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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil

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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck





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야쿠르트2010 3월 - 최종






< FC1DF315FC1A631C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>


2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을



#1_초급 본문

June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

야쿠르트2010 9월재출



[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~




step 1-1


소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

Being friends with the face in the mirror


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7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).


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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운


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When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no

1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Dad, look at this. I made a birthday card for Grandma. M: Wow, you decorated it with dried flowers. W: Yes





74 현대정치연구 2015년 봄호(제8권 제1호) Ⅰ. 서론 2015년 1월 7일, 프랑스 파리에서 총격 사건이 발생했다. 두 명의 남성이 풍자 잡지 주간 샤를리 의 본사에 침입하여 총기를 난사한 것이다. 이 사건으로 인해 열두 명의 사람이 목숨을 잃었다. 얼마 후에


Lesson 7 Teen Volunteers Can you make it at eight? Certainly. Please let me try. a few / few He had to spend a few days in hospital. what We did what he asked. Words agree ex. I cannot agree with you. bus stop certainly difference ex. There s a big difference in design. exhibit experience ex. It was a very useful experience. few fill form join little museum neighbor newspaper nursing home operation operate ex. He will have an operation tomorrow. patient problem professional public reporter ride serious several skill someone 120 somewhere subway station teen try visit voice volunteer ex. I volunteered to help others. Phrases a few, a little ex. It s a little cold here. at the same time care for do some magic fall down fill out in front of behind look for make a difference make it sound like take A to B A B

Words 01 experience 02 several 03 neighbor 04 public 05 certainly 06 ride 07 form 08 somewhere 09 join 10 patient 11 teen 12 agree 13 visit 14 skill 15 exhibit 16 volunteer 17 operation 18 voice 19 problem 20 difference 21 try 22 nursing home 23 someone 24 fill 25 professional 26 museum 27 few 28 subway station 29 reporter 30 serious 31 bus stop 32 newspaper 33 little Phrases 34 look for 35 make it 36 fall down 37 take A to B 38 do some magic 39 make a difference 40 a few, a little 41 fill out 42 sound like 43 in front of 44 care for 45 at the same time p.193 Lesson 7 121 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 122 p.193 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Phrases 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 A B 44 45

1 She works at a nursing home as a. 2 I m sorry, but I don t with that. 3 After the, he had to rest in bed for a week. 4 My helped me fix the door. 5 A problem happened to her. exhibit experience form patient reporter 6 Oily food is bad for the. 7 I gained good from this work. 8 She is a school newspaper. 9 Let s go see the photo. fall down fill out a little sound like 10 Would you lower the price? 11 You have to this answer sheet. 12 You you have a cold. 13 Don t run. You may. [14~15] 14 She likes to care children. Now I m looking the keys. 15 Can you it at six? I think that one person can a difference. p.193 rest fix happen oily gain photo blank lower price answer sheet have a cold Lesson 7 123 A: Can you make it at five? B: Sure. Can you make it at ~? Let s meet at ~. Shall we make it at ~? Why don t we meet at ~? What time shall we meet? Where shall we meet? ex. A: What time shall we meet? B: Come to my house at 5. 1 A: There is a big baseball game tomorrow. Do you want us? B: Sure. I love baseball. A: at six at the? B: Certainly. 2 A: I m going to make a video for the cooking class. B: Can I join you? A: Sure. Let s meet in the cafeteria. B: Okay. A: B: Certainly. A: Let s meet at the subway station. B: Certainly. Certainly. Of course. No problem. Okay. Sure. Why not? That s fine with me. Sounds good great Sorry, but I can t. I m afraid not. I d love to, but I can t. I m sorry I can t. Sorry, I have an appointment. Maybe next time. 124

