3 과본문 Hi, my name is Jiho, and I run my own business. I made my own brand of bookmarks. Let me tell you how my brand was born. 안녕, 내이름은지호야. 나는내사업을운영하고있어. 나는나만의책갈피브랜드를만들었어. 내브랜드가어떻게탄생했는지이 야기해줄게. 8 I'm good at making things, so I made a bookmark for my best friend Minsu's birthday. Minsu was very impressed by the bookmark. He suggested that I sell my bookmarks. I got excited about an idea of starting my own business. I enjoy making bookmarks, and it will be great if I can make money, too. 나는만들기를잘해. 그래서나는내가장친한친구민수의생일선물로책갈피를만들어줬어. 민수는그책갈피에매우감동을 받았어. 그는내게책갈피를팔아보라고제안했어. 나는내사업을시작한다는생각에신이났어. 나는책갈피만드는것을좋아하 고, 그것으로돈도벌수있다면멋질거야. Naming First, I needed a name. Finding a good name wasn't easy. The first name that came to my mind was "Jiho's Amazing Bookmarks," but the name wasn't special. It was also too long. I thought of other names but wasn't satisfied with any of them. Finally, I found a perfect name, "Bookee." I also made a logo for my brand. 먼저, 나는이름이필요했어. 좋은이름을찾는것은쉽지않았어. 가장먼저떠오른이름은 지호의놀라운책갈피 였지만그이름 은특별하지않았어. 너무길기도했지. 나는다른이름들을생각해봤지만, 그중어떤것도만족스럽지않았어. 마침내나는 Bookee' 라는완벽한이름을찾아냈어. 또한내브랜드로고도만들었어. Tips for Naming 1. Make a unique name. 2. Keep the name short. 3. Make sure the name is easy to remember. 이름 ( 브랜드명 ) 짓는데도움이되는조언들 1. 독특한이름을만들어라. 2. 이름을짧게하라. 3. 이름을반드시기억하기쉬운것으로하라.
Pricing I didn't know how much my bookmarks should be, so I found out how much bookmarks were. There were expensive ones, but the average price was about 500 won for ordinary ones. The materials for making a bookmark cost only about 200 won. I thought 2,000 won would be a good price because I wanted people to know that my bookmarks were special. However, Minsu thought the price was too expensive, so I decided that 1,000 won would be reasonable. 9 나는내책갈피의가격을얼마로해야할지몰랐어. 그래서나는책갈피가격이얼마나하는지알아봤어. 비싼것들도있었지만, 평범한책갈피의경우평균가격이 500원정도였어. 책갈피를만드는데필요한재료비는 200원정도밖에안들었어. 나는사람들이내책갈피가특별하다는것을알아주기를바랐기때문에 2,000원이적정한가격일거라고생각했어. 하지만민수는그가격이너무비싸다고생각했어. 그래서나는 1,000원이적정할거라고결정했어. Tips for Pricing 1. Check the prices of similar products. 2. Consider how much it costs to make the product. 3. Come up with a reasonable price. 1. 유사한제품들의가격을확인하라. 2. 제품을만드는데얼마가드는지고려하라. 3. 합리적인가격을생각해내라.
Marketing Who should I sell my bookmarks to? Minsu suggested that I sell my bookmarks to the book club members, so I first gave a free bookmark to Sujin, the club president. She loved it and told the other members about my bookmarks. Word got around to other people. Soon, people were lining up to buy my bookmarks. This is my brand story. Starting a business isn't easy. It does take a lot of time and effort. However, it's also fun. I 10 hope one day, the world will buy my bookmarks. 누구에게내책갈피를팔아야할까? 민수는내게책갈피를독서동아리회원들에게팔라고제안했어. 그래서나는먼저동아리회장인수진이에게무료로책갈피를주었어. 그녀는그책갈피를아주좋아했고, 다른회원들에게내책갈피에대해이야기했어. 다른사람들에게도소문이퍼졌어. 얼마지나지않아사람들이내책갈피를사기위해서줄을서고있었어. 이것이나의브랜드이야기야. 사업을시작하는것은쉽지않아. 정말로많은시간과노력이들지. 하지만, 재미도있어. 나는언젠가는전세계가내책갈피를사게되길바라. Tips for Marketing 1. Find a market. 2. Give out free samples. 3. Get word around about the product. 1. 시장을찾아라. 2. 무료샘플을나눠줘라. 3. 제품에대한소문이퍼지도록해라.
