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Being friends with the face in the mirror


For example: 행복하다 = happy 행복 = happiness 성공하다 = succeed 성공 = success 말하다 = speak 말 = speech/words 성취하다 = achieve 성취 = achievement 취득하다 = acquire 취득 =


2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628





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안부를묻고답하는표현과헤어질때하는인사말을듣고이해할수 있다. 안부를묻고답하는표현과헤어질때하는인사말을말할수있다. A : How are you doing? B : I m doing great. How about you? A : Have a nice day, everyone.


1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck




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Read Together Kitty lived near the sea. 키티는 바닷가에 살았어요. She played alone on the beach. 키티는 해변에서 혼자 놀았답니다. She wanted to make friends. 키티는 친구를 사귀고 싶었어요.

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1. [1] Yes, it s great to begin with a word of agreement: Yes 예, 동의하는단어로 시작하면좋아요 : 예 예 yea 네 (ne) 2. After saying yes, sometimes there s no choice but to say no... From the tone you can tell that no means No! 예 라고말한후, 선택의 여지없이 아니오 라고 말해야할때가 있어요 잘들어보면 진짜 아니오 는아니오! 아니오 anio 아니요 (aniyo) 3. Now that we ve mastered yes and no, it s time to ask for something, and say Please 지금 예 와 아니오 를배웠어요. 이제뭔가를요청해봐요. 이렇게말하세요, 부탁해요 부탁해요 butakheayo 부탁합니다 (butakhamnida) 4. If we get what we asked for, we probably want to say thanks: you 요청한것을얻게되면 감사의인사를하고싶죠 : 그땐, 그냥이렇게 감사합니다 kamsahamnida 고맙습니다 (komapseumnida)

can just say Thank You 말하세요, 감사합니다 5. And you can also add emphasis by saying Thanks a Lot 그리고, 이렇게더강조할 수도있어요, 정말 감사합니다 정말감사합니다 jeongmal kamsahamnida 정말고맙습니다 (jeongmal komapseumnida) 6. Usually you ll get a standard response, such as my pleasure, no problem, or a modest response like: You re welcome 보통일반적인 응답으로 별말씀을요, 괜찮아요 또는다음과 같이응답할수도 있어요 : 천만에요 천만에요 cheonmaneyo 아니에요 (Anieyo) 7. Now we already know how to put words together and say: Yes, please 이제어떻게단어를연결하는지알겠죠? 이렇게말해요 : 네, 부탁해요. 네, 부탁해요 ne,butakheyo 네, 부탁합니다 (ne, butakhamnida)

8. Or: No, thank you 또는 : 아니, 감사합니다 아니, 감사합니다 ani, kamsahamnida 9. Excuse me is an interesting phrase. When we want to be polite, get someone s attention, make a comment, ask for something, the correct phrase is excuse me. For example, Excuse me please, you re stepping on my foot! Excuse me 실례합니다 는흥미있는문구입니다. 예의있게보이고싶거나, 다른사람의주의를끌때, 의견을제시할때, 또는뭔가를요청할때정확한문구가 실례합니다 입니다. 예로, 실례합니다만제발을밟으셨어요! 실례합니다 sillehamnida - 실례합니다 10. There is also a way to ask for forgiveness Ooh, I beg your pardon, I didn t mean it! If we accidently hurt 용서를구할때는이런방법도있어요 - 어머, 죄송해요, 그런의미가아니었어요! 만일실수로어떤이의감정을 죄송합니다 joesonghamnida 미안합니다 (mianhamnida)

someone, we can say I beg your pardon 상하게했다면이렇게 말해요, 죄송합니다 11. When we want to express true sorrow or to apologize, the appropriate phrase is: Sorry 깊은슬픔을표현하거나, 사과를할경우적절한문구는 : 미안합니다 미안합니다 mianhamnida 미안해요 (mianheyo) 12. And when everything is fine, you can say: It s okay 그리고, 다괜찮으면 이렇게말해요 : 괜찮아요 괜찮아요 gwaenchanayo 13. Moving on to some dating phrases. The first word you ll probably say at the beginning of the date is: Hello 데이트할때의문구 로넘어갈께요. 데이트시작은아마도이첫단어로시작되겠죠 : 안녕하세요 안녕하세요 annyeonghaseyo

14. And when you part ways? It's always nice to say, I had a great time, hope to see you soon, Goodbye 그리고헤어질때는요? 이렇게말하면좋아요, 즐거웠어요, 다음에또만나요, 안녕히계세요 안녕히계세요 annyeonghi gyeseyo - you are leaving 안녕히가세요 (annyeonghi gaseyo) - you are staying 15. Sometimes you do want to see that person again, and sometimes you say see you just to be polite... in either case, we say: See you 가끔은정말다시만나고싶을수도있고, 또는예의로 다음에봐요 라고할수도있어요, 두경우모두이렇게말해요 : 다음에 다음에봐요 da-eume bwayo 봐요 16. I wonder why almost every language has a special greeting for mornings. When you meet someone in the morning, you say: Good morning! 어떻게거의모든언어에특별한아침인사표현이있는지참신기해요. 아침에누군가를만나면이렇게말해요 : 좋은아침입니다! 좋은아침입니다! joeun achimimnida

17. And there is also a special greeting for the afternoon: Good afternoon! 아침, 점심저녁때와 상관없이만나면이렇게 인사해요 : 안녕하세요 *Translation of column 3 안녕하세요 annyeonghaseyo There is no separate greeting for good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Whether it s the morning, afternoon or evening, you just use the phrase an-nyung-ha-se-yo ( 안녕하세요 ). 18. When you meet someone in the evening, you say: Good evening! 저녁때사람을만나면 이렇게인사해요 : 안녕하세요 There is no separate greeting for good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Whether it s the morning, afternoon or evening, you just use the phrase an-nyung-ha-se-yo ( 안녕하세요 ). 19. And at night, when you are ready to go to sleep, you guessed right! we say Good night! 그리고, 밤이되어잠자리 들기전에는 - 이렇게 말해요잘자요! 잘자요! jal jayo! 안녕히주무세요 (annyeonghi jumuseyo)

20. After a good night s sleep, we re ready to start the new day. Or maybe we want to welcome a guest, or maybe someone is happy to meet us and says: Good to see you... Welcome! 푹잠을잔후, 새로운 날을시작할준비가 되었어요. 또는, 손님을 맞거나, 누군가우리를 만나반가워하며이렇게 말할수도있겠죠 : 만나서반가워요 어서오세요! 어서오세요! eoseo oseyo 환영합니다 (hwangyong-hamnida) 21. When people meet each other, they usually exchange small talk. They aren t always interested in a specific answer, but they show interest: What s new? 사람들이서로만날때는주로 간단한대화 를나누어요. 항상구체적인답변을기대하는게아니라그냥관심을보이며물어요 : 어떻게지내요? 어떻게지내요? eotteoke jineyo? 22. How are you today? 안녕하세요? 안녕하세요? annyeonghaseyo

23. Some people simply ask, How are you doing today? 어떤이는이렇게묻기도 해요, 잘지냈어요? 잘지냈어요? jal jinetseoyo? 어떻게지냈어요? (eoteoke jinetseoyo?) 24. Most people expect a polite answer and not a list of complaints... You can simply say: Fine, thanks 대부분길게불평을 늘어놓기보다는공손한 대답을기대하지요, 이렇게말해요 : 잘지내요, 감사합니다 잘지내요, 감사합니다 jaljineyo, kamsahamnida 25. Everything s fine with me. What about you? 전잘지내요, 어떠세요? 전잘지내요, 어떠세요? jeon jal jineyo, eotteoseyo?

26. And if everything was okay, or at least no one complained, you can say politely: I enjoyed myself, I had a lovely time 그리고, 별일없었거나, 최소한불평할게없다면, 다음과같이공손히말해요 : 즐거웠어요, 정말즐거운 정말즐거운시간이었어요 jungmal jeulgeo-un siganiotsoyo 시간이었어요 27. And your host will probably reply: It s my pleasure. Yes, it's always a good idea to be polite... It s my pleasure 그리고, 초대한사람은이렇게답하겠죠 : 별말씀을요 네, 언제나공손한태도가좋아요.. 별말씀을요 별말씀을요 byeolmalseumeulyo 28. And so, continuing to be polite, let us part by saying: I wish you... 그럼, 계속공손한태도로, 이렇게말하며헤어질께요 : 하길 하길바래요 hagil bareyo (no.28 + 29, 30 ) won t work in Korean. 바래요

29. You could also say best wishes, or all the best, and maybe even wish someone Good luck 잘지내요 나 행복해요 라고말할수도있고, 또는행운을빌수도있어요, 행운을빌어요 행운을빌어요 heng-unul bileoyo 30. You could, of course, add a little more detail, such as: Good health and happiness 물론, 좀더세부적인 내용을더해서이렇게 할수도있어요 : 건강과 행복을기원해요 건강과행복을기원해요 geon-gang-gwa hengbogeul kiwonheyo 31. And there s also Happy Holiday 그리고, 이것도있죠 즐거운명절 즐거운명절 jeulgeoun myeongjeol 32. And of course Happy New Year 당연히이것두요, 새해복 많이받으세요 새해복많이받으세요 sehae bok mani badeuseyo

33. Another way of saying goodbye is Bon voyage 다른작별인사 방법으로는 : 잘다녀 오세요 잘다녀오세요 jal danyeo oseyo 34. Hey, kid, how old are you?! Happy birthday 안녕, 아이야, 너 몇살이지?! 생일축하해 생일축하해 seng-il chukahae 35. And to mark a wedding anniversary, you would say Happy anniversary 그리고, 결혼기념일을축하하기위해, 이렇게말할수있겠죠, 결혼기념일축하해요 결혼기념일축하해요 kyeolhon kinyumil chukaheyo 36. Have a good time, Enjoy your stay 좋은시간가지세요, 좋은시간되세요. 좋은시간되세요 jo-eun sigan doeseyo

37. And Have a nice day 그리고좋은하루되세요 좋은하루되세요 jo-eun haru doeseyo 38. And you could always add this greeting: All the best 그리고이인사말은항상 첨부할수있는 말이에요 : 잘지내세요! 잘지내세요.. jaljineseyo 39. [2] In a foreign country and unfamiliar surroundings you need words to ask questions... to find out how and where and what and who and when... OK so let s learn some question words: When something isn t clear, or you didn t hear or understand, just ask: What? 해외나익숙하지않은 환경에서는누가, 언제, 어떻게, 어디서, 무엇을 에관한질문을하는 단어가 필요해요,.. 좋아요, 그럼 몇가지의문어를 배워볼까요? : 뭔가 명확하지않을때, 잘못듣거나이해를 못했을때물어요 : 뭐요? 뭐요? muoyo? 무엇? (mueot?)