p.193 3 A: at four our school? B:. 4 B:. A:.? 8 B:. A: Have you done any volunteer work? B: No, I haven t. But please let me try. A: Okay. Please let me try. Please let me give it a try. I think you we should ~. Let s do it this way. Let s not ~. Okay. All right. I see. Yes, let s. 5 A: Can I ride a bike, please? B: No. You it before. A: But I really want to do it. B: You know, riding a bike is not easy. A:. I m sports. B: Okay. 6 A: I m looking for volunteer work. B: A: No. B: What kind of volunteer job can you do? A: I can teach English to children. B: Okay. Lesson 7 125 p.193 A: 1. any volunteer work? B: 2. No. But. A: 3. do? B: I can 4. in-line skating children. A: Okay. 5. at four on Saturday? B: 6.. 1 (A) Can you make it at four? (B) Great. (C) Sure. Let s meet in the science room. (D) I m going to make a robot after school. (E) Sounds wonderful! Can I join you? (F) Certainly. (F) 2 (A) Can I ride a bike, please? (B) You know, riding a bike is not easy. (C) But I really want to do it. (D) Please let me try. I m good at sports. (E) Okay. (F) No. You haven t done it before. 126

[1~2] A: There s a French art exhibition at the museum. Let s go together. B: Sounds good. A: Can you make it at three at the bus stop? B: Certainly. 1 Okay. Sure. Of course. Why not? Maybe next time. 2 Where shall we meet at three? What time shall we meet? Let s meet at three at the bus stop. Let s go to make it at the bus stop. Why don t we go to the bus stop? [3~4] A: Can I paint the wall, please? B: No. You haven t done it before. A: But I really want to do it. B: Painting a wall is not easy. A: I m good at painting. B: Maybe next time. That s too bad. Please let me try. I d love to, but I can t. Let s do it in this way. I don t have experience. exhibition museum bus stop wall easy Lesson 7 127 4 A: I m going to make a class newspaper after school. B: Sounds great! Can I join you? A: Of course. Let s meet in the library. B: A: Can you make it at five? B: Certainly. I m afraid not. I m sorry I can t. I d love to, but I can't. No problem. Maybe next time. 5 A: Can you make at two? B: Okay. [6~8] W: Have you done any volunteer work? M: No. W: What can you do? M: I can give in-line skating lessons to children. W: Okay. Can you make it four Saturday? M: Certainly. 6 But please let me try. 7 at in on on at on on in in on 8 128 p.193 newspaper library volunteer children

a few / few I m looking for a babysitter for a few hours. There are few books on the shelf. a few few a few few ex. He has few friends. He has a few friends. a little little ex. I gave my plants a little water. I had little money left in my wallet. 1 few a few little a little (1) I have money. (2) people understand the question. (3) We have time to think. (4) There are students in the playground. 2 few a few (1) A: Does she have many friends? B: No, she has friends. She is not so friendly. (2) A: Where are you going? B: I m going to the market. I need to buy things. Lesson 7 129 p.193 what That is what she said last night. Do you understand what I mean? what what ex. This is what I wanted to say. what the thing(s) which thatall that ex. What(=The thing which) I need is a computer. This is what(= the thing which) I like. I gave him what(= the thing which) he wanted. cf. I did what I could. Do you know what this is? 3 what (1) The store didn t have. (2) I can t remember. (3) This is not. 4 (to / do / what / I ll / want / I / do) 130

1 Did you understand English teacher said? My parents gave I wanted. 2 There were already students in the classroom. I have to buy some sugar. There is sugar in the bottle. few little a few few a few little a few a little few a little [3~4] 3 I can t believe that she said yesterday. 4 Brian has lived here only for two years. But, he already has few friends. 5 what This is what I ll do tomorrow. What do you mean? I can t remember what she said. I wonder what this is. I asked him what he did in the room. What do you want to be when you grow up? already classroom bottle believe Lesson 7 131 6 He has a little money. There was little food on the table. I read a few books about history. There is a few flowers in the vase. As I m not friendly, I have few friends. [7~8] Another man in the room wanted to pack his bag. It was his last day in hospital. He wasn t doing very well after his operation. But the packing was no problem for us, and (what / we / asked / did / he). A nurse saw us and asked, Can you stay here longer? Then she took us to the next room. There was a little girl looking at some books. But she was only four, and couldn t read. We read her funny stories. We also did some magic with our hands. She was excited and happy. 7 8 a little a few a few a little little few a little few little a few 9 I gave her the thing which she wanted. = I gave her she wanted. which who what that when 10 (ice cream / she / is / what / wants) 132 p.193 history vase friendly

