1 번부터 20 번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 방송을잘듣고, 답을하시기바 랍니다. 듣는내용은한번만들려줍니다. 1. 잘듣고, 대화의내용과일치하는그림을고르시오. [2.4] 4 1 2 3 5 2. 잘듣고, 자연스럽지않은대화를고르시오. [2.5] 3. 잘듣고, 대화후에이어질상황으로알맞지않은그림을고르시오. [2.5] 4. 잘듣고, 대화가이루어지고있는장소를고르시오. [2.4] 1 bus stop 2 zoo 3 beach 4 theater 5 school
5. 잘듣고, 주어진그림의상황과일치하지않는대화를고르시오. [2.4] 6. 대화를듣고, 아이들이주스의재료로사용하지않은것을고르시오. [2.5] 7. 대화를듣고, Cindy 가모래로만들고있는것을고르시오. [2.4] 8. 잘듣고, 대화를마친후소년의심경으로가장알맞은것을고르시오. [2.5] 1 angry 2 sad 3 bored 4 happy 5 scared
9. 잘듣고, 대화의내용과일치하는것을고르시오. [2.6] 1 할머니가소년을찾아왔다. 2 소년은목이아프다. 3 할머니는물을마시고싶어한다. 4 소년은물을찾지못했다. 5 할머니는배가고프다. 10. 잘듣고, 대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. [2.5] 1 소녀는키가작다. 2 소녀의여동생은 7살이다. 3 소녀에게는오빠가없다. 4 소녀에게는삼촌이있다. 5 소녀의가족은할머니와할아버지의집을종종방문한다. 11. 대화를듣고, 소녀가입고나갈옷이아닌것을고르시오. [2.6] 12. 대화를듣고, 오늘의날씨변화로알맞은것을고르시오. [2.5]
13. 대화를듣고, 소년이받은선물로알맞은것을고르시오. [2.4] 1 모자 2 CD 3 사탕 4 전화기 5 헤드폰 14. 대화를듣고, 수진이가가장좋아하는과목을고르시오. [2.4] 1 미술 2 체육 3 영어 4 과학 5 음악 15. 대화를듣고, 소년의생일이언제인지고르시오. [2.4] 1 November 1st 2 November 3rd 3 October 31st 4 October 13th 5 November 5th 16. 대화를듣고, 여자가찾는장소를고르시오. [2.4] 1 bakery 2 flower shop 3 post office 4 drugstore 5 bookstore 17. 대화를듣고, 태현이와미나가함께하기로한것을고르시오. [2.5] 1 책읽기 2 축구 3 농구 4 배구 5 야구 18. 대화를듣고, 두사람이이용할교통수단으로알맞은것을고르시오. [2.5] 1 버스 2 지하철 3 택시 4 트럭 5 자가용
19. 대화를듣고, 여자가도서관에가지못하는이유를고르시오. [2.5] 1 몸이아파서 3 할아버지병문안을가야되서 5 도서관이문을닫아서 2 영어수업이있어서 4 시험이있어서 20. 대화를듣고, 두사람이오후에하기로한활동을고르시오. [2.6] 1 음악회가기 2 연날리기 3 배드민턴치기 4 영화보기 5 놀이터에서놀기 이제듣기문제는모두끝났습니다. 21 번부터는문제지의지시에따라답을하 시기바랍니다. 21. 다음중짝지어진두단어의밑줄친부분의발음이서로같은것은? [2.5] 1 pig five 2 sunny happy 3 green dress 4 cat cake 5 house slow 22. 다음중짝지어진두단어의관계가나머지넷과다른것은? [2.4] 1 fat thin 2 strong weak 3 big small 4 old young 5 long tall 23. 다음중나머지네단어를대표하는것은? [2.4] 1 yellow 2 red 3 blue 4 color 5 white
24. 다음그림을나타내는어구가되도록빈칸에알맞은말을바르게짝지 은것은? [2.5] (A) (B) (C) English a bath the dishes (A) (B) (C) 1 study put wash 3 take put make 5 take make put (A) (B) (C) 2 put take make 4 study take wash 25. 다음대화의빈칸에알맞은말을바르게짝지은것은? [2.5] A: What s the matter? B: I have a (A). A: Let me see. (B) your mouth. B: OK. Ahhh. A: You have a (C) tooth. You must take out the tooth. (A) (B) (C) 1 headache Open mad 2 toothache Open bad 3 headache Close fine 4 toothache Close bad 5 cold Open mad 26. 다음중나머지넷과관련이없는것은? [2.4] 1 bear 2 giraffe 3 horse 4 zebra 5 car
27. 다음빈칸에알맞은직업이름을바르게짝지은것은? [2.5] A: I like to teach math. I want to be a. B: I like to draw pictures. I want to be an. 1 pilot dancer 2 nurse dentist 3 teacher artist 4 farmer artist 5 pilot farmer 28. 다음중모두관련있는단어로짝지어진것은? [2.6] 1 neck knee foot window 2 seven ten blue nine 3 spring summer fall winter 4 mountain lake truck river 5 spider pants coat pajamas 29. 다음밑줄친부분중어법상어색한것은? [2.4] 1 A: Are you Pinocchio? B: Yes, I am. 2 A: There are two kites. B: They is beautiful. 3 A: Do you need bricks? B: Yes, I do. 4 A: Can you sing? B: Yes, I can. 5 A: I like those pants. B: They are twenty dollars.
