12. 그래픽오가나이저를활용한쓰기지도 Profile 홍현주 미국노스캐롤라이나대학교육대학원 (TESOL전공) 한국외국어대학교영어교육학박사 현, 쑥쑥닷컴영어교육연구소장 형성대영문과초빙교수 서울대영문과대학영어강사 미국 Hope Valley Elementary ESL 연구교사 미국노스캐롤라이나주고교영어및초중고 ESL 교사자격저서 영어그림책으로시작하는자신만만유아영어 ( 공저 ) 조기유학알고보내자 저자 [ 도서출판넥서스 ] 부모를위한초등6년영어관리법저자 [ 랜덤하우스출판 ] 홍박쌤의저절로영작문 / 영어회화 저자 [ 두산동아출판 ] 온가족생활영어 100 저자 [ 이퍼블릭출판 ] 엄마는친절한영어선생님 [ 웅진웹북 ] 엄마는친절한영어유치원선생님 [ 웅진웹북 ]
1. Graphic Organizer 1) 독해전략지도에있어서그래픽오거나이저의필요성 1 책을읽고능숙하게내용을이해하려면독해전략을사용할수있어야함 2 독해전략은단순히교사의예시나설명만으로는습득되지않음 3 책을읽고그에관한글쓰기를통해독해전략을강화시킬수있음 4 이러한글쓰기를체계적으로학습, 교수하는데에그래픽오거나이저가유용 2) 그래픽오거나이저란 텍스트에등장하는개념, 혹은개념간의관계를그림이나표로나타낸정리장 3) 그래픽오거나이저를활용한독서후지도의장점 1 텍스트에등장하는생각, 개념간의관계를파악하고평가하는도구가됨 2 개념및생각의정리를도와책을읽고쉽게내용을요약할수있음 3 글쓰기의가이드역할을하여자유작문의훈련과정으로이용 1) Story Map 이란? 2. Story Map Story Elements 를한눈에알아볼수있도록디자인된 Graphic Organizer *Story Elements = 이야기를구성하는데공통적으로필요한필수요소 1 배경 (setting) 2 등장인물 (main characters & supporting characters) 3 사건 = 문제 (problems) & 해결 (solutions)
2)Story Map 완성방법 1 배경 (Setting): 이야기가일어난시간과장소 - When does this story take place? - Where does this story take place? 2 등장인물 (Characters): 이야기를엮어나가는주인공과보조인물들 (people, animals & other characters) - Who are in this story? - Who is the main character? - Who is the most important person? - Who are supporting characters? - Who else are there in the story? 3 사건 (Sequence of Events-Plot & Problem): 등장인물이처한갈등, 문제점을비롯한주요사건들 -What are problems? -What difficulties does OO have? -What troubles Cinderella?
4 해결 (Solution): 사건의문제가해결되는과정 -What is the solution? -How is the problem solved? -How does the character solve the problem? 3. Character Map 1) Character Map 이란? = 등장인물을분석하는작업을할수있도록돕는오가나이저 *Characterization = 등장인물의외모, 성격, 행동, 생각, 성취등을규명해내는작업 2) Character Map 완성방법 등장인물을쓰고그에관련된내용을기술 -Who is the main character?
-What does the character look like? -What does the character do? -How does the character behave? -What does the character say/think? 4. Time Line 1) Time Line 이란? 한이야기나역사책등에등장하는사건을시간상으로나열한정리장 1연이어진사건간의관계를잘알수있게하여독해를도와줌 2특히 ESL 학생들이이야기를잘이해하는데중요한활동이됨 3단, 페이지나챕터넘어가는순서가시간상이아닐경우를주의 ( 회상기법에따라과거의일이먼저거론될수있음 )
2) Time Line 의유용성 11, 2, 3 과같이숫자를붙여기술 2First, second, next, last 와같은순서를나타내는표현으로기술 3과거시제로기술하면영어동사시제연습이됨 4단, 너무세세한사건을나열하지않고중요한사건만쓰도록유도 -What happened first? -What happened next? -And then? -Think of the next event. -What was the next important event? -Remember what happened after this. 5. Summery Chart 1) Summery Chart 란? 읽은내용을요약할수있도록유도하는그래픽정리장
2) 요약 (Summery) 이란 작품등을읽고이해한뒤기억하여다른사람에게전달할수있도록정리하는 것으로북리포트작성시핵심적인부분이됨 3) Summery Chart 완성방법 1 시작, 중간, 끝으로나누어주요한사건을나열 2 타임라인에서정리한상세한사건중중요한부분만골라서정리 3 주인공, 사건, 해결이드러나게요약 -What happened in the beginning? -What happened in the middle of the story? -What happened at the end of the story? -Was the event important? -What happened next because of this? -Do you think we need to know this to understand the whole story? 6. Compare& Contrast 1) Compare & Contrast 란? 개념, 주제, 인물등을관찰한뒤비교시사용하는오가나이저 - Compare: Similarity - Contrast: Difference
2) Compare & contrast 의특징 1 두가지특성의공통점과차이점을찾기위해관찰하고상세한부분까지생각 2 작품의갈등이등장인물간의사고방식의차이, 사회관의차이등에서빚어지므로작품을이해하는데에도움이됨 3 공통점과차이점을나열하기위한질문으로유도 -What do you want to compare? -Look at these two things/people. -How are they alike? -How are they similar? -What do they have in common? -Do they have something in common? -How are they different? -What s the difference between them? -How do they differ? -Can you tell the differences? 7. Problem & Solution 1)Problem & Solution 이란? 이야기의 plot 에서가장중요한요소인갈등과해결을파악하는오가나이저
2) 이야기의구성 (Plot) 과갈등 / 문제해결 (Problems & Solution) Plot = 이야기의발단, 전개, 갈등, 절정및결말이야기의전개에따라사건 ( 문제 ) 가발생됨문제가어떻게해결되는가를파악하는과정 = 이야기의구성을이해하는핵심 3) 갈등과갈등요소 1 인물과인물, 인물과사회등을비교, 대조하면서갈등요소를찾아낼수있음 2 갈등요소는반드시인물간의문제만이아니라등장인물의내면에서일어나는갈등, 개인과사회와의갈등등이있을수있음 3 이야기내의갈등요소라고느끼는점은개인차가있으므로중요한갈등요소를파악할수있도록교사의유도가필요함 4)Problem & Solution 완성방법 1 문제를기술할때 - who, what, where, when, why 를넣어질문 - What is the problem? - Who has the problem? - How did the problem happen? - What made the problem? - Why is it a problem? 2 해결을기술할때 - who, how 를넣어질문 - How is the problem solved? - Who helps with the problem? - Who solved the problem?