Teen Volunteers Volunteering can make a big difference in someone s life. At the same time, you will become a better person. Have you done any volunteer work before? I have been a teen volunteer at a hospital since last month. This is how it began. My friend Mike gave his in-line skates to his father. His father fell down and hurt his leg. He had to spend a few days in hospital, but it wasn t too bad. When I visited him with Kevin last week, we talked to several other patients. Some of the patients had serious problems. We couldn t help all of them, but we could help some of them. Have Has since =gave his father his in-line skates a few many not ~ all There was an old man in the next bed. He wanted to read the newspaper, but he couldn t see well. I read him the newspaper. His neighbor said, You =wasn t able to read 4 sound like a professional news reporter. We all laughed. sound like cf. sound want to 1 Mike teen 13 19 volunteer make a difference at the same time fall down hurt a few several patient serious all of neighbor sound like professional reporter laugh Lesson 7 133 Another man in the room wanted to pack his bag. It was his last day in want hospital. He wasn t doing very well after his operation. But the packing was no problem for us, and we did what he asked. A nurse saw us and asked, Can you stay here a little longer? Then she took us to the next room. There was a little girl looking at some books. take A to B A B There was who was But she was only four, and couldn t read. We read her a few funny stories. We also did some magic with our hands. She was excited and happy. Helping people can be really good! After that visit, Kevin and I joined the =some teen volunteer program at the hospital, but they need more young people. So come and join us! 2 (1) an old man in the next bed (2) another man in the room (3) a little girl in the next room 134 p.194 operation pack nurse a little little look at do some magic visit

1 A nurse saw us and asked, Can you stay here? 2, you will become a better person. 3 We also with our hands. 4 We them, but we could help. 5 Volunteering can in someone s life. 6 But the packing was us, and we did. 7 He had to spend in hospital, but it. 8 I a at a hospital since last month. 9 His neighbor said, You a professional news reporter. 10 His father and hurt his leg. p.194 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Lesson 7 135 Kevin 136

Words + Reading p.194 Lesson 7 137 agree difference experience few fill little look for neighbor patient ride visit voice volunteer teen : between the ages of 13 and 19 : 1 : to make something full : 2 : someone who lives near you : 3 : the sounds that someone makes when they speak : 4 : able to wait for a long time : 5 : knowledge and skill that you get by doing a job or activity : 6 : some, but not many : 7 : to search for someone or something : 8 : young and often small : 9 : someone who works without expecting to be paid for what they do : 10 : to have the same opinion as someone else : 11 : to go to see someone and spend time with them : 12 : to sit on a bicycle or an animal such as a horse and control it as it moves : 13 : something that makes one person or thing not the same as another person or thing : This is how it began. My friend Mike gave his in-line skates to his father. His father fell on and hurt his leg. He had to spend a few days in hospital, but it wasn t too bad. When I visited him with Kevin last week, we talked to several other patients. Some of the patients had serious problems. We couldn t help all of them, but we could help some of them. 138

p.194 1 This is what it began. 2 He showed me that I should do. 3 His neighbor said, You sound to a professional news reporter. 4 But, please let me to try. 5 Volunteering can make a big different in someone s life. 6 We read her a little funny stories. 7 Can you make at three at the bus stop? 8 Please fill up this form. 9 A nurse saw us and asked, Can you stay here a few longer? 10 On the same time, you will become a better person. (A) (B) (C) A nurse saw us and asked, Can you stay here (A) a few / a little longer? Then she took us to the next room. There was a little girl looking at some books. But she was only four, and couldn t read. We read her (B) a few / a little funny stories. We also did some magic with our hands. She was (C) excited / exciting and happy. (A) (B) (C) a few a little exciting a little a few excited a few a few exciting a little a little excited a few a little excited Lesson 7 139 1 teach teacher report reporter write writer paint painter cook cooker 2 I don t have much but I can do well. operation neighbor experience volunteer difference 3 someone who lives near you friend neighbor cousin patient nurse 4 He fell on the ice. Please fill the form. out down to down to out down out down to 140 5 We answered the same time. She is good playing the piano. (6~7) 6 A: Let s meet at six on Sunday. B:. I have an appointment. Okay. No problem. Sorry. Why not? Certainly. 7 A: Do you have any experience? B: No, I don t.. But please let me try. And I am good at it. I have much experience. I think I should do. Maybe next time. (8~9) 8 A: Can you make it at four? B: Certainly. Why don t you make it? Let s make four cans. What time will we meet? Why did you make at four? Shall we make it at four? Grammar + Reading