3 과본문 Hi, my name is Jiho, and I run my own business. I made my own brand of bookmarks. Let me tell you how my brand was born. 안녕, 내이름은지호야. 나는내사업을운영하고있어. 나는나만의책갈피브랜드를만들었어. 내브랜드가어떻게탄생했는지이 야기해줄게. 11 I'm good at making things, so I made a bookmark for my best friend Minsu's birthday. Minsu was very impressed by the bookmark. He suggested that I sell my bookmarks. I got excited about an idea of starting my own business. I enjoy making bookmarks, and it will be great if I can make money, too. 나는만들기를잘해. 그래서나는내가장친한친구민수의생일선물로책갈피를만들어줬어. 민수는그책갈피에매우감동을 받았어. 그는내게책갈피를팔아보라고제안했어. 나는내사업을시작한다는생각에신이났어. 나는책갈피만드는것을좋아하 고, 그것으로돈도벌수있다면멋질거야. Naming First, I needed a name. Finding a good name wasn't easy. The first name that came to my mind was "Jiho's Amazing Bookmarks," but the name wasn't special. It was also too long. I thought of other names but wasn't satisfied with any of them. Finally, I found a perfect name, "Bookee." I also made a logo for my brand. 먼저, 나는이름이필요했어. 좋은이름을찾는것은쉽지않았어. 가장먼저떠오른이름은 지호의놀라운책갈피 였지만그이름 은특별하지않았어. 너무길기도했지. 나는다른이름들을생각해봤지만, 그중어떤것도만족스럽지않았어. 마침내나는 Bookee' 라는완벽한이름을찾아냈어. 또한내브랜드로고도만들었어. Tips for Naming 1. Make a unique name. 2. Keep the name short. 3. Make sure the name is easy to remember. 이름 ( 브랜드명 ) 짓는데도움이되는조언들 1. 독특한이름을만들어라. 2. 이름을짧게하라. 3. 이름을반드시기억하기쉬운것으로하라.
Pricing I didn't know how much my bookmarks should be, so I found out how much bookmarks were. There were expensive ones, but the average price was about 500 won for ordinary ones. The materials for making a bookmark cost only about 200 won. I thought 2,000 won would be a good price because I wanted people to know that my bookmarks were special. However, Minsu thought the price was too expensive, so I decided that 1,000 won would be reasonable. 12 나는내책갈피의가격을얼마로해야할지몰랐어. 그래서나는책갈피가격이얼마나하는지알아봤어. 비싼것들도있었지만, 평범한책갈피의경우평균가격이 500원정도였어. 책갈피를만드는데필요한재료비는 200원정도밖에안들었어. 나는사람들이내책갈피가특별하다는것을알아주기를바랐기때문에 2,000원이적정한가격일거라고생각했어. 하지만민수는그가격이너무비싸다고생각했어. 그래서나는 1,000원이적정할거라고결정했어. Tips for Pricing 1. Check the prices of similar products. 2. Consider how much it costs to make the product. 3. Come up with a reasonable price. 1. 유사한제품들의가격을확인하라. 2. 제품을만드는데얼마가드는지고려하라. 3. 합리적인가격을생각해내라.
Marketing Who should I sell my bookmarks to? Minsu suggested that I sell my bookmarks to the book club members, so I first gave a free bookmark to Sujin, the club president. She loved it and told the other members about my bookmarks. Word got around to other people. Soon, people were lining up to buy my bookmarks. This is my brand story. Starting a business isn't easy. It does take a lot of time and effort. However, it's also fun. I 13 hope one day, the world will buy my bookmarks. 누구에게내책갈피를팔아야할까? 민수는내게책갈피를독서동아리회원들에게팔라고제안했어. 그래서나는먼저동아리회장인수진이에게무료로책갈피를주었어. 그녀는그책갈피를아주좋아했고, 다른회원들에게내책갈피에대해이야기했어. 다른사람들에게도소문이퍼졌어. 얼마지나지않아사람들이내책갈피를사기위해서줄을서고있었어. 이것이나의브랜드이야기야. 사업을시작하는것은쉽지않아. 정말로많은시간과노력이들지. 하지만, 재미도있어. 나는언젠가는전세계가내책갈피를사게되길바라. Tips for Marketing 1. Find a market. 2. Give out free samples. 3. Get word around about the product. 1. 시장을찾아라. 2. 무료샘플을나눠줘라. 3. 제품에대한소문이퍼지도록해라.
