊은이 ( 먼저쓰고보자 ) 비은행기관들의진입 7
새로운경쟁자출처 : Capgemini, 0 은행이하던일을이제는디지털기업들이신세계, 한국판페이팔 ' 신세계페이먼츠 ' 설립. 신세계그룹은 03 년 9 월전자지급결제대행법인인자본금 0 억원의신세계페이먼츠 (PG 업체 ) 를설립 새로설립한신세계페이먼츠는신세계나이마트고객이온라인이나인터넷쇼핑몰에서상품을구매할때대금을신용카드나계좌이체등으로결제할수있도록도와주는전자지급결제대행 (PG) 업무를수행 앞서신세계는인터넷몰을그룹신성장동력으로삼은가운데전자결제시스템개선방안을강구해왔음. http://www.atkearney.com/documents/09/04c599-e0ad-4346-bf70-7fead68c359 8
신세계, 한국판페이팔 ' 신세계페이먼츠 ( 계속 ) 비즈니스모델의변화 PG 란고객이온라인이나모바일쇼핑몰에서상품을구매할때신용카드와계좌이체등으로대금을결제할수있도록도와주는서비 국내에는 50 여개의 PG 사가있으며, KG 이니시스와 LG 유플러스, 한국사이버결제등이전체시장의 80% 가량을점유하고있음. 신세계그룹의 PG 사업진출은특히정용진부회장이세계최대전자상거래기업인이베이의 ' 페이팔 (PayPal)' 을벤치마킹하라는주문에따른것 현재전세계 억 천만명이상이사용하는페이팔은신용카드번호를한번입력하면로그인만으로도간편하게결제할수있는시스템 출처 : Accenture, 0 9