9 A: Have you done any volunteer work? B: No. But please let me try. I ll try to do volunteer work I have done volunteer work I don t have any experience please let me give it a try please tell me about it 10 Where shall we meet? Let s meet at the library. Can you make it at three? Please let me try. Why don t we meet tomorrow? (11~12) A: Let s go to the concert tomorrow. B: Okay. What time shall we meet? A: B: Certainly. Where shall we meet? A: What about at the subway station? B: That s fine. 11 Can you do me a favor? Can you make it at six? I think we should go there together. Why don t we meet tomorrow? Let s meet at the subway station. 12 Sure. Okay. Why not? I m afraid not. That s fine with me. 13 A: Shall we go together? B: Sure. A: Do you have any experience? B: No. But please let me try. A: Can I paint the wall, please? B: Please let me try. A: Can you make it at two? B: Certainly. A: Can I ride a bike? B: No, you haven t done it before. (14~15) 14 This doll is she wanted to buy. what that which when how 15 I like history. So, I have books about it. few little a few a little much Lesson 7 141 16 He has few friends. I need a few sugar. I need a little more time. A few people were playing soccer. There is a little water in the vase. 17 This is the way he made the robot. = This is he made the robot. 18 The rich are all happy. The rich are always happy. The rich are hardly happy. The rich are not always happy. The rich never happy. 19 Please tell me what this is. What s your name? What do you think about it? I don t know what his name is. That is what I wanted to say. 142 20 Tell me. (want / you / have / to / what) (21~23) There was an old man in the next bed. He wanted to read the newspaper, but he couldn t see well. I read him the newspaper. His neighbor said, You sound a professional news reporter. We all laughed. Another man in the room wanted to pack his bag. We couldn t help him at all. It was his last day in hospital. He wasn t doing very well after his operation. But the packing was no problem for us, and 21 to for like by of 22 (what / we / asked / did /he) 23

(24~26) Volunteering can make a big difference in someone s life. At the same time, you will become a better person. Have you any volunteer work before? I have a teen volunteer at a hospital since last month. This is it began. 24 do be done was did been done been did was 25 how as what where that 26 it big difference someone s life better person volunteer work a hospital (27~29) My friend Mike gave his in-line skates to his father. His father fell down and hurt his leg. He had to spend a few days in hospital, but it wasn t too bad. When I visited him with Kevin last week, we talked to several patients. of the patients had serious problems. We couldn t help all of them, but we could help some of them. 27 When is your birthday? Tell me when she went there. My family moved here when I was young. When did you have breakfast? I don t know when the bus will leave. 28 other Any other Some others Some another Any another Some 29 Lesson 7 143 (30~32) A nurse saw us and asked, Can you stay here longer? There was a little girl looking at some books. But she was only four, and couldn t read. We read her funny stories. We also did some magic with our hands. She was excited and happy. Helping people can be really good! After that visit, Kevin and I joined the teen volunteer program at the hospital, but they need more young people. So come and join us! 30 31 some many a few lots of a little 32 Then she took us to the next room. 144 p.195 (33~35) I volunteered clean Green Park. I first met the park keeper. He showed me (do / I / what / should). He also introduced me a few other volunteers. We picked up the trash together. The park became very clean. 33 as of for to at 34 35