40. Or you might want to know: Who? 또는알려고했던게 : 누구? 누구? nugu? 41. Let s learn some useful pronouns, so we ll be able to introduce ourselves or talk about our friends. First there s I or me: 몇가지유용한대명사를배워볼께요, 그럼자신을소개하거나친구들에대해말할수있겠죠. 첫번째, 내가또는나를 내가또는나를 nega ttoneun nareul 42. Then there s you in the singular. 그리고단수의당신 당신 dangsin 43. And what about us or we? 그리고이건요? 우리를 또는우리가 우리를또는우리가 urireul ttoneun uriga

44. And you in the plural. 그리고복수의여러분 여러분 yeoreobun 45. Then there s the third person: he and she or him and her 그리고제삼자도있죠 : 그는과그녀는또는 그를과그녀를 그는과그녀는또는그를과 그녀를 geuneun kwa geunyeoneun ttoneun geureul kwa geunyeoreul 46. And them 그리고그들 그들 geudeul 47. What about everybody? 이건요? 모두 모두 modu

48. Or nobody?.. 또는아무도? 아무도 amudo 49. Let s talk a bit about time, a topic we ll talk about later as well. Our first word is the question: When? 자, 나중에다시이야기 하겠지만, 시간에대해좀 알아볼께요. 첫번째 질문의단어는 : 언제? 언제? eonje? 50. There are lots of possible answers to the question When? If I don t know the exact time, I can give an answer relative to something else: Before the trip or After the meal. Let s start with before 언제? 의질문에대해서많은답변의형식이있어요. 만일정확한시간을모르면, 다른것에상대적이게대답할수있어요 : 여행전 또는 식사후. 그럼시작해요, 전 전 jeon

51. And go on to after 그리고계속해서후 후 hu 52. When some people ask When? they hope the answer will be right away, now 누가 언제? 라고물을땐답변이바로주어지길기대하겠죠, 바로, 지금! 지금 jigeum 53. Then there are those people who always put things off until later 그리고, 항상모든것을 나중으로미루는사람이 있어요, 나중에 나중에 najung-e 54. If not now, when? When will it be? Will it be sooner or will it be later? sooner 지금이아니면, 언제? 언제냐구요? 곧또는 나중에요? 곧 곧 got 55. or later 또는나중에 나중에 najung-e

56. You probably want to get to more complex sentences... not yet... 아마좀더복잡한문장이 필요할수도있어요.. 아직 아직 ajik 57. If you re impatient you ll say, now or never! If you have no faith you ll say, no way, it will never happen to me! And if you like to complain you ll say, Darn it! It always happens to me! always 만일참을성이없다면 이렇게말하겠죠, 지금 아니면안돼! 만일믿을수없다면 이렇게말하겠죠, 말도 안돼요, 그럴일은절대 없어요! 그리고불평하고싶을때 이렇게말해요, 젠장, 일이항상내게만생겨! 항상 항상 hangsang 58. Compared to never 비교 : 결코 결코 gyeolko

59. Can I take a break? Just a minute. I ll be right back... Just a minute! 휴식을가져도되나요? 잠깐만요, 곧 돌아올께요.. 잠깐만! 잠깐만! jamkkanman! 60. Let s go over some other useful question words. How I am doing? How? 다른유용한의문단어를 볼까요, 어떻게, 제가 잘하고있나요? 어떻게? 어떻게? eotteoke? 61. Why is it so hot in the summer? Why? 왜여름엔이렇게덥죠? 왜? 왜? wae? 62. When I ask why I expect an explanation. Often the explanation begins with Because 왜 라고물었을때는 설명을기대하죠. 대게 설명은이렇게시작해요 : 왜냐하면 왜냐하면 wae-nya-ha-myeon 63. The word where is important to every tourist: Where is the 어디 라는단어는모든 여행객에게필요한 단어죠. 박물관이어디 어디? eodi?

museum? Where s the restaurant? Where? 있어요? 식당이어디 있어요? 어디? 64. As with time, with space it s easiest to give answers relative to something else: behind the tower, in front of the museum: in front of 시간과함께공간도다른 것에상대적으로 대답하기가쉬워요 : 저탑 뒤, 박물관앞 : 앞 앞 ap 65. Compared to: behind 비교 : 뒤 뒤 dwi 66. We looked and looked, and it was right in front of our noses: here it is 살피고살폈는데, 결국 우리코앞에있었어요 : 여기있어요 여기있어요 yeogi itseoyo

67. People, unlike GPS, tend to give approximate explanations: It s right here, or Go over there. Whether it s here or there, you usually find it in the end: here GPS와달리사람은위치설명을대략적으로하는경향이있어요 : 바로여기있어요, 또는 저쪽으로가요. 여기에있는지저기에있는지, 보통결국에야 여기 yeogi 찿게되죠 : 여기 68. Or there 또는저기 저기 jeogi 69. Everyone who visits a big city looks for a high spot for a panoramic view. But when we went up, it was overcast and we couldn t see a thing... so we came down. First up 큰도시를 방문하는사람이라면 트인전경을볼수있는 높은지점을찿을거예요. 하지만, 위로올라가보면 날씨가흐리고, 잘볼수 없어요.. 그래서 내려오죠. 먼저위로 위로 wiro

70. And then down 그리고아래로 아래로 arero 71. The museum was impressive from the outside, but on the inside it wasn t much to speak of: inside 외부에서는박물관이 인상적이었지만내부는 별로아니었어요 : 내부 내부 nebu 72. Compared to: outside 비교 : 외부 외부 oebu 73. What s on top of the table? And what are you hiding underneath? on top of 테이블위에있는게 뭐에요? 그리고그밑에 뭘숨기고있어요? 위에 위에 wi-e

74. and underneath 그리고밑에 밑에 mite 75. Here s another question word to help you make up your mind. For example, when you go shopping the salesperson may ask which item you want to buy. Which one? 이의문단어는어떤결정을내릴수있도록도와줍니다. 예를들어, 쇼핑을할때판매원이어느것을사기를원하는지물어볼수있어요. 어느것? 어느것? eoneu geot? 76. Now we can start confusing the salesperson: This one! No, that one, the one over there! Soon we ll know the words for colors to make things easier... but in the meantime: this one 이젠, 그판매원을 혼란스럽게할수도 있어요 : 이거요! 아니, 저거요, 저기저쪽에 있는거요! 곧색깔에 대한단어를배우면더 쉬워질거예요.. 당분간은 : 이것 이것 igeot

77. Or that one 또는저것 저것 jeogeot 78. And in the plural: Actually I want those. : those 그리고복수형 : 사실 저것들을원해요 : 저것들 저것들 jeogeodeul 79. [3] Let s learn a few 이번엔치수와금액에 words for sizes and amounts. How 관련된몇개단어를 much water is in 배워볼까요? 병에물이 the bottle? (Not very much...) How 얼마나있어요? ( 별로 much money is in 많지않아요..) 지갑에 your wallet? (Not enough...) How 돈이얼마나있어요? many sugars do ( 충분하지 you take in your coffee? (a few 않아요 ) 커피에설탕 얼마나 eolmana

more... How much 얼마나넣어요? ( 조금 food did you bring? (Lots!) 더..) 음식을얼마나가져 You re right, these 왔어요? ( 많이요!) questions all begin with How much / 맞아요, 이질문들은모두 How many? 이렇게시작해요 : 얼마나 80. How much? is often short for How much does it cost? Though between you and me, everything here is beautiful, but at these prices... you re out of your mind!.. I m not buying anything. Nothing! nothing 얼마에요? 는종종 이것은얼마입니까? 의 줄임말로쓰입니다. 우리끼리이야기지만, 여기있는모든게 예쁘기는하지만 이가격은 정상이 아니예요! 아무것도 안사요, 아무것도! 아무것도 아무것도 amugeotto

81. Compared to: everything 비교 : 모두 모두 modu 82. We bought a little and we paid a lot: a little 조금사고많이 지불했어요 : 조금 조금 jogeum 83. or a lot 또는 : 많이 많이 mani 84. The salesperson said it cost him more... Get real, usually salespeople pay less and we pay more. That s the nature of commerce... less 이판매원은자기원가가더높다고했어요 실제, 일반적으로판매하는사람는적게지불하고우리가많이지불하죠. 이게상거래의 적게 jeokke