3 과본문정답 Hi, my name is Jiho, and I run my own business. I made my own brand of bookmarks. Let me tell you how my brand was born. 안녕, 내이름은지호야. 나는내사업을운영하고있어. 나는나만의책갈피브랜드를만들었어. 내브랜드가어떻게탄생했는지이 야기해줄게. 14 I'm good at making things, so I made a bookmark for my best friend Minsu's birthday. Minsu was very impressed by the bookmark. He suggested that I sell my bookmarks. I got excited about an idea of starting my own business. I enjoy making bookmarks, and it will be great if I can make money, too. 나는만들기를잘해. 그래서나는내가장친한친구민수의생일선물로책갈피를만들어줬어. 민수는그책갈피에매우감동을 받았어. 그는내게책갈피를팔아보라고제안했어. 나는내사업을시작한다는생각에신이났어. 나는책갈피만드는것을좋아하 고, 그것으로돈도벌수있다면멋질거야. Naming First, I needed a name. Finding a good name wasn't easy. The first name that came to my mind was "Jiho's Amazing Bookmarks," but the name wasn't special. It was also too long. I thought of other names but wasn't satisfied with any of them. Finally, I found a perfect name, "Bookee." I also made a logo for my brand. 먼저, 나는이름이필요했어. 좋은이름을찾는것은쉽지않았어. 가장먼저떠오른이름은 지호의놀라운책갈피 였지만그이름 은특별하지않았어. 너무길기도했지. 나는다른이름들을생각해봤지만, 그중어떤것도만족스럽지않았어. 마침내나는 Bookee' 라는완벽한이름을찾아냈어. 또한내브랜드로고도만들었어. Tips for Naming 1. Make a unique name. 2. Keep the name short. 3. Make sure the name is easy to remember. 이름 ( 브랜드명 ) 짓는데도움이되는조언들 1. 독특한이름을만들어라. 2. 이름을짧게하라. 3. 이름을반드시기억하기쉬운것으로하라.
Pricing I didn't know how much my bookmarks should be, so I found out how much bookmarks were. There were expensive ones, but the average price was about 500 won for ordinary ones. The materials for making a bookmark cost only about 200 won. I thought 2,000 won would be a good price because I wanted people to know that my bookmarks were special. However, Minsu thought the price was too expensive, so I decided that 1,000 won would be reasonable. 15 나는내책갈피의가격을얼마로해야할지몰랐어. 그래서나는책갈피가격이얼마나하는지알아봤어. 비싼것들도있었지만, 평범한책갈피의경우평균가격이 500원정도였어. 책갈피를만드는데필요한재료비는 200원정도밖에안들었어. 나는사람들이내책갈피가특별하다는것을알아주기를바랐기때문에 2,000원이적정한가격일거라고생각했어. 하지만민수는그가격이너무비싸다고생각했어. 그래서나는 1,000원이적정할거라고결정했어. Tips for Pricing 1. Check the prices of similar products. 2. Consider how much it costs to make the product. 3. Come up with a reasonable price. 1. 유사한제품들의가격을확인하라. 2. 제품을만드는데얼마가드는지고려하라. 3. 합리적인가격을생각해내라.
Marketing Who should I sell my bookmarks to? Minsu suggested that I sell my bookmarks to the book club members, so I first gave a free bookmark to Sujin, the club president. She loved it and told the other members about my bookmarks. Word got around to other people. Soon, people were lining up to buy my bookmarks. This is my brand story. Starting a business isn't easy. It does take a lot of time and effort. However, it's also fun. I 16 hope one day, the world will buy my bookmarks. 누구에게내책갈피를팔아야할까? 민수는내게책갈피를독서동아리회원들에게팔라고제안했어. 그래서나는먼저동아리회장인수진이에게무료로책갈피를주었어. 그녀는그책갈피를아주좋아했고, 다른회원들에게내책갈피에대해이야기했어. 다른사람들에게도소문이퍼졌어. 얼마지나지않아사람들이내책갈피를사기위해서줄을서고있었어. 이것이나의브랜드이야기야. 사업을시작하는것은쉽지않아. 정말로많은시간과노력이들지. 하지만, 재미도있어. 나는언젠가는전세계가내책갈피를사게되길바라. Tips for Marketing 1. Find a market. 2. Give out free samples. 3. Get word around about the product. 1. 시장을찾아라. 2. 무료샘플을나눠줘라. 3. 제품에대한소문이퍼지도록해라.