1 someone who works without expecting to be paid for what they do reporter volunteer patient teen professional 2 The doctor cured the patient. Be patient to your parents. He is a patient person. You have to be patient to do this work. Oily food is bad for the patient. Thank you for being patient for a long time. (3~4) A: Tomorrow is Volunteer Day, right? B: Yes. We are going to the nursing home. A: Shall we go together? B: Sure. Let s meet at the subway station. A: Sounds good. (eight / make / you / can / it / at)? B: Certainly. 3 Okay. Certainly. Why not? No problem. Maybe next time. 4 5 A: Can I ride a horse, please? B: No. You ve never done it before. A: But I really want to do it. B: You know, riding a horse is not easy. A: I m pretty good at sports. B: Okay. I know. I think it s easy. Please let me try. I think you should ride. Why don t you ride a horse? 6 There is sugar in the box. some much little a few a little 7 The thing which I want to get as a birthday present is a computer. = I want to get as a birthday present is a computer. Lesson 7 145 p.196 8 (12~13) I have money. I can t buy it. I need to buy things at the store. a little a few little a few few a little little few a few a little My friend Mike gave his in-line skates to his father. His father fell down and hurt his leg. He had to spend a few days in hospital, but it wasn t too bad. When I visited him with Kevin last week, we talked to several other patients. Some of the patients had serious problems. We couldn t help of them, but we could help of them. 9 A: Did you understand? (the / said / what / teacher) B: Of course. 12 some other another some all some all another some the other 13 Mike Mike Mike Kevin Kevin (10~11) (14~15) A nurse saw us and asked, Can you stay here a little longer? Then she took us to the Volunteering can make a big difference in next room. There was a little girl looked at someone s life., you will become a some books. better person. Have you done any volunteer But she was only four, and couldn t read. We work before? I have been a teen volunteer at a read her a few funny stories. We also did hospital since last month. This is how it began. some magic with our hands. She was excited and happy. 14 10 So However For example Although At the same time 15 11 146

1 teen doctor scientist nurse reporter 2 He gained the sight after the. skill exhibit experience operation neighbor 3 It s a little hot here. He is good at dancing. It s not easy to care for children. I can do some magic. She sounds like a reporter. 4 Let s go out to play baseball. Okay. Certainly. Why not? Sorry, I can t. That s fine with me. 5 (A) Please let me try. I m good at sports. (B) Can I ride a bike? (C) Okay. (D) No. You haven t done it before. (B) (A) (C) (D) (A) (D) (B) (C) (B) (D) (A) (C) (A) (C) (B) (D) (C) (D) (B) (A) 6 A: What time shall we meet? B: A: Certainly. Can you make it at three? Shall we make it at three? How about three o clock? Let s make something at three. Let s meet at three. (7~9) A: Can I work at the library the vacation? B: Well, do you have any experience? A: No, I don t. B: I m sorry. We are looking people who have some experience. A: I have good computer skills. B: All right. 7 for on for at for for during on during for Lesson 7 147 8 (let / try / me / please) 9 Which is NOT correct according to the dialog? A wants to work at the library. A hasn t worked at the library before. B wants people who have experience. A is good at computers. A cannot work at the library. 10 few a few little a little (1) I spoke with friends about it. (2) We tried to save money. 11 what I don t believe what you just said. He asked me what my name is. Can you tell me what Amy s job is? What I want to buy is a cellphone. What kind of food do you like most? I don t know what the problem is. 148 12 Last week Andy did an interesting thing. He visited the nursing home. He helped a few people there. He did what did they ask. For example, he read them the newspapers. 13 He has lost his bag. We have known each other. Have you been to Africa? I have lived here for three years. She has finished her homework yesterday. 14 I don t know all of them.

(15~16) Report on Volunteer Work Name: Kim Yujin Date: Sept. 10th Place: Green Park I to clean Green Park. I first met the park keeper. He showed me what I should do. He also introduced me to a few other. We picked up the trash together. The park became very clean. I felt happy and proud. 15 (volunteer) 16 (17~18) My friend Mike gave his in-line skates to his father. His father fell down and hurt his leg. He had to spend a little days in hospital, but it wasn t too bad. When I visited him with Kevin last week, we talked to several other patients. Some of the patients had serious problems. (A)(all / help / them / couldn t / of / we), but we could help some of them. 17 18 (A) (19~20) Volunteering can make a big difference in someone s life. At the same time, you will become a better person. Have you done any volunteer work before? This is how it began. 19 Lesson 7 149 20 I have been a teen volunteer at a hospital since last month. (21~22) There was an old man in the next bed. He wanted to read the newspaper, but he couldn t see. I read him the newspaper. His neighbor said, You sound like a professional news reporter. We all laughed. Another man in the room wanted to pack his bag. It was his last day in hospital. He wasn t doing very after his operation. But the packing was no problem for us, and we did he asked. 21 22 that which what whom when 150 p.196 (23~25) A nurse saw us and asked, Can you stay here a little longer? Then she took us the next room. There was a little girl looking some books. But she was only four, and couldn t read. We read her a few funny stories. We also She was excited and happy. 23 to for to at for at for for to to 24 (our / magic / did / hands / with / some) 25 Which is NOT correct? A nurse asked us to stay longer. A nurse took us to the next room. A girl couldn t read because of her eyes. We showed some magic with our hands. We made the girl excited and happy.