기본이죠 적게 85. compared to more 비교 : 많이 많이 mani 86. Do you want to go up to the top of the tower? Sorry... I m staying down here. I ve had enough. I ve climbed too many stairs today already. enough 저타워의꼭대기위로 올라가고싶어요? 미안하지만.. 저는여기 아래에있겠어요. 이걸로 충분해요. 오늘이미너무 많은계단을올랐어요. 충분해요 충분해요 chungbunheyo 87. Compared to too much 비교 : 너무많이 너무많이 neomu mani

88. They re going up the tower and I m staying here. I want to do just a bit more shopping... a bit more 그분들은타워위로오르고, 나는여기있어요. 그냥쇼핑만조금더하고싶어요 조금더 조금더 jokeum deo 89. It will take them around half an hour, not exactly but about... around, about 약 30 분정도 걸릴꺼예요, 정확하지는 않지만약 대략, 약 대략, 약 daeryak, yak 90. Wait, let me count. How much change do I have left? Is it enough for coffee and cake? I think so, more or less 잠깐만요, 세어볼께요. 잔돈이얼마나내게남았는지.. 커피와케잌을위해이걸로충분할까요? 그럴것 어느정도, 다소 eoneu jeongdo, daso 같아요.. 어느정도, 다소 91. I m sitting in the café, with all my purchases in front of me. I was sure 나는쇼핑한물건들을내 앞에들고커피숖에앉아 이게다예요? ige dayeyo?

I d bought a lot more. Is that all? 있어요. 더많이샀다고 생각했어요. 이게 다예요? 92. For today, that's enough! 오늘은, 이걸로 충분해요! 이걸로충분해요! igeollo chungbunheyo! 93. They re back from the tower. How was it? Was it especially nice?... Too bad you missed it, they say. Really?.. 타워에서돌아왔어요. 어땠어요? 특별히더 멋졌나요?.. 놓쳐서 안타까워요? 그럼 이렇게말하겠죠. 정말?... 정말?... jeongmal? 94. Maybe I ll come back tomorrow morning. Maybe 어쩌면내일아침다시 올수도있어요. 어쩌면 어쩌면 eotzeomyeon

95. Is it possible to take a shortcut and get there from this street? Sure it s possible. What do you mean? It s impossible. Note the difference: possible 이길에서거기까지 가도록지름길을 이용하는게가는게 가능할까요? 물론 가능하죠. 뭐라구요?, 그건불가능해요. 차이를 잘보세요 : 가능해요 가능해요 ganeungheyo 96. compared to Impossible 비교 : 불가능해요 불가능해요 bulganeung heyo 97. Are you certain? Yes, Sure 확실해요? 네, 확실해요 확실해요 hwaksilheyo

98. As always, you re right... Of course! 언제나처럼, 당신말이 맞아요.. 물론이죠! 물론이죠! mullonijyo! 99. Sure, no doubt. Certainly! 물론, 의심의여지가 없어요. 확신해요! 확신해요! whaksinheyo! 100. I think there s no way this can be even considered. No way! 이건고려의여지도 없다고생각해요. 말도 안돼요! 말도안돼요! maldo andwaeyo!

101. [4] Tourists usually have a list of prepared questions. You can get along very well with these questions, provided you can understand the answers. So let s get started. We're nobody's fools and we ve brought money for shopping, so what we want to know is: How much does it cost? 보통관광객들에겐미리 준비된질문목록이 있지요. 이질문들은잘 활용해서대답을잘 이해할수있어요. 그럼 시작해볼까요? 우리가 바보도아니고.. 당연히, 쇼핑을하려고돈을들고 왔으면우리가알고싶은 것은 : 이건얼마에요? 이건얼마에요? igeon eolmaeyo? 102. But we also want to do some touring. Can you go there on foot or do you need to take the bus? How far is it to...? 하지만, 여행도좀하고 싶죠? 걸어서거기갈수 있어요? 아니면버스를 타야해요?.. 까지얼마나 멀어요?.. 까지얼마나멀어요? kkaji eolmana meoreoyo?

103. Do I have enough time? When does it open? 시간이충분히있어요? 언제열어요? 언제열어요? eonje yeoreoyo? 104. When does it close? 언제닫아요? 언제닫아요? eonje dadayo? 105. Can someone here kindly tell me: What time is it? 누가친절히말씀해 주시겠어요?: 지금 몇시에요? 지금몇시에요? jigeum myeotsieyo? 106. I ve never seen anything as interesting as this. What is this? 이렇게흥미로운것을 본적이없어요. 이게 뭐예요? 이게뭐예요? ige mwoyeyo?

107. When you can t manage on your own, you can always ask someone: Can you tell me...? 혼자해결할수없을때는항상다른사람에게물어보세요 : 를알려주시겠어요? 를알려주시겠어요? reul allyeo jusigetseoyo? 108. Here s another useful opening for a request question: Can I please have...? For example, a menu or the check or anything else you might want: Can I please have...? 여기요청의의문문을 위한다른유용한 시작문구가있어요 : 예로, 메뉴나계산서또는 다른뭔가를원할때 : 를 주시겠어요? 를주시겠어요? reul jusigetseoyo? 109. This isn t what I m looking for. I know what I need... Do you have...? 이것은제가찾는게아니예요. 내가필요한게뭔지알고있어요 있어요? 있어요? itseoyo? 를가지고있어요? ( reul gajigo itseoyo?)

110. There s something I like in the shop window... Can you show it to me please? Can you show me...? 가계진열대에제가원하는것이있어요 제게그걸보여주시겠어요? 제게보여주시겠어요? 제게보여주시겠어요? jege boyeo jusigetseoyo? 111. Just a moment. I m a bit lost. What is that over there? Where am I? I d better ask someone. Where am I? 잠깐만요. 길을잃은것 같아요. 저기저건뭐죠? 내가어디에있죠? 다른사람에게 물어보는게좋아요. 여기가어디에요? yeogiga eodi-eyo? 여기가어디에요? 112. Here s a word I don t understand. What does this word mean? What does... mean? 여기제가모르는단어가 있어요. 이단어가무슨 의미죠? 가무슨 의미죠? 가무슨의미죠? ga museun uimijyo? 가무슨말이죠? ( ga museun marijyo?)

113. I thought I d be able to find my way more easily, but I got mixed up and I'm having trouble figuring out where I am. I ll ask for help. Excuse me... Can you help me please? 나는길을좀더쉽게 찾을수있을거라 생각했어요, 하지만 혼동해버려내가어디에 있는지알기힘들어요. 실례합니다 좀도와 주시겠어요? 좀도와주시겠어요? jom dowa jusigetseoyo? 114. Someone here noticed I was a bit confused and offered me help: "May I help you?" In stores, you are often asked the same question: "May I help you?" 여기어떤사람이내가 어쩔줄을몰라하는것을 보고도움을주려 합니다 : 도와드릴까요? 가게에서특히이같은 질문을많이듣죠 : 도와 드릴까요? 도와드릴까요? dowa deurilkayo? 도움이필요하세요? (doumi piryohaseyo?)

115. [5] Every language has its little words - prepositions and conjunctions - that are in almost every sentence. There s no avoiding it - you have to know them. True, they can t be picked up just like that, and they usually have different meanings in different contexts. But we re not going to give in just because learning these words is hard, because without them... you cannot speak! 모든언어에는이에맞는 작은단어들 - 전치사와 접속사 - 이대부분의 문장내에있어요. 피할 방법이없죠 - 꼭알아야 할부분입니다. 맞아요, 그냥쉽게그대로 배울수있는게아니고, 일반적으로문맥에따라 다른의미를가집니다. 하지만이단어등을 배우는게힘들다고그냥 굴복할수는없어요, 왜냐하면, 이단어들 없이는말을할수 없으니까요!

116. First of all, there s the definite article the used when we re referring to something specific: I read a book, but the book you gave me was really good; the hotel where we re staying is far; the trip was interesting; the coffee is hot: the *No definite article in Korean 117. Then there s the coordinating conjunction and for great combinations such as coffee and cake: and 자, 커피그리고케잌처럼훌륭한조합을위한등위접속사그리고가있죠 : 그리고 그리고 geurigo 와 / 과 (wa/gwa) According to the previous sound- vowel or consonant) 118. Hello! Yes, we re in our hotel room: in 안녕하세요! 네, 우리는 우리호텔안에있어요 : 안에 안에 ane

119. Call us tonight at the hotel: at 오늘밤호텔에서전화 주세요 :.. 에서.. 에서 eseo 120. We re going to my sister. She s been living there for two years: to 우리는언니에게가고있어요. 언니는거기서 2년동안살고있어요 : 에게... 에게 ege 로 ( ro) 121. Where are you from? We are from the USA. from 어디에서오셨어요? 우리는미국에서왔어요. 에서 에서 eseo 로부터 ( ro buteo) 122. It ll take us about an hour: about 대략한시간걸릴겁니다 : 대략 대략 daeryak 약 (yak) 123. We need to go back. I left my glasses on the table at the restaurant... on 돌아가야겠어요. 내가그 식당테이블에안경을 놓고왔어요 에 에 e 위에 ( wie)