8.Cause & Effect 1) Casuse & Effect 란? 일련의사건, 주인공의행동에서원인과결과를파악하게해주는오가나이저 2)Cause& Effect 의특징 1 정리장을통해시각화함으로써문제의원인을규명하는데도움을줌 2 논리적사고를돕는중요한활동이됨 3 독해를통해 because 나 so 와같이원인과결과를나타내는어휘없이도문제의원인과결과를규명해내는데도움을줌 4 순차적인것 (later, afterwards) 등을원인및결과로생각지않도록지도 3)Cause & Effect 완성방법 1사건, 사물, 행동간의관계성포착 2주원인 (main cause), 직접적원인 (immediate cause), 간접적원인 (remote cause) 파악 3Signal words 파악 because, so, therefore, consequently, as a result, due to, if ~ then, thus 등
[ 원인을묻는표현 ] -Why did it happen? -What made this happen? -What caused this to happen? -What are the reasons? [ 결과를묻는표현 ] -What happened? -What happened because of this? -What was the result? 9.KWL Chart 1)KWL 이란? K: What I know W: What I want to learn L: What I learned
2) KWL Chart 와논픽션리딩 -배경지식을동원하여논픽션글을더잘이해할수있도록도와줌 -읽기목표설정을도와줌 -알아야될정보에집중하게할수있음 -습한내용을정리하는데도움을줌 3) KWL Chart 완성방법 A. Step1-Know -주제에관해이미알고있는바를말해보기 -알고있는바를언제, 어디에서배웠는지브레인스토밍하기 -말한내용을초점에맞게일반화하기 B. Step2 What to Learn -독서를하면서무엇을알고싶은지의논 -더관심있는부분에질문을쓰게함 -교사의모범을통해아이들에게많은질문을유도 C. Step3-What I Learned 읽고나서알게된내용을정리 Step 2에서질문했던부분의답변을구했는지확인 Step 2가해소되지않았을경우확장활동할수있음 10.Book Report 1) Book Report 란? 책에관한정보를알려주는글로써 facts 를기록하는보고서형식 - 제목, 작가, 삽화가, 출간년도, 출판사, 요약등을기록
2) Book Report 의장점 1 책을자세히읽고내용을기억할수있도록도움 2 책을잘읽었는지, 내용을잘이해하였는지확인할수있는지표 3 Book Review보다쓰기가쉬워먼저시도하는것이효과적 3)Book Report의완성방법 1이야기의전체개요 (outline) 파악 2Book Report 의구성 - 책의정보 ( 제목, 출판사, 출판년도 ) - 작가정보 ( 작가의이름, 삽화가의이름, 작가의다른작품등 ) - 시대정보 ( 이야기가펼쳐지고있는시대의정보 ex: 서부개척시대 ) - 등장인물의정보 ( 주인공및부가적인물 ) - 이야기의구성 ( 갈등및해결구조 ) -Write the title of this book. -Write the names of the author and the illustrator. -Write the year when the book was published.
-Write about the author and his/her other books, if any. -Think about the time period when this story takes place. -Describe the main character or the hero of the story. -Give a summary of what happens in the story. 10.Book Review 1) Book Review vs. Book Report 1 이야기에등장하는사실을논하나개인적인관점에서기록됨 2 책을읽은후이야기에관한개인적견해까지모두기록한다는점에서 book report 와차이 3 광고문형식, 북커버만들기, 도서추천문형식으로도진행 2) Book Review 완성방법 A. Setting ( 배경 ) - Where did the story take place? 예 ) in the mountains, on the plains, in the desert - When did the story take place?
예 ) in Colonial times, in 1950, in the future - What did the setting look like? 예 ) snow-capped wilderness, beautiful rolling hills - Why is this setting important to this story? B. Main Characters - Who are the main characters in the book? - What did the main characters look like? - How did the main character s personality after the story? C. Plot - Which major events shape the plot of the story? - What problems did the character deal with? - Who was behind the problems? D. Theme - What was the message/lesson of this book? - How was the message shown? - Was the message clear through the whole story? E. Option - Do you like this story? Why or why not? - What is your favorite part? Why is it your favorite? - Would you like to recommend this book to others? Why?