1 something that makes one person or thing not the same as another person or thing patient difference experience professional volunteer 2 agree : agreement = operate : 3 The nurse cared the patient. My mom took me the museum. of to to at for to to to for at 4 A: B: Let s meet at the bookstore. When shall we meet? Where do you go? Can you make it at five? Where shall we meet? What time shall we meet? (5~6) A: Can I wash the puppy? B: No. You haven t done it before. A: I can do it. B: It won t be easy. A: Please let me to try. I saw you wash him several times. B: 5 6 Okay. I see. That s too bad. All right. Maybe next time. 7 A: There is a new bookstore near the school. I m going there this afternoon. B: I want to get Harry Porter. Can I join you? A: Sure. Can you make it at four in front of our school? B: No problem. A will go to the bookstore this afternoon. The new bookstore is far from the school. A and B are going to the bookstore together. A and B are going to meet at four. B wants to buy Harry Porter. Lesson 7 151 (8~9) A: Let s go to the hospital to do volunteer work tomorrow. B: Okay. What time we meet? A: Can you make it at 9:30? B: Certainly. Where we meet? A: What about at the subway station? B: That s fine. 8 do would does must shall 9 No problem. I m afraid not. Sorry, I can t. I d love to, but I can't. Maybe next time. 10 A: When will you come back to Korea? B: I ll there next Saturday. A: Then I can see you in days. many few little a few a little 152 11 I want to be a teacher like mom. She doesn t like swim. You sound like a singer. He looks like a prince. He acts like a baby. 12 There is a little hope. Few people understand me. Let s wait few minutes more. There left a little milk in the cup. There are a few people in the garden. 13 These two sentences are same in meaning. Fill in the blank. The thing which he said is not true. = he said is not true. 14 You didn t give me. (for / asked / I / what)

(15~17) My friend Mike gave his in-line skates to his father. He had to spend days in hospital, but it wasn t too bad. When I visited him with Kevin last week, we talked to several patients. Some of the patients had serious problems. We couldn t help all of them, but we could help some of them. 15 few another few other a few another a few other a little other 16 His father fell down and hurt his leg. (17~18) A nurse saw us and asked, Can you stay here a little longer? Then she took us to the next room. There was a little girl (looked / looking) at some books. But she was only four, and couldn't read. We read her a few funny stories. We also did some magic with our hands. She was (excited / exciting) and happy. Helping people can be really good! After that visit, Kevin and I joined the teen volunteer program at the hospital, but they need more young people. So come and join us! 17 18 She finished reading a book. Studying English is not easy. Exercising every day is important. Look at the girl singing the song. My dream is traveling around the world. (19~20) There was an old man in the next bed. He wanted to read the newspaper, but he couldn t see well. I read him the newspaper. His neighbor said, You sound to a professional news reporter. We all laughed. Another man in the room wanted to pack his bag. It was his last day in hospital. He wasn t doing very well after his operation. But the packing was no problem for us, and we did what he asked. 19 20 Lesson 7 153 (21~22) can make a big difference in someone s life. At the same time, you will become a better person. Have you done any work before? I am a teen volunteer at a hospital since last month. This is how it began. 21 (volunteer) 22 (23~25) Many children need your help. For, you can give them what they need. You can teach English or read books to children. You will also have fun! Please give them the magic touch! 154 p.197 23 few hours a month little hours a month a few hours a month a little hours one month many hours one month 24 25 I volunteered to clean Green Park. I first met the park keeper. He showed me what I should do. He also introduced me a few other volunteers. We picked the trash together. The park became very clean. I felt happy and proud. to in for on to on for up to up