124. But why does this keep happening to me... but 하지만, 왜이런일이 계속내게 생기는걸까요.. 하지만 하지만 hajiman 그러나 (geureona) 125. What do you prefer? Coffee or tea? hot or cold? or 어느것이더 좋아요? 커피나차? 뜨겁게또는차게? 또는 또는 ttoneun 나 ( na) 126. I only drink tea. only 나는차만마셔요. 만 만 man 오직 만 (ojik man) 127. I also like tea. But I drink coffee too: also / too 나도차를좋아해요. 하지만커피또한마셔요. 도 / 또한 도 / 또한 do / ttohan 역시 (yeoksi) 128. Little Red Riding Hood went for a walk in the woods. Then the wolf showed up... and then he asked 빨간모자는숲속산책을 갔어요. 그리고나서 늑대가나타났어요.. 그리고나서 geurigo naseo 그리고는 (geurigoneun)

her... then 그리고는늑대가 물었어요 그리고나서 129. I heard that story, and since then I ve been worried about my grandmother... since then 이야기를듣고는그이후 할머니에대한걱정을 계속했었어요 그이후 그이후 geu ihu 그때부터 (geutte buteo) 130. I was really in suspense until the hunter showed up... until 사냥꾼이나타나기까지 나는초초했었어요 기 까지 기까지 gi kkaji 131. On this diet, you don t eat ice cream during the week, only on the weekend... during 이다이어트중에는, 1주일동안아이스크림을먹지않고주말에만 동안 동안 dong-an 132. The museum is near the hotel. And the hotel is close to the 박물관은그호텔근처에 있어요. 그리고호텔은그 근처에, 가깝게 geuncheo-e, gakkapke

museum: near, close to 박물관에가깝게있어요 : 근처에, 가깝게 133. They may be close... but my car broke down between the museum and the hotel: between 가깝기는해요 하지만내차가박물관과그호텔사이에서고장났어요 : 사이에서 사이에서 sai-eseo 중간에서 ( jungganeseo) 134. Now let s learn a few useful words related to what we have and what we don t have: I have 이제우리에게무엇이 있고없는지에관한 몇가지유용한단어들을 배워봐요.: 내게있어요 내게있어요 nege itseoyo 있어요 (itseoyo) 135. Compared to: I don't have 비교 : 내게없어요 내게없어요 nege eopseoyo 없어요 (eopseoyo) 136. This watch is mine: mine 이시계는내것입니다 : 내것 내것 nekeot 내꺼 (nekkeo)

137. It was mine, but now it s yours: yours 이건내것이었지만 지금은당신것입니다 : 당신것 당신것 dangsinkeot 당신꺼 (dangsinkkeo) 138. This car is ours: ours 이차는우리것이예요 : 우리것 우리것 urikeot 우리꺼 (urikkeo) 139. Wait, this is really an important verb. Let s go over it again: I have 잠깐만요, 이건정말 중요한동사예요. 다시 반복해봐요 : 내게있어요 내게있어요 nege itseoyo 있어요 (itseoyo) 140. He has a boyfriend. Does he have a girlfriend? He has 그사람에게남자친구가있어요. 그사람에게여자친구있어요? 그 그사람에게있어요 geu saramege itseoyo 사람에게있어요 141. Does she have a boyfriend? Yes, she has 그녀에게남자친구 있어요? 네, 그녀에게 있어요 그녀에게있어요 geunyeo-ege itseoyo

142. Luckily, we have a bit of money: We have 다행이도, 우리에게돈이 조금있어요 : 우리에게 있어요 우리에게있어요 uri-ege itseoyo 143. Let s review again. What s the opposite of I have?... I don't have 다시확인해봐요. 내게있어요 의반대말은무엇일까요?... 내게없어요 내게없어요 nege eopseoyo 144. This isn t mine... Excuse me, is this yours? Excuse me, is this yours? 이건내것이아니예요 실례합니다, 이것은당신것인가요? 실례합니다, 이것은 실례합니다, 이것은당신것 인가요? silehamnida, igeoseun dansinkeotsingayo? 당신것인가요? 145. What are you talking about?.. No, it s not mine. No, it's not mine 무슨말이예요? 아니오, 이건내것이아니예요. 아니오, 이건내것이 아니오, 이건내것이 아니예요 anio, igeon negeosi aniyeyo 아니예요

146. I ve lost my shoe. Does anyone know where my shoe is? Where's my...? 신발을잃어버렸어요. 내신발이어디있는지누구아는사람있어요? 내 이어디있어요? 내 어디있어요? ne eodi itseoyo? 147. Not every Cinderella has a Prince Charming to find her shoe. In most cases the answer is: I don t know where your shoe is or I have no idea! I don't know! 모든신데렐라가신발을 찾아줄왕자님이있는 것은아니죠. 대부분경우 이런대답이 나올거예요 : 당신 신발이어디있는지 몰라요 또는 전혀 몰라요! 몰라요! 몰라요! mollayo! 148. [6] Adjectives help us describe nouns... sometimes according to our own taste beautiful or ugly and sometimes according to their 형용사는명사를묘사하도록도와줍니다 어떤때는우리입맛에맞도록-아름다운또는 *predicative use in this column

attributes: large or small, dark or light, young or old. 못생긴 - 그리고어떤때는 속성에맞게말이죠 : 큰 또는작은, 어두운또는 밝은, 젊은또는늙은 149. Is it cold or hot there? Do I need to wear long sleeves or short sleeves? long 거기는추워요아님더워요? 긴팔옷이필요할까요, 아님짧은팔? 긴 긴 gin 길어요 (gireoyo) 150. Or short 또는짧은 짧은 tzalbeun 짧아요 (tzalbayo) 151. He s tall and I m short, but it s okay. We re a good match... tall 그사람은키가크고나는 키가작지만괜찮아요. 우린잘맞아요 키가큰 키가큰 kiga keun 키가커요 (kiga keoyo)

152. or short 또는키가작은 키가작은 kiga jageun 키가작아요 (kiga jagayo) 153. We packed a big suitcase and a small bag. big / large 우리는큰여행가방과 작은가방을챙겼어요. 큰 큰 keun 커요 (keoyo) 154. compared to small / little 비교 : 작은 작은 jageun 작아요 (jagayo) 155. My bag is already old. I ve decided to buy a new one on this trip. new 내가방은너무오래됐어요. 이번여행에서새것을 새로운 / 새 seroun/ se 새거예요 (segeoyeyo) 사기로마음먹었어요. 새로운 / 새 156. compared to old 비교 : 오래된 오래된 oredoen 오래됐어요 (oredoetseoyo)

157. Sir, how do you take your coffee? strong 선생님, 커피는어떻게 드세요? 진하게요 / 강하게요 진하게요 / 강하게요 jinhegeyo/ ganghageyo 158. or maybe weak 또는, 어쩌면연하게요 / 약하게요 연하게요 / 약하게요 yeonhakeyo/ yakhageyo 159. It s hot during the day and cold at night. During the day it s hot 낮동안은덥고밤에는 추워요. 낮동안더워요 더워요 deowoyo 160. and at night it s cold 그리고밤에는추워요 추워요 chuwoyo 161. The book was good, but the movie was bad... The book was good 그책은좋았지만영화는 안좋았어요.. 그책은 좋았어요 좋았어요 joatseoyo

162. but unfortunately the movie was bad 하지만안타깝게도 영화는안좋았어요 안좋았어요 anjoatseoyo 163. We eat together at the restaurant, but when it comes to paying, we each get a separate bill: together 식당에서식사는같이 했지만지불할때는 우리는각자의계산서를 따로받아요 : 같이 같이 gachi 164. but separate when it comes to money... separate 하지만돈계산은.. 각자 / 따로따로 각자 / 따로따로 gakza /ttarottaro 165. How can you explain the concept of right and left to children who don t wear wristwatches? right 손목시계를차지않은 아이들에게어떻게 오른쪽와왼쪽의개념을 설명할수있어요? 오른쪽 오른쪽 oreuntzok

166. or left 또는왼쪽 왼쪽 oentzok 167. Now I ll try to speak like the GPS: "Turn to the right at the traffic circle. Then turn to the left at the traffic light..." to the right 이젠네비게이션처럼 말해볼께요 : 로터리에서오른쪽으로 우회전하세요. 그리고는 신호등에서왼쪽으로 자회전하세요 오른쪽으로 오른쪽으로 oreuntzogeuro 168. and then turn to the left 그리고자회전하세요 왼쪽으로 왼쪽으로 oentzogeuro

169. When it comes to preferences, as the saying goes, different strokes for different folks... Yet it seems to me that we know what s beautiful and what s ugly. beautiful 선호도를따질때는이런말이있죠, 취향은주관적이라고.. 하지만, 뭐가아름답고못생긴지는대부분아는것같아요. 아름다운 아름다운 Areumdaun 아름워요 (areumdawoyo) 170. and ugly 그리고못생긴 못생긴 motsenggin 못생겼어요 (motsenggyeotseoyo) 171. Strange... some people think that expensive clothes are prettier... expensive 이상하죠.. 어떤사람은 비싼옷이더예쁘다고 생각해요.. 비싼 비싼 bitsan 비싸요 (bissayo)

172. I prefer... cheap 나는싼게더좋아요.. 싼 싼 ssan 싸요 (ssayo) 173. I wish I could afford a dark colored car in the winter and a light colored car in the summer... dark 겨울에는어두운색차를그리고여름엔밝은색차를가질수있는여유가내게있다면 어두운 어두운 eodu-un 어두워요 (eoduwoyo) 174. compared to light 비교 : 밝은 밝은 balgeun 밝아요 (balgayo)