30. 다음밑줄친부분을어법에맞게고친것중올바르지않은것은? [2.6] A: Where are you? B: I m 1 the bathroom. A: What are you doing? B: I m 2 wash my hands. A: Good boy! 3 Do you hungry? B: Yes, I am. A: Let s eat. B: What 4 is these? A: They are beans. B: Beans? I don t like 5 it. 1 the bathroom in the bathroom 2 wash washing 3 Do Is 4 is are 5 it them 31. 다음밑줄친부분중어법상올바른것은? [2.5] 1 Am you OK? 2 What s you name? 3 There are a house. 4 Can you join us? 5 Do you wanting some cookies?
32. 다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? [2.5] One day, Geppetto makes a boy puppet. This wooden boy is Pinocchio. He is so cute. Geppetto says, Stand up. Then the boy stands up! It is amazing! He tries again, Sit down. The boy can sit down, too. Geppetto loves Pinocchio. Good job, my boy. 1 제페토는나무인형을만든다. 2 나무인형의이름은피노키오다. 3 제페토는놀라서일어선다. 4 피노키오는앉을수있다. 5 제페토는피노키오를사랑한다. 33. 다음글의내용에맞게그림이순서대로바르게배열된것은? [2.5] Donkey and Dog are going to Bremen. They want to be musicians there. In the woods they meet Cat. Cat joins them and they sing together. They walk and walk all day. They are tired and hungry. Then they see a light. There is a house. Donkey, Dog, and Cat go inside the house and eat some food. (A) (B) (C) (D) 1 (B) (D) (C) (A) 2 (C) (D) (A) (B) 3 (C) (D) (B) (A) 4 (B) (C) (D) (A) 5 (B) (C) (A) (D)
34. 다음글의내용과일치하는것은? [2.5] Hare and Tortoise are ready to have a race. They start to run in the forest. Hare is faster than Tortoise. Tortoise is far behind Hare, so Hare drinks some water and eats a carrot. Then she goes to sleep. Tortoise is slow, but he doesn t stop. At last, Tortoise wins the race. 1 Hare and Tortoise have a race in the desert. 2 Tortoise eats a carrot. 3 Hare doesn t sleep. 4 Tortoise doesn t stop. 5 Tortoise is slow and he loses the race. 35. 다음글의빈칸에가장알맞은것은? [2.6] Three little pigs build their own houses. The first pig makes his house out of straw. The second pig makes his house out of logs. The third pig makes his house out of bricks. One day, a wolf blows down the straw house and breaks down the log house. The wolf chases after the first pig and the second pig. They go to the third pig s house. The wolf cannot break down the brick house because it s very. The wolf is angry, but the brick house is safe. 1 strong 2 weak 3 beautiful 4 cold 5 busy
36. 다음글의내용으로보아, 대답할수있는질문이아닌것은? [2.6] Hansel and Gretel live with their dad. He brings a woman to their house. The stepmother doesn t like the kids. One day, she takes Hansel and Gretel to the woods and leaves them there. It s so dark and cold. They get lost in the woods. Look! They see a cookie house. An old witch lives there. The witch gives cookies and candies to the kids. Hansel and Gretel eat them and fall asleep. 1 헨젤과그레텔은아버지와함께사나요? 2 새엄마는헨젤과그레텔을어디로데려가나요? 3 과자로만든집에는누가사나요? 4 마녀는헨젤과그레텔에게어떤종류의음식을주나요? 5 헨젤과그레텔은과자로만든집에서얼마동안잠을자나요? 37. 다음글의내용과일치하는것은? [2.5] I am an elementary school student. I wake up at seven thirty. I wash my face and then I have breakfast. I get to school before nine o clock. I have lunch in the school cafeteria at one o clock. I go home around three o clock and watch cartoons on TV. I have dinner at eight and go to bed at ten. 1 나는아침 7시에일어난다. 2 나는오전 9시가넘어서학교에도착한다. 3 나는학교식당에서 1시에점심을먹는다. 4 나는 5시경에집에서만화를본다. 5 나는 9시에잔다.
38. 다음글의내용과일치하지않는대화는? [2.6] Bora likes summer best. It is sunny and hot. In summer, she can swim all day long. She can play with water guns, too. Above all things, she can visit her grandparents farm and help them. That s why she likes summer best. 1 Question: What is your favorite season? Bora: I like summer best. 2 Question: How s the weather in summer? Bora: It is sunny and hot. 3 Question: Can you swim in summer? Bora: Yes, I can. 4 Question: What can you do in summer? Bora: I can play with water guns. 5 Question: Do you help your parents in summer? Bora: Yes, I do. 39. 주어진문장이들어갈위치로가장알맞은곳은? [2.7] For example, alligators, monkeys, and frogs live there. Some parts of Earth are called jungle. ( 1 ) These hot and humid areas are full of life. There are many animals in the jungle. ( 2 ) Jungles also have many trees and grasses. ( 3 ) You can find lots of unique plants there. ( 4 ) Jungles are very important to living things. ( 5 )
40. 다음글을읽고알수없는내용은? [2.7] The giraffe is one of the world s tallest animals. They have long necks and legs. They also have small horns on their heads. Male giraffes are taller than female giraffes. They are nearly 580 centimeters tall. With their long neck, they can eat leaves from tall trees. Most giraffes can live up to 25 years and go for many days without drinking water. 1 기린이사는곳 2 기린몸의특징 3 수컷기린의키 4 기린의먹이 5 기린의기대수명