(1~2) A: Let s go to the public library this Saturday. B: Okay. What time shall we meet? A: at 9:30? B: Certainly. Where shall we meet? A: What about at the subway station? B: That s fine. 1 2 3 A: Let s go to the movies this afternoon? B:. I have to do homework. A: Then, how about tomorrow? B: Okay. 4 A: Have you done any volunteer work for children? B: No. But. A: Okay. (try / let / please / me) 5 A: Did you buy at the store? B: Yes, I bought a blue shirt. (buy / wanted / what) (6~9) few a few little a little 6 pen 7 milk, cup 8 (salt / box) 9 (comic book) Lesson 7 155 (10~11) 10 I will do that I should do. 11 There are a little students in the classroom. 12 At the same time, you will become a better person. Have you done any volunteer work before? I have been a teen volunteer at a hospital since last month. This is how it began. 13 156 p.197 14-1 (1) (said / was / true / he / what) (2) Mom will buy. (want / you / have / what / to) 14-2 (1) is that book. (buy / what / want) (2) I. (said / understand / what) 14-3 (1) I gave him what. (buy) (2) What. (expensive / good / always / not) (3) what. (that / not / want)

Lesson 7 Teen Volunteers p.121 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 A B 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 p.122 1 few 2 patient 3 little 4 serious 5 reporter 6 form 7 nursing home 8 museum 9 visit 10 join 11 someone 12 professional 13 exhibit 14 volunteer 15 newspaper 16 teen 17 bus stop 18 several 19 subway station 20 difference 21 problem 22 somewhere 23 agree 24 try 25 fill 26 public 27 operation 28 certainly 29 voice 30 skill 31 experience 32 neighbor 33 ride 34 a few, a little 35 care for 36 make a difference 37 fall down 38 sound like 39 at the same time 40 in front of 41 make it 42 do some magic 43 take A to B 44 fill out 45 look for p.123 1 volunteer 2 agree 3 operation 4 neighbor 5 serious 6 patient 7 experience 8 reporter 9 exhibit 10 a little 11 fill out 12 sound like 13 fall down 14 for 15 make p.124 1 to join Can you make it subway station 2 Sounds like fun! Can you make it at three? 3 Can you make it in front of No problem 4 Let s meet at the subway station Sounds good Can you make it at eight Certainly 5 haven t done Please let me try good at 6 Do you have any experience? But please let me try. Please fill out this form. p.126 1 Have you done 2 please let me try 3 What can you 4 give lessons to 5 Can you make it 6 Certainly (C) (B) (D) (E) 1 (D) (E) (C) (B) (A) (F) 2 (A) (F) p.127 1 2 3 4 5 make make it 6 7 8 1 Sound good. 2 Can you make it at ~? Let s meet at ~. / Shall we make it at ~? / Why don t we meet at ~? 3 4 5 Can you make it at ~? 7 at on 8 p.129 1 (1) a little (2) Few (3) little (4) a few 2 (1) few (2) a few 3 (1) what I wanted (2) what you said (3) what I ordered 4 I ll do what I want to do. p.131 1 what 2 3 4 5 6 7 we did what he asked 8 9 10 What she wants is ice cream. 193 1 what 2 a few little 3 believe that what 4 few a few 5 what what 6 a few be is are 7 what we did what he asked 8 a little longer funny stories a few 9 what the thing(s) which[that] 10 what p.133 1 2 (1) (2) (3) p.135 1 a little longer 2 At the same time 3 did some magic 4 couldn t help all of some of them 5 make a big difference 6 no problem for what he asked 7 a few days wasn t too bad 8 have been teen volunteer 9 sound like 10 fell down p.136 1 Helping people can be really good! 2 At the same time, you will become a better person. 3 We couldn t help all of them, but we could help some of them. 4 His father fell down and hurt his leg. 194 5 He wasn t doing very well after his operation. 6 I have been a teen volunteer at a hospital since last month. 7 There was a little girl looking at some books. 8 When I visited him with Kevin last week, we talked to several other patients. 9 We read her a few funny stories. 10 Volunteering can make a big difference in someone s life. 11 He wanted to read the newspaper, but he couldn t see well. 12 We also did some magic with our hands. 13 Have you done any volunteer work before? 14 A nurse saw us and asked, Can you stay here a little longer? 15 Some of the patients had serious problems. 16 After that visit, Kevin and I joined the teen volunteer program at the hospital, but they need more young people. 17 He had to spend a few days in hospital, but it wasn t too bad. 18 So come and join us! 19 His neighbor said, You sound like a professional news reporter. 20 But the packing was no problem for us, and we did what he asked. p.138 1 fill 2 neighbor 3 voice 4 patient 5 experience 6 few 7 look for 8 little 9 volunteer 10 agree 11 visit 12 ride 13 difference 1 This is how it began. 2 He showed me what I should do. 3 His neighbor said, You sound like a professional news reporter. 4 But, please let me try. 5 Volunteering can make a big difference in someone s life. 6 We read her a few funny stories.