175. Were you ever told that you must wait an hour after eating before swimming? Well, today we know that s just an old wives tale. You don t need to wait to digest your lunch before you go swimming. Swimming on a full stomach will not cause cramps... before 수영시작전, 식후 1시간은기다려야한다는말들어봤어요? 지금은이말이옜날이야기란걸알죠. 수영하기전에점심먹은것다소화되도록기다릴필요는없어요. 배가부른채로수영해도경련을일으키지않을거예요. 전에 전에 jeone 176. or after 또는 후에 후에 hue

177. I want you to line up in a row. The first person should stand in front of the second, and the third should stand behind the second and in front of the fourth, and so on... in front of 한줄로줄서주세요. 첫번째사람은두번째 사람앞에, 그리고세번째 사람은두번째사람뒤에 그리고네번째사람앞에, 이런식으로 앞에 앞에 ape 178. or behind 또는 뒤에 뒤에 dwie 179. All the cars are going fast on this superhighway. What s a slow car doing here? fast 모든차들은이고속도로에서빨리달려요. 느린차가여기서뭘하는거예요!? 빠른 ppareun 빨라요 (ppallayo) 빠른

180. compared to slow 비교 : 느린 느린 neurin 느려요 (neuryeoyo) 181. Am I speaking too quickly? I ll try to speak more slowly and to emphasize every word... quickly 내가너무빨리 말하나요? 천천히 말하고각각의단어를 강조하도록해볼께요 빨리 빨리 ppalli 182. as opposed to slowly 반대는 : 천천히 천천히 cheoncheonhi 183. My guests left late. Too bad they didn t leave... early 손님들이늦게떠났어요. 참 그분들이일찍떠나지않은게 일찍 ilzik 아쉬워요.. 일찍

184. They left... late 그분들은늦게 떠났어요.. 늦게 늦게 neutke 185. Excuse me, is smoking permitted here? No way.. smoking s forbidden! permitted 실례합니다. 여기서 흡연이가능한가요? 안돼요, 흡연금지! 흡연 가능 가능 ganeung 186. The opposite of permitted: forbidden 허가의반대말은 : 금지 금지 geumji 187. I got the car with a full tank of gas, but I returned it empty... full 나는주유를가득한차를 받았지만텅빈탱크로 돌려줬어요.. 가득한 가득한 gadeukhan 가득해요 (gadeukheyo) 188. but I returned it empty 하지만돌려준것은텅 빈거예요, 텅빈 텅빈 teong bin 텅비었어요 (teong bieotseoyo)

189. What s right is right! right 옳은것은옳은거예요! 옳은 옳은 oreun 옳아요 / 맞아요 (oreun / majayo) 190. Or wrong 또는틀린 틀린 teullin 틀려요 (teulyeoyo) 191. Is your room clean? Ours is still dirty! The room is clean 당신방은깨끗해요? 우리방은여전히 더러워요! 그방은 깨끗해요 깨끗해요 kkekkeuteyo 192. The room is dirty 그방은더러워요 더러워요 deoreowoyo 193. I brought a gift but without a card... with 선물을가져왔지만 카드는없어요 와함께 와함께 wa hamkke 와같이 ( wa gachi)

194. compared to without 비교 : 없이 없이 eopsi 195. Is the restroom on the plane vacant? 비행기기내화장실이 비어있나요? 비어있나요? bi-eo innayo? 196. It was vacant before, but now you ll have to wait. It s occupied 조금전까지비어 있었지만지금은 기다려야해요. 화장실은 사용중 사용중 sayongjung 197. The restaurant is closed. I can t wait until it s open. open 식당문이닫혔어요. 문 열때까지기다리기 힘들어요. 열었어요 열었어요 yeoreotseoyo 198. But now it s closed 하지만지금은닫혔어요 닫혔어요 dacheotseoyo

199. Old people have interesting stories, but young people don t have the patience to listen... young 나이많은사람들에게는흥미로운이야기들이많지만, 젊은사람들은경청하기위한인내심이부족해요.. 젊은 jeolmeun 젊어요 (jeolmeoyo) 젊은 200. old 나이많은 / 늙은 나이많은 / 늙은 nai maneun / neulgeun 나이많아요 / 늙었어요 (nai manayo/ neulgeotseoyo) נבחרה האפשרות השנייה בזכר ונקבה 201. Hey, what s your rush? Why did you fast forward the movie. Go backward... I didn t see what happened. backward 잠깐만, 왜이렇게 서둘러? 영화를왜 고속감기로지나가? 뒤로돌아가.. 무슨일이 일어났는지못봤다구. 뒤로 뒤로 dwiro

202. OK, I saw it. You can go forward 벌써봤어요, 진행하세요, 앞으로 앞으로 apeuro 203. Don t you get it? Is it complicated for you? I ll explain once more, and you ll see that it s simple... simple 이해하기어려워요? 너무복잡한가요? 내가다시한번설명할께요, 그러면이게얼마나간단한지알거예요 간단해요 gandanheyo 간단해요 204. You only thought it was complicated 당신은이게복잡하다고 생각했죠, 복잡해요 복잡해요 bokjapeyo 205. Can t you hear me? You re standing too far away. Come stand near me and you ll hear every word... near 내말들려요? 당신은너무멀리떨어져서있어요. 내가까이서요, 그러면단어하나하나가잘 가까이 gakkai 들릴거예요 가까이

206. or far 또는멀리 멀리 meolli 207. What s better? One heavy suitcase or two light ones? light 뭐가더나아요? 무거운 여행가방하나또는 가벼운것둘? 가벼운 가벼운 gabyeo-un 가벼워요 (gabyeowoyo) 208. Or heavy 또는무거운 무거운 mugeo-un 무거워요 (mugeowoyo) 209. Tell the truth. So far has it been easy or difficult? easy 솔직히, 지금까지는 쉬웠어요? 아님, 어려웠어요? 쉬워요 쉬워요 shiwoyo 210. It really wasn t difficult 진짜어렵지는않았죠?, 어려워요? 어려워요 eoryeowoyo

211. This towel is wet? Can I have a dry towel? wet 이수건은젖었나요? 마른수건을얻을수있을까요? 젖었어요 / 축축해요 jeojeotseoyo/ chukchukheyo 젖었어요 / 축축해요 212. I prefer dry 마른게좋아요, 마른 / 건조한 마른 / 건조한 mareun / geonjohan 말랐어요 / 건조해요 (malatseoyo / geonjoheyo) נבחרה האפשרות הראשונה בזכר ונקבה 213. Who hasn t seen movies about a fat guy and a skinny guy? fat 한뚱뚱한남자와한 날씬한남자에관한 영화를누가못봤어요? 뚱뚱한 ttungttunghan 뚱뚱해요 (ttungttungheyo) 뚱뚱한 214. skinny 날씬한 날씬한 nalssinhan 날씬해요 (nalssinheyo)

215. [7] Knowing how to count and recognize numbers is basic in any language. Let s learn together. We ll start with examples and our fingers, and when we run out of fingers we ll count out loud together. 숫자를인식하고세는것을아는것은모든언어의기본이죠. 같이배워볼까요? 예제와손가락으로먼저시작할겁니다. 그리고손가락으로더셀수없을때는함께큰소리로세어볼께요. * 2 different sets of cardinal numbers(korean numbers and Chinese numbers) -Use the Korean forms for the number of items (1-99) and age -Use the Chinese forms for dates, money, addresses, phone numbers, and numbers above 100. *Korean numbers *Chinese numbers 216. Zero is round, made by placing your thumb against your index finger: zero 숫자영은둥근모양으로, 엄지와검지를연결해서 만들어요 : 영 영 young 공 (gong) 217. They say that 'one bad apple spoils the barrel': one 미꾸라지하나가강물을 흐린다 는말이있죠 : 하나 하나 hana 일 (il)

218. How many legs? Two. How many eyes? two 다리는몇개? 두개 눈은몇개? 둘 둘 dul 이 (i) 219. Two s company but three s a crowd. three 둘이있으면친해도 셋이되면싸워요 : 셋 셋 set 삼 (sam) 220. Someone who wears glasses is called four eyes : four 안경낀사람은보고 눈이네개 라고하죠 : 넷 넷 net 사 (sa) 221. People usually have five fingers on each hand: five 사람에겐일반적으로 양쪽손에다섯손가락이 있죠 : 다섯 다섯 daseot 오 (oh) 222. six 여섯 여섯 yeoseot 육 (yuk)

223. seven 일곱 일곱 ilgop 칠 (chil) 224. eight 여덟 여덟 yeodeol 팔 (pal) 225. nine 아홉 아홉 ahop 구 (gu) 226. ten 열 열 yeol 십 (sip) 227. Before we go on... let s repeat the numbers one through ten! 계속진행하기 전에 일에서열까지 다시반복해봐요!