7 Can you make it at three at the bus stop? 8 Please fill out this form. 9 A nurse saw us and asked, Can you stay here a little longer? 10 At the same time, you will become a better person. p.140 1 2 3 4 5 at 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 how 18 19 20 what you want to have 21 22 we did what he asked 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 a little 31 32 33 34 what I should do 35 1 2 experience 3 neighbor 4 fall down fill out 5 at the same time be good at 6 7 8 Can you make it at ~? Let s meet at ~. Shall we make it at ~? Why don t we meet at ~? 9 Please let me try. Please let me give it a try. 10 Can you make it at ~? 11 Can you make it at six? 12 13 Please let me try. B A 14 what 15 a few 16 few little a little 17 how the way how the way 18 not always all both 19 20 what what 21 sound like 22 what did what 23 24 have done been 25 how 27 29 Mike Mike 30 a little 31 32 33 to to B A introduce A to B to 34 what what 195 35 p.145 1 2 3 4 Can you make it at eight? 5 6 7 What 8 9 what the teacher said 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 volunteer 2 patient 3 Sounds good. Maybe next time. 4 Can you make it at ~? 5 Please let me try. 6 sugar few some 7 what the thing which 8 little a few 9 what what 10 who was looked looking 11 a little girl a nurse 12 all some 13 Mike 15 196 p.147 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Please let me try. 9 10 (1) a few (2) a little 11 12 what they asked 13 14 15 volunteered volunteers 16 17 18 We couldn t help all of them 19 20 21 well 22 23 24 did some magic with our hands 25 1 2 operation 3 cafe for 4 5 6 7 during look for 8 Please let me try. 9 A 10 few little a few a little 11 what what what what kind 12 what what what they asked 13 has 15 volunteered volunteers 17 days a little a few 18

20 21 well 22 what 23 take A to B A B look at 25 p.151 1 2 operation 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 What 14 what I asked for 15 16 17 looking excited 18 19 20 21 Volunteering volunteer 22 23 24 25 1 difference 2 operation 3 care for take A to B A B 4 5 Please let me try. 6 7 8 What time[where] shall me meet? 9 10 a few 11 12 few a few 13 the thing which what 14 what what what 16 17 who was 18 19 sound to sound like 20 22 I have been 23 hours a few hours month a per 24 25 introduce A to B A B pick up p.155 1 Can you make it at 9:30? Shall we make it at 9:30? Why don t we meet at 9:30? How[What] about at 9:30? 2 Sure. Okay. Why not? Of course. No problem. Sounds good[great]. That s fine with me. 3 Sorry, but I can t. I m afraid not. I d love to, but I can t. I m sorry I can t. Sorry. Maybe next time. 4 But please let me try. / But please let me give it a try. 5 what you wanted to buy 6 She has a few pens. 7 There is little milk in the cup. 8 There is a little salt in the box. 9 He has few comic books. 10 I will do what I should do. 11 There are few[a few] students in the classroom. 12 Volunteering can make a big difference in someone s life. 13 I don t know all of them. 14-1 (1) What he said was true. (2) what you want to have 14-2 (1) What I want to buy (2) understand what you said 14-3 (1) he wanted to buy (2) is expensive is not always good (3) That s not / I want 14-1 what what 197