228. OK let s go on: eleven 좋아요, 계속할까요 : 열하나 열하나 yeol hana 십일 (sipil) 229. twelve 열둘 열둘 yeol dul 십이 (sip-i) 230. thirteen 열셋 열셋 yeol set 십삼 (sipsam) 231. fourteen 열넷 열넷 yeol net 십사 (sipsa) 232. fifteen 열다섯 열다섯 yeol daseot 십오 (sipoh)

233. sixteen 열여섯 열여섯 yeol yeoseot 십육 (sipyuk) 234. seventeen 열일곱 열일곱 yeol ilkop 십칠 (sipchil) 235. eighteen 열여덟 열여덟 yeol yeodeol 십팔 (sipal) 236. nineteen 열아홉 열아홉 yeol ahop 십구 (sipgu) 237. This is easy, right? OK, let s go on: twenty 쉽죠, 그렇지않아요? 좋아요, 계속해봐요 : 스물 스물 seumul 이십 (isip)

238. And, naturally: twenty-one 그리고당연히 : 스물하나 스물하나 seumul hana 이십일 (isip-il) 239. twenty-two 스물둘 스물둘 seumul dul 이십이 (isip-i) 240. twenty-three 스물셋 스물셋 seumul set 이십삼 (isipsam) 241. twenty-four 스물넷 스물넷 seumul net 이십사 (isipsa) 242. twenty-five 스물다섯 스물다섯 seumul daseot 이십오 (isipoh)

243. twenty-six 스물여섯 스물여섯 seumul yeoseot 이십육 (isipyuk) 244. twenty-seven 스물일곱 스물일곱 seumul ilgop 이십칠 (isipchil) 245. twenty-eight 스물여덟 스물여덟 seumul yeodeol 이십팔 (isippal) 246. twenty-nine 스물아홉 스물아홉 seumul ahop 이십구 (isipgu) *Chinese numbers *Korean numbers 247. OK, let s move on to the multiples of ten: thirty 좋아요, 10 의배수로 넘어가죠 : 삼십 삼십 samsip 서른 (seoreun)

248. forty 사십 사십 sasip 마흔 (maheun) 249. fifty 오십 오십 osip 쉰 (shin) 250. sixty 육십 육십 yuksip 예순 (yesun) 251. seventy 칠십 칠십 chilsip 이른 (eereun) 252. eighty 팔십 팔십 palsip 여든 (yeodeun)

253. ninety 구십 구십 gusip 아흔 (aheun) 254. And finally we ve reached one hundred 그리고드디어, 백 백 baek 255. two hundred 이백 이백 ibaek 256. Now, can you say this number: two hundred forty-seven 이젠다음의숫자를 말할수있겠죠?: 이백 사십칠 이백사십칠 ibaek sasip chil

257. three hundred 삼백 삼백 sambaek 258. four hundred 사백 사백 sabaek 259. five hundred 오백 오백 obaek 260. Let s jump ahead to one thousand 그럼, 다음으로건너뛰어 요 : 천 천 cheon 261. And of course to two thousand 그리고, 당연히이천 이천 icheon

262. three thousand 삼천 삼천 samcheon 263. four thousand 사천 사천 sacheon 264. five thousand 오천 오천 ocheon 265. ten thousand 육천 육천 yukcheon 266. Soon we ll be finished. one hundred thousand 곧끝낼거예요. 십만 십만 simman *Korean counting systems are based on increments of 10,000 rather than 1,000

267. Let s finish with one million 백만으로마무리할께요, 백만 백만 baengman 268. That wasn t too bad, was it? Now let s learn the ordinal numbers to help us put first things first and last things last. We ll start with first 어때요, 괜찮았죠? 이젠첫번째것은첫째로, 마지막것은마지막으로두기위한서수를한번배워볼까요? 시작할께요, 첫번째 첫번째 cheot beontze 269. second 두번째 두번째 du beontze

270. third 세번째 세번째 se beontze 271. fourth 네번째 네번째 ne beontze 272. fifth 다섯번째 다섯번째 daseot beontze 273. sixth 여섯번째 여섯번째 yeoseot beontze 274. seventh 일곱번째 일곱번째 ilgop beontze

275. eighth 여덟번째 여덟번째 yeodeol beontze 276. ninth 아홉번째 아홉번째 ahop beontze 277. tenth 열번째 열번째 yeol beontze 278. How many times will you need to practice the ordinal numbers until you know them by heart? once? 서수를다암기하려면 얼마다많이더연습을 해야할까요? 한번? 한번 hanbeon? 279. Or maybe twice? 어쩌면두번? 두번 dubeon?

280. Don t feel bad if it takes you three times 만일더걸리더라도기분 상해하지마세요. 세번 세번 sebeon 281. Let s toast our accomplishments... Give me a half a glass of wine please... half 모든것을이룬후성공의 축배를들어요. 와인반잔만주세요 반 반 ban 282. Actually, a quarter of a glass is enough... quarter 사실.. 4 분의 1 이면 충분해요. 4 분의 1 4 분의 1 sa bunui il 283. [8] Every place in the world has the same colors, and they look the same in all languages... Interesting?.. Colors 색은전세계공통이며 모든언어는같은색을 말하죠 흥미롭죠?.. 색 색 saek

284. What s your favorite color? Maybe red? 가장좋아하는색은 뭐예요? 아마도빨간색? 빨간색 ppalgan saek 285. yellow 노란색 노란색 noran saek 286. blue 파란색 파란색 paran saek 287. black 검정색 검정색 geomjeong saek 288. white 흰색 흰색 hin saek

289. Maybe orange, like the fruit with the same name? orange 어쩌면오랜지, 같은 이름의과일과같은.. 오랜지색 오랜지색 orange saek 290. brown 갈색 갈색 gal saek 291. purple 보라색 보라색 bora saek 292. green 초록색 초록색 chorok saek 293. pink 분홍색 분홍색 bunon saek

294. gray 회색 회색 hoe saek 295. Is this ring silver? silver 이반지는은반지예요? 은 은 eun 296. No, it s actually gold. gold 아니오, 이건사실 금반지예요. 금 금 keum 297. [9] Now that we ve learned to count and learned the colors, we should learn the days of the week. Every language has a separate name for each day. Days of the Week 지금숫자세기와색깔을 익혔는데요, 한주의 요일들도배워야 하겠죠? 각각요일의 개별명칭은모든 언어에서볼수있어요. 한주의요일 한주의요일 hanju-ui yoil

298. What day is it? Today is... 몇칠이죠? 오늘은 오늘은 oneureun 299. Sunday 일요일 일요일 iryo-il 300. Monday 월요일 월요일 woryo-il 301. Tuesday 화요일 화요일 hwayo-il

302. Wednesday 수요일 수요일 suyo-il 303. Thursday 목요일 목요일 mogyo-il 304. Friday 금요일 금요일 keumyo-il 305. Saturday 토요일 토요일 toyo-il 306. When did you get back? We came back yesterday. yesterday 언제돌아왔어요? 우리는어제오후에 왔어요. 어제 어제 eoje

307. There's also the day before yesterday 그저께도있죠, 그저께 그저께 geujeokke 이틀전에 iteul jeone 308. I m going today. today 나는오늘가요. 오늘 오늘 oneul 309. and coming back tomorrow. tomorrow 그리고내일돌아와요. 내일 내일 neil 310. Or if I m having a good time, the day after tomorrow 혹시더있고싶어지면, 모레 모레 more 이틀후 (iteul hu)

311. Isn t his birthday this week? Wow! What's today's date? 생일이이번주에있지 않아요? 와우! 오늘 날짜가며칠이죠? 오늘날짜가며칠이죠? oneul naltzaga myeochirijyo? 오늘이며칠이죠? (oneuri myeochirijyo?) 312. When is your birthday? 언제가당신 생일이예요? 언제가당신생일이예요? eonjega dangsin seng- iriyeyo? 생일이언제인가요? (seng-iri eonjeingayo?) 313. Thanks for the good wishes, but it was... last week 축하고마워요하지만, 지난주에있었어요 지난주 지난주 jinan ju 314. There s still time. It s next month 아직시간이있어요. 다음달에있어요, 다음달 다음달 da-eum dal 내달 (nedal)

315. When will you come for a visit? Next year?? Too bad, I d hoped you d come this year. 언제방문차오실건가요? 내년에요?? 안따깝네요, 저는올해오실꺼라기대했었어요. 올해 올해 olhe 금년 (keumnyeon) 316. [10] OK, since we now know the numbers, it s time to learn about time and how to say what time it is... 좋아요, 우리가이미 숫자를익혔으니, 이젠 시간에관해그리고 몇시인지말하는것을 배울시간입니다. 317. What s the most popular question asked? Of course... Excuse me, what time is it? 가장일반적인질문은무엇일까요? 당연히 실례합니다, 지금몇시입니까? 실례합니다, 지금몇시 입니까? sillehamnida, jigeum myeotsi imnika?

318. The answer usually begins with.. The time is... 보통대답은이렇게 시작해요.. 지금 시각은 지금시각은 jigeum sigageun 319. Let s start with one o clock and add a little something each hour to make things interesting and to review. Here we go: one o clock in the morning 우선한시로시작하고좀더흥미있도록각시간에몇가지를추가해서복습하도록하죠. 시작할께요 : 오전한시입니다. 오전한시입니다. ojeon han si imnida 320. two o clock in the afternoon 오후두시입니다 오후두시입니다 ohu du si imnida

321. Three-thirty is the same thing as half past three: three-thirty or half past three 세시삼십분은세시반과 같은의미죠 : 세시삼십분또는세시반 세시삼십분또는세시반 sesi samsipbun ttoneun sesi ban 322. Four-fifteen is the same as a quarter after four: four-fifteen or quarter after four 네시십오분 네시십오분 nesi sibobun *Only one expression: four-fifteen 323. When will my coffee be ready? It s already... quarter to five 언제내커피가준비될까요? 시간이벌써이렇게되었네요 다섯시십오분전 daseotsi sibobun jeon 다섯시십오분전 324. six-twenty 여섯시이십분 여섯시이십분 yeoseotsi isipbun

325. seven in the evening 저녁일곱시 저녁일곱시 jeonyeok ilgopsi 326. eight minutes to seven 일곱시팔분전 일곱시팔분전 ilgopsi palbun jeon 327. Too bad, the plane took off nine minutes ago 어떻하죠? 비행기는이미떠났어요 구분전에 구분전에 gubun jeone 328. The next bus leaves in another ten hours 다음버스출발은열시간 후입니다 열시간후입니다 yeol sigan hu imnida 329. It s late. It s eleven p.m. 늦었어요. 시간이오후 11 시 오후 11 시 ohu yeolhansi

330. When do lazy people get up? At twelve noon or at noon 게으른사람들은언제 일어나죠? 오전 12 시 또는정오 오전 12 시또는정오 ojeon yeoldusi ttoneun jeong-oh 331. Time is counted by the second, minute and hour. 시간의단위는 : 초, 분 그리고시 초, 분그리고시 cho, bun geurigo si 332. I m sure you remember, but since it s important let s review: quarter / half 분명기억하고있겠지만중요하니다시복습할께요 : 4분의 1 / 반 4 분의 1 / 반 sa bunui il / ban 333. Now it s midnight 지금은자정입니다 지금은자정입니다 jigeumeun jajeong imnida 지금은한밤중입니다 (jigeumeun hanbamtzung imnida)

334. Finally, let s review again: day / week 마지막으로, 복습해 볼까요?: 일 / 주 일 / 주 il / ju 335. and of course month / year 그리고, 당연히월 / 년 월 / 년 wol / nyeon 개월 / 해 (gewol / hae)

336. [11] We ve just about finished all the basic concepts and topics. Now we ll concentrate on more practical matters: hotels, restaurants, roads, stores and markets. Let s start by filling in a form with our personal details... very important to know how to do. Usually these forms begin with: First name 지금까지는모든기본개념과주제들을다뤄봤습니다. 이제는보다실질적인사안들에집중할겁니다 : 호텔, 식당, 도로, 가게그리고시장. 우리신상명세서작성하는것부터시작할까요? 어떻게작성하는지아는게매우중요해요. 이같은서류는보통 이름 ireum 이렇게시작하죠 : 이름 337. And then: Last name 그리고 : 성 성 seong

338. Usually you need to write the address where you ll be staying: Address 보통머물곳의주소를 적어야합니다 : 주소 주소 juso 339. Including the street name 이것도포함해서요, 거리 명 거리명 geori myeong 340. house number 주택번호 주택번호 jutaek beonho 341. city 도시 도시 dosi 342. postal code 우편번호 우편번호 upyeonbeonho

343. And of course, the name of the country: country 그리고당연히국가명 : 국가 국가 gukga 344. They usually also want to know your marital status: single or married, divorced or widowed: Marital status 일반적으로결혼여부도알고싶어합니다 : 미혼, 기혼, 이혼또는사별 : 결혼여부 결혼여부 kyeolhon yeobu 345. They re also interested in your nationality: Nationality 물론당신의국적에도 관심이있죠 : 국적 국적 gukjeok 346. Sometimes they also want to know about your occupational training, even though many people don t work in the profession 때때로어떤전문교육을받았는지알고자할때도있어요, 많은사람들이배운것과는상관없는일을하기도 직업 jigeop

they learned... occupation, profession 하지만요 직업 347. Of course everyone has a... Date of birth 당연히모든사람에게 있겠죠 생년월일 생년월일 seng-nyeon-woril 348. Even if you ve visited lots of countries on your trip, they usually want to know where you started: Origin of trip 여행에서아무리많은 국가들을방문했더라도 보통여행을어디서 시작했는지물어봅니다 : 여행시작지 여행시작지 yeoheng sijackji 349. And of course they want to know your destination: Destination 그리고당연히여행 목적지를물어봅니다 : 여행목적지 여행목적지 yeoheng mokjeokji

350. You ll need to indicate the purpose of your visit... business or pleasure... Purpose of your visit 방문의목적을표시해야 할겁니다 사업또는 관광 방문목적 방문목적 bangmun mokjeok 351. You should know your passport number by heart or at least write it down somewhere for safekeeping: Passport number 여권번호는외워두거나보관을위해최소한어디잘적어두는게좋아요 : 여권번호 여권번호 yeokwon beonho 352. Flight number 항공편명 항공편명 hanggong pyeon myeong 353. The date is usually at the end of the form: Date 날짜는보통서류의가장 마지막에적어요 : 날짜 날짜 naltza

354. Yes, it's OK to sign in any language!.. Signature 네, 어떤언어로서명해도 상관없어요! 서명 서명 seomyeong 355. [12] Now that we ve landed safely, filled in all the forms and set out as tourists... let s think about the most common situations we may encounter. We ll begin at the hotel. Make a reservation in advance to make sure there s a room... Making Hotel Reservations 이제우리는안전히착륙해서모든서류작성을끝내고여행을시작합니다 우리가직면할가장일반적인상황에대해생각해봐요. 숙박을위한방을확보하도록미리예약을해요 호텔예약하기 호텔예약하기 hotel yeyak hagi

356. If you didn t make a reservation, your first question to the hotel clerk is: Hello, do you have a vacancy? 만일예약을하지않았다면, 호텔직원에게해야할첫번째질문은 : 안녕하세요, 빈객실이있나요? 안녕하세요, 빈객실이 있나요? annyeonghaseyo, bin geksiri innayo? 357. Here s the answer you don t want to hear: Sorry, everything's taken 듣고싶지않은 답변이군요 : 죄송해요, 만실입니다 죄송해요, 만실입니다 joesongheyo, mansil imnina 358. If you did make a reservation, you can say: I have a reservation 만일예약을했다면 이렇게말할수있어요 : 예약을했어요 예약을했어요 yeyageul hetseoyo 359. And if not, try your luck and hope for the best: I don't have a reservation 예약을하지않았다면, 행운에기대어최선의결과를기대해보며 : 예약을하지않았어요 예약을하지않았어요 yeyageul haji anatseoyo

360. Maybe you need to give more information: I need a room... 좀더구체적인정보를 제공해야할수도있어요 : 객실이필요합니다 객실이필요합니다 geksiri piryohamnida 361. for one night 일박을위한 일박을위한 ilbakgeul wihan 362. for two adults and two children 어른둘과아이둘을위한 어른둘과아이둘을위한 eoreun dulgwa ai dureul wihan 363. This may sound odd, but based on experience it s a good idea to add: with a bathroom 좀이상하게들릴수있어도, 경험에비추어볼때첨부하는게좋아요 : 욕실이딸린 욕실이딸린 yoksiri ttallin

364. with a single bed or a double bed 싱글침대의또는더블 침대의 싱글침대의또는더블 침대의 single chimde-eui ttoneun deobeul chimed-eui 일인용침대의또는이인용 침대의 (irinyong chimed-deui ttoneun i-inyong chimed-eui) 365. Where is the room? on the first floor 객실이어디죠? 1 층에 있어요 1 층에있어요 ilcheung-e itseoyo 366. Or maybe on the top floor 또는, 최상층에있어요 최상층에있어요 choesangcheung-e itseoyo 367. Do I need to take the stairs to get upstairs 위층으로가려면계단을 이용해야하나요? 윗층 윗층 wit cheung 368. Or to get downstairs 또는아래층으로 가기위해, 아래층 아래층 are cheung

369. But I have suitcases... Is there an elevator? elevator 하지만큰여행가방이 있어서요 엘리베이터 가있나요? 엘리베이터 엘리베이터 eliveiteo 승강기 (seunggangki) 370. The hotel s location is important for tourists and also affects the price. A hotel can be downtown, near the train station or in the suburbs. It s always good to know the hotel s exact address. Where are you located? 호텔위치는여행객에게 중요하고가격에도 영향을미치죠. 시내에, 기차역근처또는 외곽지에호텔이있을 수도있어요. 호텔의 정확한주소를아는것은 항상도움이됩니다. 어디에위치해있나요? 어디에위치해있나요? eodie wichihe innayo? 위치가어디죠? (wichiga eodijyo?) 371. If the location isn t clear, you can always ask: How do I get there from...? 만일위치가명확하지않으면언제든물어볼수있어요 : 에서어떻게갑니까? 에서어떻게갑니까? eseo eoteoke gamnika? 에서어떻게가나요? ( eseo eoteoke ganayo?)

372. And of course, to avoid any surprises... How much does it cost? 물론, 황당한상황을 피하기위해 요금이 얼마죠? 요금이얼마죠? yokeumi eolmajyo? 373. This is not always obvious... Does the price include breakfast? 항상명백하지는 않아요... 아침식사가 포함된가격인가요? 아침식사가포함된가격 인가요? achim siksaga pohamdoen gakyeok ingayo? 374. Let s review meals! first, breakfast 그럼식사를확인해 볼까요? 우선, 아침식사! 아침식사 achim siksa 375. lunch 점심식사 점심식사 jeomsim siksa

376. supper 저녁식사 저녁식사 jeonyeok siksa 377. We ve almost forgotten the hotel clerk on the phone... what should we tell him? We ll take the room! Thank you, I'll be there by... 4 전화받고있던호텔직원을깜박하고있었어요 뭐라고해야할까요? 객실주세요! 감사합니다, 4시까지가겠습니다 감사합니다, 4 시까지 가겠습니다 kamsahamnida, nesi kkaji gagetseumnida 378. Most countries that welcome tourists have tourist information offices. Most hotels also have a tourist desk to answer tourists questions... Tourist Information 대부분의관광지원국가에는관광정보사무소가있어요. 대부분의호텔에도여행객의질문에답해줄창구가있구요 관광정보 관광정보 kwankwang jeongbo

379. Fill in the following question as needed: Excuse me, where can I find...? 다음의질문을필요에따라채워보세요 : 실례합니다, 어디에있나요? 실례합니다, 어디에 있나요? sillehamnida, eodie innayo? 380. Maybe we ll separate to shop in the market. We need a... meeting point 어쩌면시장에서쇼핑을 위해흩어질수도있어요. 잊지마세요 집합장소 집합장소 jipap jangso 381. Perhaps you have a free map of the city 혹시... 가지고있어요? 공짜시내지도 시내지도 sine jido 382. Can you help me find... a car rental agency 찾는것을 도와주시겠어요? 렌트 카회사 렌트카회사 rent ka heosa

383. Actually, maybe I d prefer a taxi stand or a bus stop 사실내가알려고했던 것은, 택시승차장이나 버스정류장 택시승차장이나버스 정류장 teksi seungchajang ina beos jeongryujang 384. A train to... 로가는기차 로가는기차 ro ganeun gicha 385. [13] Let s assume we re seasoned travelers who know how to get along. We don t need any favors. After arranging a hotel, of course we need a car. Car Rental 우리는어떻게여정을꾸릴지를잘아는노련한여행자라고가정해봐요. 어떤호의도필요없어요! 호텔을해결했으면당연히차가필요해요. 렌트카 렌트카 rent ka 386. The clerk at the car rental agency welcomes us and asks how she can help us. What 렌터카회사에서직원이 우리를맞고어떤일로 왔는지물어봅니다. 안녕하세요, 제이름은 anyeonghaseyo, je ireumeun

should we say? Hello, my name is... 뭐라고해야할까요? 안녕하세요, 제이름은 387. Of course I didn t just drop in. I reserved a car 물론그냥들른게 아니죠. 차를예약 했는데요 차를예약했는데요 chareul yeyak henneundeyo 388. Here's my voucher and driver's license 여기서류와운전면허증 있습니다 여기서류와운전면허증 있습니다 yeogi seoryuwa unjeon myeonheojeung itseumnida

389. If you didn t arrange everything in advance... What cars do you have available? 만일, 미리사전예약을 하지않았다면 어떤 차가지금렌트 가능한가요? 어떤차가지금렌트 가능한가요? eoteon chaga jigeum rent ganeun hangayo? 390. "I d like a small automatic car"... "I d like to return it at the airport"... This is a simple, polite and common request form: I'd like... 저는자동변속기의작은차를원해요 저는공항에서차를반환하고싶어요 간단하고, 예의있는일반적인요청형식이죠 : 하고싶어요 하고싶어요 hago sipeoyo 했으면합니다 ( hatseumyeon hamnida) 391. I d like to rent a car for a day / two days 차를렌트하고싶습니다, 하루 / 이틀동안자동차 렌트를 하루 / 이틀동안자동차 렌트를 haru / iteul dongan jadongcha rentreul

392. Or maybe... to rent a car for a week 또는일주일동안자동차 렌트를 일주일동안자동차 렌트를 iljuil dongan jadongcha rentreul 393. You also need to arrange for returning the car: to return the car on... 차를반환하는것도미리 이야기해야합니다 : 에 차를반환 에차를반환 eh chareul banhwan 394. I d like to pay by credit card 신용카드로결제하고 싶어요. 신용카드 신용카드결제를 sinyongkad gyeoljereul 결제를 395. What happens if the car agency only has small cars that can t hold all your luggage? I d like to upgrade my order 만일렌터카회사에소형차만있어짐을모두실을수없으면어쩌죠? 주문을업그레이드했으면합니다, 주문을업그레이드 주문을업그레이드 jumuneul eopgreid

396. Sometimes you need extras, like a baby car seat or a bicycle carrier. Does this car have...? 아기카시트나자전거 고정대등과같이 추가물품이필요할수 있습니다. 자동차에 있나요? 자동차에 있나요? jadongcha-e innayo? 397. or, for example: automatic transmission or airconditioning 또는예로 : 자동변속기 또는에어컨 자동변속기또는에어컨 jadong byeonsoki ttoneun e-eo-keon 398. Let s move on to the price... Does the price include...? 가격으로넘어가 보겠습니다. 포함된 가격입니까? 포함된가격입니까? pohamdoen gakyeok imnika? 399. Of course you re not planning to have an accident. You ve come to have a good time. Still, you need to know about insurance 물론사고를계획하지는않겠죠. 즐거운시간을보내려하는게당연하지만, 여전히알아야할게있어요. 보험 보험 boheom

400. What s included in the price?.. unlimited kilometrage (mileage) 가격엔뭐가포함되어 있나요?.. 무제한 운행거리 ( 마일리지 ) 무제한운행거리 ( 마일리지 ) mujehan unhenggeori mailliji 401. Sometimes the answer is: This price doesn't include... 종종이런답변을들어요 : 포함안된가격입니다 포함안된가격입니다 poham andoen gagyeok imnida... 불포함가격입니다 ( bulpoham gagyeok imnida) 402. And sometimes you need to put down a deposit. After all, it is a car... a deposit of... 그리고가끔은보증금을내야할때도있어요. 결국은차라는것이... 의보증금 의보증금 ui bojeunggeum

403. To avoid future unpleasantness, make sure to check the car. Please make a note that this car has a scratch on the front, a broken headlight and no spare tire... Please make a note that the car has... 미래의불쾌한상황을피하기위해, 차량점검을확실히하세요. 차량앞쪽에긁힌자국, 부서진전조등, 스페어타이어가없는것.. 을기록해두세요 차에 있다는것을기록해두세요 차에 가있다는것을 기록해두세요 cha-e ittaneun geoseul giroke duseyo 404. a scratch / dent on... 긁힌자국 / 찍힌자국 긁힌자국 / 찍힌자국 geulkin jaguk / tzikin jaguk 스크레치 / 움푹한자국 (seukrechi / umpukan jaguk) 405. no spare tire 스페어타이어가없는것 스페어타이어가없는것 spe-eo tai-eoga eomneun geot

406. Is the tank half full... or maybe it's half empty? Just be sure to check... half a tank of gas 연료탱크가반이 찼어요?.. 또는반이 비었어요? 확인을 잊지마세요.. 연료탱크의 반 연료탱크의반 yeollyo tengkui ban 407. Before we leave: Here's a map and a list of our branch offices 떠나기전에 : 여기지도와 우리회사지사들의 목록입니다 여기지도와우리회사 지점들의목록입니다 yeoki jidowa uri hoesa jijeomdeurui mongrok imnida 408. Oops, what have we forgotten? Where's the car?.. The car is... 어머, 뭘깜박잊고있었죠? 차는어디있어요? 차는 에 차는 에있어요 chaneun e itseoyo 있어요 409. Bon voyage! 즐거운여행되세요! 즐거운여행되세요! jeulgeo-un yeoheng doeseyo!

410. Another way of saying this... Have a good trip! 그리고이렇게말할수도 있어요 좋은여행 되세요! 좋은여행되세요! joeun yeoheng doeseyo! 411. [14] We ve left the airport, the weather is great, the car is a dream... and we re on our way to meet people. Let s learn a little about Friends, People and Business 우리는공항을떠났어요, 날씨는좋고차는꿈의자동차 이제우리는사람들을만나러갑니다. 자, 그럼우리가배울내용들을살펴볼까요?: 친구, 사람들, 그리고비지니스 친구, 사람들, 그리고 비지니스 chingu, saramdeul, geurigo bizinis 412. How to present other people and how they present us is the topic of Introductions 어떻게다른사람을소개하고어떻게다른사람이우리를소개하는지관한 소개 sogae 주제입니다 : 소개

413. I'd like you to meet Mr. [Mrs. / Miss / Ms.]... 저는 님을만나고 싶습니다 저는 님을만나고 싶습니다 jeoneun nimeul mannago sipseumnida 저는 선생님을만나고 싶습니다 (jeuneun seonsengnimeul mannago spseumnida) 414. Nice to meet you 만나서반갑습니다 만나서반갑습니다 mannaseo bangap seumnida 만나서반가워요 (mannaseo bangawoyo) 415. How are you? 어떻게지내세요? 어떻게지내세요? eotteoke jineseyo? 어떻게지내요? (eotteoke jineyo?) 416. Usually this doesn t require a detailed answer but just a polite response: Fine, thank you. And you? 보통구체적인답변이필요하지는않으니, 그냥정중히대답합니다 : 잘지내요, 감사합니다. 잘 잘지내요, 감사합니다. 잘 지내시죠? jal jineyo, kamsahamnida. Jal jinesijyo? 잘지내요, 감사합니다. 별일 없으시죠? (jal jineyo, kamsahamnida. byeollil eopseusijyo?)

지내시죠? 417. If you want to be less formal, try this: What's new? / How's it going? 좀덜격식차린형식을 원하면이렇게하세요 : 어떻게지내요? / 별일 없죠? 어떻게지내요?/ 별일없죠? eotteoke jineyo? / byeullil eopjyo? 418. Everything's okay 다괜찮아요 다괜찮아요 da gwaenchanayo 419. Sometimes it s good to show interest in close family or friends: How's... your wife / your husband? 가끔은가까운가족이나친구들에대한안부를묻는게좋아요 : 부인은 / 남편분은어떠세요? 부인은 / 남편분은 어떠세요? buineun / nampeunbuneun eotteoseyo? 부인은 / 남편분은 잘지내시죠? (buineun / nampeunbuneun jal jinesijyo?)